Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// jmpuwind.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements the MIPS specific routine to jump to the runtime
// time library unwind routine.
// Author:
// David N. Cutler (davec) 12-Sep-1990
// Environment:
// Any mode.
// Revision History:
// Tom Wood (twood) 1-Nov-1993
// Added __C_ExecuteExceptionFilter and __C_ExecuteTerminationHandler
// previously deleted from the MIPS version.
#include "ksppc.h"
.extern ..RtlUnwind
// Define the call frame for calling the exception filter and termination
// handler.
.struct 0
CfBackChain: .space 4 // chain to previous call frame
CfSavedR31: .space 4 // glue-saved register
CfSavedRtoc: .space 4 // glue-saved register
.space 3*4 // remaining part of the frame header
// __C_ExecuteExceptionFilter (
// PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointers,
// EXCEPTION_FILTER ExceptionFilter,
// ULONG EstablisherFrame
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function calls the specified exception filter routine with the
// establisher environment passed in the TOC register.
// Arguments:
// ExceptionPointers (r.3) - Supplies a pointer to the exception pointers
// structure.
// ExceptionFilter (r.4) - Supplies the address of the exception filter
// routine.
// EstablisherFrame (r.5) - Supplies the establisher frame pointer.
// Return Value:
// The value returned by the exception filter routine.
stw r.31, CfSavedR31 (r.sp) // save r.31 before using it.
mtctr r.4 // get ready to call the filter.
mflr r.31 // save the link register in r.31.
stw r.toc, CfSavedRtoc (r.sp) // save r.toc
or r.toc,r.5,r.5 // pass the establisher environment in r.toc
bctrl // branch and link to the filter.
mtlr r.31 // get ready to return
lwz r.31, CfSavedR31 (r.sp) // restore r.31
lwz r.toc, CfSavedRtoc (r.sp) // restore r.toc
// __C_ExecuteTerminationHandler (
// BOOLEAN AbnormalTermination,
// TERMINATION_HANDLER TerminationHandler,
// ULONG EstablisherFrame
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function calls the specified termination handler routine with the
// establisher environment passed in the TOC register.
// Arguments:
// AbnormalTermination (r.3) - Supplies a boolean value that determines
// whether the termination is abnormal.
// TerminationHandler (r.4) - Supplies the address of the termination
// handler routine.
// EstablisherFrame (r.5) - Supplies the establisher frame pointer.
// Return Value:
// None.
stw r.31, CfSavedR31 (r.sp) // save r.31 before using it.
mtctr r.4 // get ready to call the filter.
mflr r.31 // save the link register in r.31.
stw r.toc, CfSavedRtoc (r.sp) // save r.toc
or r.toc,r.5,r.5 // pass the establisher environment in r.toc
bctrl // branch and link to the filter.
mtlr r.31 // get ready to return
lwz r.31, CfSavedR31 (r.sp) // restore r.31
lwz r.toc, CfSavedRtoc (r.sp) // restore r.toc
// __jump_unwind (
// IN PVOID EstablishFrame,
// IN PVOID TargetPc
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function transfer control to unwind. It is used by the MIPS
// compiler when a goto out of the body or a try statement occurs.
// Arguments:
// EstablishFrame (r.3) - Supplies the establisher frame pointer of the
// target of the unwind.
// TargetPc (r.4) - Supplies the target instruction address where control
// is to be transfered to after the unwind operation is complete.
// Return Value:
// None.
NESTED_ENTRY (__jump_unwind, STK_MIN_FRAME+8, 0, 0)
li r.5, 0 // set NULL exception record address
li r.6, 0 // set destination return value
bl ..RtlUnwind // unwind to specified target
.znop ..RtlUnwind
NESTED_EXIT (__jump_unwind, STK_MIN_FRAME+8, 0, 0)