// This node class ...
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MyNodes.h"
#include "DomSel.h"
#include "..\Common\UString.hpp"
#include "..\Common\Common.hpp"
#import "\bin\NetEnum.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
// {162A41A3-405C-11d3-8AED-00A0C9AFE114}
static const GUID CPruneGraftGUID_NODETYPE = { 0x162a41a3, 0x405c, 0x11d3, { 0x8a, 0xed, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0xaf, 0xe1, 0x14 } };
const GUID* CPruneGraftNode::m_NODETYPE = &CPruneGraftGUID_NODETYPE; const OLECHAR* CPruneGraftNode::m_SZNODETYPE = OLESTR("C8C24622-3FA1-11d3-8AED-00A0C9AFE114"); const OLECHAR* CPruneGraftNode::m_SZDISPLAY_NAME = OLESTR("Domain Migrator"); const CLSID* CPruneGraftNode::m_SNAPIN_CLASSID = &CLSID_DomMigrator;
// 0 1 2 3 4
WCHAR * gLDAPColumns[] = { L"", L"", L"", L"", L"" }; WCHAR * gColumnHeaders[] = { L"", L"",L"",L"" };
// these define the index in gLDAPColumns to use for each column
int gDomainMapping[] = { 0,1,2,4 }; int gOuMapping[] = { 3,1,2,4 }; int gContainerMapping[] = { 0,1,2,4 }; int gGroupMapping[] = { 0, 1,2,4 }; int gUserMapping[] = { 0, 1,2,4 };
CPruneGraftNode::CPruneGraftNode() { // Initialize the array of children
// TODO: load the domain hierarchy for the current forest
m_bLoaded = FALSE; m_bstrDisplayName = SysAllocString(L"Prune & Graft"); m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_AD; // May need modification
m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_AD_OPEN; // May need modification
m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_AD; // May need modification
m_Data.SetSize(MAX_COLUMNS); }
void CPruneGraftNode::Init( WCHAR const * domain, WCHAR const * path, WCHAR const * objClass, WCHAR const * displayName ) { m_Domain = domain; m_LDAPPath = path; m_objectClass = objClass;
m_bstrDisplayName = displayName; // set the icons
if ( ! UStrICmp(objClass,L"user") ) { m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_USER; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_USER_OPEN; m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_USER; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(objClass,L"group") ) { m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_GROUP; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_GROUP_OPEN; m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_GROUP; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(objClass,L"organizationalUnit") ) { m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_OU; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_OU_OPEN; m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_OU; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(objClass,L"domain") ) { m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_DOMAIN; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_DOMAIN_OPEN; m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_DOMAIN; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(objClass,L"container") ) { m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_VIEW; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IMAGE_INDEX_VIEW_OPEN; m_resultDataItem.nImage = IMAGE_INDEX_VIEW; } }
BOOL CPruneGraftNode::ShowInScopePane() { return ( UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"user") ); }
HRESULT CPruneGraftNode::OnAddDomain(bool &bHandled, CSnapInObjectRootBase * pObj) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; CDomainSelDlg dlg; CComPtr<IConsole> pConsole; hr = GetConsoleFromCSnapInObjectRootBase(pObj, &pConsole ); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if ( IDOK == dlg.DoModal() ) { // insert the domain in the scope pane
CPruneGraftNode * pNode = new CPruneGraftNode();
pNode->Init(dlg.m_Domain.AllocSysString(),L"",L"domain",dlg.m_Domain.AllocSysString()); hr = InsertNodeToScopepane2((IConsole*)pConsole, pNode, m_scopeDataItem.ID );
} return hr; }
HRESULT CPruneGraftNode::OnExpand( IConsole *spConsole ) { // TODO: if we haven't already, enumerate our contents
if ( ! m_bLoaded ) { EnumerateChildren(spConsole); m_bLoaded = TRUE; } return CNetNode<CPruneGraftNode>::OnExpand(spConsole); }
SAFEARRAY * CPruneGraftNode::GetAvailableColumns(WCHAR const * objectClass) { long nItems = 0; WCHAR ** columns = NULL;
columns = gLDAPColumns; nItems = DIM(gLDAPColumns);
// Build a safearray containing the data
SAFEARRAYBOUND bound[1] = { { 0, 0 } }; long ndx[1]; bound[0].cElements = nItems;
SAFEARRAY * pArray = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR,1,bound); for ( long i = 0 ; i < nItems ; i++ ) { ndx[0] = i; SafeArrayPutElement(pArray,ndx,SysAllocString(columns[i])); } return pArray; }
HRESULT CPruneGraftNode::EnumerateChildren(IConsole * spConsole) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR path[MAX_PATH]; INetObjEnumeratorPtr pEnum; IEnumVARIANT * pValues = NULL; hr = pEnum.CreateInstance(CLSID_NetObjEnumerator);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( m_LDAPPath.length() ) { swprintf(path,L"LDAP://%ls/%ls",(WCHAR*)m_Domain,(WCHAR*)m_LDAPPath); } else { safecopy(path,(WCHAR*)m_LDAPPath); } hr = pEnum->raw_SetQuery(path,m_Domain,L"(objectClass=*)",1,FALSE); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pEnum->raw_SetColumns(GetAvailableColumns(m_objectClass)); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pEnum->raw_Execute(&pValues); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = LoadChildren(pValues); pValues->Release(); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CPruneGraftNode::LoadChildren(IEnumVARIANT * pEnumerator) { HRESULT hr = 0; VARIANT var; long count = 0; ULONG nReturned = 0; CPruneGraftNode * pNode = NULL; VariantInit(&var);
while ( hr != S_FALSE ) { hr = pEnumerator->Next(1,&var,&nReturned); // break if there was an error, or Next returned S_FALSE
if ( hr != S_OK ) break; // see if this is an array ( it should be!)
if ( var.vt == ( VT_ARRAY | VT_VARIANT ) ) { VARIANT * pData; SAFEARRAY * pArray;
pArray = var.parray; pNode = new CPruneGraftNode;
SafeArrayGetUBound(pArray,1,&count); SafeArrayAccessData(pArray,(void**)&pData); // make sure we at least have an LDAP path and an objectClass
if ( count ) { // get the object class and distinguishedName
m_ChildArray.Add(pNode); for ( long i = 0 ; i <= count ; i++ ) { // convert each value to a string, and store it in the node
if ( SUCCEEDED(VariantChangeType(&pData[i],&pData[i],0,VT_BSTR)) ) { pNode->AddColumnValue(i,pData[i].bstrVal); } } } else { delete pNode; } } } return hr; }
HRESULT CPruneGraftNode::OnShow( bool bShow, IHeaderCtrl *spHeader, IResultData *spResultData) { HRESULT hr=S_OK;
if (bShow) { // show
for ( int i = 0 ; i < DIM(gColumnHeaders) ; i++ ) { spHeader->InsertColumn(i, gColumnHeaders[i], LVCFMT_LEFT, m_iColumnWidth[i]); } { CString cstr; CComBSTR text;
cstr.Format(_T("%d subitem(s)"), m_ChildArray.GetSize() ); text = (LPCTSTR)cstr; spResultData->SetDescBarText( BSTR(text) ); } } else { // hide
// save the column widths
for ( int i = 0 ; i < DIM(gColumnHeaders) ; i++ ) { spHeader->GetColumnWidth(i, m_iColumnWidth + i); } } hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
LPOLESTR CPruneGraftNode::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) { CString value; int ndx = nCol; int * mapping = NULL;
if ( m_objectClass.length() && UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"domain") ) { if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"user") ) { mapping = gUserMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"group") ) { mapping = gGroupMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"organizationalUnit") ) { mapping = gOuMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"domain") ) { mapping = gDomainMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"container") ) { mapping = gContainerMapping; } else { mapping = gContainerMapping; } if ( mapping ) ndx = mapping[nCol];
if ( ndx <= m_Data.GetUpperBound() ) { value = m_Data.GetAt(ndx); return value.AllocSysString(); } else return OLESTR("Override GetResultPaneColInfo"); } else { return CNetNode<CPruneGraftNode>::GetResultPaneColInfo(nCol); } return NULL; }
void CPruneGraftNode::AddColumnValue(int col,WCHAR const * value) { m_Data.SetAtGrow(col,value); // see if we need to update the display name
// get the pointer for the columns
int * mapping = NULL;
if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"user") ) { mapping = gUserMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"group") ) { mapping = gGroupMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"organizationalUnit") ) { mapping = gOuMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"domain") ) { mapping = gDomainMapping; } else if ( ! UStrICmp(m_objectClass,L"container") ) { mapping = gContainerMapping; } else { mapping = gContainerMapping; } if ( mapping && col == mapping[0] ) // display name
{ m_bstrDisplayName = value; } }