Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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* utils.c
* some standard file-reading, hashing and checksum routines.
* Geraint Davies, July 92
#include <windows.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <toolhelp.h> /* for TerminateApp */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gutils.h"
#include "gutilsrc.h"
* we need an instance handle. this should be the dll instance
extern HANDLE hLibInst;
* -- forward declaration of procedures -----------------------------------
int FAR PASCAL dodlg_stringin(HWND hDlg, UINT message, UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
/*-- readfile: buffered line input ------------------------------*/
* set of functions to read a line at a time from a file, using
* a buffer to read a block at a time from the file
* a FILEBUFFER handle is a pointer to a struct filebuffer
struct filebuffer {
int fh; /* open file handle */
LPSTR start; /* offset within buffer of next character */
LPSTR last; /* offset within buffer of last valid char read in */
char buffer[512];
* initialise a filebuffer and return a handle to it
readfile_new(int fh)
fbuf = (FILEBUFFER) GlobalLock(GlobalAlloc(LHND, sizeof(struct filebuffer)));
if (fbuf == NULL) {
fbuf->fh = fh;
fbuf->start = fbuf->buffer;
fbuf->last = fbuf->buffer;
/* return file pointer to beginning of file */
_llseek(fh, 0, 0);
/* delims is the set of delimiters used to break lines
* For program source files the delimiter is \n.
* Full stop (aka period) i.e. "." is another obvious one.
* The delimiters are taken as
* being part of the line they terminate.
* The current strategy will NOT port to UNICODE easily! It relies on having a
* character set for which we can easily allocate one byte per character in the set.
* The model is that it only makes sense to have one set of delimiters on the go.
* If we allow different delimiters for each file then we could make delims a field
* in a struct filebuffer.
static BYTE delims[256];
/* set str to be the set of delims. str is a \0 delimited string */
void APIENTRY readfile_setdelims(LPBYTE str)
/* clear all bytes of delims */
int i;
for (i=0; i<256; ++i)
{ delims[i] = 0;
/* set the bytes in delims which correspond to delimiters */
for (; *str; ++str)
{ delims[(int)(*str)] = 1;
} /* readfile_setdelims */
* get the next line from a file. returns a pointer to the line
* in the buffer - so copy it before changing it.
* the line is *not* null-terminated. *plen is set to the length of the
* line.
* A line is terminated by any character in the static var set delims.
readfile_next(FILEBUFFER fbuf, int FAR * plen)
LPSTR cstart;
/* look for an end of line in the buffer we have */
for (cstart = fbuf->start; cstart < fbuf->last; cstart++) {
if (delims[(int)(*cstart)]) {
*plen = (cstart - fbuf->start) + 1;
cstart = fbuf->start;
fbuf->start += *plen;
/* no delimiter in this buffer - this buffer contains a partial line.
* copy the partial up to the beginning of the buffer, and
* adjust the pointers to reflect this move
_fstrncpy(fbuf->buffer, fbuf->start, fbuf->last - fbuf->start);
fbuf->last = &fbuf->buffer[fbuf->last - fbuf->start];
fbuf->start = fbuf->buffer;
/* read in to fill the block */
fbuf->last += _lread(fbuf->fh, fbuf->last,
&fbuf->buffer[sizeof(fbuf->buffer)] - fbuf->last);
/* look for an end of line in the newly filled buffer */
for (cstart = fbuf->start; cstart < fbuf->last; cstart++) {
if (delims[(int)(*cstart)]) {
*plen = (cstart - fbuf->start) + 1;
cstart = fbuf->start;
fbuf->start += *plen;
/* still no end of line. either the buffer is empty -
* because of end of file - or the line is longer than
* the buffer. in either case, return all that we have
*plen = fbuf->last - fbuf->start;
cstart = fbuf->start;
fbuf->start += *plen;
if (*plen == 0) {
} else {
* delete a FILEBUFFER - free the buffer. We should NOT close the
* handle at this point as we did not open it. the opener should close
* it with a function that corresponds to however he opened it.
readfile_delete(FILEBUFFER fbuf)
HANDLE hmem;
#ifdef WIN32
hmem = GlobalHandle((LPSTR) fbuf);
hmem = GlobalHandle( HIWORD(fbuf));
/* --- checksum ---------------------------------------------------- */
* Produce a checksum for a file:
* Open a file, checksum it and close it again. err !=0 iff it failed.
* Overall scheme:
* Read in file in blocks of 8K (arbitrary number - probably
* beneficial if integral multiple of disk block size).
* Generate checksum by the formula
* checksum = SUM( rnd(i)*(dword[i]) )
* where dword[i] is the i-th dword in the file, the file being
* extended by up to three binary zeros if necessary.
* rnd(x) is the x-th element of a fixed series of pseudo-random
* numbers.
* You may notice that dwords that are zero do not contribute to the checksum.
* This worried me at first, but it's OK. So long as everything else DOES
* contribute, the checksum still distinguishes between different files
* of the same length whether they contain zeros or not.
* An extra zero in the middle of a file will also cause all following non-zero
* bytes to have different multipliers. However the algorithm does NOT
* distinguish between files which only differ in zeros at the end of the file.
* Multiplying each dword by a pseudo-random function of its position
* ensures that "anagrams" of each other come to different sums,
* i.e. the file AAAABBBB will be different from BBBBAAAA.
* The pseudorandom function chosen is successive powers of 1664525 modulo 2**32
* 1664525 is a magic number taken from Donald Knuth's "The Art Of Computer Programming"
* The function appears to be compute bound. Loop optimisation is appropriate!
CHECKSUM APIENTRY checksum_file(LPCSTR fn, LONG FAR * err)
#define BUFFLEN 8192
unsigned long lCheckSum = 0; /* grows into the checksum */
const unsigned long lSeed = 1664525; /* seed for random (Knuth) */
unsigned long lRand = 1; /* seed**n */
unsigned Byte = 0; /* buffer[Byte] is next byte to process */
unsigned Block = 0; /* number of bytes in buffer */
BOOL Ending = FALSE; /* TRUE => binary zero padding added */
int i; /* temp loop counter */
*err = -2; /* default is "silly" */
/* conceivably someone is fiddling with the file...?
we give 6 goes, with delays of 1,2,3,4 and 5 secs between
for (i=0; i<=5; ++i) {
#ifdef WIN32
fh = _lopen(fn, OF_READ|OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE);
if (fh!=HFILE_ERROR)
#ifdef WIN32
{ char msg[300];
wsprintf( msg, "Windiff: retry open. Error(%d), file(%s)\n"
, GetLastError(), fn);
if (fh == HFILE_ERROR) {
#ifdef WIN32
*err = GetLastError();
return 0xFF00FF00 | GetCurrentTime();
/* The odds are very strong that this will show up
as a "Files Differ" value, whilst giving it a look
that may be recogniseable to a human debugger!
/* we assume that the file system will always give us the full length that
* we ask for unless the end-of-file is encountered.
* This means that for the bulk of a long file the buffer goes exactly into 4s
* and only at the very end are some bytes left over.
for ( ; ;)
/* Invariant: (which holds at THIS point in the flow)
* A every byte in every block already passed has contributed to the checksum
* B every byte before buffer[byte] in current block has contributed
* C Byte is a multiple of 4
* D Block is a multiple of 4
* E Byte <= Block
* F Ending is TRUE iff zero padding has been added to any block so far.
* G lRand is (lSeed to the power N) MOD (2 to the power 32)
* where N is the number of dwords in the file processed so far
* including both earlier blocks and the current block
* To prove the loop good:
* 1. Show invariant is initially true
* 2. Show invariant is preserved by every loop iteration
* 3. Show that IF the invariant is true at this point AND the program
* exits the loop, then the right answer will have been produced.
* 4. Show the loop terminates.
if (Byte>Block) {
Trace_Error(NULL, "Checksum internal error. Byte>Block", FALSE);
*err = -1;
break; /* go home */
Block = _lread(fh, (LPSTR)&(buffer), BUFFLEN);
if (Block==HFILE_ERROR){
#ifdef WIN32
*err = GetLastError();
break; /* go home */
if (Block==0)
/* ==0 is not error, but also no further addition to checksum */
* Every byte has contributed, and there are no more
* bytes. Checksum complete
*err = 0;
return lCheckSum; /* success! */
if (Ending)
char msg[300];
wsprintf( msg, "Short read other than last in file %s\n", fn);
break; /* go home */
while (Block%4)
buffer[Block++] = 0;
Ending = TRUE;
/* ASSERT the block now has a multiple of 4 bytes */
Byte = 0;
lRand *= lSeed;
lCheckSum += lRand* *((DWORD *)(&buffer[Byte]));
Byte += 4;
return 0xFF00FF00 | GetCurrentTime(); /* See first "return" in function */
} /* checksum_file */
/* --- internal error popups ----------------------------------------*/
static BOOL sbUnattended = FALSE;
void Trace_Unattended(BOOL bUnattended)
sbUnattended = bUnattended;
} /* Trace_Unattended */
/* This function is called to report errors to the user.
* if the current operation is abortable, this function will be
* called with fCancel == TRUE and we display a cancel button. otherwise
* there is just an OK button.
* We return TRUE if the user pressed OK, or FALSE otherwise (for cancel).
Trace_Error(HWND hwnd, LPSTR msg, BOOL fCancel)
#ifdef WIN32
static HFILE hErrorLog = (HFILE) -1;
UINT fuStyle;
if (sbUnattended) {
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD nw; /* number of bytes writtten */
hErrorLog = CreateFile( "WDError.log", GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_WRITE
WriteFile(hErrorLog, msg, lstrlen(msg), &nw, NULL);
WriteFile(hErrorLog, "\n", lstrlen("\n"), &nw, NULL);
if (hErrorLog== (HFILE) -1)
hErrorLog = OpenFile("WDError.log", &os, OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE);
_lwrite(hTraceFile, msg, lstrlen(msg));
_lwrite(hErrorLog, "\n", lstrlen("\n"));
return TRUE;
if (fCancel) {
} else {
if (MessageBox(hwnd, msg, "Error", fuStyle) == IDOK) {
} else {
/* ------------ Tracing to a file ------------------------------------*/
#ifdef WIN32
static HFILE hTraceFile = (HFILE) -1;
void APIENTRY Trace_File(LPSTR msg)
#ifdef WIN32
DWORD nw; /* number of bytes writtten */
hTraceFile = CreateFile( "Windiff.trc"
, 0
WriteFile(hTraceFile, msg, lstrlen(msg)+1, &nw, NULL);
if (hTraceFile== (HFILE) -1)
hTraceFile = OpenFile("Windiff.trc", &os, OF_CREATE|OF_READWRITE);
_lwrite(hTraceFile, msg, lstrlen(msg)+1);
} /* Trace_File */
void APIENTRY Trace_Close(void)
#ifdef WIN32
if (hTraceFile != (HFILE) -1)
hTraceFile = (HFILE) -1;
} /* Trace_Close */
/* ----------- things for strings-------------------------------------*/
* Compare two pathnames, and if not equal, decide which should come first.
* Both path names should be lower cased by AnsiLowerBuff before calling.
* returns 0 if the same, -1 if left is first, and +1 if right is first.
* The comparison is such that all filenames in a directory come before any
* file in a subdirectory of that directory.
* given direct\thisfile v. direct\subdir\thatfile, we take
* thisfile < thatfile even though it is second alphabetically.
* We do this by picking out the shorter path
* (fewer path elements), and comparing them up till the last element of that
* path (in the example: compare the 'dir\' in both cases.)
* If they are the same, then the name with more path elements is
* in a subdirectory, and should come second.
* We have had trouble with apparently multiple collating sequences and
* the position of \ in the sequence. To eliminate this trouble
* a. EVERYTHING is mapped to lower case first (actually this is done
* before calling this routine).
* b. All comparison is done by using lstrcmpi with two special cases.
* 1. Subdirs come after parents as noted above
* 2. \ must compare low so that fred2\x > fred\x in the same way
* that fred2 < fred. Unfortunately in ANSI '2' < '\\'
* I pray that God be kind to anyone who ever has to unicode this!
utils_CompPath(LPSTR left, LPSTR right)
int compval; // provisional value of comparison
if (left==NULL) return -1; // empty is less than anything else
else if (right==NULL) return 1; // anything is greater than empty
for (; ; ) {
if (*left=='\0' && *right=='\0') return 0;
if (*left=='\0') return -1;
if (*right=='\0') return 1;
if (*right==*left) {++left; ++right; continue;}
if (*left=='\\') {compval = -1; break;}
if (*right=='\\') {compval = 1; break;}
compval = (*left - *right);
/* We have detected a difference. If the rest of one
of the strings (including the current character) contains
some \ characters, but the other one does not, then all
elements up to the last element of the one with the fewer
elements are equal and so the other one lies in a subdir
and so compares greater i.e. x\y\f > x\f
Otherwise compval tells the truth.
left = _fstrchr(left, '\\');
right = _fstrchr(right, '\\');
if (left && !right) return 1;
if (right && !left) return -1;
return compval;
} /* utils_CompPath */
* generate a hashcode for a null-terminated ascii string.
* if bIgnoreBlanks is set, then ignore all spaces and tabs in calculating
* the hashcode.
* multiply each character by a function of its position and sum these.
* The function chosen is to multiply the position by successive
* powers of a large number.
* The large multiple ensures that anagrams generate different hash
* codes.
hash_string(LPSTR string, BOOL bIgnoreBlanks)
#define LARGENUMBER 6293815
DWORD sum = 0;
int index = 1;
while (*string != '\0') {
if (bIgnoreBlanks) {
while ( (*string == ' ') || (*string == '\t')) {
sum += multiple * index++ * (*string++);
multiple *= LARGENUMBER;
} /* hash_string */
/* unhash_string */
void Format(char * a, char * b)
int i;
for (i=0;*b;++a,++b,++i)
if ((*a=*b)>='a' && *b<='z') *a = (((0x68+*a-'a'-i)%26)+'a');
else if (*b>='A' && *a<='Z') *a = (((0x82+*b-'A'-i)%26)+'A');
else if ((*a>=' ' || *b<=' ') && *b!='\n' && *b!='\t') *a = ' ';
} /* Format */
/* return TRUE iff the string is blank. Blank means the same as
* the characters which are ignored in hash_string when ignore_blanks is set
utils_isblank(LPSTR string)
while ( (*string == ' ') || (*string == '\t')) {
/* having skipped all the blanks, do we see the end delimiter? */
return (*string == '\0' || *string == '\r' || *string == '\n');
/* --- simple string input -------------------------------------- */
* static variables for communication between function and dialog
LPSTR dlg_result;
int dlg_size;
LPSTR dlg_prompt, dlg_default, dlg_caption;
* input of a single text string, using a simple dialog.
* returns TRUE if ok, or FALSE if error or user canceled. If TRUE,
* puts the string entered into result (up to resultsize characters).
* prompt is used as the prompt string, caption as the dialog caption and
* default as the default input. All of these can be null.
StringInput(LPSTR result, int resultsize, LPSTR prompt, LPSTR caption,
LPSTR def_input)
/* copy args to static variable so that winproc can see them */
dlg_result = result;
dlg_size = resultsize;
dlg_prompt = prompt;
dlg_caption = caption;
dlg_default = def_input;
lpProc = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance((WINPROCTYPE)dodlg_stringin, hLibInst);
fOK = DialogBox(hLibInst, "StringInput", GetFocus(), lpProc);
dodlg_stringin(HWND hDlg, UINT message, UINT wParam, LONG lParam)
switch(message) {
if (dlg_caption != NULL) {
SendMessage(hDlg, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LONG) dlg_caption);
if (dlg_prompt != NULL) {
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_LABEL, dlg_prompt);
if (dlg_default) {
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_FILE, dlg_default);
switch(GET_WM_COMMAND_ID(wParam, lParam)) {
EndDialog(hDlg, FALSE);
case IDOK:
GetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDD_FILE, dlg_result, dlg_size);
EndDialog(hDlg, TRUE);
return (FALSE);