Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1383 lines
31 KiB

// SummaryDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "bintrack.h"
#include "sumdlg.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
// CSummaryDlg dialog
CSummaryDlg::CSummaryDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CSummaryDlg::IDD, pParent)
m_BinaryName = _T("");
m_BinplaceDir = _T("");
m_ProjectDir = _T("");
m_ProjectName = _T("");
m_Date = _T("");
m_Developer = _T("");
m_Comment = _T("");
m_SourceFile = _T("");
// Function:
// CSummaryDlg Constructor
// Abstract:
// This constructor requires the binary name, a progress
// bar object, and an error message buffer.
// Parameters:
// csBinaryName--the binary name
// cpProgress--a progress bar object
// csError--an error message buffer
// Return value:
CSummaryDlg::CSummaryDlg(CString& csBinaryName, CProgressCtrl& cpProgress,
CString& csError, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
: CDialog(CSummaryDlg::IDD, pParent),m_BinaryName(csBinaryName)
if (!SetAttributes())
csError = m_ErrorMessage;
// Set the NT environment variable values:
if (!SetNTEnvironment())
csError = m_ErrorMessage;
m_LslfrPath = m_NTPath + "\\ls-lfr";
// Find the Project directory within the NT project:
if (!GetProjectDir(cpProgress))
csError = m_ErrorMessage;
m_SlminiPath = m_ProjectDir + "\\slm.ini";
m_SourcesPath = m_ProjectDir + "\\sources";
// Fill in 95% of progress bar (almost there!):
// Find the binplace directory using "placefil.txt":
if (!GetBinplaceDir())
csError = m_ErrorMessage;
// Set the project name and "slm.log" path:
m_ProjectName = GetProjectName();
m_LogslmPath = GetLogslmPath();
CString csEntry("SOURCES");
GetEntryList(m_SourcesPath, csEntry, m_SourceList);
// Find Last Change information:
// if (!FindLogslmEntry())
// {
// csError = m_ErrorMessage;
// return;
// }
// Complete progress bar:
// Function:
// Analyze Dirs
// Abstract:
// This function looks for a "dirs" file in the given path; if
// one is found, it then analyzes all sub-directories for the
// correct source file.
// Parameters:
// csPath--the search path
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--If the correct "sources" file is found in one of the
// sub-directories, the return value is 10; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::AnalyzeDirs(CString& csPath)
int nFound = 0;
CString csDirPath = csPath + "\\dirs";
CString csDirEntry("DIRS");
CString csOpDirEntry("OPTIONAL_DIRS");
CStringList csDirList;
ifstream isDirs;
POSITION pCurrentDir;
CString csSourcesPath;
// If no "dirs" file is found, return failure:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if ( return 0;
// Add all directories listed in "dirs" to csDirList:
GetEntryList(csDirPath, csOpDirEntry, csDirList);
GetEntryList(csDirPath, csDirEntry, csDirList);
// Search all listed sub-directories for "sources" files:
for (pCurrentDir = csDirList.GetHeadPosition(); pCurrentDir != 0;)
csSourcesPath = csPath + "\\" + csDirList.GetNext(pCurrentDir);
if (AnalyzeProjectPath(csSourcesPath, csPath))
return 10;
// The correct "sources" file was not found; return failure:
return 0;
// Function:
// Analyze Project Path
// Abstract:
// This function searches the given path for the correct
// "sources" file. If a "dirs" file is found, it first
// searches all sub-directories; otherwise, it checks
// the current directory, and then recurses into parent
// directories.
// Parameters:
// csCurrentDir--the path to analyze
// csProjectPath--the project path return value
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--If the correct "sources" file is found, it
// returns 10; otherwise, 0;
CSummaryDlg::AnalyzeProjectPath(const CString& csCurrentDir,
CString& csProjectPath)
int nFound = 0;
int nNewPathIndex;
ifstream isSources;
CString csCurrentPath(csCurrentDir);
CString csPrivate = m_NTPath + "\\private";
CString csSourcesFile("\\sources");
CString csCairo("cairo");
// If "cairo" is anywhere in the path, return failure:
if (csCurrentPath.Find(LPCTSTR(csCairo)) != -1) return 0;
// If a dirs file exists, check for "sources" files below:
if (DirsExists(csCurrentPath) && AnalyzeDirs(csCurrentPath))
csProjectPath = csCurrentPath;
return 10;
// Search for the "sources" file in this directory, as well as
// parent directories:
csCurrentPath += csSourcesFile;
while ( !nFound && (csCurrentPath != (csPrivate + csSourcesFile)) )
nFound = AnalyzeSources(csCurrentPath);
if (nFound)
csProjectPath = csCurrentPath;
return 10;
// If a "sources" file is not found, recurse up one directory
// and create a new "sources" path.
nNewPathIndex = csCurrentPath.GetLength() -
csCurrentPath = csCurrentPath.Mid(0, nNewPathIndex);
nNewPathIndex = csCurrentPath.ReverseFind('\\');
csCurrentPath = csCurrentPath.Mid(0, nNewPathIndex);
// If a "dirs" file exists in the parent directory,
// return failure:
if (DirsExists(csCurrentPath))
return 0;
csCurrentPath += csSourcesFile;
// No "sources" files were found, return failure:
return 0;
// Function:
// Analyze Sources
// Abstract:
// This function attempts to open a "sources" file in the given
// path, and analyzes the TARGETNAME and TARGETTYPE entries for
// a match with the current binary.
// Parameters:
// csCurrentPath--the path to analyze
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--If a match occurs after a successful file open, it
// returns 10; otherwise, 0;
CSummaryDlg::AnalyzeSources(CString& csCurrentPath)
ifstream isSources;
// Check the current path for a "sources" file:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if ( return 0;
// Determine if the "sources" file is the correct one for
// the current binary:
if ( BaseMatch(csCurrentPath) && TypeMatch(csCurrentPath) )
csCurrentPath = csCurrentPath.Mid(0, csCurrentPath.ReverseFind('\\'));
return 10;
if ( m_BinaryExtension == "lib" )
return LibraryMatch(csCurrentPath);
return 0;
// Function:
// Base Match
// Abstract:
// This function finds the TARGETNAME entry in the sources file
// in the given path, and compares it to the current binary base.
// Parameters:
// csSources--path to the current "sources" file
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if TARGETNAME matches the binary base, 10 is returned;
// otherwise, 0 is returned.
CSummaryDlg::BaseMatch(CString& csSources)
int nTargetFound = 0;
CString csCurrentBase;
// Search for the TARGETNAME entry:
nTargetFound = FindSourcesEntry(csSources, m_TargetNameEntry, csCurrentBase);
// Compare the TARGETNAME entry to the binary base, and return
// the appropriate Boolean value:
if ( nTargetFound && (csCurrentBase == m_BinaryBase) )
return 10;
return 0;
// Function:
// Convert Date
// Abstract:
// This function converts the time/date stamp value to
// a more readable form.
// Parameters:
// csDate--time/date stamp value
// Return value:
// CString--The readable form of the date is returned.
CSummaryDlg::ConvertDate(CString& csDate)
long lDate;
struct tm* tmDate;
CString csNewDate;
// Convert the time/date value:
lDate = atol(LPCTSTR(csDate));
tmDate = localtime(&lDate);
csNewDate = asctime(tmDate);
return csNewDate;
// Function:
// Convert Placefil
// Abstract:
// This function converts the "placefil.txt" entries into
// corresponding directory names.
// Parameters:
// csEntry--a "placefil.txt" entry
// Return value:
// CString--the binplace directory (relative to BINROOT)
CSummaryDlg::ConvertPlacefil(CString& csEntry)
CString csBinplace;
// "retail" means in the root:
if ( csEntry == "retail" )
return csBinplace;
// Most other entries correspond directly
// to the sub-directory:
if ( (csEntry == "drivers") ||
(csEntry == "idw") ||
(csEntry == "mstools") ||
(csEntry == "system") )
return ('\\' + csEntry);
// Otherwise, dump:
return "\\dump";
// Function:
// Dir Exists
// Abstract:
// Analyzes the current path for the existence of
// a "dirs" file.
// Parameters:
// csPath--the path to analyze
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if a "dirs" file is found, it returns
// 10; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::DirsExists(const CString& csPath)
CString csDirsPath = csPath + "\\dirs";
ifstream isDirs;
// Try to open a "dirs" file:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
return !(;
// Function:
// Do Date Exchange
// Abstract:
// Dialog control data exchange
// Parameters:
// Return value:
CSummaryDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TARGET_LIBS, m_TargetLibs);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SOURCES, m_Sources);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LINK_LIBS, m_LinkLibs);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_BINARY_NAME, m_BinaryName);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_BinaryName, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_BINPLACE_DIR, m_BinplaceDir);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_BinplaceDir, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROJECT_DIR, m_ProjectDir);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_ProjectDir, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_PROJECT_NAME, m_ProjectName);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_ProjectName, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_DATE, m_Date);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_Date, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_DEVELOPER, m_Developer);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_Developer, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_COMMENT, m_Comment);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_Comment, 255);
DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_SOURCE, m_SourceFile);
DDV_MaxChars(pDX, m_SourceFile, 255);
// Function:
// Extract File
// Abstract:
// This function extracts the file name from "sources"
// or "dirs" file entry.
// Parameters:
// csString--the "sources" or "dirs" file entry
// csFile--the extracted file name; if an initial blank
// line is encountered, the string "skipline"
// is returned.
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if the extracted file name was the last in
// the list, 10 is returned; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::ExtractFile(CString& csString, CString& csFile)
int nDone = 0;
if ( csString.GetLength() < 2 )
csFile = "skipline";
return nDone;
if ( csString.ReverseFind('\\') == (csString.GetLength()-1) )
csString = csString.Mid(0, (csString.GetLength()-2));
nDone = 10;
csFile = csString.Mid((csString.ReverseFind('\\')+1),
return nDone;
// Find Logslm Entry
// Abstract:
// This function finds the latest entry in the given
// "log.slm" file for the current project.
// Parameters:
// NONE--Assumes that the "m_LogslmPath" attribute has
// already been assigned a value, and assingns
// values directly to the appropriate object
// attributes.
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--returns 10 if an entry is found, otherwise
// returns 0.
int nEOF = 0;
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
ifstream isLogslm;
CString csCurrentLine;
CString csCurrentSource;
POSITION pCurrentSource;, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if (
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"log.slm\"";
return 0;
// Search the entire "log.slm" file for entries with the given
// source files:
while (!nEOF)
isLogslm.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if ( )
if ( m_Date == "" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not find any matching entries in \"log.slm\"";
return 0;
return 10;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
// Look for a string match with any of the given source files:
for (pCurrentSource = m_SourceList.GetHeadPosition(); pCurrentSource != 0;)
csCurrentSource = m_SourceList.GetNext(pCurrentSource);
if (csCurrentLine.Find(LPCTSTR(csCurrentSource)) != -1)
return 10;
// Find Slmini Entry
// Abstract:
// This function finds an entry in a "slm.ini" file.
// Parameters:
// csSlmini--full path to "slm.ini" file
// csEntryType--entry to search for
// csEntryName--entry name found in "slm.ini" file
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--returns 10 if the entry is found, otherwise
// returns 0
CSummaryDlg::FindSlminiEntry(const CString& csSlmini,
const CString& csEntryType,
CString& csEntryName)
int nIndex, nFound = 0;
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
ifstream isSlmini;
CString csCurrentLine;, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if ( return 0;
while (!nFound)
isSlmini.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if (
return 0;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
nIndex = csCurrentLine.Find(LPCTSTR(csEntryType));
if (nIndex != -1)
nFound = 10;
nIndex = csCurrentLine.ReverseFind('=');
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((nIndex+1),
csEntryName += csCurrentLine;
return 10;
return 0;
// Find Sources Entry
// Abstract:
// This function finds an entry in a "sources" file.
// Parameters:
// csSources--full path to "sources" file
// csEntryType--entry to search for
// csEntryName--entry name found in "sources" file
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--returns 10 if the entry is found, otherwise
// returns 0
CSummaryDlg::FindSourcesEntry(const CString& csSources,
const CString& csEntryType,
CString& csEntryName)
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
int nTargetFound = 0;
CString csCurrentLine;
ifstream isSources;
// Open the given "sources" file; if it does not exist,
// return failure:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if (
return 0;
// Search for the given entry; if it is not found, return
// failure:
while ( !nTargetFound )
isSources.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if (
return 0;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
nTargetFound = ( (csCurrentLine.Find(csEntryType) != -1) &&
(csCurrentLine.Find('!') == -1) );
// Extract the value substring from the entry, and return
// success:
csEntryName = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find('=')+1),
return 10;
// Function:
// Get Base
// Abstract:
// This function extracts the base from a file name.
// Parameters:
// csBinaryName--the file name
// Return value:
// CString--the base of the file
CSummaryDlg::GetBase(const CString& csBinaryName)
// Find the binary base:
int nPeriod = csBinaryName.Find('.');
return csBinaryName.Left(nPeriod);
// Function:
// Get Binplace Dir
// Abstract:
// This function parses "placefil.txt" for the current binary
// and finds the binplace directory.
// Parameters:
// NONE--Uses private class attribute values
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if the current binary is found, it returns 10;
// otherwise 0.
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
int nFound = 0;
ifstream isPlacefiltxt;
CString csPlacefiltxt = m_NTPath +
CString csBinplaceDir("Unknown");
CString csCurrentLine, csCurrentFile;
// If it is a library, forget it:
if (m_BinaryExtension == "lib" )
m_BinplaceDir = "Not applicable";
return 10;
// Attempt to open "placefil.txt":, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if (
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"placefil.txt\"";
return 0;
// Search for the given entry; if it is not found, return
// failure:
while ( !nFound )
isPlacefiltxt.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if (
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not find " + m_BinaryName +
" in \"placefil.txt\"";
return 0;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
csCurrentFile = csCurrentLine.Mid(0, csCurrentLine.Find(' '));
nFound = ( ( m_BinaryName == csCurrentFile ) ? 10 : 0 );
// Extract the entry value from the current string:
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid(m_BinaryName.GetLength(),
// Set the binplace directory value:
m_BinplaceDir = m_NTBinPath + ConvertPlacefil(csCurrentLine);
return 10;
// Function:
// Get Entry List
// Abstract:
// This function extracts an entry list from a "sources,"
// "dirs," or any file with a similar format.
// Parameters:
// csPath--the path to the file to open
// csEntry--the file entry
// csEntryList--the returned list of entry values
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if the file exists and the entry is found, it
// returns 10; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::GetEntryList(CString& csPath, CString& csEntry,
CStringList& csEntryList)
int nFound = -1, nDone = 0;
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
CString csCurrentLine, csCurrentEntry;
ifstream isFile;
// Open the given file; if it does not exist,
// return failure:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if (
return 0;
// Search for the given entry; if it is not found, return
// failure:
while ( nFound == -1 )
isFile.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if (
return 0;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
nFound = csCurrentLine.Find(csEntry);
// If there are no entry values, return failure:
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find('=')+1),
if ( csCurrentLine.GetLength() == 0 )
return 0;
// Extract the first entry and add it to the list:
nDone = ExtractFile(csCurrentLine, csCurrentEntry);
if ( csCurrentEntry != "skipline" )
// Extract the rest of the entries from the entry list:
while (!nDone)
isFile.getline(pszBuff, sizeof(pszBuff));
if (
return 10;
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
nDone = ExtractFile(csCurrentLine, csCurrentEntry);
return 10;
// Function:
// Get Extension
// Abstract:
// This function returns the file extension
// Parameters:
// csBinaryName--the file
// Return value:
// CString--the extension
CSummaryDlg::GetExtension(const CString& csBinaryName)
// Return the extension substring:
return csBinaryName.Right(3);
// Function:
// Get Project Dir
// Abstract:
// This function parses the "ls-lfr" file looking for
// source files, until it finds the correct "sources" file.
// Parameters:
// cpProgress--progress bar object
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if the correct "sources" file is found, it
// returns 10; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::GetProjectDir(CProgressCtrl& cpProgress)
char pszBuff[nBuffer];
int nFound = 0, nCandidate = -1;
int nPathStart, nPathEnd;
ifstream isLslfr;
CFile cfLslfr;
CString csLslfrPath;
CString csSearchString = MakeSearchString();
CString csCurrentLine, csCurrentPath;
CString csProjectPath = "unknown";
// Open the "ls-lfr" file:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
if (
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"ls-lfr\": " + m_LslfrPath;
return 0;
// Ensure a match between the NT environment and the
// "ls-lfr" file:
// isLslfr.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
// csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
// if (csCurrentLine.Find(m_NTPath) == -1)
// {
// m_ErrorMessage = "NT Environment does not match \"ls-lfr\"";
// return 0;
// }
// Set up the progress bar:
int nPosition;
long lProgress = 0, lLength;
cfLslfr.Open(LPCTSTR(m_LslfrPath), CFile::modeRead);
lLength = cfLslfr.GetLength();
// Search through the "ls-lfr" file until the correct
// project path is found:, ios::nocreate, filebuf::sh_read);
while ( !nFound )
isLslfr.getline(pszBuff, nBuffer);
if (
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not find a matching \"sources\" file";
return 0;
// Search for an occurence of the current binary base:
csCurrentLine = pszBuff;
nCandidate = csCurrentLine.Find(LPCTSTR(csSearchString));
// If the current line contains the binary base, check for
// an appropriate file type:
if ( nCandidate != -1)
// Determine the current directory path:
nPathStart = csCurrentLine.Find(LPCTSTR(m_NTPath));
nPathEnd = csCurrentLine.ReverseFind('\\');
csCurrentPath = csCurrentLine.Mid(nPathStart,
nFound = AnalyzeProjectPath(csCurrentPath, csProjectPath);
// Update the progress bar:
lProgress += ( csCurrentLine.GetLength() );
nPosition = int( (float(lProgress) / float(lLength)) * 100.0 );
m_ProjectDir = csProjectPath;
return 10;
// Function:
// Get Project Name
// Abstract:
// This function extracts the project name from the current
// "sources" file.
// Parameters:
// NONE--uses class attribute values
// Return value:
// CString--it returns the project name
int nFound = 0;
CString csMinorProject, csMajorProject, csProjectName;
// Search the "sources" file for the project components:
nFound = FindSourcesEntry(m_SourcesPath, "MINORCOMP", csMinorProject);
nFound = FindSourcesEntry(m_SourcesPath, "MAJORCOMP", csMajorProject);
csProjectName = csMajorProject + '\\' + csMinorProject;
return (nFound) ? csProjectName : "unknown";
// Function:
// Get Logslm Path
// Abstract:
// This function extracts the network path to the "log.slm"
// file from the "slm.ini" file.
// Parameters:
// NONE--uses class attribute values
// Return value:
// CString--it returns the network path to the "log.slm" file
int nIndex, nFound = 0;
CString csSlmServerEntry = "slm root";
CString csSlmProjectEntry = "project";
CString csSlmSubDirEntry = "sub dir";
CString csLogslmPath = "unknown";
CString csSlmServerName, csSlmProjectName;
// Find the server, project, and subdirectory names in the "slm.ini"
// file:
nFound = FindSlminiEntry(m_SlminiPath, csSlmServerEntry, csSlmServerName);
if (!nFound) return csLogslmPath;
nFound = FindSlminiEntry(m_SlminiPath, csSlmProjectEntry, csSlmProjectName);
if (!nFound) return csLogslmPath;
nFound = FindSlminiEntry(m_SlminiPath, csSlmSubDirEntry, csSlmProjectName);
if (!nFound) return csLogslmPath;
// Construct the complete path to the "log.slm" file and change all
// of the unix-style '/'s to NT-style '\'s:
csLogslmPath = ( csSlmServerName + "\\etc\\" + csSlmProjectName );
// Adjust for special cases:
csLogslmPath = ( LogslmSpecial(csLogslmPath) + "\\log.slm" );
for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < csLogslmPath.GetLength(); nIndex++)
if (csLogslmPath[nIndex] == '/')
csLogslmPath.SetAt(nIndex, '\\');
return csLogslmPath;
// Function:
// Get Slm Info
// Abstract:
// This function extracts the "log.slm" fields from a
// single "log.slm" entry.
// Parameters:
// csCurrentLine--the "log.slm" entry
// Return value:
CSummaryDlg::GetSlmInfo(CString& csCurrentLine)
// Find and format date information:
m_Date = csCurrentLine.Mid(0, csCurrentLine.Find(';'));
m_Date = ConvertDate(m_Date);
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find(';')+1),
// Find developer information:
m_Developer = csCurrentLine.Mid(0, (csCurrentLine.Find(';')));
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find(';')+1),
// Find source file:
for (int nIndex = 1; nIndex <= 3; nIndex++)
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find(';')+1),
m_SourceFile = csCurrentLine.Mid(0, (csCurrentLine.Find(';')));
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find(';')+1),
// Find comment:
csCurrentLine = csCurrentLine.Mid((csCurrentLine.Find(';')+1),
m_Comment = csCurrentLine;
// Function:
// Get Target Type
// Abstract:
// This function matches extensions with target types.
// Parameters:
// Return value:
// CString--it returns a string containing all matching
// target types
CString csTypeList;
csTypeList = "unknown";
// Match extensions and target types:
if ( m_BinaryExtension == "exe" )
if (m_BinaryExtension == "dll" )
if (m_BinaryExtension == "lib" )
csTypeList = "LIBRARY";
if (m_BinaryExtension == "sys" )
return csTypeList;
CSummaryDlg::LogslmSpecial(CString& csPath)
if ( (m_BinaryBase == "ntoskrnl") ||
(m_BinaryBase == "ntkrnlmp") )
return csPath.Mid(0, (csPath.GetLength()-3));
return csPath;
if (m_BinaryExtension == "lib" )
return ( m_BinaryBase );
return ( m_BinaryBase );
CSummaryDlg::LibraryMatch(CString& csSources)
CString csEntry("TARGETLIBS");
CStringList csLibList;
GetEntryList(csSources, csEntry, csLibList);
for (pEntry = csLibList.GetHeadPosition(); pEntry != 0;)
csEntry = csLibList.GetNext(pEntry);
if (csEntry == m_BinaryName)
return 10;
return 0;
// Function:
// List Box Transfer
// Abstract:
// This function loads the given list box with
// the given list of strings.
// Parameters:
// csList--the list of strings
// csListBox--the list box object
// Return value:
CSummaryDlg::ListBoxTransfer(CStringList& csList, CListBox& csListBox)
CString csCurrentString;
POSITION pCurrentString;
for (pCurrentString = csList.GetHeadPosition(); pCurrentString != 0;)
csCurrentString = csList.GetNext(pCurrentString);
// Function:
// On Init Dialog
// Abstract:
// This function initializes the dialog.
// Parameters:
// csBinaryName--the binary file name
// Return value:
BOOL CSummaryDlg::OnInitDialog()
CString csEntry;
CStringList csTargetLibList;
CStringList csLinkLibList;
ListBoxTransfer(m_SourceList, m_Sources);
csEntry = "TARGETLIBS";
GetEntryList(m_SourcesPath, csEntry, csTargetLibList);
ListBoxTransfer(csTargetLibList, m_TargetLibs);
csEntry = "LINKLIBS";
GetEntryList(m_SourcesPath, csEntry, csLinkLibList);
ListBoxTransfer(csLinkLibList, m_LinkLibs);
return TRUE;
// Function:
// Set Attributes
// Abstract:
// This function sets the basic class attributes.
// Parameters:
// csBinaryName--the binary file name
// Return value:
// Set the standard sources entry names:
m_TargetNameEntry = "TARGETNAME";
m_TargetTypeEntry = "TARGETTYPE";
// Extract the binary base and extension:
m_BinaryBase = GetBase(m_BinaryName);
m_BinaryExtension = GetExtension(m_BinaryName);
m_BinaryType = GetTargetType();
if ( m_BinaryType == "unknown" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Unknown file type: " + m_BinaryExtension;
return 0;
// Do special cases:
if ( (m_BinaryBase == "ntoskrnl") ||
(m_BinaryBase == "ntkrnlmp") )
m_TargetNameEntry = "NTTEST";
m_BinaryType = "LIBRARY";
return 10;
// Function:
// Set NT Environment
// Abstract:
// This function reads the NT environment variable values.
// Parameters:
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if all environment variables are set correctly, it
// returns 10; otherwise 0.
// Set the NT Environment:
// NT Drive:
if ( (m_NTDrive = getenv("_ntdrive")) == "" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"_NTDRIVE\" environment variable";
return 0;
// NT Root:
if ( (m_NTRoot = getenv("_ntroot")) == "" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"_NTROOT\" environment variable";
return 0;
// NT Binaries Drive:
if ( (m_NTBinDrive = getenv("bindrive")) == "" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"BINDRIVE\" environment variable";
return 0;
// NT Binaries Root:
if ( (m_NTBinRoot = getenv("binroot")) == "" )
m_ErrorMessage = "Could not open \"BINROOT\" environment variable";
return 0;
// Construct the complete paths:
m_NTPath = m_NTDrive + m_NTRoot;
m_NTBinPath = m_NTBinDrive + m_NTBinRoot;
return 10;
// Function:
// Type Match
// Abstract:
// This function finds the TARGETTYPE entry in the sources file
// in the given path, and compares it to the current binary type.
// Parameters:
// csSources--path to current "sources" file
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if TARGETTYPE matches the binary type, 10 is returned;
// otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::TypeMatch(CString& csSources)
int nTargetFound = 0;
CString csCurrentType;
// Search for the TARGETNAME entry:
nTargetFound = FindSourcesEntry(csSources, m_TargetTypeEntry, csCurrentType);
// Compare the TARGETNAME entry to the binary base, and return
// the appropriate Boolean value:
if ( nTargetFound && TypeSearch(csCurrentType, m_BinaryType) )
return 10;
return 0;
// Function:
// Type Search
// Abstract:
// This function checks for a target type match between the
// given target type and target type list.
// Parameters:
// csType--the target type
// csTypeList--the target type list
// Return value:
// BOOLEAN--if a match is found, 10 is returned; otherwise 0.
CSummaryDlg::TypeSearch(CString& csType, CString csTypeList)
return ( csTypeList.Find(csType) != -1 ) ? 10 : 0;
// CSummaryDlg message handlers
// Function:
// Abstract:
// Parameters:
// Return value: