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// File: FLocks.c
// Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// Abstract:
// This file implements the locking functions for protection of the Focus
// Thread from other accesses to the gpdsinfo->pDSoundExternalObj. These
// functions are particular to a fix such that the focustracker function
// can not be protected by ENTER_DLL_CSECT. Thus a specific protection
// on all destructive occurances of gpdsinfo->pDSoundExternalObj, and
// in the Focus Tracker Thread is needed.
// Contents:
// CreateFocusLock()
// DestroyFocusLock()
// GetFocusLock()
// ReleaseFocusLock()
// History:
// Date Person Reason
// 12/10/95 angusm Initial Version
#include "dsoundpr.h"
#include "grace.h"
#include "flocks.h"
#define MUTEX_NAME "FocusLock49452"
/* CreateFocusLock
* This function should only be called once in focustracker. It creates
* the named Mutex, and is protected by DLL_CSECT to prevent another thread
* from manipulating DSoundExternalObj.
* IN: pointer to the Mutex Handle
* OUT: TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise(phMutex will be set to NULL)
* SIDE EFFECTS: 1. Named Mutex is created
* 2. phMutex is filled with the handle of the above
* 12/10/95 angusm Initial Version
int CreateFocusLock (HANDLE *phMutex)
ASSERT (phMutex != NULL);
*phMutex = CreateMutex (NULL, /* No security attribs */
FALSE, /* initialy signaled */
if (NULL == *phMutex)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* DestroyFocusLock
* This function closes the handle on the protection mutex. It should
* only be called on a valid mutex.
* IN: a valid handle returned from CreateFocusLock
* OUT: TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise
* SIDE EFFECTS: Mutex is closed out
* 12/10/95 angusm Initial Version
int DestroyFocusLock (HANDLE hMutex)
if ((NULL == hMutex) ||
(FALSE == CloseHandle (hMutex)))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* GetFocusLock
* This function attempt to get the named Mutex protecting
* gpdsinfo->pDSoundExternalObj. If no Mutex exists this functions returns
* successful. This allows calls to GetFocusLock only to use OpenMutex
* instead of CreateMutex, which prevents the constant recreation of the
* named mutex.
* IN: pointer to a HANDLE
* OUT: TRUE on success, and FALSE otherwise(handle is nulled out)
* SIDE EFFECTS: Mutex is taken
* 12/10/95 angusm Initial Version
int GetFocusLock (HANDLE* phMutex)
DWORD dwResult;
ASSERT (phMutex != NULL);
*phMutex = OpenMutex (SYNCHRONIZE, /* Syncronize access */
FALSE, /* No iheritance */
if (NULL == *phMutex)
if (ERROR_INVALID_NAME == GetLastError()) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
dwResult = WaitForSingleObjectEx(*phMutex, INFINITE, FALSE);
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwResult) {
CloseHandle (*phMutex);
*phMutex = NULL;
DPF (2, "Dsound: GetFocusLock: Error waiting for Focus Mutex");
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* ReleaseFocusLock
* This function closses the mutex handle, releases the lock. It must be
* called with the handle of a previous GetFocusLock call in the same process
* context.
* OUT: TRUE on success and FALSE otherwise
* SIDE EFFECTS: The HANDLE is closed
* 12/10/95 angusm Initial Version
int ReleaseFocusLock (HANDLE hMutex)
int nReturnValue = TRUE;
if (NULL == hMutex) return FALSE;
if (FALSE == ReleaseMutex (hMutex)) nReturnValue = FALSE;
if (FALSE == CloseHandle (hMutex)) nReturnValue = FALSE;
return nReturnValue;