Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

467 lines
22 KiB

Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Microsoft Corporation
All rights reserved
Module Name:
Implements lanman's msnull type parsing for FFs.
User Mode -Win32
Revision History:
#include <windows.h>
#include "winprint.h"
#include "msnull.h"
#define sgn(x) (((x)>0) ? 1:-1)
struct EscapeSequence EscapeStrings[] =
{ "-",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "0",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "1",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "2",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "3",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "4",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "5",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "6",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "7",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ ":",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "=",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "A",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "B",prdg_ActDelimited, '\0'},
{ "C\0",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "D",prdg_ActDelimited, '\0'},
{ "E",prdg_ActReset,0},
{ "F",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "G",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "H",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "I",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "J",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "K",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "L",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "N",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "O",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "P",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "Q",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "R",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "S",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "T",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "U",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "W",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "X",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 2},
{ "Y",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "Z",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[@",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[C",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[F",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[I",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[S",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[T",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[\\",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "[g",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "\\",prdg_ActCountIgnore, 0},
{ "]",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "^",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "_",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 1},
{ "d",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 2},
{ "e",prdg_ActConstIgnore, 2},
{ "j",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "n",prdg_ActNull,0},
{ "\x6f", prdg_ActFF, 0}
lpDCI pDCIData,
unsigned char inch)
/* */
/* FUNCTION: prdg_ParseRawData */
/* */
/* */
/* lpDCI pDCIData; Pointer to DC instance data */
/* unsigned char inch; The next byte in data stream */
/* */
/* */
/* This function parses the stream of raw data which is being */
/* passed to the printer so that the driver can handle form feeds */
/* correctly. The function must follow all the escape sequences */
/* which occur in the sequence of raw data. */
/* */
/* CHANGES: */
/* */
/* This function is table driven (from the table in in the ddata */
/* module) so it should hopefully only require this to be changed */
/* to reflect the escape sequences for a different printer. If */
/* however there are escape sequneces which don't fall into the */
/* categories this parser can handle then extra code will have */
/* to be written to handle them. The parser can handle escape */
/* sequences with any number of unique identifying characters */
/* possibly followed by: a count then the number of charcters given */
/* in the count; a fixed number of characters; a stream of */
/* characters followed by a delimeter. */
/* */
/* Local Variables */
INT Direction; /* Variables used in the */
UINT HiIndex; /* binary chop routine for */
UINT LoIndex; /* searching for a matching */
UINT Index; /* escape sequence */
UINT PrevIndex;
char * optr; /* Pointers to access the */
char * nptr; /* escape sequence strings */
struct EscapeSequence *NewSequence; /* Pointer to an escape */
/* sequence */
/* Process the input character through the parsing function. */
/* Switch depending on which state we are currently in. One of */
/* prdg_Text, prdg_ESC_match, prdg_ESC_n_ignore, prdg_ESC_d_ignore*/
/* prdg_ESC_read_lo_count, prdg_ESC_read_hi_count. */
switch (pDCIData->ParserState)
case prdg_Text:
/* Text state. Usual state, handled in line by a macro. */
/* The code is included here for completeness only. */
/* The FFaction (Form Feed action) state is maintained - */
/* if the character is text (ie >= 0x20) then set it to */
/* prdg_FFstate, if the character is a FF then set it to */
/* prdg_FFx0c. If the input character is an escape then */
/* start up the sequence matching mode. */
if (inch >= 0x20)
pDCIData->FFstate = prdg_FFtext;
else if (inch == 0x0c)
pDCIData->FFstate = prdg_FFx0c;
else if (inch == 0x1b)
/* The character is an escape so set ParserState and */
/* indicate we have not matched a sequence yet by */
/* setting ParserSequence to NULL. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_match;
pDCIData->ParserSequence = NULL;
case prdg_ESC_match:
/* Matching an escape sequence so try to match a new */
/* character. */
if (!pDCIData->ParserSequence)
/* ParserSequence is NULL indicating that this is the */
/* first character of an escape sequence so use a */
/* binary chop to get to the correct area of the */
/* table of escape sequences (based on the first */
/* character of the escape sequence which is the */
/* cuurent input character). */
HiIndex = MaxEscapeStrings;
LoIndex = 0;
Index = (LoIndex + HiIndex)/2;
PrevIndex = MaxEscapeStrings;
/* while inch does not match the first character of */
/* the sequence indicated by Index move up or down */
/* the table depending on whether inch is < or > the */
/* first character of the escape sequence at Index. */
while (Direction =
(inch - *EscapeStrings[Index].ESCString))
if (Direction > 0)
LoIndex = Index;
HiIndex = Index;
PrevIndex = Index;
if (PrevIndex == (Index = (LoIndex + HiIndex)/2))
/* There is no escape sequence with a first */
/* character matching the current input */
/* character so resume text mode. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
/*.. while (Direction = match yet...............*/
/* Set up the ParserSequence and ParserString for the */
/* first match found. */
pDCIData->ParserSequence = &EscapeStrings[Index];
pDCIData->ParserString = EscapeStrings[Index].ESCString;
/*.. if (!pDCIData->ParserSequence) .......................*/
/* Loop forever trying to match escape sequences. */
/* First, try the new character against the current */
/* escape sequence and if it matches then check if it is */
/* the end of the sequence and if it is switch to the */
/* appropriate matching mode. If the new character does */
/* not match try the next escape sequence (in either */
/* ascending or descending order depending on whether the */
/* current character was < or > the character we were */
/* trying to match it to). If the new sequence we are */
/* trying to match against does not exist (ie we are at */
/* one end of the table) or it does not match upto (but */
/* not including) the position we are currently at then */
/* the escape sequence in the raw data we are trying to */
/* match is invalid so revert to prdg_Text mode. If it */
/* does match upto (but not including) the position we */
/* are currently trying to match then go back to try and */
/* match. */
for (Direction = sgn(inch - *pDCIData->ParserString);;)
/* Partway along a sequence, try the new character and*/
/* if it matches then check for end of string. */
if (!(inch - *pDCIData->ParserString))
if (*++pDCIData->ParserString != '\0')
/* Escape sequence not finished yet so return */
/* and wait for the next character. Note that*/
/* this is where the pointer to the position */
/* in the escape sequence we are checking is */
/* updated. */
/* The escape sequence has matched till the */
/* end so break to the next section which will*/
/* take the appropriate action. */
/*.. if (!(inch - *pDCIData->ParserString)) ...match...*/
/* The current sequence does not match so we must */
/* try another sequence. Direction determines */
/* which way in the table we should go. */
NewSequence = pDCIData->ParserSequence + Direction;
if (NewSequence < EscapeStrings ||
NewSequence> &EscapeStrings[MaxEscapeStrings-1])
/* The new sequence is beyond one end of the */
/* table so revert to prdg_Text mode because */
/* we will not be able to find a match. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
/* Check that all the characters in the new */
/* escape sequence upto (but not including) the */
/* current one match the old escape sequence */
/* (because those characters from the old escape */
/* sequence have already been matched to the */
/* raw data). */
for (optr=pDCIData->ParserSequence->ESCString,
optr<pDCIData->ParserString; ++optr,++nptr)
if (*nptr != *optr)
/* If the new sequence does not match the*/
/* old then a match is not possible so */
/* return. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
/* The new sequence is correct upto the character */
/* before the current character so loop back and */
/* check the current character. */
pDCIData->ParserSequence = NewSequence;
pDCIData->ParserString = nptr;
/*.. else ! (!(inch - *pDCIData-> match.*/
/*.. for ( ... ;;) ....for ever...........................*/
/* The escape sequence has been matched from our table of */
/* escape sequences so take the appropriate action for */
/* the particular sequence. */
switch (pDCIData->ParserSequence->ESCAction)
case prdg_ActNull:
/* No further action so revert to prdg_Text mode */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
case prdg_ActDelimited:
/* Ignore subsequent characters upto a specified */
/* delimeter. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_d_ignore;
pDCIData->ParserDelimiter =
case prdg_ActConstIgnore:
/* Ignore a specified number of characters. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_n_ignore;
pDCIData->ParserCount =
case prdg_ActCountIgnore:
/* A two byte count follows so prepare to read it */
/* in. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_read_lo_count;
case prdg_ActFF:
/* A special action for recognising the 0x1b6f */
/* "No Formfeed" sequence */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
pDCIData->FFstate = prdg_FFx1b6f;
case prdg_ActReset:
/* On Esc-E (reset) don't eject a page if this is */
/* the last sequence in the stream. */
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
pDCIData->FFstate = prdg_FFx1b45;
/*.. switch (pDCIData->ParserSequence->ESCAction) .........*/
case prdg_ESC_n_ignore:
/* Ignoring n characters. Decrement the count, move back */
/* to text state if all ignored. */
if (!(--pDCIData->ParserCount))
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
case prdg_ESC_d_ignore:
/* Ignoring up to a delimiter. If this is it, then stop */
/* ignoring. */
if (inch == pDCIData->ParserDelimiter)
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
case prdg_ESC_read_lo_count:
/* Reading first byte of count. Save it, advance state. */
pDCIData->ParserCount = (UINT)inch;
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_read_hi_count;
case prdg_ESC_read_hi_count:
/* Reading second byte of count. Save it, move to ignore */
/* a specified number of characters if there are any. */
pDCIData->ParserCount += 256*(UINT)inch;
if (pDCIData->ParserCount)
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_ESC_n_ignore;
pDCIData->ParserState = prdg_Text;
/*.. switch (pDCIData->ParserState) ...............................*/
lpDCI pDCIData)
if (pDCIData->FFstate != prdg_FFx1b6f &&
pDCIData->FFstate != prdg_FFx1b45) {
pDCIData->FFstate == prdg_FFtext)) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;