Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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181 lines
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/* trans.c - transliterate one file into another
* Modifications:
* 30-Apr-1987 mz Use fmove ()
* 13-May-1987 mz Check for buffer overflow
* Use stderr for error output
* 14-May-1987 bw Fix stack overflow on fREMatch call
* Make stdin/stdout O_BINARY when used
* Use return message from fmove()
* Send debug output to stderr
* 01-Mar-1988 mz Add parameter to RECompile for Z syntax
* 15-Sep-1988 bw fREMatch became REMatch
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tools.h>
#include <remi.h>
#define BUFFERSIZE 512
#define MAXRESTACK 1024
flagType fCase = FALSE; /* TRUE => case is significant */
flagType fTrans = FALSE; /* TRUE => transform file */
flagType fDebug = FALSE;
// Forward Function Declarations...
void usage( void );
void fatal( char * );
flagType fDoTrans( FILE *, FILE *, char * );
int _CRTAPI1 main( int, char ** );
extern flagType RETranslate( struct patType *, char *, char * );
extern int RETranslateLength( struct patType *, char * );
struct patType *pbuf;
void usage ()
fatal ("Usage: trans [/c] [/t] [files]\n");
void fatal( p1 )
char *p1;
fprintf (stderr, p1 );
exit (1);
flagType fDoTrans (fhin, fhout, rbuf)
FILE *fhin, *fhout;
char *rbuf;
flagType fChanged;
static char buf[BUFFERSIZE], rpl[BUFFERSIZE];
char * p, * np;
int line = 0;
fChanged = FALSE;
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, "Replacement '%s'\n", rbuf);
while (fgetl (buf, BUFFERSIZE, fhin) != 0) {
p = buf;
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, "Input: '%s'\n", buf);
while (!REMatch (pbuf, buf, p, REStack, MAXRESTACK, TRUE)) {
fChanged = TRUE;
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, " Match at %x length %x\n",
REStart (pbuf)-buf,
RELength (pbuf, 0));
/* Make sure translation will fit in temp buffers
if (RETranslateLength (pbuf, rbuf) >= BUFFERSIZE) {
fprintf (stderr, "After translation, line %d too long", line);
exit (1);
if (!RETranslate (pbuf, rbuf, rpl))
fatal ("Invalid replacement pattern\n");
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, " Replacement: '%s'\n", rpl);
/* Make sure body - match + translation still fits in buffer
if (strlen (buf) - RELength (pbuf, 0) + strlen (rpl) >= BUFFERSIZE) {
fprintf (stderr, "After translation, line %d too long", line);
exit (1);
np = (p = REStart (pbuf)) + strlen (rpl);
strcat (rpl, p + RELength (pbuf, 0));
strcpy (p, rpl);
p = np;
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, " Match start %x in '%s'\n", p-buf, buf);
if (!fTrans || p != buf) {
if (fDebug)
fprintf (stderr, " Outputting '%s'\n", buf);
fputl (buf, strlen(buf), fhout);
return fChanged;
_CRTAPI1 main (c, v)
int c;
char *v[];
FILE *fhin, *fhout;
char *p, *p1;
flagType fChanged;
ConvertAppToOem( c, v );
if (c < 3)
usage ();
while (fSwitChr (*v[1])) {
switch (v[1][1]) {
case 'c':
fCase = TRUE;
case 'd':
fDebug = TRUE;
case 't':
fTrans = TRUE;
usage ();
if ((pbuf = RECompile (v[1], fCase, TRUE)) == NULL)
fatal ("Invalid pattern\n");
p = v[2];
if (c == 3) {
_setmode(0, O_BINARY);
_setmode(1, O_BINARY);
fDoTrans (stdin, stdout, p);
while (c != 3) {
if ((fhin = fopen (v[3], "rb")) == NULL)
fprintf (stderr, "trans: Cannot open %s - %s\n", v[3], error ());
if ((fhout = fopen ("trans$$$.$$$", "wb")) == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "trans: Cannot create temp file - %s\n", error ());
fclose (fhin);
else {
printf ("%s ", v[3]);
fChanged = fDoTrans (fhin, fhout, p);
fclose (fhin);
fclose (fhout);
if (fChanged) {
if (p1 = fmove ("trans$$$.$$$", v[3]))
printf ("[%s]\n", p1);
printf ("[OK]\n");
else {
_unlink ("trans$$$.$$$");
printf ("[No change]\n");
return( 0 );