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// Debug Information API
// VC++4.0 Read-Only OEM Edition
// Copyright (C) 1993-1995, Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
#ifndef __DBI_INCLUDED__
#define __DBI_INCLUDED__
#include <windef.h> // for BOOL, BYTE, ULONG, USHORT
# include <cvinfo.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef ULONG INTV; // interface version number
typedef ULONG IMPV; // implementation version number
typedef ULONG SIG; // unique (across PDB instances) signature
typedef ULONG AGE; // no. of times this instance has been updated
typedef BYTE* PB; // pointer to some bytes
typedef LONG CB; // count of bytes
typedef char* SZ; // zero terminated string
typedef char* PCH; // char ptr
typedef USHORT IFILE; // file index
typedef USHORT IMOD; // module index
typedef USHORT ISECT; // section index
typedef USHORT LINE; // line number
typedef LONG OFF; // offset
enum { PreDolphinIntv = 920924, DolphinIntv = 19940309 };
typedef CV_typ_t TI; // type index
struct PDB; // program database
struct DBI; // debug information within the PDB
struct Mod; // a module within the DBI
struct TPI; // type info within the DBI
struct GSI;
typedef struct PDB PDB;
typedef struct DBI DBI;
typedef struct Mod Mod;
typedef struct TPI TPI;
typedef struct GSI GSI;
typedef long EC; // error code
enum PDBErrors {
EC_OK, // -, no problemo
EC_USAGE, // -, invalid parameter or call order
EC_OUT_OF_MEMORY, // -, out of RAM
EC_FILE_SYSTEM, // "pdb name", can't write file, out of disk, etc.
EC_NOT_FOUND, // "pdb name", PDB file not found
EC_INVALID_SIG, // "pdb name", PDB::OpenValidate() and its clients only
EC_INVALID_AGE, // "pdb name", PDB::OpenValidate() and its clients only
EC_PRECOMP_REQUIRED, // "obj name", Mod::AddTypes() only
EC_OUT_OF_TI, // "pdb name", TPI::QueryTiForCVRecord() only
EC_V1_PDB, // "pdb name", PDB::Open* only
EC_FORMAT, // accessing pdb with obsolete format
EC_CORRUPT, // cv info corrupt, recompile mod
#define cbErrMax 1024 /* max. length of error message */
#ifndef PDBCALL
#define PDBCALL __cdecl
#define PDB_IMPORT_EXPORT(RTYPE) __declspec(dllimport) RTYPE PDBCALL
#define IN /* in parameter, parameters are IN by default */
#define OUT /* out parameter */
// ANSI C Binding
#if __cplusplus
extern "C" {
SZ szExeDir,
SZ szMode,
SIG sig,
AGE age,
OUT EC* pec,
OUT char szError[cbErrMax],
OUT PDB** pppdb);
SZ szMode,
SIG sigInitial,
OUT EC* pec,
OUT char szError[cbErrMax],
OUT PDB** pppdb);
// a dbi client should never call PDBExportValidateInterface directly - use PDBValidateInterface
INTV intv);
__inline BOOL PDBValidateInterface()
return PDBExportValidateInterface(PreDolphinIntv);
PDBAPI( EC ) PDBQueryLastError(PDB* ppdb, OUT char szError[cbErrMax]);
PDBAPI( INTV ) PDBQueryInterfaceVersion(PDB* ppdb);
PDBAPI( IMPV ) PDBQueryImplementationVersion(PDB* ppdb);
PDBAPI( SZ ) PDBQueryPDBName(PDB* ppdb, OUT char szPDB[_MAX_PATH]);
PDBAPI( SIG ) PDBQuerySignature(PDB* ppdb);
PDBAPI( AGE ) PDBQueryAge(PDB* ppdb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) PDBOpenDBI(PDB* ppdb, SZ szMode, SZ szTarget, OUT DBI** ppdbi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) PDBOpenTpi(PDB* ppdb, SZ szMode, OUT TPI** pptpi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) PDBClose(PDB* ppdb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIOpenMod(DBI* pdbi, SZ szModule, SZ szFile, OUT Mod** ppmod);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIQueryNextMod(DBI* pdbi, Mod* pmod, Mod** ppmodNext);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIOpenGlobals(DBI* pdbi, OUT GSI **ppgsi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIOpenPublics(DBI* pdbi, OUT GSI **ppgsi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIQueryModFromAddr(DBI* pdbi, ISECT isect, OFF off, OUT Mod** ppmod, OUT ISECT* pisect, OUT OFF* poff, OUT CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIQuerySecMap(DBI* pdbi, OUT PB pb, CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIQueryFileInfo(DBI* pdbi, OUT PB pb, CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) DBIClose(DBI* pdbi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQueryCBName(Mod* pmod, OUT CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQueryName(Mod* pmod, OUT char szName[_MAX_PATH], OUT CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQuerySymbols(Mod* pmod, PB pbSym, CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQueryLines(Mod* pmod, PB pbLines, CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModSetPvClient(Mod* pmod, void *pvClient);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModGetPvClient(Mod* pmod, OUT void** ppvClient);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQuerySecContrib(Mod* pmod, OUT ISECT* pisect, OUT OFF* poff, OUT CB* pcb, OUT ULONG* pdwCharacteristics);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQueryImod(Mod* pmod, OUT IMOD* pimod);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModQueryDBI(Mod* pmod, OUT DBI** ppdbi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) ModClose(Mod* pmod);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) TypesQueryCVRecordForTi(TPI* ptpi, TI ti, OUT PB pb, IN OUT CB* pcb);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) TypesQueryPbCVRecordForTi(TPI* ptpi, TI ti, OUT PB* ppb);
PDBAPI( TI ) TypesQueryTiMin(TPI* ptpi);
PDBAPI( TI ) TypesQueryTiMac(TPI* ptpi);
PDBAPI( CB ) TypesQueryCb(TPI* ptpi);
PDBAPI( BOOL ) TypesClose(TPI* ptpi);
PDBAPI( PB ) GSINextSym (GSI* pgsi, PB pbSym);
PDBAPI( PB ) GSIHashSym (GSI* pgsi, SZ szName, PB pbSym);
PDBAPI( PB ) GSINearestSym (GSI* pgsi, ISECT isect, OFF off,OUT OFF* pdisp);//currently only supported for publics
PDBAPI( BOOL ) GSIClose(GSI* pgsi);
#if __cplusplus
#define tsNil ((TPI*)0)
#define tiNil ((TI)0)
#define imodNil ((IMOD)(-1))
#define pdbRead "r"
#endif // __DBI_INCLUDED__