#ifndef __LOGVIEW_H__ #define __LOGVIEW_H__ #include class CLogView : public CEditView { DECLARE_DYNCREATE(CLogView) CLogView(); virtual ~CLogView(); BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); public: // static init/term... static void Initialize(); static void Terminate(); public: // Word wrap... BOOL IsWordWrap() const; BOOL SetWordWrap(BOOL bWordWrap); void RemoveAllText(void); void STDCALL SetModifiedFlag(BOOL fModified = FALSE) { GetDocument()->SetModifiedFlag(fModified); }; LRESULT OnHcRtfMsg(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); virtual void OnPrint(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo *pInfo); virtual void OnBeginPrinting(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo); virtual void OnScrollTo(CDC* pDC, CPrintInfo* pInfo, POINT point); virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar); virtual void SerializeRaw(CArchive& ar); public: #ifdef _DEBUG virtual void AssertValid() const; virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const; #endif protected: virtual void PostNcDestroy(); protected: BOOL m_bRecreating; // ==TRUE during recreation of the window BOOL m_fOverflow; static LOGFONT m_lfDefFont; static LOGFONT m_lfDefFontOld; CFont m_font; static LOGFONT m_lfDefPrintFont; static LOGFONT m_lfDefPrintFontOld; CFont m_fontPrint; static UINT m_nDefTabStops; static UINT m_nDefTabStopsOld; static BOOL m_bDefWordWrap; static BOOL m_bDefWordWrapOld; UINT m_nPreviewPage; CTime m_timeHeader; CTime m_timeFooter; BOOL IsReadOnly() { return GetWindowLong(GetEditCtrl().m_hWnd, GWL_STYLE) & ES_READONLY; } //{{AFX_MSG(CLogView) afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnSetTabStops(); afx_msg void OnChooseFont(); afx_msg void OnWordWrap(); afx_msg void OnUpdateWordWrap(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point); afx_msg void OnChoosePrintFont(); afx_msg void OnMirrorDisplayFont(); afx_msg void OnUpdateMirrorDisplayFont(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnUpdateChoosePrintFont(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy); afx_msg void OnGeneratePhrases(); afx_msg void OnUpdateGeneratePhrases(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); afx_msg void OnEditHpj(); afx_msg void OnUpdateEditHpj(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); //}}AFX_MSG void OnUpdateCut(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); void OnUpdatePaste(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); void OnUpdateClear(CCmdUI* pCmdUI); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() }; #endif // __LOGVIEW_H__