Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines global data for the LAN Manager server.
Chuck Lenzmeier (chuckl) 22-Sep-1989
Revision History:
#ifndef _SRVDATA_
#define _SRVDATA_
//#include <ntos.h>
//#include "lock.h"
//#include "srvconst.h"
//#include "smbtypes.h"
// All global variables referenced in this module are defined in
// srvdata.c. See that module for complete descriptions.
// The variables referenced herein, because they are part of the driver
// image, are not pageable. However, some of the things pointed to by
// these variables are in the FSP's address space and are pageable.
// These variables are only accessed by the FSP, and only at low IRQL.
// Any data referenced by the FSP at elevated IRQL or by the FSD must
// be nonpageable.
// Routine to initialize data structures contained herein that cannot
// be statically initialized.
SrvInitializeData (
// Routine to clean up global server data when the driver is unloaded.
SrvTerminateData (
// Address of the server device object.
extern PDEVICE_OBJECT SrvDeviceObject;
// Fields describing the state of the FSP.
extern BOOLEAN SrvFspActive; // Indicates whether the FSP is running
extern BOOLEAN SrvFspTransitioning; // Indicates that the server is in the
// process of starting up or
// shutting down
extern BOOLEAN RegisteredForShutdown; // Indicates whether the server has
// registered for shutdown notification.
extern PEPROCESS SrvServerProcess; // Pointer to the initial system process
extern BOOLEAN SrvCompletedPNPRegistration; // Indicates whether the FSP has completed
// registering for PNP notifications
// Endpoint variables. SrvEndpointCount is used to count the number of
// active endpoints. When the last endpoint is closed, SrvEndpointEvent
// is set so that the thread processing the shutdown request continues
// server termination.
extern CLONG SrvEndpointCount; // Number of transport endpoints
extern KEVENT SrvEndpointEvent; // Signaled when no active endpoints
// DMA alignment size
extern ULONG SrvCacheLineSize;
// Global spin locks.
extern SRV_GLOBAL_SPIN_LOCKS SrvGlobalSpinLocks;
// Lock used to protect debugging structures.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvDebugLock;
// SrvConfigurationLock is used to synchronize configuration requests.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvConfigurationLock;
// SrvStartupShutdownLock is used to synchronize driver starting and stopping
extern SRV_LOCK SrvStartupShutdownLock;
// SvrCommDeviceLock is used to serialize access to comm devices.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvCommDeviceLock;
// SrvEndpointLock serializes access to the global endpoint list and
// all endpoints. Note that the list of connections in each endpoint
// is also protected by this lock.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvEndpointLock;
// SrvShareLock protects all shares.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvShareLock;
// The number of processors in the system
extern ULONG SrvNumberOfProcessors;
// Work queues -- nonblocking, blocking, and critical.
extern PBYTE SrvWorkQueuesBase;
extern PWORK_QUEUE SrvWorkQueues;
extern WORK_QUEUE SrvWorkQueues[1];
extern PWORK_QUEUE eSrvWorkQueues; // used to terminate 'for' loops
extern WORK_QUEUE SrvBlockingWorkQueue;
extern ULONG SrvReBalanced; // how often we've picked another CPU
extern ULONG SrvNextBalanceProcessor; // Which processor we'll look for next
extern CLONG SrvBlockingOpsInProgress;
// Various list heads.
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvNeedResourceQueue; // The need resource queue
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvDisconnectQueue; // The disconnect queue
// Queue of connections that needs to be dereferenced.
extern SLIST_HEADER SrvBlockOrphanage;
// FSP configuration queue. The FSD puts configuration request IRPs
// (from NtDeviceIoControlFile) on this queue, and it is serviced by an
// EX worker thread.
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvConfigurationWorkQueue;
// This is the number of configuration IRPs which have been queued but not
// yet completed.
extern ULONG SrvConfigurationIrpsInProgress;
// Work item for running the configuration thread in the context of an
// EX worker thread.
extern WORK_QUEUE_ITEM SrvConfigurationThreadWorkItem[ MAX_CONFIG_WORK_ITEMS ];
// Base address of the large block allocated to hold initial normal
// work items (see blkwork.c\SrvAllocateInitialWorkItems).
extern PVOID SrvInitialWorkItemBlock;
// Work item used to run the resource thread. Booleans used to inform
// the resource thread to continue running.
extern WORK_QUEUE_ITEM SrvResourceThreadWorkItem;
extern BOOLEAN SrvResourceThreadRunning;
extern BOOLEAN SrvResourceDisconnectPending;
extern BOOLEAN SrvResourceFreeConnection;
extern LONG SrvResourceOrphanedBlocks;
// Generic security mapping for connecting to shares
extern GENERIC_MAPPING SrvShareConnectMapping;
// What's the minumum # of free work items each processor should have?
extern ULONG SrvMinPerProcessorFreeWorkItems;
// The server has callouts to enable a smart card to accelerate its direct
// host IPX performance. This is the vector of entry points.
extern SRV_IPX_SMART_CARD SrvIpxSmartCard;
// The master file table contains one entry for each named file that has
// at least one open instance.
extern MFCBHASH SrvMfcbHashTable[ NMFCB_HASH_TABLE ];
// The share table contains one entry for each share
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvShareHashTable[ NSHARE_HASH_TABLE ];
// Hex digits array used by the dump routines and SrvSmbCreateTemporary.
extern CHAR SrvHexChars[];
// SMB dispatch table
extern UCHAR SrvSmbIndexTable[];
typedef struct {
#if DBG
extern SRV_SMB_DISPATCH_TABLE SrvSmbDispatchTable[];
// SMB word count table.
extern SCHAR SrvSmbWordCount[];
// Device prefix strings.
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvCanonicalNamedPipePrefix;
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvNamedPipeRootDirectory;
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvMailslotRootDirectory;
// Transaction2 dispatch table
extern PSMB_TRANSACTION_PROCESSOR SrvTransaction2DispatchTable[];
extern PSMB_TRANSACTION_PROCESSOR SrvNtTransactionDispatchTable[];
extern SRV_STATISTICS SrvStatistics;
extern SRV_STATISTICS_DEBUG SrvDbgStatistics;
// Server environment information strings.
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvNativeOS;
extern OEM_STRING SrvOemNativeOS;
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvNativeLanMan;
extern OEM_STRING SrvOemNativeLanMan;
// The following will be a permanent handle and device object pointer
// to NPFS.
extern HANDLE SrvNamedPipeHandle;
extern PDEVICE_OBJECT SrvNamedPipeDeviceObject;
extern PFILE_OBJECT SrvNamedPipeFileObject;
// The following are used to converse with the Dfs driver
extern PFAST_IO_DEVICE_CONTROL SrvDfsFastIoDeviceControl;
extern PDEVICE_OBJECT SrvDfsDeviceObject;
extern PFILE_OBJECT SrvDfsFileObject;
// The following will be a permanent handle and device object pointer
// to MSFS.
extern HANDLE SrvMailslotHandle;
extern PDEVICE_OBJECT SrvMailslotDeviceObject;
extern PFILE_OBJECT SrvMailslotFileObject;
// Flag indicating XACTSRV whether is active, and resource synchronizing
// access to XACTSRV-related variabled.
extern BOOLEAN SrvXsActive;
extern ERESOURCE SrvXsResource;
// Handle to the unnamed shared memory and communication port used for
// communication between the server and XACTSRV.
extern HANDLE SrvXsSectionHandle;
extern HANDLE SrvXsPortHandle;
// Pointers to control the unnamed shared memory for the XACTSRV LPC port.
extern PVOID SrvXsPortMemoryBase;
extern LONG SrvXsPortMemoryDelta;
extern PVOID SrvXsPortMemoryHeap;
// Pointer to heap header for the special XACTSRV shared-memory heap.
extern PVOID SrvXsHeap;
// Dispatch table for handling server API requests.
extern PAPI_PROCESSOR SrvApiDispatchTable[];
// Names for the various types of clients.
extern UNICODE_STRING SrvClientTypes[];
// All the resumable Enum APIs use ordered lists for context-free
// resume. All data blocks in the server that correspond to return
// information for Enum APIs are maintained in ordered lists.
extern SRV_LOCK SrvOrderedListLock;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvCommDeviceList;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvEndpointList;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvRfcbList;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvSessionList;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvShareList;
extern ORDERED_LIST_HEAD SrvTreeConnectList;
// To synchronize server shutdown with API requests handled in the
// server FSD, we track the number of outstanding API requests. The
// shutdown code waits until all APIs have been completed to start
// termination.
// SrvApiRequestCount tracks the active APIs in the FSD.
// SrvApiCompletionEvent is set by the last API to complete, and the
// shutdown code waits on it if there are outstanding APIs.
extern ULONG SrvApiRequestCount;
extern KEVENT SrvApiCompletionEvent;
// Security contexts required for mutual authentication.
// SrvKerberosLsaHandle and SrvLmLsaHandle are credentials of the server
// principal. They are used to validate incoming kerberos tickets.
// SrvNullSessionToken is a cached token handle representing the null session.
extern CtxtHandle SrvLmLsaHandle;
extern CtxtHandle SrvNullSessionToken;
extern CtxtHandle SrvKerberosLsaHandle;
extern BOOLEAN SrvHaveKerberos;
// Oplock break information.
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvWaitForOplockBreakList;
extern SRV_LOCK SrvOplockBreakListLock;
extern LIST_ENTRY SrvOplockBreaksInProgressList;
// The default server security quality of service.
// A BOOLEAN to indicate whether the server is paused. If paused, the
// server will not accept new tree connections from non-admin users.
extern BOOLEAN SrvPaused;
// Alerting information.
extern SRV_ERROR_RECORD SrvErrorRecord;
extern SRV_ERROR_RECORD SrvNetworkErrorRecord;
extern BOOLEAN SrvDiskAlertRaised[26];
// Counts of the number of times pool allocations have failed because
// the server was at its configured pool limit.
extern ULONG SrvNonPagedPoolLimitHitCount;
extern ULONG SrvPagedPoolLimitHitCount;
// SrvOpenCount counts the number of active opens of the server device.
// This is used at server shutdown time to determine whether the server
// service should unload the driver.
extern ULONG SrvOpenCount;
// Counters for logging resource shortage events during a scavenger pass.
extern ULONG SrvOutOfFreeConnectionCount;
extern ULONG SrvOutOfRawWorkItemCount;
extern ULONG SrvFailedBlockingIoCount;
// Token source name passed to authentication package.
extern TOKEN_SOURCE SrvTokenSource;
// Current core search timeout time in seconds
extern ULONG SrvCoreSearchTimeout;
// SrvTimerList is a pool of timer/DPC structures available for use by
// code that needs to start a timer.
extern SLIST_HEADER SrvTimerList;
// Name that should be displayed when doing a server alert.
extern PWSTR SrvAlertServiceName;
// Variable to store the number of tick counts for 5 seconds
extern ULONG SrvFiveSecondTickCount;
// Holds the notification handle which TDI gives us from TdiRegisterNotificationHandler()
extern HANDLE SrvTdiNotificationHandle;
// Security descriptor granting Administrator READ access.
// Used to see if a client has administrative privileges
extern SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SrvAdminSecurityDescriptor;
// Flag indicating whether or not we need to filter extended characters
// out of 8.3 names ourselves.
extern BOOLEAN SrvFilterExtendedCharsInPath;
#endif // ndef _SRVDATA_