Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// dbwin32.h : main header file for the DBWIN32 application
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "winio.h"
// CMapW
class CMapW : public CObject
// Association
struct CAssoc
CAssoc* pNext;
UINT nHashValue; // needed for efficient iteration
DWORD key;
WinIo * value;
// Construction
CMapW(int nBlockSize = 10);
// Attributes
// number of elements
int GetCount() const;
BOOL IsEmpty() const;
// Lookup
BOOL Lookup(DWORD key, WinIo *& rValue) const;
// Operations
// Lookup and add if not there
WinIo *& operator[](DWORD key);
// add a new (key, value) pair
void SetAt(DWORD key, WinIo * newValue);
// removing existing (key, ?) pair
BOOL RemoveKey(DWORD key);
void RemoveAll();
// iterating all (key, value) pairs
POSITION GetStartPosition() const;
void GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition, DWORD& rKey, WinIo *& rValue) const;
// advanced features for derived classes
UINT GetHashTableSize() const;
void InitHashTable(UINT hashSize, BOOL bAllocNow = TRUE);
// Implementation
CAssoc** m_pHashTable;
UINT m_nHashTableSize;
int m_nCount;
CAssoc* m_pFreeList;
struct CPlex* m_pBlocks;
int m_nBlockSize;
CAssoc* NewAssoc();
void FreeAssoc(CAssoc*);
CAssoc* GetAssocAt(DWORD, UINT&) const;
void Serialize(CArchive&);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void Dump(CDumpContext&) const;
void AssertValid() const;
// CMapW<DWORD, DWORD, WinIo *, WinIo *> inline functions
inline int CMapW::GetCount() const
{ return m_nCount; }
inline BOOL CMapW::IsEmpty() const
{ return m_nCount == 0; }
inline void CMapW::SetAt(DWORD key, WinIo * newValue)
{ (*this)[key] = newValue; }
inline POSITION CMapW::GetStartPosition() const
{ return (m_nCount == 0) ? NULL : BEFORE_START_POSITION; }
inline UINT CMapW::GetHashTableSize() const
{ return m_nHashTableSize; }
#include <afxplex_.h>
inline void AFXAPI ConstructElements(DWORD* pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD)));
// default is bit-wise zero initialization
memset((void*)pElements, 0, nCount * sizeof(DWORD));
inline void AFXAPI DestructElements(DWORD* pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD)));
pElements; // not used
nCount; // not used
// default does nothing
void AFXAPI SerializeElements(CArchive& ar, DWORD* pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD)));
// default is bit-wise read/write
if (ar.IsStoring())
ar.Write((void*)pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD));
ar.Read((void*)pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD));
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AFXAPI DumpElements(CDumpContext& dc, const DWORD* pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(DWORD)));
dc; // not used
pElements; // not used
nCount; // not used
// default does nothing
BOOL AFXAPI CompareElements(const DWORD* pElement1, const DWORD* pElement2)
ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pElement1, sizeof(DWORD)));
ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pElement2, sizeof(DWORD)));
return *pElement1 == *pElement2;
inline void AFXAPI ConstructElements(WinIo** pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo)));
// default is bit-wise zero initialization
memset((void*)pElements, 0, nCount * sizeof(WinIo*));
inline void AFXAPI DestructElements(WinIo** pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo *)));
pElements; // not used
nCount; // not used
// default does nothing
void AFXAPI SerializeElements(CArchive& ar, WinIo** pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo*)));
// default is bit-wise read/write
if (ar.IsStoring())
ar.Write((void*)pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo*));
ar.Read((void*)pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo*));
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AFXAPI DumpElements(CDumpContext& dc, WinIo ** pElements, int nCount)
ASSERT(nCount == 0 ||
AfxIsValidAddress(pElements, nCount * sizeof(WinIo*)));
dc; // not used
pElements; // not used
nCount; // not used
// default does nothing
inline UINT AFXAPI HashKey(DWORD key)
// default identity hash - works for most primitive values
return ((UINT)(void*)(DWORD)key) >> 4;
// special versions for CString
void AFXAPI SerializeElements(CArchive& ar, CString* pElements, int nCount);
void AFXAPI ConstructElements(CString* pElements, int nCount);
void AFXAPI DestructElements(CString* pElements, int nCount);
// CMapW out-of-line functions
CMapW::CMapW(int nBlockSize)
ASSERT(nBlockSize > 0);
m_pHashTable = NULL;
m_nHashTableSize = 17; // default size
m_nCount = 0;
m_pFreeList = NULL;
m_pBlocks = NULL;
m_nBlockSize = nBlockSize;
void CMapW::InitHashTable(
UINT nHashSize, BOOL bAllocNow)
// Used to force allocation of a hash table or to override the default
// hash table size of (which is fairly small)
ASSERT(m_nCount == 0);
ASSERT(nHashSize > 0);
if (m_pHashTable != NULL)
// free hash table
delete[] m_pHashTable;
m_pHashTable = NULL;
if (bAllocNow)
m_pHashTable = new CAssoc* [nHashSize];
memset(m_pHashTable, 0, sizeof(CAssoc*) * nHashSize);
m_nHashTableSize = nHashSize;
void CMapW::RemoveAll()
if (m_pHashTable != NULL)
// destroy elements (values and keys)
for (UINT nHash = 0; nHash < m_nHashTableSize; nHash++)
CAssoc* pAssoc;
for (pAssoc = m_pHashTable[nHash]; pAssoc != NULL;
pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext)
DestructElements(&pAssoc->value, 1);
DestructElements(&pAssoc->key, 1);
// free hash table
delete[] m_pHashTable;
m_pHashTable = NULL;
m_nCount = 0;
m_pFreeList = NULL;
m_pBlocks = NULL;
ASSERT(m_nCount == 0);
if (m_pFreeList == NULL)
// add another block
CPlex* newBlock = CPlex::Create(m_pBlocks, m_nBlockSize, sizeof(CMapW::CAssoc));
// chain them into free list
CMapW::CAssoc* pAssoc = (CMapW::CAssoc*) newBlock->data();
// free in reverse order to make it easier to debug
pAssoc += m_nBlockSize - 1;
for (int i = m_nBlockSize-1; i >= 0; i--, pAssoc--)
pAssoc->pNext = m_pFreeList;
m_pFreeList = pAssoc;
ASSERT(m_pFreeList != NULL); // we must have something
CMapW::CAssoc* pAssoc = m_pFreeList;
m_pFreeList = m_pFreeList->pNext;
ASSERT(m_nCount > 0); // make sure we don't overflow
ConstructElements(&pAssoc->key, 1);
ConstructElements(&pAssoc->value, 1); // special construct values
return pAssoc;
void CMapW::FreeAssoc(CMapW::CAssoc* pAssoc)
DestructElements(&pAssoc->value, 1);
DestructElements(&pAssoc->key, 1);
pAssoc->pNext = m_pFreeList;
m_pFreeList = pAssoc;
ASSERT(m_nCount >= 0); // make sure we don't underflow
CMapW::GetAssocAt(DWORD key, UINT& nHash) const
// find association (or return NULL)
nHash = HashKey(key) % m_nHashTableSize;
if (m_pHashTable == NULL)
return NULL;
// see if it exists
CAssoc* pAssoc;
for (pAssoc = m_pHashTable[nHash]; pAssoc != NULL; pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext)
if (CompareElements(&pAssoc->key, &key))
return pAssoc;
return NULL;
BOOL CMapW::Lookup(DWORD key, WinIo *& rValue) const
UINT nHash;
CAssoc* pAssoc = GetAssocAt(key, nHash);
if (pAssoc == NULL)
return FALSE; // not in map
rValue = pAssoc->value;
return TRUE;
WinIo *& CMapW::operator[](DWORD key)
UINT nHash;
CAssoc* pAssoc;
if ((pAssoc = GetAssocAt(key, nHash)) == NULL)
if (m_pHashTable == NULL)
// it doesn't exist, add a new Association
pAssoc = NewAssoc();
pAssoc->nHashValue = nHash;
pAssoc->key = key;
// 'pAssoc->value' is a constructed object, nothing more
// put into hash table
pAssoc->pNext = m_pHashTable[nHash];
m_pHashTable[nHash] = pAssoc;
return pAssoc->value; // return new reference
BOOL CMapW::RemoveKey(DWORD key)
// remove key - return TRUE if removed
if (m_pHashTable == NULL)
return FALSE; // nothing in the table
CAssoc** ppAssocPrev;
ppAssocPrev = &m_pHashTable[HashKey(key) % m_nHashTableSize];
CAssoc* pAssoc;
for (pAssoc = *ppAssocPrev; pAssoc != NULL; pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext)
if (CompareElements(&pAssoc->key, &key))
// remove it
*ppAssocPrev = pAssoc->pNext; // remove from list
return TRUE;
ppAssocPrev = &pAssoc->pNext;
return FALSE; // not found
void CMapW::GetNextAssoc(POSITION& rNextPosition,
DWORD& rKey, WinIo *& rValue) const
ASSERT(m_pHashTable != NULL); // never call on empty map
CAssoc* pAssocRet = (CAssoc*)rNextPosition;
ASSERT(pAssocRet != NULL);
if (pAssocRet == (CAssoc*) BEFORE_START_POSITION)
// find the first association
for (UINT nBucket = 0; nBucket < m_nHashTableSize; nBucket++)
if ((pAssocRet = m_pHashTable[nBucket]) != NULL)
ASSERT(pAssocRet != NULL); // must find something
// find next association
ASSERT(AfxIsValidAddress(pAssocRet, sizeof(CAssoc)));
CAssoc* pAssocNext;
if ((pAssocNext = pAssocRet->pNext) == NULL)
// go to next bucket
for (UINT nBucket = pAssocRet->nHashValue + 1;
nBucket < m_nHashTableSize; nBucket++)
if ((pAssocNext = m_pHashTable[nBucket]) != NULL)
rNextPosition = (POSITION) pAssocNext;
// fill in return data
rKey = pAssocRet->key;
rValue = pAssocRet->value;
void CMapW::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
if (ar.IsStoring())
ar << (WORD) m_nCount;
if (m_nCount == 0)
return; // nothing more to do
ASSERT(m_pHashTable != NULL);
for (UINT nHash = 0; nHash < m_nHashTableSize; nHash++)
CAssoc* pAssoc;
for (pAssoc = m_pHashTable[nHash]; pAssoc != NULL;
pAssoc = pAssoc->pNext)
SerializeElements(ar, &pAssoc->key, 1);
SerializeElements(ar, &pAssoc->value, 1);
WORD wNewCount;
ar >> wNewCount;
DWORD newKey;
WinIo * newValue;
while (wNewCount--)
SerializeElements(ar, &newKey, 1);
SerializeElements(ar, &newValue, 1);
SetAt(newKey, newValue);
#ifdef _DEBUG
void CMapW::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const
dc << "with " << m_nCount << " elements";
if (dc.GetDepth() > 0)
// Dump in format "[key] -> value"
DWORD key;
WinIo * val;
POSITION pos = GetStartPosition();
while (pos != NULL)
GetNextAssoc(pos, key, val);
dc << "\n\t[";
DumpElements(dc, &key, 1);
dc << "] = ";
DumpElements(dc, &val, 1);
dc << "\n";
void CMapW::AssertValid() const
ASSERT(m_nHashTableSize > 0);
ASSERT(m_nCount == 0 || m_pHashTable != NULL);
// non-empty map should have hash table
#endif //_DEBUG
#endif // CMAPUSER
// CDbwin32App:
// See dbwin32.cpp for the implementation of this class
class CDbwin32App : public CWinApp
DWORD InitializeDbWin(VOID);
HANDLE AckEvent;
HANDLE ReadyEvent;
HANDLE SharedFile;
LPVOID SharedMem;
LPSTR String;
DWORD LastPid;
#if 0
CMap<DWORD,DWORD,WinIo*,WinIo*> WinMap;
CMapW WinMap;
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
virtual BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount); // return TRUE if more idle processing
// Implementation
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
afx_msg void OnTileHorz();
afx_msg void OnTileVert();
afx_msg void OnCascade();
afx_msg void OnArrange();
// NOTE - the ClassWizard will add and remove member functions here.
// DO NOT EDIT what you see in these blocks of generated code !