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/* OS/2 Version
* Timer.c - Source file for a statistical
* dll package that exports four
* entry points:
* a) TimerOpen
* b) TimerInit
* c) TimerRead
* d) TimerClose
* e) TimerReport
* f) TimerQueryPerformanceCounter
* g) TimerConvertTicsToUSec
* Entry point a) opens a timer object
* and returns a handle to the timer. This
* handle is an index into an array of timer
* objects (structs) that are allocated at
* the time of the initialization of the dll.
* This ensures that allocation is done once only.
* Each application program will call this
* this function so that it has its own set
* of timers to use with TimerInit and TimerRead.
* The units of the time returned by TimerRead
* is also made available as a parameter to
* this call.
* Entry point b) is called by the application
* before commencing a timing operation. This
* function is called with a handle to a timer
* object that was opened. This function has to
* to be called before a call to TimerRead. The
* current time is stored in the timer object.
* Entry point c) is called each time the time
* since the previous call to TimerInit is
* desired. This call also uses the handle to
* a timer that has been previosly opened. The
* current time is obtained form the lowlevel
* timer and this and the time at TimerInit time
* are used, along with the clock frequency and
* the return time units and the elapsed time
* is obtained and returned as a ULONG.
* Entry point d) is called whenever an opened
* timer is not needed any longer. This call
* resets the timer and makes this timer as
* available to future calls to TimerOpen.
* Entry point e) returns the time obtained during
* the last call to TimerInit, TimerRead and the
* last returned time.
* Entry point f) accepts pointers to 2 64 bit
* vars. Upon return, the first will contain the
* the current timer tic count and the second,
* if not NULL, will point to the timer freq.
* Entry point g) accepts Elapsed Tics as ULONG,
* Frequency as a ULONG and returns the time in
* microsecs. as a ULONG.
* The dll initialization routine does the
* following:
* a) Obtains the timer overhead for calibration
* purposes.
* b) Allocates memory for a large number of
* timer objects (this will be system dep).
* c) Initializes each timer objects "Units'
* element to a "TIMER_FREE" indicator.
* d) Determines the lowlevel timer's frequency.
* TimerRead uses an external asm routine to perform
* its computation for elapsed time.
* Created - Paramesh Vaidyanathan (vaidy)
* Initial Version - October 18, '90
* Modified to include f). - Feb. 14, 1992. (vaidy).
char *COPYRIGHT = "Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1991";
#ifdef SLOOP
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (SLOOP))
#include <os2.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define INCL_DOS
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP))
#include <math.h>
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (WIN32) || defined (OS2SS))
#include <nt.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#ifdef WIN16
#include <windows.h>
#include "timing.h"
/*****************************END OF INCLUDES*************************/
#define SUCCESS_OK 0
#define ONE_MILLION 1000000L
#define MICROSEC_FACTOR 1000000
#define TIMER_FREQ 1193167L /* clock frequency - Hz */
Timer pTimer [MAX_TIMERS]; /* array of timer struct */
BOOL bTimerInit = FALSE; /* TRUE indicates low level timer exists */
ULONG ulTimerOverhead = 50000L; /* timer overhead stored here */
BOOL bCalibrated = FALSE; /* TRUE subtracts overhead also */
ULONG ulFreq; /* timer frequency */
LONG aScaleValues[] = {1000000000L, 1000000L, 1000L, 1L, 10L, 1000L};
/* this is the table for scaling the units */
ULONG ulElapsedTime = 0L;
/********************* internal unexported routines ***************/
ULONG CalibrateTimerForOverhead (VOID);
#if (defined (OS2386) || defined (WIN16)) /* use for Win with new timer */
extern VOID FAR PASCAL ReturnElapsedTime (PQWORD,
ULONG far *,
ULONG far *,
#define MICROSECOND_INDEX 3 /* used as a hack. VTD 386 has introduced
some wierd problem if a unit that isn't
MICROSECONDS, is used */
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386))
SHORT GetTimerFreq (VOID);
int mult64_32 (QWORD, ULONG, PQWORD);
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP))
SHORT GetTimerFreq (VOID);
#define BIT0 0x1L /* for the division of 64 by 32 */
#define BIT31 0x80000000L /* - do - */
int Div64By32 (QWORD, ULONG, PQWORD);
int Sub64_64 (PQWORD, QWORD, QWORD);
#ifdef W32S
#define BIT0 0x1L /* for the division of 64 by 32 */
#define BIT31 0x80000000L /* - do - */
int Div64By32 (QWORD, ULONG, PQWORD);
int Sub64_64 (PQWORD, QWORD, QWORD);
int mult64_32 (QWORD, ULONG, PQWORD);
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (WIN16) || defined (SLOOP))
/* QWORD defined in the timing.h file for WIN platform */
QWORD qwCurrent,
#ifdef WIN16
#define RESERVED 0
#define INITCOUNT 50
#define SYNCERR 4 /* Max error between clocks, millisec */
#define MICROSYNCERR SYNCERR * 1000 /* Max error in microseconds */
#define SYNCCOUNT 50 /* Number of times to try to sync clks */
#define TIMER_SCALE .83810588 /* = 12 / 14.318 MHz */
#define MAX_MILLISECS 1800000L /* One Half Hour: 1800000L */
#define WRAP_8253 (ULONG)(0X10000 * TIMER_SCALE)
/* 44 milliseconds is the maximum acceptable period between system timer
updates */
#define MAX_SYSTEM_TIMER_INTERVAL 440 /* doc is wrong: value is
in tenths of milliseconds */
ULONG ulMilliSecStart = 0;
ULONG ulCurrentMilliSec = 0L;
ULONG ulPrevSysTime;
/* previous time, to keep from falling back */
ULONG ulPrevRetTime;
/* previous time, to keep from falling back */
BOOL bInitialized = FALSE;
ULONG ulOverhead;
ULONG ulNumResyncs = 0L;
ULONG ulCurrentTime = 0L;
/* Return Values */
#define OK 0
USHORT PASCAL FAR Start8253( void );
PASCAL FAR Stop8253( void );
VOID PASCAL FAR IntOn( void );
VOID PASCAL FAR IntOff( void );
VOID PASCAL FAR Int3( void );
VOID FAR PASCAL ReSynchronize( VOID );
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (OS2SS) || defined (WIN32))
NtQueryPerformanceCounter (
OUT PLARGE_INTEGER PerformanceCount,
SHORT GetTimerFreq (VOID);
#ifdef WIN16
VOID WinDllInit (VOID);
extern BOOL WinVTDAddr (VOID); // returns address of VTD
extern VOID WinVTDTime (PQWORD); // returns the time
BOOL fWinDllInitDone = FALSE; // flag to ensure that init has
// been done.
BOOL fUseApiTimer = FALSE; // if VTD not available
// use API Timer.
#if (defined (OS2SS) || defined (SLOOP))
#ifdef SLOOP
int mult64_32 (QWORD, ULONG, PQWORD);
HFILE hDevHandle;
/****************** internal unexported routines end***************/
* Function - TimerOpen (EXPORTED)
* Arguments -
* (a) SHORT far * - address to which to return handle of
* the timer object.
* (b) TimerUnits - units in which to return time from
* TimerRead. It is one of the enum
* types defined in the header file.
* Returns - SHORT - 0 if handle was returned successfully
* Else, an error code which may be one of:
* Obtains the handle to a timer object after opening it.
* Should precede any calls to timer manipulation. Checks
* for validity of timer units.
SHORT FAR PASCAL TimerOpen (phTimerHandle, TimerUnits)
SHORT far * phTimerHandle;
_TimerUnits TimerUnits;
SHORT csTemp;
#ifdef WIN16
/* Perform DLL initialization if hasn't been done */
if (!fWinDllInitDone)
if ((TimerUnits < KILOSECONDS)
|| (TimerUnits > NANOSECONDS)) /* out of the enum range */
if (!bTimerInit) /* set during dll initialization */
/* else check if any timers are not in use and return the first
available timer handle....actually the index into the
timer object array */
for (csTemp = 0; csTemp < MAX_TIMERS; csTemp++) {
if (pTimer [csTemp].TUnits == TIMER_FREE) {
*phTimerHandle = csTemp; /* found a free timer. Return
the handle */
pTimer [csTemp].ulHi = pTimer[csTemp].ulLo = 0L;
pTimer [csTemp].TUnits =
TimerUnits; /* set the units for timer */
return (SUCCESS_OK);
/* if exec reached here, all timers are being used */
* Function - TimerInit (EXPORTED)
* Arguments -
* (a) SHORT - hTimerHandle
* Returns - SHORT - 0 if call successful
* Else, an error code if handle invalid:
* Calls the low-level timer and sets the ulHi and ulLo of the
* chosen timer to the time returned by the timer. Should be
* called after opening the timer with TimerOpen.
SHORT FAR PASCAL TimerInit (SHORT hTimerHandle)
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (OS2SS) || defined (WIN32))
#ifdef WIN16
// Perform DLL initialization if hasn't been done
if (!fWinDllInitDone) {
if ((hTimerHandle > MAX_TIMERS - 1) ||
(pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits == TIMER_FREE))
/* this timer has not been opened or does not exist. Return error */
/* otherwise get the time from the low-level timer into
the structure */
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386))
DosTmrQueryTime (&qwTemp); /* use the perfview timer */
#elif (defined(WIN16))
if (!fUseApiTimer) /* VTD timer available */
WinVTDTime (&qwTemp);
else {
qwTemp.ulLo = PerfGetTime (); /* use the old timer */
qwTemp.ulHi = 0L; /* clear this fella */
#ifdef SLOOP
/* issue a DosDevIOCtl to read the time */
DosDevIOCtl (&qwTemp, &qwTemp, 0x40, 0x88, hDevHandle);
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (WIN16) || defined (SLOOP))
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo = qwTemp.ulLo; // get it into the timer
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi = qwTemp.ulHi; // structure
/* this timer structure has all the information needed to compute
the elapsed time. So return success, if there was no problem */
#if (defined (OS2SS) || defined (NTNAT) || defined (WIN32))
NtStatus = NtQueryPerformanceCounter (&CountCurrent, NULL);
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo = CountCurrent.LowPart;
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi = CountCurrent.HighPart;
/* this timer structure has all the information needed to compute
the elapsed time. So return success, if there was no problem */
return (SUCCESS_OK);
* Function - TimerRead (EXPORTED)
* Arguments -
* (a) SHORT - hTimerHandle
* Returns - ULONG - elapsed time since last call to TimerInit
* if call successful.
* Else, an error code if handle invalid or output
* overflow. The error code will be the same:
* Calls the low-level timer. Uses the ulLo and ulHi from the
* timer's structure and subtracts the current time from the
* saved time. Uses ReturnElapsedTime (an external ASM proc)
* to return the elapsed time taking into account the clock
* frequency and the units for this timer. Each call to this
* returns the time from the previous TimerInit.
* The user should interpret the return value sensibly to check
* if the result is an error or a real value.
ULONG FAR PASCAL TimerRead (SHORT hTimerHandle)
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (OS2SS) || defined (WIN32))
LARGE_INTEGER ElapsedTime, CountPrev, LargeOverhead;
#ifdef W32S
QWORD qwTemp, qwTemp1, qwTemp2;
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP))
QWORD qwSubtractedTime;
#ifdef WIN16
// Perform DLL initialization if hasn't been done
if (!fWinDllInitDone) {
if ((hTimerHandle > MAX_TIMERS - 1)
|| (pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits == TIMER_FREE))
/* this timer has not been opened or does not exist.
Return TIMERERR_OVERFLOW ie. 0xffffffff, the max. possible
ULONG. The user should interpret such a result sensibly */
/* let us handle a few cases at a time. First let us get the
286 and 386 times computed first */
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386))
DosTmrQueryTime (&qwCurrent); /* use the Perfview timer */
#elif (defined (WIN16))
if (!fUseApiTimer) /* VTD Timer available */
WinVTDTime (&qwCurrent);
else { /* use the old Api Timer */
qwCurrent.ulLo = PerfGetTime ();
qwCurrent.ulHi = 0L;
ulFreq = TIMER_FREQ;
#elif (defined (SLOOP))
/* issue a DosDevIOCtl to read the time */
DosDevIOCtl (&qwCurrent, &qwCurrent, 0x40, 0x88, hDevHandle);
ulFreq = TIMER_FREQ; /* hardcode the frequency */
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (WIN16) || defined (SLOOP))
/* since we are going to be using separate routines for comptuing the
64 bit differences, let us store the values into QWORDS. */
qwPrev.ulLo = pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo;
qwPrev.ulHi = pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi;
/* use the special purposes asm functions to do the 64-32 computation */
#if (defined (OS2386) || defined (WIN16))
/* call the asm routine ReturnElapsedTime */
if (!bCalibrated)
ulTimerOverhead = 0; /* so that overhead will not
be used while calibrating */
#ifdef WIN16
if (fUseApiTimer) /* just subtract the prev. time from the current */
ulElapsedTime = qwCurrent. ulLo - qwPrev.ulLo;
/* MICROSECOND_INDEX = 3, i.e. The units is MICRO_SECONDS */
ReturnElapsedTime (&qwPrev, &qwCurrent, &ulFreq,
&ulTimerOverhead, &qwResult);
/* the 386 model allows the difference of the 2 quad words
to be divided by the freq. and scaled approproiately */
if (!bCalibrated)
ulTimerOverhead = 50000L; /* set this back to the old high. This
is basically for OS/2 386. */
/* if the high 32 bits of the returned QWORD is not zero,
there has been an overflow - CHECK */
if (qwResult.ulHi)
#ifdef WIN16
if (!fUseApiTimer) { /* return time here only if VTD.386 installed */
/* everything is just fine, return the elapsed time as a ULONG after
scaling. Ovrehead calibration has already been done by the
ReturnElapsedTime routine. */
if (pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits < 3)
qwResult.ulLo /= aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits];
qwResult.ulLo *= aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits];
ulElapsedTime = qwResult.ulLo; // this is used by TimerReport. So stuff
// it in.
if ((ULONG) qwResult.ulLo > 0L)
return (qwResult.ulLo);
return (0L);
#ifdef WIN16
} /* close paren. for if (!fUseApiTimer) */
/* we are done as far as the 32 bit OS/2 platform or Win 3.x (VTD only)
are concerned */
#elif (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP))
/* THIS STUFF IS MESSY. Have to use 16 bit registers and do 64
bit arithmetic */
Sub64_64 (&qwSubtractedTime, qwCurrent, qwPrev);
/* on return, qwResult will contain the difference of the 2
64 bit numbers */
/* multiply this number by 1000000 to convert to us equivalent...
this is how DosTmrQueryTime works */
mult64_32 (qwSubtractedTime, ONE_MILLION, &qwResult);
/* divide this result by the frequency */
/* in this case, call the Div64by32 routine to do the division */
Div64By32 (qwResult, ulFreq, &qwTemp);
/* the result of this division should fit into 32 bits */
ulElapsedTime = qwTemp.ulLo;
/* OK, we now have the result of dividing the clock tics by
frequency, in ulElapsedTime */
#endif /* end of second if (defined(OS2386) || defined (WIN16)) */
#endif /* end of ifdef OS2386, and elif OS2286 or WIN */
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (WIN32) || defined (OS2SS))
NtStatus = NtQueryPerformanceCounter (&CountCurrent, NULL);
CountPrev.LowPart = pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo;
CountPrev.HighPart = (LONG) pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi;
ElapsedTime.LowPart = CountCurrent.LowPart;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = (LONG) CountCurrent.HighPart;
#ifndef W32S
/* everything is just fine, convert to double, subtract the times,
divide by the frequency, convert to MICROSECONDS and return
the elapsed time as a ULONG */
/* convert to us., divide the count by the clock frequency that
has already been obtained */
ElapsedTime = RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (ElapsedTime, CountPrev);
ElapsedTime = RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (ElapsedTime, MICROSEC_FACTOR);
ElapsedTime = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide (ElapsedTime,
#else // use the local math routines for calculation on W32S
qwTemp1.ulLo = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
qwTemp1.ulHi = ElapsedTime.HighPart;
qwTemp2.ulLo = CountPrev.LowPart;
qwTemp2.ulHi = CountPrev.HighPart;
Sub64_64(&qwTemp, qwTemp1, qwTemp2);
mult64_32 (qwTemp, (ULONG) MICROSEC_FACTOR, &qwTemp1);
Div64By32 (qwTemp1, PerfFreq.LowPart, &qwTemp);
ElapsedTime.LowPart = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = qwTemp.ulHi;
// if the timer is not calibrated, set ulElapsedTime to be the
// low part of ElapsedTime. This is because, we do not have to
// do to any arithmetic to this before returning the value.
if (!bCalibrated)
ulElapsedTime = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
#ifndef OS2386
/* this code is common for all platforms but OS2386. For Win3.x
if VTD.386 has been installed, the code below should not matter,
since we should have returned the time by now.
The elapsed time will be scaled, overhead subtracted
and the time returned */
/* we have ulElapsedTime. Scale it and do the needful */
/* divide or multiply by the scale factor */
#ifdef WIN16
if (fUseApiTimer) {
if (bCalibrated) {
#ifdef WIN32
// Applications like the PROBE call TimerRead repeatedly
// without calling TimerInit, for more than 70 minutes. This
// screws up things. So treat everything as 64 bit numbers
// until the very end.
if ((ElapsedTime.LowPart < ulTimerOverhead) &&
(!ElapsedTime.HighPart)) { // low part is lower than overhead
// and high part is zero..then make
// elapsed time 0. We don't want
// negative numbers.
ElapsedTime.HighPart = 0L;
ElapsedTime.LowPart = 0L;
else { // subtract the overhead in tics before converting
// to time units
LargeOverhead.HighPart = 0L;
LargeOverhead.LowPart = ulTimerOverhead;
#ifdef W32S
// use temp vars. to convert LargeInts to QWORDS
qwTemp1.ulLo = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
qwTemp1.ulHi = ElapsedTime.HighPart;
qwTemp2.ulLo = LargeOverhead.LowPart;
qwTemp2.ulHi = LargeOverhead.HighPart;
Sub64_64(&qwTemp, qwTemp1, qwTemp2);
ElapsedTime.LowPart = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = qwTemp.ulHi;
#else // For Win32
ElapsedTime = RtlLargeIntegerSubtract (ElapsedTime,
if (pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits <= MICROSECONDS) {
#ifdef W32S
qwTemp1.ulLo = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
qwTemp1.ulHi = ElapsedTime.HighPart;
Div64By32 (qwTemp1,
(ULONG) aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits],
ElapsedTime.LowPart = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = qwTemp.ulHi;
ElapsedTime = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide (
aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits],
else {
#ifdef W32S
qwTemp1.ulLo = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
qwTemp1.ulHi = ElapsedTime.HighPart;
(ULONG)aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits],
ElapsedTime.LowPart = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = qwTemp.ulHi;
ElapsedTime = RtlExtendedIntegerMultiply (
aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits]
// scaling is done. Now get the time back into 32 bits. This
// should fit.
ulElapsedTime = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
#else // for non WIN32 platforms and non OS2386 platforms
// subtract the overhead before converting tics to time units.
if (ulElapsedTime > ulTimerOverhead)
ulElapsedTime -= ulTimerOverhead;
ulElapsedTime = 0L;
if (pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits <= MICROSECONDS)
ulElapsedTime /= aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits];
ulElapsedTime *= aScaleValues [pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits];
if ((LONG) ulElapsedTime < 0L) /* if this guy is -ve, return a 0 */
return (0L);
return (ulElapsedTime);
#ifdef WIN16
#endif /* for all platforms except OS2386 and WIN30 */
* Function - TimerClose (EXPORTED)
* Arguments -
* (a) SHORT - hTimerHandle
* Returns - SHORT - 0 if call successful
* Else, an error code if handle invalid:
* Releases the timer for use by future TimerOpen calls.
* Resets the elements of the timer structure, setting the
* Timer's Units element to TIMER_FREE.
SHORT FAR PASCAL TimerClose (SHORT hTimerHandle)
#ifdef WIN16
// Perform DLL initialization if hasn't been done
if (!fWinDllInitDone) {
if ((hTimerHandle > MAX_TIMERS - 1) ||
(pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits == TIMER_FREE))
/* error condition, wrong handle */
/* otherwise, set the TimerUnits of this timer to TIMER_FREE,
reset the other elements to zero and return */
pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits = TIMER_FREE;
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo = 0L;
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi = 0L;
return (SUCCESS_OK);
Added this routine TimerReport to report individual
times. Bob Day requested that such a routine be
created. It just maintains the time from the last
TimerInit and TimerRead and also the last time returned.
This routine copies this to a user specified buffer.
Accepts - PSZ - a pointer to a buffer to print the data out
SHORT - timer handle
Returns - TRUE if Timer exists and is open
- FALSE if Timer not opened
BOOL FAR PASCAL TimerReport (PSZ pszReportString, SHORT hTimerHandle)
#ifdef WIN16
// Perform DLL initialization if hasn't been done
if (!fWinDllInitDone) {
if (pTimer [hTimerHandle].TUnits == TIMER_FREE)
return (FALSE);
/* stored value is in pTimer[hTimerHandle].ulLo and .ulHi */
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP))
sprintf (pszReportString,
"Init Count (tics) %lx:%lx Current Count (tics) %lx:%lx Returned Time %lu ",
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi,
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo, qwCurrent.ulLo, qwCurrent.ulHi,
#elif (defined (OS2386))
sprintf (pszReportString,
"Init Count (tics) %lu:%lu Current Count (tics) %lu:%lu Returned Time %lu ",
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi,
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo, qwResult.ulLo, qwResult.ulHi,
#elif (defined (WIN32))
wsprintf (pszReportString,
"Init Count (tics) %lu:%lu Current Count (tics) %lu:%lu Returned Time %lu ",
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulHi,
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo, CountCurrent.HighPart,
#elif (defined (WIN16))
wsprintf ((LPSTR) pszReportString,
(LPSTR) "Init Count (tics) %lu Current Count (tics) %lu Returned Time %lu ",
pTimer [hTimerHandle].ulLo,
return (TRUE);
Added this routine TimerQueryPerformanceCounter to report
current tic count at behest of NT GDI folks.
Accepts - PQWORD - a pointer to a 64 bit struct. that will
contain tic count on return.
PQWORD [OPTIONAL) - a pointer to a 64 bit struct. that will
contain frequency on return.
Returns - None.
VOID FAR PASCAL TimerQueryPerformanceCounter (PQWORD pqTic, PQWORD pqFreq OPTIONAL)
#if (defined (WIN32))
LARGE_INTEGER TempTic, TempFreq;
// call the NT API to do the needful and return.
NtQueryPerformanceCounter (&TempTic, &TempFreq);
#ifdef W32S
pqTic->ulLo = TempTic.LowPart;
pqTic->ulHi = TempTic.HighPart;
pqFreq->ulLo = TempFreq.LowPart;
pqFreq->ulHi = TempFreq.HighPart;
pqTic->LowPart = TempTic.LowPart;
pqTic->HighPart = TempTic.HighPart;
pqFreq->LowPart = TempFreq.LowPart;
pqFreq->HighPart = TempFreq.HighPart;
#elif (defined (WIN16))
// If freq. is desired, give it, else just give the tic count back.
if (pqFreq != NULL) {
pqFreq->ulLo = TIMER_FREQ;
pqFreq->ulHi = 0L;
if (!fWinDllInitDone)
WinVTDTime (pqTic);
#elif (defined(OS2286) || defined(OS2386))
// If freq. is desired, give it, else just give the tic count back.
if (pqFreq != NULL) {
DosTmrQueryFreq (&(pqFreq->ulLo));
pqFreq->ulHi = 0L;
DosTmrQueryTime (pqTic);
#elif (defined (SLOOP))
// If freq. is desired, give it, else just give the tic count back.
if (pqFreq != NULL) {
pqFreq->ulLo = TIMER_FREQ;
pqFreq->ulHi = 0L;
DosDevIOCtl (pqTic, pqTic, 0x40, 0x88, hDevHandle);
Added this routine TimerConvertTicsToUSec to return
time in usecs. for a given elapsed tic count and freq.
Accepts - ULONG - Elapsed Tic Count.
ULONG - Frequency.
Returns - Elapsed Time in usecs. as a ULONG.
- Zero if input freq. is zero.
ULONG FAR PASCAL TimerConvertTicsToUSec (
ULONG ulElapsedTics,
ULONG ulInputFreq
#if (defined (WIN32))
#ifdef W32S
QWORD qwTemp, qwTemp1;
ULONG ulRemainder = 0L;
// if the bozo gives me a zero freq, return him a zero.
// Let him tear his hair.
if (!ulInputFreq)
return 0L;
// multiply tics by a million and divide by the frequency.
#ifdef W32S
qwTemp.ulHi = 0L;
qwTemp.ulHi = ulElapsedTics;
qwTemp1.ulLo = ElapsedTime.LowPart;
qwTemp1.ulHi = ElapsedTime.HighPart;
mult64_32 (qwTemp, (ULONG) MICROSEC_FACTOR, (PQWORD)&qwTemp1);
Div64By32 (qwTemp1, ulInputFreq, &qwTemp);
ElapsedTime.LowPart = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime.HighPart = qwTemp.ulHi;
// grab the remainder also
ulRemainder = qwTemp.ulLo;
ElapsedTime = RtlEnlargedIntegerMultiply (ulElapsedTics, MICROSEC_FACTOR);
ElapsedTime = RtlExtendedLargeIntegerDivide (ElapsedTime,
ElapsedTime.LowPart += (ulRemainder > (ulInputFreq / 2L));
return (ElapsedTime.LowPart) ; /* get the result into a ULONG */
#elif (defined (WIN16) || defined (OS2386))
QWORD qwOld, qwNew, qwElapsed;
ULONG ulDummy = 0L;
qwOld.ulLo = qwOld.ulHi = 0L; // for use with ReturnElaosedTime.
qwNew.ulHi = 0L; // - do -
qwNew.ulLo = ulElapsedTics; // - do -
// the following routine will do everything.
ReturnElapsedTime (&qwOld, &qwNew, &ulInputFreq,
&ulDummy, &qwElapsed);
return (qwElapsed.ulLo);
#elif (defined(OS2286) || defined(SLOOP))
QWORD qwDiff, qwElapsed;
qwDiff.ulLo = ulElapsedTics;
qwDiff.ulHi = 0L;
// multiply tic diff. by a million.
mult64_32 (qwDiff, ONE_MILLION, &qwResult);
// divide by frequency.
Div64By32 (qwResult, ulInputFreq, &qwElapsed);
/* the result of this division should fit into 32 bits */
return (qwElapsed.ulLo + (qwElapsed.ulLo > (ulInputFreq /2L));
/**************** ROUTINES NOT EXPORTED, FOLLOW ************************/
* Function - CalibrateTimerForOverhead (NOT EXPORTED)
* Arguments - None
* Returns - ULONG
* Calls TimerElapsedTime a few times to compute the expected
* mean. Calls TimerElapsedTime more number of times and
* averages the mean out of those calls that did not exceed
* the expected mean by 15%.
ULONG CalibrateTimerForOverhead (VOID)
ULONG ulTempTotal = 0L;
ULONG ulExpectedValue = 0L;
SHORT csIter;
SHORT hTimerHandle;
if (TimerOpen (&hTimerHandle, MICROSECONDS)) /* open failed. Return 0 */
return (0L);
for (csIter = 0; csIter < 5; csIter++) {
TimerInit (hTimerHandle);
ulOverhead [csIter] = TimerRead (hTimerHandle);
/* if negative, make zero */
if (((LONG) ulOverhead [csIter]) < 0)
ulOverhead [csIter] = 0L;
/* The get elapsed time function has been called 6 times.
The idea is to calculate the expected mean, then call
TimerElapsedTime a bunch of times and throw away all times
that are 15% larger than this mean. This would give a
really good overhead time */
for (csIter = 0; csIter < 5; csIter++ )
ulTempTotal += ulOverhead [csIter];
ulExpectedValue = ulTempTotal / 5;
for (csIter = 0; csIter < ITER_FOR_OVERHEAD; csIter++) {
TimerInit (hTimerHandle);
ulOverhead [csIter] = TimerRead (hTimerHandle);
/* if negative, make zero */
if (((LONG) ulOverhead [csIter]) < 0)
ulOverhead [csIter] = 0L;
ulTempTotal = 0L; /* reset this value */
for (csIter = 0; csIter < ITER_FOR_OVERHEAD; csIter++ ) {
if (ulOverhead [csIter] <= (ULONG) (115L * ulExpectedValue/100L))
/* include all samples that is < 115% of ulExpectedValue */
ulTempTotal += ulOverhead [csIter];
/* ignore this sample and dec. sample count */
TimerClose (hTimerHandle);
if (csNoOfSamples == 0) /* no valid times. Return a 0 for overhead */
return (0L);
return (ulTempTotal/csNoOfSamples);
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (OS2SS) || defined SLOOP)
/* timing init for OS2 only */
* Arguments - None
* Return - None
* TIMING_INIT is called from the entry point in TimerInit.ASM
* when a client process dynamically links to the library.
SHORT csTempCtr; /* a local counter */
USHORT usAction;
for (csTempCtr = 0; csTempCtr < MAX_TIMERS; csTempCtr++) {
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulLo = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulHi = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].TUnits = TIMER_FREE;
bTimerInit = TRUE;
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386) || defined (OS2SS))
GetTimerFreq (); /* get the timer freq. into ulFreq */
#ifdef SLOOP
DosOpen((char far *) "TIME_16$",
ulTimerOverhead = CalibrateTimerForOverhead ();
/* the timer overhead will be placed in a global variable */
bCalibrated = TRUE;
return 1;
#ifndef WIN16 /* get freq for all other platforms */
* Function - GetTimerFreq (NOT EXPORTED)
* Arguments - None
* Return - 0 if successful or an error code if timer not aailable
* Calls the function to return freq
SHORT GetTimerFreq (VOID)
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (OS2386))
DosTmrQueryFreq (&ulFreq);
#elif (defined (NTNAT) || defined (WIN32) || defined (OS2SS))
LARGE_INTEGER PerfCount, Freq;
NtStatus = NtQueryPerformanceCounter (&PerfCount, &Freq);
if ((Freq.LowPart == 0L) && (Freq.HighPart == 0L))
/* frequency of zero implies timer not available */
PerfFreq.LowPart = Freq.LowPart;
PerfFreq.HighPart = (LONG) Freq.HighPart;
return 0;
#ifdef WIN16
PURPOSE: Contains library routines for the performance timer
PURPOSE: Is called by LibEntry. LibEntry is called by Windows when
the DLL is loaded. The LibEntry routine is provided in
the LIBENTRY.OBJ in the SDK Link Libraries disk. (The
source LIBENTRY.ASM is also provided.)
LibEntry initializes the DLL's heap, if a HEAPSIZE value is
specified in the DLL's DEF file. Then LibEntry calls
LibMain. The LibMain function below satisfies that call.
The LibMain function should perform additional initialization
tasks required by the DLL. In this example, no initialization
tasks are required. LibMain should return a value of 1 if
the initialization is successful.
int FAR PASCAL LibMain(hModule, wDataSeg, cbHeapSize, lpszCmdLine)
HANDLE hModule;
WORD wDataSeg;
WORD cbHeapSize;
LPSTR lpszCmdLine;
No initialization is done in this routine. Any required
initialization is done by ApfInitDll() which will be called
only once during profiling of the first API. A global flag,
fWinDllInitDone, is used to control calling the init routine.
This is done to prevent any problems caused by some Microsoft
applications such as Excel and WinWord due to their self loading
capability. These apps use kernel calls before DLLs LibMains
are called.
This feature was added by RezaB when faced with a problem
during API profiling */
PURPOSE: Contains DLLs initialization for WINDOWs 3.x.
FUNCTION: WinDllInit ()
PURPOSE: Is called only once.
Since no initialization is done by LibMain() routine,
Any required initialization is done this routine which
will be called only once during the first reference to any
of this DLLs exported routines. A global flag, fWinDllInitDone,
is used to control calling this init routine.
This is done to prevent any problems caused by some Microsoft
applications such as Excel and WinWord due to their self loading
capability. These apps use kernel calls before DLLs LibMains
are called.
void WinDllInit ()
SHORT csTempCtr; // a local counter
fWinDllInitDone = TRUE; // has to be done here since
// CalibrateTimerForOverhead() makes calls
// to TimerInit() and TimerRead() which
// both check this flag.
// allocate storage for all MAX_TIMER objects
for (csTempCtr = 0; csTempCtr < MAX_TIMERS; csTempCtr++) {
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulLo = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulHi = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].TUnits = TIMER_FREE;
/* if not enhanced mode or if the VTDAddr routine returns a non-zero
do not use the VTD.386 */
if (!(GetWinFlags() & WF_ENHANCED) || (WinVTDAddr ())) {
fUseApiTimer = TRUE;
PerfStartTime (); /* start the timer */
bTimerInit = TRUE;
ulTimerOverhead = CalibrateTimerForOverhead ();
bCalibrated = TRUE;
PURPOSE: Performs cleanup tasks when the DLL is unloaded. WEP() is
called automatically by Windows when the DLL is unloaded
(no remaining tasks still have the DLL loaded). It is
strongly recommended that a DLL have a WEP() function,
even if it does nothing but return, as in this example.
VOID FAR PASCAL WEP(int bSystemExit)
#ifdef WIN16
/* Perftime
* This is a set of timing routines to be used by any machine. No special
* hardware is necessary. Call PerfStartTime( ) when you want to begin
* timing, and PerfGetTime( ) to get the amount of time passed since
* PerfStartTime was called. PerfGetTime( ) may be called any number of
* times after PerfStartTime( ), and it will always return the amount of
* time since PerfStartTime. Times greater than an hour, however, return
* as an error. Overhead is automatically subtracted.
* Notes: This timer routine has overhead of 60 microseconds on an
* 6 MHz AT and 23 microseconds on a 16 MHz Compaq386.
* Restrictions: Don't use with the dos box. This timer uses the
* system timer used by Dos. If a Dos session is entered
* during the timing session, timing is only meaningful
* above 54 milliseconds. Anything below 54 milliseconds
* is uncertain.
* Exports: PerfStartTime( )
* PerfGetTIme( )
* Imports: None
* Algorithm: These routines synchronize two asynchronous clocks: The
* OS/2 system clock, and the 8253 timer chip, counter 0.
* It uses the 8253 to time the microsecond level, and the
* system timer to time milliseconds and above. The two
* timers are synchronized by first converting the time
* returned by the system clock to an even multiple of the
* 8253's max count(54 mSecs), an then comparing the 8253
* count to the remainder of the system count to compensate
* for differneces between the two counters. If the system
* timer is within TIMER_LAG behind the 8253 it is consedered
* to be lagging, otherwise, it is leading. There is reason
* to expect consederable lag in the system clock, because
* it is only updated every 32 mSecs.
* History: 13-Jan-1989 waynej created
* 30-Nov-1989 vaidy modified - see comment in body of code
* 27-Dec-1989 russbl fix error of adding two many WRAP8253's
* check sync of clocks at start
* generally cleanup code format
* 26-Feb-1990 c-bobch modified OS/2 version for Windows 3.0
* PerfStartTime( )
* This starts the performance timer.
* Side effects: This gets a pointer to the Global Information Segment,
* gets the current value of milliseconds from the system
* clock, and resets the 8253 on the system board.
* Arguments: none
* Returns: OK (0) if timers started successfully.
* SYSTEM_TIMER_ERROR (FFFF) if the system timer is updated
* less frequently than every 44 milliseconds. This
* shouldn't be a problem, as IBM machines running
* OS/2 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 are updated evry 31 msec.
* Algorithm: This routine finds out when the system clock is updated
* by continually poling the Global Information Segment,
* looking for a change in milliseconds (the system clock
* is updated at 32hz or about every 31 milliseconds).
* History: 13-Jan-1989 waynej created
ULONG ulLastMilliSec;
ULONG ulInitOverhead = 0;
if (bInitialized == FALSE) {
bInitialized = TRUE;
/* Synchronize the two clocks: first to get overhead */
/* We'll do it more carefully later on */
ulOverhead = 0;
ulPrevSysTime = 0; /* reset previous system time */
ulPrevRetTime = 0; /* reset previous returned time */
/* get current system time, milliseconds*/
ulMilliSecStart = GetCurrentTime ();
ulLastMilliSec = ulMilliSecStart;
/* wait for system time to change */
/* ChrishSh of Win 3.0 had made some modifications to the
original code so that the do loop had been commented.
The micro and millisecond timer synch was causing
some problems and it appears that the milliseconds
times never changed. As a result, we never used to
come out of the loop. This is interesting, since
this seems to work perfectly well under SLOOP. */
Start8253(); /* restart microsecond timer */
/* Compute PerfGetTime overhead */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 5 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 10 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 15 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 20 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 25 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 30 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 35 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 40 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
PerfGetTime(); /* 45 */
PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime(); PerfGetTime();
ulInitOverhead = PerfGetTime( ); /* 50 */
ulOverhead = ulInitOverhead / INITCOUNT;
/* Now the overhead has been computed: we can really synchronize */
ulPrevSysTime = 0; /* reset previous system time */
ulPrevRetTime = 0; /* reset previous returned time */
} /* end of if bInitialized condition */
* PerfGetTime( )
* This gets the current time since the PerfStartTime.
* Arguments: none
* Returns: time in microseconds
* TIMER_ERROR (-1) in case of time longer than one hour
* History: 13-Jan-1989 waynej created
USHORT u8253Time;
ULONG ulSystemTime;
ULONG ulMicroSecs;
ulSystemTime = GetCurrentTime ();
u8253Time = Stop8253( );
if (bInitialized == FALSE)
/* Convert 8253 ticks to microseconds */
u8253Time = (USHORT)(((ULONG)u8253Time * WRAP_8253 ) / 0xFFFF);
/* subtract off starting time */
ulSystemTime -= ulMilliSecStart;
/* now make sure we have not gone backwards */
if (ulSystemTime < ulPrevSysTime)
ulSystemTime = ulPrevSysTime; /* use latest time */
ulPrevSysTime = ulSystemTime; /* use latest time */
The following "if" statement eliminates
the one hour limit on perftime. Originally, the body of the if
statement just contained a return statement, returning a TIMER_ERROR.
Now, if the ulSystemTime happens to exceed one half hour, we restart
perfstarttime. However, after starting the clock again, perfgettime
still returns the correct time for that particular call to perfgettime.
if (ulSystemTime > MAX_MILLISECS) {
return( PerfGetTime() );
/* Convert to microseconds */
ulSystemTime *= 1000;
ulMicroSecs = (ulSystemTime / WRAP_8253) * WRAP_8253 + u8253Time;
if(ulMicroSecs < ulSystemTime - MICROSYNCERR){
ulMicroSecs += WRAP_8253;
if (ulMicroSecs > ulSystemTime + MICROSYNCERR /* +
(pgisInfo->cusecTimerInterval * 100) */ ){
/* didn't really wrap, use actual clock time */
ulMicroSecs -= WRAP_8253;
/* Compensate for overhead */
if (ulMicroSecs >= ulOverhead)
ulMicroSecs - ulOverhead;
/* Now let's try hard to be sure we are not falling back in time */
if (ulMicroSecs < ulPrevRetTime)
/* we must have missed a wrap, that's the only way this can happen */
ulMicroSecs += WRAP_8253;
ulPrevRetTime = ulMicroSecs;
VOID FAR PASCAL ReSynchronize( ) {
ULONG ulSystemTime;
Assume that exactly an hour after timing was started, 2 routines
A and B make call to perfgettime. If we do not take care of the
multiple calls, A and B will find that it is an hour since
intialization and both of them would try to reinitialize. This is
taken care of by the DosEnterCritSec. So, only one of A or B will
be allowed to reset the clock. The other one would have to wait.
Say, A reinitializes while B waits. B then enters the critsec and
obtains the millisec count on the system clock. But it finds that
the ulSystemtime is now less than the MAX_MILLISECS and hence does
not execute the inner if-loop. As a result, both A and B now return
valid times with the call to perfgettime.
ulSystemTime = GetCurrentTime ();
ulSystemTime -= ulMilliSecStart;
/* now make sure we have not gone backwards */
if (ulSystemTime < ulPrevSysTime)
ulSystemTime = ulPrevSysTime; /* use latest time */
ulPrevSysTime = ulSystemTime; /* use latest time */
if( ulSystemTime > MAX_MILLISECS ) {
bInitialized = FALSE;
/*********END OF APITIMER CODE FOR Windows*********************/
#if (defined (OS2286) || defined (SLOOP) || defined (W32S))
* Divide QWORD by ULONG
* Input:
* qwDividend -- 64bit dividend in QWORD struct
* ulDivisor -- 32bit divisor
* pqwQuot -- ptr to QWORD storage for quotient
* Output:
* puts values in Quotient and Remainder
* returns 0 if completed successfully, 1 if overflow,
* 2 if unable to complete division (see WARNING)
* Algorithm:
* Divide high ulong by divisor, to get high quotient. Then
* shift remainder down (saving out shifted bits) until highest bit
* is in low dividend. Do "shifted" divide. Shift this quotient
* and remainder (with out shifted bits coming back in) back up.
* Do final low divide, adding quotient to shifted quotient and
* returning this real remainder.
* !!! WARNING !!!
* The divide routine is not strictly a full QWORD / ULONG routine
* rather it is a QWORD / positive LONG routine. That is, if the
* highest bit in the divisor is set, the routine can not necessarily
* complete the division using dividend shift only (that's its method).
* This condition is checked and causes a return = 2.
int Div64By32 (QWORD qwDividend, ULONG ulDivisor, PQWORD pqwQuot)
ULONG ulBitsOut = 0L; /* store bits shifted out of dividend */
int cShiftCount = 0; /* # bits shifted out of low dividend */
/* check overflow */
if ( ! ulDivisor )
return 1;
/* do high divide
* remainder is left in dividend to continue division
pqwQuot->ulHi = qwDividend.ulHi / ulDivisor;
qwDividend.ulHi = qwDividend.ulHi % ulDivisor;
/* shift dividend left, until all in low dividend
* save low bits shifted out */
while (qwDividend.ulHi) {
ulBitsOut >>= 1;
if (qwDividend.ulLo & BIT0)
ulBitsOut |= BIT31;
qwDividend.ulLo >>= 1;
if (qwDividend.ulHi & BIT0)
qwDividend.ulLo |= BIT31;
qwDividend.ulHi >>= 1;
/* check if shifted division is possible */
if (qwDividend.ulLo && ulDivisor > qwDividend.ulLo)
return 2;
/* do "shifted" divide
* again remainder stays in dividend for next divide */
pqwQuot->ulLo = qwDividend.ulLo / ulDivisor;
qwDividend.ulLo = qwDividend.ulLo % ulDivisor;
/* shift back
* - low bits back into dividend
* - quotient up */
qwDividend.ulLo <<= cShiftCount;
qwDividend.ulLo += (ulBitsOut >> (32 - cShiftCount));
pqwQuot->ulLo <<= cShiftCount;
/* do "regular" (non-shifted) low division
* add quotient to previous "shifted" quotient
pqwQuot->ulLo += qwDividend.ulLo / ulDivisor;
return 0;
* Multiply 64bit by 32bit producing 64bit result.
* Input:
* qwFact64 -- 64bit factor in QWORD struct
* ulFact32 -- 32bit factor
* pqwResult -- ptr to QWORD struct for result
* Output:
* puts result *pqwResult qword
* returns 0 if completed successfully, 1 if overflow
#define BIT0 0x1L
#define BIT31 0x80000000L
int mult64_32 (QWORD qwFact64, ULONG ulFact32, PQWORD pqwResult)
pqwResult->ulLo = 0;
pqwResult->ulHi = 0;
while (1) {
/* if lowest bit in Fact32 set, add Fact64 to result */
if (ulFact32 & BIT0) {
/* add high bits, and check for overflow */
pqwResult->ulHi += qwFact64.ulHi;
if (qwFact64.ulHi > pqwResult->ulHi)
return 1;
/* add low bits, if overflow increment hi */
pqwResult->ulLo += qwFact64.ulLo;
if (qwFact64.ulLo > pqwResult->ulLo) {
/* check if inc will cause overflow */
if (pqwResult->ulHi == 0xfffffff)
return 1;
/* shift 32 factor right, done when zero */
if (!(ulFact32 >>= 1))
return 0;
/* shift 64 factor left, return if overflow */
if (qwFact64.ulHi & BIT31)
return 1;
qwFact64.ulHi <<= 1;
/* move ulLo bit 32 to ulHi */
if (qwFact64.ulLo & BIT31)
qwFact64.ulHi |= 1L;
qwFact64.ulLo <<=1;
} /* end while until return */
* Subtract two signed 64bit values
* Input:
* pqwResult -- ptr to QWORD struct for result
* qwSub1 -- 64bit to be subtracted from
* qwSub2 -- 64bit subtrahend
* Output:
* puts result *pqwResult
* returns 0 if completed successfully, 1 if overflow
int Sub64_64 (PQWORD pqwResult, QWORD qwFrom, QWORD qwSub)
/* subtract */
pqwResult->ulHi = qwFrom.ulHi - qwSub.ulHi;
pqwResult->ulLo = qwFrom.ulLo - qwSub.ulLo;
if (pqwResult->ulLo > qwFrom.ulLo) /* borrow from high? */
/* overflow check */
if (pqwResult->ulHi < qwFrom.ulHi)
return 0; /* valid */
else if (pqwResult->ulHi > qwFrom.ulHi)
return 1; /* overflow, found in hi */
else if (pqwResult->ulLo > qwFrom.ulLo)
return 1; /* hi equal, overflow found in lo */
return 0; /* hi equal, no overflow in lo */
#if (defined (NTNAT) || defined (WIN32))
NT native dll init routine
SHORT csTempCtr; /* a counter - had to make this global..compile fails */
ULONG culTemp; /* - do - */
TimerDllInitialize (
IN PVOID DllHandle,
ULONG Reason,
DllHandle, Context; // avoid compiler warnings
if (Reason != DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { // if detaching return immediately
return TRUE;
for (csTempCtr = 0; csTempCtr < MAX_TIMERS; csTempCtr++) {
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulLo = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].ulHi = 0L;
pTimer [csTempCtr].TUnits = TIMER_FREE;
bTimerInit = TRUE;
GetTimerFreq ();
ulTimerOverhead = CalibrateTimerForOverhead ();
/* the timer overhead will be placed in a global variable */
bCalibrated = TRUE;
return TRUE;