Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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* *
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* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
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* Module Intent *
* *
* FS functions for creating and destroying File Systems and Files. *
* *
* *
* Testing Notes *
* *
* *
* Current Owner: JohnSc *
* *
* *
* Released by Development: 00/00/00 *
* *
* Revision History: Created 03/12/90 by JohnSc
* 08/10/90 t-AlexC Introduced FMs.
* 12/13/90 JohnSc Autodocified; added VerifyHf() and VerifyHfs().
#include <windows.h>
#include <orkin.h>
#include "_mvfs.h"
#include "imvfs.h"
#include "fspriv.h"
// _subsystem( FS );
- Function: HfsCreateFileSysFm( fm, qfsp )
* Purpose: create and open a new file system
* args IN: fm - descriptor of file system
* qfsp - pointer to fine-tuning structure (NULL for default)
* returns: handle to newly created and opened file system
* or NULL on failure
* Notes: I don't understand what creating a readonly file system would do.
* I think that would have to be done by Fill or Transform.
* You may dispose of the FM you pass in.
_public HFS PASCAL
HfsCreateFileSysFm( FM fm, FS_PARAMS FAR *qfsp )
HFS hfs;
QFSHR qfshr;
/* make file system header */
if ( ( hfs = GhAlloc(GMEM_SHARE| 0, (LONG)sizeof( FSHR ) ) ) == NULL )
SetFSErrorRc( rcOutOfMemory );
return NULL;
qfshr = QLockGh( hfs );
assert( qfshr != NULL );
qfshr->fsh.wMagic = wFileSysMagic;
qfshr->fsh.bVersion = bFileSysVersion;
qfshr->fsh.bFlags = fFSDirty; /* >>>> for now not R/O */
qfshr->fsh.lifFirstFree = lifNil;
qfshr->fsh.lifEof = sizeof( FSH ); /* first free is after header */
/* build file system file */
qfshr->fm = FmCopyFm(fm);
if (qfshr->fm != fmNil)
qfshr->fid = FidCreateFm( qfshr->fm, wReadWrite, wReadWrite );
if ( (qfshr->fm == fmNil) || (qfshr->fid == fidNil) )
UnlockGh( hfs );
FreeGh( hfs );
SetFSErrorRc( RcGetIOError() );
return NULL;
/* build directory */
btp.hfs = hfs;
btp.bFlags = fFSIsDirectory;
if ( qfsp != NULL )
btp.cbBlock = qfsp->cbBlock;
btp.cbBlock = cbBtreeBlockDefault;
lstrcpy( btp.rgchFormat, "z4" );
/* Create the FS directory btree */
qfshr->hbt = HbtCreateBtreeSz( NULL, &btp );
if ( qfshr->hbt == NULL )
RcCloseFid( qfshr->fid );
RcUnlinkFm( qfshr->fm );
DisposeFm( qfshr->fm );
UnlockGh( hfs );
FreeGh( hfs );
SetFSErrorRc( RcGetBtreeError() );
return NULL;
/* return handle to file system */
UnlockGh( hfs );
SetFSErrorRc( rcSuccess );
return hfs;
- Function: RcDestroyFileSysFm( fm )
* Purpose: Destroy a file system
* args IN: fm - descriptor of file system
* state IN: file system is currently closed: data will be lost
* if this isn't the case
* returns: standard return code
* Note: The passed FM must be disposed by the caller.
* +++
* Method: Unlinks the native file comprising the file system.
_public RC PASCAL
RcDestroyFileSysFm( FM fm )
FID fid = FidOpenFm( fm, wReadOnly );
FSH fsh;
if ( fid == fidNil ) return RcGetIOError();
if ( LcbReadFid( fid, &fsh, (LONG)sizeof( FSH ) ) != (LONG)sizeof( FSH ) )
RcCloseFid( fid );
return SetFSErrorRc( rcInvalid );
if ( fsh.wMagic != wFileSysMagic )
RcCloseFid( fid );
return SetFSErrorRc( rcInvalid );
/* REVIEW: unlink all tmp files for open files? assert count == 0? */
RcCloseFid( fid ); /* I'm not checking this return code out of boredom */
return SetFSErrorRc( RcUnlinkFm( fm ) );
- Function: HfCreateFileHfs( hfs, sz, bFlags )
* Purpose: Create and open a file within a specified file system.
* args IN: hfs - handle to an open file system
* sz - name of file to open (any valid key)
* bFlags - fFSIsDirectory to create the FS directory
* other flags (readonly) are ignored
* returns: handle to newly created and opened file if successful,
* NULL if not.
* Notes: I don't understand why you would create a readonly file.
* +++
* Method: Allocate the handle struct and fill it in. Create the
* temp file and put a header into it. Don't make btree
* entry: that happens when the file is closed. Do test
* for permission, though.
_public HF PASCAL
HFS hfs,
BYTE bFlags)
HF hf;
QRWFO qrwfo;
QFSHR qfshr;
FH fh;
assert( hfs != NULL );
qfshr = QLockGh( hfs );
assert( qfshr != NULL );
#if 0 /* This would have cleared the new fFSOptCdRom flag: -Tom */
/* don't want other flags set */
if ( bFlags & ~fFSIsDirectory )
SetFSErrorRc( rcBadArg );
goto error_return;
/* make sure file system is writable */
if ( qfshr->fsh.bFlags & fFSOpenReadOnly )
SetFSErrorRc( rcNoPermission );
goto error_return;
hf = GhAlloc(GMEM_SHARE| 0,
(ULONG)sizeof( RWFO ) + ( sz == NULL ? 0 : lstrlen( sz ) ) );
if ( hf == NULL )
SetFSErrorRc( rcOutOfMemory );
goto error_return;
qrwfo = QLockGh( hf );
assert( qrwfo != NULL );
/* if they are trying to create a fs dir, make sure thats ok */
if ( bFlags & fFSIsDirectory )
if ( qfshr->fsh.bFlags & fFSIsDirectory )
SetFSErrorRc( rcBadArg );
goto error_locked;
qfshr->fsh.bFlags |= fFSIsDirectory;
lstrcpy( qrwfo->rgchKey, sz );
/* fill in the open file struct */
qrwfo->hfs = hfs;
qrwfo->lifBase = 0L;
qrwfo->lifCurrent = 0L;
qrwfo->lcbFile = 0L;
qrwfo->bFlags = bFlags | fFSNoBlock | fFSDirty;
/* make a temp file */
if ( SetFSErrorRc( RcMakeTempFile( qrwfo ) ) != rcSuccess )
goto error_locked;
/* stick the header in it */
fh.lcbBlock = sizeof( FH );
fh.lcbFile = (LONG)0;
fh.bPerms = bFlags;
if ( LcbWriteFid( qrwfo->fidT, &fh, (LONG)sizeof( FH ) )
(LONG)sizeof( FH ) )
SetFSErrorRc( RcGetIOError() );
RcCloseFid( qrwfo->fidT );
RcUnlinkFm( qrwfo->fm );
goto error_locked;
UnlockGh( hfs );
UnlockGh( hf );
return hf;
UnlockGh( hf );
FreeGh( hf );
UnlockGh( hfs );
return NULL;
- Function: RcUnlinkFileHfs( hfs, sz )
* Purpose: Unlink a file within a file system
* args IN: hfs - handle to file system
* sz - name (key) of file to unlink
* state IN: The FS file speced by sz should be closed. (if it wasn't,
* changes won't be saved and temp file may not be deleted)
* returns: standard return code
* BUGS: shouldn't this check if the file is ReadOnly?
_public RC PASCAL
RcUnlinkFileHfs( hfs, sz )
HFS hfs;
QFSHR qfshr;
assert( hfs != NULL );
qfshr = QLockGh( hfs );
assert( qfshr != NULL );
if ( qfshr->fsh.bFlags & fFSOpenReadOnly )
UnlockGh( hfs );
return SetFSErrorRc( rcNoPermission );
/* look it up to get the file base offset */
if ( SetFSErrorRc( RcLookupByKey( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)sz, NULL, &fr ) )
rcSuccess )
UnlockGh( hfs );
return RcGetFSError();
if ( SetFSErrorRc( RcDeleteHbt( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)sz ) ) == rcSuccess )
/* put the file block on the free list */
if ( FPlungeQfshr( qfshr ) )
(void)FFreeBlock( qfshr, fr.lifBase );
UnlockGh( hfs );
return RcGetFSError();
- Function: RcAbandonHf( hf )
* Purpose: Abandon an open file. All changes since file was opened
* will be lost. If file was opened with a create, it is
* as if the create never happened.
* args IN: hf
* returns: rc
* globals OUT: rcFSError
* +++
* Method: Close and unlink the temp file, then unlock and free
* the open file struct. We depend on not saving the
* filename in the directory until the file is closed.
_public RC PASCAL
RcAbandonHf( hf )
HF hf;
QRWFO qrwfo;
SetFSErrorRc( rcSuccess );
assert( hf != NULL );
qrwfo = QLockGh( hf );
assert( qrwfo != NULL );
if ( qrwfo->bFlags & fFSDirty )
if ( RcCloseFid( qrwfo->fidT ) != rcSuccess
RcUnlinkFm( qrwfo->fm ) != rcSuccess )
SetFSErrorRc( RcGetIOError() );
UnlockGh( hf );
FreeGh( hf );
return RcGetFSError();
- Function: RcRenameFileHfs( hfs, szOld, szNew )
* Purpose: Rename an existing file in a FS.
* args IN: hfs -
* szOld - old file name
* szNew - new file name
* returns: rcSuccess - operation succeeded
* rcNoExists - file named szNew doesn't exist in FS
* rcExists - file named szOld already exists in FS
* Certain other terrible errors could cause the file
* to exist under both names. It won't be lost entirely.
* state OUT: If szNew
* +++
* Method: Lookup key szOld, insert data with key szNew,
* then delete key szOld.
_public RC PASCAL
RcRenameFileHfs( hfs, szOld, szNew )
HFS hfs;
LPSTR szOld;
LPSTR szNew;
QFSHR qfshr;
assert( hfs != NULL );
qfshr = QLockGh( hfs );
if ( !FPlungeQfshr( qfshr ) )
goto get_out;
if ( RcLookupByKey( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)szOld, NULL, &fr ) != rcSuccess )
goto get_out;
if ( RcInsertHbt( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)szNew, &fr ) != rcSuccess )
goto get_out;
if ( RcDeleteHbt( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)szOld ) != rcSuccess )
/* bad trouble here, bud. */
if ( RcDeleteHbt( qfshr->hbt, (KEY)szNew ) == rcSuccess )
SetFSErrorRc( rcFailure );
UnlockGh( hfs );
return RcGetFSError();
/* EOF */