Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// Type map implementation
// Type maps are created and used to map the type indices used by symbols in
// the current module, into type indices corresponding to type records
// stored in the types section of the output PDB.
// Type maps are organized according to this class hierarchy:
// TM // abstract base class
// TMTS // TypeServer type map (for "cl /Zi" modules)
// TMR // single-module type record type map (for "cl /Z7" modules)
// TMPCT // precompiled type type map (for "cl /Yc /Z7" modules)
// TM lifetimes. Whereas each TMR object is created to pack types for a single
// /Z7 module before its subsequent destruction at Mod1::Close, both TMTS (/Zi) and
// TMPCT (/Yc /Z7) type map objects, once created, are kept alive and associated
// with the current DBI object until DBI1::Close.
// For TMTSs, this is done for efficiency: if several modules reference types
// in some other PDB, it would be wasteful to continually open and close that
// PDB and continually remap its types. Consider:
// // mod1.cpp // mod2.cpp
// #include "x.h" #include "x.h"
// X x1; X x2;
// // Generated CV information (/Zi):
// mod1.obj: mod2.obj:
// symbols: symbols:
// S_GDATA32 x1 ti(X) S_GDATA32 x2 ti(X)
// types: S_GDATA32 p ti(int**)
// LF_TYPESERVER foo.pdb types:
// LF_TYPESERVER foo.pdb
// Here if mod1.obj and then mod2.obj are packed using DBI::OpenMod, etc., it
// would be inefficient to open, use, establish a type map for X and the types
// X transitively refers to, and then close foo.pdb, for mod1.obj, only to do
// the same thing over again for mod2.obj. Rather, the TMTS for mod1.obj
// can be completely reused by mod2.obj, which can then further augment the
// type map with additional types (e.g. int** in the example above).
// In contrast, TMPCTs persist across modules, not for efficiency, but rather
// to ensure a correct packing of modules which use the C7 PCT (precompiled
// types) feature. PCTs arise when the /Yc /Z7 and /Yu /Z7 flags are specified.
// For the /Yc /Z7 ("PCH create"), one module (the "PCT module") is compiled
// and all types it sees are written to its module's .obj's types section.
// For subsequent /Yu /Z7 ("PCH use") modules, a special record referencing
// types in the PCT module is emitted rather than repeating types known to be
// in the PCT module's type information. Thus, a module's symbols may refer to
// type records located in the PCT module rather than the current module's
// type records.
// Therefore type information, including raw types and the current partial
// type map, must be retained across modules. Consider:
// // pct.cpp // a.cpp // b.cpp
// #include "x.h" #include "x.h" #include "x.h"
// #pragma hdrstop #pragma hdrstop #pragma hdrstop
// #include "y.h" #include "a.h" #include "b.h"
// ... ... ...
// // Generated CV info (/Yc /Z7 pct.cpp, /Yu /Z7 a.cpp, /Yu /Z7 b.cpp):
// pct.obj: a.obj: b.obj:
// symbols: symbols: symbols:
// ... ... ...
// types: types: types:
// <0x1000-0x4000> LF_PRECOMP(pct.obj) LF_PRECOMP(pct.obj)
// LF_ENDPRECOMP <0x4001-...> <0x4001-...>
// <0x4001-...>
// In the example above, we see that each module contains types with type
// indices (ti's) starting at 0x1000; however a.obj and b.obj's modules
// do not actually contain copies of the types known to be in pct.obj; rather
// they reference those types with a PRECOMP record. Note that pct.obj's
// type 0x4001 is probably different from a.obj's and likewise from b.obj's.
// To deal with this kind of module type information, cvpack or link must
// ensure that modules containing LF_ENDPRECOMP are passed to DBI::OpenMod
// and Mod::AddTypes before other modules whose types' LF_PRECOMP's refer
// to PCT modules.
// For its part, DBI1 will keep alive (across modules) any TMPCTs that get
// created when types containing LF_ENDPRECOMPs are seen. Thus subsequent
// modules which contain LF_PRECOMP records referencing those types
// (e.g. compiled "cl /Yu /Z7") can simply load these types from their TMPCT.
// Therefore, for modules containing LF_PRECOMP records, we use a TMPCT to help
// initialize each module's TMR.
// By the way, someday we may elect to further extend the lifetime of TMTS and
// TMPCT type maps to make them persistent across link/cvpack invocations...
class TM { // abstract type map
TM(PDB1* ppdb1To_, DBI1* pdbi1To_, TPI* ptpiTo_);
BOOL fMapRti(TI& rti);
virtual void endMod();
virtual void endDBI();
virtual BOOL IsTMPCT(){return FALSE;}
virtual ~TM() = 0;
virtual BOOL fEliminateUDTs()
return FALSE;
virtual BOOL fPackDeferredUDTDefns()
return TRUE;
BOOL fNotOutOfTIs(){return ptpiTo->QueryTiMac() < ::tiMax;};
virtual PTYPE ptypeForTi(TI ti) const pure;
virtual BOOL QueryTiForUDT(char* sz, BOOL fCase, OUT TI* pti) pure;
BOOL fInit(TI tiMin_, TI tiMac_);
virtual BOOL fMapRti(TI& rti, int depth, BOOL useDefn) = 0;
inline TI& rtiMapped(TI ti) const;
inline TI tiBias(TI ti) const;
inline BOOL isValidTi(TI ti) const;
PDB1* ppdb1To; // 'to' PDB
DBI1* pdbi1To; // 'to' DBI
TPI* ptpiTo; // 'to' TypeServer
TI tiMin; // minimum TI in this module
TI tiMac; // maximum TI in this module + 1
unsigned ctiFrom; // tiBias(tiMac)
TI* mptiti; // memoization of mapping to project PDB TIs
class TMTS : public TM { // type map for modules which use a different TypeServer
TMTS(PDB1* ppdb1To_, DBI1* pdbi1To_, TPI* ptpiTo_);
BOOL fInit(PDB* ppdbFrom);
BOOL fEliminateUDTs()
return ptpiFrom->SupportQueryTiForUDT();
BOOL fPackDeferredUDTDefns();
inline PTYPE ptypeForTi(TI ti) const;
BOOL QueryTiForUDT(char* sz, BOOL fCase, OUT TI* pti);
BOOL fMapRti(TI& rti, int depth, BOOL);
PDB* ppdbFrom; // 'from' PDB
DBI* pdbiFrom; // 'from' DBI
TPI* ptpiFrom; // 'from' TPI
UDTRefs* pUDTRefs; // bit maps to track deferred UDT output
class TMR : public TM { // type map for module with type records
TMR(PDB1* ppdb1To_, DBI1* pdbi1To_, TPI* ptpiTo_);
BOOL fInit(PB pbTypes_, CB cb, SZ szModule);
void endMod();
void endDBI();
BOOL IsTMPCT(){return fTMPCT;}
SIG Sig(){return signature;}
inline PTYPE ptypeForTi(TI ti) const;
BOOL QueryTiForUDT(char* sz, BOOL fCase, OUT TI* pti);
BOOL fMapRti(TI& rti, int depth, BOOL useDefn);
inline TI& rtiMapped(TI ti) const;
inline TI& rtiDefnMapped(TI ti) const;
PTYPE ptypeCreateFwdRef(PTYPE ptype);
PTYPE ptypeCatenateFieldList(PTYPE ptype);
TMPCT* ptmpct; // (if non-0) type map for PCT types
TI* mptitiDefn; // memoization of mapping /Z7 struct defn TIs
// to project PDB TIs
PTYPE* mptiptype; // mapping from old TI to old type record address
PB pbTypes; // group type records referenced by the PCT's mptiptype
SIG signature; // signature on the TMPCT
class TMPCT : public TMR { // type map for a PCT module
TMPCT(PDB1* ppdb1To_, DBI1* pdbi1To_, TPI* ptpiTo_);
BOOL fInit(PB pbTypes_, CB cb, SZ szModule);
void endMod();
void endDBI();
struct OTM { // DBI1 helper to find some currently Open TM
OTM(OTM* pNext_, SZ szName, SIG signature, TM* ptm, BOOL fAlias = FALSE);
OTM* pNext; // next OTM in this list
SIG signature; // signature on this TM
SZ szName; // name of the TM (TMTS: PDB name; TMPCT: module name)
TM* ptm; // TM (TMTS or TMPCT)
BOOL fAlias; // this OTM is an alias for a TMPCT