Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// TITLE("LdrInitializeThunk")
// Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ldrthunk.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements the thunk for the LdrpInitialize APC routine.
// Author:
// Chuck Bauman 20-Mar-1993
// Environment:
// Any mode.
// Revision History:
// Port NT product1 source to PowerPC 12-Aug-1993
// Changed to nested function and added conversion of function
// descriptor. Peter Johnston ([email protected]) 18-Aug-1994
#include "ksppc.h"
// LdrInitializeThunk(
// IN PVOID NormalContext,
// IN PVOID SystemArgument1,
// IN PVOID SystemArgument2
// )
// Routine Description:
// This routine is called via APC and is the first code executed in
// user mode for every user mode thread.
// On entry to this routine, the current stack frame is immediately
// preceeded by a context record containing the initial state of the
// new thread.
// This function computes a pointer to the context record on the stack
// and calls LdrpInitialize with that pointer as its parameter.
// On return from LdrpInitialize, we convert the function descriptor
// whose address is in the Context record Iar field from a pointer to
// a function descriptor to the actual TOC and entry point values for
// the thread.
// Arguments:
// NormalContext (r.3) - User Mode APC context parameter (ignored).
// SystemArgument1 (r.4) - User Mode APC system argument 1 (ignored).
// SystemArgument2 (r.5) - User Mode APC system argument 2 (ignored).
// Return Value:
// None.
.extern ..LdrpInitialize
.struct 0
LitLr: .space 4
.align 3
LitFr1: .space STK_MIN_FRAME
LitCx: .space ContextFrameLength
.align 3
mflr r.0
stwu r.sp, -LitFr1(r.sp) // buy stack frame
addi r.3, r.sp, LitCx // compute context record addr
stw r.0, LitLr(r.sp) // save return address
bl ..LdrpInitialize // Jump to LdrpInitialize
lwz r.11, LitCx + CxGpr2(r.sp) // TOC set
cmpwi r.11, 0 // jif true context passed
// (e.g: fork)
lwz r.11, LitCx + CxIar(r.sp) // read fn descr from Cr Iar
lwz r.0, LitLr(r.sp) // get return address
bne truectx
lwz r.12, 4(r.11) // get toc
lwz r.11, 0(r.11) // get fn entry
stw r.12, LitCx + CxGpr2(r.sp) // set initial toc
stw r.11, LitCx + CxIar(r.sp) // set entry point
mtlr r.0 // restore return address
addi r.sp, r.sp, LitFr1 // free out stack frame