Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1833 lines
47 KiB

#include "cmd.h"
// Used in rebuilding command lines for display
#define NSPC 0 // Don't use space
#define YSPC 1 // Do use space
extern CPINFO CurrentCPInfo;
extern UINT CurrentCP;
extern ULONG LastMsgNo;
// Jump buffers used to return to main loop after some error condition
jmp_buf MainEnv ; // SigHand() uses to return to main
jmp_buf CmdJBuf1 ; // Both of these buffers are used by
jmp_buf CmdJBuf2 ; // various parts of Command for error
// rioCur points to a linked list of rio structures dynamically
// allocated when redirection is performed. Note that memory is automatically
// freed when Dispatch completed work. rioCur points to last entry.
struct rio *rioCur = NULL ;
// Retrun code for last external program
int LastRetCode ;
// Constants used in parsing
extern TCHAR PathChar;
extern TCHAR SwitChar;
extern TCHAR Delimiters[];
extern TCHAR Delim2[];
// Current Drive:Directory. Set in ChDir
// It it is change temp. SaveDir used used to old original
extern TCHAR CurDrvDir[];
// Name of NULL device. Used to output to nothing
extern TCHAR DevNul[];
// flag if we found a label that was target of goto
extern BOOLEAN GotoFlag;
// Number of elements in Data stack
extern ULONG DCount ;
// Environment string to locate command shell.
extern TCHAR ComSpecStr[] ;
// DOS error code
extern unsigned DosErr ;
// Data for start and executing a batch file. Used in calls
extern struct batdata *CurBat ;
// Set of /K switch on command line set.
extern BOOLEAN fSingleBatchLine;
// Set of /c switch on command line set.
extern BOOLEAN fSingleCmdLine;
// Alternative path (DDPATH) to search
extern TCHAR AppendStr[] ;
// flag if control-c was seen
extern BOOL CtrlCSeen;
extern BOOLEAN fPrintCtrlC;
extern PTCHAR pszTitleCur;
extern BOOLEAN fTitleChanged;
// Prototypes
(*GetFuncPtr())() ;
GetEnvVar() ;
EatWS() ;
UnParse(struct node *, PTCHAR);
UnBuild(struct node *, PTCHAR);
UnDuRd(struct node *, PTCHAR);
// Used to set and reset ctlcseen flag
VOID SetCtrlC();
VOID ResetCtrlC();
// to monitor stack usage
extern BOOLEAN flChkStack;
extern PVOID FixedPtrOnStack;
typedef struct {
PVOID GuardPage;
PVOID Bottom;
extern STACK_USE GlStackUsage;
extern int ChkStack (PVOID pFixed, STACK_USE *pStackUse);
Routine Description:
Main entry point for command interpreter
Command line:
/P - Permanent Command. Set permanent CMD flag.
/C - Single command. Build a command line out of the rest of
the args and pass it back to Init.
/K - Same as /C but also set fSingleBatchLine flag.
/Q - No echo
Return Value:
Return: 0 - If success
1 - Parsing Error
0xFF - Could not init
n - Return code from command
CHAR VarOnStack;
struct node *pnodeCmdTree ;
// When in multi-cmd mode tells parser where to get input from.
int InputType ;
// Pointer to current command line
PTCHAR pszCmdLine;
// flag used when a setjmp returns while processing /K
// error and move to next line.
unsigned fIgnore = FALSE;
unsigned ReturnCode;
// flChkStack is turned ON initially here and it stays ON while
// I believe the information returned by ChkStack() is correct.
// It is turned OFF the first time I don't believe that info and
// therefore I don't want to make any decisions changing the CMD's
// behavior.
// It will stay OFF until CMD terminates so we will never check
// stack usage again.
// I implemented one method to prevent CMD.EXE from the stack overflow:
// Have count and limit of recursion in batch file processing and check
// stack every time we exceed the limit of recursion until we reach 90%
// of stack usage.
// If (stack usage >= 90% of 1 MByte) then terminate batch file
// unconditionally and handle such termination properly (freeing memory
// and stack and saving CMD.EXE)
// It is also possible to implement SEH but then we won't know about
// CMD problems.
flChkStack = 1;
FixedPtrOnStack = (VOID *) &VarOnStack; // to be used in ChkStack()
if ( ChkStack (FixedPtrOnStack, &GlStackUsage) == FAILURE ) {
flChkStack = 0;
// Initialize the DBCS lead byte table based on the current locale.
InitializeDbcsLeadCharTable( );
// Set base APIs to operate in OEM mode
#ifndef UNICODE
#endif /* Unicode */
// Init returns NULL when not in single command mode
// (i.e. /c or /k)
if ((pszCmdLine = Init()) != NULL) {
if (setjmp(MainEnv)) {
// If processing /K and setjmp'd out of init. then ignore
if ( fSingleBatchLine ){
fIgnore = TRUE;
} else {
CMDexit(0xff) ;
if ( !fIgnore ){
DEBUG((MNGRP, MNLVL, "MAIN: Single command mode on `%ws'", pszCmdLine)) ;
if ((pnodeCmdTree = Parser(READSTRING, (int)pszCmdLine, DCount)) == (struct node *) PARSERROR)
if (pnodeCmdTree == (struct node *) EOF)
DEBUG((MNGRP, MNLVL, "MAIN: Single command parsed successfully.")) ;
ReturnCode = Dispatch(RIO_MAIN, pnodeCmdTree);
// Make sure we have the correct console modes.
#ifdef JAPAN
// Get current CodePage Info. We need this to decide whether
// or not to use half-width characters.
GetCPInfo((CurrentCP=GetConsoleOutputCP()), &CurrentCPInfo);
// Maybe console output code page was changed by CHCP or MODE,
// so need to reset LanguageID to correspond to code page.
if ( !fSingleBatchLine )
CMDexit( ReturnCode );
fSingleBatchLine = FALSE; // Allow ASync exec of GUI apps now
// Through init and single command processing. reset our Setjmp location
// to here for error processing.
if (ReturnCode = setjmp(MainEnv)) {
// BUGBUG fix later to have a generalized abort
// for not assume this is a real abort from
// eof on stdin redirected.
if (ReturnCode == EXIT_EOF) {
// Check if our I/O has been redirected. This is used to tell
// where we should read input from.
InputType = (FileIsDevice(STDIN)) ? READSTDIN : READFILE ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,MNLVL,"MAIN: Multi command mode, InputType = %d", InputType)) ;
// If we are reading from a file, make sure the input mode is binary.
// CRLF translations screw up the lexer because FillBuf() wants to
// seek around in the file.
if(InputType == READFILE) {
// Loop till out of input or error parsing.
while (TRUE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, MNLVL, "MAIN: Calling Parser.")) ;
GotoFlag = FALSE ;
if ((pnodeCmdTree = Parser(InputType, STDIN, FS_FREEALL)) == (struct node *) PARSERROR) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, MNLVL, "MAIN: Parse failed.")) ;
} else if (pnodeCmdTree == (struct node *) EOF)
else {
Dispatch(RIO_MAIN, pnodeCmdTree) ;
// Make sure we have the correct console modes.
// Get current CodePage Info. We need this to decide whether
// or not to use half-width characters.
GetCPInfo((CurrentCP=GetConsoleOutputCP()), &CurrentCPInfo);
// Maybe console output code page was changed by CHCP or MODE,
// so need to reset LanguageID to correspond to code page.
DEBUG((MNGRP, MNLVL, "MAIN: Dispatch returned.")) ;
IN int RioType,
IN struct node *pnodeCmdTree
Routine Description:
Set up any I/O redirection for the current node. Find out who is
supposed to process this node and call the routine to do it. Reset
stdin/stdout if necessary.
Dispatch() must now be called with all args present since the RioType
is needed to properly identify the redirection list element.
Dispatch() determines the need for redirection by examination of the
RioType and command node and calls SetRedir only if necessary. Also,
in like manner, Dispatch() only calls ResetRedir if redirection was
actually performed.
The conditional that determines whether newline will be issued
following commands (prior to prompt), had to be altered so that the
execution of piped commands did not each issue a newline. The pre-
prompt newline for pipe series is now issued by ePipe().
RioType - tells SetRedir the routine responsible for redirection
pnodeCmdTree - the root of the parse tree to be executed
Return Value:
The return code from the command/function that was executed or
FAILURE if redirection error.
int comretcode ; // Retcode of the cmnd executed
struct cmdnode *pcmdnode ; // pointer to current command node
PTCHAR pbCmdBuf ; // Buffer used in building command
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: pnodeCmdTree = 0x%04x, RioType = %d", pnodeCmdTree, RioType)) ;
// If we don't have a parse tree or
// we have a goto label or
// we have a comment line
// then don't execute anything and return.
if (!pnodeCmdTree ||
GotoFlag ||
pnodeCmdTree->type == REMTYP) {
return(SUCCESS) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: type = 0x%02x", pnodeCmdTree->type)) ;
// Copy node ptr pnodeCmdTree to new node ptr pcmdnode
// If command is to be detached or pipelined (but not a pipe)
// If command is Batch file or Internal or Multi-statement command
// "Unparse" tree into string approximating original commandline
// Build new command node (pcmdnode) to spawn a child
// Make the string ("/C" prepended) the argument of the new node
// Perform redirection on node c
// If node pcmdnode is to be detatched
// Exec async/discard
// else
// Exec async/keep but don't wait for retcode (pipelined)
// else
// If this is a CMDTYP, PARTYP or SILTYP node and there is explicit redirection
// Perform redirection on this node
// If operator node or a special type (FOR, IF, DET or REM)
// Call routine identified by GetFuncPtr() to execute it
// Else call FindFixAndRun() to execute the CMDTYP node.
// If redirection was performed
// Reset redirection
pcmdnode = (struct cmdnode *)pnodeCmdTree ;
// If we are called from ePipe and PIPE command then we need
// to rebuild the command in ascii form (UnParse) and fork
// off another cmd.exe to execute it.
if ((RioType == RIO_PIPE && pcmdnode->type != PIPTYP)) {
// pbCmdbuf is used as tmp in FindCmd and SFE
// BUGBUG: Why add 3 to MAXTOKLEN
if (!(pbCmdBuf=mkstr((MAXTOKLEN+3)*sizeof(TCHAR)))) {
return(DISPERROR) ;
// If current node to execute is not a command or
// could not find it as an internal command or
// it was found as a batch file then
// Do the unparse
if (pcmdnode->type != CMDTYP ||
FindCmd(CMDHIGH, pcmdnode->cmdline, pbCmdBuf) != -1 ||
SearchForExecutable(pcmdnode, pbCmdBuf) == SFE_ISBAT) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: Now UnParsing")) ;
// if pcmdnode an intrnl cmd then pbCmdBuf holds it's switches
// if pcmdnode was a batch file then pbCmdBuf holds location
if (UnParse((struct node *)pcmdnode, pbCmdBuf)) {
return(DISPERROR) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: UnParsed cmd = %ws", pbCmdBuf)) ;
// Build a command node with unparsed command
// Will be exec'd later after redirection is applied
pcmdnode = (struct cmdnode *)mknode() ;
if (pcmdnode == NULL) {
return(DISPERROR) ;
pcmdnode->type = CMDTYP ;
pcmdnode->cmdline = GetEnvVar(ComSpecStr) ;
pcmdnode->argptr = pbCmdBuf ;
// Setup I/O redirection
if (SetRedir((struct node *)pcmdnode, RioType)) {
return(DISPERROR) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP:Calling ECWork on piped cmd")) ;
pbCmdBuf[1] = SwitChar ;
pbCmdBuf[2] = TEXT('S') ;
comretcode = ECWork(pcmdnode, AI_KEEP, CW_W_NO) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: ECWork returned %d", comretcode)) ;
} else {
// We are here if command was not PIPE
// If it was a command node or a paren or a silent operator and
// we have redirection then set redirection.
if ((pnodeCmdTree->type == CMDTYP ||
pnodeCmdTree->type == PARTYP ||
pnodeCmdTree->type == SILTYP ||
pnodeCmdTree->type == HELPTYP) &&
pnodeCmdTree->rio) {
// Set redirection on node.
if (SetRedir(pnodeCmdTree, RioType)) {
return(DISPERROR) ;
// If it is an internal command then find it and execute
// otherwise locate file load and execute
if (pnodeCmdTree->type != CMDTYP) {
comretcode = (*GetFuncPtr(pnodeCmdTree->type))((struct cmdnode *)pnodeCmdTree) ;
} else {
comretcode = FindFixAndRun((struct cmdnode *)pnodeCmdTree) ;
} // else
// Reset and redirection that was previously setup
// pcmdnode is always current node.
if ((rioCur) && (rioCur->rnod == (struct node *)pcmdnode)) {
ResetRedir() ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "DISP: returning %d", comretcode)) ;
return(comretcode) ;
IN struct node *pnodeCmdTree,
IN int RioType
Routine Description:
Perform the redirection required by the current node
Only individual commands and parenthesised statement groups can have
explicit I/O redirection. All nodes, however, can tolerate redirection of an
implicit nature.
pNode - pointer node containing redirection information
RioType - indicator of source of redirection request
Return Value:
SUCCESS if the redirection was successfully set up.
FAILURE if the redirection was NOT successfully set up.
struct rio *prio ;
int i;
BOOLEAN fInputRedirected = FALSE;
// Temps. Used to hold all of the relocation information for a
// command.
struct relem *prelemT ;
struct relem *prelemT2;
TCHAR rgchFileName[MAX_PATH];
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD:RioType = %d.",RioType)) ;
prelemT = pnodeCmdTree->rio ;
// Loop through redirections removing ":" from device names
// and determining if input has been redirected
while (prelemT) {
mystrcpy(prelemT->fname, stripit(prelemT->fname) );
// skip any redirection that already has been done
if (prelemT->svhndl) {
prelemT = prelemT->nxt ;
continue ;
// check for and remove any COLON that might be in a device name
if ((i = mystrlen(prelemT->fname)-1) > 1 && *(prelemT->fname+i) == COLON)
*(prelemT->fname+i) = NULLC ;
// If input redirection specified then set flag for later use
if (prelemT->rdhndl == STDIN) {
fInputRedirected = TRUE ;
prelemT = prelemT->nxt ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: fInputRedirected = %d",fInputRedirected)) ;
// Allocate, activate and initialize the rio list element.
// We must skip this if called from AddRedir (test for RIO_REPROCESS)
if (RioType != RIO_REPROCESS) {
if (!(prio=(struct rio *)mkstr(sizeof(struct rio)))) {
return ( FAILURE ) ;
} ;
prio->back = rioCur ;
rioCur = prio ;
prio->rnod = pnodeCmdTree ;
prio->type = RioType ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: rio element built.")) ;
} else {
prio = rioCur;
// Once the list has been set up for standard and special cases
// the actual handle redirection is performed.
// loop thru the list performing all redirection and error recovery.
prelemT = pnodeCmdTree->rio ;
while (prelemT) {
// Skip any already done.
if (prelemT->svhndl) {
prelemT = prelemT->nxt ;
continue ;
} ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: Old osf handle = %x", CRTTONT(prelemT->rdhndl))) ;
// Make sure read handle is open and valid before saving it.
if (FileIsDevice(prelemT->rdhndl) || FileIsPipe(prelemT->rdhndl) ||
SetFilePointer(CRTTONT(prelemT->rdhndl), 0L, NULL, FILE_CURRENT) != -1) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: duping %d", prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
if ((prelemT->svhndl = Cdup(prelemT->rdhndl)) == BADHANDLE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: Cdup error=%d, errno=%d", GetLastError(), errno)) ;
PutStdErr(MSG_RDR_HNDL_CREATE, ONEARG, argstr1(TEXT("%d"), (unsigned long)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
prelemT->svhndl = 0 ;
ResetRedir() ;
return(FAILURE) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: closing %d", prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
Cclose(prelemT->rdhndl) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: save handle = %d", prelemT->svhndl));
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: --->osf handle = %x", CRTTONT(prelemT->svhndl))) ;
} else {
PutStdErr(MSG_RDR_HNDL_OPEN, ONEARG, argstr1(TEXT("%d"), (unsigned long)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
prelemT->svhndl = 0 ;
ResetRedir() ;
return(FAILURE) ;
// Is file name the command seperator character '&'
if (*prelemT->fname == CSOP) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: Handle substitution, %ws %d", prelemT->fname, prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
*(prelemT->fname+2) = NULLC ;
if (Cdup2(*(prelemT->fname+1) - TEXT('0'), prelemT->rdhndl) == BADHANDLE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: Cdup2 error=%d, errno=%d", GetLastError(), errno)) ;
ResetRedir() ;
PutStdErr(MSG_RDR_HNDL_CREATE, ONEARG, argstr1(TEXT("%d"), (ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
return(FAILURE) ;
} ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: %c forced to %d",*(prelemT->fname+1), (ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
} else {
// redirecting input from a file. Check to see if file
// exists and can be opened for input.
if (prelemT->rdop == INOP) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: File in = %ws",prelemT->fname)) ;
// Try to open file localy first
if ((OpenStatus = Copen(prelemT->fname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY)) == BADHANDLE) {
// Now try the DPATH (data path)
if ( SearchPath( AppendStr,
NULL ) != 0 ) {
OpenStatus = Copen(rgchFileName, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY) ;
} else {
// We are not redirecting input so must be output
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: File out = %ws",prelemT->fname)) ;
// Make sure sure we can open the file for output
OpenStatus = Copen(prelemT->fname, prelemT->flag ? OP_APPEN : OP_TRUNC) ;
// If the handle to be redirected was not the lowest numbered,
// unopened handle when open was called, the current handle must
// be forced to it, the handle returned by open must be closed.
// BUGBUG: why must it be force to lowest numbered
if (OpenStatus != BADHANDLE && OpenStatus != prelemT->rdhndl) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: Handles don't match...")) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: ...forcing %d to %d", i, (ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
if (Cdup2(OpenStatus, prelemT->rdhndl) == BADHANDLE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: Cdup2 error=%d, errno=%d", GetLastError(), errno)) ;
Cclose(OpenStatus) ;
ResetRedir() ;
PutStdErr(MSG_RDR_HNDL_CREATE, ONEARG, argstr1(TEXT("%d"), (ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
return(FAILURE) ;
} else {
Cclose(OpenStatus) ;
OpenStatus = prelemT->rdhndl ;
// Copen error processing must be delayed to here to allow the
// above Cdup2 to occur if necessary. Otherwise, the call to
// ResetRedir in the error handler would attempt to close the
// wrong handle and leave a bogus handle open.
if (OpenStatus == BADHANDLE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: Bad Open, DosErr = %d",DosErr)) ;
ResetRedir() ;
PrtErr(DosErr) ;
return(FAILURE) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "SETRD: new handle = %d", OpenStatus)) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"SETRD: --->osf handle = %x", CRTTONT(OpenStatus))) ;
// Keep highest numbered handle
prio->stdio = OpenStatus ;
} // else
prelemT = prelemT->nxt ;
} // while
return(SUCCESS) ;
IN struct cmdnode *pcmdnodeOriginal,
IN struct cmdnode *pcmdnodeNew
Routine Description:
Add redirection from a new node to an existing one. Walk the
redirection list of the old node for each element in the new.
Duplicates are removed from the old and replaced by the new,
while unique new ones are added to the end. When the two lists
are merged, reprocess the redirection.
pcmdnodeOriginal - original node to be added to
pcmdnodeNew - new node to merge.
Return Value:
SUCCESS if the redirection was successfully merged.
FAILURE otherwise.
struct relem *prelemOriginal ;
struct relem *prelemNew ;
struct relem *prelemEnd ; // Ptr to end of original list
// Flag to set Stack Minimum
PTCHAR oldname ; /* Sanity check */
struct rio *rn ; /* Possible rio element */
// Won't be here unless pcmdnodeNew-reio exists
prelemNew = pcmdnodeNew->rio ;
// If there was no redirection associated with the original node, we must
// also create a rio element so that the redirection can be reset at
// command completion or receipt of signal. We have to create it here
// rather than in SetRedir in order to include it on the data stack when
// we set a new level.
if (!(prelemEnd = prelemOriginal = pcmdnodeOriginal->rio)) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "ADDRD: No old redirection.")) ;
// New list becomes original
pcmdnodeOriginal->rio = prelemNew ;
if (!(rn=(struct rio *)mkstr(sizeof(struct rio)))) {
return(FAILURE) ;
// Create dummy redirection node.
rn->back = rioCur ;
rioCur = rn ;
rn->rnod = (struct node *)pcmdnodeOriginal ;
rn->type = RIO_BATLOOP ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "ADDRD: rio element built.")) ;
fSetStackMin = TRUE ; /* Must save current datacount */
prelemNew = NULL ; /* Skip the while loops */
} else {
// Find the end of the orignal list
while (prelemEnd->nxt) {
prelemEnd = prelemEnd->nxt ;
// If prelemNew is non-null, we've two lists which we integrate by
// eliminating any duplicate entries and adding any unique entries in
// the new list to the end of the original. Note that if unique entries
// exist, we must save the current data count to avoid losing their
// malloc'd data when we go on to SetBat().
// For each new redirection, look at the original
while (prelemNew) {
while(prelemOriginal) {
// Do we have a duplicate
if (prelemNew->rdhndl != prelemOriginal->rdhndl) {
prelemOriginal = prelemOriginal->nxt ;
continue ;
} else {
if (prelemOriginal->svhndl && (prelemOriginal->svhndl != BADHANDLE)) {
// BUGBUG put an assert here
Cdup2(prelemOriginal->svhndl, prelemOriginal->rdhndl) ;
Cclose(prelemOriginal->svhndl) ;
} else {
if (prelemOriginal->svhndl == BADHANDLE) {
Cclose(prelemOriginal->rdhndl) ;
prelemOriginal->svhndl = 0 ; /* ...and replace it */
prelemOriginal->flag = prelemNew->flag ;
prelemOriginal->rdop = prelemNew->rdop ;
oldname = prelemOriginal->fname ;
prelemOriginal->fname = resize(prelemOriginal->fname, mystrlen(prelemNew->fname) + 1) ;
mystrcpy(prelemOriginal->fname, prelemNew->fname) ;
if (prelemOriginal->fname != oldname) {
fSetStackMin = TRUE ;
pcmdnodeNew->rio = prelemNew->nxt ;
break ;
// If no old entry remove from new and add to original
// update the end pointer, zero next pointer and preserve datacount
if (prelemNew == pcmdnodeNew->rio) {
pcmdnodeNew->rio = prelemNew->nxt ;
prelemEnd->nxt = prelemNew ;
prelemEnd = prelemEnd->nxt ;
prelemEnd->nxt = NULL ;
fSetStackMin = TRUE ;
prelemNew = pcmdnodeNew->rio ;
prelemOriginal = pcmdnodeOriginal->rio ;
// All duplicates are eliminated. Now save the data count and call
// SetRedir to reprocess the redirection list for any unimplimented
// redirection (io->svhndl == 0).
if (fSetStackMin) {
if (CurBat->stacksize < (CurBat->stackmin = DCount)) {
CurBat->stacksize = DCount ;
return(SetRedir((struct node *)pcmdnodeOriginal, RIO_REPROCESS)) ;
Routine Description:
Reset the redirection identified by the last rio list element
as pointed to by rioCur. When finished, remove the rio element
from the list.
Return Value:
struct rio *prio = rioCur;
struct relem *prelemT ;
prelemT = prio->rnod->rio ;
while (prelemT) {
if (prelemT->svhndl && (prelemT->svhndl != BADHANDLE)) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"RESETR: Resetting %d",(ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"RESETR: From save %d",(ULONG)prelemT->svhndl)) ;
handleT = Cdup2(prelemT->svhndl, prelemT->rdhndl) ;
Cclose(prelemT->svhndl) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"RESETR: Dup2 retcode = %d", handleT)) ;
} else {
if (prelemT->svhndl == BADHANDLE) {
DEBUG((MNGRP,RIOLVL,"RESETR: Closing %d",(ULONG)prelemT->rdhndl)) ;
Cclose(prelemT->rdhndl) ;
prelemT->svhndl = 0 ;
prelemT = prelemT->nxt ;
// Kill list element
rioCur = prio->back ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, RIOLVL, "RESETR: List element destroyed.")) ;
FindFixAndRun (
IN struct cmdnode *pcmdnode
Routine Description:
If the command name is in the form d: or, just change drives.
Otherwise, search for the nodes command name in the jump table.
If it is found, check the arguments for bad drivespecs or unneeded
switches and call the function which executes the command.
Otherwise, assume it is an external command and call ExtCom.
pcmdnode - the node of the command to be executed
Return Value:
SUCCESS or FAILURE if changing drives.
Otherwise, whatever is returned by the function which is called to
execute the command.
PTCHAR pszTokStr ;
USHORT DriveNum;
ULONG JmpTblIdx;
TCHAR cflags;
int (*funcptr)(struct cmdnode *) ;
unsigned cbTokStr;
PTCHAR pszTitle;
// I haven't found where in CMD we end up with NULL pointer here
// (all failing mallocs cause CMD to exit)
// however I saw one strange stress failure.
// So lets not cause AV and just return FAILURE if NULL.
if (pcmdnode->cmdline == NULL)
return(FAILURE) ;
// Validate any drive letter
if (*(pcmdnode->cmdline+1) == COLON) {
if (!IsValidDrv(*pcmdnode->cmdline)) {
return(FAILURE) ;
} else {
// Make sure it isn't locked either
if ( IsDriveLocked(*pcmdnode->cmdline)) {
PutStdErr( GetLastError() , NOARGS);
return(FAILURE) ;
// Pull out drive letter and convert to drive number
// BUGBUG: it is not neccessary to do this conversion
DriveNum = (USHORT)(_totupper(*pcmdnode->cmdline) - SILOP) ;
// If this is just a change in drive do it here
if (mystrlen(pcmdnode->cmdline) == 2) {
// ChangeDrive set CurDrvDir in addition to changing the drive
ChangeDrive(DriveNum) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP,DPLVL,"FFAR: Drv chng to %ws", CurDrvDir)) ;
return(SUCCESS) ;
// Note that if the cmdline contains a drivespec, no attempt is made at
// internal command matching whatsoever.
return(ExtCom(pcmdnode)) ;
// The sequence below works as follows:
// - A match between the previously-parsed first non-delimiter character
// group in the cmdline and the command table is attempted. A match
// sets JmpTblIdx to the command index; no match sets JmpTblIdx to -1.
// - FixCom is then called, and using the value of 'i', it detects cases
// of internal commands only (i == -1) which have no standard delimiter
// (whitespace or "=;,") between them and their arguments such as the
// "cd\foo". Note that a file foo.exe in subdirectory "cd" cannot be
// executed except through full path or drive specification. FixCom
// actually fixes up the cmdline and argptr fields of the node.
// - The command is then executed using ExtCom (i == -1) or the internal
// function indicated by the index
// Added second clause to detect REM commands which were parsed incorrectly
// as CMDTYP due to semi-delimiter characters appended. If REM, we know
// its OK, so just return success. If any other of the special types,
// FOR, DET, EXT, etc., allow to continue and fail in ExtCom since they
// weren'tparsed correctly and will bomb.
JmpTblIdx = FindAndFix( pcmdnode, (PTCHAR )&cflags ) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: After FixCom pcmdnode->cmdline = '%ws'", pcmdnode->cmdline)) ;
// Check if it was not an internal command, if so then exec it
if (JmpTblIdx == -1) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: Calling ExtCom on %ws", pcmdnode->cmdline)) ;
return(ExtCom(pcmdnode)) ;
// CMD was found in table. If function field is NULL as in the
// case of REM, this is a dummy entry and must return SUCCESS.
if ((funcptr = GetFuncPtr(JmpTblIdx)) == NULL) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: Found internal with NULL entry")) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, " Returning SUCESS")) ;
return(SUCCESS) ;
// If the command is supposed to have the drivespecs on its args
// validated before the command is executed, do it. If the command
// is not allowed toto contain switches and it has one, complain.
// Set up extra delimiter for seperating out switches
cname[0] = SwitChar;
cname[1] = NULLC;
pszTokStr = TokStr(pcmdnode->argptr, cname, TS_SDTOKENS) ;
// this hack to allow environment variables to contain /?
if (JmpTblIdx != SETTYP || !pszTokStr || (_tcsncmp(pszTokStr,TEXT("/\0?"),4) == 0)) {
// this is to exclude START command
if (JmpTblIdx != STRTTYP) {
if (CheckHelpSwitch(JmpTblIdx, pszTokStr) ) {
return( FAILURE );
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: Internal command, about to validate args")) ;
for (;(pszTokStr != NULL) && *pszTokStr ; pszTokStr += mystrlen(pszTokStr)+1) {
cbTokStr = mystrlen(pszTokStr);
mystrcpy( pszTokStr, stripit( pszTokStr ) );
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: Checking args; arg = %ws", pszTokStr)) ;
if ((cflags & CHECKDRIVES) && *(pszTokStr+1) == COLON) {
if (!IsValidDrv(*pszTokStr)) {
return(LastRetCode = FAILURE) ;
} else {
// If not the copy command (A->B B->A swaps)
// then check if drive is locked
// if drive locked then
// display error return code message
// terminate this command's processing
if (JmpTblIdx != CPYTYP) {
if ( IsDriveLocked(*pszTokStr)) {
PutStdErr( GetLastError() , NOARGS);
return(LastRetCode = FAILURE) ;
if ((cflags & NOSWITCHES) && (pszTokStr != NULL) && *pszTokStr == SwitChar) {
return(LastRetCode = FAILURE) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "FFAR: calling function, cmd = `%ws'", pcmdnode->cmdline)) ;
// Call internal routine to execute the command
if ((pszTitle = GetTitle(pcmdnode)) != NULL) {
rc = (*funcptr)(pcmdnode);
return(rc) ;
FindAndFix (
IN struct cmdnode *pcmdnode,
IN PTCHAR pbCmdFlags
Routine Description:
This routine separates the command and its following
switch character if there is no space between the
command and the switch character.
This routine is used for both left side and right side
of PIPE.
pcmdnode - pointer to node the contains command to locate
pbCmdFlags -
Return Value:
TCHAR chCur; // current character we are looking at
TCHAR rgchCmdStr[MAX_PATH] ;
PTCHAR pszArgT; // Temp. used to build a new arguemt string
ULONG JmpTableIdx; // index into jump table of function pointers
ULONG iCmdStr; // index into command string
ULONG cbCmdStr; // length of command string
BOOLEAN fQuoteFound, fQuoteFound2;
fQuoteFound = FALSE;
fQuoteFound2 = FALSE;
// Extract only commnand from the command string (pcmdnode->cmdline)
for (iCmdStr = 0 ; iCmdStr < MAX_PATH-1; iCmdStr++) {
chCur = *(pcmdnode->cmdline + iCmdStr);
// If we found a quote invert the current quote state
// for both first quote (fQuoteFound) and end quote (fQuoteFound2)
if ( chCur == QUOTE ) {
fQuoteFound = (BOOLEAN)!fQuoteFound;
fQuoteFound2 = (BOOLEAN)!fQuoteFound;
// If we have a character and
// have found either a begin or end quote or cur char is not delimeter
// and cur char is not a special (+[] etc.) delimiter
if ((chCur) &&
( fQuoteFound || fQuoteFound2 || !mystrchr(Delimiters,chCur) &&
!mystrchr(Delim2,chCur))) {
rgchCmdStr[iCmdStr] = chCur ;
fQuoteFound2 = FALSE;
else {
break ;
if (iCmdStr == 0) {
return -1;
rgchCmdStr[iCmdStr] = NULLC ;
// See if command is in jump table (is an internal command)
// If it is not found amoung the normal internal command
// check amoung the special parse type if it was a comment
if ((JmpTableIdx = FindCmd(CMDHIGH, rgchCmdStr, pbCmdFlags)) == -1) {
if (FindCmd(CMDMAX, rgchCmdStr, pbCmdFlags) == REMTYP) {
return(REMTYP) ;
} else if (JmpTableIdx == GOTYP)
pcmdnode->flag = CMDNODE_FLAG_GOTO;
fQuoteFound = FALSE;
fQuoteFound2 = FALSE;
// If the command is not found, check the length of command string
// for the case of DBCS. Count the characters that are not white space
// remaining in command
if ( JmpTableIdx == -1 ) {
fDone = FALSE;
while ( !fDone ) {
chCur = *(pcmdnode->cmdline+iCmdStr);
if ( chCur && chCur == QUOTE ) {
fQuoteFound = (BOOLEAN)!fQuoteFound;
fQuoteFound2 = (BOOLEAN)!fQuoteFound;
if ( chCur && ( fQuoteFound || fQuoteFound2 ||
!_istspace(chCur) &&
!mystrchr(Delimiters, chCur) &&
!(chCur == SwitChar))) {
fQuoteFound2 = FALSE;
} else {
fDone = TRUE;
// If cmdstr contains more than command, strip of extra part
// and put it in front of the existing command argument pcmdnode-argptr
if (iCmdStr != (cbCmdStr = mystrlen(pcmdnode->cmdline))) {
int ArgLen;
ArgLen = mystrlen(pcmdnode->argptr);
ArgLen += cbCmdStr;
if (!(pszArgT = mkstr(ArgLen*sizeof(TCHAR)))) {
Abort() ;
// create argument string and copy the 'extra' part of command
// it.
mystrcpy(pszArgT, pcmdnode->cmdline+iCmdStr) ;
// If we have a argument pointer stuff in the front
if (pcmdnode->argptr) {
mystrcat(pszArgT, pcmdnode->argptr) ;
pcmdnode->argptr = pszArgT ;
*(pcmdnode->cmdline+iCmdStr) = NULLC ;
return(JmpTableIdx) ;
IN struct node *pnode,
IN PTCHAR pbCmdBuf )
Routine Description:
Do setup and call UnBuild to deparse a node tree.
pnode - pointer to root of parse tree to UnParse
pbCmdBuf -
Uses Global pointer CBuf and assumes a string of MAXTOKLEN+1 bytes
has already been allocated to it (as done by Dispatch).
Return Value:
int rc;
if (!pnode) {
return(FAILURE) ;
// Leave space in front of command for a /s
// Setup command buffer for a single command execution
pbCmdBuf[0] = SPACE ;
pbCmdBuf[1] = SPACE ;
pbCmdBuf[2] = SPACE ;
pbCmdBuf[3] = SPACE ;
pbCmdBuf[4] = SwitChar ;
pbCmdBuf[5] = TEXT('C') ;
pbCmdBuf[6] = TEXT('\"');
pbCmdBuf[7] = NULLC;
// Setup to handle an exception during detach.
if (setjmp(CmdJBuf2)) {
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "UNPRS: Longjmp return occurred!")) ;
return(FAILURE) ;
// DisAssemble the current command
rc = (UnBuild(pnode, pbCmdBuf)) ;
mystrcat( pbCmdBuf, TEXT("\"") );
return( rc );
IN struct node *pnode,
Routine Description:
Recursively take apart a parse tree of nodes, building a string of
their components.
pnode - root of parse tree to UnBuild
pbCmdBuf - Where to put UnBuilt command
Return Value:
// Different kinds of nodes to Unbuild
struct cmdnode *pcmdnode;
struct fornode *pfornode ;
struct ifnode *pifnode ;
switch (pnode->type) {
case CSTYP:
case ORTYP:
case ANDTYP:
case PIPTYP:
case PARTYP:
case SILTYP:
UnDuRd(pnode, pbCmdBuf) ;
switch (pnode->type) {
case CSTYP:
op = CSSTR ;
break ;
case ORTYP:
op = ORSTR ;
break ;
case ANDTYP:
op = ANDSTR ;
break ;
case PIPTYP:
op = PIPSTR ;
break ;
case PARTYP:
op = RPSTR ;
break ;
case SILTYP:
SPutC(pbCmdBuf, SILSTR,YSPC) ;
op = SPCSTR ;
break ;
} ;
// Recurse down undoing the left hand side
UnBuild(pnode->lhs, pbCmdBuf) ;
// Now that left side there copy in operator and do right side
SPutC(pbCmdBuf, op,YSPC) ;
if (pnode->type != PARTYP && pnode->type != SILTYP)
UnBuild(pnode->rhs, pbCmdBuf) ;
break ;
case FORTYP:
pfornode = (struct fornode *) pnode ;
// Put in the FOR keywoard, arguements and list
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pfornode->cmdline,YSPC) ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pfornode->arglist,NSPC) ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, RPSTR,NSPC) ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pfornode->cmdline+DOPOS,YSPC) ;
// Now get the for body
UnBuild(pfornode->body, pbCmdBuf) ;
break ;
case IFTYP:
// put ine IF keyword
pifnode = (struct ifnode *) pnode ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pifnode->cmdline,YSPC) ;
// Get the condition part of the statement
UnBuild((struct node *)pifnode->cond, pbCmdBuf) ;
// Unbuild the body of the IF
UnBuild(pifnode->ifbody, pbCmdBuf) ;
if (pifnode->elsebody) {
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pifnode->elseline,YSPC) ;
UnBuild(pifnode->elsebody, pbCmdBuf) ;
} ;
break ;
case NOTTYP:
pcmdnode = (struct cmdnode *) pnode ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pcmdnode->cmdline,YSPC) ;
UnBuild((struct node *)pcmdnode->argptr, pbCmdBuf) ;
break ;
case REMTYP:
case CMDTYP:
case ERRTYP:
case EXSTYP:
case STRTYP:
pcmdnode = (struct cmdnode *) pnode ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pcmdnode->cmdline,YSPC) ;
if (pcmdnode->argptr)
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, pcmdnode->argptr,NSPC) ;
UnDuRd((struct node *)pcmdnode, pbCmdBuf) ;
break ;
if (LastMsgNo == MSG_HELP_FOR) {
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, TEXT("FOR /?"), YSPC) ;
else if (LastMsgNo == MSG_HELP_IF) {
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, TEXT("IF /?"), YSPC) ;
else if (LastMsgNo == MSG_HELP_REM) {
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, TEXT("REM /?"), YSPC) ;
else {
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "UNBLD: Unknown Type!")) ;
longjmp(CmdJBuf2,-1) ;
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "UNBLD: Unknown Type!")) ;
longjmp(CmdJBuf2,-1) ;
return(SUCCESS) ;
IN struct node *pnode,
Routine Description:
Unparse any input or output redirection associated with the
current node.
pnode - current parse tree node
pbCmdBuf - buffer holding command
Return Value:
struct relem *prelem ;
TCHAR tmpstr[2] ;
tmpstr[1] = NULLC ;
prelem = pnode->rio ;
while (prelem) {
// BUGBUG this makes big time assumption about size of
// handle
tmpstr[0] = (TCHAR)prelem->rdhndl + (TCHAR)'0' ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, tmpstr,YSPC) ;
if (prelem->rdop == INOP)
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, INSTR,NSPC) ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, prelem->flag ? APPSTR : OUTSTR,NSPC) ;
SPutC( pbCmdBuf, prelem->fname,NSPC) ;
prelem = prelem->nxt ;
void SPutC(
IN PTCHAR pszInput,
IN int flg
Routine Description:
If within length limits, add the current substring to the
command under construction delimiting with a space.
pbCmdBuf - Where to put string
pszInputString - String to put in pbCmdBuf
flg - Flags controling placement of spaces
Return Value:
DEBUG((MNGRP, DPLVL, "SPutC: Entered, Adding '%ws'",pszInput)) ;
if ((mystrlen(pbCmdBuf) + mystrlen(pszInput) + 1) > MAXTOKLEN) {
longjmp(CmdJBuf2,-1) ;
if (flg && (*(pbCmdBuf+mystrlen(pbCmdBuf)-1) != SPACE) && (*pszInput != SPACE)) {
SpaceCat(pbCmdBuf,pbCmdBuf,pszInput) ;
} else {
mystrcat(pbCmdBuf,pszInput) ;