Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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#ifndef __priorityq_sort_h_
#define __priorityq_sort_h_
** Copyright 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** All Rights Reserved.
** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.;
** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or
** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written
** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions
** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data
** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or
** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished -
** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States.
** Author: Eric Veach, July 1994.
#ifdef NT
#include "prq-heap.h"
#include "priorityq-heap.h"
#undef PQkey
#undef PQhandle
#undef PriorityQ
#undef pqNewPriorityQ
#undef pqDeletePriorityQ
#undef pqInit
#undef pqInsert
#undef pqMinimum
#undef pqExtractMin
#undef pqDelete
#undef pqIsEmpty
/* Use #define's so that another heap implementation can use this one */
#define PQkey PQSortKey
#define PQhandle PQSortHandle
#define PriorityQ PriorityQSort
#define pqNewPriorityQ(leq) __gl_pqSortNewPriorityQ(leq)
#define pqDeletePriorityQ(pq) __gl_pqSortDeletePriorityQ(pq)
/* The basic operations are insertion of a new key (pqInsert),
* and examination/extraction of a key whose value is minimum
* (pqMinimum/pqExtractMin). Deletion is also allowed (pqDelete);
* for this purpose pqInsert returns a "handle" which is supplied
* as the argument.
* An initial heap may be created efficiently by calling pqInsert
* repeatedly, then calling pqInit. In any case pqInit must be called
* before any operations other than pqInsert are used.
* If the heap is empty, pqMinimum/pqExtractMin will return a NULL key.
* This may also be tested with pqIsEmpty.
#define pqInit(pq) __gl_pqSortInit(pq)
#define pqInsert(pq,key) __gl_pqSortInsert(pq,key)
#define pqMinimum(pq) __gl_pqSortMinimum(pq)
#define pqExtractMin(pq) __gl_pqSortExtractMin(pq)
#define pqDelete(pq,handle) __gl_pqSortDelete(pq,handle)
#define pqIsEmpty(pq) __gl_pqSortIsEmpty(pq)
/* Since we support deletion the data structure is a little more
* complicated than an ordinary heap. "nodes" is the heap itself;
* active nodes are stored in the range 1..pq->size. When the
* heap exceeds its allocated size (pq->max), its size doubles.
* The children of node i are nodes 2i and 2i+1.
* Each node stores an index into an array "handles". Each handle
* stores a key, plus a pointer back to the node which currently
* represents that key (ie. nodes[handles[i].node].handle == i).
typedef PQHeapKey PQkey;
typedef PQHeapHandle PQhandle;
typedef struct PriorityQ PriorityQ;
struct PriorityQ {
PriorityQHeap *heap;
PQkey *keys;
PQkey **order;
PQhandle size, max;
int initialized;
int (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2);
PriorityQ *pqNewPriorityQ( int (*leq)(PQkey key1, PQkey key2) );
void pqDeletePriorityQ( PriorityQ *pq );
void pqInit( PriorityQ *pq );
PQhandle pqInsert( PriorityQ *pq, PQkey key );
PQkey pqExtractMin( PriorityQ *pq );
void pqDelete( PriorityQ *pq, PQhandle handle );
PQkey pqMinimum( PriorityQ *pq );
int pqIsEmpty( PriorityQ *pq );