Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// "@(#) NEC cacherr.s 1.2 94/10/17 11:02:44"
// TITLE("Cache Error Handling")
// Copyright (c) 1993-1994 Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// cacherr.s
// Abstract:
// This module implements cache error handling. It is entered in KSEG1
// directly from the cache error vector wiht ERL set in the processor
// state.
// N.B. All the code in this routine MUST run in KSEG1 and reference
// data only in KSEG1 until which time as any cache errors have
// been corrected.
// N.B. This routine is NOT COMPLETE. All cache errors result in a
// soft reset.
// Environment:
// Kernel mode only.
// Revision History:
#include "halmips.h"
// Define local save area for register state.
.data 4 // saved integer register at - a3 4 // 4 // 4 // 4 // 4 // 4 //
SBTTL("Cache Error Handling")
// HalpCacheErrorRoutine (
// )
// Routine Description:
// This function is entered from the cache error vector executing
// in KSEG1. If the error is a single bit ECC error in the second
// level data cache or the error is in the primary instruction cache,
// then the error is corrected and execution is continued. Otherwise,
// a fatal system error has occured and control is transfered to the
// soft reset vector.
// N.B. No state has been saved when this routine is entered.
// Arguments:
// None.
// Return Value:
// None.
// Save volatile registers needed to fix cache error.
.set noreorder
.set noat
la k0,SavedAt // get address of register save area
li k1,KSEG1_BASE // convert address of KSEG1 address
or k0,k0,k1 //
sw AT,0(k0) // save registers AT - a3
sw v0,4(k0) //
sw v1,8(k0) //
sw a0,12(k0) //
sw a1,16(k0) //
sw a2,20(k0) //
// Get the current processor state and cache error register, and check
// if the error can be corrected.
mfc0 v0,psr // get current processor state
mfc0 v1,cacheerr // get cache error state
.set at
.set reorder
// ****** temp ******
// The following code is temporary and will be removed when full cache
// error support is included.
// ****** temp ******
b SoftReset // ****** all error soft rest
// If the EXL bit is set in the processor state, then the error is not
// recoverable because the EXL bit may be erroneously set (errata) and
// it cannot be determined whether is should or should not be set, e.g.,
// the exact addresses ranges over which EXL might be correctly set are
// not verifiable. Also, k0 and k1 are destroyed before they are saved
// and are used by the exception handling code (there is no way to save
// a register in noncached memory wihtout the use of a register).
sll a0,v0,31 - PSR_EXL // shift EXL bit in sign
bltz a0,SoftReset // if ltz, error not correctable
// If the error occured on the SysAd bus, then the error is not correctable.
sll a0,v1,31 - CACHEERR_EE // shift EE bit into sign
bltz a0,SoftReset // if ltz, error not correctable
// Determine whether the error is in the instruction or data cache.
sll a0,v1,31 - CACHEERR_ER // shift ER bit into sign
bgez a0,IcacheError // if gez, instruction cache error
// The error occured in the data cache.
// If the error is a data error in the primary cache, then the error
// is not correctable since the cache line dirty bit is included in
// the parity calculation and therefore may be wrong.
DcacheError: //
sll a0,v1,31 - CACHEERR_EC // shift EC bit into sign
bgez a0,SoftReset // if gez, error in primary cache
b ExitError // exit error
// The error occured in the instruction cache.
// If the error occured in the secondary data cache, then the error is not
// correctable since there is not secondary instruciton cache.
IcacheError: //
sll a0,v1,31 - CACHEERR_EC // shift EC bit into sign
bltz a0,SoftReset // if ltz, error in secondary cache
// The cache error has been corrected - restore register state and continue
// execution.
ExitError: //
.set noreorder
.set noat
la k0,SavedAt // get address of register save area
li k1,KSEG1_BASE // convert address of KSEG1 address
or k0,k0,k1 //
lw AT,0(k0) // restore registers AT - a3
lw v0,4(k0) //
lw v1,8(k0) //
lw a0,12(k0) //
lw a1,16(k0) //
lw a2,20(k0) //
eret //
.set at
.set reorder
// Cache error cannot be corrected - transfer control to soft reset vector.
SoftReset: //
la k0,SOFT_RESET_VECTOR // get address of soft reset vector
j k0 // perform a soft reset
.end HalpCacheErrorRoutine