#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winuser.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include "RegistryHelper.h"
#include "BkupRstr.hpp"
#include "folders.h"
#include <memory>
using namespace nsFolders; using namespace std;
// Function: CopyRegistryKey
// Synopsis: Copies a source registry key and all its subkeys to a target registry key.
// Note: the target registry key has to exist already. No roll back.
// Arguments:
// sourceKey the handle for source registry key
// targetKey the handle for target registry key
// fSetSD whether to set the security descriptor
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful; otherwise an error code
// Modifies: Modifies the target registry key.
DWORD CopyRegistryKey(HKEY sourceKey, HKEY targetKey, BOOL fSetSD) { WCHAR className[MAX_PATH] = L""; // buffer for class name
DWORD classNameLen = sizeof(className)/sizeof(className[0]); // length of class string
DWORD numOfSubKeys; // number of subkeys
DWORD maxSubKeySize; // longest subkey size
DWORD maxClassSize; // longest class string
DWORD numOfValues; // number of values for key
DWORD maxValueSize; // longest value name
DWORD maxValueDataSize; // longest value data
DWORD securityDescriptorSize; // size of security descriptor
FILETIME lastWriteTime; DWORD i, j; DWORD retValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; // Get the class name and the value count.
retValue = RegQueryInfoKey(sourceKey, // key handle
className, // buffer for class name
&classNameLen, // length of class string
NULL, // reserved
&numOfSubKeys, // number of subkeys
&maxSubKeySize, // longest subkey size
&maxClassSize, // longest class string
&numOfValues, // number of values for this key
&maxValueSize, // longest value name
&maxValueDataSize, // longest value data
&securityDescriptorSize, // security descriptor
&lastWriteTime); // last write time
// fix up the security attributes for the target key
retValue = RegGetKeySecurity(sourceKey, secInfo, pSD, &securityDescriptorSize); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) retValue = RegSetKeySecurity(targetKey, secInfo, pSD); delete[] pSD; } else retValue = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// subkeys and values related variables
auto_ptr<WCHAR> subKeyName; DWORD subKeyNameSize; auto_ptr<WCHAR> subKeyClassName; DWORD subKeyClassNameSize; auto_ptr<WCHAR> valueName; DWORD valueNameSize; DWORD valueType; auto_ptr<BYTE> valueData; DWORD valueDataSize;
// copy registry values
if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && numOfValues > 0) { valueName = auto_ptr<WCHAR>(new WCHAR[maxValueSize + 1]); valueData = auto_ptr<BYTE>(new BYTE[maxValueDataSize]);
if (valueName.get() != NULL && valueData.get() != NULL) { // copy all values from source key to target key
for (i = 0; i < numOfValues; i++) { valueNameSize = maxValueSize + 1; valueDataSize = maxValueDataSize; retValue = RegEnumValue(sourceKey, i, valueName.get(), &valueNameSize, NULL, &valueType, valueData.get(), &valueDataSize); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) retValue = RegSetValueEx(targetKey, valueName.get(), NULL, valueType, valueData.get(), valueDataSize); if (retValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } } else retValue = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// copy registry subkeys
if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS && numOfSubKeys > 0) { subKeyName = auto_ptr<WCHAR>(new WCHAR[maxSubKeySize + 1]); subKeyClassName = auto_ptr<WCHAR>(new WCHAR[maxClassSize + 1]);
if (subKeyName.get() != NULL && subKeyClassName.get() != NULL) { // process all subkeys
for (i = 0; i < numOfSubKeys; i++) { subKeyNameSize = maxSubKeySize + 1; subKeyClassNameSize = maxClassSize + 1;
HKEY sourceSubKey; retValue = RegEnumKeyEx(sourceKey, i, subKeyName.get(), &subKeyNameSize, NULL, subKeyClassName.get(), &subKeyClassNameSize, &lastWriteTime); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) retValue = RegOpenKeyEx(sourceKey, subKeyName.get(), NULL, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|READ_CONTROL|ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, &sourceSubKey); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { BOOL created = FALSE; HKEY newSubKey; retValue = RegOpenKeyEx(targetKey, subKeyName.get(), 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|READ_CONTROL |ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, &newSubKey); if (retValue == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { created = TRUE; retValue = RegCreateKeyEx(targetKey, subKeyName.get(), NULL, subKeyClassName.get(), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, NULL, &newSubKey, NULL); } if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { retValue = CopyRegistryKey(sourceSubKey, newSubKey, created); RegCloseKey(newSubKey); } RegCloseKey(sourceSubKey); }
if (retValue != ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } } else retValue = E_FAIL; }
return retValue; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: DeleteRegistryKey
// Synopsis: Deletes a registry key and all its subkeys.
// Arguments:
// hKey the handle for the registry key to be deleted
// lpSubKey the name string for the key to be deleted
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful; otherwise an error code
// Modifies: Modifies the subkey.
DWORD DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY hKey, LPCTSTR lpSubKey) { DWORD retValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; _TCHAR subKeyName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD subKeyNameSize = MAX_PATH; // open the key
HKEY hKeyToDelete; BOOL bKeyOpened = FALSE; retValue = RegOpenKeyEx(hKey, lpSubKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hKeyToDelete);
// delete subkeys
if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { bKeyOpened = TRUE;
do { retValue = RegEnumKey(hKeyToDelete, 0, subKeyName, subKeyNameSize); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { retValue = DeleteRegistryKey(hKeyToDelete, subKeyName); } else if (retValue == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { retValue = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } } while (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// close key
if (bKeyOpened == TRUE) RegCloseKey(hKeyToDelete); if (retValue == ERROR_SUCCESS) { retValue = RegDeleteKey(hKey, lpSubKey); }
return retValue; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: MoveRegistryFromSourceToTarget
// Synopsis: Moves registry key from a source to a taget
// Arguments:
// hSrcParent: the handle to source parent registry key
// sSrcKey: the name of source registry key
// hTgtParent: the handle to target parent registry key
// sTgtKey: the name of target registry key
// bTgtKeyCreated: indicate whether the target key is created or not
// bTgtKeyUpdated: indicate whether the target key is updated or not
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful; otherwise, returns an error code
// Modifies: Create and/or modify the target registry key
DWORD MoveRegFromSourceToTarget(HKEY hSrcParent, const _TCHAR* sSrcKey, HKEY hTgtParent, const _TCHAR* sTgtKey, BOOL* bTgtKeyCreated) { HKEY hSrcKey, hTgtKey; DWORD lret; *bTgtKeyCreated = FALSE; //open the source Registry key, if it exists
lret = RegOpenKeyEx(hSrcParent, sSrcKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|READ_CONTROL|ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, &hSrcKey); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// copy over the registry from source key to target key
// open the target key
lret = RegOpenKeyEx(hTgtParent, sTgtKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|READ_CONTROL |ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, &hTgtKey);
// if cannot open it, create it
if (lret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { lret = RegCreateKeyEx(hTgtParent, sTgtKey, NULL, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS|ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY, NULL, &hTgtKey, NULL); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) *bTgtKeyCreated = TRUE; }
// time to copy registry
if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lret = CopyRegistryKey(hSrcKey, hTgtKey, *bTgtKeyCreated); RegCloseKey(hTgtKey); } RegCloseKey(hSrcKey); // we need to close Mission Critical Software registry key anyway
} else if (lret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // if the source key is not found, assume it is a success
return lret; }
// Function: MoveRegistry
// Synopsis: Moves registry key from Mission Critical Software\DomainAdmin to Microsoft\ADMT.
// Arguments:
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful; otherwise retuns an error code
// Modifies: Deletes the old Mission Critical Software key and creates new Microsoft\ADMT key.
DWORD MoveRegistry() { DWORD lret = ERROR_SUCCESS; // some key names
HKEY hMcsADMTKey; // Mission Critical Software ADMT registry key
HKEY hMSADMTKey; // Microsoft ADMT registry key
HKEY hMcsHKCUKey; // Mission Critical Software HKCU registry key
HKEY hMSHKCUKey; // Microsoft HKCU registry key
// check whether we need to move the registry key from Mission Critical Software to Microsoft\ADMT or not
// this information is recorded in a REG_DWORD value in Microsoft\ADMT key
lret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMSADMTKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hMSADMTKey); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD type; DWORD value; DWORD valueSize = sizeof(value); lret = RegQueryValueEx(hMSADMTKey, REGVAL_REGISTRYUPDATED, NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&value, &valueSize); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_DWORD && value == 1) { // if RegistryUpdated is REG_DWORD and 1, we don't need to move registry key
RegCloseKey(hMSADMTKey); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } else if (lret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) lret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
RegCloseKey(hMSADMTKey); } else if (lret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // if the key does not exist, we should go ahead and move the registry
lret = ERROR_SUCCESS; } // check whether MCS ADMT is available or not
if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMcsADMTKey, 0, KEY_READ, &hMcsADMTKey); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if RegistryUpdated is REG_DWORD and 1, we don't need to move registry key
RegCloseKey(hMcsADMTKey); } else if (lret == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) return ERROR_SUCCESS; } // get backup/restore and system security privileges
BOOL fBkupRstrPrivOn = FALSE, fSystemSecurityPrivOn = FALSE; if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fBkupRstrPrivOn = GetBkupRstrPriv(NULL, TRUE); if (fBkupRstrPrivOn == FALSE) lret = GetLastError(); }
if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { fSystemSecurityPrivOn = GetPrivilege(NULL, SE_SECURITY_NAME, TRUE); if (fSystemSecurityPrivOn == FALSE) lret = GetLastError(); }
// these two flags are used to keep track of whether two registry keys are created/updated or not
BOOL fMSADMTKeyCreated = FALSE; BOOL fMSHKCUKeyCreated = FALSE; if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lret = MoveRegFromSourceToTarget(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMcsADMTKey, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMSADMTKey, &fMSADMTKeyCreated); }
if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { lret = MoveRegFromSourceToTarget(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sMcsHKCUKey, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sMSHKCUKey, &fMSHKCUKeyCreated); }
// delete keys that we do not need
if (lret != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (fMSADMTKeyCreated) DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMSADMTKey); if (fMSHKCUKeyCreated) DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sMSHKCUKey); } // we have successfully created and copied two registry keys, we delete the old Mission Critical Software keys
// and mark RegistryUpdated registry value
else { // set RegistryUpdated registry value to 1
lret = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMSADMTKey, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hMSADMTKey); if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD type = REG_DWORD; DWORD value = 1; lret = RegSetValueEx(hMSADMTKey, REGVAL_REGISTRYUPDATED, NULL, type, (BYTE*)&value, sizeof(value)); RegCloseKey(hMSADMTKey); } // if we successfully set RegistryUpdated to 1, delete both old keys
if (lret == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sMcsADMTKey); DeleteRegistryKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, sMcsHKCUKey); } }
// release privileges
if (fBkupRstrPrivOn) GetBkupRstrPriv(NULL, FALSE); if (fSystemSecurityPrivOn) GetPrivilege(NULL, SE_SECURITY_NAME, FALSE);
return lret; }