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// .ident "@(#) xxmvmem.s 1.1 95/09/28 18:42:46 nec"
// Stolen from rtl xxmvmem.s this source can be used for r94a
// beta machine only.
// 1995.1.5 kbnes!A.Kuriyama
// TITLE("Compare, Move, Zero, and Fill Memory Support")
// Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// xxmvmem.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements functions to compare, move, zero, and fill
// blocks of memory. If the memory is aligned, then these functions
// are very efficient.
// N.B. These routines MUST preserve all floating state since they are
// frequently called from interrupt service routines that normally
// do not save or restore floating state.
// Author:
// David N. Cutler (davec) 11-Apr-1990
// Environment:
// User or Kernel mode.
// Revision History:
#include "halmips.h"
SBTTL("View Memory")
// HalViewMemory (
// IN PVOID Destination,
// IN ULONG Length
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function zeros memory by first aligning the destination address to
// a longword boundary, and then zeroing 32-byte blocks, followed by 4-byte
// blocks, followed by any remaining bytes.
// Arguments:
// Destination (a0) - Supplies a pointer to the memory to zero.
// Length (a1) - Supplies the length, in bytes, of the memory to be zeroed.
// Return Value:
// The destination address is returned as the function value.
LEAF_ENTRY_S(HalViewMemory, _TEXT$00)
move a2,zero // set fill pattern
b HalpFillMemory //
SBTTL("Fill Memory")
// HalFillMemory (
// IN PVOID Destination,
// IN ULONG Length,
// IN UCHAR Fill
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function fills memory by first aligning the destination address to
// a longword boundary, and then filling 32-byte blocks, followed by 4-byte
// blocks, followed by any remaining bytes.
// Arguments:
// Destination (a0) - Supplies a pointer to the memory to fill.
// Length (a1) - Supplies the length, in bytes, of the memory to be filled.
// Fill (a2) - Supplies the fill byte.
// N.B. The alternate entry memset expects the length and fill arguments
// to be reversed.
// Return Value:
// The destination address is returned as the function value.
move a3,a1 // swap length and fill arguments
move a1,a2 //
move a2,a3 //
and a2,a2,0xff // clear excess bits
sll t0,a2,8 // duplicate fill byte
or a2,a2,t0 // generate fill word
sll t0,a2,16 // duplicate fill word
or a2,a2,t0 // generate fill longword
// Fill memory with the pattern specified in register a2.
HalpFillMemory: //
move v0,a0 // set return value
subu t0,zero,a0 // compute bytes until aligned
and t0,t0,0x3 // isolate residual byte count
subu t1,a1,t0 // reduce number of bytes to fill
blez t1,60f // if lez, less than 4 bytes to fill
move a1,t1 // set number of bytes to fill
beq zero,t0,10f // if eq, already aligned
lwr t5,0(a0) // fill unaligned bytes
addu a0,a0,t0 // align destination address
// Check for 32-byte blocks to fill.
10: and t0,a1,32 - 1 // isolate residual bytes
subu t1,a1,t0 // subtract out residual bytes
addu t2,a0,t1 // compute ending block address
beq zero,t1,40f // if eq, no 32-byte blocks to fill
move a1,t0 // set residual number of bytes
// Fill 32-byte blocks.
#if defined(R4000)
and t0,a0,1 << 2 // check if destintion quadword aligned
beq zero,t0,20f // if eq, yes
lw t5,0(a0) // store destination longword
addu a0,a0,4 // align destination address
addu a1,a1,t1 // recompute bytes to fill
subu a1,a1,4 // reduce count by 4
b 10b //
// The destination is quadword aligned.
20: dsll a3,a2,32 // duplcate pattern to upper 32-bits
dsrl a2,a3,32 //
or a3,a3,a2 //
dmtc1 a3,f0 // set pattern value
and t0,t1,1 << 5 // test if even number of 32-byte blocks
beq zero,t0,30f // if eq, even number of 32-byte blocks
// Fill one 32-byte block.
.set noreorder
ldc1 f2,0(a0) // fill 32-byte block
ldc1 f2,8(a0) //
ldc1 f2,16(a0) //
addu a0,a0,32 // advance pointer to next block
beq a0,t2,40f // if ne, no 64-byte blocks to fill
ldc1 f2,-8(a0) //
.set reorder
// Fill 64-byte block.
.set noreorder
30: ldc1 f2,0(a0) // fill 32-byte block
ldc1 f2,8(a0) //
ldc1 f2,16(a0) //
ldc1 f2,24(a0) //
ldc1 f2,32(a0) //
ldc1 f2,40(a0) //
ldc1 f2,48(a0) //
addu a0,a0,64 // advance pointer to next block
bne a0,t2,30b // if ne, more 32-byte blocks to fill
ldc1 f2,-8(a0) //
.set reorder
// Fill 32-byte blocks.
#if defined(R3000)
.set noreorder
20: lw a2,0(a0) // fill 32-byte block
lw a2,4(a0) //
lw a2,8(a0) //
lw a2,12(a0) //
addu a0,a0,32 // advance pointer to next block
lw a2,-4(a0) //
lw a2,-8(a0) //
lw a2,-12(a0) //
bne a0,t2,20b // if ne, more 32-byte blocks to fill
lw a2,-16(a0) //
.set reorder
// Check for 4-byte blocks to fill.
40: and t0,a1,4 - 1 // isolate residual bytes
subu t1,a1,t0 // subtract out residual bytes
addu t2,a0,t1 // compute ending block address
beq zero,t1,60f // if eq, no 4-byte block to fill
move a1,t0 // set residual number of bytes
// Fill 4-byte blocks.
.set noreorder
50: addu a0,a0,4 // advance pointer to next block
bne a0,t2,50b // if ne, more 4-byte blocks to fill
lw t5,-4(a0) // fill 4-byte block
.set reorder
// Check for 1-byte blocks to fill.
60: addu t2,a0,a1 // compute ending block address
beq zero,a1,80f // if eq, no bytes to fill
// Fill 1-byte blocks.
.set noreorder
70: addu a0,a0,1 // advance pointer to next block
bne a0,t2,70b // if ne, more 1-byte block to fill
lb t5,-1(a0) // fill 1-byte block
.set reorder
80: j ra // return
.end HalViewMemory