Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1107 lines
30 KiB

#include "cmd.h"
struct envdata CmdEnv ; // Holds info to manipulate Cmd's environment
struct envdata * penvOrig; // original environment setup used with eStart
extern TCHAR PathStr[], PromptStr[] ;
extern TCHAR AppendStr[]; /* @@ */
extern CHAR InternalError[] ;
extern TCHAR Fmt16[], Fmt17[], EnvErr[] ;
extern TCHAR SetArithStr[] ;
extern unsigned LastRetCode;
extern BOOL CtrlCSeen;
extern UINT CurrentCP;
extern BOOLEAN PromptValid;
extern int glBatType; // to distinguish OS/2 vs DOS errorlevel behavior depending on a script file name
extern int CurBat ;
unsigned RetCode
if (RetCode != 0) {
LastRetCode = RetCode;
return RetCode;
/*** ePath - Begin the execution of a Path Command
* Purpose:
* If the command has no argument display the current value of the PATH
* environment variable. Otherwise, change the value of the Path
* environment variable to the argument.
* int ePath(struct cmdnode *n)
* Args:
* n - the parse tree node containing the path command
* Returns:
* If changing the PATH variable, whatever SetEnvVar() returns.
* SUCCESS, otherwise.
int ePath(n)
struct cmdnode *n ;
if (glBatType != CMD_TYPE) {
// if set command is executed from .bat file OR entered at command prompt
return( SetLastRetCodeIfError(PathWork( n, 1 )));
else {
return( LastRetCode = PathWork( n, 1 ) );
/*** eAppend - Entry point for Append routine
* Purpose:
* to call Append and pass it a pointer to the command line
* arguments
* Args:
* a pointer to the command node structure
int eAppend(n)
struct cmdnode *n ;
if (glBatType != CMD_TYPE) {
// if set command is executed from .bat file OR entered at command prompt
return( SetLastRetCodeIfError(PathWork( n, 0 )));
else {
return( LastRetCode = PathWork( n, 0 ) );
int PathWork(n, flag)
struct cmdnode *n ;
int flag; /* 0 = AppendStr, 1 = PathStr */
TCHAR *tas ; /* Tokenized argument string */
/* M014 - If the only argument is a single ";", then we have to set
* a NULL path.
if ( n->argptr ) {
c = *(EatWS(n->argptr, NULL)) ;
} else {
c = NULLC;
if ((!c || c == NLN) && /* If args are all whitespace */
mystrchr(n->argptr, TEXT(';'))) {
return(SetEnvVar(flag ? PathStr : AppendStr, TEXT(""), &CmdEnv)) ;
} else {
tas = TokStr(n->argptr, TEXT(";"), TS_WSPACE | TS_NWSPACE) ;
if (*tas)
return(SetEnvVar(flag ? PathStr : AppendStr, tas, &CmdEnv)) ;
cmd_printf(Fmt16, flag ? PathStr : AppendStr,
GetEnvVar(flag ? PathStr : AppendStr), &CmdEnv) ;
} ;
return(SUCCESS) ;
/*** ePrompt - begin the execution of the Prompt command
* Purpose:
* To modifiy the Prompt environment variable.
* int ePrompt(struct cmdnode *n)
* Args:
* n - the parse tree node containing the prompt command
* Returns:
* Whatever SetEnvVar() returns.
int ePrompt(n)
struct cmdnode *n ;
if (glBatType != CMD_TYPE) {
// if set command is executed from .bat file OR entered at command prompt
return(SetLastRetCodeIfError(SetEnvVar(PromptStr, TokStr(n->argptr, NULL, TS_WSPACE), &CmdEnv))) ;
else {
return(LastRetCode = SetEnvVar(PromptStr, TokStr(n->argptr, NULL, TS_WSPACE), &CmdEnv) ) ;
/*** eSet - execute a Set command
* Purpose:
* To set/modify an environment or to display the current environment
* contents.
* int eSet(struct cmdnode *n)
* Args:
* n - the parse tree node containing the set command
* Returns:
* If setting and the command is syntactically correct, whatever SetEnvVar()
* returns. Otherwise, FAILURE.
* If displaying, SUCCESS is always returned.
int eSet(n)
struct cmdnode *n ;
if (glBatType != CMD_TYPE) {
// if set command is executed from .bat file OR entered at command prompt
return( SetLastRetCodeIfError(SetWork( n )));
else {
return( LastRetCode = SetWork( n ) );
#define A_BEGOP (USHORT)(0x0100 | '(') // Open Parenthesis
#define A_ENDOP (USHORT)(0x0200 | ')') // Close Parenthesis
#define A_SEPOP (USHORT)(0x0300 | ',') // Separator
#define A_EQOP (USHORT)(0x0400 | '=') // Assignment
#define A_OROP (USHORT)(0x1100 | '|') // Bitwise or
#define A_XOROP (USHORT)(0x1200 | '^') // Bitwise xor
#define A_ANDOP (USHORT)(0x1300 | '&') // Bitwise and
#define A_LSHOP (USHORT)(0x2100 | '<') // Logical shift left
#define A_RSHOP (USHORT)(0x2200 | '>') // Logical shift right
#define A_ADDOP (USHORT)(0x3100 | '+') // Addition
#define A_SUBOP (USHORT)(0x3200 | '-') // Subtraction
#define A_MULOP (USHORT)(0x4100 | '*') // Multiplication
#define A_DIVOP (USHORT)(0x4200 | '/') // Division
#define A_MODOP (USHORT)(0x4300 | '%') // Modulo
#define A_POSOP (USHORT)(0x5100 | 'P') // Unary positive
#define A_NEGOP (USHORT)(0x5200 | 'M') // Unary negative
#define A_NOTOP (USHORT)(0x5300 | 'N') // Unary Bitwise not
TCHAR szOps[] = TEXT("<>+-*/%()|^&=,");
TCHAR szUnaryOps[] = TEXT("+-~");
USHORT wOpCodes[] = {
USHORT wUnaryOpCodes[] = {
#define MAX_EXPR_DEPTH 64
typedef struct _OPERAND {
LONG Value;
TCHAR *Name;
DWORD iOperand;
DWORD iOperator;
PopOperand( VOID )
TCHAR *wptr;
LONG result;
if (iOperand == 0)
return 0;
result = lOperands[ --iOperand ].Value;
if (wptr = MyGetEnvVarPtr(lOperands[ iOperand ].Name)) {
// Found the variable, convert its value to an integet and push
// on the operand stack.
while (*wptr)
if (*wptr <= SPACE || *wptr == QUOTE)
wptr += 1;
result = _tcstol(wptr, &wptr, 0);
return result;
/*** DoArithOps - push operator on operator stack arithmetic expression
* Purpose:
* Push an operator on the operator stack. Operator precedence handed here
* int DoArithOps(USHORT OpCode)
* Args:
* OpCode - operator value. Precendence encoded in value, such that operators
* with higher precedence are numerically larger
* Returns:
* If valid expression, return SUCCESS otherwise FAILURE.
LONG op1, op2, result;
TCHAR szResult[ 32 ];
// Loop until we can push this operator onto the operator stack.
// These means we have to pop off and any operators on the stack
// that have a higher precedence than the new operator.
while (TRUE) {
if (OpCode == A_ENDOP) {
// If new opcode is a right parenthesis, then all done if
// the left parenthesis is on the top of the operator stack
if (iOperator != 0 && wOperators[iOperator-1] == A_BEGOP) {
iOperator -= 1;
OpCode = 0;
// No left paren left, keep popping until we see it. Error
// if nothing left to pop.
if (iOperator == 0)
if (OpCode == 0) {
// OpCode zero is end of expression. Pop everything off.
if (iOperator == 0)
if (iOperator == 0 || OpCode > wOperators[iOperator-1] || OpCode == A_BEGOP) {
// Done if no more operators to process or
// New operator has higher precedence than operator on top of stack
// or new operator is a left parenthesis
// We need to pop and process (i.e. evaluate) the operator stack
// If it is a two operand stack, then get the second argument from
// the top of the operand stack. Done if not two operands on the
// operand stack.
op = wOperators[--iOperator];
if (op < A_NEGOP) {
if (iOperand < 2)
op2 = PopOperand();
// Get the first operand from the top of the operand stack. Error
// if not one there.
if (iOperand < 1)
op1 = PopOperand();
// Evaluate the operator and push the result back on the operand stack
result = 0;
switch( op ) {
case A_LSHOP: result = op1 << op2; break;
case A_RSHOP: result = op1 >> op2; break;
case A_ADDOP: result = op1 + op2; break;
case A_SUBOP: result = op1 - op2; break;
case A_MULOP: result = op1 * op2; break;
case A_DIVOP: if (op2 == 0) return MSG_SET_A_MISSING_OPERAND;
result = op1 / op2; break;
case A_MODOP: result = op1 % op2; break;
case A_ANDOP: result = op1 & op2; break;
case A_OROP: result = op1 | op2; break;
case A_XOROP: result = op1 ^ op2; break;
case A_NEGOP: result = - op1; break;
case A_POSOP: result = + op1; break;
case A_NOTOP: result = ~ op1; break;
case A_SEPOP: result = op2; break;
case A_EQOP: if (lOperands[iOperand].Name == NULL) return MSG_SET_A_BAD_ASSIGN;
result = op2;
// Left handside has variable name, convert result
// to text and store as value of variable.
_sntprintf( szResult, 32, TEXT("%d"), result ) ;
if (SetEnvVar(lOperands[iOperand].Name, szResult, &CmdEnv) != SUCCESS)
return GetLastError();
default: break;
lOperands[iOperand].Value = result;
lOperands[iOperand].Name = NULL;
iOperand += 1;
// If new operator code is not the end of the expression, push it onto the
// operator stack.
if (OpCode != 0)
wOperators[ iOperator++ ] = OpCode;
return SUCCESS;
/*** SetArithWork - set environment variable to value of arithmetic expression
* Purpose:
* Set environment variable to value of arithmetic expression
* int SetArithWork(TCHAR *tas)
* Args:
* tas - pointer to null terminated string of the form:
* VARNAME=expression
* Returns:
* If valid expression, return SUCCESS otherwise FAILURE.
int SetArithWork(TCHAR *tas)
TCHAR c, szResult[ MAX_PATH ];
TCHAR *szOperator;
TCHAR *wptr;
BOOLEAN bUnaryOpPossible;
int rc;
// If no input, declare an error
if (!tas || !tas) {
return(FAILURE) ;
// Now evaluate the expression. Syntax accepted:
// <expr>: '(' <expr> ')'
// | <unary-op> <expr>
// | <expr> <binary-op> <expr>
// | <variable>
// | <number>
// <unary-op>: '+' | '-' |
// '~' | '!'
// <binary-op>: '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%'
// '|' | '&' | '^' | '=' | ','
// <number>: C-syntax (e.g. 16 or 0x10)
// <variable>: Any environment variable. Dont need surround with % to get value
// Operators have same meaning and precedence as ANSI C. All arithmetic is
// fixed, 32 bit arithmetic. No floating point.
// Poor man's parser/evaluator with operand and operator stack.
iOperand = 0;
iOperator = 0;
bUnaryOpPossible = TRUE;
do {
// Look at next non blank character
c = *tas;
if (c <= SPACE || c == QUOTE) {
if (*tas)
tas += 1;
if (_istdigit(c)) {
// Digit, must be numeric operand. Push it on operand stack
lOperands[ iOperand ].Value = _tcstol(tas, &tas, 0);
lOperands[ iOperand ].Name = NULL;
iOperand += 1;
if (_istdigit(*tas) || _istalpha(*tas)) {
// Unary op not possible after a operand.
bUnaryOpPossible = FALSE;
if (bUnaryOpPossible && (szOperator = _tcschr(szUnaryOps, c))) {
// If unary op possible and we have one, then push it
// on the operator stack
tas += 1;
if (rc = DoArithOps( wUnaryOpCodes[szOperator - szUnaryOps] ))
if (!bUnaryOpPossible && (szOperator = _tcschr(szOps, c))) {
// If we have a binary op, push it on the operator stack
tas += 1;
if (c == L'<' || c == L'>') {
if (*tas != c) {
tas += 1;
if (*tas == EQ) {
tas += 1;
if (rc = DoArithOps( A_EQOP ))
if (iOperand == 0) {
lOperands[ iOperand ] = lOperands[ iOperand-1 ];
iOperand += 1;
if (rc = DoArithOps( wOpCodes[szOperator - szOps] ))
// Unary op now possible.
if (c == RPOP) {
bUnaryOpPossible = FALSE;
else {
bUnaryOpPossible = TRUE;
if (!bUnaryOpPossible) {
else {
// Not a number or operator, must be a variable name. The
// name must be terminated by a space or an operator.
wptr = tas;
while (*tas &&
*tas > SPACE &&
!_tcschr(szUnaryOps, *tas) &&
!_tcschr(szOps, *tas)
tas += 1;
// If no variable or variable too long, bail
if (wptr == tas) {
lOperands[ iOperand ].Value = 0;
lOperands[ iOperand ].Name = gmkstr((tas-wptr+1)*sizeof(TCHAR));
if (lOperands[ iOperand ].Name == NULL) {
// Have variable name. Push name on operand stack with a zero
// value. Value will be fetch when this operand is popped from
// operand stack.
_tcsncpy(lOperands[ iOperand ].Name, wptr, tas-wptr);
lOperands[ iOperand ].Name[tas-wptr] = NULLC;
iOperand += 1;
// Unary op not possible after a operand.
bUnaryOpPossible = FALSE;
} while (*tas);
if (rc == SUCCESS) {
// Do any pending operators.
rc = DoArithOps( 0 );
// If operator stack non-empty or more than one value
// on operand stack, then invalid expression
if (rc == SUCCESS && (iOperator || iOperand != 1)) {
if (iOperator)
if (rc != SUCCESS)
PutStdErr(rc, ONEARG, tas);
else {
// Valid result, display if not in a batch script.
if (!CurBat)
cmd_printf( TEXT("%d"), lOperands[ 0 ].Value ) ;
return rc;
int SetWork(n)
struct cmdnode *n ;
TCHAR *tas ; /* Tokenized argument string */
TCHAR *wptr ; /* Work pointer */
int i ; /* Work variable */
// If extensions are enabled, things are different
if (fEnableExtensions) {
tas = n->argptr;
// Find first non-blank argument.
if (tas != NULL)
while (*tas && *tas <= SPACE)
tas += 1;
// No arguments, same as old behavior. Display current
// set of environment variables.
if (!tas || !*tas)
return(DisplayEnv()) ;
// See if /A switch given. If so, let arithmetic
// expression evaluator do the work.
if (!_tcsnicmp(tas, SetArithStr, 2))
return SetArithWork(tas+2);
// See if first argument is quoted. If so, strip off
// leading quote, spaces and trailing quote.
if (*tas == QUOTE) {
tas += 1;
while (*tas && *tas <= SPACE)
tas += 1;
wptr = _tcsrchr(tas, QUOTE);
if (wptr)
*wptr = NULLC;
// Find the equal sign in the argument.
wptr = _tcschr(tas, EQ);
// If no equal sign, then assume argument is variable name
// and user wants to see its value. Display it.
if (!wptr)
return DisplayEnvVariable(tas);
// Found the equal sign, so left of equal sign is variable name
// and right of equal sign is value. Dont allow user to set
// a variable name that begins with an equal sign, since those
// are reserved for drive current directories.
*wptr++ = NULLC;
if (*wptr == EQ) {
return(FAILURE) ;
return(SetEnvVar(tas, wptr, &CmdEnv)) ;
tas = TokStr(n->argptr, ONEQSTR, TS_WSPACE|TS_SDTOKENS) ;
if (!*tas)
return(DisplayEnv()) ;
else {
for (wptr = tas, i = 0 ; *wptr ; wptr += mystrlen(wptr)+1, i++)
/* If too many parameters were given, the second parameter */
/* wasn't an equal sign, or they didn't specify a string */
/* return an error message. */
if ( i > 3 || *(wptr = tas+mystrlen(tas)+1) != EQ ||
!mystrlen(mystrcpy(tas, stripit(tas))) ) {
/* M013 */ PutStdErr(MSG_BAD_SYNTAX, NOARGS);
return(FAILURE) ;
} else {
return(SetEnvVar(tas, wptr+2, &CmdEnv)) ;
} ;
/*** DisplayEnvVarialbe - display a specific variable from the environment
* Purpose:
* To display a specific variable from the current environment.
* int DisplayEnvVariable( tas )
* Returns:
* SUCCESS if all goes well
* FAILURE if it runs out of memory or cannot lock the env. segment
int DisplayEnvVariable(tas)
TCHAR *tas;
TCHAR *envptr ; /* Ptr to environment */
TCHAR *vstr ;
unsigned size ; /* Length of current env string */
unsigned n ;
int rc;
envptr = GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (envptr == (TCHAR *)NULL) {
fprintf ( stderr, InternalError , "Null environment" ) ;
return ( FAILURE ) ;
tas = EatWS(tas, NULL);
if ((vstr = mystrrchr(tas, SPACE)) != NULL)
*vstr = NULLC;
n = mystrlen(tas);
while ((size = mystrlen(envptr)) > 0) { /* M015 */
if (CtrlCSeen) {
if (!_tcsnicmp(tas, envptr, n)) {
cmd_printf(Fmt17, envptr );
envptr += size+1 ;
} ;
if (rc != SUCCESS) {
return(rc) ;
/*** MyGetEnvVar - get a pointer to the value of an environment variable
* Purpose:
* Return a pointer to the value of the specified environment variable.
* If the variable is not found, return NULL.
* TCHAR *MyGetEnvVar(TCHAR *varname)
* Args:
* varname - the name of the variable to search for
* Returns:
* See above.
* Side Effects:
* Returned value points to within the environment block itself, so is
* not valid after a set environment variable operations is perform.
TCHAR *varname;
TCHAR *envptr ; /* Ptr to environment */
TCHAR *vstr ;
unsigned size ; /* Length of current env string */
unsigned n ;
if (varname == NULL) {
return ( NULL ) ;
envptr = GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (envptr == (TCHAR *)NULL) {
return ( NULL ) ;
varname = EatWS(varname, NULL);
if ((vstr = mystrrchr(varname, SPACE)) != NULL)
*vstr = NULLC;
n = mystrlen(varname);
while ((size = mystrlen(envptr)) > 0) { /* M015 */
if (CtrlCSeen) {
if (!_tcsnicmp(varname, envptr, n))
return envptr+n+1;
envptr += size+1 ;
} ;
/*** DisplayEnv - display the environment
* Purpose:
* To display the current contents of the environment.
* int DisplayEnv()
* Returns:
* SUCCESS if all goes well
* FAILURE if it runs out of memory or cannot lock the env. segment
int DisplayEnv()
TCHAR *vstr ; /* Used to print each environment string */
TCHAR *envptr ; /* Ptr to environment */
unsigned size ; /* Length of current env string */
envptr = GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (envptr == (TCHAR *)NULL) {
fprintf ( stderr, InternalError , "Null environment" ) ;
return ( FAILURE ) ;
vstr = mkstr(MAXTOKLEN*sizeof(TCHAR)) ;
if ( ! vstr ) {
return ( FAILURE ) ;
while ((size = mystrlen(envptr)) > 0) { /* M015 */
if (CtrlCSeen) {
mystrcpy((TCHAR *)vstr, envptr) ; /* M015 */
#if !DBG
// Dont show current directory variables in retail product
if (*vstr != EQ)
#endif // DBG
cmd_printf(Fmt17, vstr) ; /* M005 */
envptr += size+1 ;
} ;
return(SUCCESS) ;
/*** SetEnvVar - controls adding/changing an environment variable
* Purpose:
* Add/replace an environment variable. Grow it if necessary.
* int SetEnvVar(TCHAR *varname, TCHAR *varvalue, struct envdata *env)
* Args:
* varname - name of the variable being added/replaced
* varvalue - value of the variable being added/replaced
* env - environment info structure being used
* Returns:
* SUCCESS if the variable could be added/replaced.
* FAILURE otherwise.
int SetEnvVar(varname, varvalue, env)
TCHAR *varname ;
TCHAR *varvalue ;
struct envdata *env ;
int retvalue;
PromptValid = FALSE; // Force it to be recalculated
if (!_tcslen(varvalue)) {
varvalue = NULL; // null to remove from env
retvalue = SetEnvironmentVariable(varname, varvalue);
if (CmdEnv.handle != GetEnvironmentStrings()) {
CmdEnv.handle = GetEnvironmentStrings();
CmdEnv.cursize = GetEnvCb(CmdEnv.handle);
if (VirtualQuery( CmdEnv.handle, &MemoryInfo, sizeof( MemoryInfo ) ) == sizeof( MemoryInfo )) {
CmdEnv.maxsize = MemoryInfo.RegionSize;
else {
CmdEnv.maxsize = CmdEnv.cursize;
else {
CmdEnv.cursize = GetEnvCb(CmdEnv.handle);
return !retvalue;
/*** GetEnvVar - get the value of an environment variable
* Purpose:
* Return a string containing the value of the specified environment
* variable.
* If the variable is not found, return NULL.
* TCHAR *GetEnvVar(TCHAR *varname)
* Args:
* varname - the name of the variable to search for
* Returns:
* See above.
* Side Effects:
* Locks the environment segment on entry and unlocks it on exit
PTCHAR GetEnvVar(varname)
PTCHAR varname ;
static TCHAR GetEnvVarBuffer[LBUFLEN];
if (GetEnvironmentVariable(varname, GetEnvVarBuffer, sizeof(GetEnvVarBuffer) / sizeof(TCHAR))) {
else {
/*** CopyEnv - make a copy of the current environment
* Purpose:
* Make a copy of CmdEnv and put the new handle into the newly
* created envdata structure. This routine is only called by
* eSetlocal and init.
* struct envdata *CopyEnv()
* Returns:
* A pointer to the environment information structure.
* Returns NULL if unable to allocate enough memory
* Notes:
* - M001 - This function was disabled, now reenabled.
* - The current environment is copied as a snapshot of how it looked
* before SETLOCAL was executed.
* - M008 - This function's copy code was moved to new function MoveEnv.
struct envdata *CopyEnv()
struct envdata *cce ; /* New env info structure */
if (!(cce = (struct envdata *) mkstr(sizeof(struct envdata))))
return(NULL) ;
cce->cursize = CmdEnv.cursize ;
cce->maxsize = CmdEnv.maxsize ;
cce->handle = VirtualAlloc( NULL,
if (cce->handle == NULL) {
return(NULL) ;
if (!MoveEnv(cce->handle, CmdEnv.handle, GetEnvCb(CmdEnv.handle))) {
return(NULL) ;
} ;
return(cce) ;
/*** ResetEnv - restore the environment
* Purpose:
* Restore the environment to the way it was before the execution of
* the SETLOCAL command. This function only called by eEndlocal.
* ResetEnv(struct envdata *env)
* Args:
* env - structure containing handle, size and max dimensions of an
* environment.
* Notes:
* - M001 - This function was disabled, but has been reenabled.
* - M001 - This function used to test for OLD/NEW style batch files
* and delete the copy or the original environment as
* appropriate. It now always deletes the original.
* - M014 - Note that the modified local environment will never be
* shrunk, so we can assume it will hold the old one.
void ResetEnv(env) /* M001 - Arg is now the env... */
struct envdata *env ; /* ...struct not batch struct */
ULONG cursize;
cursize = GetEnvCb( env->handle );
if (MoveEnv( CmdEnv.handle, env->handle, cursize )) {
CmdEnv.cursize = cursize ;
} ;
// BUGBUG why is free done here and not in caller.
/*** MoveEnv - Move the contents of the environment (M008 - New function)
* Purpose:
* Used by CopyEnv, this function moves the existing
* environment contents to the new location.
* MoveEnv(unsigned thndl, unsigned shndl, unsigned cnt)
* Args:
* thndl - Handle of target environment
* shndl - Handle of source environment
* cnt - byte count to move
* Returns:
* TRUE if no errors
* FALSE otherwise
MoveEnv(tenvptr, senvptr, cnt)
TCHAR *senvptr ; /* Ptr into source env seg */
TCHAR *tenvptr ; /* Ptr into target env seg */
ULONG cnt ;
if ((tenvptr == NULL) ||
(senvptr == NULL)) {
fprintf(stderr, InternalError, "Null environment") ;
return(FALSE) ;
memcpy(tenvptr, senvptr, cnt) ; /* M015 */
return(TRUE) ;
GetEnvCb( TCHAR *penv ) {
ULONG cb = 0;
if (penv == NULL) {
return (0);
while ( (*penv) || (*(penv+1))) {
return (cb+2) * sizeof(TCHAR);