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title "MP primitives for Compaq SystemPro"
;Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
;Module Name:
; oliproca.asm
; SystemPro Start Next Processor assemble code
; This module along with mpspro.c implement the code to start
; off the second processor on the Compaq SystemPro.
; Ken Reneris (kenr) 12-Jan-1992
; Bruno Sartirana (o-obruno) 3-Mar-92
; Added support for the Olivetti LSX5030.
;Revision History:
include i386\
;LSX5030 start
include i386\
include i386\
;LSX5030 end
EXTRNP _HalpBuildTiledCR3,1
EXTRNP _HalpFreeTiledCR3,0
extrn _MppIDT:DWORD
extrn _MpLowStub:DWORD
extrn _MpLowStubPhysicalAddress:DWORD
extrn ProcessorControlPort:WORD
;LSX5030 start
extrn _CpuLeft:DWORD
extrn _NextCpuToStart:DWORD
extrn DbgDelay:DWORD
;LSX5030 end
; Internal defines and structures
PxParamBlock struc
SPx_flag dd ?
SPx_TiledCR3 dd ?
SPx_P0EBP dd ?
SPx_ControlPort dd ?
SPx_PB db processorstatelength dup (?)
PxParamBlock ends
_TEXT SEGMENT PARA PUBLIC 'CODE' ; Start 32 bit code
; HalStartNextProcessor (
; IN PLOADER_BLOCK pLoaderBlock,
; )
; Routine Description:
; This routine is called by the kernel durning kernel initialization
; to obtain more processors. It is called until no more processors
; are available.
; If another processor exists this function is to initialize it to
; the passed in processorstate structure, and return TRUE.
; If another processor does not exists, then a FALSE is returned.
; Also note that the loader block has been setup for the next processor.
; The new processor logical thread number can be obtained from it, if
; required.
; Arguments:
; pLoaderBlock, - Loader block which has been intialized for the
; next processor.
; pProcessorState - The processor state which is to be loaded into
; the next processor.
; Return Value:
; TRUE - ProcessorNumber was dispatched.
; FALSE - A processor was not dispatched. no other processors exists.
pLoaderBlock equ dword ptr [ebp+8] ; zero based
pProcessorState equ dword ptr [ebp+12]
; Local variables
PxFrame equ [ebp - size PxParamBlock]
cPublicProc _HalStartNextProcessor ,2
push ebp ; save ebp
mov ebp, esp ;
sub esp, size PxParamBlock ; Make room for local vars
push esi
push edi
push ebx
xor eax, eax
mov PxFrame.SPx_flag, eax
cmp _CpuLeft, eax
je snp_exit ; exit FALSE
mov esi, OFFSET FLAT:StartPx_RMStub
mov ecx, StartPx_RMStub_Len
mov edi, _MpLowStub ; Copy RMStub to low memory
add edi, size PxParamBlock
rep movsb
lea edi, PxFrame.SPx_PB
mov esi, pProcessorState
mov ecx, processorstatelength ; Copy processorstate
rep movsb ; to PxFrame
stdCall _HalpBuildTiledCR3,<pProcessorState>
mov PxFrame.SPx_TiledCR3, eax
mov PxFrame.SPx_P0EBP, ebp
mov eax, pLoaderBlock ; lookup processor # we are
mov eax, [eax].LpbPrcb ; starting
movzx eax, byte ptr [eax].PbNumber
movzx edx, ProcessorControlPort[eax*2] ; Get processor's control port
mov PxFrame.SPx_ControlPort, edx ; Pass it along
mov ecx, size PxParamBlock ; copy param block
lea esi, PxFrame ; to low memory stub
mov edi, _MpLowStub
mov eax, edi
rep movsb
add eax, size PxParamBlock
mov ebx, OFFSET FLAT:StartPx_RMStub
sub eax, ebx ; (eax) = adjusted pointer
mov bx, word ptr [PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsContextFrame.CsSegCs]
mov [eax.SPrxFlatCS], bx ; patch realmode stub with
mov [eax.SPrxPMStub], offset _StartPx_PMStub ; valid long jump
mov ebx, _MppIDT
add ebx, WarmResetVector
push dword ptr [ebx] ; Save current vector
mov eax, _MpLowStubPhysicalAddress
shl eax, 12 ; seg:0
add eax, size PxParamBlock
mov dword ptr [ebx], eax ; start Px here
;LSX5030 start
mov eax, _NextCpuToStart
mov dx, word ptr ProcessorControlPort[eax*2]
in al, dx
or al, RESET ; assert RESET
out dx, al
and al, not RESET ; the 1-0 transition of PCR
; reset bit resets the
; processor
out dx, al ; reset processor
;LSX5030 end
cmp PxFrame.SPx_flag, 0 ; wait for Px to get it's
jz @b ; info
pop dword ptr [ebx] ; restore WarmResetVector
stdCall _HalpFreeTiledCR3 ; free memory used for tiled
; CR3
;LSX5030 start
dec _CpuLeft ; one less
inc _NextCpuToStart ; next CPU # to start
;LSX5030 end
mov eax, 1 ; return TRUE
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
stdRET _HalStartNextProcessor
_HalStartNextProcessor endp
_TEXT ends ; end 32 bit code
_TEXT16 SEGMENT DWORD PUBLIC USE16 'CODE' ; start 16 bit code
; StartPx_RMStub
; Routine Description:
; When a new processor is started, it starts in real-mode and is
; sent to a copy of this function which has been copied into low memory.
; (below 1m and accessable from real-mode).
; Once CR0 has been set, this function jmp's to a StartPx_PMStub
; Arguments:
; none
; Return Value:
; does not return, jumps to StartPx_PMStub
cPublicProc StartPx_RMStub,0
db 066h ; load the GDT
lgdt fword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrGdtr]
db 066h ; load the IDT
lidt fword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrIdtr]
mov eax, cs:[SPx_TiledCR3]
mov cr3, eax
mov ebp, dword ptr cs:[SPx_P0EBP]
mov ecx, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsContextFrame.CsSegDs]
mov ebx, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrCr3]
mov eax, dword ptr cs:[SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters.SrCr0]
mov cr0, eax ; into prot mode
db 066h
db 0eah ; reload cs:eip
SPrxPMStub dd 0
SPrxFlatCS dw 0
StartPx_RMStub_Len equ $ - StartPx_RMStub
stdENDP StartPx_RMStub
_TEXT16 ends ; End 16 bit code
_TEXT SEGMENT ; Start 32 bit code
; StartPx_PMStub
; Routine Description:
; This function completes the processor's state loading, and signals
; the requesting processor that the state has been loaded.
; Arguments:
; ebx - requested CR3 for this processors_state
; cx - requested ds for this processors_state
; ebp - EBP of P0
; Return Value:
; does not return - completes the loading of the processors_state
align 16 ; to make sure we don't cross a page boundry
; before reloading CR3
public _StartPx_PMStub
_StartPx_PMStub proc
; process is now in the load image copy of this function.
; (ie, it's not the low memory copy)
mov cr3, ebx ; get real CR3
mov ds, cx ; set real ds
lea esi, PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsSpecialRegisters
lldt word ptr ds:[esi].SrLdtr ; load ldtr
ltr word ptr ds:[esi].SrTr ; load tss
lea edi, PxFrame.SPx_PB.PsContextFrame
mov es, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegEs ; Set other selectors
mov fs, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegFs
mov gs, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegGs
mov ss, word ptr ds:[edi].CsSegSs
add esi, SrKernelDr0
.errnz (SrKernelDr1 - SrKernelDr0 - 1 * 4)
.errnz (SrKernelDr2 - SrKernelDr0 - 2 * 4)
.errnz (SrKernelDr3 - SrKernelDr0 - 3 * 4)
.errnz (SrKernelDr6 - SrKernelDr0 - 4 * 4)
.errnz (SrKernelDr7 - SrKernelDr0 - 5 * 4)
mov dr0, eax ; load dr0-dr7
mov dr1, eax
mov dr2, eax
mov dr3, eax
mov dr6, eax
mov dr7, eax
mov esp, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEsp
mov esi, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEsi
mov ecx, dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEcx
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEflags
popfd ; load eflags
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEip ; make a copy of remaining
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEax ; registers which need
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEbx ; loaded
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEdx
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEdi
push dword ptr ds:[edi].CsEbp
; eax, ebx, edx are still free
;LSX5030 start
mov eax, _NextCpuToStart
mov dx, word ptr ProcessorControlPort[eax*2]
in al, dx ; Get register
and al, not IPI_EN ; disable PINTs for now
out dx, al
;and dx, Px_SLOT_MASK ; get processor slot (olibus)
;or dx, LEV2_CACHE_REG ; calculate address of the 2nd
; level cache policy register
; for this processor
;in al, dx ; Get register
;and al, not LEV2_CACHE_ON ; turn cache off
;or al, LEV2_CACHE_ON ; turn cache on
;out dx, al
;and dx, Px_SLOT_MASK ; get processor slot (olibus)
;or dx, SLOT_CONFIG_REG_0 ; calculate address of
; configuration register 0 for
; this processor
;in al, dx ; get register
;and al, not INTERNAL_CACHE_ON ; turn internal cache off
;or al, INTERNAL_CACHE_ON ; turn processor's internal
; cache on
;out dx, al
; sti
inc [PxFrame.SPx_flag] ; Signal p0 that we are
; done with its data
;LSX5030 end
; Set remaining registers
pop ebp
pop edi
pop edx
pop ebx
pop eax
ret ; Set eip
_StartPx_PMStub endp
;LSX5030 start
; HalpGetNumberOfProcessors()
; Routine Description:
; This routine queries the CMOS to determine the number of processors
; that can be started.
; Also, it rearranges the ProcessorControlPort array to make it
; non-sparse. This means that, eventually, ProcessorControlPort[n]
; will contain the slot # of the processor n, where n=0,1,2,3.
; For example, if the machine has two processors, one in slot 0 and
; the other in slot 3, only the ProcessorControlPort array elements
; #0 and #1 will be meaningful.
; Arguments:
; None.
; Return Value:
; The number of available processors in register eax.
cPublicProc _HalpGetNumberOfProcessors,0
push ebx
push ecx
push edx
mov ch, al ; al[7-4] = CPU card present bits
; al[3-0] = CPU diagnostics passed bits
shr al, 4 ; al[3-0] = CPU card present bits
mov cl, al ; ch[3-0] = CPU card diag passed bits
; cl[3-0] = CPU card present bits
and cl, ch ; CPUs actually available (bit mapped)
mov edx, 1 ; there's always the CPU0, so skip it
mov eax, 1 ; logical processor #
bt ecx, edx
jnc IncLoopCounter
mov bx, word ptr ProcessorControlPort[edx*2] ; get address of
; PCP #edx
mov word ptr ProcessorControlPort[eax*2], bx ; set PCP address
; for processor #eax
inc eax
inc edx
jl NextCPU
pop edx
pop ecx
pop ebx
stdRET _HalpGetNumberOfProcessors
stdENDP _HalpGetNumberOfProcessors
;LSX5030 end
_TEXT ends ; end 32 bit code