Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

732 lines
27 KiB

// TxDBase.h -- CTextDatabase class definition
#ifndef __TXDBASE_H__
#define __TXDBASE_H__
#include "SegHash.h"
#include "VMBuffer.h"
#include "Indicate.h"
#include "Classify.h"
#include "Defines.h"
#include "TextMat.h"
#include "UnbuffIO.h"
#include "IOList.h"
#include "IOStream.h"
#include "FTSIFace.h"
#include "Compress.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "Sorting.h"
#include "dict.h"
#include "vector.h"
// !!! BugBug !!! Parts of the long comment below are now incorrect and need revision.
// Term Tags Strategies
// The term tag data structures go with term entries in the segmented
// hash tables. We use two hash table - the Global table and the Galactic
// table. The term tags for the two tables are designed for the actions we
// take with the hash table.
// Our index work proceeds in four phases --
// 1. Constructing Local Dictionaries
// During this phase we build a local term dictionary with very restricted
// context. The dictionary strictly covers a range of up to 65536 tokens.
// The local dictionary is an unsegmented hash table biased for speed and very
// low collision rates.
// 2. Linking Local Dictionaries with the Global Dictionary
// When a local dictionary reaches a capacity limit or when we must force
// our text database to a searchable state, we link local dictionary entries
// with corresponding global hash table entries. This has two effects --
// A. We merge the local terms with the global terms, adding new unique terms
// to the global list.
// B. We now have a global linked list which traverses all the references for
// each term. This was the original searchable format for the database. It
// works well so long as the database fits entirely within RAM and degrades
// when our working set significantly exceed RAM space. The current code
// doesn't construct these global links, but relies instead on the flattening
// phase below.
// 3. Flattening Linked Lists
// When the collection of reference links in the local dictionaries reaches
// a memory size threshold, we traverse the linked lists and construct a
// collection of flattened vectors of reference indices. At the same time we
// compress the streams of reference indices. The compression algorithm relies
// on three fields maintained for each term in the term tag --
// A. iNewRefFirst -- the index of the first instance in the linked stream
// B. iNewRefLast -- the index of the last instance in the linked stream
// C. cRefsNew -- the number of instances in the linked stream
// To merge new flattened vectors with previously accumulated vectors we
// maintain four additional term tag fields --
// B. iRefListBase -- index to the stream of flattened references for this term.
// C. cdwRefs -- size of the flattened reference lists in DWords.
// D. iRefSequence -- ranking order of this term relative to the galactic table
// A -1 value indicates no ranking.
// Note that we simply catenate the compressed reference lists from sequential
// flattening passes. Thus the stream denoted by iRefListBase has the format --
// {cdw, cRefsStream, iRefFirst, <<basis>, <compressed ref>...>} ...
// where --
// cdw is the size of the reference list segment in DWords
// cRefsStream is the number of references in the list.
// iRefFirst is the first reference in the list
// <basis> is a five-bit value which drives the compression
// algorithm.
// <compressed ref> values are variable length bit strings which
// represent the delta between successive reference
// indices.
// Note that cdw could be derrived from cRefsStream and <basis>. We include
// it in the reference stream to allow a fast traversal of the stream when
// we're looking for a particular indexing range.
// The iRefSequence field is a ordering value maintained in the galactic hash
// table for each unique term. It's used to speed up the process of merging new
// reference vector segments with previously accumulated segments. The strategy
// is to keep the reference segments in an incrementally committed memory address
// range and to insert segments by copying reference streams upward in memory,
// inserting the new segments as we go. The iRefSequence field gives us the memory
// order for the reference streams.
// Note that for terms with less than four references we keep the reference
// information entirely in the term tag. That situation is denoted by negative
// values in cRefsTotal, iRefListBase, and cdwRefs. Zero values are used to
// mark the one and two cases. The actual index values are the logical
// negation (~) of those fields in the order mentioned above. When a new vector
// segment would push the global total beyond three, we merge the old vector
// with the new one and create an external list.
// Note that the iRefSequence field may be undefined (-1) or defined >= 0 for
// a term with less than four references. This is because the galactic table
// may have other references that push us over the limit.
// Why do we bother with this complicated scheme? Its value lies in reducing
// the number of items in the reference stream. During the merge work this
// reduces the number of items that must be slid upward in memory and it
// reduces the number of iRefListBase fields that must be adjusted during
// the merge operation.Approximately 45% of all unique terms are used only
// once. By keeping small lists in the tag, we reduce the number of external
// lists by 75%.
// 4. Galactic Merges
// When the global table reaches a memory size threshold, we merge its reference
// information with the galactic hash table and restart our indexing work with
// an empty global table. The issue here is keeping the global table small enough
// so that it fits completely within RAM during phase 2 work.
// The galactic term tags contain only the accumulation fields --
// B. iRefListBase -- index to the stream of flattened references for this term.
// C. cdwRefs -- size of the flattened reference lists in DWords.
// D. iRefSequence -- ranking order of this term relative to the galactic table.
// A -1 value indicates no ranking.
typedef struct _TermTagGlobal
UINT iGlobalDesc; // Global sequence # for term.
UINT iGalacticDesc; // Galactic sequence # for term.
// UINT iNewRefFirst; // First linked global ref.
// UINT iNewRefLast; // Last linked global ref.
UINT cRefsNew; // # of linked global refs.
UINT cRefsGlobal;
} TermTagGlobal;
typedef TermTagGlobal *PTermTagGlobal;
typedef struct _TermTagGalactic
UINT iGalacticDesc; // Galactic sequence # for term.
} TermTagGalactic;
typedef TermTagGalactic *PTermTagGalactic;
typedef struct _DESCRIPTOR
PWCHAR pwDisplay; // pbImage is Sort Key, pwDisplay is Display Image.
PWCHAR pbImage; // Length given by delta with following pd->pbImage.
UINT iGalactic;
UINT cReferences; // Used while building a CTextDatabase
UINT iTokenInfo; // Used in CTokenCollection
UINT iTextSet; // Used in CTitleCollection
WORD cwDisplay;
BYTE bCharset;
BYTE fImageFlags;
inline UINT CbImage(PDESCRIPTOR pd)
if (256 < ((pd+1)->pbImage - pd->pbImage))
char ac[256], acToken[101];
wsprintf(ac, "Token length: %d", ((pd+1)->pbImage - pd->pbImage));
::MessageBox(NULL, ac, "Very Large Token!", MB_OK);
CopyMemory(acToken, pd->pbImage, 50);
acToken[50]= 0;
wsprintf(ac, "Token Image: \"%s...\"", acToken);
::MessageBox(NULL, ac, "Part of the token image!", MB_OK);
ASSERT(1024 > ((pd+1)->pbImage - pd->pbImage));
return (pd+1)->pbImage - pd->pbImage;
inline UINT CwDisplay(PDESCRIPTOR pd)
ASSERT(1024 > ((pd+1)->pwDisplay - pd->pwDisplay));
return (pd+1)->pwDisplay - pd->pwDisplay;
// Flag definitions for DESCRIPTOR.fImageFlags:
// #define LETTER_CHAR 0x0001
// #define CONTAINS_A_TAB 0x0002
// #define TOKEN_FLAGS_MASK 0x0003
// #define REF_TYPE_MASK 0x000C
// #define BASIS_MASK 0xF800
// #define REFS_LINKED 0x0010
// #define BASIS_SHIFT 11
// Reference types for REF_TYPE_MASK:
// #define SingleRef
// #define PairRef
// #define TripleRef
UINT CBitsToRepresent(UINT ui);
UINT FormatAToken(PDESCRIPTOR pd, int cbOffset, int iColStart, int iColLimit, PWCHAR pbLine);
void SortTokenImages(PDESCRIPTOR pdBase, PDESCRIPTOR **pppdSorted, PDESCRIPTOR **pppdTailSorted,
PUINT pcdSorted, UINT cd
// #define BUILD_LOCAL_HASH(hv,c) hv= ((hv << 5) | (hv >> 27)) - c
// #define BUILD_GLOBAL_HASH(hv,c) hv= ((hv >> 5) | (hv << 27)) - c
typedef struct _LocalToken
unsigned short iLocalDescriptorEntry;
unsigned short iLocalReferenceNext;
} LocalToken;
typedef LocalToken *PLocalToken;
// Descriptor reference tokens are processed in three phases. Tokens are
// initially created with iLocalDescriptorEntry set and iLocalDescriptorNext
// zeroed.
// Later when we bind a local dictionary to the global dictionary, the
// iLocalDecriptorNext field is used to link together every instance of
// each unique term in the local dictionary.
// Finally when we reach a specific memory limit, we flatten the linked lists
// for all local dictionaries to create a vector of reference indices for
// each unique term in the global dictionary. At this point we also map the
// LocalToken structure shown above into GlobalToken values (See below).
// A GlobalToken is a 16-bit value which refers uniquely to a particular
// global DESCRIPTOR. Since we can easily have more than 64K unique global
// terms, we provide an indirection mechanism which maps some 16-bit values
// into 32-bit values.
// Here's how it works. We divide GlobalToken values into two ranges.
// Values between 0..59,983 are absolute indices into the global vector of
// unique DESCRIPTORs. Values between 59,984 and 65,535 are mapped to 32-bit
// via a local indrection vector of 32-bit indices.
typedef USHORT GlobalToken;
typedef GlobalToken *PGlobalToken;
#define LOCAL_HASH_CLASSES 0x8000
#define MAX_REFS_PER_LDICT 0x10000
// Note: The constant ENTRIES_PER_LOCAL_DICT is chosen to make the
// LocalDictionary structure exactly 64K bytes.
// MAX_GLOBAL_TOKENS is a constant which allows streams of token
// references to fit in 2-byte granules. The first MAX_GLOBAL_TOKENS
// unique tokens we encounter are considered global. References to
// those tokens are encode in the value range [0..MAX_GLOBAL_TOKENS-1]
// while references to tokens outside that set are denoted by values
// in the range [MAX_GLOBAL_TOKENS .. 0xFFFF]. The latter values can
// be trivially mapped into indices into the local dictionary which
// corresponds to the token reference. One effect of this coding is
// that most local dictionaries will collapse to empty when we convert
// to the vector representation from the linked token representation.
typedef struct _LocalDictionary
PLocalToken pltFirst; // address of first token for this local dictionary
UINT clt; // count of local tokens which refer to this Local dict
PDESCRIPTOR *ppdNext; // next unused slot in apdLocal.
PDESCRIPTOR apdLocal[ENTRIES_PER_LOCAL_DICT]; // Refs to descriptors used locally
UINT aiGalactic[ENTRIES_PER_LOCAL_DICT]; // Galactic indices for local terms
USHORT aiTokenInstFirst[ENTRIES_PER_LOCAL_DICT]; // List heads for each local
// descriptor.
} LocalDictionary;
typedef LocalDictionary *PLocalDictionary;
#define vbTokenStream m_avb[IVB_TOKEN_STREAM ]
#define vbTokenImages m_avb[IVB_TOKEN_IMAGES ]
#define vbImageDescriptors m_avb[IVB_IMAGE_DESCRIPTORS]
#define vbDisplayImages m_avb[IVB_DISPLAY_IMAGES]
// Commit and Reservation constants for the virtual buffers
// in the TextDatabaseControl object. These reservations are
// based on an upper limit of 100,000,000 bytes scanned.
#define INIT_TOKEN_REF_COMMIT 0x00010000 // 0x00430000
#define INIT_TOKEN_IMAGE_COMMIT 0x00010000 // 0x000A0000
#define INIT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_COMMIT 0x00010000 // 0x00160000
#define INIT_DISPLAY_IMAGE_COMMIT 0x00010000
#define CB_TEMP_BLOCKS 0x10000 // Approximate block size for unbuffered I/O
#define CB_TRANSACTION_LIMIT 0x40000 // Approximate limit for unbuffered I/O transactions.
const double MEMORY_FACTOR = 0.4; // Fraction of total memory which we're
// allowed to use.
#define BASIS_MASK (~((~0) << CBITS_BASIS_MASK))
typedef struct _ReferenceDescriptor
UINT iSerialGalactic;
UINT idwRefList;
UINT cdwRefs;
UINT iLastRef;
} ReferenceDescriptor;
typedef ReferenceDescriptor *PReferenceDescriptor;
typedef struct _RefClusterDescriptor
UINT iFilePosLow;
UINT iFilePosHigh;
UINT cdw;
UINT cTerms;
} RefClusterDescriptor;
typedef RefClusterDescriptor *PRefClusterDescriptor;
enum {
// Note: alde and aiTokenRefFirst logically go together. They've been
// split apart to maintain DWord alignment for the alte items.
typedef struct _UnlinkedState
// USHORT aiTokenInstLast [ENTRIES_PER_LOCAL_DICT]; // List tails for each local
// descriptor.
PLocalDictionary pld;
#ifdef _DEBUG
UINT cCollisions;
#endif // _DEBUG
PWCHAR pbBuffer;
PWCHAR pbCurrentLine;
int cbLineAdjustment;
// The following items are not used to construct local dictionaries.
// They are placed here so that they will be allocated only when
// the current text database is indexing text rather than processing
// queries.
RefClusterDescriptor m_rcd[MAX_REF_CLUSTERS];
PLocalDictionary m_apLocalDict [MAX_LOCAL_DICTS ]; // Need a different upper
#ifdef _DEBUG
UINT m_acLocalCollisions[MAX_LOCAL_DICTS ];
#endif // _DEBUG
UINT m_aiBaseToken [MAX_LOCAL_DICTS+1];
} UnlinkedState;
typedef struct _LOCAL_CONTEXT_1
CTextDatabase *ptdb;
UINT iDescLimit;
UINT cAdded;
typedef struct _LOCAL_CONTEXT_2
UINT iSerialNext;
PUINT paiSerial;
typedef struct _CompressionState
// UINT iRef;
UINT cRefs;
// UINT cbitsBasis;
// union
// {
// UINT ibitNext;
// UINT cbits;
// };
} CompressionState;
typedef struct _LOCAL_CONTEXT_3
PUINT puiMap;
CompressionState *paCS;
UINT idBase;
UINT cdw;
UINT cNewRefLists;
typedef struct _LOCAL_CONTEXT_4
class CTextDatabase;
class CTokenList;
void MergeLocalEntries(UINT iValue, PVOID pvTag, PVOID pvEnvironment);
void AddLocalEntries (UINT iValue, PVOID pvTag, PVOID pvEnvironment);
class CTextDatabase : public CTextMatrix
friend class CTokenList;
friend class CTokenCollection;
friend class CHiliterTokenList;
friend void MergeLocalEntries(UINT iValue, PVOID pvTag, PVOID pvEnvironment);
friend void AddLocalEntries (UINT iValue, PVOID pvTag, PVOID pvEnvironment);
// static CTextDatabase *NewTextDatabase();
virtual ~CTextDatabase();
virtual const BYTE *GetSourceName() {ASSERT(0);return NULL;} // Provide this function
// Save/Load Interface --
void StoreImage(CPersist *pDiskImage);
int AppendText(PWCHAR pbText, int cbText, BOOL fArticleEnd, UINT iCharset= ANSI_CHARSET, UINT lcid= 0x409);
void SyncForQueries();
UINT CharacterCount ();
UINT TokenCount ();
UINT DescriptorCount();
UINT MaxTokenWidth ();
VOID GetTextMatrix(int iRowStart, int iColStart,
int cRows, int cCols, PWCHAR pbDest);
UINT TextLength(PDESCRIPTOR *ppdSorted, PUINT puiTokenMap, UINT iTokenStart, UINT iTokenLimit);
UINT CopyText (PDESCRIPTOR *ppdSorted, PUINT puiTokenMap, UINT iTokenStart, UINT iTokenLimit, PWCHAR pbBuffer, UINT cbBuffer);
void IndicateVocabularyRefs(CIndicatorSet *pisVocabulary, UINT iPartition, const UINT *piMap);
void IndicateVocabularyRefs(CIndicatorSet *pisVocabulary, CIndicatorSet *pisTokens, const UINT *piMap);
void IndicateArticleRefs (CIndicatorSet *pisArticles, UINT iDescriptor, const UINT *piMap);
void IndicateTokenRefs (CIndicatorSet *pisTokens , UINT iDescriptor);
CIndicatorSet *TopicInstancesFor (CTokenList *ptl);
CIndicatorSet *TokenInstancesFor (CTokenList *ptl);
UINT TokenInstanceCountFor(CTokenList *ptl);
CIndicatorSet *SymbolLocations();
CIndicatorSet *VocabularyFor(CIndicatorSet *pisArticles, BOOL fRemovePervasiveTerms= FALSE);
CIndicatorSet *ValidTokens(CTokenList *ptl);
inline BOOL FPhrases () { return m_fdwOptions & PHRASE_SEARCH; }
inline BOOL FPhraseFeedback() { return m_fdwOptions & PHRASE_FEEDBACK; }
inline BOOL FVectorSearch () { return m_fdwOptions & VECTOR_SEARCH; }
inline UINT IndexOptions () { return m_fdwOptions; }
CDictionary *PDict();
CCollection *PColl();
LCID SortingLCID();
#ifdef _DEBUG
CTextDatabase(PSZ pszTypeName= "TextDatabase");
#else // _DEBUG
#endif // _DEBUG
void InitTextDatabase(BOOL fFromFile= FALSE);
void ConnectImage(CPersist *pDiskImage, BOOL fUnpackDisplayForm= TRUE);
inline int Data_cRows() { return 1; }
inline int Data_cCols() { return m_cbScanned; }
inline void Data_GetTextMatrix(int rowTop, int colLeft,
int rows, int cols, PWCHAR lpb, PUINT charsets
GetTextMatrix(rowTop, colLeft, rows, cols, lpb);
const UINT * TermRanks();
PUINT TokenBase();
UINT m_fdwOptions;
#ifdef _DEBUG
BOOL m_fInitialized;
#endif // _DEBUG
UINT m_fFromFileImage;
UINT m_cbScanned;
UINT m_cTokensIndexed;
USHORT m_cLocalDicts;
USHORT m_iLocalDictBase;
CSegHashTable *m_pshtGalactic;
CSegHashTable *m_pshtGlobal;
PUINT m_pwHash; // Working storage for the AppendSlave routine...
PBYTE m_pbType;
PWCHAR *m_paStart;
PWCHAR *m_paEnd;
CIndicatorSet *m_pisSymbols;
PLocalToken m_pltNext;
PUINT m_puiTokenNext;
PDESCRIPTOR m_pdNext, m_pdNextGlobal, m_pdNextGalactic, m_pdNextBound;
PWCHAR m_pbNext, m_pbNextGlobal, m_pbNextGalactic, m_pbLastGalactic;
PWCHAR m_pwDispNext, m_pwDispNextGlobal, m_pwDispNextGalactic, m_pwDispLastGalactic;
UINT m_iSerialNumberNext;
PUINT m_paiGlobalToRefList;
CUnbufferedIO *m_puioRefTemp;
CUnbufferedIO *m_puioCompressedRefs;
PRefListDescriptor m_prldTokenRefs;
UINT m_cdwCompressedRefs;
PUINT m_pdwCompressedRefs;
CUnbufferedIO *m_puioCompressedArticleRefs;
PRefListDescriptor m_prldArticleRefs;
UINT m_cdwArticleRefs;
PUINT m_pdwArticleRefs;
CUnbufferedIO *m_puioCompressedVocabularyRefs;
PRefListDescriptor m_prldVocabularyRefs;
UINT m_cdwVocabularyRefs;
PUINT m_pdwVocabularyRefs;
UINT m_cbBlockSize;
UINT m_cbTransactionLimit;
UINT m_iNextRefSet;
UINT m_ibNextFileBlockLow;
UINT m_ibNextFileBlockHigh;
PFileBlockLink m_pFirstFreeFileBlock;
PFileBlockLink m_papFileBlockLinks;
CIOList *m_piolLeft;
CIOList *m_piolRight;
CIOList *m_piolResult;
LCID m_lcidSorting;
PDESCRIPTOR *m_ppdSorted; // left-to-right sorting vector
PDESCRIPTOR *m_ppdTailSorted; // right-to-left sorting vector
UINT m_cdSorted; // number of sorted terms
UINT m_cwDisplayMax;
UINT m_cTermRanks;
PUINT m_pTermRanks;
CClassifier m_clsfTokens;
PUINT m_pafClassifications;
CDictionary *m_pDict;
CCollection *m_pColl;
// BugBug! The private members below are used only during index creation.
// Convert them to external allocations so we don't pay the price
// when we're loading an index.
UnlinkedState *m_pulstate;
virtual UINT GetPartitionInfo(const UINT **ppaiPartitions, const UINT **ppaiRanks= NULL, const UINT **ppaiMap= NULL) = 0;
virtual UINT ArticleCount() = 0;
PDESCRIPTOR DescriptorBase ();
PWCHAR ImageBase ();
PWCHAR DisplayBase ();
int AppendSlave(PWCHAR pbText, int cbText, BOOL fArticleEnd, UINT iCharset, UINT lcid);
int ExceptionFilter(IN DWORD ExceptionCode, IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionInfo);
USHORT SearchLocalTable(PWCHAR pbToken, UINT cbToken, UINT hv, BYTE bType, UINT iCharset, UINT lcid);
CAValRef *DescriptorList(PDESCRIPTOR pd, UINT cd);
void ExtendClassifications(PDESCRIPTOR pdSuffix);
void IndicateMappedRefs(PRefListDescriptor prld, PUINT pdwRefBase, CIndicatorSet *pisArticles, const UINT *piMap);
int IndicateRefs(PRefListDescriptor prld, PUINT pdwRefLists, CIndicatorSet *pis, BOOL fCountOnly, PUINT paiCountArray= NULL);
void WriteLargeBuff(PVOID pvBuffer, UINT iPosLow, UINT iPosHigh, UINT cbBuffer);
PLocalDictionary AllocateLocalDictionary();
PLocalDictionary MoveToNextLocalDict (PWCHAR pbScanLimit);
PDESCRIPTOR *FindTokens(CTokenList *ptl, PUINT pcd= NULL);
void BindToGlobalDict(PWCHAR pbScanLimit);
void FlattenAndMergeLinks ();
void GalacticMerge ();
void CoalesceReferenceLists();
void MergeRefLists(PRefStream prsResult, PRefStream pars, UINT cRefStreams);
void ConstructVocabularyLists();
void CompressVocabularyLists(CIOList *piolSource, UINT cdw);
void CompressArticleRefLists(CIOList *piolSource, UINT cdw);
void CompressRefLists (CIOList *piorSource, UINT cdw);
void CopyRefStreamSegment(CIOList *piolSource, CIOList *piolDestination, UINT cdw);
inline PDESCRIPTOR CTextDatabase::DescriptorBase() { return (PDESCRIPTOR) (vbImageDescriptors.Base); }
inline PWCHAR CTextDatabase::ImageBase () { return (PWCHAR ) (vbTokenImages .Base); }
inline PWCHAR CTextDatabase::DisplayBase () { return (PWCHAR ) (vbDisplayImages .Base); }
inline UINT CTextDatabase::CharacterCount () { return m_cbScanned; }
inline UINT CTextDatabase::DescriptorCount() { return m_iSerialNumberNext; }
inline UINT CTextDatabase::MaxTokenWidth () { return m_cwDisplayMax; }
inline PUINT CTextDatabase::TokenBase()
return (PUINT) (vbTokenStream.Base);
inline UINT CTextDatabase::TokenCount()
PLocalDictionary pld;
if (m_pulstate && (pld= m_pulstate->pld))
return (pld->pltFirst + pld->clt) - (PLocalToken) TokenBase();
else return m_pltNext - (PLocalToken) TokenBase();
inline CIndicatorSet *CTextDatabase::SymbolLocations() { return m_pisSymbols; }
inline void CTextDatabase::IndicateTokenRefs(CIndicatorSet *pisTokens, UINT iDescriptor)
IndicateRefs(m_prldTokenRefs + iDescriptor, m_pdwCompressedRefs, pisTokens, FALSE);
inline void CTextDatabase::IndicateArticleRefs(CIndicatorSet *pisArticles, UINT iDescriptor, const UINT *piMap)
IndicateMappedRefs(m_prldArticleRefs + iDescriptor, m_pdwArticleRefs, pisArticles, piMap);
inline CDictionary *CTextDatabase::PDict() {ASSERT(FVectorSearch()); return m_pDict;}
inline CCollection *CTextDatabase::PColl() {ASSERT(FVectorSearch()); return m_pColl;}
inline LCID CTextDatabase::SortingLCID() { return m_lcidSorting; }
#endif // __TXDBASE_H__