Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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; Module Name: CLISTI.ASM - Enter/leave critical sections
; Created: 18 April 1994
; Author: Jim Geist [jimge]
; Copyright (c) 1984-1994 Microsoft Corporation
?PLM = 1
?WIN = 0
createSeg %SEGNAME, CodeSeg, word, public, CODE
sBegin CodeSeg
assumes cs, CodeSeg
public EnterCrit
EnterCrit proc near
pop ax ; Near return address
pushf ; Save flags
cli ; Interrupts off
push ax ; Near return address
ret ; and return
EnterCrit endp
public LeaveCrit
LeaveCrit proc near
pop ax ; Near return address
pop bx ; Flag state
test bx, 0200h ; Interrupts should be on?
jz short @F ; Nope
sti ; Yep
@@: push ax ; Near return address
ret ; and return
LeaveCrit endp
sEnd CodeSeg