Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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@echo off
rem This file is a support script that copies files from the NT build tree
rem to the IPG release tree. This script is invoked by the CPIPG.CMD script
rem file that is produced by the -G switch to BUILD.EXE
rem Usage: call cpipgaux.cmd BuiltTreePath ObjSubDirPath ImageFileName {FilesToCopy...}
rem where:
rem BuildTreePath is the path to the directory that built the FilesToCopy
rem ObjSubDirPath is the subdirectory of BuildTreePath that contains the object files
rem ImageFileName is the name of the image file that contains resources.
rem FilesToCopy is a list of one or more files that need to be copied to the
rem IPG release tree. This list will include the .res file and all
rem supporting .rc, .dlg, and .mc files.
rem This command script uses the following environment variables to control its work:
rem _NTIPGTREE points to the root of the enlistment in \\INTLNT\NT USA project
if "%_NTIPGDRIVE%" == "" goto badenv1
if "%_NTIPGTREE%" == "" goto badenv2
if EXIST %3\slm.ini goto gotdir
md %3 >nul 2>nul
echo Making new component - %3
cd %3
set _srcdir=%1
echo Copying files for %3
if "%4" == "" goto gotfiles
copy %4 >nul 2>nul
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto nextfile
copy %_NTDRIVE%%4 >nul 2>nul
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto nextfile
copy %_srcdir%\%4 >nul 2>nul
if NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 goto nextfile
echo Unable to copy %4 from %_srcdir%
goto dofiles
goto done
echo _NTIPGDRIVE environment variable is not defined.
goto done
echo _NTIPGTREE environment variable is not defined.
goto done