Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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#ifndef DGATLAS_H
#define DGATLAS_H
* *
* This software contains proprietary and confidential information of *
* *
* Digi International Inc. *
* *
* By accepting transfer of this copy, Recipient agrees to retain this *
* software in confidence, to prevent disclosure to others, and to make *
* no use of this software other than that for which it was delivered. *
* This is an unpublished copyrighted work of Digi International Inc. *
* Except as permitted by federal law, 17 USC 117, copying is strictly *
* prohibited. *
* *
/////////////////////////////////////// Agent/Driver Commands section
#pragma pack(4)
#define MAX_DESCLEN 128
#define DIGI_PERSONALITY_FR ((DWORD)' RF') // Frame Relay
#define DIGI_PERSONALITY_X25 ((DWORD)' 52X') // X.25
typedef struct _DIGI_PERSONALITY_
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwPersonalityTag;
DWORD dwId; // passed back by driver to uniquely
// id this adapter.
char szDesc[MAX_DESCLEN];
typedef enum _MAX_PERSONALITIES_ { MaxPersonalitiesPerAdapter = 4 } MAX_PERSONALITIES;
//// payload for EnumAdapters command (was _DIGI_Personality_)
typedef struct _DIGI_ADAPTER_
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwMemoryAddress;
DWORD dwMemoryRange;
DWORD dwIOAddress;
DWORD dwIORange;
DWORD dwInterruptNumber; // bitmask indicating which interrupt(s) are
// in use by this adapter instance.
DWORD dwDMA; // bitmask indicating which DMA channels are
// in use by this adapter instance.
DWORD dwPersonalities; // number of personality structs that follow
DIGI_PERSONALITY Personalities[MaxPersonalitiesPerAdapter];
typedef enum _MAX_ADAPTERS_ { MaxAdaptersInSystem = 8 } MAX_ADAPTERS;
typedef struct _DIGI_SYSTEM_
DWORD dwVersion;
DWORD dwAdapters; // number of adapter structs that follow
DIGI_ADAPTER Adapters[MaxAdaptersInSystem];
//////////////////////////////////////////////// Personality/Driver Section
// Internal Digi Command IDS; 0-1023 are agent/device driver
// 1024-8191 are personality/device driver
typedef enum _DIGI_ATLAS_COMMAND_
EnumAdapters, // pdu = DIGI_ADAPTER
LastGeneralID = 1023
///////////////////////// Header of payload in AS_Msg
typedef struct _ATLAS_PDU_HEADER_
DWORD dwHeaderSize; // offset to payload Buffer
DWORD dwPayloadSize; // size (in bytes) of Buffer following this header
DWORD dwVersion; // version of this PDU
DWORD dwFlags; // reserved for future use
DWORD dwCommand; // a value of type DIGI_ATLAS_COMMAND
DWORD dwAdapter; // identifies adapter to which command is targeted
DWORD dwClientContext; // reserved for client use
DWORD dwServerContext; // reserved for server use
///////////////////////// Macro to access header and payload of a buffer
// containing an Atlas command
#define GET_PAYLOAD(X) ((BYTE*)((BYTE*)X+((ATLAS_PDU_HEADER*)X)->dwHeaderSize))
// dwHeaderSize is used to size the header independently from the size of
// the payload. This assures that entities will always be able to find
// the start of the buffer regardless of additional header fields that
// might be added in the future.
// dwPayloadSize indicates the length of the payload beyond this header,
// which follows immediately after the header.
// dwVersion is the version of the Atlas Agent to which the command is
// addressed. The client sending this command should use this as a hint
// of the oldest version of the agent capable of interpreting this command.
// The agent will return its version in the reply.
// Flags is reserved for future use and should be set to 0.
// dwCommand indicates the opcode of this command. Opcodes 0-1023 are
// reserved for commands in which the agent is an active participant. They
// are generic in the sense that they either are client/agent commands
// only or apply to all personalities/device drivers. See the enum,
// DIGI_ATLAS_COMMAND, for a list of currently supported opcodes in the
// range 0-1023. Opcodes 1024-8191 are personality specific and thus
// fall outside the scope of this header.
// dwAdapter identifies which adapter is the receiver of this command.
// This field is currently unused. The intent was to provide an unused
// header member should it become necessary to address adapters at
// the command protocol level rather than as part of an internal struct
// embedded in the payload.
// dwClientContext is a variable for exclusive use by the client sending
// this command. Any server, including the agent, promises both that
// it will ignore it and not alter it in subsequent replies.
// dwServerContext is a variable for exclusive use by the server replying
// to this command. Subsequent commands sent as part of the same
// transaction must preserve this value.
// 1. An Atlas command pdu consists is a buffer the first part, the header,
// of which is formated according to the ATLAS_PDU_HEADER above and
// whose second part, the payload, is specified by the protocol between
// some personality and its associated driver. The payload may be
// accessed by using the macro defined above:
// // packing a buffer
// extern ATLAS_PDU_HEADER header;
// extern Payload myPayload;
// header.HeaderSize = sizeof(ATLAS_PDU_HEADER);
// header.PayloadSize = sizeof(Payload);
// BYTE* buffer = new BYTE [header.HeaderSize+header.PayloadSize];
// memcpy(buffer, &header, header.HeaderSize);
// memcpy(GET_PAYLOAD(buffer), &myPayload, header.PayloadSize);
// // unpacking a buffer
// memcpy(&header, GetHeader(buffer), GetHeader(buffer)->HeaderSize);
// memcpy(&payload, GetPayload(buffer), GetHeader(buffer)->PayloadSize);
// Note that argument to either macro is any kind of pointer.
// 2. You add new members to ATLAS_PDU_HEADER with the following restrictions:
// 2.1 They must be added to the end of the current version
// 2.2 All instances of the new struct must set the Version member
// to a value > then the current version.
// 2.3 The new member must be a DWORD or a type whose size is a
// multiple of the size of a DWORD.
// 3. New versions of ATLAS_PDU_HEADER must not remove members from
// previous versions.
#pragma pack()