// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Dialog class
// 10-15-97 sburns
// Wraps a Windows dialog box, cracks and demuxes the dialog messages, and
// provides a mechanism for tracking the control IDs that have been touched
// over a given period. Also provides what-is help.
// May only be used as a base class.
class Dialog { public:
// can't use an enum 'cause the type needs to be DWORD
#define NO_HELP (static_cast<DWORD>(-1))
// Executes the dialog modally via the Win DialogBox API. Blocks until the
// Win EndDialog API is called; returns the value passed to EndDialog.
// Derived classes must call EndDialog in their message processing to
// terminate the execution of the dialog.
// parent - handle to the parent window, which will be disabled during
// the execution of the dialog.
INT_PTR ModalExecute(HWND parent);
INT_PTR ModalExecute(const Dialog& parent);
// Executes the dialog box modelessly, returning immediately. Derived
// classes should call EndModelessExecution to close a Dialog executing
// modelessly, or, destroy the Dialog instance.
// Example:
// MyFooDialog* dlg = new MyFooDialog(....);
// dlg->ModlessExecute();
// // ... later
// dlg->EndModelessExecution();
// // or just:
// delete dlg;
// parent - handle to the parent window of this dialog, for establishing
// z-order.
void ModelessExecute(HWND parent);
void ModelessExecute(const Dialog& parent);
// Terminates the modeless execution of a dialog that has been started
// with ModalExecute. It is illegal to call this method before calling
// ModalExecute.
void EndModelessExecution();
// Returns the window handle of the dialog. This method is only valid
// after the window has been created and initialized by receiving
// WM_INITDIALOG (which will be the case before any virtual message
// handling functions are invoked).
HWND GetHWND() const;
// Returns the resource ID with which this instance was created.
unsigned GetResID() const;
// Returns a pointer to the Dialog instance that has been previously
// stashed in the DWL_USER portion of the window structure. This method is
// only valid after the window has been created and initialized by
// receiving WM_INITDIALOG (which will be the case before any virtual
// message handling functions are invoked).
// dialog - handle to initialized dialog window.
static Dialog* GetInstance(HWND dialog);
// Constructs a new instance. Declared protected so that this class
// only functions as base class
// resID - resource identifier of the dialog template resource.
// helpMap - array mapping dialog control IDs to context help IDs. The
// array must be in the following form:
// {
// controlID1, helpID1,
// controlID2, helpID2,
// controlIDn, helpIDn,
// 0, 0
// }
// To indicate that a control does not have help, the value of its
// corresponding help ID should be NO_HELP. This array is copied
// by the constructor.
Dialog( unsigned resID, const DWORD helpMap[]);
// Destroys an instance. If the ModelessExecute method has been called,
// and the EndModlessExecution method has not yet been called,
// EndModelessExecution is called.
virtual ~Dialog();
// Resets the control ID change map.
void ClearChanges();
// Marks a control ID as changed. Derived classes should call this from
// their processing of OnCommand or OnNotify as appropriate to indicate
// that a control has changed state. This is useful for keeping track of
// the fields in a database that need to be changed, etc.
// controlResID - the resource ID of the control that changed.
void SetChanged(UINT_PTR controlResID);
// Queries the control ID change map, returning true if the specified
// control ID was previously marked as changed (with SetChanged), false
// if not.
// controlResID - the resource ID of the control that changed.
bool WasChanged(UINT_PTR controlResID) const;
// Returns true if SetChanged was called for any control on the dialog,
// false if not.
bool WasChanged() const;
// (For debugging) dumps the state of the control ID change map using
// OutputDebugString. For non-debug builds, a no-op.
void DumpChangeMap() const;
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_DESTROY. The default implementation does
// nothing.
virtual void OnDestroy();
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_COMMAND. Derived class' implementation
// should return true they handle the message, false if not. The default
// implementation returns false.
// windowFrom - the HWND of the child window (control) that originated the
// message.
// controlIDFrom - The resource ID of the child window corresponding to the
// window indicated in the windowFrom parameter.
// code - the notification code.
virtual bool OnCommand( HWND windowFrom, unsigned controlIdFrom, unsigned code);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_INITDIALOG, after having set things up such
// that GetHWND and GetInstance will work correctly. The default
// implementation does nothing.
virtual void OnInit();
// Invoked upon receipt of any window message that is not dispatched to
// other member functions of this class, including user-defined messages.
// Derived class' implementation should return true they handle the
// message, false if not. The default implementation returns false.
// message - the message code passed to the dialog window.
// wparam - the WPARAM parameter accompanying the message.
// lparam - the LPARAM parameter accompanying the message.
virtual bool OnMessage( UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_NOTIFY. Derived class' implementation should
// return true they handle the message, false if not. The default
// implementation returns false.
// windowFrom - the HWND of the child window (control) that originated the
// message.
// controlIDFrom - The resource ID of the child window corresponding to the
// window indicated in the windowFrom parameter.
// code - the notification code.
// lparam - the LPARAM parameter of the WM_NOTIFY message, which may,
// depending on the window that originated the message, be a pointer to a
// structure indicating other parameters to the notification.
virtual bool OnNotify( HWND windowFrom, UINT_PTR controlIDFrom, UINT code, LPARAM lparam);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_CTLCOLORDLG. Derived class' implementation
// should return a handle to a brush if they want to paint the dialog's
// background. It is the responsibility of the derived class to destroy
// the brush when it is no longer needed.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
// deviceContext - the device context of the dialog box
// dialog - the HWND of the dialog box
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorDlg( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC. Derived class' implementation
// should return a handle to a brush if they want to paint the dialog's
// background. It is the responsibility of the derived class to destroy the
// brush when it is no longer needed.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
// deviceContext - the device context of the dialog box
// dialog - the HWND of the dialog box
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorStatic( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_CTLCOLOREDIT. Derived class' implementation
// should return a handle to a brush if they want to paint the dialog's
// background. It is the responsibility of the derived class to destroy the
// brush when it is no longer needed.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
// deviceContext - the device context of the dialog box
// dialog - the HWND of the dialog box
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorEdit( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX. Derived class' implementation
// should return a handle to a brush if they want to paint the dialog's
// background. It is the responsibility of the derived class to destroy the
// brush when it is no longer needed.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
// deviceContext - the device context of the dialog box
// dialog - the HWND of the dialog box
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorListbox( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
// Invoked upon receipt of WM_CTLCOLORSCROLLBAR. Derived class' implementation
// should return a handle to a brush if they want to paint the dialog's
// background. It is the responsibility of the derived class to destroy the
// brush when it is no longer needed.
// The default implementation returns NULL.
// deviceContext - the device context of the dialog box
// dialog - the HWND of the dialog box
virtual HBRUSH OnCtlColorScrollbar( HDC deviceContext, HWND dialog);
// Stores the window handle of the dialog in this instance, so that it can
// be later retrieved by GetHWND. This is typically called by derived
// classes that are doing their own processing of WM_INITDIALOG. This
// function may be legally called only once in the lifetime of any Dialog
// instance.
// window - handle to the dialog window.
void SetHWND(HWND window);
// The window handle of corresponding to this instance. Only valid after
// WM_INITDIALOG has been received.
HWND hwnd;
// accessible to PropertyPage, etc.
static INT_PTR CALLBACK dialogProc(HWND dialog, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
// not implemented: no copying allowed
Dialog(const Dialog&); const Dialog& operator=(const Dialog&);
typedef std::map< UINT_PTR, bool, std::less<UINT_PTR>, Burnslib::Heap::Allocator<bool> > ChangeMap;
// 'mutable' required for non-const map<>::operator[].
mutable ChangeMap changemap; DWORD* helpMap; bool isEnded; bool isModeless; unsigned resID; };