Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

649 lines
20 KiB

// Includes //
#include <string.h> // strupr
#include <stdio.h> // for sprintf.
#include "perfmon.h"
#include "init.h" // external declarations for this file
#include "alert.h" // for AlertIitializeApplication
#include "command.h" // for ViewChart
#include "grafdata.h" // for QuerySaveChart
#include "graph.h" // for GraphInitializeApplication
#include "legend.h" // for LegendInitializeApplication
#include "log.h" // for LogInitializeApplication
#include "intrline.h" // for ILineInitializeApplication
#include "perfdata.h" // for PerfDataInitializeInstance
#include "perfmops.h" // for OpenFileHandler, for now
#include "status.h" // for StatusInitializeApplication
#include "timeline.h" // for TLineInitializeApplication
#include "playback.h" // for PlaybackInitializeInstance
#include "registry.h" // for Load/SaveMainWindowPlacement
#include "report.h" // for ReportInitializeApplication
#include "toolbar.h" // for ToolbarInitializeApplication
#include "utils.h"
#include "fileopen.h" // for FileOpen
#include "pmemory.h" // for MemoryFree
extern TCHAR DefaultLangId[] ;
extern TCHAR EnglishLangId[] ;
static LPSTR lpszCommandLine ;
// Constants //
#define szPerfmonMainClass TEXT("PerfmonMainClass")
HHOOK lpMsgFilterProc ;
DWORD FAR PASCAL MessageFilterProc (int nCode, WPARAM wParam,
LPARAM lParam) ;
// Local Functions //
EnablePrivilege (
IN LPTSTR szPrivName
LUID SePrivNameValue;
/* Retrieve a handle of the access token. */
if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),
&hToken)) {
goto Exit_Point;
* Enable the privilege by name and get the ID
if (!LookupPrivilegeValue((LPTSTR) NULL,
&SePrivNameValue)) {
goto Exit_Point;
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tkp.Privileges[0].Luid = SePrivNameValue;
tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
/* The return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges be texted. */
if (hToken != NULL) CloseHandle (hToken);
return GetLastError();
void GetScalesFonts (void)
memset (&lf, 0, sizeof (lf)) ;
lstrcpy (lf.lfFaceName, szScalesFontFace) ;
lf.lfHeight = iScalesFontHeight ;
lf.lfWeight = FW_REGULAR ;
hFontScales = CreateFontIndirect (&lf) ;
lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD ;
hFontScalesBold = CreateFontIndirect (&lf) ;
BOOL InitializeSystemValues (void)
Effect: Read and store in variables the various system values,
such as the width and height of the screen and icons,
the width of scroll bars, etc.
Called By: PerfmonInitialize only.
Returns: Whether this function was successful in getting all
needed system values.
{ // InitializeSystemValues
xScreenWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXSCREEN) ;
yScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYSCREEN) ;
xBorderWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXBORDER) ;
yBorderHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYBORDER) ;
xScrollWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXVSCROLL) ;
yScrollHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYHSCROLL) ;
xScrollThumbWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXHTHUMB) ;
yScrollThumbHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYVTHUMB) ;
xDlgBorderWidth = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CXDLGFRAME) ;
yDlgBorderHeight = GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYDLGFRAME) ;
MinimumSize = yScrollHeight +
GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYMENU) +
GetSystemMetrics (SM_CYCAPTION) ;
// create all the brushes and pens for performance improvement //
CreatePerfmonSystemObjects () ;
hWhitePen = CreatePen (PS_SOLID, 3, crWhite) ;
return (TRUE) ;
} // InitializeSystemValues
BOOL InitializeApplication (void)
Effect: Perform all initializations required for the FIRST
instance of the Perfmon application. In particular,
register all of Perfmon's window classes.
Note: There is no background brush set for the MainWindow
class so that the main window is never erased. The
client area of MainWindow is always covered by one
of the view windows. If we erase it, it would just
flicker needlessly.
Called By: PerfmonInitialize only.
Returns: Whether this function was successful in initializing.
{ // InitializeApplication
BOOL bSuccess ;
TCHAR LocalHelpFileName [ShortTextLen] ;
LPTSTR pFileName ;
hIcon = LoadIcon (hInstance, idIcon) ;
// Register Main window class //
//=============================// = CS_DBLCLKS | CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT;
wc.lpfnWndProc = (WNDPROC) MainWndProc;
wc.hInstance = hInstance;
wc.cbClsExtra = 0 ;
wc.cbWndExtra = 0;
wc.hIcon = hIcon ;
wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
wc.hbrBackground = NULL ; // see note above
wc.lpszMenuName = idMenuChart ;
wc.lpszClassName = szPerfmonMainClass ;
bSuccess = RegisterClass (&wc) ;
// Register Abstract "Systems" //
hbLightGray = GetStockObject (LTGRAY_BRUSH) ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = StatusInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = GraphInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = LogInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = AlertInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = ReportInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = ILineInitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = TLineInitializeApplication () ;
// setup messagehook to handle F1 as help
lpMsgFilterProc = SetWindowsHookEx (WH_MSGFILTER,
(HOOKPROC) MessageFilterProc,
GetCurrentThreadId()) ;
// get the help file full path name
LoadString (hInstance, IDS_HELPFILE_NAME,
(LPTSTR)LocalHelpFileName, ShortTextLen-1);
if (LocalHelpFileName[0])
pszHelpFile = (LPTSTR) MemoryAllocate (FilePathLen * sizeof (TCHAR)) ;
SearchPath (NULL, LocalHelpFileName, NULL,
FilePathLen - 1, pszHelpFile, &pFileName) ;
// no help file
pszHelpFile = (LPTSTR) MemoryAllocate (sizeof (TCHAR)) ;
*pszHelpFile = TEXT('\0') ;
return (bSuccess) ;
} // InitializeApplication
BOOL InitializeInstance (int nCmdShow, LPCSTR lpszCmdLine)
Effect: Perform all initializations required for EACH instance
of the Perfmon application. In particular, create all
of Perfmon's initial windows, and perform any other
initializations except registering classes (done in
Called By: PerfmonInitialize only.
Note: This function has multiple return points.
Returns: Whether this function was successful in initalizing.
{ // InitializeInstance
DWORD ComputerNameLength;
TCHAR szApplication [WindowCaptionLen] ;
bCloseLocalMachine = FALSE;
// enable privileges needed to profile system
// if this fails, that's ok for now.
EnablePrivilege (SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME); // to access perfdata
EnablePrivilege (SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME); // to raise priority
// Set Priority high //
SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(), HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS) ;
SetThreadPriority(GetCurrentThread(), THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) ;
// Load Resources //
GetScalesFonts () ;
hMenuChart = LoadMenu (hInstance, idMenuChart) ;
hMenuAlert = LoadMenu (hInstance, idMenuAlert) ;
hMenuLog = LoadMenu (hInstance, idMenuLog) ;
hMenuReport = LoadMenu (hInstance, idMenuReport) ;
hAccelerators = LoadAccelerators (hInstance, idAccelerators) ;
// Initialize Systems //
iLanguage = GetUserDefaultLangID() ;
// iEnglishLanguage = MAKELANGID (iLanguage & 0x0ff, LANG_NEUTRAL) ;
TSPRINTF (DefaultLangId, TEXT("%03x"), iLanguage) ;
TSPRINTF (EnglishLangId, TEXT("%03x"), iEnglishLanguage) ;
// GetComputerName returns the name without the "\\" prefix. We add
// the prefix before even calling the routine. This is so that all our
// computer names have the prefix and are therefore compatible with
// I_SetSystemFocus (see perfmops.c).
ComputerNameLength = MAX_PATH + 1;
lstrcpy (LocalComputerName, szComputerPrefix) ;
GetComputerName (LocalComputerName + lstrlen (szComputerPrefix),
PlaybackInitializeInstance () ;
PerfDataInitializeInstance () ;
//Copy command line into buffer for modification
lpszCommandLine = (LPSTR)MemoryAllocate (strlen (lpszCmdLine) + sizeof(CHAR)) ;
strcpy(lpszCommandLine, lpszCmdLine) ;
return (FALSE) ;
StringLoad (IDS_APPNAME, szApplication) ;
//Insure CmdLineComputerName starts out NULL
CmdLineComputerName[0] = TEXT('\0') ;
//Check to see if there is a computer name specified on the command
//line (indicated by /c, or /C). If there is, get it and
//null out the command line string so that it is not mistaken for
//startup file. This assumes that specifying a computer and a startup
//file on the command line are mutually exclusive. If the /c option
//is on the command line, anything else on the command line is discarded.
if (!strempty (lpszCommandLine)) {
LPSTR lpszNewCL ;
//Preserve initial command line pointer position
lpszNewCL = (LPSTR)lpszCommandLine ;
while (*lpszNewCL != '\0' && *lpszCommandLine) {
if (*lpszNewCL == '/' || *lpszNewCL == '-') {
lpszNewCL++ ;
if (*lpszNewCL == 'c' || *lpszNewCL == 'C') {
int i = 0;
lpszNewCL++ ;
//ignore leading backslashes * spaces
while (*lpszNewCL == '\\' || *lpszNewCL == ' ')
lpszNewCL++ ;
//Terminate at first blank space if there is one.
//We don't allow anything else on the command line
//if a computer name is specified.
while (lpszNewCL[i] != ' ' && lpszNewCL[i] != '\0')
i++ ;
lpszNewCL[i] = '\0' ;
if ((*lpszNewCL != '\0') && (strlen(lpszNewCL) <= MAX_PATH)) {
int nSizePrefix ;
nSizePrefix = lstrlen (szComputerPrefix) ;
lstrcpy( CmdLineComputerName, szComputerPrefix ) ;
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP,
CmdLineComputerName + nSizePrefix,
sizeof(CmdLineComputerName) - nSizePrefix) ;
//prevent lpszCommandLine from being used as input file & stop while loop
*lpszCommandLine = '\0' ;
} else {
LPTSTR lpszErrMsg ;
TCHAR lpszFormat[80] ;
LoadString(hInstance, ERR_BADCOMPUTERNAME, lpszFormat, sizeof(lpszFormat)/sizeof(TCHAR)) ;
lpszErrMsg = (LPTSTR)MemoryAllocate ((strlen (lpszNewCL) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR) + sizeof(lpszFormat)) ;
//If memory allocation failed, don't display error message
if (lpszErrMsg) {
//lpszFormat uses %S specifier so lpszNewCL can be ansi string
wsprintf (lpszErrMsg, lpszFormat, lpszNewCL) ;
MessageBox (NULL, lpszErrMsg, szApplication, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TASKMODAL) ;
//prevent lpszCommandLine from being used as input file & stop while loop
*lpszCommandLine = '\0' ;
lpszNewCL++ ;
// Create Window //
hWndMain = CreateWindow (szPerfmonMainClass,
if (!hWndMain)
return (FALSE) ;
ViewChart (hWndMain) ;
LoadMainWindowPlacement (hWndMain) ;
// Setup for event logging //
hEventLog = RegisterEventSource (
(LPTSTR)NULL, // Use Local Machine
TEXT("PerfMon")); // event log app name to find in registry
return (TRUE) ;
} // InitializeInstance
// Exported Functions //
BOOL PerfmonInitialize (HINSTANCE hCurrentInstance,
HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
LPCSTR lpszCmdLine,
int nCmdShow)
Effect: Performa all initializations required when Perfmon is
started. In particular, initialize all "systems", register
all window classes, create needed windows, read in and
process font and Perfmon lists.
Called By: WinMain only, at the start of the application.
Assert: There are no other instances of Perfmon currently
Returns: Whether initialization was successful. If this function
returns FALSE, Perfmon should exit immediately.
Internals: The bSuccess variable is used to conditionalize each
successive initialization step.
{ // PerfmonInitialize
BOOL bSuccess ;
TCHAR szFilePath [FilePathLen + 1] ;
LPTSTR pFileNameStart ;
HANDLE hFindFile ;
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileInfo ;
CHAR QuoteChar ;
LPSTR pCmdLine ;
LPSTR lpszCmdLineStart = NULL ;
int NameOffset ;
int StringLen ;
hInstance = hCurrentInstance ;
bSuccess = InitializeSystemValues () ;
if (bSuccess && !hPrevInstance)
bSuccess = InitializeApplication () ;
if (bSuccess)
bSuccess = InitializeInstance (nCmdShow, lpszCmdLine) ;
GetDateTimeFormats() ;
lpszCmdLineStart = lpszCommandLine ;
if (bSuccess)
if (strempty (lpszCommandLine))
StringLoad (IDS_DEFAULTPATH, szFilePath) ;
// check for single or double quote
QuoteChar = *lpszCommandLine ;
if (QuoteChar == '\'' || QuoteChar == '\"')
lpszCommandLine++ ;
// remove the matching QuoteChar if found
pCmdLine = (LPSTR) lpszCommandLine ;
while (*pCmdLine != '\0')
if (*pCmdLine == QuoteChar)
*pCmdLine = '\0' ;
break ;
pCmdLine++ ;
// convert the LPSTR to LPTSTR
StringLen = strlen(lpszCommandLine) + 1 ;
if (StringLen > sizeof(szFilePath))
StringLen = sizeof (szFilePath) - sizeof (TEXT('\0')) ;
szFilePath[FilePathLen] = TEXT('\0') ;
mbstowcs (szFilePath, lpszCommandLine, StringLen) ;
if (!(QuoteChar == '\'' || QuoteChar == '\"'))
// if there is no quote, then looking for trailing space
LPTSTR lpTempStr = szFilePath ;
while (*lpTempStr != TEXT('\0'))
if (*lpTempStr == TEXT(' '))
*lpTempStr = TEXT('\0') ;
break ;
lpTempStr++ ;
pFileNameStart = ExtractFileName (szFilePath) ;
NameOffset = pFileNameStart - szFilePath ;
// convert short filename to long NTFS filename if necessary
hFindFile = FindFirstFile (szFilePath, &FindFileInfo) ;
if (hFindFile && hFindFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
// append the file name back to the path name
lstrcpy (&szFilePath[NameOffset], FindFileInfo.cFileName) ;
FindClose (hFindFile) ;
// OpenFileHandler (hWndMain, szFilePath) ;
FileOpen (hWndMain, (int)0, (LPTSTR)szFilePath) ;
PrepareMenu (GetMenu (hWndMain));
if (lpszCmdLineStart)
MemoryFree (lpszCmdLineStart) ;
lpszCommandLine = NULL ;
return (bSuccess) ;
} // PerfmonInitialize
void PerfmonClose (HWND hWndMain)
DWORD dwException;
// close the log file for now.
// need to query the user later..!!
#if 0
if (LogCollecting (hWndLog))
PLOG pLog = LogData (hWndLog) ;
if (pLog)
CloseLog (hWndLog, pLog) ;
// reset all views - will free all systems as well
ResetGraphView (hWndGraph) ;
ResetAlertView (hWndAlert) ;
ResetLogView (hWndLog) ;
ResetReportView (hWndReport) ;
try {
// if the key has already been closed, this will
// generate an exception so we'll catch that here
// and continue...
// close the local machine
if (bCloseLocalMachine)
// get the exception for the debugger user, that's all
dwException = GetExceptionCode();
// free all the filenames
if (pChartFullFileName)
MemoryFree (pChartFullFileName) ;
pChartFullFileName = NULL ;
if (pAlertFullFileName)
MemoryFree (pAlertFullFileName) ;
pAlertFullFileName = NULL ;
if (pLogFullFileName)
MemoryFree (pLogFullFileName) ;
pLogFullFileName = NULL ;
if (pReportFullFileName)
MemoryFree (pReportFullFileName) ;
pReportFullFileName = NULL ;
// free all the GDI resources
DeletePen (hWhitePen) ;
DeletePerfmonSystemObjects () ;
// close event log
DeregisterEventSource (hEventLog);
SaveMainWindowPlacement (hWndMain) ;
DestroyWindow (hWndMain) ;
} // PerfmonClose