Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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cls :a 63 "Microsoft Remote Procedure Call Setup"
echo " Copyright (C) 1992 by Microsoft"
echo "Warning:"
echo " If you have files with the same file names as files copied during"
echo " installation, the old versions will be overwritten."
echo " If you have not backed up the distribution disks or if you do"
echo " not have copies of old versions, you should make backup copies now."
echo "Interacting with setup"
echo " When setup asks you for input, the default value is highlighted."
echo " Pressing enter will signal your acceptance of the input."
echo " You may use the backspace key to erase the default and enter a new value."
echo " Multiple items listed in a box are selected with the Up/Down arrow keys."
echo " Yes or No questions are answered by pressing Y or N."
set yes=1
set ok ="ok"
set new = "<new>"
dialog yesNo,yes,"Press Enter to continue: "
if (yes == 0) then exit 1
set fAllClient=1
set fmoddosPath=0
echo "An application which uses RPC loads componets of the run-time when"
echo "the application is run. You may chose to install these files in"
echo "a directory already on your path or a some place else. If the directory"
echo "is not on your path, setup will add this directory to it."
echo "What directory do you want the RPC runtime MS-DOS .DLL files in?"
dialog listbox,"MS-DOS Directory", PATH&";" &new, dosPath, idosPath
if (idosPath == 1) then set fmoddosPath=1
if (dosPath == new)
set dosPath=""
set fmoddosPath=1
dialog simple,dosPath,"Enter new path for MS-DOS DLL: "
set fAllDrivers=1
echo "Network drivers are run-time DLLs which interface the RPC run-time"
echo "with the specific Network software installed on your machine."
echo "You may chose to install only those drivers which you need"
echo "to save disk space."
echo "Would you like to install all the runtime network drivers?"
dialog yesNo,fAllDrivers,"Load All Drivers: "
set fDriver1=0
set vDriver1="Lanman 2.0/2.1 - Named Pipes"
set fDriver2=0
set vDriver2="DCE or 3COM - TCP/IP"
set fDriver3=0
set vDriver3="DEC Net"
set fDriver4=0
set vDriver4="Generic - NetBios"
set fDriver5=0
set vDriver5="tcp - NetBios"
if (fAllDrivers == 1)
set fDriver1=1
set fDriver2=1
set fDriver3=1
set fDriver4=1
set fDriver5=1
goto allDrivers
end if
echo "Use the cursor keys to hilight the driver you want and press ENTER."
echo "Select Done when finished."
echo "You will now select from a list of network drivers."
set select=""
if (fDriver1 == 0) then set select=vDriver1
if (fDriver2 == 0) then set select=select&";"&vDriver2
if (fDriver3 == 0) then set select=select&";"&vDriver3
if (fDriver4 == 0) then set select=select&";"&vDriver4
if (fDriver5 == 0) then set select=select&";"&vDriver5
dialog listbox,"Network Drivers", select&";Done", driver, 1
if (driver == vDriver1) then set fDriver1=1
if (driver == vDriver2) then set fDriver2=1
if (driver == vDriver3) then set fDriver3=1
if (driver == vDriver4) then set fDriver4=1
if (driver == vDriver5) then set fDriver5=1
if (driver != "Done") then goto anotherDriver
set config="autoexec.bat"
set configBak="autoexec.bak"
set pathString="$path"
echo "Setup can modify your " config " file so that the network drivers"
echo "can be loaded with the application runs. Setup will save a copy of " config
echo "with an extension of .BAK."
set fModeConfig=1
dialog yesNo, fModeConfig, "Modify "&config&" for you? "
;goto ttt
; Write a new registry file
set RegRoot="c:\"
set RegFile="c:\"&"rpcreg.dat"
set Prefix="\Root\Software\Microsoft\Rpc\NameService\"
set Params=""
set Params=Params&Prefix&"Protocol=ncacn_np"&nl
set Params=Params&Prefix&"NetworkAddress=\\."&nl
appendfile RegFile, Params, Create
set Params=""
set Params=Params&Prefix&"EndPoint=\pipe\locator"&nl
set Params=Params&Prefix&"DefaultSyntax=3"&nl
appendfile RegFile, Params
set Prefix="\Root\Software\Microsoft\Rpc\ClientProtocols\"
if (fDriver1 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_np=rpc16c1"&nl
if (fDriver2 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_np=rpc16c3"&nl
if (fDriver3 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_np=rpc16c4"&nl
; Add new netBios drivers here, one to each list. There are three
; default drivers, one each for NetBios, XNS and TCP. Remove the
; commented line and replace the ??? values.
if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_nb=rpc16c5"&nl
if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_xns=rpc16c5"&nl
if (fDriver5 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_tcp=rpc16c6"&nl
;;if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_???=rpc16c5"&nl
set Prefix="\Root\Software\Microsoft\Rpc\NetBios\"
if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_nb0=0"&nl
if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_xns0=0"&nl
if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_tcp0=0"&nl
;;if (fDriver4 == 1) then appendfile RegFile,Prefix&"ncacn_nb_???0=0"&nl
; Now modify autoexec.bat
if (fModeConfig == 1)
echo "Setup is now modifing your " config " file..."
set configDrive="c:\"
if (not exist configDrive&config)
dialog simple, configDrive, "Enter Drive name for "&config&": "
goto getConfig
set config=configDrive&config
copyto config configDrive&configBak
if (fmoddosPath == 1) then appendfile config,";"&dosPath,pathString
if (configDrive != "c:\x")
appendfile config, configDrive, "^set rpc_reg_data_file="
if (status != 0) then appendfile config, "set RPC_REG_DATA_FILE=C:\rpcreg.dat"&nl
; All user Input has been completed, now do it
echo "Setup will now copy files to the following paths."
echo "Runtime RPC files: " dosPath
set cPath=dosPath
copy "rpcrun"
if (fDriver1 == 1) then copy "rpctrans\rpc16c1.rpc"
if (fDriver2 == 1) then copy "rpctrans\rpc16c3.rpc"
if (fDriver3 == 1) then copy "rpctrans\rpc16c4.rpc"
if (fDriver4 == 1) then copy "rpctrans\rpc16c5.rpc"
if (fDriver5 == 1) then copy "rpctrans\rpc16c6.rpc"
echo "You will have to reboot your computer to get new "
echo "settings in " config " to take effect."