Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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#pragma comment(exestr, "$Header: /usr4/winnt/SOURCES/ddk351/src/hal/halsni4x/mips/RCS/xxcalstl.c,v 1.2 1995/10/06 09:42:11 flo Exp $")
Copyright (c) 1991 - 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the calibration of the stall execution HAL
service, computes the count rate for the profile clock, and connects
the clock and profile interrupts for a MIPS R3000 or R4000 system.
Kernel mode only.
#include "halp.h"
#include "stdio.h"
// Put all code for HAL initialization in the INIT section. It will be
// deallocated by memory management when phase 1 initialization is
// completed.
#if defined(ALLOC_PRAGMA)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, HalpCalibrateStall)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT, HalpStallInterrupt)
// Define global data used to calibrate and stall processor execution.
ULONG HalpProfileCountRate;
ULONG volatile HalpStallEnd;
ULONG HalpStallScaleFactor;
ULONG volatile HalpStallStart;
HalpCalibrateStall (
Routine Description:
This function calibrates the stall execution HAL service and connects
the clock and profile interrupts to the appropriate NT service routines.
Return Value:
A value of TRUE is returned if the calibration is successfully
completed. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returned.
ULONG Index;
KIRQL OldIrql;
// Use a range of scale factors from 50ns down to 10ns assuming a
// five instruction stall loop.
for (Index = 200; Index > 0; Index -= 10) {
// Disable all interrupts and establish calibration parameters.
KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql);
// Set the scale factor, stall count, starting stall count, and
// ending stall count values.
PCR->StallScaleFactor = 4000 / (Index * 5);
PCR->StallExecutionCount = 0;
HalpStallStart = 0;
HalpStallEnd = 0;
// Enable interrupts and stall execution.
// Stall execution for (MAXIMUM_INCREMENT / 10) * 4 us.
KeStallExecutionProcessor((MAXIMUM_INCREMENT / 10) * 4);
// If both the starting and ending stall counts have been captured,
// then break out of loop.
if ((HalpStallStart != 0) && (HalpStallEnd != 0)) {
if (Index == 0) {
HalDisplayString("ºWARNING: Cannot compute stall factor º\n");
HalDisplayString("ºWARNING: Using default value (250 Mhz) º\n");
HalpStallScaleFactor = 0x20;
HalpProfileCountRate = 125*1000000;
else {
// Compute the profile interrupt rate.
HalpProfileCountRate =
HalpProfileCountRate * ((1000 * 1000 * 10) / MAXIMUM_INCREMENT);
// Compute the stall execution scale factor.
HalpStallScaleFactor = (HalpStallEnd - HalpStallStart +
if (HalpStallScaleFactor <= 0) {
HalpStallScaleFactor = 1;
PCR->StallScaleFactor = HalpStallScaleFactor;
// Set the time increment value and connect the real clock interrupt
// routine.
PCR->InterruptRoutine[CLOCK2_LEVEL] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE) HalpClockInterrupt;
// Write the compare register and clear the count register, and
// connect the profile interrupt if profiling is done via count/compare interrupt.
PCR->InterruptRoutine[PROFILE_LEVEL] = (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE) HalpProfileInterrupt;
return TRUE;
KeStallExecutionProcessor (
IN ULONG MicroSeconds
Routine Description:
This function stalls execution of the current processor for the specified
number of microseconds.
MicroSeconds - Supplies the number of microseconds that execution is to
be stalled.
Return Value:
ULONG Index;
// Use the stall scale factor to determine the number of iterations
// the wait loop must be executed to stall the processor for the
// specified number of microseconds.
Index = MicroSeconds * PCR->StallScaleFactor;
do {
PCR->StallExecutionCount += 1;
Index -= 1;
} while (Index > 0);
HalpStallInterrupt (
Routine Description:
This function serves as the stall calibration interrupt service
routine. It is executed in response to system clock interrupts
during the initialization of the HAL layer.
Return Value:
// If this is the very first interrupt, then wait for the second
// interrupt before starting the timing interval. Else, if this
// the second interrupt, then capture the starting stall count
// and clear the count register on R4000 processors. Else, if this
// is the third interrupt, then capture the ending stall count and
// the ending count register on R4000 processors. Else, if this is
// the fourth or subsequent interrupt, then simply dismiss it.
if ((HalpStallStart == 0) && (HalpStallEnd == 0)) {
HalpStallEnd = 1;
} else if ((HalpStallStart == 0) && (HalpStallEnd != 0)) {
HalpStallStart = PCR->StallExecutionCount;
HalpStallEnd = 0;
} else if ((HalpStallStart != 0) && (HalpStallEnd == 0)) {
HalpStallEnd = PCR->StallExecutionCount;
HalpProfileCountRate = HalpWriteCompareRegisterAndClear(0);