/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * * Microsoft Windows * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998. * * File: stgio.inl * * Contents: Inlines file structured storage I/O utilities * * History: 25-Jun-98 jeffro Created * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#ifndef STGIO_INL #define STGIO_INL #pragma once
#include <functional> #include <algorithm>
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * stream_insert * * Functor to insert an object in an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class T> struct stream_insert : public std::binary_function<IStream*, T, IStream&> { IStream& operator() (IStream* pstm, const T& t) const { return (*pstm << t); } };
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * stream_extract * * Functor to extract an object from an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class T> struct stream_extract : public std::binary_function<IStream*, T, IStream&> { IStream& operator() (IStream* pstm, T& t) const { return (*pstm >> t); } };
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * insert_each * * Inserts each item in a collection in an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class Collection> void insert_each (IStream* pstm, const Collection& c) { std::for_each (c.begin(), c.end(), std::bind1st (stream_insert<Collection::value_type>(), pstm)); }
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * insert_collection * * Inserts an entire collection into an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class Collection> void insert_collection (IStream* pstm, const Collection& c) { /* * write the size */ *pstm << (DWORD) c.size();
/* * write the elements */ insert_each (pstm, c); }
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * extract_collection * * Extracts an entire collection (written by insert_collection) from an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class Collection> void extract_collection (IStream* pstm, Collection& c) { /* * clear out the current container */ c.clear(); ASSERT (c.empty());
/* * read the number of items */ DWORD cItems; *pstm >> cItems;
/* * read each item */ while (cItems-- > 0) { /* * read the item */ Collection::value_type t; *pstm >> t;
/* * put it in the container */ c.push_back (t); } }
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * extract_vector * * Extracts an entire vector (written by insert_collection) from an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class T> void extract_vector (IStream* pstm, std::vector<T>& v) { /* * clear out the current container */ v.clear();
/* * read the number of items */ DWORD cItems; *pstm >> cItems;
/* * pre-allocate the appropriate number of items (specialization for vector) */ v.reserve (cItems); ASSERT (v.empty()); ASSERT (v.capacity() >= cItems);
/* * read each item */ while (cItems-- > 0) { /* * read the item */ T t; *pstm >> t;
/* * put it in the container */ v.push_back (t); } }
// specialized scalar vector prototypes (stgio.cpp) #define DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions(scalar_type) \ void extract_vector (IStream* pstm, std::vector<scalar_type>& v); \ void insert_collection (IStream* pstm, const std::vector<scalar_type>& v); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (bool); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions ( char); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (unsigned char); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions ( short); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (unsigned short); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions ( int); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (unsigned int); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions ( long); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (unsigned long); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions ( __int64); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (unsigned __int64); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (float); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (double); DeclareScalarVectorStreamFunctions (long double);
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * extract_set_or_map * * Extracts an entire set or map (written by insert_collection) from an IStream. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
template<class Collection> void extract_set_or_map (IStream* pstm, Collection& c) { /* * clear out the current container */ c.clear(); ASSERT (c.empty());
/* * read the number of items */ DWORD cItems; *pstm >> cItems;
/* * read each item */ while (cItems-- > 0) { /* * read the item */ Collection::value_type t; *pstm >> t;
/* * put it in the container */ c.insert (t); } }
/*+-------------------------------------------------------------------------* * operator<<, operator>> * * Stream insertion and extraction operators for various types *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
// std::pair<> template<class T1, class T2> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::pair<T1, T2>& p) { return (stm >> p.first >> p.second); }
template<class T1, class T2> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::pair<T1, T2>& p) { return (stm << p.first << p.second); }
// std::list<> template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::list<T, Al>& l) { extract_collection (&stm, l); return (stm); }
template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::list<T, Al>& l) { insert_collection (&stm, l); return (stm); }
// std::deque<> template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::deque<T, Al>& l) { extract_collection (&stm, l); return (stm); }
template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::deque<T, Al>& l) { insert_collection (&stm, l); return (stm); }
// std::vector<> template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::vector<T, Al>& v) { extract_vector (&stm, v); return (stm); }
template<class T, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::vector<T, Al>& v) { insert_collection (&stm, v); return (stm); }
// std::set<> template<class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::set<T, Pr, Al>& s) { extract_set_or_map (&stm, s); return (stm); }
template<class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::set<T, Pr, Al>& s) { insert_collection (&stm, s); return (stm); }
// std::multiset<> template<class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::multiset<T, Pr, Al>& s) { extract_set_or_map (&stm, s); return (stm); }
template<class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::multiset<T, Pr, Al>& s) { insert_collection (&stm, s); return (stm); }
// std::map<> template<class K, class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::map<K, T, Pr, Al>& m) { extract_set_or_map (&stm, m); return (stm); }
template<class K, class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::map<K, T, Pr, Al>& m) { insert_collection (&stm, m); return (stm); }
// std::multimap<> template<class K, class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator>> (IStream& stm, std::multimap<K, T, Pr, Al>& m) { extract_set_or_map (&stm, m); return (stm); }
template<class K, class T, class Pr, class Al> IStream& operator<< (IStream& stm, const std::multimap<K, T, Pr, Al>& m) { insert_collection (&stm, m); return (stm); }
#endif /* STGIO_INL */