Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1991-1995
// File: shlobj.h
// History: /* ;Internal */
// 12-30-92 SatoNa Created. /* ;Internal */
// 01-06-93 SatoNa Added this comment block. /* ;Internal */
// 01-13-93 SatoNa Added DragFilesOver & DropFiles /* ;Internal */
// 01-27-93 SatoNa Created by combining shellui.h and handler.h /* ;Internal */
// 01-28-93 SatoNa OLE 2.0 beta 2 /* ;Internal */
// 03-12-93 SatoNa Removed IFileDropTarget (we use IDropTarget) /* ;Internal */
// 07-30-94 SatoNa Updating comments after many changes /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#ifndef _SHLOBJ_H_
#define _SHLOBJ_H_
// Define API decoration for direct importing of DLL references.
#if !defined(_SHELL32_)
#define NO_MONIKER /* ;Internal */
#include <ole2.h>
#ifndef _PRSHT_H_
#include <prsht.h>
#include <commctrl.h> // for LPTBBUTTON
#ifndef INITGUID
#include <shlguid.h>
#endif /* !INITGUID */
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#pragma pack(1) /* Assume byte packing throughout */
#endif /* !RC_INVOKED */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Assume C declarations for C++ */
#endif /* __cplusplus */
// Object identifiers in the explorer's name space (ItemID and IDList)
// All the items that the user can browse with the explorer (such as files,
// directories, servers, work-groups, etc.) has an identifier which is unique
// among items within the parent folder. Those identifiers are called item
// IDs (SHITEMID). Since all its parent folders have their own item IDs,
// any items can be uniquely identified by a list of item IDs, which is called
// an ID list (ITEMIDLIST).
// ID lists are almost always allocated by the task allocator (see some
// description below as well as OLE 2.0 SDK) and may be passed across
// some of shell interfaces (such as IShellFolder). Each item ID in an ID list
// is only meaningful to its parent folder (which has generated it), and all
// the clients must treat it as an opaque binary data except the first two
// bytes, which indicates the size of the item ID.
// When a shell extension -- which implements the IShellFolder interace --
// generates an item ID, it may put any information in it, not only the data
// with that it needs to identifies the item, but also some additional
// information, which would help implementing some other functions efficiently.
// For example, the shell's IShellFolder implementation of file system items
// stores the primary (long) name of a file or a directory as the item
// identifier, but it also stores its alternative (short) name, size and date
// etc.
// When an ID list is passed to one of shell APIs (such as SHGetPathFromIDList),
// it is always an absolute path -- relative from the root of the name space,
// which is the desktop folder. When an ID list is passed to one of IShellFolder
// member function, it is always a relative path from the folder (unless it
// is explicitly specified).
// SHITEMID -- Item ID
typedef struct _SHITEMID // mkid
USHORT cb; // Size of the ID (including cb itself)
BYTE abID[1]; // The item ID (variable length)
// ITEMIDLIST -- List if item IDs (combined with 0-terminator)
typedef struct _ITEMIDLIST // idl
// Task allocator API
// All the shell extensions MUST use the task allocator (see OLE 2.0
// programming guild for its definition) when they allocate or free
// memory objects (mostly ITEMIDLIST) that are returned across any
// shell interfaces. There are two ways to access the task allocator
// from a shell extension depending on whether or not it is linked with
// OLE32.DLL or not (purely for efficiency).
// (1) A shell extension which calls any OLE API (i.e., linked with
// OLE32.DLL) should call OLE's task allocator (by retrieving
// the task allocator by calling CoGetMalloc API).
// (2) A shell extension which does not call any OLE API (i.e., not linked
// with OLE32.DLL) should call the shell task allocator API (defined
// below), so that the shell can quickly loads it when OLE32.DLL is not
// loaded by any application at that point.
// Notes:
// In next version of Windowso release, SHGetMalloc will be replaced by
// the following macro.
// #define SHGetMalloc(ppmem) CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, ppmem)
WINSHELLAPI void WINAPI SHFree(LPVOID pv); /* ;Internal */
// IContextMenu interface
// [OverView]
// The shell uses the IContextMenu interface in following three cases.
// case-1: The shell is loading context menu extensions.
// When the user clicks the right mouse button on an item within the shell's
// name space (i.g., file, directory, server, work-group, etc.), it creates
// the default context menu for its type, then loads context menu extensions
// that are registered for that type (and its base type) so that they can
// add extra menu items. Those context menu extensions are registered at
// HKCR\{ProgID}\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers.
// case-2: The shell is retrieving a context menu of sub-folders in extended
// name-space.
// When the explorer's name space is extended by name space extensions,
// the shell calls their IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf to get the IContextMenu
// objects when it creates context menus for folders under those extended
// name spaces.
// case-3: The shell is loading non-default drag and drop handler for directories.
// When the user performed a non-default drag and drop onto one of file
// system folders (i.e., directories), it loads shell extensions that are
// registered at HKCR\{ProgID}\DragDropHandlers.
// [Member functions]
// IContextMenu::QueryContextMenu
// This member function may insert one or more menuitems to the specified
// menu (hmenu) at the specified location (indexMenu which is never be -1).
// The IDs of those menuitem must be in the specified range (idCmdFirst and
// idCmdLast). It returns the maximum menuitem ID offset (ushort) in the
// 'code' field (low word) of the scode.
// The uFlags specify the context. It may have one or more of following
// flags.
// CMF_DEFAULTONLY: This flag is passed if the user is invoking the default
// action (typically by double-clicking, case 1 and 2 only). Context menu
// extensions (case 1) should not add any menu items, and returns NOERROR.
// CMF_VERBSONLY: The explorer passes this flag if it is constructing
// a context menu for a short-cut object (case 1 and case 2 only). If this
// flag is passed, it should not add any menu-items that is not appropriate
// from a short-cut.
// A good example is the "Delete" menuitem, which confuses the user
// because it is not clear whether it deletes the link source item or the
// link itself.
// CMF_EXPLORER: The explorer passes this flag if it has the left-side pane
// (case 1 and 2 only). Context menu extensions should ignore this flag.
// High word (16-bit) are reserved for context specific communications
// and the rest of flags (13-bit) are reserved by the system.
// IContextMenu::InvokeCommand
// This member is called when the user has selected one of menuitems that
// are inserted by previous QueryContextMenu member. In this case, the
// LOWORD(lpici->lpVerb) contains the menuitem ID offset (menuitem ID -
// idCmdFirst).
// This member function may also be called programmatically. In such a case,
// lpici->lpVerb specifies the canonical name of the command to be invoked,
// which is typically retrieved by GetCommandString member previously.
// Parameters in lpci:
// cbSize -- Specifies the size of this structure (sizeof(*lpci))
// hwnd -- Specifies the owner window for any message/dialog box.
// fMask -- Specifies whether or not dwHotkey/hIcon paramter is valid.
// lpVerb -- Specifies the command to be invoked.
// lpParameters -- Parameters (optional)
// lpDirectory -- Working directory (optional)
// nShow -- Specifies the flag to be passed to ShowWindow (SW_*).
// dwHotKey -- Hot key to be assigned to the app after invoked (optional).
// hIcon -- Specifies the icon (optional).
// IContextMenu::GetCommandString
// This member function is called by the explorer either to get the
// canonical (language independent) command name (uFlags == GCS_VERB) or
// the help text ((uFlags & GCS_HELPTEXT) != 0) for the specified command.
// The retrieved canonical string may be passed to its InvokeCommand
// member function to invoke a command programmatically. The explorer
// displays the help texts in its status bar; therefore, the length of
// the help text should be reasonably short (<40 characters).
// Parameters:
// idCmd -- Specifies menuitem ID offset (from idCmdFirst)
// uFlags -- Either GCS_VERB or GCS_HELPTEXT
// pwReserved -- Reserved (must pass NULL when calling, must ignore when called)
// pszName -- Specifies the string buffer.
// cchMax -- Specifies the size of the string buffer.
#define INTERFACE IContextMenu
// QueryContextMenu uFlags
#define CMF_NORMAL 0x00000000
#define CMF_DEFAULTONLY 0x00000001
#define CMF_VERBSONLY 0x00000002
#define CMF_EXPLORE 0x00000004
#define CMF_NOVERBS 0x00000008 /* ;Internal */
#define CMF_CANRENAME 0x00000010 /* ;Internal */
#define CMF_NODEFAULT 0x00000020 /* ;Internal */
#define CMF_INCLUDESTATIC 0x00000040 /* ;Internal */
#define CMF_RESERVED 0xffff0000 // View specific
// GetCommandString uFlags
#define GCS_VERB 0x00000000 // canonical verb
#define GCS_HELPTEXT 0x00000001 // help text (for status bar)
#define GCS_VALIDATE 0x00000002 // validate command exists
#define CMDSTR_NEWFOLDER "NewFolder"
#define CMDSTR_VIEWLIST "ViewList"
#define CMDSTR_VIEWDETAILS "ViewDetails"
#define CMIC_MASK_MODAL 0x80000000 /* ; Internal */
typedef struct _CMInvokeCommandInfo {
DWORD cbSize; // must be sizeof(CMINVOKECOMMANDINFO)
DWORD fMask; // any combination of CMIC_MASK_*
HWND hwnd; // might be NULL (indicating no owner window)
LPCSTR lpVerb; // either a string of MAKEINTRESOURCE(idOffset)
LPCSTR lpParameters; // might be NULL (indicating no parameter)
LPCSTR lpDirectory; // might be NULL (indicating no specific directory)
int nShow; // one of SW_ values for ShowWindow() API
DWORD dwHotKey;
#define INTERFACE IContextMenu
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IContextMenu, IUnknown)
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
HMENU hmenu,
UINT indexMenu,
UINT idCmdFirst,
UINT idCmdLast,
UINT uFlags) PURE;
UINT idCmd,
UINT uType,
UINT * pwReserved,
LPSTR pszName,
UINT cchMax) PURE;
typedef IContextMenu * LPCONTEXTMENU;
// IContextMenu2 (IContextMenu with one new member) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IContextMenu2 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IContextMenu2, IUnknown) /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryContextMenu)(THIS_ /* ;Internal */
HMENU hmenu, /* ;Internal */
UINT indexMenu, /* ;Internal */
UINT idCmdFirst, /* ;Internal */
UINT idCmdLast, /* ;Internal */
UINT uFlags) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(InvokeCommand)(THIS_ /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetCommandString)(THIS_ /* ;Internal */
UINT idCmd, /* ;Internal */
UINT uType, /* ;Internal */
UINT * pwReserved, /* ;Internal */
LPSTR pszName, /* ;Internal */
UINT cchMax) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(HandleMenuMsg)(THIS_ /* ;Internal */
UINT uMsg, /* ;Internal */
WPARAM wParam, /* ;Internal */
LPARAM lParam) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef IContextMenu2 * LPCONTEXTMENU2; /* ;Internal */
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// Internal helper macro /* ;Internal */
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define _IOffset(class, itf) ((UINT)&(((class *)0)->itf)) /* ;Internal */
#define IToClass(class, itf, pitf) ((class *)(((LPSTR)pitf)-_IOffset(class, itf))) /* ;Internal */
#define IToClassN(class, itf, pitf) IToClass(class, itf, pitf) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Helper macro definitions /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define S_BOOL(f) MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, 0, f) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#ifdef DEBUG /* ;Internal */
#define ReleaseAndAssert(punk) Assert(punk->lpVtbl->Release(punk)==0) /* ;Internal */
#else /* ;Internal */
#define ReleaseAndAssert(punk) (punk->lpVtbl->Release(punk)) /* ;Internal */
#endif /* ;Internal */
// Interface: IShellExtInit
// The IShellExtInit interface is used by the explorer to initialize shell
// extension objects. The explorer (1) calls CoCreateInstance (or equivalent)
// with the registered CLSID and IID_IShellExtInit, (2) calls its Initialize
// member, then (3) calls its QueryInterface to a particular interface (such
// as IContextMenu or IPropSheetExt and (4) performs the rest of operation.
// [Member functions]
// IShellExtInit::Initialize
// This member function is called when the explorer is initializing either
// context menu extension, property sheet extension or non-default drag-drop
// extension.
// Parameters: (context menu or property sheet extension)
// pidlFolder -- Specifies the parent folder
// lpdobj -- Spefifies the set of items selected in that folder.
// hkeyProgID -- Specifies the type of the focused item in the selection.
// Parameters: (non-default drag-and-drop extension)
// pidlFolder -- Specifies the target (destination) folder
// lpdobj -- Specifies the items that are dropped (see the description
// about shell's clipboard below for clipboard formats).
// hkeyProgID -- Specifies the folder type.
#define INTERFACE IShellExtInit
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
// *** IShellExtInit methods ***
typedef IShellExtInit * LPSHELLEXTINIT;
// Interface: IShellPropSheetExt
// The explorer uses the IShellPropSheetExt to allow property sheet
// extensions or control panel extensions to add additional property
// sheet pages.
// [Member functions]
// IShellPropSheetExt::AddPages
// The explorer calls this member function when it finds a registered
// property sheet extension for a particular type of object. For each
// additional page, the extension creates a page object by calling
// CreatePropertySheetPage API and calls lpfnAddPage.
// Parameters:
// lpfnAddPage -- Specifies the callback function.
// lParam -- Specifies the opaque handle to be passed to the callback function.
// IShellPropSheetExt::ReplacePage
// The explorer never calls this member of property sheet extensions. The
// explorer calls this member of control panel extensions, so that they
// can replace some of default control panel pages (such as a page of
// mouse control panel).
// Parameters:
// uPageID -- Specifies the page to be replaced.
// lpfnReplace Specifies the callback function.
// lParam -- Specifies the opaque handle to be passed to the callback function.
#define INTERFACE IShellPropSheetExt
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellPropSheetExt, IUnknown)
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
// *** IShellPropSheetExt methods ***
typedef IShellPropSheetExt * LPSHELLPROPSHEETEXT;
// Property sheet ID for Explorer->View->Options File Types property sheet /* ;Internal */
// replacement. /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define EXPPS_FILETYPES 1 /* ;Internal */
/* BEGIN_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IPersistFolder Interface (private) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The IPersistFolder interface is used by the file system implementation of /* ;Internal */
// IShellFolder::BindToObject when it is initializing a shell folder object. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// [Member functions] /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IPersistFolder::Initialize /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// This member function is called when the explorer is initializing a /* ;Internal */
// shell folder object. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Parameters: /* ;Internal */
// pidl -- Specifies the absolute location of the folder. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IPersistFolder /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IPersistFolder, IPersist) // fld /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IPersist methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetClassID) (THIS_ LPCLSID lpClassID) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IPersistFolder methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(Initialize) (THIS_ /* ;Internal */
LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef IPersistFolder * LPPERSISTFOLDER; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* END_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
// IExtractIcon interface
// This interface is used in two different places in the shell.
// Case-1: Icons of sub-folders for the scope-pane of the explorer.
// It is used by the explorer to get the "icon location" of
// sub-folders from each shell folders. When the user expands a folder
// in the scope pane of the explorer, the explorer does following:
// (1) binds to the folder (gets IShellFolder),
// (2) enumerates its sub-folders by calling its EnumObjects member,
// (3) calls its GetUIObjectOf member to get IExtractIcon interface
// for each sub-folders.
// In this case, the explorer uses only IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation
// member to get the location of the appropriate icon. An icon location
// always consists of a file name (typically DLL or EXE) and either an icon
// resource or an icon index.
// Case-2: Extracting an icon image from a file
// It is used by the shell when it extracts an icon image
// from a file. When the shell is extracting an icon from a file,
// it does following:
// (1) creates the icon extraction handler object (by getting its CLSID
// under the {ProgID}\shell\ExtractIconHanler key and calling
// CoCreateInstance requesting for IExtractIcon interface).
// (2) Calls IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation.
// (3) Then, calls IExtractIcon::Extract with the location/index pair.
// (4) If (3) returns NOERROR, it uses the returned icon.
// (5) Otherwise, it recursively calls this logic with new location
// assuming that the location string contains a fully qualified path name.
// From extension programmer's point of view, there are only two cases
// where they provide implementations of IExtractIcon:
// Case-1) providing explorer extensions (i.e., IShellFolder).
// Case-2) providing per-instance icons for some types of files.
// Because Case-1 is described above, we'll explain only Case-2 here.
// When the shell is about display an icon for a file, it does following:
// (1) Finds its ProgID and ClassID.
// (2) If the file has a ClassID, it gets the icon location string from the
// "DefaultIcon" key under it. The string indicates either per-class
// icon (e.g., "FOOBAR.DLL,2") or per-instance icon (e.g., "%1,1").
// (3) If a per-instance icon is specified, the shell creates an icon
// extraction handler object for it, and extracts the icon from it
// (which is described above).
// It is important to note that the shell calls IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation
// first, then calls IExtractIcon::Extract. Most application programs
// that support per-instance icons will probably store an icon location
// (DLL/EXE name and index/id) rather than an icon image in each file.
// In those cases, a programmer needs to implement only the GetIconLocation
// member and it Extract member simply returns S_FALSE. They need to
// implement Extract member only if they decided to store the icon images
// within files themselved or some other database (which is very rare).
// [Member functions]
// IExtractIcon::GetIconLocation
// This function returns an icon location.
// Parameters:
// uFlags [in] -- Specifies if it is opened or not (GIL_OPENICON or 0)
// szIconFile [out] -- Specifies the string buffer buffer for a location name.
// cchMax [in] -- Specifies the size of szIconFile (almost always MAX_PATH)
// piIndex [out] -- Sepcifies the address of UINT for the index.
// pwFlags [out] -- Returns GIL_* flags
// Returns:
// NOERROR, if it returns a valid location; S_FALSE, if the shell use a
// default icon.
// Notes: The location may or may not be a path to a file. The caller can
// not assume anything unless the subsequent Extract member call returns
// if the returned location is not a path to a file, GIL_NOTFILENAME should
// be set in the returned flags.
// IExtractIcon::Extract
// This function extracts an icon image from a specified file.
// Parameters:
// pszFile [in] -- Specifies the icon location (typically a path to a file).
// nIconIndex [in] -- Specifies the icon index.
// phiconLarge [out] -- Specifies the HICON variable for large icon.
// phiconSmall [out] -- Specifies the HICON variable for small icon.
// nIconSize [in] -- Specifies the size icon required (size of large icon)
// LOWORD is the requested large icon size
// HIWORD is the requested small icon size
// Returns:
// NOERROR, if it extracted the from the file.
// S_FALSE, if the caller should extract from the file specified in the
// location.
#define INTERFACE IExtractIcon
// GetIconLocation() input flags
#define GIL_OPENICON 0x0001 // allows containers to specify an "open" look
#define GIL_FORSHELL 0x0002 // icon is to be displayed in a ShellFolder
// GetIconLocation() return flags
#define GIL_SIMULATEDOC 0x0001 // simulate this document icon for this
#define GIL_PERINSTANCE 0x0002 // icons from this class are per instance (each file has its own)
#define GIL_PERCLASS 0x0004 // icons from this class per class (shared for all files of this type)
#define GIL_NOTFILENAME 0x0008 // location is not a filename, must call ::Extract
#define GIL_DONTCACHE 0x0010 // this icon should not be cached
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IExtractIcon, IUnknown) // exic
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
// *** IExtractIcon methods ***
UINT uFlags,
LPSTR szIconFile,
UINT cchMax,
int * piIndex,
UINT * pwFlags) PURE;
LPCSTR pszFile,
UINT nIconIndex,
HICON *phiconLarge,
HICON *phiconSmall,
UINT nIconSize) PURE;
typedef IExtractIcon * LPEXTRACTICON;
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellIcon Interface /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// used to get a icon index for a IShellFolder object. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// this interface can be implemented by a IShellFolder, as a quick way to /* ;Internal */
// return the icon for a object in the folder. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// a instance of this interface is only created once for the folder, unlike /* ;Internal */
// IExtractIcon witch is created once for each object. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// if a ShellFolder does not implement this interface, the standard /* ;Internal */
// GetUIObject(....IExtractIcon) method will be used to get a icon /* ;Internal */
// for all objects. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// the following standard imagelist indexs can be returned: /* ;Internal */
// BUGBUG make public defines for these. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// 0 document (blank page) (not associated) /* ;Internal */
// 1 document (with stuff on the page) /* ;Internal */
// 2 application (exe, com, bat) /* ;Internal */
// 3 folder (plain) /* ;Internal */
// 4 folder (open) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellIcon:GetIconOf(pidl, flags, lpIconIndex) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// pidl object to get icon for. /* ;Internal */
// flags GIL_* input flags (GIL_OPEN, ...) /* ;Internal */
// lpIconIndex place to return icon index. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// returns: /* ;Internal */
// NOERROR, if lpIconIndex contains the correct system imagelist index. /* ;Internal */
// S_FALSE, if unable to get icon for this object, go through /* ;Internal */
// GetUIObject, IExtractIcon, methods. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// History: /* ;Internal */ /* ;Internal */
// --/--/94 ToddLa Created /* ;Internal */ /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */ /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IShellIcon /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellIcon, IUnknown) // shi /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IShellIcon methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetIconOf)(THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT flags, /* ;Internal */
LPINT lpIconIndex) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef IShellIcon *LPSHELLICON; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// IShellLink Interface
// History: /* ;Internal */
// --/--/94 ChrisG Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellLink::Resolve fFlags
typedef enum {
SLR_NO_UI = 0x0001,
SLR_ANY_MATCH = 0x0002,
SLR_UPDATE = 0x0004,
// IShellLink::GetPath fFlags
typedef enum {
#define INTERFACE IShellLink
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellLink, IUnknown) // sl
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetPath)(THIS_ LPSTR pszFile, int cchMaxPath, WIN32_FIND_DATA *pfd, DWORD fFlags) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetDescription)(THIS_ LPSTR pszName, int cchMaxName) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetDescription)(THIS_ LPCSTR pszName) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetWorkingDirectory)(THIS_ LPSTR pszDir, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetWorkingDirectory)(THIS_ LPCSTR pszDir) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetArguments)(THIS_ LPSTR pszArgs, int cchMaxPath) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetHotkey)(THIS_ WORD *pwHotkey) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetShowCmd)(THIS_ int *piShowCmd) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetShowCmd)(THIS_ int iShowCmd) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetIconLocation)(THIS_ LPSTR pszIconPath, int cchIconPath, int *piIcon) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetIconLocation)(THIS_ LPCSTR pszIconPath, int iIcon) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetRelativePath)(THIS_ LPCSTR pszPathRel, DWORD dwReserved) PURE;
/* BEGIN_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
#ifdef _INC_SHELLAPI /* for LPSHELLEXECUTEINFO */ /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellExecuteHook Interface /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// History: /* ;Internal */
// 11/18/94 DavidDi Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IShellExecuteHook /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellExecuteHook, IUnknown) // shexhk /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IShellExecuteHook methods *** /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
#endif /* _INC_SHELLAPI */ /* ;Internal */
/* END_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
/* BEGIN_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// INewShortcutHook Interface /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// History: /* ;Internal */
// 2/14/95 DavidDi Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//=========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE INewShortcutHook /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(INewShortcutHook, IUnknown) // nshhk /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** INewShortcutHook methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SetReferent)(THIS_ LPCSTR pcszReferent, HWND hwnd) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetReferent)(THIS_ LPSTR pszReferent, int cchReferent) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SetFolder)(THIS_ LPCSTR pcszFolder) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetFolder)(THIS_ LPSTR pszFolder, int cchFolder) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetName)(THIS_ LPSTR pszName, int cchName) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetExtension)(THIS_ LPSTR pszExtension, int cchExtension) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* END_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
// ICopyHook Interface
// History: /* ;Internal */
// --/--/94 CheeChew Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The copy hook is called whenever file system directories are
// copy/moved/deleted/renamed via the shell. It is also called by the shell
// on changes of status of printers.
// Clients register their id under STRREG_SHEX_COPYHOOK for file system hooks
// and STRREG_SHEx_PRNCOPYHOOK for printer hooks.
// the CopyCallback is called prior to the action, so the hook has the chance
// to allow, deny or cancel the operation by returning the falues:
// IDYES - means allow the operation
// IDNO - means disallow the operation on this file, but continue with
// any other operations (eg. batch copy)
// IDCANCEL - means disallow the current operation and cancel any pending
// operations
// arguments to the CopyCallback
// hwnd - window to use for any UI
// wFunc - what operation is being done
// wFlags - and flags (FOF_*) set in the initial call to the file operation
// pszSrcFile - name of the source file
// dwSrcAttribs - file attributes of the source file
// pszDestFile - name of the destiation file (for move and renames)
// dwDestAttribs - file attributes of the destination file
#define INTERFACE ICopyHook
#ifndef FO_MOVE //these need to be kept in sync with the ones in shellapi.h
// file operations
#define FO_MOVE 0x0001
#define FO_COPY 0x0002
#define FO_DELETE 0x0003
#define FO_RENAME 0x0004
#define FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE 0x0002
#define FOF_SILENT 0x0004 // don't create progress/report
#define FOF_NOCONFIRMATION 0x0010 // Don't prompt the user.
#define FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE 0x0020 // Fill in SHFILEOPSTRUCT.hNameMappings
// Must be freed using SHFreeNameMappings
#define FOF_ALLOWUNDO 0x0040
#define FOF_FILESONLY 0x0080 // on *.*, do only files
#define FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS 0x0100 // means don't show names of files
#define FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR 0x0200 // don't confirm making any needed dirs
// printer operations
#define PO_DELETE 0x0013 // printer is being deleted
#define PO_RENAME 0x0014 // printer is being renamed
#define PO_PORTCHANGE 0x0020 // port this printer connected to is being changed
// if this id is set, the strings received by
// the copyhook are a doubly-null terminated
// list of strings. The first is the printer
// name and the second is the printer port.
#define PO_REN_PORT 0x0034 // PO_RENAME and PO_PORTCHANGE at same time.
// no POF_ flags currently defined
#endif // FO_MOVE
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ICopyHook, IUnknown) // sl
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
STDMETHOD_(UINT,CopyCallback) (THIS_ HWND hwnd, UINT wFunc, UINT wFlags, LPCSTR pszSrcFile, DWORD dwSrcAttribs,
LPCSTR pszDestFile, DWORD dwDestAttribs) PURE;
typedef ICopyHook * LPCOPYHOOK;
// IFileViewerSite Interface
// History: /* ;Internal */
// --/--/94 KurtE Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IFileViewerSite
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
STDMETHOD(SetPinnedWindow) (THIS_ HWND hwnd) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetPinnedWindow) (THIS_ HWND *phwnd) PURE;
typedef IFileViewerSite * LPFILEVIEWERSITE;
// IFileViewer Interface
// Implemented in a FileViewer component object. Used to tell a
// FileViewer to PrintTo or to view, the latter happening though
// ShowInitialize and Show. The filename is always given to the
// viewer through IPersistFile.
// History: /* ;Internal */
// 3/4/94 kraigb Created /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IFileViewer
typedef struct
// Stuff passed into viewer (in)
DWORD cbSize; // Size of structure for future expansion...
HWND hwndOwner; // who is the owner window.
int iShow; // The show command
// Passed in and updated (in/Out)
DWORD dwFlags; // flags
RECT rect; // Where to create the window may have defaults
LPUNKNOWN punkRel; // Relese this interface when window is visible
// Stuff that might be returned from viewer (out)
OLECHAR strNewFile[MAX_PATH]; // New File to view.
// Define File View Show Info Flags.
#define FVSIF_RECT 0x00000001 // The rect variable has valid data.
#define FVSIF_PINNED 0x00000002 // We should Initialize pinned
#define FVSIF_NEWFAILED 0x08000000 // The new file passed back failed
// to be viewed.
#define FVSIF_NEWFILE 0x80000000 // A new file to view has been returned
#define FVSIF_CANVIEWIT 0x40000000 // The viewer can view it.
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
STDMETHOD(PrintTo) (THIS_ LPSTR pszDriver, BOOL fSuppressUI) PURE;
typedef IFileViewer * LPFILEVIEWER;
/* BEGIN_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
//========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser/IShellView/IShellFolder interface /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// These three interfaces are used when the shell communicates with /* ;Internal */
// name space extensions. The shell (explorer) provides IShellBrowser /* ;Internal */
// interface, and extensions implements IShellFolder and IShellView /* ;Internal */
// interfaces. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Command/menuitem IDs /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer dispatches WM_COMMAND messages based on the range of /* ;Internal */
// command/menuitem IDs. All the IDs of menuitems that the view (right /* ;Internal */
// pane) inserts must be in FCIDM_SHVIEWFIRST/LAST (otherwise, the explorer /* ;Internal */
// won't dispatch them). The view should not deal with any menuitems /* ;Internal */
// in FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST/LAST (otherwise, it won't work with the future /* ;Internal */
// version of the shell). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// FCIDM_SHVIEWFIRST/LAST for the right pane (IShellView) /* ;Internal */
// FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST/LAST for the explorer frame (IShellBrowser) /* ;Internal */
// FCIDM_GLOBAL/LAST for the explorer's submenu IDs /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_SHVIEWFIRST 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_SHVIEWLAST 0x7fff /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST 0xa000 /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_BROWSERLAST 0xbf00 /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST 0x8000 /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_GLOBALLAST 0x9fff /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Global submenu IDs and separator IDs /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_FILE (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x0000) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_EDIT (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x0040) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_VIEW (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x0080) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_TOOLS (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x00c0) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_TOOLS_SEP_GOTO (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x00c1) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_HELP (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x0100) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_MENU_FIND (FCIDM_GLOBALFIRST+0x0140) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// control IDs known to the view /* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_TOOLBAR (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 0) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_STATUS (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 1) /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_TREE (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 3) /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
#define FCIDM_TABS (FCIDM_BROWSERFIRST + 4) /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// FOLDERSETTINGS /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// FOLDERSETTINGS is a data structure that explorer passes from one folder /* ;Internal */
// view to another, when the user is browsing. It calls ISV::GetCurrentInfo /* ;Internal */
// member to get the current settings and pass it to ISV::CreateViewWindow /* ;Internal */
// to allow the next folder view "inherit" it. These settings assumes a /* ;Internal */
// particular UI (which the shell's folder view has), and shell extensions /* ;Internal */
// may or may not use those settings. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef LPBYTE LPVIEWSETTINGS; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// NB Bitfields. /* ;Internal */
typedef enum /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
FWF_AUTOARRANGE = 0x0001, /* ;Internal */
FWF_ABBREVIATEDNAMES = 0x0002, /* ;Internal */
FWF_SNAPTOGRID = 0x0004, /* ;Internal */
// FWF_UNUSED = 0x0008, /* ;Internal */
FWF_BESTFITWINDOW = 0x0010, /* ;Internal */
FWF_DESKTOP = 0x0020, /* ;Internal */
FWF_SINGLESEL = 0x0040, /* ;Internal */
FWF_NOSUBFOLDERS = 0x0080 /* ;Internal */
} FOLDERFLAGS; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef enum /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
FVM_ICON = 1, /* ;Internal */
FVM_SMALLICON = 2, /* ;Internal */
FVM_LIST = 3, /* ;Internal */
FVM_DETAILS = 4, /* ;Internal */
} FOLDERVIEWMODE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef struct /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
UINT ViewMode; // View mode (FOLDERVIEWMODE values) /* ;Internal */
UINT fFlags; // View options (FOLDERFLAGS bits) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef const FOLDERSETTINGS * LPCFOLDERSETTINGS; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Interface: IShellBrowser /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// History: /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// 01-08-93 GeorgeP Created. /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser interface is the interface that is provided by the shell /* ;Internal */
// explorer/folder frame window. When it creates the "contents pane" of /* ;Internal */
// a shell folder (which provides IShellFolder interface), it calls its /* ;Internal */
// CreateViewObject member function to create an IShellView object. Then, /* ;Internal */
// it calls its CreateViewWindow member to create the "contents pane" /* ;Internal */
// window. The pointer to the IShellBrowser interface is passed to /* ;Internal */
// the IShellView object as a parameter to this CreateViewWindow member /* ;Internal */
// function call. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// +--------------------------+ <-- Explorer window /* ;Internal */
// | [] Explorer | /* ;Internal */
// |--------------------------+ IShellBrowser /* ;Internal */
// | File Edit View .. | /* ;Internal */
// |--------------------------| /* ;Internal */
// | | | /* ;Internal */
// | | <-------- Content pane /* ;Internal */
// | | | /* ;Internal */
// | | | IShellView /* ;Internal */
// | | | /* ;Internal */
// | | | /* ;Internal */
// +--------------------------+ /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// [Member functions] /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::GetWindow(phwnd) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Inherited from IOleWindow::GetWindow. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::ContextSensitiveHelp(fEnterMode) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Inherited from IOleWindow::ContextSensitiveHelp. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::InsertMenusSB(hmenuShared, lpMenuWidths) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Similar to the IOleInPlaceFrame::InsertMenus. The explorer will put /* ;Internal */
// "File" and "Edit" pulldown in the File menu group, "View" and "Tools" /* ;Internal */
// in the Container menu group and "Help" in the Window menu group. Each /* ;Internal */
// pulldown menu will have a uniqu ID, FCIDM_MENU_FILE/EDIT/VIEW/TOOLS/HELP./* ;Internal */
// The view is allowed to insert menuitems into those sub-menus by those /* ;Internal */
// IDs must be between FCIDM_SHVIEWFIRST and FCIDM_SHVIEWLAST. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::SetMenuSB(hmenuShared, holemenu, hwndActiveObject) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Similar to the IOleInPlaceFrame::SetMenu. The explorer ignores the /* ;Internal */
// holemenu parameter (reserved for future enhancement) and performs /* ;Internal */
// menu-dispatch based on the menuitem IDs (see the description above). /* ;Internal */
// It is important to note that the explorer will add different /* ;Internal */
// set of menuitems depending on whether the view has a focus or not. /* ;Internal */
// Therefore, it is very important to call ISB::OnViewWindowActivate /* ;Internal */
// whenever the view window (or its children) gets the focus. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::RemoveMenusSB(hmenuShared) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Same as the IOleInPlaceFrame::RemoveMenus. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::SetStatusTextSB(lpszStatusText) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Same as the IOleInPlaceFrame::SetStatusText. It is also possible to /* ;Internal */
// send messages directly to the status window via SendControlMsg. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::EnableModelessSB(fEnable) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Same as the IOleInPlaceFrame::EnableModeless. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::TranslateAcceleratorSB(lpmsg, wID) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Same as the IOleInPlaceFrame::TranslateAccelerator, but will be /* ;Internal */
// never called because we don't support EXEs (i.e., the explorer has /* ;Internal */
// the message loop). This member function is defined here for possible /* ;Internal */
// future enhancement. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::BrowseObject(pidl, wFlags) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The view calls this member to let shell explorer browse to another /* ;Internal */
// folder. The pidl and wFlags specifies the folder to be browsed. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Following three flags specifies whether it creates another window or not./* ;Internal */
// SBSP_SAMEBROWSER -- Browse to another folder with the same window. /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_NEWBROWSER -- Creates another window for the specified folder. /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_DEFBROWSER -- Default behavior (respects the view option). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Following three flags specifies open, explore, or default mode. These ./* ;Internal */
// are ignored if SBSP_SAMEBROWSER or (SBSP_DEFBROWSER && (single window ./* ;Internal */
// browser || explorer)). ./* ;Internal */
// SBSP_OPENMODE -- Use a normal folder window /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_EXPLOREMODE -- Use an explorer window /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_DEFMODE -- Use the same as the current window /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Following three flags specifies the pidl. /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_ABSOLUTE -- pidl is an absolute pidl (relative from desktop) /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_RELATIVE -- pidl is relative from the current folder. /* ;Internal */
// SBSP_PARENT -- Browse the parent folder (ignores the pidl) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::GetViewStateStream(grfMode, ppstm) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The browser returns an IStream interface as the storage for view /* ;Internal */
// specific state information. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// grfMode -- Specifies the read/write access (STGM_READ/WRITE/READWRITE) /* ;Internal */
// ppstm -- Specifies the LPSTREAM variable to be filled. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::GetControlWindow(id, phwnd) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The shell view may call this member function to get the window handle /* ;Internal */
// of Explorer controls (toolbar or status winodw -- FCW_TOOLBAR or /* ;Internal */
// FCW_STATUS). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::SendControlMsg(id, uMsg, wParam, lParam, pret) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The shell view calls this member function to send control messages to /* ;Internal */
// one of Explorer controls (toolbar or status window -- FCW_TOOLBAR or /* ;Internal */
// FCW_STATUS). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::QueryActiveShellView(IShellView * ppshv) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// This member returns currently activated (displayed) shellview object. /* ;Internal */
// A shellview never need to call this member function. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::OnViewWindowActive(pshv) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The shell view window calls this member function when the view window /* ;Internal */
// (or one of its children) got the focus. It MUST call this member before /* ;Internal */
// calling IShellBrowser::InsertMenus, because it will insert different /* ;Internal */
// set of menu items depending on whether the view has the focus or not. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellBrowser::SetToolbarItems(lpButtons, nButtons, uFlags) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The view calls this function to add toolbar items to the exporer's /* ;Internal */
// toolbar. "lpButtons" and "nButtons" specifies the array of toolbar /* ;Internal */
// items. "uFlags" must be one of FCT_MERGE, FCT_CONFIGABLE, FCT_ADDTOEND. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IShellBrowser /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Values for wFlags parameter of ISB::BrowseObject() member. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_DEFBROWSER 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_SAMEBROWSER 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_NEWBROWSER 0x0002 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_DEFMODE 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_OPENMODE 0x0010 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_EXPLOREMODE 0x0020 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_ABSOLUTE 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_RELATIVE 0x1000 /* ;Internal */
#define SBSP_PARENT 0x2000 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Values for id parameter of ISB::GetControlWindow/SendControlMsg members. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// WARNING: /* ;Internal */
// Any shell extensions which sends messages to those control windows /* ;Internal */
// might not work in the future version of windows. If you really need /* ;Internal */
// to send messages to them, (1) don't assume that those control window /* ;Internal */
// always exist (i.e., GetControlWindow may fail) and (2) verify the window /* ;Internal */
// class of the window before sending any messages. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_STATUS 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_TOOLBAR 0x0002 /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_TREE 0x0003 /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_VIEW 0x0004 /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_BROWSER 0x0005 /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
#define FCW_TABS 0x0006 /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Values for uFlags paremeter of ISB::SetToolbarItems member. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define FCT_MERGE 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define FCT_CONFIGABLE 0x0002 /* ;Internal */
#define FCT_ADDTOEND 0x0004 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellBrowser, IOleWindow) /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IOleWindow methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetWindow) (THIS_ HWND * lphwnd) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(ContextSensitiveHelp) (THIS_ BOOL fEnterMode) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IShellBrowser methods *** (same as IOleInPlaceFrame) /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(InsertMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, /* ;Internal */
LPOLEMENUGROUPWIDTHS lpMenuWidths) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SetMenuSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared, HOLEMENU holemenuReserved,/* ;Internal */
HWND hwndActiveObject) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(RemoveMenusSB) (THIS_ HMENU hmenuShared) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SetStatusTextSB) (THIS_ LPCOLESTR lpszStatusText) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(EnableModelessSB) (THIS_ BOOL fEnable) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(TranslateAcceleratorSB) (THIS_ LPMSG lpmsg, WORD wID) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IShellBrowser methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(BrowseObject)(THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, UINT wFlags) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetViewStateStream)(THIS_ DWORD grfMode, /* ;Internal */
LPSTREAM *ppStrm) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetControlWindow)(THIS_ UINT id, HWND * lphwnd) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SendControlMsg)(THIS_ UINT id, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, /* ;Internal */
LPARAM lParam, LRESULT * pret) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryActiveShellView)(THIS_ struct IShellView ** ppshv) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(OnViewWindowActive)(THIS_ struct IShellView * ppshv) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SetToolbarItems)(THIS_ LPTBBUTTON lpButtons, UINT nButtons, /* ;Internal */
UINT uFlags) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef IShellBrowser * LPSHELLBROWSER; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser interface /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser interface is the interface that is provided by the new /* ;Internal */
// common dialog window to hook and modify the behavior of IShellView. When /* ;Internal */
// a default view is created, it queries its parent IShellBrowser for the /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser interface. If supported, it calls out to that interface /* ;Internal */
// in several cases that need to behave differently in a dialog. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Member functions: /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser::OnDefaultCommand() /* ;Internal */
// Called when the user double-clicks in the view or presses Enter. The /* ;Internal */
// browser should return S_OK if it processed the action itself, S_FALSE /* ;Internal */
// to let the view perform the default action. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser::OnStateChange(ULONG uChange) /* ;Internal */
// Called when some states in the view change. 'uChange' is one of the /* ;Internal */
// CDBOSC_* values. This call is made after the state (selection, focus, /* ;Internal */
// etc) has changed. There is no return value. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// ICommDlgBrowser::IncludeObject(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) /* ;Internal */
// Called when the view is enumerating objects. 'pidl' is a relative /* ;Internal */
// IDLIST. The browser should return S_OK to include the object in the /* ;Internal */
// view, S_FALSE to hide it /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE ICommDlgBrowser /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define CDBOSC_SETFOCUS 0x00000000 /* ;Internal */
#define CDBOSC_KILLFOCUS 0x00000001 /* ;Internal */
#define CDBOSC_SELCHANGE 0x00000002 /* ;Internal */
#define CDBOSC_RENAME 0x00000003 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(ICommDlgBrowser, IUnknown) /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** ICommDlgBrowser methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(OnDefaultCommand) (THIS_ struct IShellView * ppshv) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(OnStateChange) (THIS_ struct IShellView * ppshv, /* ;Internal */
ULONG uChange) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(IncludeObject) (THIS_ struct IShellView * ppshv, /* ;Internal */
LPCITEMIDLIST pidl) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef ICommDlgBrowser * LPCOMMDLGBROWSER; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//========================================================================== /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Interface: IShellView /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// History: /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// 01-07-93 GeorgeP Created. /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// /* NOT_EVEN_IN_B_LIST */ /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// [members] /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::GetWindow(phwnd) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Inherited from IOleWindow::GetWindow. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::ContextSensitiveHelp(fEnterMode) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Inherited from IOleWindow::ContextSensitiveHelp. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::TranslateAccelerator(lpmsg) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Similar to IOleInPlaceActiveObject::TranlateAccelerator. The explorer /* ;Internal */
// calls this function BEFORE any other translation. Returning S_OK /* ;Internal */
// indicates that the message was translated (eaten) and should not be /* ;Internal */
// translated or dispatched by the explorer. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::EnableModeless(fEnable) /* ;Internal */
// Similar to IOleInPlaceActiveObject::EnableModeless. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::UIActivate(uState) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer calls this member function whenever the activation /* ;Internal */
// state of the view window is changed by a certain event that is /* ;Internal */
// NOT caused by the shell view itself. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// SVUIA_DEACTIVATE will be passed when the explorer is about to /* ;Internal */
// destroy the shell view window; the shell view is supposed to remove /* ;Internal */
// all the extended UIs (typically merged menu and modeless popup windows). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// SVUIA_ACTIVATE_NOFOCUS will be passsed when the shell view is losing /* ;Internal */
// the input focus or the shell view has been just created without the /* ;Internal */
// input focus; the shell view is supposed to set menuitems appropriate /* ;Internal */
// for non-focused state (no selection specific items should be added). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// SVUIA_ACTIVATE_FOCUS will be passed when the explorer has just /* ;Internal */
// created the view window with the input focus; the shell view is /* ;Internal */
// supposed to set menuitems appropriate for focused state. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The shell view should not change focus within this member function. /* ;Internal */
// The shell view should not hook the WM_KILLFOCUS message to remerge /* ;Internal */
// menuitems. However, the shell view typically hook the WM_SETFOCUS /* ;Internal */
// message, and re-merge the menu after calling IShellBrowser:: /* ;Internal */
// OnViewWindowActivated. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::Refresh() /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer calls this member when the view needs to refresh its /* ;Internal */
// contents (such as when the user hits F5 key). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::CreateViewWindow /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// This member creates the view window (right-pane of the explorer or the /* ;Internal */
// client window of the folder window). /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::DestroyViewWindow /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// This member destroys the view window. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::GetCurrentInfo /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// This member returns the folder settings. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::AddPropertySHeetPages /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer calls this member when it is opening the option property /* ;Internal */
// sheet. This allows the view to add additional pages to it. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::SaveViewState() /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer calls this member when the shell view is supposed to /* ;Internal */
// store its view settings. The shell view is supposed to get a view /* ;Internal */
// stream by calling IShellBrowser::GetViewStateStream and store the /* ;Internal */
// current view state into that stream. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// IShellView::SelectItem(pidlItem, uFlags) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// The explorer calls this member to change the selection state of /* ;Internal */
// item(s) within the shell view window. If pidlItem is NULL and uFlags /* ;Internal */
// is SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS, all items should be deselected. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#undef INTERFACE /* ;Internal */
#define INTERFACE IShellView /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// shellview select item flags /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_DESELECT 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_SELECT 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_EDIT 0x0003 // includes select /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_DESELECTOTHERS 0x0004 /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_ENSUREVISIBLE 0x0008 /* ;Internal */
#define SVSI_FOCUSED 0x0010 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// shellview get item object flags /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define SVGIO_BACKGROUND 0x00000000 /* ;Internal */
#define SVGIO_SELECTION 0x00000001 /* ;Internal */
#define SVGIO_ALLVIEW 0x00000002 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// uState values for IShellView::UIActivate /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
typedef enum { /* ;Internal */
SVUIA_DEACTIVATE = 0, /* ;Internal */
SVUIA_ACTIVATE_NOFOCUS = 1, /* ;Internal */
SVUIA_ACTIVATE_FOCUS = 2 /* ;Internal */
} SVUIA_STATUS; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellView, IOleWindow) /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
// *** IUnknown methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,AddRef) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IOleWindow methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetWindow) (THIS_ HWND * lphwnd) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(ContextSensitiveHelp) (THIS_ BOOL fEnterMode) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// *** IShellView methods *** /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(TranslateAccelerator) (THIS_ LPMSG lpmsg) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(EnableModeless) (THIS_ BOOL fEnable) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(UIActivate) (THIS_ UINT uState) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(Refresh) (THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(CreateViewWindow)(THIS_ IShellView *lpPrevView, /* ;Internal */
LPCFOLDERSETTINGS lpfs, IShellBrowser * psb, /* ;Internal */
RECT * prcView, HWND *phWnd) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(DestroyViewWindow)(THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetCurrentInfo)(THIS_ LPFOLDERSETTINGS lpfs) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(AddPropertySheetPages)(THIS_ DWORD dwReserved, /* ;Internal */
LPFNADDPROPSHEETPAGE lpfn, LPARAM lparam) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SaveViewState)(THIS) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(SelectItem)(THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidlItem, UINT uFlags) PURE; /* ;Internal */
STDMETHOD(GetItemObject)(THIS_ UINT uItem, REFIID riid, /* ;Internal */
LPVOID *ppv) PURE; /* ;Internal */
}; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
typedef IShellView * LPSHELLVIEW; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* END_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
// struct STRRET
// structure for returning strings from IShellFolder member functions
#define STRRET_OLESTR 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define STRRET_WSTR 0x0000
#define STRRET_OFFSET 0x0001
#define STRRET_CSTR 0x0002
typedef struct _STRRET
UINT uType; // One of the STRRET_* values
LPWSTR pOleStr; // OLESTR that will be freed
UINT uOffset; // Offset into SHITEMID (ANSI)
char cStr[MAX_PATH]; // Buffer to fill in
// SHGetPathFromIDList
// This function assumes the size of the buffer (MAX_PATH). The pidl
// should point to a file system object.
// SHGetSpecialFolderLocation
// Caller should call SHFree to free the returned pidl.
// registry entries for special paths are kept in :
#define CSIDL_DESKTOP 0x0000
#define CSIDL_PROGRAMS 0x0002
#define CSIDL_CONTROLS 0x0003
#define CSIDL_PRINTERS 0x0004
#define CSIDL_PERSONAL 0x0005
#define CSIDL_FAVORITES 0x0006
#define CSIDL_STARTUP 0x0007
#define CSIDL_RECENT 0x0008
#define CSIDL_SENDTO 0x0009
#define CSIDL_BITBUCKET 0x000a
#define CSIDL_STARTMENU 0x000b
#define CSIDL_DRIVES 0x0011
#define CSIDL_NETWORK 0x0012
#define CSIDL_NETHOOD 0x0013
#define CSIDL_FONTS 0x0014
#define CSIDL_TEMPLATES 0x0015
#define CSIDL_UNKNOWN 0xfffe /* ;Internal */
#define CSIDL_STANDARD 0xffff /* ;Internal */
WINSHELLAPI HRESULT WINAPI SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(HWND hwndOwner, int nFolder, LPITEMIDLIST * ppidl);
WINSHELLAPI HICON WINAPI SHGetFileIcon(HINSTANCE hinst, LPCSTR pszPath, DWORD dwFileAttribute, UINT uFlags); // ;Internal
// SHBrowseForFolder API
typedef int (CALLBACK* BFFCALLBACK)(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData);
typedef struct _browseinfo {
HWND hwndOwner;
LPSTR pszDisplayName;// Return display name of item selected.
// lpszTitle can be a resource, but the hinst is assumed to be shell32.dll /* ;Internal */
LPCSTR lpszTitle; // text to go in the banner over the tree.
UINT ulFlags; // Flags that control the return stuff
LPARAM lParam; // extra info that's passed back in callbacks
int iImage; // output var: where to return the Image index.
// Browsing for directory.
#define BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS 0x0001 // For finding a folder to start document searching
#define BIF_DONTGOBELOWDOMAIN 0x0002 // For starting the Find Computer
#define BIF_STATUSTEXT 0x0004
#define BIF_BROWSEFORCOMPUTER 0x1000 // Browsing for Computers.
#define BIF_BROWSEFORPRINTER 0x2000 // Browsing for Printers
// message from browser
// messages to browser
#define BFFM_ENABLEOK (WM_USER + 101)
// SHLoadInProc
// When this function is called, the shell calls CoCreateInstance
// (or equivalent) with CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER and the specified CLSID
// from within the shell's process and release it immediately.
// IEnumIDList interface
// IShellFolder::EnumObjects member returns an IEnumIDList object.
typedef struct IEnumIDList *LPENUMIDLIST;
#define INTERFACE IEnumIDList
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
// *** IEnumIDList methods ***
ULONG *pceltFetched) PURE;
STDMETHOD(Clone) (THIS_ IEnumIDList **ppenum) PURE;
// IShellFolder interface
// [Member functions]
// IShellFolder::BindToObject(pidl, pbc, riid, ppvOut)
// This function returns an instance of a sub-folder which is specified
// by the IDList (pidl).
// IShellFolder::BindToStorage(pidl, pbc, riid, ppvObj)
// This function returns a storage instance of a sub-folder which is
// specified by the IDList (pidl). The shell never calls this member
// function in the first release of Chicago.
// IShellFolder::CompareIDs(lParam, pidl1, pidl2)
// This function compares two IDLists and returns the result. The shell
// explorer always passes 0 as lParam, which indicates "sort by name".
// It should return 0 (as CODE of the scode), if two id indicates the
// same object; negative value if pidl1 should be placed before pidl2;
// positive value if pidl2 should be placed before pidl1.
// IShellFolder::CreateViewObject(hwndOwner, riid, ppvOut)
// This function creates a view object of the folder itself. The view
// object is a difference instance from the shell folder object.
// This function creates a view object. The shell browser always passes /* ;Internal */
// IID_IShellView as riid. "hwndOwner" can be used as the owner /* ;Internal */
// window of its dialog box or menu during the lifetime /* ;Internal */
// of the view object. This member function should always create a new /* ;Internal */
// instance which has only one reference count. The explorer may create /* ;Internal */
// more than one instances of view object from one shell folder object /* ;Internal */
// and treat them as separate instances. /* ;Internal */
// IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf(cidl, apidl, prgfInOut)
// This function returns the attributes of specified objects in that
// folder. "cidl" and "apidl" specifies objects. "apidl" contains only
// simple IDLists. The explorer initializes *prgfInOut with a set of
// flags to be evaluated. The shell folder may optimize the operation
// by not returning unspecified flags.
// IShellFolder::GetUIObjectOf(hwndOwner, cidl, apidl, riid, prgfInOut, ppvOut)
// This function creates a UI object to be used for specified objects.
// The shell explorer passes either IID_IDataObject (for transfer operation)
// or IID_IContextMenu (for context menu operation) as riid.
// IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf
// This function returns the display name of the specified object.
// If the ID contains the display name (in the locale character set),
// it returns the offset to the name. Otherwise, it returns a pointer
// to the display name string (UNICODE), which is allocated by the
// task allocator, or fills in a buffer.
// IShellFolder::SetNameOf
// This function sets the display name of the specified object.
// If it changes the ID as well, it returns the new ID which is
// alocated by the task allocator.
#define INTERFACE IShellFolder
// IShellFolder::GetDisplayNameOf/SetNameOf uFlags
typedef enum tagSHGDN
SHGDN_NORMAL = 0, // default (display purpose)
SHGDN_INFOLDER = 1, // displayed under a folder (relative)
SHGDN_FORPARSING = 0x8000, // for ParseDisplayName or path
// IShellFolder::EnumObjects
typedef enum tagSHCONTF
SHCONTF_FOLDERS = 32, // for shell browser
SHCONTF_NONFOLDERS = 64, // for default view
SHCONTF_INCLUDEHIDDEN = 128, // for hidden/system objects
SHCONTF_RECENTDOCSDIR = 256, // validate with recent docs mru ;Internal
SHCONTF_NETPRINTERSRCH = 512, // Hint to enum network that we are looking for printers ;Internal
// IShellFolder::GetAttributesOf flags
#define SFGAO_CANCOPY DROPEFFECT_COPY // Objects can be copied
#define SFGAO_CANMOVE DROPEFFECT_MOVE // Objects can be moved
#define SFGAO_CANLINK DROPEFFECT_LINK // Objects can be linked
#define SFGAO_CANRENAME 0x00000010L // Objects can be renamed
#define SFGAO_CANDELETE 0x00000020L // Objects can be deleted
#define SFGAO_HASPROPSHEET 0x00000040L // Objects have property sheets
#define SFGAO_DROPTARGET 0x00000100L // Objects are drop target
#define SFGAO_CAPABILITYMASK 0x00000177L
#define SFGAO_LINK 0x00010000L // Shortcut (link)
#define SFGAO_SHARE 0x00020000L // shared
#define SFGAO_READONLY 0x00040000L // read-only
#define SFGAO_GHOSTED 0x00080000L // ghosted icon
#define SFGAO_FILESYSANCESTOR 0x10000000L // It contains file system folder
#define SFGAO_FOLDER 0x20000000L // It's a folder.
#define SFGAO_FILESYSTEM 0x40000000L // is a file system thing (file/folder/root)
#define SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER 0x80000000L // Expandable in the map pane
#define SFGAO_CONTENTSMASK 0x80000000L
#define SFGAO_VALIDATE 0x01000000L // invalidate cached information
#define SFGAO_REMOVABLE 0x02000000L // is this removeable media?
DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IShellFolder, IUnknown)
// *** IUnknown methods ***
STDMETHOD(QueryInterface) (THIS_ REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
// *** IShellFolder methods ***
STDMETHOD(ParseDisplayName) (THIS_ HWND hwndOwner,
LPBC pbcReserved, LPOLESTR lpszDisplayName,
ULONG * pchEaten, LPITEMIDLIST * ppidl, ULONG *pdwAttributes) PURE;
STDMETHOD(EnumObjects) ( THIS_ HWND hwndOwner, DWORD grfFlags, LPENUMIDLIST * ppenumIDList) PURE;
STDMETHOD(BindToObject) (THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPBC pbcReserved,
REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvOut) PURE;
STDMETHOD(BindToStorage) (THIS_ LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPBC pbcReserved,
REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvObj) PURE;
STDMETHOD(CreateViewObject) (THIS_ HWND hwndOwner, REFIID riid, LPVOID * ppvOut) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetAttributesOf) (THIS_ UINT cidl, LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl,
ULONG * rgfInOut) PURE;
STDMETHOD(GetUIObjectOf) (THIS_ HWND hwndOwner, UINT cidl, LPCITEMIDLIST * apidl,
REFIID riid, UINT * prgfInOut, LPVOID * ppvOut) PURE;
LPCOLESTR lpszName, DWORD uFlags,
typedef IShellFolder * LPSHELLFOLDER;
// Helper function which returns a IShellFolder interface to the desktop
// folder. This is equivalent to call CoCreateInstance with CLSID_ShellDesktop.
// CoCreateInstance(CLSID_Desktop, NULL,
// CLSCTX_INPROC, IID_IShellFolder, &pshf);
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
// This is the interface for a browser to "subclass" the main File Cabinet /* ;Internal */
// window. Note that only the hwnd, message, wParam, and lParam fields of /* ;Internal */
// the msg structure are used. The browser window will get a WM_NOTIFY /* ;Internal */
// message with NULL ID, FCN_MESSAGE as the code, and a far pointer to /* ;Internal */
// FCMSG_NOTIFY as the lParam. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* ;Internal */
typedef struct tagFCMSG_NOTIFY /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
NMHDR hdr; /* ;Internal */
MSG msg; /* ;Internal */
LRESULT lResult; /* ;Internal */
} FCMSG_NOTIFY; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define FCN_MESSAGE (100) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------/* ;Internal */
// messages that can be send to the cabinet by other apps /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// REVIEW: Do we really need to publish any of those? /* ;Internal */ /* ;Internal */
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------/* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define NF_INHERITVIEW 0x0000 /* ;Internal */
#define NF_LOCALVIEW 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// Change the path of an existing folder. /* ;Internal */
// wParam: /* ;Internal */
// 0: LPARAM is a string, handle the message immediately. /* ;Internal */
// CSP_HANDLE: LPARAM is a handle. handle the message immediatelt /* ;Internal */
// and then free the handle. /* ;Internal */
// CSP_REPOST: LPARAM is a string, copy the string and handle the /* ;Internal */
// message later. /* ;Internal */
// CSP_REPOST|CSP_HANDLE: /* ;Internal */
// LPARAM is a handle, just handle the message later /* ;Internal */
// and free the handle then. /* ;Internal */
// lParam: LPSTR or HANDLE of path. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define CSP_REPOST 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define CSP_HANDLE 0x0002 /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_SETPATH (WM_USER + 2) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// lpsv points to the Shell View extension that requested idle processing /* ;Internal */
// uID is an app define identifier for the processor /* ;Internal */
// returns: TRUE if there is more idle processing necessary, FALSE if all done /* ;Internal */
// Note that the idle processor should do one "atomic" operation and return /* ;Internal */
// as soon as possible. /* ;Internal */
typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *FCIDLEPROC)(void *lpsv, UINT uID); /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// Inform the File Cabinet that you want idle messages. /* ;Internal */
// This should ONLY be used by File Cabinet extensions. /* ;Internal */
// wParam: app define UINT (passed to FCIDLEPROC). /* ;Internal */
// lParam: pointer to an FCIDLEPROC. /* ;Internal */
// return: TRUE if successful; FALSE otherwise /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_WANTIDLE (WM_USER + 3) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// get or set the FOLDERSETTINGS for a view /* ;Internal */
// wParam: BOOL TRUE -> set to view info buffer, FALSE -> get view info buffer/* ;Internal */
// lParam: LPFOLDERSETTINGS buffer to get or set view info /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_GETSETCURRENTINFO (WM_USER + 4) /* ;Internal */
#define FileCabinet_GetSetCurrentInfo(_hwnd, _bSet, _lpfs) /* ;Internal */ \
SendMessage(_hwnd, CWM_GETSETCURRENTINFO, (WPARAM)(_bSet), /* ;Internal */ \
(LPARAM)(LPFOLDERSETTINGS)_lpfs) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// selects the specified item in the current view /* ;Internal */
// wParam: SVSI_* flags /* ;Internal */
// lParam: LPCITEMIDLIST of the item ID, NULL -> all items /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_SELECTITEM (WM_USER + 5) /* ;Internal */
#define FileCabinet_SelectItem(_hwnd, _sel, _item) /* ;Internal */ \
SendMessage(_hwnd, CWM_SELECTITEM, _sel, (LPARAM)(LPCITEMIDLIST)(_item)) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// selects the specified path in the current view /* ;Internal */
// wParam: SVSI_* flags /* ;Internal */
// lParam: LPCSTR of the display name /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_SELECTPATH (WM_USER + 6) /* ;Internal */
#define FileCabinet_SelectPath(_hwnd, _sel, _path) /* ;Internal */ \
SendMessage(_hwnd, CWM_SELECTPATH, _sel, (LPARAM)(LPCSTR)(_path)) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// Get the IShellBrowser object associated with an hwndMain /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER (WM_USER + 7) /* ;Internal */
#define FileCabinet_GetIShellBrowser(_hwnd) /* ;Internal */ \
(IShellBrowser *)SendMessage(_hwnd, CWM_GETISHELLBROWSER, 0, 0L) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// Onetree notification. ;Internal /* ;Internal */
// since onetree is internal to cabinet, we can no longer use WM_NOTIFY ;Internal
// codes. ;Internal
// so we need to reserve a WM_ id nere. ;Internal
#define CWM_ONETREEFSE (WM_USER + 8) /* ;Internal */
// ;Internal
// two pidls can have the same path, so we need a compare pidl message ;Internal
#define CWM_COMPAREPIDL (WM_USER + 9) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// sent when the global state changes /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_GLOBALSTATECHANGE (WM_USER + 10) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// sent to the desktop from a second instance /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_COMMANDLINE (WM_USER + 11) /* ;Internal */
// global clone your current pidl /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_CLONEPIDL (WM_USER + 12) /* ;Internal */
// See if the root of the instance is as specified /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_COMPAREROOT (WM_USER + 13) /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
#define CWM_RESERVEDFORCOMDLG_FIRST (WM_USER + 100) /* ;Internal */
#define CWM_RESERVEDFORCOMDLG_LAST (WM_USER + 200) /* ;Internal */
// Clipboard format which may be supported by IDataObject from system
// defined shell folders (such as directories, network, ...).
#define CFSTR_SHELLIDLISTP "Shell IDLData Private" /* ;Internal */
#define CFSTR_SHELLIDLIST "Shell IDList Array" // CF_IDLIST
#define CFSTR_PRINTERGROUP "PrinterFriendlyName" // CF_PRINTERS
#define DVASPECT_SHORTNAME 2 // use for CF_HDROP to get short name version
// format of CF_NETRESOURCE
typedef struct _NRESARRAY { // anr
UINT cItems;
// format of CF_IDLIST
typedef struct _IDA {
UINT cidl; // number of relative IDList
UINT aoffset[1]; // [0]: folder IDList, [1]-[cidl]: item IDList
// FILEDESCRIPTOR.dwFlags field indicate which fields are to be used
typedef enum {
FD_CLSID = 0x0001,
FD_SIZEPOINT = 0x0002,
FD_FILESIZE = 0x0040,
typedef struct _FILEDESCRIPTOR { // fod
DWORD dwFlags;
CLSID clsid;
SIZEL sizel;
POINTL pointl;
DWORD dwFileAttributes;
FILETIME ftCreationTime;
FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
DWORD nFileSizeLow;
CHAR cFileName[ MAX_PATH ];
typedef struct _FILEGROUPDESCRIPTOR { // fgd
UINT cItems;
// format of CF_HDROP and CF_PRINTERS, in the HDROP case the data that follows
// is a double null terinated list of file names, for printers they are printer
// friendly names
typedef struct _DROPFILES {
DWORD pFiles; // offset of file list
POINT pt; // drop point (client coords)
BOOL fNC; // is it on NonClient area
// and pt is in screen coords
BOOL fWide; // WIDE character switch
// /* ;Internal */
// Win 3.1 style HDROP /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Notes: Our API works only if pFiles == sizeof(DROPFILES16) /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
typedef struct _DROPFILES16 { /* ;Internal */
WORD pFiles; // offset to double null list of files /* ;Internal */
POINTS pt; // drop point (client coords) /* ;Internal */
WORD fNC; // is it on non client area /* ;Internal */
// and pt is in screen coords /* ;Internal */
} DROPFILES16, * LPDROPFILES16; /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
//====== File System Notification APIs ===============================
//------ See shelldll\fsnotify.c for function descriptions. ---------- /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// Definition of the function type to be called by the notification /* ;Internal */
// service when a file the client has registered to monitor changes. /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
typedef struct _SHChangeNotifyEntry /* ;Internal */
{ /* ;Internal */
LPCITEMIDLIST pidl; /* ;Internal */
BOOL fRecursive; /* ;Internal */
} SHChangeNotifyEntry; /* ;Internal */
// File System Notification flags
#define SHCNRF_InterruptLevel 0x0001 /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNRF_ShellLevel 0x0002 /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNE_RENAME 0x00000001L // GOING AWAY /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNE_RENAMEITEM 0x00000001L
#define SHCNE_CREATE 0x00000002L
#define SHCNE_DELETE 0x00000004L
#define SHCNE_MKDIR 0x00000008L
#define SHCNE_RMDIR 0x00000010L
#define SHCNE_MEDIAINSERTED 0x00000020L
#define SHCNE_MEDIAREMOVED 0x00000040L
#define SHCNE_DRIVEREMOVED 0x00000080L
#define SHCNE_DRIVEADD 0x00000100L
#define SHCNE_NETSHARE 0x00000200L
#define SHCNE_NETUNSHARE 0x00000400L
#define SHCNE_ATTRIBUTES 0x00000800L
#define SHCNE_UPDATEDIR 0x00001000L
#define SHCNE_UPDATEITEM 0x00002000L
#define SHCNE_UPDATEIMAGE 0x00008000L
#define SHCNE_DRIVEADDGUI 0x00010000L
#define SHCNE_RENAMEFOLDER 0x00020000L
#define SHCNE_FREESPACE 0x00040000L
#define SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED 0x08000000L
#define SHCNE_DISKEVENTS 0x0002381FL
#define SHCNE_GLOBALEVENTS 0x0C0581E0L // Events that dont match pidls first
#define SHCNE_INTERRUPT 0x80000000L // The presence of this flag indicates
// that the event was generated by an
// interrupt. It is stripped out before
// the clients of SHCNNotify_ see it.
// Update types for the UpdateEntryList api /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNNU_SET 1 // Set the notify list to passed in list /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNNU_ADD 2 // Add the items to the current list /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNNU_REMOVE 3 // Remove the items from the current list /* ;Internal */
// Flags
// uFlags & SHCNF_TYPE is an ID which indicates what dwItem1 and dwItem2 mean
#define SHCNF_PATH 0x0001 // path name
#define SHCNF_PRINTER 0x0002 // printer friendly name
#define SHCNF_DWORD 0x0003 // DWORD
#define SHCNF_PRINTJOB 0x0004 // dwItem1: printer name /* ;Internal */
// dwItem2: SHCNF_PRINTJOB_DATA /* ;Internal */
#define SHCNF_TYPE 0x00FF
#define SHCNF_FLUSH 0x1000
#define SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT 0x2000
#define SHCNF_NONOTIFYINTERNALS 0x4000 // means don't do shell notify internals. see comments in code /* ;Internal */
typedef struct tagSHCNF_PRINTJOB_DATA { /* ;Internal */
DWORD JobId; /* ;Internal */
DWORD Status; /* ;Internal */
DWORD TotalPages; /* ;Internal */
DWORD Size; /* ;Internal */
DWORD PagesPrinted; /* ;Internal */
// APIs
WINSHELLAPI void WINAPI SHChangeNotify(LONG wEventId, UINT uFlags,
LPCVOID dwItem1, LPCVOID dwItem2);
// SHAddToRecentDocs
#define SHARD_PIDL 0x00000001L
#define SHARD_PATH 0x00000002L
/// THESE ARE INTERNAL .... /* ;Internal */
#define SHChangeNotifyHandleEvents() SHChangeNotify(0, SHCNF_FLUSH, NULL, NULL) /* ;Internal */
WINSHELLAPI ULONG WINAPI SHChangeNotifyRegister(HWND hwnd, int fSources, LONG fEvents, UINT wMsg, int cEntries, SHChangeNotifyEntry *pshcne); /* ;Internal */
#define SHChangeNotifyRegisterORD 2 /* ;Internal */
WINSHELLAPI BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotifyDeregister(unsigned long ulID); /* ;Internal */
#define SHChangeNotifyDeregisterORD 4 /* ;Internal */
WINSHELLAPI BOOL WINAPI SHChangeNotifyUpdateEntryList(unsigned long ulID, int iUpdateType, int cEntries, SHChangeNotifyEntry *pshcne); /* ;Internal */
WINSHELLAPI HRESULT WINAPI SHGetInstanceExplorer(IUnknown **ppunk);
/* BEGIN_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
// SHGetDataFromIDListA /* ;Internal */
// /* ;Internal */
#define SHGDFIL_FINDDATA 1 /* ;Internal */
#define SHGDFIL_NETRESOURCE 2 /* ;Internal */
/* ;Internal */
int nFormat, PVOID pv, int cb); /* ;Internal */
#define SHGetDataFromIDList SHGetDataFromIDListA /* ;Internal */
/* END_B_LIST_API */ /* ;Internal */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#pragma pack()
#endif /* !RC_INVOKED */
#endif // _SHLOBJ_H_