File: Migrator.cpp
Comments: Implementation of McsMigrationDriver COM object. This object encapsulates the knowledge of when to call the local engine, and when to call the dispatcher.
It will also provide a description of the tasks to be performed, for display on the last page of each migration wizard, and will be responsible for calculating the actions required to undo an operation (this is not yet implemented).
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */// Migrator.cpp : Implementation of CMcsMigrationDriverApp and DLL registration.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "MigDrvr.h"
//#import "\bin\McsVarSetMin.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
//#import "\bin\McsEADCTAgent.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
//#import "\bin\McsDispatcher.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
//#import "\bin\DBManager.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
//#import "\bin\McsDctWorkerObjects.tlb"
//#import "\bin\NetEnum.tlb" no_namespace
#import "VarSet.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids rename("property", "aproperty")
//#import "Engine.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids //#imported via DetDlg.h below
#import "Dispatch.tlb" no_namespace, named_guids
#import "WorkObj.tlb"
#import "NetEnum.tlb" no_namespace
#include <iads.h>
#include <adshlp.h>
#include <dsgetdc.h>
#include <Ntdsapi.h>
#include <lm.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <map>
#pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib")
#include "Migrator.h"
#include "TaskChk.h"
#include "ResStr.h"
// dialogs used
#include "DetDlg.h"
#include "MonDlg.h"
#include "SetDlg.h"
#include "MainDlg.h"
#include "Working.h"
#include "ErrDct.hpp"
#include "TReg.hpp"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
#include <MigrationMutex.h>
#include <AdsiHelpers.h>
#include <NtLdap.h>
#include "GetDcName.h"
//#define MAX_DB_FIELD 255
// Opertation flags to be performed on the Account
#define OPS_Create_Account (0x00000001)
#define OPS_Copy_Properties (0x00000002)
#define OPS_Process_Members (0x00000004)
#define OPS_Process_MemberOf (0x00000008)
#define OPS_Call_Extensions (0x00000010)
#define OPS_All OPS_Create_Account | OPS_Copy_Properties | OPS_Process_Members | OPS_Process_MemberOf | OPS_Call_Extensions
#define OPS_Copy OPS_Create_Account | OPS_Copy_Properties
BOOL gbCancelled = FALSE;
bool __stdcall IsAgentOrDispatcherProcessRunning(); DWORD __stdcall SetDomainControllers(IVarSetPtr& spVarSet);
#ifndef IADsPtr
BOOL // ret - TRUE if found program directory in the registry
GetProgramDirectory( WCHAR * filename // out - buffer that will contain path to program directory
) { DWORD rc = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; TRegKey key;
rc = key.OpenRead(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ( ! rc ) { rc = key.ValueGetStr(L"Directory",filename,MAX_PATH*sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( ! rc ) { if ( *filename ) bFound = TRUE; } } return bFound; }
BOOL // ret - TRUE if found program directory in the registry
GetLogLevel( DWORD * level // out - value that should be used for log level
) { DWORD rc = 0; BOOL bFound = FALSE; TRegKey key;
rc = key.OpenRead(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if ( ! rc ) { rc = key.ValueGetDWORD(L"TranslationLogLevel",level); if ( ! rc ) { bFound = TRUE; } } return bFound; }
// Function: GetAllowSwitching
// Synopsis: Read REG_DWORD value of HKLM\Software\Microsoft\ADMT
// \DisallowFallbackToAddInProfileTranslation. If the value is
// set to 1, *bAllowed is set to FALSE. Otherwise, *bAllow is
// set to TRUE. If there is any error (except for ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)
// when reading this key, the rc value will be returned.
// Arguments:
// bAllowed Pointer to BOOL
// Returns: ERROR_SUCCESS if successful; otherwise an error code
// Modifies: None
DWORD GetAllowSwitching( BOOL *bAllowed ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD value; TRegKey key;
*bAllowed = TRUE; rc = key.OpenRead(GET_STRING(IDS_HKLM_DomainAdmin_Key),HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = key.ValueGetDWORD(L"DisallowFallbackToAddInProfileTranslation", &value); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (value == 1) *bAllowed = FALSE; } else if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; } return rc; }
HRESULT CMigrator::ViewPreviousDispatchResults() { _bstr_t logFile; if ( logFile.length() == 0 ) { WCHAR path[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetProgramDirectory(path)) { DWORD rc = GetLastError(); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
logFile = path; logFile += L"Logs\\Dispatcher.csv"; }
// reset the stats, so that we don't see anything left over from the previous run
CPropertySheet mdlg; CAgentMonitorDlg listDlg; CMainDlg summaryDlg; CLogSettingsDlg settingsDlg;
listDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP; summaryDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP; settingsDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP;
mdlg.AddPage(&summaryDlg); mdlg.AddPage(&listDlg); mdlg.AddPage(&settingsDlg);
settingsDlg.SetImmediateStart(TRUE); settingsDlg.SetDispatchLog(logFile);
// UINT nResponse = mdlg.DoModal();
UINT_PTR nResponse = mdlg.DoModal();
return S_OK; }
// WaitForAgentsToFinish Method
// Waits for dispatcher and all dispatched agents to complete
// their tasks.
// Used when ADMT is run from script or command line.
static void WaitForAgentsToFinish(_bstr_t strLogPath) { gData.SetLogPath(strLogPath);
CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, &ResultMonitorFn, NULL, 0, NULL)); CloseHandle(CreateThread(NULL, 0, &LogReaderFn, NULL, 0, NULL));
LARGE_INTEGER liDueTime; liDueTime.QuadPart = -50000000; // 5 sec
HANDLE hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL);
for (int nState = 0; nState < 3;) { SetWaitableTimer(hTimer, &liDueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
if (WaitForSingleObject(hTimer, INFINITE) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { BOOL bDone = FALSE;
switch (nState) { case 0: // first pass of dispatcher log
{ gData.GetFirstPassDone(&bDone); break; } case 1: // dispatcher finished
{ gData.GetLogDone(&bDone); break; } case 2: // agents finished
{ gData.GetDone(&bDone); break; } }
if (bDone) { ++nState; } } else { break; } }
// Function: LogAgentStatus
// Synopsis: Create an agent status summary section which looks like the
// following:
// ***** start of agent completion status summary *****
// Monitoring was stopped early so some agents might still be running ...
// Machine Name Completion Status Error Message Log File Path
// .....
// ***** end of agent completion status summary *****
// The line "Monitoring was stopped early ..." is added only when
// the user stops the monitoring before all agents have completed.
// Arguments:
// teErrLog: the error log pointer to write status summary to
// tslServerList: the list of server nodes
// bForcedToStopMonitoring: the monitoring was forced to stop by the user
// Returns:
// Modifies: It updates the bstrStatusForLogging, bstrErrorMessageForLogging
// and dwStatusForLogging member variables.
void LogAgentStatus(TError& teErrLog, TServerList* tslServerList, BOOL bForcedToStopMonitoring) { CString cstrPrelog; CString cstrForcedToStopMonitoring; CString cstrEpilog; CString cstrMachineNameTitle; CString cstrCompletionStatusTitle; CString cstrErrorMessageTitle; CString cstrLogFilePathTitle;
cstrPrelog.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingPrelog); cstrForcedToStopMonitoring.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingForcedToStopMonitoring); cstrEpilog.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingEpilog); cstrMachineNameTitle.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingMachineNameTitle); cstrCompletionStatusTitle.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingCompletionStatusTitle); cstrErrorMessageTitle.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingErrorMessageTitle); cstrLogFilePathTitle.LoadString(IDS_CompletionStatusLoggingLogFilePathTitle); int maxServerNameLen = wcslen((LPCWSTR)cstrMachineNameTitle); int maxCompletionStatusLen = wcslen((LPCWSTR)cstrCompletionStatusTitle); int maxErrorMessageLen = wcslen((LPCWSTR)cstrErrorMessageTitle); int maxLogFilePathLen = wcslen((LPCWSTR)cstrLogFilePathTitle); int maxStatus = 0;
// print prelog
teErrLog.MsgWrite(0, (LPCWSTR)cstrPrelog); if (bForcedToStopMonitoring) teErrLog.MsgWrite(0, (LPCWSTR)cstrForcedToStopMonitoring);
TNodeListEnum e; TServerNode* pNode;
typedef std::multimap<DWORD, TServerNode*> CStatusToServerNode; CStatusToServerNode aMap;
// calculate the maximum length for each column and sort nodes based on the completion status
for (pNode = (TServerNode*)e.OpenFirst(tslServerList); pNode; pNode = (TServerNode*)e.Next()) { pNode->PrepareForLogging(); int len;
len = wcslen(pNode->GetServer()); if (maxServerNameLen < len) maxServerNameLen = len;
len = wcslen(pNode->GetStatusForLogging()); if (maxCompletionStatusLen < len) maxCompletionStatusLen = len; len = wcslen(pNode->GetErrorMessageForLogging()); if (maxErrorMessageLen < len) maxErrorMessageLen = len;
len = wcslen(pNode->GetLogPath()); if (maxLogFilePathLen < len) maxLogFilePathLen = len;
aMap.insert(CStatusToServerNode::value_type(pNode->GetStatusNumberForLogging(), pNode)); }
// determine the table format
WCHAR format[100]; int bufSize = sizeof(format)/sizeof(format[0]); if (_snwprintf(format, bufSize, L"%%-%ds\t%%-%ds\t%%-%ds\t%%-%ds", maxServerNameLen, maxCompletionStatusLen, maxErrorMessageLen, maxLogFilePathLen) < 0) format[bufSize - 1] = L'\0';
// print out the column names
teErrLog.MsgWrite(0, format, (LPCWSTR)cstrMachineNameTitle, (LPCWSTR)cstrCompletionStatusTitle, (LPCWSTR)cstrErrorMessageTitle, (LPCWSTR)cstrLogFilePathTitle);
// print out the agent completion status information, sorted by completion status
for (CStatusToServerNode::const_iterator it = aMap.begin(); it != aMap.end(); it++) { pNode = it->second; teErrLog.MsgWrite(0, format, pNode->GetServer(), pNode->GetStatusForLogging(), pNode->GetErrorMessageForLogging(), pNode->GetLogPath()); } // print epilog
teErrLog.MsgWrite(0, (LPCWSTR)cstrEpilog); }
STDMETHODIMP CMigrator::PerformMigrationTask(IUnknown* punkVarSet, LONG_PTR hWnd) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); HRESULT hr = S_OK; IVarSetPtr pVS = punkVarSet; BSTR jobID = NULL; CWnd wnd; long lActionID = -2; IIManageDBPtr pDb; _bstr_t wizard = pVS->get(L"Options.Wizard"); _bstr_t undo; _bstr_t viewPreviousResults = pVS->get(L"MigrationDriver.ViewPreviousResults"); bool bAnyToDispatch = true; long lAutoCloseHideDialogs = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_AutoCloseHideDialogs));
// if agent or dispatcher process still running...
if (IsAgentOrDispatcherProcessRunning()) { // return error result
hr = pDb.CreateInstance(__uuidof(IManageDB));
if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; }
gbCancelled = FALSE; // This provides an easy way to view the previous dispatch results
if ( !UStrICmp(viewPreviousResults,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { return ViewPreviousDispatchResults(); }
if (_bstr_t(pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DontBeginNewLog))) != GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)) { // begin a new log
TError err; err.LogOpen(_bstr_t(pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile))), 0, 0, true); err.LogClose(); }
// get the setting for whether to allow switching from REPLACE to ADD for profile translation
BOOL bAllowed = TRUE; GetAllowSwitching(&bAllowed); pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_AllowSwitchingFromReplaceToAddInProfileTranslation), bAllowed ? GET_BSTR(IDS_YES) : GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); // update the log level, if needed
DWORD level = 0;
if( GetLogLevel(&level) ) { pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_LogLevel),(long)level); }
undo = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo)); if ( !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*) undo, GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { hr = pDb->raw_GetCurrentActionID(&lActionID); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) pVS->put(L"UndoAction", lActionID); hr = pDb->raw_GetNextActionID(&lActionID); hr = 0; } else { hr = pDb->raw_GetNextActionID(&lActionID); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pVS->put(L"ActionID",lActionID); _bstr_t password2 = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_SidHistoryCredentials_Password)); pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_SidHistoryCredentials_Password),L"");
hr = pDb->raw_SetActionHistory(lActionID, punkVarSet); pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_SidHistoryCredentials_Password),password2); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // log a message, but don't abort the whole operation
hr = S_OK; } } } // This sets up any varset keys needed internally for reports to be generated
PreProcessForReporting(pVS); wnd.Attach((HWND)hWnd);
// set preferred domain controllers to be used
// by the account replicator and dispatched agents
DWORD dwError = SetDomainControllers(pVS);
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwError); }
// Run the local agent first, if needed to copy any accounts
if ( NeedToRunLocalAgent(pVS) ) { IDCTAgentPtr pAgent;
hr = pAgent.CreateInstance(__uuidof(DCTAgent));
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pAgent->raw_SubmitJob(punkVarSet,&jobID);
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // since this is a local agent, we should go ahead and signal Ok to shut down
// the reason HRESULT is not checked is that when there is no reference to
// agent COM server, it will be shut down anyway
pAgent->raw_SignalOKToShutDown(); CAgentDetailDlg detailDlg(&wnd); detailDlg.SetJobID(jobID);
// based on the type of migration, set the format correspondingly
// it used to be set to acct repl always
// since Exchange migration uses local agent as well, we need to single out
// Exchange migration case
_bstr_t text = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslateContainers)); if (text.length()) detailDlg.SetFormat(2); else detailDlg.SetFormat(1); // acct repl stats
// if we're only copying a few accounts, default the refresh rate to a lower value, since the
// process may finish before the refresh can happen
long nAccounts = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Accounts_NumItems)); if ( nAccounts <= 20 ) { detailDlg.SetRefreshInterval(1); } else { detailDlg.SetRefreshInterval(5); }
_bstr_t logfile = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile)); detailDlg.SetLogFile((WCHAR*)logfile); detailDlg.SetAutoCloseHide(lAutoCloseHideDialogs);
UINT_PTR nResponse = detailDlg.DoModal(); } } } if ( gbCancelled ) { // if the local operation was cancelled, don't dispatch the agents
wnd.Detach(); return S_OK; }
// now run the dispatcher
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // there's no need to dispatch agents to do translation or migration
// if we were not able to copy the accounts
if ( NeedToDispatch(pVS) ) { IDCTDispatcherPtr pDispatcher;
hr = pDispatcher.CreateInstance(CLSID_DCTDispatcher); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // Call the dispatch preprocessor.
// make sure we're not going to lock out any computers by migrating them to a domain where they
// don't have a good computer account
hr = TrimMigratingComputerList(pVS, &bAnyToDispatch); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bAnyToDispatch) { CWorking tempDlg(IDS_DISPATCHING);
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { tempDlg.Create(IDD_PLEASEWAIT); tempDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); } // give the dialog a change to process messages
CWnd * wnd = AfxGetMainWnd(); MSG msg;
while ( wnd && PeekMessage( &msg, wnd->m_hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if ( ! AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage() ) { break; } } AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); _bstr_t logFile = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DispatchCSV)); WCHAR path[MAX_PATH] = L""; DWORD rc; if (!GetProgramDirectory(path)) { rc = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( logFile.length() == 0 ) { logFile = path; logFile += L"Logs\\Dispatcher.csv"; pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DispatchCSV),logFile); }
// clear the CSV log file if it exists, so we will not get old information in it
if ( ! DeleteFile(logFile) ) { rc = GetLastError(); // it is OK if the file is not there
if (rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || rc == ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND) rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); if (FAILED(hr)) { TErrorDct errLog; WCHAR errText[LEN_Path]; _bstr_t errMsg = errLog.GetMsgText(DCT_MSG_CANNOT_REMOVE_OLD_INTERNAL_DISPATCH_LOG_S, errLog.ErrorCodeToText(rc, DIM(errText), errText)); WCHAR* message = (WCHAR*) errMsg; message[wcslen(message)-1] = L'\0'; // there is a trailing CR
Error(message, GUID_NULL, hr); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // set up the location for the agents to write back their results
logFile = path; logFile += L"Logs\\Agents\\"; _bstr_t logsPath = path; logsPath += L"Logs"; if (!CreateDirectory(logsPath,NULL)) { rc = GetLastError(); // it is OK if the directory already exists
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // logFile is "...\\Logs\\Agents\\"
if ( ! CreateDirectory(logFile,NULL) ) { rc = GetLastError(); // it is OK if the directory already exists
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Dispatcher_ResultPath),logFile); punkVarSet->AddRef(); hr = pDispatcher->raw_DispatchToServers(&punkVarSet); }
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { tempDlg.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // reset the stats, so that we don't see anything left over from the previous run
logFile = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DispatchCSV));
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { CPropertySheet mdlg; CAgentMonitorDlg listDlg; CMainDlg summaryDlg; CLogSettingsDlg settingsDlg; CString title;
listDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP; summaryDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP; settingsDlg.m_psp.dwFlags |= PSP_PREMATURE | PSP_HASHELP;
mdlg.AddPage(&summaryDlg); mdlg.AddPage(&listDlg); mdlg.AddPage(&settingsDlg);
settingsDlg.SetImmediateStart(TRUE); settingsDlg.SetDispatchLog(logFile);
// this determines whether the stats for security translation will be displayed in the agent detail
if ( NeedToUseST(pVS,TRUE) ) { listDlg.SetSecurityTranslationFlag(TRUE); } else { listDlg.SetSecurityTranslationFlag(FALSE); }
if( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"reporting") ) { listDlg.SetReportingFlag(TRUE); } mdlg.SetActivePage(&listDlg);
UINT_PTR nResponse = mdlg.DoModal(); } else { WaitForAgentsToFinish(logFile); }
// log the agent completion status into migration log
TError err;
// open the migration log
err.LogOpen(_bstr_t(pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile))), 1);
// log the completion status information
gData.Lock(); BOOL bForcedToStopMonitoring = FALSE; gData.GetForcedToStopMonitoring(&bForcedToStopMonitoring); LogAgentStatus(err, gData.GetUnsafeServerList(), bForcedToStopMonitoring); gData.Unlock();
// close the migration log
err.LogClose(); // store results to database
TNodeListEnum e; TServerNode * pNode;
// if we are retrying an operation, don't save it to the database again!
for ( pNode = (TServerNode*)e.OpenFirst(gData.GetUnsafeServerList()) ; pNode ; pNode = (TServerNode*)e.Next() ) { if ( UStrICmp(wizard,L"retry") ) { hr = pDb->raw_AddDistributedAction(SysAllocString(pNode->GetServer()),SysAllocString(pNode->GetJobPath()),pNode->GetStatus(),pNode->GetMessageText()); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { hr = S_OK; } } else { hr = pDb->raw_SetDistActionStatus(-1,pNode->GetJobPath(),pNode->GetStatus(),pNode->GetMessageText()); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { hr = S_OK; } } }
} } // Call the Dispatcher post processor
PostProcessDispatcher(pVS); } } if ( NeedToRunReports(pVS) ) { RunReports(pVS); } } wnd.Detach(); // Reset the undo flag so that next wizard does not have to deal with it.
//* pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo), L"No");
pVS->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo), GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CMigrator::GetTaskDescription(IUnknown *pVarSet,/*[out]*/BSTR * pDescription) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); IVarSetPtr pVS = pVarSet; CString str; _bstr_t wizard = pVS->get(L"Options.Wizard"); _bstr_t undo = pVS->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo)); //* if ( !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*) undo, L"Yes") )
if ( !_wcsicmp((WCHAR*) undo, GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_Undo); BuildGeneralDesc(pVS, str); BuildUndoDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"user") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_UserMigration); BuildGeneralDesc(pVS,str); BuildAcctReplDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"group") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_GroupMigration); BuildGeneralDesc(pVS,str); BuildAcctReplDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"computer") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_ComputerMigration); BuildGeneralDesc(pVS,str); BuildAcctReplDesc(pVS,str); BuildSecTransDesc(pVS,str,TRUE); BuildDispatchDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"security") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_SecurityTranslation); BuildSecTransDesc(pVS,str,TRUE); BuildDispatchDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"reporting") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_ReportGeneration); BuildReportDesc(pVS,str); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"retry") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_RetryTasks); } else if ( ! UStrICmp(wizard,L"service") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_Service); } else if ( ! UStrICmp(wizard,L"trust") ) { str.FormatMessage(IDS_TrustManagement); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"exchangeDir") ) { BuildSecTransDesc(pVS,str,TRUE); } else if ( !UStrICmp(wizard,L"groupmapping") ) { BuildGeneralDesc(pVS,str); BuildAcctReplDesc(pVS,str); BuildGroupMappingDesc(pVS,str); } (*pDescription) = str.AllocSysString(); return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP CMigrator::GetUndoTask(IUnknown * pVarSet,/*[out]*/ IUnknown ** ppVarSetOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IVarSetPtr pVarSetIn = pVarSet; IVarSetPtr pVarSetOut; (*ppVarSetOut) = NULL; hr = pVarSetOut.CreateInstance(CLSID_VarSet); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = ConstructUndoVarSet(pVarSetIn,pVarSetOut); pVarSetOut->AddRef(); (*ppVarSetOut) = pVarSetOut; } return hr; }
HRESULT CMigrator::ProcessServerListForUndo(IVarSet * pVarSet) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _bstr_t srcName; _bstr_t tgtName; WCHAR keySrc[100]; WCHAR keyTgt[100]; WCHAR keyTmp[100]; long ndx,numItems;
numItems = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Servers_NumItems));
for ( ndx = 0 ; ndx < numItems ; ndx++ ) { // if the computer was renamed, swap the source and target names
swprintf(keySrc,GET_STRING(DCTVSFmt_Servers_D),ndx); swprintf(keyTgt,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_RenameTo_D),ndx); srcName = pVarSet->get(keySrc); tgtName = pVarSet->get(keyTgt);
if ( tgtName.length() ) { if ( ((WCHAR*)tgtName)[0] != L'\\' ) { // ensure that tgtName has \\ prefix
tgtName = L"\\\\" + tgtName; } if ( ((WCHAR*)srcName)[0] == L'\\' ) { // remove the \\ prefix from the new name
srcName = ((WCHAR*)srcName)+2; } pVarSet->put(keySrc,tgtName); pVarSet->put(keyTgt,srcName); } swprintf(keyTmp,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_ChangeDomain_D),ndx); pVarSet->put(keyTmp,GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); swprintf(keyTmp,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_MigrateOnly_D),ndx); pVarSet->put(keyTmp,GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); }
return hr; } HRESULT CMigrator::BuildAccountListForUndo(IVarSet * pVarSet,long actionID) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR key[200]; long ndx; _bstr_t srcPath; IIManageDBPtr pDB; IVarSetPtr pVarSetTemp(CLSID_VarSet); IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
hr = pDB.CreateInstance(CLSID_IManageDB); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pVarSetTemp.QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,&pUnk); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pDB->raw_GetMigratedObjects(actionID,&pUnk); } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pUnk->Release(); srcPath = L"Test"; swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects"); long numMigrated = pVarSetTemp->get(key); for ( ndx = 0 ; srcPath.length() ; ndx++ ) { swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s",ndx,GET_STRING(DB_SourceAdsPath)); srcPath = pVarSetTemp->get(key);
if ( srcPath.length() ) { // get the object type
swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s",ndx,GET_STRING(DB_Type)); _bstr_t text = pVarSetTemp->get(key); swprintf(key,L"Accounts.%ld.Type",ndx);
//work-around a fix that places the sourcepath for an
//NT 4.0 computer migration
if ((text != _bstr_t(L"computer")) || (wcsncmp(L"WinNT://", (WCHAR*)srcPath, 8))) { // set the object type in the account list
pVarSet->put(key,text); // copy the source path to the account list
swprintf(key,L"Accounts.%ld",ndx); pVarSet->put(key,srcPath); // set the target path in the account list
swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects.%d.%s",ndx,GET_STRING(DB_TargetAdsPath)); text = pVarSetTemp->get(key); swprintf(key,L"Accounts.%ld.TargetName",ndx); pVarSet->put(key,text); } } } swprintf(key,GET_STRING(DCTVS_Accounts_NumItems)); pVarSet->put(key,numMigrated); } } return hr; } HRESULT CMigrator::ConstructUndoVarSet(IVarSet * pVarSetIn,IVarSet * pVarSetOut) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IVarSet * pTemp = NULL; _bstr_t origSource; _bstr_t origTarget; _bstr_t origSourceDns; _bstr_t origTargetDns; _bstr_t origSourceFlat; _bstr_t origTargetFlat; _bstr_t temp; _bstr_t temp2; long actionID = pVarSetIn->get(L"ActionID");
// general options
// mark the varset as an undo operation
pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); temp = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_NoChange)); if ( !UStrICmp(temp,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // for a no-change mode operation, there's nothing to undo!
return hr; }
// swap the source and target domains
origSource = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); origTarget = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); origSourceDns = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns)); origTargetDns = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns)); origSourceFlat = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainFlat)); origTargetFlat = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainFlat));
temp = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile)); temp2 = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DispatchLog)); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Logfile),temp); // For inter-forest, leave the domain names as they were
pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain),origSource); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain),origTarget); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns),origSourceDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns),origTargetDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainFlat),origSourceFlat); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainFlat),origTargetFlat);
// copy the account list
hr = pVarSetIn->raw_getReference(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Accounts),&pTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pVarSetOut->raw_ImportSubTree(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Accounts),pTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { BuildAccountListForUndo(pVarSetOut,actionID); } pTemp->Release(); }
hr = pVarSetIn->raw_getReference(SysAllocString(L"AccountOptions"),&pTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pVarSetOut->raw_ImportSubTree(SysAllocString(L"AccountOptions"),pTemp); pTemp->Release(); }
// and the server list
hr = pVarSetIn->raw_getReference(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Servers),&pTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pVarSetOut->raw_ImportSubTree(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Servers),pTemp); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { ProcessServerListForUndo(pVarSetOut); pTemp->Release(); } }
LONG bSameForest = FALSE; MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::IAccessCheckerPtr pAccess; hr = pAccess.CreateInstance(__uuidof(MCSDCTWORKEROBJECTSLib::AccessChecker));
if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { hr = pAccess->raw_IsInSameForest(origSourceDns,origTargetDns,&bSameForest); if ( hr == 8250 ) { hr = 0; bSameForest = FALSE; } } if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // for account migration, need to check whether we're cloning, or moving accounts
if ( ! bSameForest ) // cloning accounts
{ // Since we cloned the accounts we need to delete the target accounts.
// We will call the account replicator to do this. We will also call
// the undo function on all the registered extensions. This way the extensions
// will have a chance to cleanup after themselves in cases of UNDO.
pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain),origSource); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain),origTarget); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns),origSourceDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns),origTargetDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainFlat),origSourceFlat); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainFlat),origTargetFlat); } else // moving, using moveObject
{ // swap the source and target, and move them back, using the same options as before
pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain),origTarget); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain),origSource); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns),origTargetDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns),origSourceDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainFlat),origTargetFlat); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainFlat),origSourceFlat);
} } // if migrating computers, swap the source and target domains, and call the dispatcher again to move them back to the source domain
_bstr_t comp = pVarSetIn->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_AccountOptions_CopyComputers)); if ( !UStrICmp(comp,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain),origTarget); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain),origSource); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns),origTargetDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns),origSourceDns); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainFlat),origTargetFlat); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainFlat),origSourceFlat); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_DispatchLog),temp2); pVarSetOut->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Wizard),L"computer"); } // security translation - don't undo
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CMigrator::SetReportDataInRegistry(WCHAR const * reportName,WCHAR const * filename) { TRegKey hKeyReports; DWORD rc;
rc = hKeyReports.Open(GET_STRING(IDS_REGKEY_REPORTS)); // if the "Reports" registry key does not already exist, create it
if ( rc == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { rc = hKeyReports.Create(GET_STRING(IDS_REGKEY_REPORTS)); } if ( ! rc ) { rc = hKeyReports.ValueSetStr(reportName,filename); } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(rc); }
HRESULT CMigrator::RunReports(IVarSet * pVarSet) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; _bstr_t directory = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_Directory)); _bstr_t srcdm = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t tgtdm = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); long lAutoCloseHideDialogs = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_AutoCloseHideDialogs)); IIManageDBPtr pDB; int ver; BOOL bNT4Dom = FALSE; CWorking tempDlg(IDS_NAMECONFLICTS); CWnd * wnd = NULL; MSG msg;
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { tempDlg.Create(IDD_PLEASEWAIT);
tempDlg.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); tempDlg.m_strMessage.LoadString(IDS_STATUS_GeneratingReports); tempDlg.UpdateData(FALSE);
wnd = AfxGetMainWnd();
while ( wnd && PeekMessage( &msg, wnd->m_hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if ( ! AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage() ) { break; } } AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); }
//get the source domain OS version
ver = GetOSVersionForDomain(srcdm); if (ver < 5) bNT4Dom = TRUE;
hr = pDB.CreateInstance(CLSID_IManageDB); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) {
// Migrated users and groups report
_bstr_t text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_MigratedAccounts)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // run the migrated users and groups report
CString filename;
filename = (WCHAR*)directory; if ( filename[filename.GetLength()-1] != L'\\' ) filename += L"\\"; filename += L"MigrAcct.htm"; hr = pDB->raw_GenerateReport(SysAllocString(L"MigratedAccounts"),filename.AllocSysString(), srcdm, tgtdm, bNT4Dom); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SetReportDataInRegistry(L"MigratedAccounts",filename); }
} // migrated computers report
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_MigratedComputers)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // run the migrated computers report
CString filename;
filename = (WCHAR*)directory; if ( filename[filename.GetLength()-1] != L'\\' ) filename += L"\\"; filename += L"MigrComp.htm"; hr = pDB->raw_GenerateReport(SysAllocString(L"MigratedComputers"),filename.AllocSysString(), srcdm, tgtdm, bNT4Dom); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SetReportDataInRegistry(L"MigratedComputers",filename); }
// expired computers report
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_ExpiredComputers)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // run the expired computers report
CString filename;
// clear the extra settings from the varset
filename = (WCHAR*)directory; if ( filename[filename.GetLength()-1] != L'\\' ) filename += L"\\"; filename += L"ExpComp.htm"; hr = pDB->raw_GenerateReport(SysAllocString(L"ExpiredComputers"),filename.AllocSysString(), srcdm, tgtdm, bNT4Dom); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SetReportDataInRegistry(L"ExpiredComputers",filename); }
// account references report
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_AccountReferences)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // run the account references report
CString filename; filename = (WCHAR*)directory; if ( filename[filename.GetLength()-1] != L'\\' ) filename += L"\\"; filename += L"AcctRefs.htm"; hr = pDB->raw_GenerateReport(SysAllocString(L"AccountReferences"),filename.AllocSysString(), srcdm, tgtdm, bNT4Dom); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SetReportDataInRegistry(L"AccountReferences",filename); } // clear the extra settings from the varset
pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_GatherInformation),GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_ReportAccountReferences),GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); }
// name conflict report
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_NameConflicts)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(1); // run the name conflicts report
tempDlg.m_strMessage.LoadString(IDS_STATUS_Gathering_NameConf); tempDlg.UpdateData(FALSE);
while ( wnd && PeekMessage( &msg, wnd->m_hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if ( ! AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage() ) { break; } } }
//fill the account table in the database
PopulateDomainDBs(pVarSet, pDB);
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { tempDlg.m_strMessage.LoadString(IDS_STATUS_GeneratingReports); tempDlg.UpdateData(FALSE);
while ( wnd && PeekMessage( &msg, wnd->m_hWnd, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE ) ) { if ( ! AfxGetApp()->PumpMessage() ) { break; } } AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(0); }
CString filename = (WCHAR*)directory; if ( filename[filename.GetLength()-1] != L'\\' ) filename += L"\\"; filename += L"NameConf.htm"; hr = pDB->raw_GenerateReport(SysAllocString(L"NameConflicts"),filename.AllocSysString(), srcdm, tgtdm, bNT4Dom); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { SetReportDataInRegistry(L"NameConflicts",filename); } }
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { tempDlg.ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } }
if (lAutoCloseHideDialogs == 0) { AfxGetApp()->DoWaitCursor(-1); }
return hr; }
// PreProcessDispatcher : Pre processor swaps the source and target domains
// in case of UNDO so that the computers can be
// joined back to the source domain.
void CMigrator::PreProcessDispatcher(IVarSet * pVarSet) { _bstr_t sUndo = pVarSet->get(L"Options.Wizard"); // In the service account migration wizard, turn off any security translation tasks
if ( !_wcsicmp(sUndo,L"service") ) { IVarSet * pVS2 = NULL; HRESULT hr = pVarSet->raw_getReference(L"Security",&pVS2); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { pVS2->Clear(); pVS2->Release(); } } }
// PostProcessDispatcher : Swaps the source and target domains back. Also sets
// the Undo option to no.
void CMigrator::PostProcessDispatcher(IVarSet * pVarSet) { _bstr_t sUndo = pVarSet->get(L"Options.Wizard"); _bstr_t origSource = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t origTarget = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); if ( !_wcsicmp(sUndo, L"undo") ) { pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain), origTarget); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain), origSource); } }
void CMigrator::PreProcessForReporting(IVarSet * pVarSet) { _bstr_t text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_Generate));
IVarSet * pVs = NULL;
if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // we are generating reports
// some reports require additional information gathering. We will set up the necessary varset
// keys to gather the information
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_ExpiredComputers)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { // we need to gather the computer password age from the computers in the domain
pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_GatherInformation_ComputerPasswordAge),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); }
text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Reports_AccountReferences)); if ( !UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { // clean up all the Security translation flags so that we dont end up doing
// something that we were not supposed to.
HRESULT hr = pVarSet->raw_getReference(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security), &pVs); if ( pVs ) { pVs->Clear(); pVs->Release(); } // for this one, we need to gather information from the selected computers
pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_GatherInformation),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_ReportAccountReferences),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslateFiles),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslateShares),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslatePrinters),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslateLocalGroups),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); pVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Security_TranslateRegistry),GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); } } }
HRESULT CMigrator::TrimMigratingComputerList(IVarSet * pVarSet, bool* bAnyToDispatch) { // this functions checks each computer to be migrated, and does not migrate it if the account was not successfully copied
HRESULT hr = S_OK; _bstr_t text; WCHAR key[100]; long val,i; IIManageDBPtr pDB; _bstr_t srcDomain; _bstr_t tgtDomain; _bstr_t computer; long actionID = pVarSet->get(L"ActionID"); CString temp;
_bstr_t origSource = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t origTarget = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain));
hr = pDB.CreateInstance(CLSID_IManageDB); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// If task is undo then mark computers that were successfully migrated for dispatch.
*bAnyToDispatch = false; text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_Undo)); if (! UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { _bstr_t strYes = GET_BSTR(IDS_YES); _bstr_t strNo = GET_BSTR(IDS_No); _bstr_t strServersFormat = GET_BSTR(DCTVSFmt_Servers_D); _bstr_t strServersDnsFormat = GET_BSTR(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_DnsName_D); _bstr_t strServersRenameToFormat = GET_BSTR(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_RenameTo_D); _bstr_t strServersSkipDispatchFormat = GET_BSTR(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_SkipDispatch_D);
// For each server that was acted upon during migration task.
long cServer = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Servers_NumItems)); long lActionId = pVarSet->get(L"UndoAction");
for (long iServer = 0; iServer < cServer; iServer++) { bool bSucceeded = false;
// Retrieve original source computer name without leading UNC prefix.
// If the computer was re-named during the migration the original
// name is stored in 'Servers.#.TargetName' without a UNC prefix
// otherwise the name is stored in 'Servers.#' with a UNC prefix.
_bstr_t strServerName;
if (_snwprintf(key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), strServersRenameToFormat, iServer) < 0) { return E_FAIL; }
key[sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]) - 1] = L'\0';
strServerName = pVarSet->get(key);
if (strServerName.length() == 0) { _snwprintf(key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), strServersFormat, iServer); key[sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]) - 1] = L'\0'; _bstr_t strServerNamePrefixed = pVarSet->get(key);
if (strServerNamePrefixed.length() > 2) { strServerName = (PCWSTR)strServerNamePrefixed + 2; } }
// If computer previously had a DNS name then bind to computer object to
// retrieve current DNS name. This will be used to connec to the computer.
if (_snwprintf(key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), strServersDnsFormat, iServer) < 0) { return E_FAIL; } key[sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]) - 1] = L'\0';
_bstr_t strOldServerNameDns = pVarSet->get(key);
if (strOldServerNameDns.length()) { IVarSetPtr spVarSet(CLSID_VarSet); IUnknownPtr spUnknown(spVarSet); IUnknown* punk = spUnknown;
hr = pDB->raw_GetAMigratedObject(strServerName + L"$", origTarget, origSource, &punk);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _bstr_t strComputerTargetPath = spVarSet->get(L"MigratedObjects.TargetAdsPath");
IADsPtr spComputer;
hr = ADsGetObject(strComputerTargetPath, __uuidof(IADs), (VOID**)&spComputer);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { VARIANT var; VariantInit(&var); hr = spComputer->Get(_bstr_t(L"dNSHostName"), &var);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _bstr_t strNewServerNameDns = (_variant_t(var, false));
if (_snwprintf(key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), strServersDnsFormat, iServer) < 0) { return E_FAIL; } key[sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]) - 1] = L'\0';
pVarSet->put(key, L"\\\\" + strNewServerNameDns);
strServerName = (LPCTSTR)strOldServerNameDns + 2; } } } }
// If agent successfully completed task on server then mark succeeded.
long lStatus = pDB->GetDistributedActionStatus(lActionId, strServerName);
if ((lStatus & Agent_Status_Finished) && !(lStatus & Agent_Status_Failed)) { bSucceeded = true; }
// If the agent succeeded on this computer then mark not to skip dispatch
// and also indicate that there are computers to dispatch to. If the agent
// failed on this computer then mark to skip dispatch.
_snwprintf(key, sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]), strServersSkipDispatchFormat, iServer); key[sizeof(key) / sizeof(key[0]) - 1] = L'\0';
if (bSucceeded) { pVarSet->put(key, strNo); *bAnyToDispatch = true; } else { pVarSet->put(key, strYes); } }
return S_OK; } text = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_NoChange)); if (! UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES))) { // don't need to trim in nochange mode
*bAnyToDispatch = true; //say yes run dispatcher if Nochange
return S_OK; } srcDomain = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); tgtDomain = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); *bAnyToDispatch = false; //indicate that so far no accounts to dispatch
val = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Servers_NumItems)); for ( i = 0 ; i < val ; i++ ) { //init the skipDispath flag to "No"
swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_SkipDispatch_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_No));
swprintf(key,GET_STRING(DCTVSFmt_Servers_D),i); computer = pVarSet->get(key);
swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_ChangeDomain_D),i); text = pVarSet->get(key); if (! UStrICmp(text,GET_STRING(IDS_YES)) ) { // we are migrating this computer to a different domain
// check our database to verify that the computer account has been
// successfully migrated
computer += L"$"; IVarSetPtr pVS(CLSID_VarSet); IUnknown * pUnk = NULL;
hr = pVS->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown,(void**)&pUnk); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { if ( ((WCHAR*)computer)[0] == L'\\' ) { // leave off the leading \\'s
hr = pDB->raw_GetAMigratedObject(SysAllocString(((WCHAR*)computer) + 2),srcDomain,tgtDomain,&pUnk); } else { hr = pDB->raw_GetAMigratedObject(computer,srcDomain,tgtDomain,&pUnk); } if ( hr == S_OK ) { // the computer was found in the migrated objects table
// make sure we are using its correct target name, if it has been renamed
swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects.TargetSamName"); _bstr_t targetName = pVS->get(key); swprintf(key,L"MigratedObjects.SourceSamName"); _bstr_t sourceName = pVS->get(key); long id = pVS->get(L"MigratedObjects.ActionID");
if ( UStrICmp((WCHAR*)sourceName,(WCHAR*)targetName) ) { // the computer is being renamed
swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_RenameTo_D),i); // strip off the $ from the end of the target name, if specified
WCHAR target[LEN_Account];
if ( target[UStrLen(target)-1] == L'$' ) { target[UStrLen(target)-1] = 0; } pVarSet->put(key,target); } if ( id != actionID ) { // the migration failed, but this computer had been migrated before
// don't migrate the computer because it's account in the target domain, won't be reset
// and it will therefore be locked out of the domain
swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_ChangeDomain_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_Reboot_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_SkipDispatch_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); } else *bAnyToDispatch = true; //atleast one server for dispatcher
} else { // the computer migration failed!
// don't migrate the computer because it won't have it's account in the target domain,
// and will therefore be locked out of the domain
pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_Reboot_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_No)); swprintf(key,GET_STRING(IDS_DCTVSFmt_Servers_SkipDispatch_D),i); pVarSet->put(key,GET_BSTR(IDS_YES)); } pUnk->Release(); } } else *bAnyToDispatch = true; //atleast one server for dispatcher
} return hr; }
HRESULT CMigrator::PopulateAccounts(IVarSetPtr pVs) { _bstr_t origSource = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t origTarget = pVs->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain));
// Check if the source domain is NT4 or win2k
// if NT4 then call the NetObjEnum to enumerate the domain.
return S_OK; }
// PopulateDomainDBs : This function coordinates the populating of the Access
// DBs for both the source and target domains with the
// necessary fields from the AD.
bool CMigrator::PopulateDomainDBs( IVarSet * pVarSet, //in- varset with domain names.
IIManageDBPtr pDb //in- an instance of DBManager
) { /* local variables */ _bstr_t srcdomain = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); _bstr_t tgtdomain = pVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain));
/* function body */ //populate the DB for the source domain
PopulateADomainDB(srcdomain, TRUE, pDb); //populate the DB for the target domain
PopulateADomainDB(tgtdomain, FALSE, pDb);
return true; }
// PopulateADomainDB : This function looks up the necessary fields from the AD,
// using an MCSNetObjectEnum object, for the given domain
// and populates the corresponding Access DB with that info.
bool CMigrator::PopulateADomainDB( WCHAR const *domain, // in- name of domain to enumerate
BOOL bSource, // in- whether the domain is the source domain
IIManageDBPtr pDb // in- an instance of DBManager
) { INetObjEnumeratorPtr pQuery(__uuidof(NetObjEnumerator)); WCHAR sPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR sQuery[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR sData[] = { L"sAMAccountName", L"ADsPath", L"distinguishedName", L"canonicalName", L"objectSid" }; HRESULT hr; long nElt = DIM(sData); BSTR HUGEP * pData = NULL; SAFEARRAY * pszColNames; IEnumVARIANT * pEnum = NULL; _variant_t var; bool bSuccess = false; PCWSTR sType[] = { L"USER", L"GROUP", L"COMPUTER" }; bool bW2KDom = false; CADsPathName apnPathName;
if ( bSource ) pDb->raw_ClearTable(L"SourceAccounts"); else pDb->raw_ClearTable(L"TargetAccounts");
if (GetOSVersionForDomain(domain) > 4) { bW2KDom = true; }
// iterate three times once to get USERS, GROUPS, COMPUTERS (mainly for WinNT)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { //
// If W2K or later setup for an LDAP query otherwise setup to use Net APIs.
if (bW2KDom) { //
// Generate ADsPath in order to query the entire domain.
wcscpy(sPath, L"LDAP://"); wcscat(sPath, domain);
// Generate LDAP query string for the type of object to query.
switch (i) { case 0: // Query for user objects.
// Query only for normal account types which filters out trust accounts for example.
// Note that SAM_NORMAL_USER_ACCOUNT equals 0x30000000 hexadecimal or 805306368 decimal.
wcscpy(sQuery, L"(&" L"(objectCategory=Person)" L"(|(objectClass=user)(objectClass=inetOrgPerson))" L"(sAMAccountType=805306368)" L")" ); break; case 1: // Query for group objects.
wcscpy(sQuery, L"(objectCategory=Group)"); break; case 2: // Query for computer objects.
if (bSource) { // only query workstations and member servers as
// source domain controllers cannot be migrated
swprintf( sQuery, L"(&(objectCategory=Computer)(userAccountControl:%s:=%u))", LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W, static_cast<unsigned>(UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT) ); } else { // query workstations, member servers and domain controllers as source
// computer name may conflict with target domain controller name
swprintf(sQuery, L"(&" L"(objectCategory=Computer)" L"(|(userAccountControl:%s:=%u)(userAccountControl:%s:=%u))" L")", LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W, static_cast<unsigned>(UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT), LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_BIT_AND_W, static_cast<unsigned>(UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT) ); } break; default: wcscpy(sQuery, L""); break; } } else { //
// specify type of object to query for when using net object enumerator on NT4 or earlier domains
wcscpy(sPath, L"CN="); wcscat(sPath, sType[i]); wcscat(sPath, L"S");
wcscpy(sQuery, L"(objectClass=*)"); }
// Set the enumerator query
hr = pQuery->raw_SetQuery(sPath, _bstr_t(domain), sQuery, ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE, FALSE);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Create a safearray of columns we need from the enumerator.
SAFEARRAYBOUND bd = { nElt, 0 }; pszColNames = ::SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, &bd); HRESULT hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(pszColNames, (void HUGEP **)&pData); if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { for( long i = 0; i < nElt; i++) { pData[i] = SysAllocString(sData[i]); } hr = ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(pszColNames); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Set the columns on the enumerator object.
hr = pQuery->raw_SetColumns(pszColNames); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Now execute.
hr = pQuery->raw_Execute(&pEnum); }
//while we have more enumerated objects, get the enumerated fields
//for that object, save them in local variables, and add them to
//the appropriate DB
HRESULT hrEnum = S_OK; DWORD dwFetch = 1; while (hrEnum == S_OK && dwFetch > 0) { //get the enumerated fields for this current object
hrEnum = pEnum->Next(1, &var, &dwFetch);
if ( dwFetch > 0 && hrEnum == S_OK && ( var.vt & VT_ARRAY) ) { BOOL bSave = TRUE;
// We now have a Variant containing an array of variants so we access the data
VARIANT* pVar; pszColNames = V_ARRAY(&var); SafeArrayAccessData(pszColNames, (void**)&pVar);
//get the sAMAccountName field
_bstr_t sSAMName = pVar[0].bstrVal;
_bstr_t sRDN = L""; _bstr_t sCanonicalName = L"";
if (bW2KDom) { //
// Include only user defined objects from the source domain.
if ((bSource == FALSE) || IsUserRid(_variant_t(pVar[4]))) { // get the relative distinguished name
_bstr_t sDN = pVar[2].bstrVal; apnPathName.Set(sDN, ADS_SETTYPE_DN); sRDN = apnPathName.GetElement(0L);
// get the canonical name
sCanonicalName = pVar[3].bstrVal; } else { bSave = FALSE; } } else { //create an RDN from the SAM name
sRDN = L"CN=" + sSAMName;
// Include only user defined objects from source domain.
// Retrieve object id and compare against non reserved rids.
long lRid = _variant_t(pVar[2]);
if (lRid < MIN_NON_RESERVED_RID) { bSave = FALSE; }
// Only include workstations and member servers and not domain controllers.
if (i == 2) { // retrieve object flags and check for domain controller bit
long lFlags = _variant_t(pVar[3]);
if (lFlags & UF_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT) { bSave = FALSE; } } }
//use the DBManager Interface to store this object's fields
//in the appropriate database
if (bSave) { pDb->raw_AddSourceObject(_bstr_t(domain), sSAMName, _bstr_t(sType[i]), sRDN, sCanonicalName, bSource); } var.Clear(); } } if ( pEnum ) pEnum->Release(); } // while
pDb->raw_CloseAccountsTable(); return SUCCEEDED(hr); } DWORD CMigrator::GetOSVersionForDomain(WCHAR const * domain) { _bstr_t strDc; WKSTA_INFO_100 * pInfo = NULL; DWORD retVal = 0;
DWORD rc = GetAnyDcName5(domain, strDc);
if ( !rc ) { rc = NetWkstaGetInfo(strDc,100,(LPBYTE*)&pInfo); if ( ! rc ) { retVal = pInfo->wki100_ver_major; NetApiBufferFree(pInfo); } }
return retVal; }
BOOL CMigrator::DeleteItemFromList(WCHAR const * aName) { DATABASE_ENTRY aListItem; CString itemName; POSITION pos, lastpos; BOOL bFound = FALSE;
pos = mUserList.GetHeadPosition(); while ((pos != NULL) && (!bFound)) { lastpos = pos; aListItem = mUserList.GetNext(pos); itemName = (WCHAR*)(aListItem.m_sSAMName); if (itemName == aName) { mUserList.RemoveAt(lastpos); bFound = TRUE; } } return bFound; }
// IsAgentOrDispatcherProcessRunning
bool __stdcall IsAgentOrDispatcherProcessRunning() { bool bIsRunning = true;
CMigrationMutex mutexAgent(AGENT_MUTEX); CMigrationMutex mutexDispatcher(DISPATCHER_MUTEX);
if (mutexAgent.ObtainOwnership(30000) && mutexDispatcher.ObtainOwnership(30000)) { bIsRunning = false; }
return bIsRunning; }
// SetDomainControllers
// Sets preferred domain controllers to be used
// by the account replicator and dispatched agents
DWORD __stdcall SetDomainControllers(IVarSetPtr& spVarSet) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// set source domain controller
_bstr_t strSourceServer = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServerOverride)); _bstr_t strSourceServerDns = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServerOverrideDns));
if ((strSourceServer.length() == 0) && (strSourceServerDns.length() == 0)) { bool bSourceDns = false; _bstr_t strSourceDomain = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomainDns));
if (strSourceDomain.length() > 0) { bSourceDns = true; } else { strSourceDomain = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceDomain)); }
ULONG ulFlags = (bSourceDns ? DS_IS_DNS_NAME : DS_IS_FLAT_NAME) | DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED; dwError = GetDcName5(strSourceDomain, ulFlags, strSourceServerDns, strSourceServer); }
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spVarSet->put( GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServer), strSourceServerDns.length() ? strSourceServerDns : strSourceServer ); spVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServerDns), strSourceServerDns); spVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_SourceServerFlat), strSourceServer); }
if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return dwError; }
// set target domain controller
_bstr_t strTargetServer = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServerOverride)); _bstr_t strTargetServerDns = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServerOverrideDns));
if ((strTargetServer.length() == 0) && (strTargetServerDns.length() == 0)) { bool bTargetDns = false; _bstr_t strTargetDomain = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomainDns));
if (strTargetDomain.length() > 0) { bTargetDns = true; } else { strTargetDomain = spVarSet->get(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetDomain)); }
ULONG ulFlags = (bTargetDns ? DS_IS_DNS_NAME : DS_IS_FLAT_NAME) | DS_DIRECTORY_SERVICE_PREFERRED; dwError = GetDcName5(strTargetDomain, ulFlags, strTargetServerDns, strTargetServer); }
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { spVarSet->put( GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServer), strTargetServerDns.length() ? strTargetServerDns : strTargetServer ); spVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServerDns), strTargetServerDns); spVarSet->put(GET_BSTR(DCTVS_Options_TargetServerFlat), strTargetServer); }
return dwError; }