;// security messages
;// First 5 message ids are reserved as "Categories"
;// If more categories are added, be sure to update Install
;// for the CategoryCount entry in the registry.
;// These entries must be 'Severity=Success' and 'Facility=System'
;// in order to avoid any non-zero bits in the generated message
;// numbers, i.e. the generated messages numbers *must* start at 1.
;#define CAT_AGENT 1 MessageId=1 Language=English ADMT Agent .
;#define CAT_PES 2 MessageId=2 Language=English ADMT PES .
;#define EACAT_SPARE3 3 MessageId=3 Language=English Debug .
;#define EACAT_SPARE4 4 MessageId=4 Language=English Spare4 .
;#define EACAT_SPARE5 5 MessageId=5 Language=English Spare5 .
MessageId=7000 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_BIND_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to bind to the Domain Migration Agent on %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7001 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_JOB_STARTED_SSS Language=English Started job: %1 %2 %3 .
MessageId=7002 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_JOB_START_FAILED_SSD Language=English %1, Failed to start job %2: (rc=%3!ld!) .
MessageId=7003 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DISPATCHER_DONE Language=English All agents are installed. The dispatcher is finished. .
MessageId=7004 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_INSTALLED_S Language=English The agent is installed on %1 .
MessageId=7005 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_LAUNCH_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to launch agent on %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7006 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_INSTALL_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to install agent on %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7007 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATED_RESULT_SHARE_SS Language=English The dispatcher created a share for the result directory %1 as: %2 .
MessageId=7008 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESULT_SHARE_CREATION_FAILED Language=English The dispatcher failed to create a share for the results directory. This is needed for agents to report their results. .
MessageId=7009 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CACHE_CONSTRUCTION_FAILED Language=English The dispatcher failed to build an accounts file to be used for security translation. The operation cannot continue. .
MessageId=7010 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_SID_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English The Active Directory Migration Tool cannot look up the SID for domain %1. .
MessageId=7011 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DISPATCH_SERVER_COUNT_D Language=English Installing agent on %1!ld! servers .
MessageId=7012 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DISPATCHING_TO_SERVER_S Language=English The Active Directory Migration Tool Agent will be installed on %1 .
MessageId=7013 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_LOCAL_MACHINE_NAME_D Language=English Cannot get the local machine name, rc=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7014 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_SERVICE_NOT_STARTED_SS Language=English The Active Directory Migration Tool Agent Service on %1 did not start. See the application log on %2 for details. .
MessageId=7015 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SCM_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to connect to the service control manager on %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7016 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_SERVICE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to open configuration for service %1\%2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7017 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_SERVICE_FAILED_SSSSD Language=English Failed to create the service: CreateService('%1','%2','%3','%4') rc=%5!ld! .
MessageId=7018 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGE_SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILED_SSSSD Language=English Failed to configure the service. ChangeServiceConfig('%1','%2','%3','%4') rc=%5!ld! .
MessageId=7019 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_START_SERVICE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to start the agent service. StartService('%1') rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7020 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SERVICE_STOP_FAILED_SSD Language=English The Service Control Manager on computer %1 cannot stop the %2 service, rc = %3!ld! .
MessageId=7021 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_QUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to retrieve the configuration information for the service. QueryServiceConfig(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7022 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COPY_FILE_FAILED_SSD Language=English CopyFile(%1,%2) rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7023 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_FAILED_SD Language=English GetFileAttributes(%1) rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7024 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SET_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_FAILED_SD Language=English SetFileAttributes(%1) rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7025 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_FILE_INFO_FAILED_SD Language=English Error in OpenFileInfo(): FindFirstFile( %1 ) failed, rc = %2!ld! .
MessageId=7026 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_VERSION_INFO_FAILED_SD Language=English Error in OpenFileInfo(): GetFileVersionInfo( %1 ) failed, rc = %2!ld! .
MessageId=7027 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_VER_QUERY_VALUE_FAILED_SS Language=English Error in OpenFileInfo(): VerQueryValue( %1, %2 ) failed, the specified version information does not exist. .
MessageId=7028 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_TEMP_FILENAME_FAILED_D Language=English Error in CopyTo(): GetTempFileName() failed, rc = %1!ld! .
MessageId=7029 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_FILE_FAILED_SSD Language=English MoveFile( %1, %2 ) failed, rc = %3!ld! .
MessageId=7030 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_COPIED_TO_TEMP_SS Language=English Source file copied to temp file: %1 -> %2 .
MessageId=7031 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_FILE_EX_FAILED_SSD Language=English MoveFileEx( %1, %2 ) failed, rc = %3!ld! .
MessageId=7032 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RENAME_ON_REBOOT_SS Language=English Temp file will be renamed on reboot: %1 -> %2 .
MessageId=7033 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_BUSY_FILE_RENAMED_SS Language=English Busy file renamed successfully: %1 -> %2 .
MessageId=7034 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FILE_COPIED_2ND_ATTEMPT_SS Language=English 2nd copy attempt was successful: %1 -> %2 .
MessageId=7035 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FILE_IN_USE_S Language=English In-Use: %1 .
MessageId=7036 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_FILE_FAILED_SD Language=English Error in IsBusy(): CreateFile( %1 ) failed, rc = %2!ld! .
MessageId=7037 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NOT_ADMIN_ON_SERVER_S Language=English You do not have administrator privileges on %1. The agent will not be installed. .
MessageId=7038 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ADMIN_SHARE_SD Language=English Unable to connect to %1\ADMIN$. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7039 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ADMIN_SHARES_S Language=English Unable to connect to %1\ADMIN$. Make sure the administrative shares are enabled. .
MessageId=7040 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English Unable to connect to %1\ADMIN$. The computer may not be online. .
MessageId=7041 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FILE_NO_SELF_REGISTRATION_S Language=English %1 does not support self-registration. .
MessageId=7042 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOAD_LIBRARY_FAILED_SD Language=English LoadLibrary( %1 ) failed, rc = %2!ld! .
MessageId=7043 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_PROC_ADDRESS_FAILED_SSD Language=English GetProcAddress( %1, %2 ) failed, rc = %3!ld! .
MessageId=7044 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DLL_CALL_FAILED_SDS Language=English Error in CallDllFunction: %1() failed, rc = 0x%2!lx! %3 .
MessageId=7045 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DAPI_ENTRY_POINT_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English Unable to find entry point '%1' in DAPI.DLL. Make sure the Exchange Administrator program is installed. .
MessageId=7046 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DAPI_LOAD_LIBRARY_FAILED Language=English Unable to load DAPI.DLL. The Exchange Administrator program must be installed to translate security on the Exchange directory. .
MessageId=7047 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EDA_STARTING Language=English Active Directory Migration Tool, Starting... .
MessageId=7048 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SESSION_ESTABLISHED_S Language=English A session to %1 established, to report the results of the migration. .
MessageId=7049 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SESSION_NOT_ESTABLISHED_SSSSD Language=English A session to %1\%2 (%3\%4) could not be established, rc=%5!ld!. .
MessageId=7050 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EDA_FINISHED Language=English Operation completed. .
MessageId=7051 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_STARTING_AR Language=English Starting Account Replicator. .
MessageId=7052 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AR_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to start Account Replicator, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7053 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_STARTING_ST Language=English Starting Security Translator. .
MessageId=7054 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ST_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to start Security Translator, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7055 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_STARTING_COMPPWDAGE Language=English Starting Computer Password Age Gatherer. .
MessageId=7056 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPPWDAGE_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to start Computer Password Age Gatherer, hr=%1!lx!. .
MessageId=7057 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_STARTING_USERRIGHTS Language=English Gathering User Rights Information. .
MessageId=7058 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXPORTING_RIGHTS_SS Language=English Exporting user rights from '%1' to '%2'. .
MessageId=7059 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RIGHTS_EXPORT_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to export user rights from %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7060 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RIGHTS_NOT_STARTED_D Language=English Failed to Gather User Rights Information, hr=%1!lx!. .
MessageId=7061 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OLESAVE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to save output file to store %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7062 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_WROTE_RESULTS_S Language=English Wrote result file %1 .
MessageId=7063 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_STG_CREATE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to write output file %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7064 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_IPERSIST_SD Language=English Failed to get storage interface to write output file %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7065 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESULT_FILE_FAILED_S Language=English Result file '%1' not written. .
MessageId=7066 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_OUTPUT_FILE Language=English No output file specified for results. .
MessageId=7067 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RENAME_COMPUTER_COM_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create COM object. This computer will not be renamed, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7068 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RENAME_COMPUTER_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to change computer name to %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7069 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_RENAMED_S Language=English Changed computer name to %1 .
MessageId=7070 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOT_COM_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create COM object. This computer will not be rebooted, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7071 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOTING Language=English Rebooting... .
MessageId=7072 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOT_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to reboot computer. hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7073 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGE_DOMAIN_COM_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create COM object. Cannot change domain affiliation, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7074 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_CHANGED_S Language=English Changed domain affiliation of local computer to %1. .
MessageId=7075 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGE_DOMAIN_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to change domain affiliation, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7076 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGE_DOMAIN_FAILED_S Language=English Failed to change domain affiliation, %1 .
MessageId=7077 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOT_INTERVAL_TOO_LATESS Language=English The reboot time '%1' specified for this computer is earlier than the current time '%2'. The computer will be rebooted immediately. .
MessageId=7078 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_ADDTO_GROUP_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to create group '%1' for migrated accounts, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7079 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESOLVE_ADDTO_FAILED_SSD Language=English Resolving type of group:%1 on %2 rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7080 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDTO_NOT_GROUP_SD Language=English %1 is not a group, SID type=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7081 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOOKUP_LMEMBER_NAME_SSSD Language=English %1!-20ls! - LookupLMemberName(%2->%3)=%4!ld! .
MessageId=7082 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDTO_FAILED_SSD Language=English %1!-20ls! - failed to add to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7083 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English NetUserGetInfo(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7084 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_GENERATE_FAILED_S Language=English Failed to set strong password for %1. .
MessageId=7085 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REPLACE_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-20ls! - Replace failed rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7086 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RENAME_FAILED_SSD Language=English %1!-20ls! - failed to rename to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7087 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_CREATE_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-20ls! - Create failed rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7088 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWDCOPY_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-20ls! - Failed to copy password, random password used instead, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7089 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DISABLE_SOURCE_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-20ls! - Could not disable account on source domain, rc=%2!ld!, .
MessageId=7090 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GMA_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-25ls! add failed rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7091 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_REMOVE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to remove member %1 from %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7092 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_ADD_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to add %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7093 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GG_MEMBER_REMOVE_FAILED_SSD Language=English %1!16hs! %2!15ls! member not removed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7094 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_GETUSERS_FAILED_SD Language=English NetGroupGetUsers(%1) rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7095 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GG_MEMBER_ADD_FAILED_SSD Language=English %1!16hs! %2!15ls! add failed rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7096 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English NetGroupGetInfo(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7097 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_SETINFO_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!20ls! - info replace failed rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7098 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_GETMEMBERS_FAILED_SD Language=English NetGroupGetMembers(%1) rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7099 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_TARGET_SID_SSD Language=English LookupTargetSid(%1\%2)=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7100 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_SOURCE_SID_SSD Language=English LookupSourceSid(%1\%2)=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7101 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOOKUP_LMEMBER_NAME_SSD Language=English LookupLMemberName(%1->%2)=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7102 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LGROUP_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English NetLocalGroupGetInfo(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7103 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NQDI_FAILED_SD Language=English Error enumerating computer accounts, NetQueryDisplayInformation(%1) rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7104 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_CREATE_FAILED_SD Language=English %1!-25ls! computer account add failed rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7105 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English Error: Cannot get information about computer account (%1)[%2], rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7106 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWDCOPY_COM_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create COM object to copy passwords. Passwords will not be copied, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7107 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SYSKEY_ENABLED_S Language=English Cannot copy passwords from %1 because SYSKEY encryption is enabled. .
MessageId=7108 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWDCOPY_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to connect to SAM Database on %1. Passwords will not be copied, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7109 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NULL_PASSWORD_NOT_COPIED_SS Language=English %1 did not have a password. A complex password has been generated for %2 .
MessageId=7110 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DSBIND_FAILED_S Language=English Error occured while binding to Directory service on %1. SID History will not be added. .
MessageId=7111 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDSID_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to add sid history for %1 to %2. RC=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7112 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADD_SID_SUCCESS_SSSS Language=English SID for %1\%2 added to the SID History of %3\%4 .
MessageId=7113 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SETINFO_FAIL_SD Language=English Failed to set roaming profile info for %1. rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7114 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILURE_EVENT_LOG_SSSSSSD Language=English %1\%2 failed to add SID for %3\%4 to SID history of %5\%6. rc=0x%7!ld! .
MessageId=7115 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUCCESS_EVENT_LOG_SSSSSS Language=English %1\%2 added SID for %3\%4 to SID history of %5\%6. .
MessageId=7116 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RECYCLER_RENAME_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to rename recycle bin folder for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7117 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDED_TO_GROUP_SS Language=English %1!-20ls! - added to group %2 .
MessageId=7118 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_CREATED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Created .
MessageId=7119 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_DISABLED_SPECIAL_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Disabled due to special group membership. .
MessageId=7120 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWGENERATED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Strong password generated. .
MessageId=7121 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_WARNING_SSSSS Language=English Account %1 already exists on the target domain, but the user information %2 (%3) in the source domain is different from %4 (%5) in the target domain. .
MessageId=7122 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_NOT_REPLACED_S Language=English %1 not overwritten .
MessageId=7123 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_REPLACED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Replaced. .
MessageId=7124 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - already exists. .
MessageId=7125 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWD_COPIED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Password copied .
MessageId=7126 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_DISABLED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Source account disabled. .
MessageId=7127 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_IN_GROUP_SS Language=English %1!-25ls! already in %2 .
MessageId=7128 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_ADDED_S Language=English %1!-25ls! member added .
MessageId=7129 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_REMOVED_S Language=English %1!-25ls! removed .
MessageId=7130 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_NOT_IN_TARGET_SSS Language=English %1 does not exist in %2, cannot be added to %3. %4 .
MessageId=7131 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GG_MEMBER_ADDED_S Language=English %1 added .
MessageId=7132 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GG_MEMBER_REMOVED_SS Language=English %1!16hs! %2!15ls! member removed .
MessageId=7133 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_IN_GLOBAL_GROUP_SS Language=English %1!16hs! %2!15ls! member already exists .
MessageId=7134 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESERVED_GROUP_IGNORED_S Language=English %-1!20ls! - ignored reserved group .
MessageId=7135 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_REPLACED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - group info replaced .
MessageId=7136 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNKNOWN_MEMBER_SS Language=English Invalid member in %1\%2) .
MessageId=7137 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_NOT_MAPPED_SS Language=English %1!-25ls! cannot be mapped to %2 .
MessageId=7138 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INDENTED_NAME_S Language=English %1!-25ls! .
MessageId=7139 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_ADDED_S Language=English %1!-25ls! computer account added .
MessageId=7140 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMPUTER_EXISTS_S Language=English %1!-25ls! computer account already exists .
MessageId=7141 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_WRITESD_INVALID Language=English Cannot write the security descriptor. The specified filename is not valid. .
MessageId=7142 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FILE_WRITESD_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to write permissions changes to file %1 (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7143 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_FILE_IN_USE_S Language=English File in use, could not open (%1) .
MessageId=7144 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_FILE_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Error: Could not open file '%1' (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7145 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_GET_FILE_SECURITY_FAILED_SD Language=English Could not get security information for file '%1' (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7146 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_GET_SHARE_SECURITY_FAILED_SD Language=English Could not get security information from share '%1' (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7147 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_SHARE_WRITESD_FAILED_SD Language=English Could not write security information to share '%1' (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7148 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_FIND_ACCOUNT_SSD Language=English Lookup of SID for %1\%2 failed, (%3!ld!) .
MessageId=7149 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FIND_FILE_FAILED_SD Language=English An error occurred while searching for '%1' (%2!ld!), .
MessageId=7150 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SHARE_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English An error occurred while enumerating the shares on '%1', rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7151 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PATH_ERROR_SD Language=English An error occurred while processing path %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7152 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INITIALIZE_SID_FAILED_D Language=English InitializeSid failed (%1!ld!) .
MessageId=7153 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INVALID_DOMAIN_SID Language=English Invalid SID for domain. .
MessageId=7154 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_ADDING_WILDCARD_S Language=English Failed to add the accounts in %1 to the account list. .
MessageId=7155 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COPY_SID_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to copy SID, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7156 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_UNIVERSAL_NAME_FAILED_SD Language=English WNetGetUniversalName(%1)=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7157 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SERVER_GETINFO_FAILED_SD Language=English NetServerGetInfo(%1) failed, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7158 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SHARE_GETINFO_FAILED_SD Language=English NetShareGetInfo(%1) failed, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7159 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_VOLUME_INFO_FAILED_SD Language=English Warning: Cannot get volume information for %1 (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7160 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PATH_TOO_LONG_SD Language=English Error: Path (%1) will not be processed. It is longer than %2!ld! characters. .
MessageId=7161 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PATH_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English %1 not found. .
MessageId=7162 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_READ_PATH_SD Language=English Cannot access %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7163 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ACLS_S Language=English %1 does not support ACL based security. .
MessageId=7164 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DRIVE_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English Error: Couldn't enumerate drives on machine %1 (rc=%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7165 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOCAL_DRIVE_ENUM_FAILED_D Language=English Could not enumerate drives on local machine, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7166 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DRIVE_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL Language=English Internal Error. The buffer was too small to process drive letters. .
MessageId=7167 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADMIN_SHARES_ERROR_SSD Language=English Could not get information about the administrative share %1 on machine %2 (%3!ld!) .
MessageId=7168 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_SD Language=English Skipping %1. Unrecognized drive type. (%2!ld!) .
MessageId=7169 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_PATHS Language=English Error: You must supply at least one path .
MessageId=7170 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ENDING_QUOTE_S Language=English Error: No ending " found for %1 .
MessageId=7171 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_PRINTER_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to open printer %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7172 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_PRINTER_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to retrieve security information for printer '%1', rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7173 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_ENUMERATING_LOCAL_PRINTERS_D Language=English Failed to enumerate the printers on the local machine, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7174 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_LOCAL_PRINTERS Language=English Processing printer security... .
MessageId=7175 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PRINTER_WRITESD_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to write security changes to printer '%1', rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7176 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_EAOPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Cannot connect to RPC Server on source domain, %1, rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7177 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_EAOPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Cannot connect to RPC Server on target domain, %1, rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7178 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_GET_INFO_ERROR_sD Language=English Error reading account type for '%1', rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7179 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_ENUM_ERROR_ssD Language=English Error expanding wildcard specification (%1,%2), rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7180 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWD_POLICY_ERROR_SD Language=English Cannot get strong password policy from '%1', rc=%2!ld!. Using default policy instead. .
MessageId=7181 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_RID_FOUND_SSD Language=English Unable to lookup RID for %1. %2 will not be translated, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7182 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_GET_INFO_FAILED_S Language=English Cannot get information for domain %1 .
MessageId=7183 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_SET_INFO_FAILED_S Language=English Couldn't set domain info for %1 .
MessageId=7184 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_DOMAIN_SID_FAILED_1 Language=English Could not get security ID for domain %1. .
MessageId=7185 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English Error expanding wildcard specificaiton '%1', rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7186 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RIGHTS_INCOMPATIBLE_FLAGS Language=English Warning: Ignoring flag 'RemoveExistingUserRights', since 'UpdateUserRights' is not selected. .
MessageId=7187 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWD_INCOMPATIBLE_FLAGS Language=English Warning: Strong passwords will not be generated, since passwords are being copied. .
MessageId=7188 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_NAME_IN_VARSET_S Language=English Account name for '%1' not provided. .
MessageId=7189 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUND_SSD Language=English Account %1 not found on source domain '%2'. rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7190 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_BAD_TRANSLATION_MODE_S Language=English Invalid translation mode: %1. Replace will be used as default. .
MessageId=7191 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXCEPTION_READING_VARSET Language=English Failure reading parameters. .
MessageId=7192 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_READING_INPUT_FILE_S Language=English An error occurred while reading from the input file %1. .
MessageId=7193 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNTS_READ_FROM_FILE_DS Language=English Read %1!ld! accounts from %2 .
MessageId=7194 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_OPENING_FILE_S Language=English Could not open input file %1 .
MessageId=7195 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_WRITE_ACCOUNT_STATS_S Language=English Failed to open the file %1 to write replication results. %2 .
MessageId=7196 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COULD_NOT_OPEN_RESULT_FILE_S Language=English Could not open result file %1 .
MessageId=7197 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_OPEN_LOGFILE_S Language=English Cannot open log file '%1'. .
MessageId=7198 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED Language=English Operation Aborted. .
MessageId=7199 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATED_RIGHTS_S Language=English Updated user rights for %1 .
MessageId=7201 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GENERIC_S Language=English %1 .
MessageId=7202 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_S Language=English Processing %1 .
MessageId=7203 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXAMINED_S Language=English Examined: %1 .
MessageId=7204 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGED_S Language=English Changed: %1 .
MessageId=7205 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FST_STARTING Language=English Starting .
MessageId=7206 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_FAT_VOLUME_S Language=English Skipping %1. The volume does not support ACL based security .
MessageId=7207 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_PATH_SD Language=English Skipping %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7208 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_SHARES_S Language=English Processing shares on %1. .
MessageId=7209 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_SHARE_S Language=English Processing share %1. .
MessageId=7210 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOCAL_TRANSLATION Language=English Translating local machine. .
MessageId=7211 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_LOCAL_SHARES Language=English Processing shares on local machine. .
MessageId=7212 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOCAL_MODE Language=English Agent is running in local mode. .
MessageId=7213 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_CHANGE_MODE Language=English /NOCHANGE option selected. No changes were written. .
MessageId=7214 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXPORTING_ACCOUNT_REFS_S Language=English Exporting account reference information to '%1' .
MessageId=7215 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_LOCAL_GROUPS Language=English Translating local groups. .
MessageId=7216 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_LOCAL_GROUPS_ON_S Language=English Translating local groups on %1 .
MessageId=7217 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_USER_RIGHTS Language=English Translating user rights. .
MessageId=7218 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_RIGHTS_ON_S Language=English Translating user rights on %1 .
MessageId=7219 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT_SS Language=English The Exchange service account, %1\%2, will not be translated. .
MessageId=7220 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GENERIC_HRESULT_SD Language=English %1 hr=%2!lx! %3 .
MessageId=7221 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXAMINING_CONTENTS_S Language=English Examining contents of %1. .
MessageId=7222 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVED_RIGHT_SSSS Language=English Removed right %1\%2 from %3\%4 .
MessageId=7223 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDED_RIGHT_SSSS Language=English Granted right %1\%2 to %3\%4 .
MessageId=7224 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVED_RIGHT_SS Language=English Revoking privilege %1 from %2 .
MessageId=7225 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_HAS_RIGHT_SS Language=English %1 already has privilege %2. .
MessageId=7226 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RIGHT_GRANTED_SS Language=English Granting privilege %1 to %2 .
MessageId=7227 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MUST_REBOOT_SERVER_S Language=English One or more files is busy. The agent cannot run until %1 is rebooted. .
MessageId=7228 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATE_RIGHTS_FAILED_SD Language=English Error updating user rights for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7229 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_SERVERS_FOUND_SS Language=English No machines matching %1 were found in source domain %2 .
MessageId=7230 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_ACCESSING_DRIVES_SD Language=English Error accessing drives on machine %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7231 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_ACCESSING_LOCAL_DRIVES_D Language=English Error accessing drives on local machine, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7232 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_SESSION_SD Language=English Unable to establish a session to %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7233 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_CACHE_INFO Language=English Cannot get source or target domain information...aborting. .
MessageId=7234 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANT_FIND_EXCHANGE_ACCOUNT_SD Language=English Unable to determine the Exchange service account for %1, rc=%2!ld!. The translation has been aborted. .
MessageId=7235 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_MAPI_SESSION Language=English Error: Mapi session not started. No mailboxes will be translated. .
MessageId=7236 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English Domain %1 not found .
MessageId=7237 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_BAD_ACCOUNT_TYPE_SD Language=English %1 unrecognized account type '%2!d!' .
MessageId=7238 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND_S Language=English Container %1 not found. .
MessageId=7239 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_REMOVE_FAILED_SSSD Language=English Failed to remove member %1 from local group %2 on %3, rc=%4!ld!. .
MessageId=7240 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_ADD_FAILED_SSSD Language=English Failed to add member %1 to local group %2 on %3, rc=%4!ld!. .
MessageId=7241 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_ENUM_FAILED_SS Language=English Unable to enumerate members of local group %1 on %2. .
MessageId=7242 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_RIGHT_FAILED_SSSD Language=English Failed to remove user right %1 from account %2 on %3, rc=%4!ld!. .
MessageId=7243 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADD_RIGHT_FAILED_SSSD Language=English Failed to add user right %1 to account %2 on %3, rc=%4!ld!. .
MessageId=7244 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INVALID_SID_STRING_S Language=English Cannot convert '%1' to binary SID .
MessageId=7245 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USERS_WITH_RIGHT_COUNT_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to get the number of users with right %1 on %2, hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7246 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_USERS_WITH_RIGHT_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to get the list of accounts having right %1 on %2, hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7247 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LIST_RIGHTS_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to get list of rights from %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7248 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_RIGHT_FAILED_SSD Language=English RemovePrivilege(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7249 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADD_RIGHT_FAILED_SSD Language=English AddPrivilege(%1,%2) failed, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7250 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_DOMAIN_SID_SD Language=English Unable to get domain SID for domain %1, rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7251 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SET_ACL_FAILED_S Language=English Failed to set permissions for file %1 .
MessageId=7252 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_BR_PRIV_SD Language=English Failed to get Backup and Restore privileges. Unable to set permissions for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7253 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_DOMAIN_ADMINS_SSD Language=English Failed to add %1\Domain Admins to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7254 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_DOMAIN_ADMINS_SSD Language=English Failed to remove %1\Domain Admins from %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7255 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MODULE_NOT_LICENSED_S Language=English Cannot dispatch agents. The target domain %1 does not have the required license. .
MessageId=7256 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRIAL_FORCE_NOCHANGE Language=English The trial version of Domain Administrator does not write changes. No changes will be written. .
MessageId=7257 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CACHE_FILE_BUILT_S Language=English Created account input file for remote agents: %1 .
MessageId=7258 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_RENAMED_SS Language=English Renamed %1 to %2 .
MessageId=7259 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NULL Language=English
MessageId=7260 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOTING_SERVER_S Language=English Rebooting %1 .
MessageId=7261 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_REBOOT_SD Language=English Failed to reboot %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7262 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_WRONG_PROCESSOR_TYPE_SS Language=English Cannot install the agent on %1 because it has a different processor type from %2 .
MessageId=7263 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_DIR_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to create the directory %1 for the agent files, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7264 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_DOMAIN_USERS_SSD Language=English Failed to add %1\Domain Users to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7265 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_REMOVE_DOMAIN_USERS_SSD Language=English Failed to remove %1\Domain Users from %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7266 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_IMPERSONATE_D Language=English The agent service cannot impersonate the client, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7267 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CLIENT_NOT_ADMIN_D Language=English The agent service will not perform the requested action. The caller may not be an administrator on this machine, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7268 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COINITIALIZE_FAILED_D Language=English CoInitialize failed, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7269 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_MODULE_PATH_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to detect install directory, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7270 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_JOB_FILE_NOT_DELETED_SD Language=English Failed to delete job file %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7271 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUBMIT_JOB_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to start job, rc=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7272 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_VARSET_LOAD_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to load data from file %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7273 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_JOBFILE_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to open file %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7274 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UMARSHAL_AGENT_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to unmarshal agent interface, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7275 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_JOB_CANCELLED_S Language=English Cancelled job %1 .
MessageId=7276 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_REGISTER_FILE_SD Language=English Failed to register %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7277 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DLL_NOT_REGISTERABLE_S Language=English %1 does not support self-registration .
MessageId=7279 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_UNREGISTER_FILE_SD Language=English Failed to unregister %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7280 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DLL_NOT_UNREGISTERABLE_S Language=English %1 does not support self-unregistration .
MessageId=7281 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DELETE_FILE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to remove %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7282 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_SERVICE_FAILED_D Language=English RemoveService() failed, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7283 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_CREATE_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create Agent COM object, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7284 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_MARSHAL_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to marshal Agent COM object, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7285 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RpcServerUseProtseqEp_FAILED_SDSD Language=English Agent - unable to start RPC server - RpcServerUseProtseqEp('%1',%2!ld!,'%3') rc=%4!ld! .
MessageId=7286 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RpcServerRegisterIf_FAILED_SDSD Language=English Agent - unable to start RPC server - RpcServerRegisterIf('%1',%2!ld!,'%3') rc=%4!ld! .
MessageId=7287 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_ALREADY_RUNNING Language=English Agent - Attempt to start more than one instance of Agent.\nThis instance of Agent terminated. .
MessageId=7288 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LSA_OPERATION_FAILED_SD Language=English The LSA call %1 failed, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7289 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_QPROCESSOR_REG_CONNECT_FAILED_SD Language=English Processor architecture for machine %1 is unknown, Error accessing registry rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7290 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_QPROCESSOR_REGKEY_OPEN_FAILED_SSD Language=English Processor architecture for machine %1 is unknown, Error accessing registry key %2 rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7291 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_QPROCESSOR_UNRECOGNIZED_VALUE_SSSS Language=English Processor architecture for machine %1 is unknown, registry key %2 value %3 is '%4' .
MessageId=7292 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REG_SD_WRITE_FAILED_SD Language=English Error writing the security decriptor for the registry key %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7293 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_FIND_ADMIN_ACCOUNT_D Language=English Lookup of SID for BUILTIN\Administrators failed, (%1!ld!) .
MessageId=7294 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_FIND_USERS_ACCOUNT_D Language=English Lookup of SID for BUILTIN\Users failed, (%1!ld!) .
MessageId=7295 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_OS_VER_FAILED_SD Language=English Cannot get the OS version for %1. hr=%2!lx!" .
MessageId=7296 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROPERTY_MAPPING_FAILED_SD Language=English Property mapping for %1 class failed. Properties will not be updated for objects of this class. hr=0x%2!lx! .
MessageId=7297 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COPY_PROPS_FAILED_SD Language=English CopyProperties failed for %1. hr=0x%2!lx! .
MessageId=7298 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_SSD Language=English Failed to find %1 in %2, hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7299 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_CLASSNAME_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to get the class name for %1 in %2. hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7300 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND_SSD Language=English Failed to find container %1 in %2. Newly created objects will be added to default containers, hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7301 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to create %1 in %2. hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7302 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_IADS_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to get IADs pointer to %1 in %2. hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7303 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_DSBIND_FOUND Language=English Error loading DsBind Function from NTDSAPI.DLL .
MessageId=7304 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_NTDSAPI_DLL Language=English Error loading NTDSAPI.DLL .
MessageId=7305 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ADDSIDHISTORY_FUNCTION Language=English Error loading DsAddSidHistory Function from NTDSAPI.DLL .
MessageId=7306 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_MAPI_SESSION_D Language=English Unable to log on to obtain a MAPI session, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7307 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MAPI_LOGOFF_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to terminate MAPI session, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7308 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_ADDRBOOK_D Language=English Unable to open the Address Book, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7309 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_OPEN_GAL_D Language=English Unable to open the Global Address List, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7310 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RETRIEVE_GAL_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to retrieve the Global List, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7311 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_SECURITY_FOR_RECIP_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to load security information for recipient, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7312 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_ALLOCATE_BUFFER_D Language=English Unable to allocate buffer, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7313 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATE_ACCOUNT_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to change Associated Windows NT Account property, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7314 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SAVE_CHANGES_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to save changes to mailbox, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7315 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RECIP_SD_WRITE_FAILED_SD Language=English Unable to update security descriptor for %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7316 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RECIP_SD_SAVE_FAILED_SD Language=English Unable to save changes to security descriptor property for %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7317 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_AB_ROOT_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to get root of Address Book, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7318 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_HIER_TABLE_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to get hierarchy table, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7319 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_TABLE_CONTENTS_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to get contents info, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7320 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_CONTAINER_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to open container %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7321 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_CONTAINER_INFO_FAILED_D Language=English Unable to retrieve properties for container, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7322 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COUNT_CONTAINER_FAILED_SD Language=English Unable to count contents of container %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7323 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CONTAINER_CORRUPTED_SD Language=English Container %1 is corrupted, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7324 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANT_FIND_ENTRY_SD Language=English Cannot find entry in %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7325 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANT_LOAD_ENTRY_SD Language=English Cannot load entry from %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7326 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RECIP_LOAD_FAILED_SD Language=English Unable to load data about messaging recipient from container %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7327 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUM_CONTAINERS_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to enumerate containers, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7328 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUM_SITES_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to enumerate sites, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7329 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUM_ORGS_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to enumerate organizations, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7330 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REG_KEY_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to open registry key %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7331 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REGKEYENUM_FAILED_D Language=English RegEnumKeyEx failed, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7332 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SAVE_HIVE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to save registry hive %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7333 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_KEY_UNLOADKEY_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to unload %1 from the registry, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7334 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_LOAD_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to load profile %1 into registry, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7335 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RENAME_DIR_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to rename %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7336 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COPY_DIR_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to copy directory %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7337 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FILE_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English Error enumerating profile files in %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7338 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXPAND_STRINGS_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to expand environment strings in %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7339 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_NTUSER_MAN_S Language=English Translating mandatory profile for %1 .
MessageId=7340 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_NTUSER_BAT_S Language=English Translating user profile for %1 .
MessageId=7341 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_ENTRY_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to open profile entry for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7342 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_CREATE_ENTRY_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to create new profile entry for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7343 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COPY_PROFILE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to copy profile information from %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7344 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_PROFILE_PATH_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to retrieve profile path for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7345 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SET_PROFILE_PATH_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to update ProfileImagePath in registry for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7346 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATE_PROFILE_SID_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to update Sid entry in profile list for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7347 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_EXISTS_S Language=English Profile for %1 already existed and will not be overwritten. .
MessageId=7348 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DELETE_PROFILE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to delete profile entry %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7349 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUM_PROFILES_FAILED_D Language=English Error enumerating the profile list entries, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7350 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_PROFILELIST_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to open the ProfileList, rc=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7351 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_GROUP_MEMBER_S Language=English Processing group membership for %1!ls!. .
MessageId=7352 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_ADD_TO_GROUP_SSD Language=English Failed to add %1 to %2. RC=%3!lx!. .
MessageId=7353 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDED_TO_GROUP_S Language=English %1 added. .
MessageId=7354 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PATH_NOT_FOUND_SS Language=English Failed to find path for %1 in %2 domain. .
MessageId=7355 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCT_COPIED_SSS Language=English %1 copied to %2\\%3 .
MessageId=7356 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_FROM_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to remove %1 from %2. RC=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7357 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_FROM_GROUP_SS Language=English Removed %1 from %2. .
MessageId=7358 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DISABLE_TARGET_FAILED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Could not disable target account. .
MessageId=7359 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_DISABLED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Target account disabled. .
MessageId=7360 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENABLE_TARGET_FAILED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Could not enable target account. .
MessageId=7361 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_ENABLED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Target account enabled. .
MessageId=7362 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENABLE_SOURCE_FAILED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Could not enable source account. .
MessageId=7363 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_ENABLED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Source account enabled. .
MessageId=7364 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_EXPIRED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Source account expiration date set. .
MessageId=7365 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_DISABLE_OR_EXPIRE_FAILED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Could not disable or expire source account. .
MessageId=7366 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DEFAULT_CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND_SD Language=English Default container <%1> not found objects will not be copied, hr=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7367 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DB_OBJECT_CREATE_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to create database object, hr=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7368 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SET_PASSWORD_TO_USERNAME_S Language=English - Set password for %1. .
MessageId=7369 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_SET_PASSWORD_TO_USERNAME_SD Language=English Failed to set password for %1, rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7370 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_TRUNCATE_S Language=English Failed to find a unique account name to truncate %1. Account will not be copied. .
MessageId=7371 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUNCATED_ACCOUNT_NAME_SSD Language=English Truncated %1!ls! to %2!ls! as the resulting Pre-Windows 2000 name would have been greater than %3!ld! characters. .
MessageId=7372 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_IGNORING_BUILTIN_S Language=English ADMT does not process BUILTIN accounts or change the membership of BUILTIN groups (Administrators, etc.). Skipping %1!ls! .
MessageId=7373 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SAMNAME_CHANGED_SS Language=English %1!ls! contains special characters. Use of these characters is not recommended. Renaming account to %2!ls!. .
MessageId=7374 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_DCNAME_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to get domain controller name for %1!ls!, rc=0x%2!lx!. .
MessageId=7375 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTING_DOM_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to get info for trusting domain %1 from %2, rc=%3!ld!. .
MessageId=7376 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTING_DOM_CREATE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Error adding trusting domain %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7377 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LSA_OPEN_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to connect to LSA database on %1, rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7378 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUMERATING_TRUSTED_DOMAINS_S Language=English Enumerating the trusted domains of the source domain %1. .
MessageId=7379 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ENUMERATING_TRUSTING_DOMAINS_S Language=English Enumerating the trusting domains of the source domain %1. .
MessageId=7380 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTED_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to enumerate trusted domains of %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7381 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTING_ENUM_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to enumerate trusting domains of %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7382 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_TRUSTS_THIS_SS Language=English %1 is a trusted domain of the source domain %2 .
MessageId=7383 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_WILL_CREATE_TRUST_SS Language=English The trust does not exist. Attempting to create trust from %1 to %2. .
MessageId=7384 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUST_CREATED_SS Language=English Trust from %1 to %2 created! .
MessageId=7385 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTED_CREATE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to create the trust from %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld!. This trust is needed for migrated users to have the same access as the source accounts. .
MessageId=7386 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTED_DOESNT_EXIST_SS Language=English %1 does not trust %2. Resources in %1 cannot be accessed by accounts in %2 .
MessageId=7387 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_TRUSTS_THIS_SS Language=English %1 already trusts %2 .
MessageId=7388 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHECK_TRUST_FAILED_SSD Language=English Error checking the trust between %1 and %2, rc=%3!ld!. Make sure this trust exists so that migrated accounts will have the same access to resources as the source accounts. .
MessageId=7389 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_IS_TRUSTED_BY_THIS_SS Language=English %1 is a trusting domain of the source domain %2 .
MessageId=7390 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTING_CREATE_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to create the trust from %1 to %2, rc=%3!ld!. This trust is needed for migrated users to have the same access as the source accounts. .
MessageId=7391 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUSTING_DOESNT_EXIST_SS Language=English %1 does not trust %2. Migrated accounts will not have access to resources in %1. .
MessageId=7392 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SIDHISTORY_FATAL_ERROR Language=English SIDHistory could not be updated due to a configuration or permissions problem. The Active Directory Migration Tool will not attempt to migrate the remaining objects. .
MessageId=7393 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_NOT_FOUND Language=English %1!ls! group not found. Update group membership will not continue. .
MessageId=7394 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATING_REGISTRY Language=English Translating security on registry keys. .
MessageId=7395 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_DELETED_S Language=English %1!20ls! - Deleted. .
MessageId=7396 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DELETE_ACCOUNT_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to delete %1!ls!. .
MessageId=7397 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NO_DELETE_WAS_REPLACED_S Language=English %1!ls! Account will not be deleted because it was originally replaced. .
MessageId=7398 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_NONEXIST_SS Language=English Cannot add %1 to %2, because %1 has not been migrated to the target domain. .
MessageId=7399 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DELETED_PROFILE_S Language=English Removed profile entry for %1, .
MessageId=7400 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADDSIDHISTORY_FAIL_BUILTIN_SSD Language=English Failed to add SidHistory for %1!ls! to %2!ls!. Source account is a BUILTIN account or an account with well known RID. .
MessageId=7401 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING Language=English The service was not started on %1!ls!. The service is already running on this computer. Please try again later. .
MessageId=7402 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_OSVERSION_NOTSUPPORTED Language=English The service was not started on %1!ls!. The Operating System version on this computer is not supported. .
MessageId=7403 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_OSVERSION Language=English Operating System Information for %1!ls!:%2!ls! %3!ls! .
MessageId=7404 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_OSVERSION_NOT_FOUND Language=English Operating Syetem version information could not be obtained for %1!ls!, rc = %2!ld!. .
MessageId=7405 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_OSVERSION_NOT_WINNT Language=English The Operating System installed on %1!ls! is not Windows NT platform.\n The agent can only run on Windows NT platform. .
MessageId=7406 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVED_PWDCHANGE_FLAG_S Language=English Removed the 'Password must change' flag from %1 .
MessageId=7407 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVED_PWDCHANGE_FLAG_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to clear the 'Password must change' flag for %1, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7408 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOS_GRANTED_SS Language=English Granted the 'Logon As A Service' right for %1 on %2 .
MessageId=7409 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOS_GRANT_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to grant the 'Logon As A Service' right for %1 on %2 rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7410 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATED_SCM_ENTRY_SS Language=English Updated account and password information for the \\%1\%2 service. .
MessageId=7411 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATE_SCM_ENTRY_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to update account and password information for the \\%1\%2 service, rc=%3!ld!. .
MessageId=7412 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_OLD_TRUST_SD Language=English Skipping trust %1, password age is %2!ld! days. .
MessageId=7413 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_MAP_PROP_SSSSS Language=English Failed to map %1!ls! property for %2!ls! object from %3!ls! domain to %4!ls! object from %5!ls! domain due to a schema mismatch. .
MessageId=7414 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_CONVERT_GROUP_TO_UNIVERSAL_SD Language=English Failed to change group type for %1 to a universal group. rc = %2!lx! .
MessageId=7415 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_READDED_MEMBER_SS Language=English Added %1 back to %2 .
MessageId=7416 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_EXCEPTION Language=English An exception occurred while moving the objects. Some objects may not have been moved successfully. .
MessageId=7417 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESET_MEMBER_EXCEPTION Language=English An exception occurred while updating the membership lists to reflect the new location of moved objects. .
MessageId=7418 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_CHANGETYPE_FAILED_SD Language=English Could not change group type for %1 from Universal back to its original type. It may still contain members that are outside of the target domain. rc = %2!lx! .
MessageId=7419 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS_EXCEPTION Language=English An exception occurred while rebuilding the group memberships. .
MessageId=7420 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVEOBJECT_CONNECT_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to connect to domains for MoveObject, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7421 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OBJECT_MOVED_SS Language=English Moved %1 to %2 .
MessageId=7422 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVEOBJECT_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to move object %1, hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7423 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVED_MEMBER_FROM_GROUP_SS Language=English Removed %1 from %2 .
MessageId=7424 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_MEMBER_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to remove %1 from %2, hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7425 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_OBJECT_TYPE_SS Language=English Skipping %1, since its object type '%2' is not supported. .
MessageId=7426 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_REPLACE_SPECIAL_ACCT_S Language=English Failed to replace %1. %1 may be a special object. .
MessageId=7427 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_FAILED_CONFLICT_SSD Language=English Failed to move replaced account %1 to the target OU Error:%3!lx!. The account is in %2 .
MessageId=7428 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_FAILED_CONT_CONF_SS Language=English Renamed container name from %1 to %2. Cannot create accounts with same container name in target OU. .
MessageId=7429 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_LOAD_UNDO_LIST_D Language=English Failed to load the account list for the previous migration. The migration cannot be undone, hr=%1!lx!. .
MessageId=7430 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_NOAUDIT_SSD Language=English SID History for %1 cannot be updated because auditing is not enabled on %2. rc=%3!ld!.\n This operation requires that auditing be enabled for Success and Failure auditing of account management operations. .
MessageId=7431 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_UNWILLING_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7432 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_WRONGTYPE_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1 because %1 is not a user or group. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7433 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_IN_FOREST_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1 because the SID for %1 already exists in the forest. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7434 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_INSUFF_ACCESS_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. If the domain controllers in the target domain are running Windows 2000 you must be a domain administrator. If the domain controllers in the target domain are running Windows Server 2003 or later you must either be a domain administrator or have allow Migrate SID History permission on the domain. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7435 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_INVALID_HANDLE_SSD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %2. This operation requires the TcpipClientSupport registry key to be set on %1. rc=%3!ld!. .
MessageId=7436 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_DST_DC_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. For security reasons, this operation must be run on the destination DC. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7437 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_PKT_PRIVACY_SD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The connection between client and server requires packet privacy or better. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7438 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_REGHIVE_NOT_FOUND_SS Language=English No NTUser.DAT file for %1 was found in %2. The roaming profile cannot be migrated. .
MessageId=7439 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_REMOTE_S Language=English Skipping %1. %1 is a remote (network) drive. .
MessageId=7440 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_CDROM_S Language=English Skipping %1. %1 is a CD-ROM drive. .
MessageId=7441 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_RAMDISK_S Language=English Skipping %1. %1 is a RAM disk. .
MessageId=7442 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_UNKNOWN_S Language=English Skipping %1. The drive type cannot be determined. .
MessageId=7443 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_DRIVE_NO_ROOT_S Language=English Skipping %1. The root path is invalid. For example, no volume is mounted at the path. .
MessageId=7444 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_SOURCE_IN_FOREST_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The source domain may not be in the same forest as the target domain. .
MessageId=7445 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_DEST_WRONG_FOREST_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The target domain must be in the same forest as the machine running the migration tool. .
MessageId=7446 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_NO_MASTERDSA_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. This operation must be performed at a master DSA (writable DC). .
MessageId=7447 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_INSUFF2_SSS Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The credentials entered (%2\\%3) must have Administrator privileges on the source domain. .
MessageId=7448 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_NOT_NATIVE_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The target domain must be in native mode. .
MessageId=7449 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_NO_SOURCE_DC_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The tool could not locate a domain controller for the source domain. .
MessageId=7450 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_DS_UNAVAILABLE_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. The directory service is unavailable. The tool could not bind to the source DC. .
MessageId=7451 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_SOURCE_NOT_SP4_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. For security reasons, the source DC must be Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 or later. .
MessageId=7452 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_CREDENTIALS_CONFLICT_SSSS Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. A session may already be open between this computer and a domain controller in %2, using credentials other than %3\\%4. .
MessageId=7453 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PREF_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_S Language=English Failed to create %1 - Account with this prefix/suffix already exists in target domain. Please remigrate with different name-collision settings. .
MessageId=7454 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RESET_MAPPED_CREDENTIAL_S Language=English Resetting the credentials for Mapped drive %1. .
MessageId=7455 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SKIPPING_REGKEY_TRANSLATION_SDD Language=English Skipping translation of registry key %1. The registry key's security descriptor contains %2!ld! ACEs, which exceeds the limit of %3!ld! in Add mode. .
MessageId=7456 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_MOVE_GG_FROM_MIXED_MODE_SS Language=English %1 cannot be moved, because its member %2 is not being migrated. %1 must stay in the source domain so that %2 will continue to have access to resources. .
MessageId=7457 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_READD_SOURCE_MEMBER_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to add source account %1 back to group %2 (%1 could not be migrated), hr=%3!lx!. .
MessageId=7458 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_READD_TARGET_MEMBER_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to add moved account %1 back to group %2, hr=%3!lx!. .
MessageId=7459 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_GET_OBJECT_SD Language=English Failed to get pointer to object %1, hr=%2!lx!. .
MessageId=7460 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_STRIPPING_GROUP_MEMBERSHIPS_SS Language=English Removing %1 (%2) from the global groups it is a member of : .
MessageId=7461 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_STRIPPING_GROUP_MEMBERS_SS Language=English Removing members from group %1 (%2). .
MessageId=7462 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_READDING_GROUP_MEMBERS_SS Language=English Reestablishing group memberships for %1 (%2). .
MessageId=7463 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVEOBJECT_FAILED_S8524 Language=English Failed to move %1, hr=%2!lx!. The operation failed because of a DNS lookup failure connecting to the infrastructure master at the root of the forest. .
MessageId=7464 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_WILL_BE_MOVED_S Language=English User account %1 will be moved. .
MessageId=7465 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GROUP_WILL_BE_MOVED_S Language=English Group %1 will be moved. .
MessageId=7466 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANT_MOVE_UNKNOWN_TYPE_SS Language=English %1 is not a user or group. (type=%2). %1 will not be moved. .
MessageId=7467 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_LOOKUP_FAILED_D Language=English Domain name lookup failed, rc=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7468 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_DOMAIN_DNS_LOOKUP_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to get the DNS name for domain %1, rc=%2!lx! .
;// This message is logged by AR, when attempting to copy the SIDHistory property for an account
;// being migrated. The SID in the SIDHistory property could not be resolved to a domain name.
MessageId=7469 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ERROR_CONVERTING_SID_SSD Language=English Failed to resolve SID(%2) while adding SIDHistory for %1 Error(%3!ld!). .
;//This message is logged by the agent if the attempt to logon with the credentials account
;//fails. The logon is needed to write back the agent's result file, since the agent runs
;//under localsystem. If this error occurs, the agent will likely not be able to write back
;// its result file
MessageId=7470 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_IMPERSONATION_FAILED_SSD Language=English Failed to impersonate %1\%2. The agent may not be able to write back its results, rc=%3!ld!. .
;//This message is logged by the agent if the attempt to logon with the credentials account
;//fails. The logon is needed to write back the agent's result file, since the agent runs
;//under localsystem. If this error occurs, the agent will likely not be able to write back
;// its result file
MessageId=7471 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LOGON_USER_FAILED_SSD Language=English The agent failed to log on as %1\%2. The agent may not be able to write back its results, rc=%3!ld! .
; // This message is logged by the MCSPISAG plug-in before it gathers the service account information
MessageId=7472 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MCSPISAG_STARTING Language=English Service Account information gathering beginning. . ; // This message is logged by the MCSPISAG plug-in after it gathers the service account information
MessageId=7473 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MCSPISAG_DONE Language=English Service Account information gathering completed. .
; // Logged by MCSPISAG when EnumServicesStatus fails
MessageId=7474 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SERVICE_ENUM_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to enumerate services, rc=%1!ld! .
; // Logged by MCSPISAG - this is an informational message that shows what account each service runs under
MessageId=7475 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SERVICE_USES_ACCOUNT_SS Language=English %1 uses account %2. .
;// Logged by MCSPISAG - when OpenService fails
MessageId=7476 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_SERVICE_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to get information for service %1, rc=%2!ld! .
; // Logged by MCSPISAG - when OpenScm fails
MessageId=7477 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SCM_OPEN_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to open SCM, rc=%2!ld! .
;// This informational message is always logged when the recycle bin directories and files are being
;// examined for the local profile translation.
MessageId=7478 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_RECYCLER_S Language=English Processing recycle bin files and folders on %1. .
;// This informational message is logged by the security translator for each recycle bin folder
;// it examines on the machine.
MessageId=7479 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_RECYCLE_FOLDER_S Language=English Examining: %1 .
MessageId=7480 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RECYCLER_RENAMED_SS Language=English Renamed recycle bin directory from %1 to %2 .
;// This information is logged by ST, it shows the total examined and changed counts for
;// the various types of objects that we do security translation on
MessageId=7481 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_HEADER Language=English Examined Changed Unchanged .
MessageId=7482 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_FILES_DDD Language=English Files %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7483 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_DIRS_DDD Language=English Dirs %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7484 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_SHARES_DDD Language=English Shares %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7485 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_MEMBERS_DDD Language=English Members %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7486 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_RIGHTS_DDD Language=English User Rights %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7487 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_MAILBOXES_DDD Language=English Exchange Objects %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7488 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_CONTAINERS_DDD Language=English Containers %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7489 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_DACLS_DDD Language=English DACLs %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7490 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_REPORT_SACLS_DDD Language=English SACLs %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! .
MessageId=7491 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_PARTS_REPORT_HEADER Language=English Examined Changed No Target Not Selected Unknown .
MessageId=7492 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_PARTS_REPORT_OWNERS_DDDDD Language=English Owners %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! %4!8ld! %5!8ld! .
MessageId=7493 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_PARTS_REPORT_GROUPS_DDDDD Language=English Groups %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! %4!8ld! %5!8ld! .
MessageId=7494 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_PARTS_REPORT_DACES_DDDDD Language=English DACEs %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! %4!8ld! %5!8ld! .
MessageId=7495 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SUMMARY_PARTS_REPORT_SACES_DDDDD Language=English SACEs %1!8ld! %2!8ld! %3!8ld! %4!8ld! %5!8ld! .
; // These messages are logged by the security translator
; // They show which accounts are in the mapping used for the translation
; // and how many occurrences of each account were changed
MessageId=7496 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_HEADER Language=English ------Account Detail--------- .
MessageId=7497 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_FOOTER Language=English ----------------------------- .
MessageId=7498 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_USER_GROUP_COUNT_DD Language=English %1!ld! users, %2!ld! groups .
; // The selected accounts are the accounts the user selected to be used in the translation
; // The resolved accounts are the ones for which we have a valid source SID and a valid target SID
; // the unresolved accounts are the ones that were selected by the user for the mapping, but
; // for which we were unable to find a valid SID in the target domain.
; // selected = resolved + unresolved
MessageId=7499 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_STATUS_COUNT_DDD Language=English %1!ld! accounts selected. %2!ld! resolved, %3!ld! unresolved. .
; // The four numbers represent the number of times the SID was seen (and translated)
; // in each of the 4 parts of the security descriptor:
; // (owner, primary group, DACL, SACL)
; // The 5th insertion string is either blank (for resolved accounts) or IDS_UNRESOLVED for unresolved accounts
; // (see DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_STATUS_COUNT_DDD for explanation of resolved/unresolved)
MessageId=7500 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_REFS_DATA_DDDDS Language=English (%1!ld!, %2!ld!, %3!ld!, %4!ld!) %5 .
; // same as DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_REFS_DATA_DDDDS, but includes the account name at the beginning
MessageId=7501 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_REFS_DATA_SDDDDS Language=English %1!ls! (%2!ld!, %3!ld!, %4!ld!, %5!ld!) %6 .
;// This message is logged by Exchange security translation when the connection to the exchange server failed
;// This can mean that either the ldap_open or the ldap_bind failed.
MessageId=7502 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_CONNECT_TO_EXCHANGE_SERVER_SSD Language=English Failed to bind to Exchange server %1 using credentials domain="%2" username="%3", rc=%4!ld!. .
;// Thie message is not currently used
MessageId=7503 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REMOVE_RIGHTS_FAILED_SD Language=English Failed to revoke existing user rights from replaced account %1, rc=$2!ld!. .
;// This message is logged by the trust migration code when a trust cannot be created because an
;// account with the needed SAM account name already exists (in an NT 4 domain). For example,
;// the inter-domain trust user account cannot be created, because a local or global group with the
;// same name as the trusting domain already exists.
MessageId=7504 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INVALID_ACCOUNT_S Language=English Can not create the trust account because there is an invalid %1 account in the target domain. .
;// This message is logged by the agent before rebooting the machine.
MessageId=7505 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_REBOOT_DELAY_D Language=English The local machine will be rebooted in %1!ld! minutes. .
;// This message is logged by the Exchange directory migration code if the LDAP port for exchange cannot be detected.
;// To detect the LDAP port, Exchange Admin must be installed on the machine.
MessageId=7506 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LDAP_PORT_DETECT_FAILED_S Language=English Failed to detect the port that the Exchange Server '%1' is using for LDAP. ADMT will attempt to connect using the default LDAP port, 389. .
MessageId=7507 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_DS_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM_SSSSD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. %2\%3 may be a builtin account, a well-known account different from %4\%1, a local user account, or an inter-domain trust account. .
MessageId=7508 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PATH_NOT_RESOLVED_SD Language=English Cannot resolve the path %1. This account will not be updated in the group membership. rc = %2!ld!. .
;// This message is logged by the dispatcher when the program files directory on the remote machine, as detected
;// by the dispatcher, is in an unrecognized format (i.e. not X:\\path).
MessageId=7509 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_INVALID_PROGRAM_FILES_DIR_SS Language=English The Program Files directory name on %1 is in an unrecognized format '%2'. The dispatcher may not be able to install an agent to %1. .
;// This message is logged by the dispatcher if it cannot detect whether the X$ admin share needed to install the agent exists
MessageId=7510 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ADMIN_SHARE_GETINFO_FAILED_SSD Language=English ADMT could not get information about the %2 share on %1, rc=%3!ld!. .
;// This message is logged by the dispatcher if the X$ share name exists, but its type is not STYPE_SPECIAL
MessageId=7511 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SHARE_IS_NOT_ADMIN_SHARE_SS Language=English The %2 share on %1 is not the default adminstrative share. .
;// This message is logged by the dispatcher if the ADMTTEMP$ share cannot be created
MessageId=7512 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TEMP_SHARE_CREATE_FAILED_SSD Language=English The %2 share on %1 cannot be created, rc=%3!ld!. The agent cannot be dispatched to %1. .
;// This message is logged by the dispatcher if the ADMTTEMP$ share cannot be removed after the agent has been installed
MessageId=7513 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SHARE_DEL_FAILED_SSD Language=English The %2 share on %1 cannot be removed, rc=%3!ld!. .
;// This informational message is logged during intra-forest migration. It indicates that ADMT has detected that a user account
;// being moved is a member of a local or universal group.
MessageId=7514 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NOT_REMOVING_MEMBER_FROM_GROUP_SS Language=English %1 is a member of %2. .
;// This informational message is logged when a member cannot be added back to a group
;// because of directory constraints. For example, if a user is moved, but a global group is not,
;// the target user cannot be readded to the source global group
MessageId=7515 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_READD_MEMBER_FAILED_CONSTRAINTS_SS Language=English %1 can no longer be a member of group %2 because of directory constraints. .
MessageId=7516 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_READDING_MEMBERS_TO_GROUP_SS Language=English Readding members to group %1 (%2). .
MessageId=7517 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_READD_MEMBER_TO_GROUP_SS Language=English Readded %1 to %2. .
MessageId=7518 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAILED_TO_READD_TO_GROUP_SSD Language=English Failed to re-add %1 to %2. RC=%3!lx!. .
MessageId=7519 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANT_REPLACE_DIFFERENT_TYPE_SS Language=English %1 can not be replaced by %2 because the objects are of different types. .
MessageId=7520 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUNCATE_CN_SS Language=English Truncating CN from %1 to %2 because the source CN is more than 64 characters long. .
MessageId=7521 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_LDAP_CALL_FAILED_SD Language=English The LDAP query on %1 failed, %2!ld!. .
MessageId=7522 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USER_RIGHTS_ONLY_ADDS Language=English ADMT only performs user rights translation in Append mode. .
MessageId=7523 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_EXCHANGE_TRANSLATION_MODE_S Language=English Exchange directory translation will be performed in %1 mode. .
MessageId=7524 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CONNECT_ERROR_TARGET_SD Language=English Failed to connect to %1 server. Please try running this operation again to connect to a different DC. .
MessageId=7525 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CONNECT_ERROR_SOURCE_SD Language=English Failed to connect to %1 server. This is the DC with the RID Pool allocator role in the source domain. It is required for move object operation to work. .
MessageId=7526 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_MSG_ADS_BAD_PATHNAME Language=English An invalid ADSI pathname was passed. .
MessageId=7527 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_INVALID_DOMAIN_OBJECT Language=English An unknown ADSI domain object was requested. .
MessageId=7528 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_INVALID_USER_OBJECT Language=English An unknown ADSI user object was requested. .
MessageId=7529 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_INVALID_COMPUTER_OBJECT Language=English An unknown ADSI computer object was requested. .
MessageId=7530 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT Language=English An unknown ADSI object was requested. .
MessageId=7531 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_SET Language=English The specified ADSI property was not set. .
MessageId=7532 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED Language=English The specified ADSI property is not supported. .
MessageId=7533 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_INVALID Language=English The specified ADSI property is invalid. .
MessageId=7534 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_BAD_PARAMETER Language=English One or more input parameters are invalid. .
MessageId=7535 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_OBJECT_UNBOUND Language=English The specified ADSI object is not bound to a remote resource. .
MessageId=7536 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_MODIFIED Language=English The specified property for an ADSI object has not been modified. .
MessageId=7537 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_MODIFIED Language=English The specified property for an ADSI has been modified. .
MessageId=7538 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_CANT_CONVERT_DATATYPE Language=English The ADSI data type cannot be converted to or from a native directory service data type. .
MessageId=7539 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND Language=English The ADSI property cannot be found in the property cache. .
MessageId=7540 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_OBJECT_EXISTS Language=English The ADSI object exists. .
MessageId=7541 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_SCHEMA_VIOLATION Language=English The attempted action violates the DS schema rules. .
MessageId=7542 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_COLUMN_NOT_SET Language=English During a query, the specified column in Active Directory was not set. .
MessageId=7543 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_E_ADS_INVALID_FILTER Language=English During a query, the specified search filter is invalid. .
MessageId=7544 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCESS_CHECKER_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to check if source and target domains are in the same forest. hr=0x%08x .
MessageId=7545 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_Extension_Exception_SS Language=English %1 extension threw an exception. %2 may not have migrated correctly. .
MessageId=7546 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND_SS Language=English Group %1 contains an unknown member %2. This member object will loose its membership to this group. .
MessageId=7547 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SOURCE_EXPIRATION_EARLY_S Language=English %1 was set to expire before the expiration date specified in the wizard. Account will still expire at the earlier date. .
MessageId=7548 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_UPDATING_MEMBERS_TO_GROUP_SS Language=English Updating members to group %1 (%2). .
MessageId=7549 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_REPLACE_MEMBER_TO_GROUP_SSS Language=English Replacing %1 with %2 as member of %3. .
MessageId=7550 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_REPLACE_MEMBER_FAILED_SSS Language=English Failed to replace %1 with %2 as member of %3. .
MessageId=7551 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NEW_PASSWORD_LOG_S Language=English Passwords will be stored in default location of '%1' instead. .
MessageId=7552 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USERNAME_INVALID_FOR_PASSWORD_S Language=English The user name for %1 is not valid for a password. The password will be generated. .
MessageId=7553 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CREATE_FAILED_UPN_CONF_SS Language=English Renamed UPN name from %1 to %2. Cannot create accounts with the same UPN name as another UPN in the enterprise. .
MessageId=7554 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPN_ACCOUNT_EXISTS_SS Language=English UPN for %1(%2) - already exists. .
MessageId=7555 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_TRUSTED_BY_THIS_SS Language=English %1 already is trusted by %2. .
MessageId=7556 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PWCOPIED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Password Copied. .
MessageId=7557 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_FAILED_S Language=English Failed to copy the password for %1. A strong password has been generated instead. %2. .
MessageId=7558 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NEW_PASSWORD_LOG_CPY_FAILED_S Language=English Complex passwords for the users, whose passwords could not be copied, will be stored in %1 until further notice. .
MessageId=7559 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MANAGER_MIG_FAILED Language=English Failed to add %1 as a manager for %2. RC=%3!lx!. .
MessageId=7560 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_ALPHA_NOTSUPPORTED Language=English The agent was not started on %1!ls!. ALPHA systems are no longer supported. .
MessageId=7561 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROPERTIES_NOT_MAPPED Language=English ADMT could not migrate some properties for this object type (%1) due to schema mismatches. Please refer to PropMap.log for a complete listing. .
MessageId=7562 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_RESOLVE_SID_IN_TARGET_SS Language=English %1 has been added to %2 but the name may not be resolved in the target domain because the target domain may not trust the account's domain. .
MessageId=7563 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COULDNT_GET_OPTIONS_CREDENTIALS Language=English Unable to use ADMT Account credentials. Either unable to obtain credential data or unable to create account. .
MessageId=7564 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_EXPIRED_S Language=English %1!-20ls! - Target account expiration date set .
MessageId=7565 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPN_CONF Language=English Renamed the UPN name for %1. Cannot create accounts with the same UPN name as another UPN in the enterprise. .
MessageId=7566 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_FAILED_RDN_CONFLICT_SS Language=English Unable to move object %1 to %2. This is most likely due to a conflicting relative distinguished name (RDN). .
MessageId=7567 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CN_RENAME_CONFLICT_SSS Language=English Failed to rename replaced account from %1 to %2 due to a CN conflict in %3. .
MessageId=7568 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SAM_RENAME_CONFLICT_SS Language=English Failed to rename replaced account from %1 to %2 due to a SAM conflict. .
MessageId=7569 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_S Language=English Did not try to copy the password for %1, since the source password has not been changed since the last migration of this user. .
MessageId=7570 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SRC_ACCOUNT_NOT_READ_FROM_FILE_DS Language=English The sID mapping of %1, %2 in %3 will be ignored due to formatting or resolution issues with the source account %4. .
MessageId=7571 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TGT_ACCOUNT_NOT_READ_FROM_FILE_DS Language=English The sID mapping of %1, %2 in %3 will be ignored due to formatting or resolution issues with the target account %4. .
MessageId=7572 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SRC_ACCOUNT_DUPLICATE_IN_FILE_DS Language=English The sID mapping of %1, %2 in %3 will be ignored since the source account, %4, is a duplicate of another source account entry. .
MessageId=7573 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_GET_NAMING_ATTRIBUTE_SS Language=English Unable to retrieve naming attribute for class %1 in domain %2. .
MessageId=7574 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_GET_SOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_REQUIRED_FOR_NAMING_SSS Language=English Unable to retrieve attribute %1 for %2 which is a required naming attribute in target domain %3. .
MessageId=7575 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_RDN_LENGTH_GREATER_THAN_MAX_RANGE_S Language=English The relative distinguished name (RDN) length of %1 is greater than the maximum length allowed in the target domain. .
MessageId=7576 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UPDATE_SCM_ENTRY_UNMATCHED_SSD Language=English Did not update the service account starting \\%1\%2 since %3 no longer starts that service. .
MessageId=7577 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_TIMEDIFF_SS Language=English Did not try to copy the password for %1 since the user's password age cannot be determined most likely because the password last changed time is later then the current time on %2. .
MessageId=7578 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SSL_CONNECTION_WITH_EXCHANGE_SERVER_WITH_RC_SDD Language=English Unable to establish SSL connection with the exchange server '%1' at port %2!ld!. rc=%3!ld!. .
MessageId=7579 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TARGET_SID_DOES_NOT_EXIST_SS Language=English The sid '%1' on domain '%2' does not exist. .
MessageId=7580 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_CLASS_MISMATCH_SSD Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1 because the source object %2 is not of the same type. For SID history even different group scopes are considered different types. rc=%3!ld!. .
MessageId=7581 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_BACKUP_RESTORE_PRIVILEGES Language=English Unable to obtain BACKUP and RESTORE privileges. rc=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7582 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_RELEASE_BACKUP_RESTORE_PRIVILEGES Language=English Unable to release BACKUP and RESTORE privileges. rc=%1!ld!. .
MessageId=7583 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ADD_OBJECTS_NOT_IN_FOREST_TO_GROUP_SS Language=English Unable to add object %1 to group %2. The object is not in the same forest. .
MessageId=7584 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CHANGE_GLOBAL_GROUP_SCOPE_BACK_S Language=English Changed scope from universal back to global for group %1. .
MessageId=7585 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_REPLICATOR_UNABLE_TO_CONTINUE Language=English The account replicator is unable to continue. .
MessageId=7586 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SECURITY_TRANSLATOR_UNABLE_TO_CONTINUE Language=English The security translator is unable to continue. .
MessageId=7587 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OBJECT_RDN_CONFLICT_WITH_OTHER_CURRENT_OBJECT_SSS Language=English Unable to migrate source object %1. The object's relative distinguished name %2 conflicted with source object %3 which is also currently being migrated. .
MessageId=7588 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROCESSING_SID_MAPPING_FILE Language=English Processing sid mapping file %1. .
MessageId=7589 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_FILES Language=English Processing of files aborted. .
MessageId=7590 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_LOCAL_GROUPS Language=English Processing of local groups aborted. .
MessageId=7591 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_USER_RIGHTS Language=English Processing of user rights aborted. .
MessageId=7592 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_REGISTRY Language=English Processing of registry aborted. .
MessageId=7593 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_LOCAL_PROFILES Language=English Processing of local profiles aborted. .
MessageId=7594 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_EXCHANGE Language=English Processing of Exchange aborted. .
MessageId=7595 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_SHARES Language=English Processing of shares aborted. .
MessageId=7596 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPERATION_ABORTED_PRINTERS Language=English Processing of printers aborted. .
MessageId=7597 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_MAPPING_FILE_LINE_TOO_LONG_S Language=English The length of the line is greater than the maximum allowed. The line begins with '%1'. .
MessageId=7598 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_MAPPING_FILE_UNABLE_TO_PARSE_S Language=English Unable to parse source and target account names or security identifiers from '%1'. .
MessageId=7599 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_QUERY_GROUPS_IN_GLOBAL_CATALOG_SERVER_S Language=English Unable to query memberships in universal groups in the source forest as ADMT was unable to retrieve the name of a global catalog server for the source domain '%1'. .
MessageId=7600 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_QUERY_UPN_IN_GLOBAL_CATALOG_SERVER_S Language=English Unable to query global catalog in target forest to verify whether user principal name (UPN) '%1' is unique. UPN attribute will not be set. .
MessageId=7601 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_GENERATE_UNIQUE_UPN_S Language=English Unable to generate a unique user principal name (UPN) for '%1' which is not unique. UPN attribute will not be set. .
MessageId=7602 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_USE_REGULAR_PORT_DS Language=English Using the regular port %1!ld! to connect with the exchange server '%2'. .
MessageId=7603 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ESTABLISH_SSL_CONNECTION_WITH_EXCHANGE_SERVER_WITHOUT_RC_SD Language=English Unable to establish SSL connection with the exchange server '%1' at port %2!ld!. .
MessageId=7604 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_HAS_BEEN_UPDATED_S Language=English The mailbox '%1' has been updated. .
MessageId=7605 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_ACCOUNT_DETAIL_FORMAT Language=English The account detail section uses the following format: AccountName(OwnerChanges, GroupChanges, DaclChanges, SaclChanges). .
MessageId=7606 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRUNCATED_COMPUTER_NAME_SSD Language=English Truncated computer name '%1!ls!' to '%2!ls!' as the resulting Pre-Windows 2000 name would have been greater than %3!ld! characters. .
MessageId=7607 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_COPY_NOT_TRIED_USER_MUST_CHANGE_S Language=English Did not try to copy the password for %1 as the user's password age cannot be determined due to the user must change password at next logon option has been selected for this user in the source domain. .
MessageId=7608 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_ENUM_MEMBERS_S Language=English Unable to enumerate the members of group %1. .
MessageId=7609 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_DOMAIN_NETBIOS_NAME_SD Language=English Unable to obtain the NetBIOS name for the domain '%1'. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7610 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_DOMAIN_DNS_NAME_SD Language=English Unable to obtain the DNS name for the domain '%1'. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7611 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_STRONG_GENERATE_FAILED_S Language=English Unable to generate a strong password for %1. .
MessageId=7612 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_OPEN_PASSWORD_LOG_FAILURE_S Language=English Unable to open passwords file '%1'. .
MessageId=7613 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_RETRIEVE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD_LOG_PATH Language=English Unable to retrieve default path for passwords file. .
MessageId=7614 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SERVICES_WILL_NOT_BE_UPDATED Language=English Unable to open passwords file. Services will not be updated for service accounts that are migrated. .
MessageId=7615 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SID_HISTORY_INSUFF2_S Language=English SID History cannot be updated for %1. You must be an administrator in the source domain. .
MessageId=7616 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_WRITE_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_LOG_D Language=English Unable to reserve enough disk space for the internal dispatch log file for monitoring the progress. hr=%1!lx!. .
MessageId=7617 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_REMOVE_OLD_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_LOG_S Language=English Unable to delete the old internal dispatch log file. %1 .
MessageId=7618 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_ENTRY_TRANSLATE_SD_FAILED Language=English Failed to translate the profile entry because binary sid cannot be converted to textual form, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7619 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_FULL_PATH_FAILED Language=English Failed to get the full path name for path (%1). .
MessageId=7620 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_ENTRY_TRANSLATE_FAILED Language=English Failed to translate the local profile entry because not enough memory, rc=%1!ld! .
MessageId=7621 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVEOBJECT_FAILED_DELEGATION_SD Language=English Failed to move object %1. Verify that the caller's account is not marked sensitive and therefore cannot be delegated. hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7622 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_READ_EXCHANGE_LDAP_PORT_SSD Language=English Unable to read the key '%1' under '%2'. Using the default exchange LDAP port '%3!ld!'. .
MessageId=7623 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_READ_EXCHANGE_SSL_PORT_SSD Language=English Unable to read the key '%1' under '%2'. Using the default exchange SSL port '%3!ld!'. .
MessageId=7624 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_GET_REQUIRED_ATTRIBUTE_FAILED Language=English Unable to retrieve attribute %1 of the account (%2). hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7625 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_INSTALL_RPC_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE Language=English Unable to connect to %1\ADMIN$. The machine might be down or its Server, Netlogon service might not be started. rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7626 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_AGENT_INSTALL_NETWORPATH_NOT_FOUND Language=English Failed to install agent on %1. Its Remote Registry service might not be started, rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7627 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_REGISTRY_SSD Language=English Unable to connect to registry hive '%1' on computer '%2'. rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7628 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MOVE_NON_CLOSEDSET Language=English Moving objects even though a closed-set was not achieved. .
MessageId=7629 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_MOVE_NON_CLOSEDSET Language=English Unable to move objects as a closed-set was not achieved. .
MessageId=7330 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ENUM_REGISTRY_VALUES_S Language=English Unable to enumerate registry values for '%1'. .
MessageId=7631 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_CREATE_EXTENSION_S Language=English Unable to create extension '%1'. .
MessageId=7632 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_FAIL_TO_RUN_PLUGIN_SSD Language=English Failed to run plugin with GUID '%1' (%2). hr=%3!lx! .
MessageId=7633 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_SEEK_FAILED_D Language=English Failed to reset agent interface stream to the beginning, hr=%1!lx! .
MessageId=7634 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_TRANSLATION_ABORTED_SD Language=English Exchange migration aborted when processing '%1'. rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7635 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_MAILBOX_TRANSLATION_ABORTED_WITH_UPDATE_SD Language=English Exchange migration aborted when updating the mailbox '%1'. Warning: partial change has been made to this mailbox. rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7636 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_PASSWORD Language=English Unable to retrieve the credentials password. .
MessageId=7637 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_TRANSLATE_DIRECTORY_SD Language=English Unable to translate the directory '%1'. hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7638 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_DELETE_STATUS_FILE_UPON_REBOOT_SD Language=English Will not be able to delete the status file '%1' upon reboot. rc=%2!ld! .
MessageId=7639 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_WROTE_STATUS_FILE_S Language=English Wrote the status file '%1'. .
MessageId=7640 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_WRITE_STATUS_FILE_SD Language=English Unable to write the status file '%1'. hr=%2!lx! .
MessageId=7641 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_IS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CANNOT_BIND_TO_SCHEMA_S Language=English Unable to bind to the schema container in '%1' therefore object properties will not be copied. .
MessageId=7642 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_IS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY_CANNOT_VERIFY_SYSTEM_ONLY_SS Language=English Unable to verify whether property '%1' in '%2' is a system only attribute therefore property will not be copied. .
MessageId=7643 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_TRANSLATE_INSTALLER_SS Language=English Translated any Microsoft Installer related registry keys from '%1' to '%2'. .
MessageId=7644 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_NOT_TRANSLATE_INSTALLER_SSD Language=English Unable to translate Microsoft Installer related registry keys from '%1' to '%2'. rc=%3!ld! .
MessageId=7645 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_WONT_TRANSLATE_INSTALLER_SS Language=English Unable to translate Microsoft Installer related registry keys from '%1' to '%2' as translation is being performed in add mode. .
MessageId=7646 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_CANNOT_TRANSLATE_CLASSHIVE_SD Language=English Unable to translate the class hive for '%1'. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7647 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_CANNOT_DETERMINE_TYPE_SD Language=English Unable to determine whether the profile for '%1' is roaming or local so it cannot be translated. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7648 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_UNABLE_RETRIEVE_FLAGS_SS Language=English Unable to set password options for target account '%1' because password options for source account '%2' could not be retrieved. .
MessageId=7649 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_UNABLE_RETRIEVE_SOURCE_DISABLE_STATE_S Language=English Unable to retrieve account options for source account '%1'. .
MessageId=7650 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_CANNOT_ENABLEDISABLE_TARGET_SAMEASSOURCE_S Language=English Unable to set enable/disable state for target account the same as the source account '%1' therefore the target account will be disabled. .
MessageId=7651 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PW_CANT_GET_PES_OS_VERSION_S Language=English Unable to retrieve operating system version of password export server '%1'. .
MessageId=7652 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_COMP_MIGRATION_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_DC Language=English This computer is a domain controller. Computer migration cannot be performed on a domain controller. .
MessageId=7653 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_FAILED_DUE_TO_REPLACE_MODE_WHILE_LOGGED_ON_S Language=English Unable to translate the profile for '%1' in replace mode since the user is currently logged on or the profile is in use for other reasons. .
MessageId=7654 Severity=Warning Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_SWITCH_TO_ADD_MODE_FOR_LOGGED_ON_USER_S Language=English Switched from replace mode to add mode since the source account '%1' is currently logged on or the profile is in use for other reasons. .
MessageId=7655 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_FAILED_DUE_TO_REMOVE_MODE_WHILE_LOGGED_ON_S Language=English Unable to translate the profile for '%1' in remove mode since the user is currently logged on or the profile is in use for other reasons. .
MessageId=7656 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_FAILED_SD Language=English Unable to translate the profile for '%1'. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7657 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_ALLOW_SWITCHING_FROM_REPLACE_TO_ADD Language=English This profile translation automatically switches from replace mode to add mode if the user is currently logged on or if the profile is in use for other reasons. In order to disable the switching, you need to set the registry HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ADMT\DisallowFallbackToAddInProfileTranslation (REG_DWORD) to 1 on the ADMT machine. .
MessageId=7658 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_DISALLOW_SWITCHING_FROM_REPLACE_TO_ADD Language=English This profile translation will not switch from replace mode to add mode if the user is currently logged on or if the profile is in use for other reasons. In order to allow the switching, you need to remove or set the registry HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ADMT\DisallowFallbackToAddInProfileTranslation (REG_DWORD) to a value other than 1 on the ADMT machine. .
MessageId=7659 Severity=Error Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_UNABLE_TO_RETRIEVE_USRCLASS_DAT_PATH_SD Language=English Unable to retrieve the class hive (usrclass.dat) path for '%1'. rc=%2!ld!. .
MessageId=7660 Severity=Informational Facility=Runtime SymbolicName=DCT_MSG_PROFILE_TRANSLATION_UNABLE_TO_DELETE_TEMP_USER_HIVE_S Language=English Unable to delete the temporary user hive for '%1'. .