Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

730 lines
19 KiB

* *
* CTX.C *
* *
* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990. *
* All Rights reserved. *
* *
* *
* Module Intent *
* This module handles context strings, including footnote processing *
* and cross reference error checking. *
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "..\common\coutput.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
const char CTX_DEFINED = '0';
const char CTX_REFERENCED = '1';
const char CTX_SEPARATOR = '@';
const char txtSameCtx[] = ">";
extern COutput* pLogFile;
INLINE static BOOL STDCALL IsCtxPrefix(PCSTR pszContext);
* Module Algorithms
* This module has three entry points: one when context strings
* are defined, one when they are referenced, and then one for error
* checking all the links at the end. When context strings are
* defined, the hash value and address pair is added to the context
* btree. When context strings are defined or referenced, the
* hash value, string, filename, and page number are all added to
* a file, as well as whether it is a definition or a reference. When
* error checking occurs, this file is sorted, and then entries are
* read in. An error is reported whenever a context string is
* referenced without being defined.
* Revision History
* This functionality is completely different from what this
* source file used to do.
* *
* Defines *
* *
static char const txtCTXBtree[] = "|CONTEXT";
* *
* Prototypes *
* *
BOOL STDCALL FCreateContextFiles(void)
// Create hash btree file
InitBtreeStruct(&bp, "L4", CB_CTX_BLOCK); // KT_LONG
fmsg.qbthrCtx = HbtCreateBtreeSz(txtCTXBtree, &bp);
// Create context info file. This may already have been done.
if (!ptblCtx)
ptblCtx = new CTable;
return TRUE;
void STDCALL CloseContextBtree(void)
if (fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL) {
if (RcCloseBtreeHbt(fmsg.qbthrCtx) != RC_Success) {
fmsg.qbthrCtx = NULL;
fmsg.qbthrCtx = NULL;
- Name FProcContextSz
* Purpose
* This function processes a context footnote. If it is given a
* valid context string, it puts the address into the context btree,
* indexed by a hash of the context string. It also enters a
* definition entry into the context string cross reference file.
* Arguments
* PSTR szContext: String found in context footnote
* ADDR addr: Address for context string
* PERR perr: Pointer to error information.
* Returns
* TRUE if context string was valid.
* +++
* Notes
* Currently uses global fmsg.
// BUGBUG: nobody uses this
// HASH hPrev; // REVIEW: who uses this?
BOOL STDCALL FProcContextSz(PSTR pszContext, IDFCP idfcp, UINT wObjrg,
PERR perr)
HASH hash;
PSTR szMaster;
if (*pszContext == '\0') {
VReportError(HCERR_MISSING_CTX, &errHpj);
return FALSE;
else if (!FValidContextSz(pszContext)) {
VReportError(HCERR_INVALID_CTX, &errHpj, pszContext);
return FALSE;
hash = HashFromSz(pszContext);
// Remap if the hash value is in the [ALIAS] section. Note that
// apparently, viewer 2.0 doesn't do this anymore. 14-Oct-1993 [ralphw]
szMaster = SzTranslateHash(&hash);
// Add hash value into btree
ASSERT(fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL);
FDelayExecutionContext(hash, idfcp, wObjrg);
// Add context info to context info file
FRecordContext(hash, pszContext, szMaster, TRUE, perr);
curHash = hash; // save for possible use in FTS processing
fContextSeen = TRUE;
doGrind(); // update grinder bitmap
return TRUE;
- Name: FRecordContext
* Purpose:
* Records a context string definition or reference, so that we
* may later check to see if it was undefined.
* Strings are written out as:
* hash szMaster fDefine pszContext pchFile iTopic
* If szMaster is nil, pszContext is used instead.
* Arguments:
* HASH hash: Translated hash value of context string.
* PSTR pszContext: Context string as it appears in the text.
* PSTR szMaster: Context string corresponding to given hash value,
* if different from pszContext.
* BOOL fDefine: TRUE for definition, FALSE for reference.
* PERR perr: Pointer to error information.
* Returns:
* Globals Used:
* Writes out info to fmsg.
BOOL STDCALL FRecordContext(HASH hash, PCSTR pszContext, PSTR pszMaster,
BOOL fDefine, PERR perr)
if (!ptblCtx)
ptblCtx = new CTable;
ASSERT(pszContext != NULL && pszContext[0] != '\0');
if (pszMaster == NULL)
pszMaster = (PSTR) pszContext;
ASSERT(pszMaster[0] != '\0');
ASSERT(perr->lpszFile != NULL && perr->lpszFile[0] != '\0');
char szBuf[1024];
ASSERT(strlen(pszMaster) < MAX_PATH);
// The CTX_SEPARATOR value must be used to separate strings. You can't
// use space because that would prevent using space for a Topic ID.
int iFile = ptblRtfFiles->IsStringInTable(perr->lpszFile);
if (iFile)
wsprintf(szBuf, "%8lX@%s@%c@%s@%u@%u",
hash, pszMaster, (char) (fDefine ? CTX_DEFINED : CTX_REFERENCED),
strcmp(pszMaster, pszContext) == 0 ? txtSameCtx : pszContext,
iFile, perr->iTopic);
wsprintf(szBuf, "%8lX@%s@%c@%s@%s@%u",
hash, pszMaster, (char) (fDefine ? CTX_DEFINED : CTX_REFERENCED),
strcmp(pszMaster, pszContext) == 0 ? txtSameCtx : pszContext,
perr->lpszFile, perr->iTopic);
ASSERT(strchr(szBuf, CTX_SEPARATOR)); // Make sure you used CTX_SEPARATOR!
if (!ptblCtx->AddString(hash, szBuf))
if (fDefine)
return TRUE;
- Name: FResolveContextErrors
* Purpose:
* This function goes through the list of context string definitions
* and references, looking for multiple definitions, hash value conflicts,
* and unresolved references.
* Arguments:
* Returns:
* Globals Used:
* +++
* Notes:
const char txtSpaceEol[] = " \n";
BOOL STDCALL FResolveContextErrors(void)
PSTR pszMasterLast;
PSTR pszHash, pszMaster, pszReference, pszContext, pszFile, pszTopic;
CTable* ptblErrors = NULL;
int pos;
ASSERT(ptblCtx != NULL);
if (!iflags.fTrusted) {
CMem mem(CB_SCRATCH); // create a scratch buffer
CMem master(MAX_FOOTNOTE);
ptblCtx->SetTableSortColumn(sizeof(HASH) + 1);
#if 0 // Debugging code
COutput out("ctx.log");
int i = 1;
while (i < ptblCtx->CountStrings())
out.outstring_eol(ptblCtx->GetPointer(i++) + sizeof(HASH) + 1);
pszMasterLast = master.psz;
*pszMasterLast = '\0';
* Note that we don't check for overflow of pszHash. This shouldn't
* happen. If it does, it will corrupt the heap which will be caught
* when the function terminates.
// REVIEW: we now save the has number in the table...
HASH hash, hashLast = 0;
while(ptblCtx->GetHashAndString(&hash, mem.psz)) {
* REVIEW: We still save the hash string in order to sort the
* hash strings. To avoid this we'd have to have a special sort
* table that sorted both the DWORD hash value and the ensuing
* string.
pszHash = StrToken(mem.psz, CTX_SEPARATOR);
pszMaster = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
pszReference = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
pszContext = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
if (*pszContext == txtSameCtx[0])
pszContext = pszMaster;
pszFile = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
pszTopic = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
ASSERT(pszTopic != NULL);
errHpj.lpszFile = isdigit(*pszFile) ?
ptblRtfFiles->GetPointer(atoi(pszFile)) : pszFile;
errHpj.iTopic = atoi(pszTopic);
if (hash == hashLast) {
// Case insensitive comparison of aliased context strings:
CStr cszMaster(pszMaster);
CStr cszLast(pszMasterLast);
if (strcmp(cszMaster, cszLast) != 0) {
VReportError(HCERR_HASH_CONFLICT, &errHpj,
pszMaster, pszMasterLast);
if (*pszReference == CTX_REFERENCED)
VReportError(HCERR_BAD_JUMP, &errHpj, pszContext);
else if (*pszReference == CTX_DEFINED) {
UINT curpos = ptblCtx->GetPosition();
pos = curpos - 2;
CMem memTmp(CB_SCRATCH);
// Find and whine about every duplicate
while (pos > 0) {
HASH hashTmp;
ptblCtx->GetHashAndString(&hashTmp, memTmp.psz, pos--);
PSTR pszTmpHash = StrToken(memTmp.psz, CTX_SEPARATOR);
// We're done when we hit a different hash number
if (hash != hashTmp)
PSTR pszTmpMaster = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
PSTR pszTmpReference = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
// Only complain if its a definition, not if its a jump
if (*pszTmpReference == CTX_DEFINED &&
hash == hashTmp &&
strcmp(pszMaster, pszTmpMaster) == 0) {
PSTR pszTmpContext = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
PSTR pszTmpFile = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
PSTR pszTmpTopic = StrToken(NULL, CTX_SEPARATOR);
VReportError(HCERR_DUPLICATE_CTX, &errHpj, pszContext,
atoi(pszTmpTopic), pszTmpFile);
else {
if (*pszReference == CTX_REFERENCED)
VReportError(HCERR_BAD_JUMP, &errHpj, pszContext);
else if (ptblMap && *pszContext == 'I' &&
*pszReference == CTX_DEFINED &&
strcmp(pszContext, pszMaster) == 0 &&
IsCtxPrefix(pszContext)) {
if (!ptblMap->IsHashInTable(HashFromSz(pszContext))) {
int ialias;
QALIAS qalias;
HASH hashMap = HashFromSz(pszContext);
if (pdrgAlias && pdrgAlias->Count() > 0) {
for (ialias = 0, qalias = (QALIAS) pdrgAlias->GetBasePtr();
ialias < pdrgAlias->Count();
ialias++, qalias++) {
// Look up address for alias in context btree
if (qalias->hashCtx == hashMap)
goto AliasedCtx;
if (ialias < pdrgAlias->Count())
continue; // aliased, so not an error
if (!ptblErrors)
ptblErrors = new CTable();
wsprintf(szParentString, "\t%s\tTopic %s of %s\r\n",
pszContext, pszTopic, ptblRtfFiles->GetPointer(atoi(pszFile)));
hashLast = hash;
strcpy(pszMasterLast, pszMaster);
delete ptblCtx;
ptblCtx = NULL;
if (ptblErrors) {
errHpj.ep = epNoFile;
VReportError(HCERR_NOT_IN_MAP, &errHpj);
// Remove warning count from VReportError() and add real count
errcount.cWarnings += ptblErrors->CountStrings();
for (pos = 1; pos <= ptblErrors->CountStrings(); pos++) {
ptblErrors->GetString(szParentString, pos);
if (pLogFile)
if (pos % 10 == 0)
delete ptblErrors;
return TRUE;
- Name AddrGetContents
* Purpose
* Gets the address of the contents topic.
* Arguments
* HASH hash: Hash value of index topic.
* Returns
* Address of contents topic.
* Globals Used:
* This function uses the fmsg.qbthrCtx global to look up the
* contents topic.
ADDR STDCALL AddrGetContents(PSTR pszContents)
ADDR addr = 0; // Actually, default is sizeof(MBHD)
// Get address of contents
if (pszContents) {
ASSERT(fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL);
HASH hash = HashFromSz(pszContents);
RC_TYPE rc = RcLookupByKey(fmsg.qbthrCtx,
(KEY) &hash, NULL, &addr);
if (rc == RC_NoExists) {
addr = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
ASSERT(rc == RC_Success); // REVIEW: Is this true?
return addr;
- Name: FOutAliasToCtxBtree
* Purpose:
* This function takes each entry in the alias table, looks up the
* address of the aliased topic, and enters this into the context
* btree.
* Returns:
* TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise.
* Globals:
* This function reads and writes values to fmsg.qbthrCtx.
BOOL STDCALL FOutAliasToCtxBtree(void)
ADDR addr;
int ialias;
QALIAS qalias;
ASSERT(fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL);
if (pdrgAlias && pdrgAlias->Count() > 0) {
for (ialias = 0, qalias = (QALIAS) pdrgAlias->GetBasePtr();
ialias < pdrgAlias->Count();
ialias++, qalias++) {
// Look up address for alias in context btree
rc = RcLookupByKey(fmsg.qbthrCtx, (KEY) &qalias->hashCtx,
NULL, &addr);
switch (rc) {
case RC_Success:
// Put context string and address of alias into context btree
// REVIEW: Error check?
ASSERT(fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL);
RcInsertHbt(fmsg.qbthrCtx, (KEY) &qalias->hashAlias, &addr);
case RC_NoExists:
// Context string was not defined -- not an error here?
// REVIEW: Error message?
return TRUE;
* VOID VOutCtxOffsetTable()
* Description:
* This function outputs the Context-Offset table into the FS. It goes
* through every context string defined in the map section of the project
* file and finds the offset looking into the Topic-Offset Table. It
* outputs the offset against the hashed context string.
* Table layout:
* integer Count of Context strings present
* Context ID -- Address
* .....................
* .....................
* Context ID -- Address
* Returns;
const char txtCTXOMAP[] = "|CTXOMAP"; // context map file name
void STDCALL VOutCtxOffsetTable(void)
QMAP qmap;
ADDR addr;
BOOL fNagged = FALSE;
int count;
#ifdef _DEBUG
int actual = 0;
int cActualMap;
// create the context map file
fmsg.hfCtxOMap = HfCreateFileHfs(hfsOut, txtCTXOMAP, 0);
// Write out size of map table.
int cmap = pdrgMap ? pdrgMap->Count() : 0;
int imap;
* If we're compressing, then we run the map entries first to get a
* count of valid entries. It sometimes happens that people will drop
* in .H files that contain not only map entries but a bunch of other
* #defines for their code -- such as dropping in ApStudio's resource.h
* file. Rather then put all of the non-valid entries into the help file,
* we make a pass here to calculate the number of real entries. Then when
* we're in the for() loop that writes the entry into the help file, we
* simply ignore non-valid entries.
if (cmap && (options.fsCompress &
int cRealMap = cmap;
#ifdef _DEBUG
cActualMap = cmap;
for (imap = 0, qmap = (QMAP) pdrgMap->GetBasePtr();
imap < cmap;
imap++, qmap++) {
// Get address of given hash value
rc = RcLookupByKey(fmsg.qbthrCtx, (KEY) &qmap->hash, NULL,
(LPVOID) &addr);
if (rc == RC_NoExists)
LcbWriteIntAsShort(fmsg.hfCtxOMap, cRealMap);
else {
LcbWriteIntAsShort(fmsg.hfCtxOMap, cmap);
#ifdef _DEBUG
cActualMap = cmap;
ASSERT(fmsg.qbthrCtx != NULL);
if (cmap > 0) {
for (imap = 0, qmap = (QMAP) pdrgMap->GetBasePtr();
imap < cmap;
imap++, qmap++) {
// Get address of given hash value
rc = RcLookupByKey(fmsg.qbthrCtx, (KEY) &qmap->hash, NULL, (LPVOID) &addr);
if (rc == RC_NoExists) {
int ialias;
QALIAS qalias;
if (pdrgAlias && pdrgAlias->Count() > 0) {
for (ialias = 0, qalias = (QALIAS) pdrgAlias->GetBasePtr();
ialias < pdrgAlias->Count();
ialias++, qalias++) {
// Look up address for alias in context btree
if (qalias->hashAlias == qmap->hash)
if (ialias < pdrgAlias->Count()) {
if (options.fsCompress &
continue; // aliased, so not an error
goto BadCtx; // non-compressed, have to add it anyway
if (!fNagged) {
errHpj.ep = epNoFile;
VReportError(HCERR_MAP_UNUSED, &errHpj);
fNagged = TRUE;
count = 0;
if (!options.fSupressNotes) {
strcpy(szParentString, "\t");
strcat(szParentString, ptblMap->GetPointer(qmap->pos) +
strcat(szParentString, txtEol);
if (pLogFile)
if (++count == 10) {
count = 0;
addr = addrNil;
* When we are compressing the help file, we already reduced
* the total map count to the number of entries actually
* used, so we can just ignore this not-found entry.
if (options.fsCompress &
// Write out CTX
LcbWriteHf(fmsg.hfCtxOMap, &qmap->ctx, sizeof(CTX));
// Write out address
LcbWriteHf(fmsg.hfCtxOMap, &addr, sizeof(ADDR));
#ifdef _DEBUG
actual += sizeof(CTX) + sizeof(ADDR);
#ifdef _DEBUG
int expected = cActualMap * (sizeof(CTX) + sizeof(ADDR));
ASSERT(expected == actual);
INLINE static BOOL STDCALL IsCtxPrefix(PCSTR pszContext)
// BUGBUG: strnicmp won't be correct for DBCS
if (ptblCtxPrefixes) {
for (int pos = 1; pos <= ptblCtxPrefixes->CountStrings(); pos++) {
if (strnicmp(pszContext, ptblCtxPrefixes->GetPointer(pos),
strlen(ptblCtxPrefixes->GetPointer(pos))) == 0)
return TRUE;
else if (strnicmp(pszContext, "IDH_", 4) == 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;