Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines the structures used by the NT redirectors connection
management package.
Larry Osterman (LarryO) 1-Jun-1990
Revision History:
1-Jun-1990 LarryO
#ifndef _CONNECT_
#define _CONNECT_
// Connection types.
// This enum describes the connection types possible for the NT redir.
#define CONNECT_WILD -1
#define CONNECT_DISK 0
#define CONNECT_COMM 2
#define CONNECT_IPC 3
// Dialect flags
// These flags describe the various and sundry capabilities that
// a server can provide.
#define DF_CORE 0x00000001 // Server is a core server
#define DF_MIXEDCASEPW 0x00000002 // Server supports mixed case password
#define DF_OLDRAWIO 0x00000004 // Server supports MSNET 1.03 RAW I/O
#define DF_NEWRAWIO 0x00000008 // Server supports LANMAN Raw I/O
#define DF_LANMAN10 0x00000010 // Server supports LANMAN 1.0 protocol
#define DF_LANMAN20 0x00000020 // Server supports LANMAN 2.0 protocol
#define DF_MIXEDCASE 0x00000040 // Server supports mixed case files
#define DF_LONGNAME 0x00000080 // Server supports long named files
#define DF_EXTENDNEGOT 0x00000100 // Server returns extended negotiate
#define DF_LOCKREAD 0x00000200 // Server supports LockReadWriteUnlock
#define DF_SECURITY 0x00000400 // Server supports enhanced security
#define DF_NTPROTOCOL 0x00000800 // Server supports NT semantics
#define DF_SUPPORTEA 0x00001000 // Server supports extended attribs
#define DF_LANMAN21 0x00002000 // Server supports LANMAN 2.1 protocol
#define DF_CANCEL 0x00004000 // Server supports NT style cancel
#define DF_UNICODE 0x00008000 // Server supports unicode names.
#define DF_NTNEGOTIATE 0x00010000 // Server supports NT style negotiate.
#define DF_LARGE_FILES 0x00020000 // Server supports large files.
#define DF_NT_SMBS 0x00040000 // Server supports NT SMBs
#define DF_RPC_REMOTE 0x00080000 // Server is administrated via RPC
#define DF_NT_STATUS 0x00100000 // Server returns NT style statuses
#define DF_OPLOCK_LVL2 0x00200000 // Server supports level 2 oplocks.
#define DF_TIME_IS_UTC 0x00400000 // Server time is in UTC.
#define DF_WFW 0x00800000 // Server is Windows for workgroups.
#define DF_LARGE_READX 0x01000000 // Server supports oversized ReadAndX requests
#ifdef _CAIRO_
#define DF_KERBEROS 0x01000000 // Server does kerberos authentication
#endif // _CAIRO_
#define DF_TRANS2_FSCTL 0x02000000 // Server accepts remoted fsctls in tran2s
#define DF_DFSAWARE 0x04000000 // Server is Dfs aware
#define DF_NT_FIND 0x08000000 // Server supports NT infolevels
#define DF_NT_40 0x10000000 // Server is NT 4.0
// Timeout for failed connects. If a new connect attempt comes in within
// FAILED_CONNECT_TIMEOUT seconds after a failed connect, the new one fails
// with the same status as the failed connect.
// ServerListEntry flags
#define SLE_PAGING_FILE 0x00000001 // There is a paging file on this server
#define SLE_PINGING 0x00000002 // Ping outstanding on TC.
#define SLE_HAS_IP_ADDR 0x00000004 // SLE has IP and NB address info
// ServerListEntry
// The ServerListEntry contains all the information needed to describe
// a discrete server that the NT redirector is connected to.
// Each ServerList entry contains two resource structures. One protects
// the "disconnected" bit in the serverlistentry's Flags field.
// The other one is somewhat more interesting. This resource is used
// to gate raw I/O operations to the remote server. The generic SMB
// exchange routines will acquire the resource for shared access. This
// has no effect for the threads that acquire the resource.
// When the redirector is about to try to exchange an SMB with the server
// using raw protocols, the Read/Write logic will attempt to acquire the
// resource for exclusive access. If the attempt to gain access to the
// resource fails, the redirector will use core protocols, if it succeeds,
// the redirector will know that this is the only thread in the system
// performing I/O to the remote server, and that it has exclusive access
// to the server. Any subsequent operations to the server will block
// while trying to acquire the resource for shared access until the raw
// operation has completed.
typedef struct _SERVERLISTENTRY {
CSHORT Signature; //* Serverlist Signature.
CSHORT Size; //* Serverlist Size.
ULONG RefCount; //1 Number of references to SList.
ULONG Flags; //3 Temporary flags about SLE.
ULONG Capabilities; //3 Server capabilities mask.
UNICODE_STRING Text; //* Name of serverlist (LOTHAIR)
// The rdr allows connecting to servers via its NetBIOS name, DNS name,
// or \\IP-Address name. We need to set the VcNumber field correctly when
// we have connected to the same server via its different names, or the
// server will only keep one VC alive. So, we capture the server's
// NetBIOS name and IPAddress. The NetBIOS name will be the same as
// the 'Text' field only if 'Text' is the NetBIOS name and we connected
// to the server via NetBT.
UNICODE_STRING NBName; //* The NetBIOS name of server
WCHAR NBNameBuffer[16]; //* The buffer for NBName
TDI_ADDRESS_IP IPAddress; //* IP Address of server
NTSTATUS LastConnectStatus;
ULONG LastConnectTime;
#ifdef _CAIRO_
UNICODE_STRING Principal; //3 Name of principal (fully qualified name)
#endif // _CAIRO_
UNICODE_STRING DomainName; // name of remote domain
LIST_ENTRY GlobalNext; //1 Next ServerList structure.
LIST_ENTRY CLEHead; //1 Pointer to ConnectList chain.
LIST_ENTRY DefaultSeList; //5 List of default security entries
LIST_ENTRY ActiveSecurityList; //3 Security Entries on this connection.
LIST_ENTRY PotentialSecurityList; //2 Security Entries on this connection.
LIST_ENTRY ScavengerList; // scavenging list.
PTRANSPORT SpecificTransportProvider;
BOOLEAN IsLoopback; // is this a loopback connection?
BOOLEAN InCancel; //7 True if MPX entries are being scavenged
LARGE_INTEGER TimeZoneBias; //3 NT Time bias to convert to server time
ULONG ConnectionReferenceCount; //3
PRDR_CONNECTION_CONTEXT ConnectionContext; // 3
LONG SecurityEntryCount; //3 Number of security entries.
ULONG SessionKey; //3 Servers session key.
ULONG BufferSize; //3 Servers negotiated buffer size.
USHORT MaximumRequests; //3 Maximum number of outstanding req's
USHORT MaximumVCs; //3 Maximum number of VC's
// Fields describing MPX exchange mechanism in this transport connection.
// A MID (Mpx ID) is composed of two pieces. The low order bits
// are an index into the Mpx Table, the high order bits form a rotating
// counter. This allows all of the MID's issued by the redirector to
// be unique.
// Pointer to MPX entry table
struct _MPX_TABLE *MpxTable; //7 Start of MPX table for VC.
struct _MPX_ENTRY *OpLockMpxEntry; //7 MpxEntry for oplock break on VC.
// Number of MPX entries in the current MPX table.
ULONG NumberOfEntries; //7 Actual number of entries in list.
// Number of outstanding entries in the table at this time.
ULONG NumberOfActiveEntries; //7 Number of outstanding entries.
// Number of outstanding long term entries in the table at this time.
ULONG NumberOfLongTermEntries; //7 Number of outstanding longterm entries.
// Maximum number of commands to this server.
ULONG MaximumCommands; //7 Max Number of commands for server
// This reflects the current value of the rotating MPX counter.
USHORT MultiplexedCounter; //7
// Adding this value to MpxCounter steps the counter to the next
// counter value.
USHORT MultiplexedIncrement; //*
// Masking a Mid with this value will result in an index into the MPX table.
USHORT MultiplexedMask; //*
USHORT CryptKeyLength; //3 Size of encryption key.
KSEMAPHORE GateSemaphore; // Semaphore gating access to server.
ERESOURCE CreationLock; // Resource synchronizing file creates
// with tree connection modifications
ERESOURCE SessionStateModifiedLock;// Lock synchronizing connect/reconnect
ERESOURCE OutstandingRequestResource;// Resource to prevent disconnect
// while there are outstanding operations
ERESOURCE RawResource; // Resource protecting raw operations.
// Calculated maximum number of bytes for RawReads
ULONG RawReadMaximum;
// Calculated maximum number of bytes for RawWrites
ULONG RawWriteMaximum;
// Transport provided performance data.
ULONG Throughput; //3 Throughput of link in bytes/second
ULONG Delay; //3 Overhead of protocol (small packet time)
ULONG WriteBehindPages; //3 Maximum number of dirty pages for open files.
LARGE_INTEGER ThirtySecondsOfData; //3 # of bytes that can be written in 30 seconds
BOOLEAN Reliable; //3 Transport considers connection reliable
BOOLEAN ReadAhead; //3 Throughput is high enough to enable readahead
BOOLEAN ConnectionValid; //3 True IFF connection is valid.
BOOLEAN DisconnectNeeded; //3 True IFF disconnect is needed on connection.
BOOLEAN UserSecurity; //3 TRUE if user level security
BOOLEAN EncryptPasswords; //3 TRUE if encryption supported.
BOOLEAN SupportsRawRead; //3 TRUE iff server supports raw read.
BOOLEAN SupportsRawWrite; //3 TRUE iff server supports raw write.
BOOLEAN Scanning; //4 Rdr will scan reliability and throughput
UCHAR CryptKey[CRYPT_TXT_LEN]; //* Encryption key.
KSPIN_LOCK RequestHistoryLock;
ULONG RequestHistoryIndex;
ULONG RequestHistory[64];
#define ACQUIRE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE(_server,_wait,_num) ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &(_server)->OutstandingRequestResource, (_wait) )
#define ACQUIRE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_SHARED(_server,_wait,_num) ExAcquireResourceShared( &(_server)->OutstandingRequestResource, (_wait) )
#define RELEASE_REQUEST_RESOURCE(_server,_num) ExReleaseResource( &(_server)->OutstandingRequestResource )
#define RELEASE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_FOR_THREAD(_server,_thread,_num) ExReleaseResourceForThread( &(_server)->OutstandingRequestResource, (_thread) )
BOOLEAN AcquireRequestResourceExclusive( PSERVERLISTENTRY Server, BOOLEAN Wait, UCHAR Number );
BOOLEAN AcquireRequestResourceShared( PSERVERLISTENTRY Server, BOOLEAN Wait, UCHAR Number );
VOID ReleaseRequestResource( PSERVERLISTENTRY Server, UCHAR Number );
VOID ReleaseRequestResourceForThread( PSERVERLISTENTRY Server, ERESOURCE_THREAD Thread, UCHAR Number );
#define ACQUIRE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_EXCLUSIVE(_server,_wait,_num) AcquireRequestResourceExclusive( (_server), (_wait), (_num) )
#define ACQUIRE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_SHARED(_server,_wait,_num) AcquireRequestResourceShared( (_server), (_wait), (_num) )
#define RELEASE_REQUEST_RESOURCE(_server,_num) ReleaseRequestResource( (_server), (_num) )
#define RELEASE_REQUEST_RESOURCE_FOR_THREAD(_server,_thread,_num) ReleaseRequestResourceForThread( (_server), (_thread), (_num) )
// * - Field is set when SLE is created and never modified.
// 1 - Field is protected by database mutex
// 2 - Field is protected by security mutex
// 3 - Field is protected by SessionStateModified/ConnectionValidLock
// 4 - Field is protected by *******
// 5 - Field is protected by RdrDefaultSeLock
// 6 - Field is protected by OutstandingRequestsLock
// 7 - Field is protected by MpxTableLock
// The CONNECTLISTENTRY structure is maintained in two linked lists. The
// primary connection is based off a SERVERLISTENTRY, however there is a
// global chain of CONNECTLISTENTRYs as well to allow the redirector to
// walk the connectlist chain directly.
#define CLE_SCANNED 0x00000001 // Connection has been scanned during dormant scan.
#define CLE_DORMANT 0x00000002 // Connection is dormant.
#define CLE_TREECONNECTED 0x00000008 // Connection has a tree connection.
#define CLE_DOESNT_NOTIFY 0x00000010 // ChangeNotify not supported (NT only).
#define CLE_IS_A_DFS_SHARE 0x00000020 // Share is in Dfs
#define CLE_PAGING_FILE 0x00000010 // Indicates there may be a paging file on this connection.
typedef struct _CONNECTLISTENTRY {
USHORT Signature; //* CLE Signature
USHORT Size; //*Size
LONG RefCount; //1 Number of References to CList.
ULONG Type; //3 Type of connection.
ULONG Flags; //1 Assorted connection flags
LONG NumberOfDormantFiles; //5 Number of dormant files (interlocked)
// The fields below are pagable.
struct _SERVERLISTENTRY *Server; //* Pointer to serverlist
LIST_ENTRY SiblingNext; //1 Pointer to per server next CLE.
LIST_ENTRY GlobalNext; //1 Pointer to global next field
UNICODE_STRING Text; //* Name of connection (SCRATCH)
ULONG SerialNumber; //* Serial number for CLE.
LIST_ENTRY FcbChain; //1 Pointer to per connectlist ICB list
ULONG DormantTimeout; //1 Dormant connection timeout.
#ifdef NOTIFY
LIST_ENTRY DirNotifyList; //2 List for FindNotify.
LIST_ENTRY DefaultSeList; //4 List of default security entries
#ifdef NOTIFY
PNOTIFY_SYNC NotifySync; // Sychronization for dir notify
// The next field contains the file system's allocation unit
// granularity. It is cached, and is used by NtQueryInformationFile
// to determine a file's allocation information from it's size.
// If this field is non zero, then the information has been filled in,
// if it is 0, it has not been filled in.
ULONG FileSystemGranularity; //5 Cluster granularity of file system
LARGE_INTEGER FileSystemSize; //5 Size of remote filesystem.
// The next 2 fields are similar to FileSystemGranularity. If
// FileSystemAttributes are non zero, then the information in them is
// valid, if they are zero, then the information in them is not valid,
// and it has to be queried from the net.
// It is safe for this to be unprotected, the worst thing that could
// happen is for the redirector to query this information twice.
ULONG FileSystemAttributes; //5 Attributes of file system
LONG MaximumComponentLength; //5 Name length of file name components
// The next 2 fields are used to cache filesystem information, so we don't
// hammer the server too much requesting information again and again
LARGE_INTEGER FsSizeInformationExpiration;// The above data expires at this time.
USHORT FileSystemTypeLength; //3 Length of file system type.
USHORT TreeId; //3 Tree Id returned from server.
BOOLEAN HasTreeId; //3
BOOLEAN Deleted; // True if NetUseDel performed on connection.
WCHAR FileSystemType[LM20_DEVLEN+1]; //3 Lanman 2.1 Supplied File System.
// This holds the name of the last successful CHECK_DIRECTORY request to the server.
// Observation shows that NTW tends to repeat requests quite often -- this cache
// is used to locally satisfy the request. 'RdrServerStateUpdated'
// incremented every time this client changes state on the server -- it's value
// is placed in CheckPathServerState when the CHECK_DIRECTORY succeeded. We
// only use this cache if the expiration time has not passed, and if
// CheckPathServerState is still equal to RdrServerStateUpdated.
union {
UNICODE_STRING CachedValidCheckPath;
LARGE_INTEGER CachedValidCheckPathExpiration; // The above data expires at this time
LONG CheckPathServerState; // Snapshotted value of RdrServerStateUpdated
// This may hold the name of a file or directory which we know does not exist on the server
union {
UNICODE_STRING CachedInvalidPath;
WCHAR _buf2[ MAX_PATH + sizeof( UNICODE_STRING) ];
LARGE_INTEGER CachedInvalidPathExpiration; // The above data expires at this time
ULONG CachedInvalidSmbCount; // Snapshotted value RdrStatistics.SmbsTransmitted
// * - Field is set when CLE is created and never modified.
// 1 - Field is protected by database mutex
#ifdef NOTIFY
// 2 - Field is protected by NotifySync
// 3 - Field is protected by Server->SessionStateModifiedLock
// 4 - Field is protected by RdrDefaultSecurityEntrySpinLock
// 5 - Field is unprotected.
#endif // _CONNECT_