Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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/* Setup Instatllation Program
* (C) Copyright 1987 by Microsoft
* Written By Steven Zeck
* All the extern variables and global functions are defined in this
* include file. Anything that is used global is defined here.
/* * * G l o b a l D a t a I t e m s * * */
ST *pSTCur; /* pointer to the current instant */
SY *pSYCur; /* pointer to the current symbol */
ST rootST; /* root instant table */
KY *pKYCur; /* pointer to current keyword */
KY theKY[]; /* keyword table */
int tokenCur; /* token type */
pSZ tokenVal; /* pointer to the string value */
int cbToken; /* length of current token */
int tokenPeek; /* peek tokens */
pSZ tokenValPeek;
UCHAR charType[]; /* character type map */
pSZ pLineCur; /* pointer in current buffer */
char lineBuff[LINE_MAX];/* near line buffer */
char far *pCopyBuff; /* pointer to copy buffer */
char far *pCopyBuff2; /* pointer a second copy buffer */
UCHAR defCrtAttr; /* default screen attributes */
UINT curCrtLine; /* current line number on screen */
UINT cCrtLineMax; /* number of lines on crt */
char volId[17]; /* volumn ID of drive A */
int *pDebug; /* debug level */
int *pStatus; /* status level of last command */
SY *pVolId; /* volumn id dictionary entry */
SY *pCopyDrive; /* drive to copy from */
SY *pArgCount; /* numbers of args */
/* * * F u n c t i o n P r o t y p e s * * */
int getoken (void);
Bool getline (void);
int pascal valFet (pSZ pName);
int nextTokenVal (void);
pSZ nextTokenStr (void);
SY * pascal lookup (pSZ pName);
SY * pascal newSY (pSZ pName);
Bool pascal tokenIs (pSZ pString);
char * pascal memory (UINT cb);
char far * pascal fmemory (UINT cb);
pSZ pascal newStr (pSZ pString);
int loadFile (ST *pST);
void pascal getText (pSZ pOutBuff);
Bool evalCondition (void);
Bool pascal dispatcher (pSZ aLine);
SY * pascal assignNextToken (SY *pSY);
void runFile (Bool fFalseCon);
void pascal centerOut (int atLine, pSZ text);
void pascal lineOut (pSZ pLine);
void pascal getInput(int row, int column, SY *pSY);
Bool pascal changeDisk(pSZ pName);
void terminate();
void resetCrt(void);
void getCrt(void);
void outStat();
/* system inteface functions */
UINT pascal readFar (int fh, char far *pFarBuff, UINT cb);
UINT pascal writeFar (int fh, char far *pFarBuff, UINT cb);
int pascal openFile(pSZ pName, int mode);
pSZ sprintf();
UINT pascal fileAttrFet (pSZ pFileName);
void pascal setCreateDate(int fhFrom, int fhTo);
Bool pascal getFristFile (pSZ pPath, FILEFILE *ff);
Bool pascal getNextFile (pSZ pNameOut, FILEFILE *ff);
UINT pascal freeSpaceFet (UCHAR drive);
Bool pascal cdDrive (UCHAR drive);
void pascal fillCrt (int tRow, int tCol, int bRow, int bCol,
UCHAR attr, char fill);
void pascal attrOut (int row, int column, int cb, char attr);
void pascal textOut (int row, int column, pSZ pText);
void pascal charOut (int row, int column, char ch);
void pascal moveTo (int row, int column);
void pascal volIDFet (void);
/* command excutors */
void doSet(void), doEcho(void), doIf(void), doExit(void), doGoto(void);
void doCopy(void), doCopyTo(void), doCd(void), doMd(void), doExec(void);
void doCls(void), doDialog(void), doCall(void), doAppendFile(void);