Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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* lgraph.c
* Microsoft Confidential
* Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
* Routines for drawing linegraphs
* History:
* Written by Hadi Partovi (t-hadip) and Ali Partovi (t-alip)
* summer 1991
* Re-written and adapted for NT by Fran Borda (v-franb) Nov.1991
* for Newman Consulting
* Took out all WIN-specific and bargraph code. Added 3 new
* linegraphs (Mem/Paging, Process/Threads/Handles, IO), and
* tailored info to that available under NT.
* A line graph is a regular graph with two axis, with variable calibrations.
* The bottom axis is going to be a measure of TIME. That is, the
* graph will be used to display various values as a function of time. See
* lgraph.h for more details, comments, etc. The following are functions for
* displaying such linegraphs
#include "winmeter.h"
// main global information structures
extern GLOBAL g;
#if 1
extern int do_io,do_mem,do_procs;
extern doEdgesDump(LPSTR);
// function declarations:
void CalculateCalibration(void);
// calculates dvalCalibration to be a "nice" number
void CalculateCalibrationRect(void);
// figures out how much room (if any) to give for calibration labels
void CalculateLegendRect(void);
// figures out how much room (if any) to give for legend
void CalculateLGRect(int xLeft, int xRight, int yTop, int yBottom);
// figures size for LineGraph rectangle, along with other values
void DrawLGCalibration(HDC hdc);
// draws calibration labels
void DrawLGCurve(HDC hdc, BOOL fFullRedraw);
// draws actual linegraph curve
void DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(HDC hdc, int cxLine, BOOL fRightSide);
// draws the horizontal lines on the edge of the linegraph
void DrawLGLegend(HDC hdc);
// draws the linegraph legend
void PlotGraphRange(HDC hdc, int iFirst, int iLast);
// plots a particular range of the linegraph curve
void RedrawLGAxes(HDC hdc);
// draws the linegraph axes
int XFromIndex(int index);
// returns the x-coordinate corresponding to a linegraph index
int YFromVal(VALUE val);
// returns the y-coordinate corresponding to a linegraph value
* CalculateCalibration()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Sets the dvalCalibration for the linegraph structure in lg
* The object is to find a dvalCalibration that will fill as much of
* The axis cleanly, while also picking a number that is (if possible)
* divisible by ten, and if not, by five, or two, or otherwise a nice
* round number. Calibration marks will also be printed for the
* bottom and top values of the axis, therefore room must be left for
* these numbers.
void CalculateCalibration(void)
VALUE dvalHeight; // height of axis in val-coordinates
int nMarksMax; // maximum number of calibration marks on axis
VALUE dvalMin; // minimum dvalCalibration that can fit on axis
VALUE dvalTry; // attempts to find a good dvalCalibration
VALUE dvalChar; // height of a char in val coordinates
int iFactor; // index into above array
// this is an array of numbers to divide possible dvalCalibration by
// if the number is divisible by 100, it can be divided by any of
// these factors and remain "nice"
static VALUE valFactors[] = { 10, 5, 4, 2, 1};
int scale ;
if (do_procs || do_mem || do_io)
scale = 5;
valFactors[0] = 20;
valFactors[1] = 10;
valFactors[2] = 5;
valFactors[3] = 4;
valFactors[4] = 2;
scale = 4;
valFactors[0] = 10;
valFactors[1] = 5;
valFactors[2] = 4;
valFactors[3] = 2;
// find how many marks can be fit in given space
nMarksMax = (g.plg->rcGraph.bottom - g.plg->
- g.cyChar)/g.cyChar;
if (!nMarksMax)
// no calibration marks can fit, so don't calibrate
g.plg->dvalCalibration = g.plg->dvalAxisHeight;
// find height of a character in val coordinates (rounding upwards!)
dvalChar = (g.cyChar*g.plg->dvalAxisHeight
+ g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg->
/ (g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg->;
// find height of axis in val units, allowing room for numbers
// at the top and bottom of the axis
dvalHeight = g.plg->dvalAxisHeight - dvalChar;
// minimum dval: small as can fit, but not less than val-height of a char
dvalMin = max(dvalHeight/nMarksMax, dvalChar);
// set dvalTry to the first multiple of ten or twenty that is >= dvalMin
for (dvalTry=10; dvalTry < dvalMin; dvalTry*=10)
// now, just in case dvalTry is too big, see if we can divide it by two
// or four or five or ten while still keeping it greater than dvalMin
for (iFactor=0; iFactor < scale; iFactor++)
if ((dvalTry/valFactors[iFactor] >= dvalMin) &&
(!(dvalTry % valFactors[iFactor])))
dvalTry /= valFactors[iFactor];
// now set the linegraph dvalCalibration to dvalTry, which is the smallest
// round number that is greater than dvalMin, giving the closest axis
// calibration
g.plg->dvalCalibration = dvalTry;
* CalculateCalibrationRect()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Calculates the size of the calibration marks, checks if they fit
* changes g.plg->rcCalibration to include the new width of the
* calibration labels (set to zero if display won't fit)
void CalculateCalibrationRect(void)
// first, check if user wants calibration
if (!g.fDisplayCalibration)
g.plg->rcCalibration.left = g.plg->rcCalibration.right = 0;
// otherwise, figure out rcCalibration (width)
g.plg->rcCalibration.left = DX_CALIBRATION_LEFT;
g.plg->rcCalibration.right = g.plg->rcCalibration.left +
(wsprintf(g.szBuf,"%lu",g.plg->valBottom + g.plg->dvalAxisHeight)
* g.cxCaps);
if (((g.plg->rcCalibration.right-g.plg->rcCalibration.left)
* LG_TO_CALIBRATION_RATIO > g.cxClient) ||
(3 * g.cyChar >= g.cyClient))
// calibration doesn't fit
g.fCalibrationFits = FALSE;
g.plg->rcCalibration.left = g.plg->rcCalibration.right = 0;
// make sure the menu item is enabled again
g.fCalibrationFits = TRUE;
(g.fDisplayCalibration) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
* CalculateLegendRect()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Calculates the size of the legend rectangle, checks if they fit
* changes g.plg->rcLegend to include the new width of the
* legend (set to zero if display won't fit)
void CalculateLegendRect(void)
int cbMax=0; // length of longest string so far
int cbTemp; // length of current string
PLGDATA plgd; // pointer to current line
// first, check if user wants legend
if (!g.fDisplayLegend)
g.plg->rcLegend.left = g.plg->rcLegend.right = g.cxClient;
// figure out length of widest line graph description string
for (plgd=g.plg->plgd; plgd; plgd=plgd->plgdNext)
cbTemp = lstrlen(plgd->lpszDescription);
if (cbTemp > cbMax)
cbMax = cbTemp;
// figure out rcLegend (width)
g.plg->rcLegend.right = g.cxClient - DX_LEGEND_RIGHT;
g.plg->rcLegend.left = g.plg->rcLegend.right -
(cbMax * g.cxCaps) - (2 * DX_LEGEND_INDENT);
g.plg-> = DY_AXIS_TOP;
g.plg->rcLegend.bottom = g.cyClient-DY_AXIS_BOTTOM;
// legend will not fit if its width is too large compared to graph width,
// or if there is not enough hieght to display all lines
if ((((g.plg->rcLegend.right-g.plg->rcLegend.left)*LG_TO_LEGEND_RATIO) >
(g.cxClient-g.plg->rcCalibration.right)) ||
((g.plg->nLines*g.cyChar) >=
// legend doesn't fit
g.fLegendFits = FALSE;
g.plg->rcLegend.left = g.plg->rcLegend.right = g.cxClient;
// make sure the menu item is enabled again
g.fLegendFits = TRUE;
EnableMenuItem(g.hMenu, IDM_DISPLAY_LEGEND,
(g.fDisplayLegend) ? MF_ENABLED : MF_GRAYED);
* CalculateLGRect()
* Entry: Usable area size
* Exit: Sets the rcGraph to the largest possible linegraph rectangle
* Also sets nDisplayValues to the largest < nMaxValues that
* is also a factor of the rectangle width
* Also sets cxPerValue to the rectangle width divided by nDisplayValues
* Finally, checks to see whether to reset nNewLeftValue, in case
* nDisplayValues decreased and user was watching right edge
void CalculateLGRect(
int xLeft, // left side of usable area
int xRight, // right side
int yTop, // top
int yBottom) // bottom
int cxPerValue; // possible x width between two values on graph
int cxGraph; // graph width that is divisible by cxPerValue
BOOL fRightSide; // set to true if user was watching right edge
// check now to see if user was watching right edge
fRightSide = (g.plg->iKnownValue-g.plg->iNewLeftValue)
<= g.plg->nDisplayValues;
// fill rcGraph with the largest rectangle within given boundaries,
// taking account for axis/calibration, etc.
// (the xLeft, xRight, etc takes care of color chart, scrollbar, etc)
// First: adjust xLeft, xRight, etc to the largest possible rectangle
xLeft += DX_AXIS_LEFT;
xRight -= DX_AXIS_RIGHT;
yTop += ((g.fDisplayCalibration) && (g.fCalibrationFits)) ?
yBottom -= ((g.fDisplayCalibration) && (g.fCalibrationFits)) ?
// Now, find an appropriate cxPerValue keeping nDisplayValues < nMaxValues
for (cxPerValue=1, cxGraph=xRight-xLeft;
cxGraph/cxPerValue > g.plg->nMaxValues; cxPerValue++)
// set variables in linegraph structure
g.plg->cxPerValue = cxPerValue;
g.plg->nDisplayValues = cxGraph / cxPerValue;
g.plg->cxGraph = g.plg->nDisplayValues * cxPerValue;
// set rcGraph to the correct size, centered within given region
g.plg->rcGraph.left = xLeft + (cxGraph - g.plg->cxGraph) / 2;
g.plg->rcGraph.right = g.plg->rcGraph.left + g.plg->cxGraph;
g.plg->rcGraph.bottom = yBottom - DY_AXIS_BOTTOM;
g.plg-> = yTop + DY_AXIS_TOP;
// check to see whether should reset iNewLeftEdge
// Do it if all of information doesn't fit on screen already
if ((fRightSide) && (g.plg->nDisplayValues<g.plg->iKnownValue))
g.plg->iNewLeftValue = g.plg->iKnownValue - g.plg->nDisplayValues + 1;
* ClearLineGraph()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Clears the linegraph currently displayed on the screen, by
* resetting its indices (NOTE: DOES NOT REDRAW)
void ClearLineGraph(void)
// reset linegraph indexes
g.plg->iLeftValue = 0;
g.plg->iNewLeftValue = 0;
g.plg->iFirstValue = 0;
g.plg->iKnownValue = NO_VALUES_YET;
g.plg->iDrawnValue = NO_VALUES_YET;
* DoLineGraphics()
* Entry: HDC, and a pointer to the invalid rectangle (NULL if just an update)
* Exit: Updates the LineGraph, by calling the linegraph drawing functions
* Does minimal redrawing to some extent, should be improved
void DoLineGraphics(
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
RECT *pRect) // pointer to invalid rect, NULL if just update
if (pRect == NULL)
// just do update
DrawLGCurve(hdc, FALSE);
// check if need to redraw calibration numbers
// if user wants them, they fit, and the region is invalid
if ((g.fDisplayCalibration) && (g.fCalibrationFits) &&
(pRect->left<=g.plg->rcCalibration.right) &&
// check if need to redraw legend
// if user wants them, they fit, and the region is invalid
if ((g.fDisplayLegend) && (g.fLegendFits) &&
(pRect->left<=g.plg->rcLegend.right) &&
// check if need to redraw graph
if ((pRect->left<=g.plg->rcGraph.right) &&
(pRect->right>=g.plg->rcGraph.left-1) &&
(pRect->top<=g.plg->rcGraph.bottom+1) &&
// do not draw graph if haven't received any graphable values
// draw calibration lines, however, since they
// are usually forced by full redraw
if (g.plg->iKnownValue == NO_VALUES_YET)
DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(hdc, g.plg->cxGraph, FALSE);
// get DC completely, to ensure drawing of newly queried stuff, too
DrawLGCurve(hdc, TRUE);
* DrawLGCalibration()
* Entry: HDC
* Exit: Draws the calibration numbers
* Assumes there is enough room for such drawing in the given DC
void DrawLGCalibration(
HDC hdc) // handle to device context
VALUE valMark; // value at which current mark will be drawn
VALUE valTop; // value of top of axis
char szBuf[SMALL_BUF_LEN]; // to hold a numerical string
WORD wPrevTextAlignment; // holds previous text alignment
// set up right aligned TextOut, prepare for drawing and for clearing
wPrevTextAlignment = (WORD) SetTextAlign(hdc, TA_TOP | TA_RIGHT);
SelectObject(hdc, g.BlankBrush);
// draw calibration number for bottom axis
g.plg-> = YFromVal(g.plg->valBottom) - DY_AXIS_NUMBER;
g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom = g.plg-> + g.cyChar;
ExtTextOut(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.right, g.plg->,
ETO_OPAQUE, &g.plg->rcCalibration,
szBuf, wsprintf(szBuf, "%lu", g.plg->valBottom), NULL);
// set valMark to value of first calibration mark above bottom axis
valMark = (g.plg->valBottom/g.plg->dvalCalibration+1)
* g.plg->dvalCalibration;
// loop through Axis calibration points
for (valTop = g.plg->valBottom + g.plg->dvalAxisHeight;
valMark < valTop; valMark+=g.plg->dvalCalibration)
// check if this mark would conflict with top or bottom axis numbers
// (i.e. skip this number if drawing wouldn't leave room for one of
// the essential numbers at the top or bottom of the axis
if (((int)(((valMark-g.plg->valBottom) *
/ g.plg->dvalAxisHeight) < g.cyChar) ||
((int)(((valTop - (valMark)) *
(g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg-> /
g.plg->dvalAxisHeight) < g.cyChar))
// first, clear area from last number to this number
// do this by changing g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom,
// but not g.plg->, first,
// and clearing the region
g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom = YFromVal(valMark) + DY_AXIS_NUMBER;
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.left, g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom,
g.plg->rcCalibration.right - g.plg->rcCalibration.left,
g.plg->>rcCalibration.bottom, PATCOPY);
// now, set g.plg-> and draw calibration number
g.plg-> = g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom - g.cyChar;
ExtTextOut(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.right, g.plg->,
ETO_OPAQUE, &g.plg->rcCalibration,
szBuf, wsprintf(szBuf, "%lu", valMark), NULL);
// draw calibration number for top axis
// first, clear area from last number to this number
// do this by changing g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom,
// but not g.plg->, first,
// and clearing the region
g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom = YFromVal(valTop) + DY_AXIS_NUMBER;
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.left, g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom,
g.plg->rcCalibration.right - g.plg->rcCalibration.left,
g.plg->>rcCalibration.bottom, PATCOPY);
// now, set g.plg-> and draw calibration number
g.plg-> = g.plg->rcCalibration.bottom - g.cyChar;
ExtTextOut(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.right, g.plg->,
ETO_OPAQUE, &g.plg->rcCalibration,
szBuf, wsprintf(szBuf, "%lu", valTop), NULL);
// reset text alignment
SetTextAlign(hdc, wPrevTextAlignment);
* DrawLGCurve()
* Entry: HDC, redraw flag
* Exit: Draws the actual graph, at the given iNewLeftValue. Redraws the
* entire graph from scratch if specified. Needs work on minimal draw
void DrawLGCurve(
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
BOOL fFullRedraw) // flag set if full redraw desired
int dLValue; // change in LeftValue (if scrolled)
int iFirst, iLast; // beginning and ending indexes of plot
if (fFullRedraw || (dLValue >= g.plg->nDisplayValues) ||
(dLValue <= -g.plg->nDisplayValues))
ClearArea(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left, g.plg->,
g.plg->cxGraph, g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg->;
DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(hdc, g.plg->cxGraph, FALSE);
iFirst = g.plg->iNewLeftValue;
iLast = min(g.plg->iNewLeftValue+g.plg->nDisplayValues-1,
g.plg->iLeftValue = g.plg->iNewLeftValue;
PlotGraphRange(hdc, iFirst, iLast);
if (dLValue < 0)
RECT rcScroll;
int xamount;
rcScroll.left = g.plg->rcGraph.left+1; = g.plg->;
rcScroll.right=XFromIndex(g.plg->iNewLeftValue +
g.plg->nDisplayValues - 1) + 1;
rcScroll.bottom = g.plg->rcGraph.bottom+1;
xamount = g.plg->rcGraph.right - rcScroll.right - 1;
ScrollWindow(g.hwnd, xamount, 0, &rcScroll, NULL);
// Fix up area uncovered by scroll
ClearArea(hdc, rcScroll.left,, xamount,;
DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(hdc, xamount, FALSE);
// draw in graph area that user scrolled to
iFirst = g.plg->iNewLeftValue;
iLast = g.plg->iLeftValue;
g.plg->iLeftValue = g.plg->iNewLeftValue;
PlotGraphRange(hdc, iFirst, iLast);
if (dLValue > 0)
RECT rcScroll;
int xamount;
rcScroll.left = XFromIndex(g.plg->iNewLeftValue); = g.plg->;
rcScroll.right = g.plg->rcGraph.right;
rcScroll.bottom = g.plg->rcGraph.bottom+1;
xamount = g.plg->rcGraph.left-rcScroll.left + 1; // negative on purpose
ScrollWindow(g.hwnd, xamount, 0, &rcScroll, NULL);
// Fix up area uncovered by scroll
ClearArea(hdc, rcScroll.right,, xamount,;
DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(hdc, -xamount, TRUE);
// Plot the rest of the graph
iFirst = min(g.plg->iDrawnValue+1,
iLast = min(g.plg->iKnownValue,
g.plg->iLeftValue = g.plg->iNewLeftValue;
PlotGraphRange(hdc, iFirst, iLast);
* DrawLGEdgeHorizLines()
* Entry: HDC, a width, and a flag
* The width specifies how much of the horizontal lines to redraw
* the flag is set to TRUE if the right side is to be drawn,
* and to FALSE if the left side is to be drawn
* Exit: Redraws horizontal lines on the right or left edge of the graph
* after that area has been cleared by a call to ScrollWindow()
void DrawLGEdgeHorizLines(
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
int cxLine, // x width of line
BOOL fRightSide) // flag, saying which side to redraw
VALUE valLine; // value at which current line will be drawn
VALUE valTop; // value of top of axis
int xLine; // left x coord of line
// select black brush for drawing lines
SelectObject(hdc, g.hbrPalette[g.ibrAxis]);
// draw the various lines, setting initial variables first
if (fRightSide)
xLine = g.plg->rcGraph.right - cxLine;
xLine = g.plg->rcGraph.left;
// First, do bottom axis
PatBlt(hdc, xLine, YFromVal(g.plg->valBottom), cxLine, 1, PATCOPY);
// Find value of first calibration point
valLine = (g.plg->valBottom/g.plg->dvalCalibration+1)
* g.plg->dvalCalibration;
// loop through Axis calibration points
for (valTop = g.plg->valBottom + g.plg->dvalAxisHeight;
valLine < valTop; valLine+=g.plg->dvalCalibration)
// check if this mark would conflict with top or bottom axis numbers
// (i.e. skip this number if drawing wouldn't leave room for one of
// the essential numbers at the top or bottom of the axis)
if (((int)(((valLine-g.plg->valBottom) *
/ g.plg->dvalAxisHeight) < g.cyChar) ||
((int)(((valTop - (valLine)) *
(g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg-> /
g.plg->dvalAxisHeight) < g.cyChar))
// draw horizontal line
PatBlt(hdc, xLine, YFromVal(valLine), cxLine, 1, PATCOPY);
* DrawLGLegend()
* Entry: hdc
* Exit: draws legend for a line graph. Centers info. vertically
void DrawLGLegend(
HDC hdc) // handle to device context
RECT rcText; // RECT to draw text in
PLGDATA plgd; // current line to draw text for
COLORREF crPrev; // stores previous text color
// prepare font
// initialize text position = g.plg-> +
(g.plg->rcLegend.bottom - g.plg-> -
g.cyChar * g.plg->nLines) / 2;
rcText.right = g.plg->rcLegend.right;
rcText.left = g.plg->rcLegend.left + DX_LEGEND_INDENT;
for (plgd = g.plg->plgd; plgd;
plgd = plgd->plgdNext, += g.cyChar )
crPrev = SetTextColor(hdc, g.crPalette[plgd->iColor]);
rcText.bottom = + g.cyChar;
ExtTextOut(hdc, rcText.left,, ETO_OPAQUE, &rcText,
plgd->lpszDescription, lstrlen(plgd->lpszDescription), NULL);
SetTextColor(hdc, crPrev);
* HandleLGSize()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Sets the LineGraph rcGraph, etc. to fit in window
void HandleLGSize(void)
// usually this function will handle space for color chart, scrollbar, etc
CalculateLGRect(g.plg->rcCalibration.right+1, g.plg->rcLegend.left-1,
0, g.cyClient-1);
* PlotGraphRange()
* Entry: HDC, start and stop Value indexes.
* Exit: Plots the graph values in a given range.
* Should be changed to add a Clipping rectangle to the DC,
* from rcGraph.left, to rcGraph.bottom+1, rcGraph.right
* (these numbers are terrible. The whole module should eventually
* be changed so rcGraph is nicer)
void PlotGraphRange(
HDC hdc, // handle to device context
int iFirst, // index of first value to plot
int iLast) // index of last value to plot
int xCurrent; // x position of point on screen
int iCurrent; // index of current value
int yCurrent; // y value to draw
PLGDATA plgdata; // pointer to data block for the current line
if (iFirst>iLast)
// loop through lines to plot
for (plgdata=g.plg->plgd; plgdata; plgdata=plgdata->plgdNext)
SelectObject(hdc, g.hpPalette[plgdata->iColor]);
// Plot first point
if (iFirst==g.plg->iLeftValue)
// if drawing from left edge of graph, no prev point to draw from
xCurrent = g.plg->rcGraph.left+1;
yCurrent = YFromVal(plgdata->pValues[iFirst%g.plg->nMaxValues]);
MoveToEx(hdc, xCurrent, yCurrent, NULL);
// drawing in middle of graph, connect to previous point
xCurrent = XFromIndex(iFirst-1);
yCurrent = YFromVal(plgdata->pValues[(iFirst-1)%g.plg->nMaxValues]);
MoveToEx(hdc, xCurrent, yCurrent, NULL);
// have moved to correct position (previous point),
// now prepare to draw to new position (iFirst point)
xCurrent = XFromIndex(iFirst);
yCurrent = YFromVal(plgdata->pValues[iFirst%g.plg->nMaxValues]);
LineTo(hdc, xCurrent, yCurrent);
// NOTE: there is a bug in this (overall) logic which is hidden by
// the constant DEFAULT_MAX_VALUES. If you increase this value,
// watch the draw-to-end activity start to skip points. Should be
// fixed. NewCon. 11/6/91.
// loop through rest of points to plot
for (iCurrent=iFirst+1, xCurrent+=g.plg->cxPerValue;
iCurrent <= iLast; iCurrent++, xCurrent+=g.plg->cxPerValue)
yCurrent = YFromVal(plgdata->pValues[iCurrent%g.plg->nMaxValues]);
LineTo(hdc, xCurrent, yCurrent);
} // end of loop through lines
g.plg->iDrawnValue = g.plg->iKnownValue;
* RedrawLGAxes()
* Entry: HDC
* Exit: Redraws the axes around a linegraph.
* Assumes there is enough room for such drawing in the given DC
void RedrawLGAxes(
HDC hdc) // handle to device context
int cxAxis; // width of axis
int cyAxis; // height of axis
// select black brush for drawing lines
SelectObject(hdc, g.hbrPalette[g.ibrAxis]);
// first draw the lines surrounding the graph
cxAxis = g.plg->cxGraph + 1;
cyAxis = g.plg->rcGraph.bottom - g.plg->;
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left-1, g.plg->,
cxAxis, 1, PATCOPY);
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left-1, g.plg->rcGraph.bottom,
cxAxis, 1, PATCOPY);
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left-1, g.plg->,
1, cyAxis, PATCOPY);
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.right, g.plg->,
1, cyAxis, PATCOPY);
// Then clear the space between the axis and the calibration, legend, etc.
SelectObject(hdc, g.BlankBrush);
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcCalibration.right, 0,
g.plg->rcGraph.left-1-g.plg->rcCalibration.right, g.cyClient,
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left-1, 0,
g.plg->cxGraph, g.plg->,
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.right+1, 0,
g.plg->rcLegend.left-g.plg->rcGraph.right-2, g.cyClient,
PatBlt(hdc, g.plg->rcGraph.left-1, g.plg->rcGraph.bottom+2,
g.plg->cxGraph, g.cyClient-g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-2,
* RedrawLineGraph()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Redraws the linegraph calibration, axes, and graphs
void RedrawLineGraph(void)
HDC hdc; // handle to device context
hdc = GetDC(g.hwnd);
if ((g.fDisplayCalibration) && (g.fCalibrationFits))
DrawLGCurve(hdc, TRUE);
ReleaseDC(g.hwnd, hdc);
* UpdateLGData()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Updates the array of values for each line using each line's function
void UpdateLGData(void)
PLGDATA plgdata; // pointer to data block for the current line
if (g.plg->iNewLeftValue + g.plg->nDisplayValues == g.plg->iKnownValue)
// the graph must scroll to show newly queried values
if ((g.plg->iKnownValue % g.plg->nMaxValues ==
g.plg->iFirstValue % g.plg->nMaxValues) && (g.plg->iKnownValue))
// no more room in array of values, must scroll within array
if (g.plg->iFirstValue == g.plg->iNewLeftValue)
// the user is watching the beginning and the array has wrapped,
// so the graph must scroll
// loop through lines
for (plgdata=g.plg->plgd; plgdata; plgdata=plgdata->plgdNext)
plgdata->pValues[g.plg->iKnownValue % g.plg->nMaxValues] =
* UpdateLGS()
* Entry: None
* Exit: Updates data for all linegraphs (or just one if g.fRemember==FALSE)
void UpdateLGS(void)
* XFromIndex()
* Entry: An index onto the X-axis of a linegraph
* Exit: The x-coordinate corresponding to that index
int XFromIndex(
int index) // indedx to convert to x coordinates
return (g.plg->rcGraph.left+1 +
(index-g.plg->iLeftValue) * g.plg->cxPerValue);
* YFromVal()
* Entry: A DWORD value
* Exit: Y coordinate corresponding to that value on the current linegraph
int YFromVal(
VALUE val) // value to convert to y coordinates
/* NOTE: this formula returns rcGraph.bottom for val==valBottom.
* This means that the graph will actually plot on the line
* y = rcGraph.bottom, so when PatBlt'ing and other stuff, the rectangle
* to use must have rcGraph.bottom+1.
if (val < g.plg->valBottom)
return g.plg->rcGraph.bottom;
if (val > g.plg->valBottom + g.plg->dvalAxisHeight - 1)
return g.plg->;
return (g.plg->rcGraph.bottom - (int)(((val-g.plg->valBottom)
* (g.plg->rcGraph.bottom-g.plg-> / g.plg->dvalAxisHeight));