Windows NT 4.0 source code leak
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* Module Name: ifi.txt
* Changes that went into ifi and ddi to optimize text
* Created: 19-Sep-1991 13:00:06
* Author: Bodin Dresevic [BodinD]
* Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
a) define the notion of integer font realization:
All char inc vectors for this particular font realization,
as well as all info in
the FD_DEVICEMETRICS structure is guaranteed to be integer. (fractional
parts of all points and distances are zero).
Clearly such fonts will be designed for writing horizontally
or vertcally ONLY. To distinguish such fonts
another field will be added to FD_DEVICEMETRICS ,
FLONG flRealizedType;
and the FDM_TYPE_INTEGER bit will be set in flRealizedType field if
this particular realization of the font is an integer realization.
Let me clarify this by an example:
Suppose a tt font, which is designed as a 12 pt font in its notional space,
is scaled to 24 pt. If all per glyph metrics info was integer for the
original font at 12 pt, clearly it will stay integer for the rasterized
images at 24 pt. (Everything will just get multiplied by two). For this
realization the FDM_TYPE_INTEGER flag should be set.
However if we scale THE SAME to 15pt (the scaling factor is 5/4),
a glyph that originally had char inc vector of length 5, will
after realization have fractional length of 5 * (5/4) = 6.25, and the
FDM_TYPE_INTEGER flag should NOT be set for this realization
We may add more accelerator flags to flRealizedType field later on,
if we find it convenient.
// FDM_TYPE_INTEGER // all char inc vectors are integer for this font realization
// FDM_TYPE_ZERO_BEARINGS // all glyphs have zero a and c spaces
// the following two features refer to all glyphs in this font realization
// FDM_TYPE_CHAR_INC_EQUAL_BM_BASE // base width == cx for horiz, == cy for vert.
// FDM_TYPE_MAXEXT_EQUAL_BM_SIDE // side width == cy for horiz, == cx for vert.
b) wcFirst and wcLast reintroduced to IFIMETRICS. Font may of may
not contain all unicode code points between first and last.
If the font does
not contain all the wchars betwenn first and last, the font
will have FM_TYPE_DISCONNECTED bit set in the IFIMETRICS
c) 32.32 changes yet to be explained
d) to improve unicode -> handle mapping in the ifi font drivers
and the device drivers as well should exercise the following behavior:
a) IFI interface:
The new form of the FdQueryMappings will be as follows:
FdQueryMappings (
IN HFF hff,
IN ULONG ulFont,
IN ULONG ulMode,
The only mode for this function will be FD_QUERY_GLYPHSET,
to replace the old FD_QUERY_MAPPINGS mode.
The function will return a pointer to a FD_GLYPHSET structure,
defined below, that the font driver has allocated and WILL NOT MOVE.
The result will be returned in *ppv. If succesfull the function
returns the size of the FD_GLYPHSET structure, otherwise returns
FD_ERROR = -1;
The FD_QUERY_LIG_MAP mode will be deleted at least in this
release of the interface.
b) DDI interface changes
DrvQueryFontTree will change as follows
PVOID DrvQueryFontTree(
IN DHPDEV dhpdev,
IN ULONG iMode);
Modes will be changed as follows
QFT_UNICODE --> to be replaced by QFT_GLYPHSET
QFT_LIGATURES --> to be deleted in this release
QFT_KERNPAIRS --> stays as kirko noted
The function will return a pointer to a FD_GLYPHSET structure,
defined below, that the device driver has allocated and WILL NOT MOVE.
The definition of the FD_GLYPHSET structure:
typedef struct _WCRUN {
WCHAR wcLow; // lowest character in run
WCHAR wcHigh; // highest character in run
HGLYPH *phg; // pointer to an array of (wcHigh-wcLow+1) HGLYPH's
The following accelerator here is used to save both memory and time:
If phg is set to (HGLYPH *)NULL, for all wc's in this particular run
the handle can be computed as simple zero extension:
HGLYPH hg = (HGLYPH) wc;
If phg is not NULL, memory pointed to by phg, allocated by the driver,
typedef struct _FD_GLYPHSET {
SIZE_T cjThis; // size of this structure in butes
FLONG flAccel; // accel flags, bits to be explained below
ULONG cGlyphsSupported; // sum over all wcrun's of (wcHigh - wcLow + 1)
ULONG cRuns;
WCRUN awcrun[1]; // an array of cRun WCRUN structures
// flAccel - accelerator flags for the engine to ease the
// the task of binary searching through the ordered list of wcrun's:
// to be explained below
The array of WCRUN structures must be ordered in order to support binary
searches. That is, the following expressions must all be true:
1. All the runs are valid
for (0 <= i && i < pgs->cRuns)
pgs->wcrun[i].wcLow < pgs->wcrun[i].wcHigh
2. The runs are well ordered
for (0 <= i && i < pgs->cRuns-1)
pgs->wcrun[i].wcHigh < pgs->wcrun[i+1].wcLow
The flAccel bits are defined as follows
(only one for now, may add more in the future or drop them alltogether.)
If this bit is set, for ALL WCRUNS in this FD_GLYPHSET the
handles are
obtained by zero extending unicode code points of
the corresponding supported glyphs, i.e. (hg = (HGLYPH) wc)
In this architecture the font driver is trusted to provide tables
that are well defined and will never change. The drivers are encouraged
to share GLYPHSET structures and phg arrays between its own fonts
whenever possible. The engine will "read only" this memory.
It is assumed that for this release of the product,
there is a unique glyph for each supported character. This means
that we cannot support Ligatures or glyph variants that are
not defined in the Unicode standard. (Of course, if an application
comes with its own built in font with ligatures, it will be able
to take advantage of it).
In order to optimize speed vs. memory requirement and to reduce the
number of runs in the glyphset, the font driver
may lie to the engine that it supports some unicode code points,
which strictly speaking are not supported in a font.
(Example 80h-9fh in most of win3.0 bm fonts, which strictly speaking
are not supported unicode code points, they are just rectangles)
It is than the
responsibility of the driver to substitute the default character
itself for those glyhps that are really not supported.
The engine will do
the substitution by the default character for those glyphs
that the driver admitted that it
does not support.
e) font driver should return the following information (which is needed
by the DDI call FONTOBJ_vGetInfo):
cGlyphsSupported Number of glyphs in the font
cjMaxGlyph1 Size of largest glyph (GLYPHDATA) in 1 bit/pel
cjMaxGlyph4 Size of largest glyph (GLYPHDATA) in 4 bit/pel
cjMaxGlyph8 Size of largest glyph (GLYPHDATA) in 8 bit/pel
cjMaxGlyph16 Size of largest glyph (GLYPHDATA) in 16 bit/pel
cjMaxGlyph32 Size of largest glyph (GLYPHDATA) in 32 bit/pel
flCaps Capabilities flags--any combination of:
FO_DEVICE_FONT <-- this is known
FO_OUTLINE_CAPABLE <-- we need this!!!
cGlyphsSupported can be made part of the IFIMETRICS.
The cjMaxGlyphXX need to be queried on a per-HFC basis. Driver should
return cjMaxGlyphXX = 0 if resolution XX bits/pel is not supported for
that font.
!!! currently, there is no way to request a pel-resolution when opening
a Font Context. I believe that different pel-resolutions of the
same font at the same xfrom are different realizations of the font.
Perhaps the FD_XXBIT flags can be added to the fl field of the
CONTEXTINFO structure?
We need to know on a per-font basis whether outlines are supported
by the driver FOR THAT FONT. There is a usType field in IFIMETRICS
that can take the value FM_DEFN_OUTLINE, FM_DEFN_BITMAP, or
FM_DEFN_STROKE. If redefined as follow, we should be OK:
FM_DEFN_BITMAP only bitmaps supported
FM_DEFN_OUTLINE outlines in addition to bitmaps are supported
Or better yet, maybe usType should become flType and can take any
combination of:
(Thus allowing for fonts that support one, the other, or both!).
f) A field equivalent to the Window's logfont.lfCharSet is needed...
possibly in the IFIMETRICS. It should return:
Update: this is now part of the proposed streamlined IFIMETRICS
structure (usCharSet field). [GilmanW] 09-Mar-1992
g) This is really a change in ddi, not ifi but it came as an integral part
of the changes made to improve text perf.
STROBJ_bEnum has changed
IN STROBJ * pso,
OUT ULONG * pcgpos, // number of valid GLYPHPOS strucs in the engine's buffer
OUT PGLYPHPOS *ppgpos, // place to store the pointer to the engine's buffer
This way we avoid unnecessary copy of the data over ddi, from the engine's
buffer to the drivers buffer. Also saves some resources.
Note that if the driver wants handles (rather than pointers) and positions,
(SO_GLYPHHANDLES enum mode) there really is no need to enumerate,
all the glyph in the string will arrive in the first enumeration batch.
This saves some complexity in the driver.
GLYPHPOS data structure will have to be changed as follows:
typedef struct _GLYPHPOS
If a device driver asks for handles (and positions) the pointer fields
will not contain valid data and the driver is encouraged to use
these fields a scratch pad, e.g. to store pointers to its
internal cache, if it has one.
We should get rid of GLYPHBITS structure and keep just GLYPHDATA
structures. This is little bit dirty, but it is stupid and inefficient to have to
rewrite valid pointers to glyphdata's in the engine cache by
the same pointers that are just offseted by offsetof(GLYPHDATA, aulBMData[0])
In GLYPHDATA structure the two points (TLI and BRE) should be replaced
by rclInkedBox, this is consistent with the rest of our interfaces.
h) STROBJ accelerators
// flAccel flags for STROBJ
// SO_FLAG_DEFAULT_PLACEMENT // defult inc vectors used to position chars
// SO_HORIZONTAL // "left to right" or "right to left"
// SO_VERTICAL // "top to bottom" or "bottom to top"
// SO_REVERSED // set if horiz & "right to left"
// or if vert & "bottom to top"
// SO_ZERO_BEARINGS // all glyphs in the string have
// zero a and c spaces in
// the direction of writing
// SO_CHAR_INC_EQUAL_BM_BASE // base == cx for horiz, == cy for vert.
// this has to be true for all chars
// in the string. the font does
// not have to be fixed pich
// SO_MAXEXT_EQUAL_BM_SIDE // side == cy for horiz, == cx for vert.
// // this has to be true of all chars
// in the string,
// max ext = asc + desc in device coord
typedef struct _STROBJ
ULONG cGlyphs; // # of glyphs to render
FLONG flAccel;
ULONG ulCharInc; // zero if fixed pitch font, else equal to increment
RECTL rclBkGround; // bk ground rect of the string in device coords
// ulCharInc should be used only if it is non zero, in which case
// represents the INTEGER length of the char inc vector of all
// glyphs in the font. Notice that this parameter will be set to
// zero even if the font is fixed pitch font with fixed FRACTIONAL
// character increment (the engine will then do the additions and
// rounding to integer device locations and store them into the
// array of glyphpos structures.
The way the accelerator flags could be used in the driver
is as follows:
#define SO_MASK \
( \
the code could be something as follows:
if (
(pstro->flAccel == SO_HORIZ_MASK) &&
(bEqual(&pstro->rclBkGround, prclOpaque) // passed to DrvTextOut
do not have to pre blt the bk rectangle, can just tile
bitmaps from left to right
if (
(pstro->flAccel == SO_HORIZ_REVERSED_MASK) &&
(bEqual(&pstro->rclBkGround, prclOpaque) // passed to DrvTextOut
do not have to pre blt the bk rectangle, can just tile
bitmaps from right to left
if (
(pstro->flAccel == SO_VERT_REVERSED_MASK) &&
(bEqual(&pstro->rclBkGround, prclOpaque) // passed to DrvTextOut
do not have to pre blt the bk rectangle, can just tile
bitmaps from TOP to bottom
So far, the engine had to provide all positions of all glyphs in the
array of GLYPHPOS strctures. This is clearly redundant in the case when
SO_HORIZONTAL or SO_VERTICAL flags are set. Clearly, in the SO_HORIZONTAL
case, y coordiantes of all the glyphs are going to be the same, only
x coordinate will vary from glyph to glyph. Therefore, it is enough
to supply the correct y coordiante of the first glyph in the string,
the rest of y coordiantes will be the same. The engine should not waste
time writing the same y coordinate in cGlyph places, nor the device
driver should waste time reading it from cGlyph places.
Similar statements can be made about SO_VERTICAL case, except that
in this case only y coords will alter, and the correct x coordinate
will be provided only for the first glyph.
Moreover, if SO_HORIZONTAL flag is set, and we are dealing
with fixed pitch font (font for which all the glyphs have the same char
increment vector), it is not necessary to even write the x positions
to the array of glyphpos structures, if the the x postion of the first
char in the string is provided, it will be easy for the driver to
compute the rest of positions as
x[n + 1] = x[n] + so.ulCharInc;
(in SO_VERTICAL case the driver should do y[n + 1] = y[n] + so.ulCharInc;)
i) In BMFD, the PANOSE number values are hacked. A reasonable attempt
was made to synthesize these numbers, but the FONTMETRICs available
in Win 3.0 font files are insufficient to derive these numbers on the
fly. By rights, these numbers should be assigned by the font designer
and placed in the file.
However, since they are NOT available in the Win 3.0 file format and
we are contrained from modifying this format, I propose the following:
1) A flag be added to IFIMETRICS that indicates the validity of the
PANOSE number; i.e., whether the mapper should bother to look at
the PANOSE number or not.
2) The mapper penalizes a font if the PANOSE number is not usable.
This is not only applicable to BMFD, but also to any other font technology
which does not currently provide PANOSE numbers but for which compatibilty
with NT is desired.
j) new call added to ifi interface. Only tt driver should ever return
success from this call. All other drivers should support this call but
only as a stub
{ return FD_ERROR; }
This function is added to ifi interface to support GetFontData true
type api. this is excert from ttfd\fd_query.c:
* FdQueryTrueTypeTable
* copies cjBytes starting at dpStart from the beginning of the table
* into the buffer
* if pjBuf == NULL and the caller is asking how big a buffer
* is needed to store the info from the offset dpStart to the table
* specified by ulTag to the end of the table
* if pjBuf != 0 the caller wants no more than cjBuf bytes from
* the offset dpStart into the table copied into the
* buffer.
* if table is not present or if dpScart >= cjTable 0 is returned
* tag 0 means that the data has to be retrieved from the offset dpStart
* from the beginning of the file. The lenght of the whole file
* is returned if pBuf == nULL
* History:
* 09-Feb-1992 -by- Bodin Dresevic [BodinD]
* Wrote it.
IN HFF hff,
IN ULONG ulFont, // always 1 for version 1.0 of tt
IN ULONG ulTag, // tag identifying the tt table
IN PTRDIFF dpStart, // offset into the table
IN ULONG cjBuf, // size of the buffer to retrieve the table into
OUT PBYTE pjBuf // ptr to buffer into which to return the data
k) [GilmanW] 09-Mar-1992
I have a requirement to return to the control panel a string describing
the font file. This string is typically in the non-resident names table
in the (DOS) EXE header. If that is not available, the facename is an
acceptable substitute.
I believe this needs to be part of the IFI functionality since it
should not be the responsibility of the engine to determine the contents
of a font file. Whenever possible, the engine should avoid poking around
in the internal formats of the font driver (Win 3.1's exposure of
TrueType not withstanding).
Currently, there is not entry point that can return information on a
per font file (i.e., per HFF) basis. Therefore, I propose the following:
FdQueryFontFile (
HFF hff, // strings from this font file
ULONG ulMode, // indentifies type of string
ULONG cjBuf, // number of BYTEs to copy to buffer
PULONG pulBuf // pointer to buffer
Routine description:
A function to query per font file information. In other words,
information associated with a font file that is independent of
the faces (ulFont) and font contexts (HFC).
hff Handle to a font file.
ulMode This is a 32-bit number that must be one of the following
Allowed ulMode values:
FD_QUERY_DESCRIPTION--returns a UNICODE string that describes
the contents of the font file.
cjBuf Maximum number of BYTEs to copy into the buffer. The
driver will not copy more than this many BYTEs.
This should be zero if pulBuf is NULL.
pulBuf Pointer to the buffer to receive the data
If this is NULL, then the required buffer size
is returned as a count of BYTEs. Notice that this
is a PULONG, to enforce 32-bit data alignment.
Return value:
Number of BYTEs copied into the buffer. If pulBuf is NULL,
then the required buffer size (as a count of BYTEs) is returned.
FD_ERROR is returned if an error occurs.
l) FdQueryGlyphBitmaps
In the description of the parameters, it is stated that if hglyph is
zero (and some other conditions are met), then the function will return
the minimum buffer size needed to get any glyph. This should be changed
to hglyph is HGLYPH_INVALID. (HGLYPH_INVALID is no longer 0).