Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

527 lines
13 KiB

#include "detect.h"
#include <crtapi.h>
static union _REGS inregs;
int IFS_Present( void )
static int fDone=-1;
static int fResult;
if (-1 == fDone)
fResult = IFSFUNC_Present();
fDone = 0;
return fResult;
} /* end IFS_Present() */
char _far * WinGetEnv(char _far *var)
extern char _far * _pascal GetDosEnvironment(void);
char _far *Env = GetDosEnvironment();
while (*Env)
if (_fstrncmp(Env, var, _fstrlen(var)) == 0)
return(Env + _fstrlen(var)+1);
Env += _fstrlen(Env)+1;
/* Copyright (c) 1989 - Microsoft Corp. */
/* All rights reserved. */
/* */
/* Gets the PATH variable from the enviroment and then copies it to a */
/* specified buffer and seperates the string into individual paths and */
/* fills in an array of pointers to the beginning of each string. */
/* */
/* void GetPathStrings( char **apszPaths, char *chBuffer, int BufSize ) */
/* */
/* ARGUMENTS: apszPaths - Array of pointers to be filled in*/
/* chBuffer - Buffer to copy the string into */
/* BufSize - Size of passed buffer in bytes */
/* RETURNS: void */
/* */
/* johnhe - 01/13/89 */
void GetPathStrings( char **apszPaths, char *chBuffer, int BufSize )
register i; /* Index for array apszPaths */
char _far *szEnvironment; /* Pointer to eviro PATH string */
char *pchEnd; /* Pointer to end of PATH string*/
/* Make sure there is a path enviro variable */
if ( (szEnvironment = getenv( "PATH" )) != NULL )
//if ( (szEnvironment = WinGetEnv( "PATH" )) != NULL )
/* Copy string to work buffer */
i = _fstrlen( szEnvironment );
if ( i < BufSize )
BufSize = i;
_fstrncpy( chBuffer, szEnvironment, BufSize - 1 );
*(chBuffer + BufSize - 1) = EOL;
RemoveSpaces( chBuffer ); /* Clean up the string */
pchEnd = strchr( chBuffer, EOL ); /* Find end of string */
ReplaceChar( chBuffer, ';', EOL );/*
* Convert to individ string
for ( i = 0; chBuffer < pchEnd; i++ )
apszPaths[i] = chBuffer; /* Save pointer to this path */
chBuffer = strchr( chBuffer, EOL ) + 1; /*
* Find end of
* this path
apszPaths[i] = NULL; /* Mark end of array */
} /* end GetPathStrings */
/* */
/* int FindPath( char *szPathname ) */
/* */
/* ARGUMENTS: szPathname - PATH name to be found */
/* RETURNS: TRUE if the szPathname was found in the PATH */
/* environment variable */
/* FALSE otherwise` */
/* */
int FindPath( char *szPathname )
char **apszPaths;
char *chBuffer;
int i;
if ( ( apszPaths = malloc( sizeof( char * ) * 100 ) ) == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
if ( ( chBuffer = malloc( 200 ) ) == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
GetPathStrings( apszPaths, chBuffer, 200 );/*
* Get pointer to dir paths
for ( i = 0; apszPaths[i] != NULL; i++ )
if ( ScanPath( apszPaths[i], szPathname ) )
return( 1 ); /* Found the desired path */
return( 0 ); /* Did not find the desired path */
} /* end FindPath () */
/* */
/* int ScanPath( char *szFullpathm, char *szSubpath ) */
/* */
/* ARGUMENTS: szFullpathm - string of the PATH env variable */
/* szSubpath - path name to be found */
/* */
/* RETURNS: TRUE if the szSubpath was found in the szFullpathm*/
/* FALSE otherwise` */
/* */
int ScanPath( char *szFullpath, char *szSubpath )
char *szSubStart, *szSubEnd, *szPtr;
int iStat;
szPtr = strchr( szFullpath, ':' );
if ( szPtr != NULL )
szPtr = szFullpath;
while ( 1 )
szSubStart = strchr( szPtr, '\\' );
if ( szSubStart != NULL )
return ( RpcStrcmpi( szPtr, szSubpath ) == 0 );
szSubEnd = strchr( szSubStart, '\\' );
if ( szSubEnd != NULL )
*szSubEnd = EOL;
iStat = ( RpcStrcmpi( szSubStart, szSubpath ) == 0 );
*szSubEnd = '\\';
if ( iStat )
return( iStat ); /* Found match, return */
return( RpcStrcmpi( szSubStart, szSubpath ) == 0 );
szPtr = ++szSubEnd;
} /* end ScanPath() */
/* Scans a buffer for a matching string from a list of strings. If the */
/* global iIgnoreCase == FALSE the buffer and string will be converted to */
/* uppercase before before the search is done. */
/* */
/* int MultScanBuf( char *Buf, char **apszText, unsigned uSize ) */
/* */
/* ARGUMENTS: Buf - Ptr to the search buffer */
/* apszText - Array of ptrs to the strings to search for */
/* uSize - The size of the buffer in bytes */
/* RETURNS: int - First matched string's index value or -1 if no */
/* no match was found */
/* */
int MultScanBuf( char far *Buf, char _far * _far *apszText, unsigned uSize )
char *szString;
char *szStringBuf;
register iMatch;
unsigned uCount;
int iIgnoreCase = 1;
szString = szStringBuf = malloc( MAX_PATH_LEN );
if ( szString == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
/* Convert the buffer to upper case */
if ( iIgnoreCase != FALSE )
for ( uCount = 0; uCount < uSize; uCount++ )
Buf[ uCount ] = (char)toupper( Buf[ uCount ] );
/* Loop once for each string in the search list */
for ( uCount = 0, iMatch = -1;
apszText[ uCount ] != NULL && iMatch == -1;
uCount++ )
/* This is a hard coded test for IBM PC-DOS */
if ( _fstrcmp( apszText[ uCount ], "IBM PC-DOS" ) == OK )
/* If ! case sensitive need to copy string to a */
/* tmp buffer and convert it to upper case */
else if ( iIgnoreCase != FALSE )
_fstrcpy( szString, apszText[ uCount ] );
RpcStrupr( szString );
szString = apszText[ uCount ];
/* Call quick buffer search function */
if ( FindString( Buf, (char far *)szString, uSize ) == OK )
iMatch = (int)(uCount);
free( szStringBuf );
return( iMatch );
} /* end MultScanBuf */
int SearchRedir( char *szRedirname, char _far *szRedirPath )
char **apszPaths;
char szPath[100];
char *Buffer;
char _far *szEnd, *chBuffer;
static struct find_t Dtr;
int i;
static int fResult;
static char szSaveName[128]="", szSavePath[128]="";
if (
(0 == _fstrcmp(szSaveName, szRedirname)) &&
(0 == _fstrcmp(szSavePath, szRedirPath))
return fResult;
_fstrcpy(szSaveName, szRedirname);
_fstrcpy(szSavePath, szRedirPath);
if ( ( apszPaths = malloc( sizeof( char * ) * 100 ) ) == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
if ( ( chBuffer = malloc( 200 ) ) == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
GetPathStrings( apszPaths, chBuffer, 200 );/*
* Get pointer to dir paths */
Buffer = malloc(64);
for ( i = 0; apszPaths[i] != NULL; i++ )
_fstrcpy( szPath, apszPaths[i] );
szEnd = _fstrchr( szPath, '\0' );
if ( *(szEnd - 1) != '\\' )
*(szEnd++) = '\\';
_fstrcpy( szEnd, szRedirname );
_fstrcpy(Buffer, szPath);
if ( _dos_findfirst( Buffer, _A_FILE, &Dtr ) == 0 )
_fstrcpy( szRedirPath, szPath );
return( fResult = 1 ); /* Found it */
return( fResult = 0 ); /* Return failure */
} /* end SearchRedir */
int ScanHimemStr( char _far *szRedirPath )
static int fDone=-1;
static int fResult;
static char _far *apszSrchStr[] = { "HIMEM:", NULL };
if (-1 == fDone)
fResult = ( MultStrMatch(szRedirPath, apszSrchStr ) != -1 );
fDone = 0;
return fResult;
} /* end ScanHimemStr */
int MultStrMatch( char _far *szPath, char _far * _far *apszText )
register iMatch;
char far *Buf;
static int iFile;
long lBufSize;
char *Buffer;
/* Allocate max possible buffer < 64K */
lBufSize = (GetMaxHugeSize() - 5000L);
if ( lBufSize > 0x7000L )
lBufSize = 0x7000L;
if ( lBufSize < (long)MIN_BUF_SIZE ||
(Buf = (char far *)_fmalloc( (int) lBufSize)) == NULL )
DetectExit( NO_MEMORY );
Buffer = malloc(64);
_fstrcpy(Buffer, szPath);
if ( _dos_open( Buffer, O_RDONLY, &iFile ) == OK )
iMatch = ScanFile( iFile, apszText, Buf,
(unsigned int)lBufSize );
iMatch = -1;
RpcClose( iFile );
_ffree( Buf );
return( iMatch );
} /* end MultStrMatch */
unsigned RemoveSpaces( char *szString )
char *szPtr, *szStart;
szStart = szPtr = szString;
while( *szPtr != EOL )
if ( *szPtr != ' ' )
*(szString++) = *(szPtr++);
*szString = EOL;
return( (unsigned)(szStart - szString) );
} /* RemoveSpaces () */
void ReplaceChar( char *szString, char chOldChar, char chNewChar )
while ( (szString = strchr( szString, chOldChar )) != NULL )
*(szString++) = chNewChar;
} /* ReplaceChar */
void DetectExit( int iErr )
switch ( iErr )
case NO_MEMORY: // printf( "\nError: Insufficient memory" );
default: break;
// RpcExit( -1 );
} /* DetectExit () */
long GetMaxHugeSize( void )
unsigned MaxStrLen( char _far * _far *Strings )
register i;
unsigned Len;
unsigned MaxLen;
for ( i = MaxLen = 0; Strings[i] != NULL; i++ )
Len = _fstrlen( Strings[i] );
if ( Len > MaxLen )
MaxLen = Len;
return( MaxLen );
/* Reads in sections of a file into a specified buffer and then scans the */
/* the buffer for the first match in a list of strings. The scan will */
/* continue until the entire file has been scanned or a matching string */
/* has been found. */
/* */
/* int ScanFile( int iFile, char **apszText, char *Buf, unsigned BufSize ) */
/* */
/* ARGUMENTS: iFile - Open dos file handle from _dos_open() */
/* apszText- Array of ptrs to string to search for */
/* Buf - Ptr to disk read buffer */
/* BufSize - Size of the disk read buffer in bytes */
/* RETURNS: int - First matched string's index value or -1 if no */
/* no match was found */
/* */
int ScanFile( int iFile, char _far * _far *apszText, char far *Buf, unsigned BufSize )
register iMatch;
register iCount;
unsigned uToRead;
static unsigned uRead;
unsigned uOffset;
char far *Ptr;
uToRead = BufSize; /* Read as much as buffer will hold on first read */
for ( iMatch = -1, iCount = 0, uOffset = 0, Ptr = Buf; /* Loop Init */
iMatch == -1 && /* Condition 1 */
_dos_read( iFile, Ptr, uToRead, &uRead ) == OK && /* Condition 2 */
uRead != 0; /* Condition 3 */
iCount++ ) /* Re-init */
if ((iMatch = MultScanBuf(Buf,apszText,uRead+uOffset) ) == -1 )
/* Need to move the last portion of the buffer */
/* scanned to the begining of the buffer and do the */
/* next read the end of this to avoid missing */
/* a match if it was split by the last read */
if (iCount == 0) /* See if this was the first read */
uOffset = MaxStrLen( apszText );
Ptr += uOffset;
uToRead -= uOffset;
if ( uRead > uOffset )/* Make sure not at end of file */
_fmemmove( Buf, Buf + (uRead-uOffset), uOffset );
Ptr = Buf, uOffset = 0; /*
* Only a small peice
* left to do
return( iMatch );
int IsUbnet()
static int fDone = -1;
static int fResult;
if (-1 == fDone)
fDone = 0; = 0xdd05;
inregs.x.bx = 0;
RpcInt86( 0x2f, &inregs, &inregs );
fResult = ( != 0xdd05 );
return fResult;
} /* end IsUbnet() */
int IsIBMLan()
static int fDone = -1;
static int fResult;
if (-1 == fDone)
fDone = 0; = 0xb800;
RpcInt86( 0x2f, &inregs, &inregs );
fResult = ( == 0xff );
return fResult;
} /* end IsIBMLan() */
unsigned long Bcd ( unsigned long lInput, unsigned iFrom, unsigned iTo )
unsigned long lResult=0L;
unsigned iBase=1;
lResult += (lInput % 10) * iBase;
lInput /= iFrom;
iBase *= iTo;
} while (0 != lInput);
return lResult;
} /* end Bcd */