Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
  2. //
  3. // Wrappers of Win APIs
  4. //
  5. // 8-14-97 sburns
  6. #ifndef WIN_HPP_INCLUDED
  7. #define WIN_HPP_INCLUDED
  8. // Wrappers of Win32 APIs, doing such nice things as taking Strings
  9. // as parameters, asserting parameters and return values, assuming
  10. // certain parameters such as resource instance handles, and other
  11. // stuff.
  12. //
  13. // Each function name is identical to the API function it wraps.
  14. namespace Burnslib
  15. {
  16. namespace Win
  17. {
  18. // Win::Error is a subclass of ::Error that automatically maps
  19. // error codes to message strings, pulling the strings string from
  20. // various windows system resources.
  21. class Error : public ::Error
  22. {
  23. public:
  24. // Constructs a new instance.
  25. //
  26. // hr - The HRESULT to keep track of.
  27. //
  28. // summaryResID - ID of the string resource that corresponds to
  29. // the summary text to be returned by GetSummary().
  30. Error(HRESULT hr, int summaryResID);
  31. virtual
  32. ~Error()
  33. {
  34. }
  35. // Overrides the default windows message text.
  36. //
  37. // hr - The HRESULT to keep track of.
  38. //
  39. // message - The error message that will be returned by calls to
  40. // GetMessage.
  41. //
  42. // summary - the string that will be returned by calls to GetSummary
  43. Error(HRESULT hr, const String& message, const String& summary);
  45. GetHresult() const;
  46. // Returns the HelpContext that will point the user to
  47. // assistance in deciphering the error message and details. For
  48. // this implementation, this is just the HRESULT parameter
  49. // passed to the ctor.
  50. virtual
  51. HelpContext
  52. GetHelpContext() const;
  53. // Returns the human readable error message from the system
  54. // error message string table(s).
  55. virtual
  56. String
  57. GetMessage() const;
  58. // returns a 1-line summary: The essence of the error, suitable
  59. // for use as the title of a reporting dialog, for instance.
  60. virtual
  61. String
  62. GetSummary() const;
  63. const Error& operator=(const Error& rhs);
  64. private:
  65. HRESULT hr;
  66. mutable String message;
  67. mutable String summary;
  68. int summaryResId;
  69. };
  70. // A CursorSetting is a convenient trick to change the cursor only
  71. // for the lifetime of a single code block. When an instance is
  72. // constructed, the cursor is changed. When it is destroyed, the
  73. // old cursor is restored.
  74. //
  75. // Example:
  76. //
  77. // { // open block scope
  78. // Win::CursorSetting scope(IDC_WAIT);
  79. // // the cursor is now IDC_WAIT
  80. //
  81. // // do something time consuming
  82. // } // close block scope
  83. // // scope destroyed; the cursor is restored to what it was before
  84. // NOTE: not threadsafe: do not use the same CursorSetting object from
  85. // multiple threads.
  86. class CursorSetting
  87. {
  88. public:
  89. // Construct a new instance with the named cursor resource.
  90. explicit
  91. CursorSetting(const String& newCursorName);
  92. // MAKEINTRESOURCE version
  93. explicit
  94. CursorSetting(
  95. const TCHAR* newCursorName,
  96. bool isSystemCursor = true);
  97. // Construct a new instance from a valid HCURSOR.
  98. explicit
  99. CursorSetting(HCURSOR newCursor);
  100. ~CursorSetting();
  101. private:
  102. HCURSOR oldCursor;
  103. void init(
  104. const TCHAR* cursorName,
  105. bool isSystemCursor = true);
  106. // these are not defined
  107. CursorSetting(const CursorSetting&);
  108. const CursorSetting& operator=(const CursorSetting&);
  109. };
  110. class WaitCursor : public CursorSetting
  111. {
  112. public:
  113. WaitCursor()
  114. :
  115. CursorSetting(IDC_WAIT)
  116. {
  117. }
  118. private:
  119. // these are not defined
  120. WaitCursor(const WaitCursor&);
  121. const WaitCursor& operator=(const WaitCursor&);
  122. };
  123. HRESULT
  124. AdjustTokenPrivileges(
  125. HANDLE tokenHandle,
  126. bool disableAllPrivileges,
  127. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState[]);
  128. // Previous state must be freed with BYTE::delete[], which should be done
  129. // whether or not the function returns a success code. See
  130. // AutoTokenPrivileges for a friendly wrapper.
  131. //
  132. // tokenHandle - a token opened with TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES and
  133. // TOKEN_QUERY permissions.
  134. //
  135. // see the win32 API docs for the meaning of the other params.
  136. //
  137. // Ex.
  138. //
  139. // TOKEN_PRIVILEGES* oldPrivs = 0;
  140. // HRESULT hr = AdjustTokenPrivileges(,,,oldPrivs);
  141. // // do stuff...
  142. // hr = AdjustTokenPrivileges(,,oldPrivs); // i.e. the other overload
  143. // delete[] (BYTE*) oldPrivs;
  144. // oldPrivs = 0;
  145. HRESULT
  146. AdjustTokenPrivileges(
  147. HANDLE tokenHandle,
  148. bool disableAllPrivileges,
  149. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES newState[],
  150. TOKEN_PRIVILEGES*& previousState);
  151. HRESULT
  152. AllocateAndInitializeSid(
  154. BYTE subAuthorityCount,
  155. DWORD subAuthority0,
  156. DWORD subAuthority1,
  157. DWORD subAuthority2,
  158. DWORD subAuthority3,
  159. DWORD subAuthority4,
  160. DWORD subAuthority5,
  161. DWORD subAuthority6,
  162. DWORD subAuthority7,
  163. PSID& sid);
  164. #undef Animate_Close
  165. void
  166. Animate_Close(HWND animation);
  167. #undef Animate_Open
  168. void
  169. Animate_Open(HWND animation, const TCHAR* animationNameOrRes);
  170. #undef Animate_Stop
  171. void
  172. Animate_Stop(HWND animation);
  173. HRESULT
  174. AppendMenu(
  175. HMENU menu,
  176. UINT flags,
  177. UINT_PTR idNewItem,
  178. PCTSTR newItem);
  179. #undef Button_SetCheck
  180. void
  181. Button_SetCheck(HWND button, int checkState);
  182. #undef Button_GetCheck
  183. bool
  184. Button_GetCheck(HWND button);
  185. #undef Button_SetStyle
  186. void
  187. Button_SetStyle(HWND button, int style, bool redraw);
  188. void
  189. CheckDlgButton(HWND parentDialog, int buttonID, UINT buttonState);
  190. void
  191. CheckRadioButton(
  192. HWND parentDialog,
  193. int firstButtonInGroupID,
  194. int lastButtonInGroupID,
  195. int buttonInGroupToCheckID);
  196. // sets the handle to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
  197. void
  198. CloseHandle(HANDLE& handle);
  199. void
  200. CloseServiceHandle(SC_HANDLE handle);
  201. #undef ComboBox_AddString
  202. int
  203. ComboBox_AddString(HWND combo, const String& s);
  204. // Adds all of the strings in the range defined by the provided iterators
  205. // to the combo box control, and returns the 0-based index of the last
  206. // string added. Returns CB_ERR if an error occurred, or CB_ERRSPACE if
  207. // insufficient space is available to add the string.
  208. //
  209. // Each element is added in the sequence provided by the iterators. If an
  210. // error is encountered, the iteration stops, and the error value is
  211. // returned. In other words, remaining elements in the iteration are
  212. // skipped.
  213. //
  214. // Each element must be a String, or a type convertible to String (PWSTR,
  215. // etc.)
  216. //
  217. // combo - a HWND for a combo box.
  218. //
  219. // first - a forward iterator set to the first element in the sequence to
  220. // be added to the combo box.
  221. //
  222. // last - a forward iterator set to just beyond the last element of the
  223. // sequence.
  224. //
  225. // Example:
  226. //
  227. // StringList fooStrings;
  228. // fooStrings.push_back(L"hello");
  229. // fooStrings.push_back(L"world");
  230. //
  231. // int err =
  232. // Win::ComboBox_AddStrings(
  233. // combo,
  234. // fooStrings.begin(),
  235. // fooStrings.end());
  236. template<class ForwardIterator>
  237. int
  238. ComboBox_AddStrings(
  239. HWND combo,
  240. ForwardIterator first,
  241. ForwardIterator last)
  242. {
  243. ASSERT(Win::IsWindow(combo));
  244. int err = CB_ERR;
  245. for (
  246. // copy the iterators so as not to modify the actual parameters
  247. ForwardIterator f = first, l = last;
  248. f != l;
  249. ++f)
  250. {
  251. err = Win::ComboBox_AddString(combo, *f);
  252. if (err == CB_ERR || err == CB_ERRSPACE)
  253. {
  254. break;
  255. }
  256. }
  257. return err;
  258. }
  259. #undef ComboBox_GetCurSel
  260. int
  261. ComboBox_GetCurSel(HWND combo);
  262. // Retrieves the text of the selected item in the list box of the combo
  263. // or empty if no item is selected.
  264. String
  265. ComboBox_GetCurText(HWND combo);
  266. #undef ComboBox_GetLBText
  267. String
  268. ComboBox_GetLBText(HWND combo, int index);
  269. #undef ComboBox_GetLBTextLen
  270. int
  271. ComboBox_GetLBTextLen(HWND combo, int index);
  272. #undef ComboBox_SelectString
  273. int
  274. ComboBox_SelectString(HWND combo, const String& str);
  275. #undef ComboBox_SetCurSel
  276. void
  277. ComboBox_SetCurSel(HWND combo, int index);
  278. #undef ComboBox_SetItemData
  279. void
  280. ComboBox_SetItemData(HWND combo, int index, LPARAM data);
  281. #undef ComboBox_GetItemData
  282. LRESULT
  283. ComboBox_GetItemData(HWND combo, int index);
  284. int
  285. CompareString(
  286. LCID locale,
  287. DWORD flags,
  288. const String& string1,
  289. const String& string2);
  290. HRESULT
  291. ConnectNamedPipe(
  292. HANDLE pipe,
  293. OVERLAPPED* overlapped);
  294. HRESULT
  295. ConvertSidToStringSid(PSID sid, String& result);
  296. // sid must be freed with LocalFree
  297. HRESULT
  298. ConvertStringSidToSid(const String& sidString, PSID& sid);
  299. HRESULT
  300. CopyFileEx(
  301. const String& existingFileName,
  302. const String& newFileName,
  303. LPPROGRESS_ROUTINE progressRoutine,
  304. void* progressParam,
  305. BOOL* cancelFlag,
  306. DWORD flags);
  307. HRESULT
  308. CopySid(DWORD destLengthInBytes, PSID dest, PSID source);
  309. HRESULT
  310. CreateDialogParam(
  311. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  312. const TCHAR* templateName,
  313. HWND owner,
  314. DLGPROC dialogProc,
  315. LPARAM param,
  316. HWND& result);
  317. HRESULT
  318. CreateDirectory(const String& path);
  319. HRESULT
  320. CreateDirectory(const String& path, const SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES& sa);
  321. HRESULT
  322. CreateEvent(
  323. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* securityAttributes,
  324. bool manualReset,
  325. bool initiallySignaled,
  326. HANDLE& result);
  327. HRESULT
  328. CreateEvent(
  329. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* securityAttributes,
  330. bool manualReset,
  331. bool initiallySignaled,
  332. const String& name,
  333. HANDLE& result);
  334. HRESULT
  335. CreateFile(
  336. const String& fileName,
  337. DWORD desiredAccess,
  338. DWORD shareMode,
  339. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* securityAttributes,
  340. DWORD creationDistribution,
  341. DWORD flagsAndAttributes,
  342. HANDLE hTemplateFile,
  343. HANDLE& result);
  344. HRESULT
  345. DeleteFile(const String& fileName);
  346. HRESULT
  347. CreateFontIndirect(
  348. const LOGFONT& logFont,
  349. HFONT& result);
  350. HRESULT
  351. CreateMailslot(
  352. const String& name,
  353. DWORD maxMessageSize,
  354. DWORD readTimeout,
  355. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* attributes,
  356. HANDLE& result);
  357. HRESULT
  358. CreateMutex(
  359. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* attributes,
  360. bool isInitialOwner,
  361. const String& name,
  362. HANDLE& result);
  363. HRESULT
  364. CreateNamedPipe(
  365. const String& name,
  366. DWORD openMode,
  367. DWORD pipeMode,
  368. DWORD maxInstances,
  369. DWORD outBufferSizeInBytes,
  370. DWORD inBufferSizeInBytes,
  371. DWORD defaultTimeout,
  373. HANDLE& result);
  374. HRESULT
  375. CreatePopupMenu(HMENU& result);
  376. #undef CreateProcess
  377. // ISSUE-2002/03/07-sburns depricate this version:
  378. HRESULT
  379. CreateProcess(
  380. String& commandLine,
  381. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* processAttributes,
  382. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* threadAttributes,
  383. bool inheritHandles,
  384. DWORD creationFlags,
  385. void* environment,
  386. const String& currentDirectory,
  387. STARTUPINFO& startupInformation,
  388. PROCESS_INFORMATION& processInformation);
  389. // applicationFullPath - REQUIRED. The win32 CreateProcess API allows the
  390. // application name to be unspecified. In that case, the command line param
  391. // needs to ensure that the executable is properly quoted. Also, the Win32
  392. // API allows a relative path to the application.
  393. //
  394. // Those characteristics are security vulnerabilities, so our version
  395. // requires the applicationFullPath, and requires it to be a full-qualified
  396. // absolute path name. Otherwise, E_INVALIDARG is returned
  397. //
  398. // commandLine - optional. The command line to be passed to the process
  399. // started. May be modified by the call, to what end I can't fathom. The
  400. // applicationFullPath will be prepended to this value to form the
  401. // customary first command line parameter.
  402. //
  403. // creationFlags - same as Win32 API.
  404. //
  405. // currentDirectory - optional, but if a non-empty string is passed, it
  406. // must be an absolute path to refer to an existing folder. Otherwise,
  407. // E_INVALIDARG is returned.
  408. //
  409. // startupInformation - same as Win32 API.
  410. //
  411. // processInformation - same as Win32 API.
  412. HRESULT
  413. CreateProcess(
  414. const String& applicationFullPath,
  415. String& commandLine,
  416. DWORD creationFlags,
  417. const String& currentDirectory,
  418. STARTUPINFO& startupInformation,
  419. PROCESS_INFORMATION& processInformation);
  420. HRESULT
  421. CreatePropertySheetPage(
  422. const PROPSHEETPAGE& pageInfo,
  423. HPROPSHEETPAGE& result);
  424. HRESULT
  425. CreateSolidBrush(
  426. COLORREF color,
  427. HBRUSH& result);
  428. HRESULT
  429. CreateStreamOnHGlobal(
  430. HGLOBAL hglobal,
  431. bool deleteOnRelease,
  432. IStream*& result);
  433. HRESULT
  434. CreateWindowEx(
  435. DWORD exStyle,
  436. const String& className,
  437. const String& windowName,
  438. DWORD style,
  439. int x,
  440. int y,
  441. int width,
  442. int height,
  443. HWND parent,
  444. HMENU menuOrChildID,
  445. void* param,
  446. HWND& result);
  447. // Caller must free the cypherText.pbData member with ::LocalFree
  448. HRESULT
  449. CryptProtectData(const DATA_BLOB& clearText, DATA_BLOB& cypherText);
  450. // Caller must free the clearText.pbData member with ::LocalFree
  451. HRESULT
  452. CryptUnprotectData(const DATA_BLOB& cypherText, DATA_BLOB& clearText);
  453. // for protecting in-memory buffers. On success, buffer is overwritten
  454. // with the cyphertext. On failure, the buffer is untouched.
  455. HRESULT
  456. CryptProtectMemory(
  457. void* buffer,
  458. size_t bufferSizeInBytes,
  460. // must be called with the same flags as CryptProtectMemory. On success,
  461. // buffer is overwritten with the cleartext. On failure, the buffer is
  462. // untouched.
  463. HRESULT
  464. CryptUnprotectMemory(
  465. void* buffer,
  466. size_t bufferSizeInBytes,
  468. HRESULT
  469. DeleteFile(const String& path);
  470. // object is set to 0
  471. HRESULT
  472. DeleteObject(HGDIOBJ& object);
  473. HRESULT
  474. DeleteObject(HFONT& object);
  475. HRESULT
  476. DeleteObject(HBITMAP& object);
  477. HRESULT
  478. DeleteObject(HBRUSH& object);
  479. // icon is set to 0
  480. HRESULT
  481. DestroyIcon(HICON& icon);
  482. // menu is set to 0
  483. HRESULT
  484. DestroyMenu(HMENU& menu);
  485. // page is set to 0
  486. HRESULT
  487. DestroyPropertySheetPage(HPROPSHEETPAGE& page);
  488. // window is set to 0
  489. HRESULT
  490. DestroyWindow(HWND& window);
  491. INT_PTR
  492. DialogBoxParam(
  493. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  494. const TCHAR* templateName,
  495. HWND owner,
  496. DLGPROC dialogProc,
  497. LPARAM param);
  498. // Returns the resource ID of the default push button control on the
  499. // dialog. If there is not, or on error, returns 0.
  500. int
  501. Dialog_GetDefaultButtonId(HWND dialog);
  502. // Sets the default push button on the dialog to the button with the
  503. // given resource ID. Note that this will not necessarily remove the
  504. // default pushbutton style from the button that previously had that
  505. // state (use Button_SetStyle to do that).
  506. void
  507. Dialog_SetDefaultButtonId(HWND dialog, int buttonResId);
  508. HRESULT
  509. DisconnectNamedPipe(HANDLE pipe);
  510. HRESULT
  511. DrawFocusRect(HDC dc, const RECT& rect);
  512. // appends text to the contents of an edit control.
  513. //
  514. // editbox - HWND of the edit control
  515. //
  516. // text - text to append. Must not be empty.
  517. //
  518. // preserveSelection - true to keep any active selection, false to move
  519. // the care to the end of the appended text.
  520. //
  521. // canUndo - true to allow undo of the append, false if not.
  522. void
  523. Edit_AppendText(
  524. HWND editbox,
  525. const String& text,
  526. bool preserveSelection = true,
  527. bool canUndo = true);
  528. #undef Edit_GetSel
  529. void
  530. Edit_GetSel(HWND editbox, int& start, int& end);
  531. #undef Edit_LimitText
  532. void
  533. Edit_LimitText(HWND editbox, int limit);
  534. #undef Edit_ReplaceSel
  535. void
  536. Edit_ReplaceSel(HWND editbox, const String& newText, bool canUndo);
  537. #undef Edit_SetSel
  538. void
  539. Edit_SetSel(HWND editbox, int start, int end);
  540. bool
  541. EqualSid(PSID sid1, PSID sid2);
  542. void
  543. EnableWindow(HWND window, bool state);
  544. HRESULT
  545. EndDialog(HWND dialog, int result);
  546. #undef EnumUILanguages
  547. HRESULT
  548. EnumUILanguages(
  550. DWORD flags,
  551. LONG_PTR lParam);
  552. HRESULT
  553. ExitWindowsEx(UINT options);
  554. // expands strings in s, returns s on failure, expanded version on
  555. // success.
  556. String
  557. ExpandEnvironmentStrings(const String& s);
  558. HRESULT
  559. FindFirstFile(
  560. const String& fileName,
  561. WIN32_FIND_DATA& data,
  562. HANDLE& result);
  563. HRESULT
  564. FindClose(HANDLE& findHandle);
  565. HRESULT
  566. FindNextFile(HANDLE& findHandle, WIN32_FIND_DATA& data);
  567. // Searches the module indicated by GetResourceModuleHandle()
  568. HRESULT
  569. FindResource(PCWSTR name, PCWSTR type, HRSRC& result);
  570. HRESULT
  571. FlushFileBuffers(HANDLE handle);
  572. HRESULT
  573. FrameRect(HDC dc, const RECT& rect, HBRUSH brush);
  574. HRESULT
  575. FreeLibrary(HMODULE& module);
  576. void
  577. FreeSid(PSID sid);
  578. // used to free the result returned by Win::GetTokenInformation
  579. void
  580. FreeTokenInformation(TOKEN_USER* userInfo);
  581. HWND
  582. GetActiveWindow();
  583. // for Windows pre-defined classes.
  584. HRESULT
  585. GetClassInfoEx(const String& className, WNDCLASSEX& info);
  586. HRESULT
  587. GetClassInfoEx(
  588. HINSTANCE hInstance,
  589. const String& className,
  590. WNDCLASSEX& info);
  591. String
  592. GetClassName(HWND window);
  593. String
  594. GetClipboardFormatName(UINT format);
  595. HRESULT
  596. GetClientRect(HWND window, RECT& rect);
  597. HRESULT
  598. GetColorDepth(int& result);
  599. String
  600. GetCommandLine();
  601. // Inserts the command line arguments of the current process into the
  602. // provided list. The list is not cleared beforehand. The list is similar
  603. // to the traditional argv array. Returns the number of args inserted.
  604. //
  605. // Use instead of ::GetCommandLine, ::ComandLineToArgVW.
  606. //
  607. // BackInsertionSequence - any type that supports the construction of
  608. // a back_insert_iterator on itself, and has a value type that can be
  609. // constructed from an PWSTR.
  610. //
  611. // bii - a reference to a back_insert_iterator of the
  612. // BackInsertionSequence template parameter. The simplest way to make
  613. // one of these is to use the back_inserter helper function.
  614. //
  615. // Example:
  616. //
  617. // StringList container;
  618. // int argCount = Win::GetCommandLineArgs(std::back_inserter(container));
  619. //
  620. // StringVector container;
  621. // int argCount = Win::GetCommandLineArgs(std::back_inserter(container));
  622. template <class BackInsertableContainer>
  623. int
  624. GetCommandLineArgs(
  625. std::back_insert_iterator<BackInsertableContainer>& bii)
  626. {
  627. PWSTR* clArgs = 0;
  628. int argCount = 0;
  629. int retval = 0;
  630. clArgs =
  631. ::CommandLineToArgvW(Win::GetCommandLine().c_str(), &argCount);
  632. ASSERT(clArgs);
  633. if (clArgs)
  634. {
  635. for (retval = 0; retval < argCount; retval++)
  636. {
  637. // the container values can be any type that can be constructed
  638. // from PWSTR...
  639. //lint --e(*) lint does not grok back_insert_iterator
  640. *bii++ = clArgs[retval];
  641. }
  642. Win::GlobalFree(clArgs);
  643. }
  644. ASSERT(argCount == retval);
  645. return retval;
  646. }
  647. // HRESULT
  648. // GetComputerNameEx(COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT format, String& result);
  649. String
  650. GetComputerNameEx(COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT format);
  651. HRESULT
  652. GetCurrentDirectory(String& result);
  653. HANDLE
  654. GetCurrentProcess();
  655. HRESULT
  656. GetCursorPos(POINT& result);
  657. HRESULT
  658. GetDC(HWND window, HDC& result);
  659. int
  660. GetDeviceCaps(HDC hdc, int index);
  661. HWND
  662. GetDesktopWindow();
  663. HRESULT
  664. GetDiskFreeSpaceEx(
  665. const String& path,
  666. ULARGE_INTEGER& available,
  667. ULARGE_INTEGER& total,
  668. ULARGE_INTEGER* free);
  669. HWND
  670. GetDlgItem(HWND parentDialog, int itemResID);
  671. String
  672. GetDlgItemText(HWND parentDialog, int itemResID);
  673. int
  674. GetDlgItemInt(HWND parentDialog, int itemResID, bool isSigned = false);
  675. UINT
  676. GetDriveType(const String& path);
  677. EncryptedString
  678. GetEncryptedDlgItemText(HWND parentDialog, int itemResID);
  679. String
  680. GetEnvironmentVariable(const String& name);
  681. HRESULT
  682. GetExitCodeProcess(HANDLE hProcess, DWORD& exitCode);
  683. HRESULT
  684. GetFileAttributes(const String& path, DWORD& result);
  685. HRESULT
  686. GetFileSizeEx(HANDLE handle, LARGE_INTEGER& result);
  687. DWORD
  688. GetFileType(HANDLE handle);
  689. // DWORD
  690. // GetLastError();
  691. HRESULT
  692. GetFullPathName(const String& path, String& result);
  693. HRESULT
  694. GetLastErrorAsHresult();
  695. void
  696. GetLocalTime(SYSTEMTIME& time);
  697. HRESULT
  698. GetDateFormat(
  699. const SYSTEMTIME& date,
  700. String& formattedDate,
  702. DWORD flags = 0);
  703. HRESULT
  704. GetTimeFormat(
  705. const SYSTEMTIME& time,
  706. String& formattedTime,
  708. DWORD flags = 0);
  709. HRESULT
  710. GetLogicalDriveStrings(size_t bufChars, TCHAR* buf, DWORD& result);
  711. HRESULT
  712. GetMailslotInfo(
  713. HANDLE mailslot,
  714. DWORD* maxMessageSize,
  715. DWORD* nextMessageSize,
  716. DWORD* messageCount,
  717. DWORD* readTimeout);
  718. String
  719. GetModuleFileName(HMODULE hModule);
  720. // of this process exe
  722. GetModuleHandle();
  723. HWND
  724. GetParent(HWND child);
  725. String
  726. GetPrivateProfileString(
  727. const String& section,
  728. const String& key,
  729. const String& defaultValue,
  730. const String& filename);
  731. HRESULT
  732. GetProcAddress(HMODULE module, const String& procName, FARPROC& result);
  733. HRESULT
  734. GetStringTypeEx(
  735. LCID localeId,
  736. DWORD infoTypeOptions,
  737. const String& sourceString,
  738. WORD* charTypeInfo);
  739. DWORD
  740. GetSysColor(int element);
  741. HBRUSH
  742. GetSysColorBrush(int element);
  743. // returns %systemroot%\system32
  744. String
  745. GetSystemDirectory();
  746. void
  747. GetSystemInfo(SYSTEM_INFO& info);
  748. // returns %systemroot%, always (even under terminal server).
  749. String
  750. GetSystemWindowsDirectory();
  751. // // returns %systemroot%, always
  752. //
  753. // String
  754. // GetSystemRootDirectory();
  755. int
  756. GetSystemMetrics(int index);
  757. #undef GetTempPath
  758. HRESULT
  759. GetTempPath(String& result);
  760. HRESULT
  761. GetTextExtentPoint32(HDC hdc, const String& string, SIZE& size);
  762. HRESULT
  763. GetTextMetrics(HDC hdc, TEXTMETRIC& tm);
  764. // free the result with Win::FreeTokenInformation.
  765. //
  766. // allocates the result and returns it thru userInfo.
  767. HRESULT
  768. GetTokenInformation(HANDLE hToken, TOKEN_USER*& userInfo);
  769. // ... other varations of GetTokenInformation could be defined for
  770. // other infomation classes...
  771. // trims off leading and trailing whitespace
  772. String
  773. GetTrimmedDlgItemText(HWND parentDialog, int itemResID);
  774. // trims off leading and trailing whitespace
  775. String
  776. GetTrimmedWindowText(HWND window);
  777. HRESULT
  778. GetVersionEx(OSVERSIONINFO& info);
  779. HRESULT
  780. GetVersionEx(OSVERSIONINFOEX& info);
  781. HRESULT
  782. GetVolumeInformation(
  783. const String& volume,
  784. String* name,
  785. DWORD* serialNumber,
  786. DWORD* maxFilenameLength,
  787. DWORD* flags,
  788. String* fileSystemName);
  789. HRESULT
  790. GetWindowDC(HWND window, HDC& result);
  791. #undef GetWindowFont
  792. HFONT
  793. GetWindowFont(HWND window);
  794. HRESULT
  795. GetWindowPlacement(HWND window, WINDOWPLACEMENT& placement);
  796. HRESULT
  797. GetWindowRect(HWND window, RECT& rect);
  798. // returns %windir%, which may vary for terminal server users.
  799. String
  800. GetWindowsDirectory();
  801. #undef GetWindowLong
  802. HRESULT
  803. GetWindowLong(HWND window, int index, LONG& result);
  804. #undef GetWindowLongPtr
  805. HRESULT
  806. GetWindowLongPtr(HWND window, int index, LONG_PTR& result);
  807. String
  808. GetWindowText(HWND window);
  809. HRESULT
  810. GlobalAlloc(UINT flags, size_t bytes, HGLOBAL& result);
  811. HRESULT
  812. GlobalFree(HGLOBAL mem);
  813. HRESULT
  814. GlobalLock(HGLOBAL mem, PVOID& result);
  815. HRESULT
  816. GlobalUnlock(HGLOBAL mem);
  817. void
  818. HtmlHelp(
  819. HWND caller,
  820. const String& file,
  821. UINT command,
  822. DWORD_PTR data);
  823. #undef ImageList_Add
  824. int
  825. ImageList_Add(HIMAGELIST list, HBITMAP image, HBITMAP mask);
  826. #undef ImageList_AddIcon
  827. int
  828. ImageList_AddIcon(HIMAGELIST list, HICON icon);
  829. #undef ImageList_AddMasked
  830. int
  831. ImageList_AddMasked(HIMAGELIST list, HBITMAP bitmap, COLORREF mask);
  833. ImageList_Create(
  834. int pixelsx,
  835. int pixelsy,
  836. UINT flags,
  837. int initialSize,
  838. int reserve);
  839. HRESULT
  840. InitializeSecurityDescriptor(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR& sd);
  841. LONG
  842. InterlockedDecrement(LONG& addend);
  843. LONG
  844. InterlockedIncrement(LONG& addend);
  845. bool
  846. IsDlgButtonChecked(HWND parentDialog, int buttonResID);
  847. // returns true if the name matches one of the local computer's names
  848. // (case insensitive)
  849. bool
  850. IsLocalComputer(const String& computerName);
  851. bool
  852. IsWindow(HWND candidate);
  853. bool
  854. IsWindowEnabled(HWND window);
  855. #undef ListBox_AddString
  856. int
  857. ListBox_AddString(HWND box, const String& s);
  858. #undef ListBox_SetItemData
  859. int
  860. ListBox_SetItemData(HWND box, int index, LPARAM value);
  861. #undef ListBox_GetItemData
  862. LPARAM
  863. ListBox_GetItemData(HWND box, int index);
  864. #undef ListBox_SetCurSel
  865. int
  866. ListBox_SetCurSel(HWND box, int index);
  867. #undef ListBox_GetCurSel
  868. int
  869. ListBox_GetCurSel(HWND box);
  870. #undef ListView_DeleteAllItems
  871. bool
  872. ListView_DeleteAllItems(HWND listview);
  873. #undef ListView_DeleteItem
  874. bool
  875. ListView_DeleteItem(HWND listview, int item);
  876. #undef ListView_GetItem
  877. bool
  878. ListView_GetItem(HWND listview, LVITEM& item);
  879. #undef ListView_GetItemCount
  880. int
  881. ListView_GetItemCount(HWND listview);
  882. #undef ListView_GetItemState
  883. UINT
  884. ListView_GetItemState(HWND listview, int index, UINT mask);
  885. #undef ListView_GetSelectedCount
  886. int
  887. ListView_GetSelectedCount(HWND listview);
  888. #undef ListView_GetSelectionMark
  889. int
  890. ListView_GetSelectionMark(HWND listview);
  891. #undef ListView_InsertColumn
  892. int
  893. ListView_InsertColumn(HWND listview, int index, const LVCOLUMN& column);
  894. #undef ListView_InsertItem
  895. int
  896. ListView_InsertItem(HWND listview, const LVITEM& item);
  897. #undef ListView_SetColumnWidth
  898. bool
  899. ListView_SetColumnWidth(HWND listview, int col, int cx);
  900. #undef ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle
  901. // Our version returns the previous extended styles
  902. DWORD
  903. ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(HWND listview, DWORD exStyle);
  904. #undef ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx
  905. // Our version returns the previous extended styles
  906. DWORD
  907. ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyleEx(
  908. HWND listview,
  909. DWORD mask,
  910. DWORD exStyle);
  911. #undef ListView_SetImageList
  913. ListView_SetImageList(HWND listview, HIMAGELIST images, int type);
  914. #undef ListView_SetItem
  915. void
  916. ListView_SetItem(HWND listview, const LVITEM& item);
  917. #undef ListView_SetItemText
  918. void
  919. ListView_SetItemText(
  920. HWND listview,
  921. int item,
  922. int subItem,
  923. const String& text);
  924. #undef ListView_SetItemState
  925. void
  926. ListView_SetItemState(
  927. HWND listview,
  928. int item,
  929. UINT state,
  930. UINT mask);
  931. HRESULT
  932. LoadBitmap(unsigned resId, HBITMAP& result);
  933. HRESULT
  934. LoadCursor(const String& cursorName, HCURSOR& result);
  935. // provided for MAKEINTRESOURCE versions of cursorName
  936. HRESULT
  937. LoadCursor(
  938. const TCHAR* cursorName,
  939. HCURSOR& result,
  940. bool isSystemCursor = true);
  941. HRESULT
  942. LoadIcon(int resID, HICON& result);
  943. HRESULT
  944. LoadImage(unsigned resID, unsigned type, HANDLE& result);
  945. HRESULT
  946. LoadImage(unsigned resID, HICON& result);
  947. HRESULT
  948. LoadImage(unsigned resID, HBITMAP& result);
  949. HRESULT
  950. LoadLibrary(const String& libFileName, HINSTANCE& result);
  951. HRESULT
  952. LoadLibraryEx(const String& libFileName, DWORD flags, HINSTANCE& result);
  953. HRESULT
  954. LoadMenu(unsigned resID, HMENU& result);
  955. // Loads from the module indicated by GetResourceModuleHandle()
  956. HRESULT
  957. LoadResource(HRSRC handle, HGLOBAL& result);
  958. // Loads from the module indicated by GetResourceModuleHandle()
  959. String
  960. LoadString(unsigned resID);
  961. String
  962. LoadString(unsigned resID, HINSTANCE hInstance);
  963. HRESULT
  964. LocalFree(HLOCAL mem);
  965. HRESULT
  966. LookupAccountSid(
  967. const String& machineName,
  968. PSID sid,
  969. String& accountName,
  970. String& domainName);
  971. #undef LookupPrivilegeValue
  972. HRESULT
  973. LookupPrivilegeValue(
  974. const TCHAR* systemName,
  975. const TCHAR* privName,
  976. LUID& luid);
  977. // if you pass 0 for from, then this will convert from screen coords
  978. HRESULT
  979. MapWindowPoints(
  980. HWND from,
  981. HWND to,
  982. RECT& rect,
  983. int* dh = 0, // number of pixels added to horizontal coord
  984. int* dv = 0); // number of pixels added to vertical coord
  985. int
  986. MessageBox(
  987. HWND owner,
  988. const String& text,
  989. const String& title,
  990. UINT flags);
  991. HRESULT
  992. MoveFileEx(
  993. const String& srcPath,
  994. const String& dstPath,
  995. DWORD flags);
  996. HRESULT
  997. MoveWindow(
  998. HWND window,
  999. int x,
  1000. int y,
  1001. int width,
  1002. int height,
  1003. bool shouldRepaint);
  1004. HRESULT
  1005. OpenProcessToken(
  1006. HANDLE processHandle,
  1007. DWORD desiredAccess,
  1008. HANDLE& tokenHandle);
  1009. HRESULT
  1010. OpenSCManager(
  1011. const String& machine,
  1012. DWORD desiredAccess,
  1013. SC_HANDLE& result);
  1014. HRESULT
  1015. OpenService(
  1016. SC_HANDLE managerHandle,
  1017. const String& serviceName,
  1018. DWORD desiredAccess,
  1019. SC_HANDLE& result);
  1020. HRESULT
  1021. ChangeServiceConfig(
  1022. SC_HANDLE serviceHandle,
  1023. DWORD serviceType,
  1024. DWORD serviceStartType,
  1025. DWORD errorControl,
  1026. const String& binaryPath,
  1027. const String& loadOrderingGroup,
  1028. DWORD* tagID,
  1029. const String& dependencies,
  1030. const String& accountName,
  1031. EncryptedString& password,
  1032. const String& displayName);
  1033. void
  1034. OutputDebugString(const String& string);
  1035. HRESULT
  1036. PeekNamedPipe(
  1037. HANDLE pipe,
  1038. void* buffer,
  1039. DWORD bufferSize,
  1040. DWORD* bytesRead,
  1041. DWORD* bytesAvailable,
  1042. DWORD* bytesRemainingThisMessage);
  1043. HRESULT
  1044. PostMessage(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
  1045. HRESULT
  1046. PropertySheet(PROPSHEETHEADER* header, INT_PTR& result);
  1047. #undef PropSheet_Changed
  1048. void
  1049. PropSheet_Changed(HWND propSheet, HWND page);
  1050. #undef PropSheet_Unchanged
  1051. void
  1052. PropSheet_Unchanged(HWND propSheet, HWND page);
  1053. #undef PropSheet_RebootSystem
  1054. void
  1055. PropSheet_RebootSystem(HWND propSheet);
  1056. #undef PropSheet_SetTitle
  1057. void
  1058. PropSheet_SetTitle(
  1059. HWND propSheet,
  1060. DWORD style,
  1061. const String& title);
  1062. #undef PropSheet_SetHeaderSubTitle
  1063. void
  1064. PropSheet_SetHeaderSubTitle(
  1065. HWND propSheet,
  1066. int pageIndex,
  1067. const String& subTitle);
  1068. #undef PropSheet_SetWizButtons
  1069. void
  1070. PropSheet_SetWizButtons(HWND propSheet, DWORD buttonFlags);
  1071. #undef PropSheet_PressButton
  1072. void
  1073. PropSheet_PressButton(HWND propSheet, DWORD buttonID);
  1074. #undef PropSheet_HwndToIndex
  1075. int
  1076. PropSheet_HwndToIndex(
  1077. HWND propSheet,
  1078. HWND page);
  1079. #undef PropSheet_IdToIndex
  1080. int
  1081. PropSheet_IdToIndex(
  1082. HWND propSheet,
  1083. int pageId);
  1084. HRESULT
  1085. QueryServiceStatus(
  1086. SC_HANDLE handle,
  1087. SERVICE_STATUS& status);
  1088. HRESULT
  1089. ReadFile(
  1090. HANDLE file,
  1091. void* buffer,
  1092. DWORD bytesToRead,
  1093. DWORD& bytesRead,
  1094. OVERLAPPED* overlapped);
  1095. void
  1096. ReleaseStgMedium(STGMEDIUM& medium);
  1097. HRESULT
  1098. RegCloseKey(HKEY hKey);
  1099. HRESULT
  1100. RegConnectRegistry(
  1101. const String& machine,
  1102. HKEY hKey,
  1103. HKEY& result);
  1104. HRESULT
  1105. RegCreateKeyEx(
  1106. HKEY hKey,
  1107. const String& subkeyName,
  1108. DWORD options,
  1109. REGSAM access,
  1110. SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES* securityAttrs,
  1111. HKEY& result,
  1112. DWORD* disposition);
  1113. HRESULT
  1114. RegDeleteValue(
  1115. HKEY hKey,
  1116. const String& valueName);
  1117. HRESULT
  1118. RegOpenKeyEx(
  1119. HKEY hKey,
  1120. const String& subKey,
  1121. REGSAM accessDesired,
  1122. HKEY& result);
  1123. HRESULT
  1124. RegQueryValueEx(
  1125. HKEY hKey,
  1126. const String& valueName,
  1127. DWORD* type,
  1128. BYTE* data,
  1129. DWORD* dataSize);
  1130. // You should really use the Registry class -- it's typesafe.
  1131. HRESULT
  1132. RegSetValueEx(
  1133. HKEY hKey,
  1134. const String& valueName,
  1135. DWORD type,
  1136. const BYTE* data,
  1137. size_t dataSizeInBytes);
  1138. HRESULT
  1139. RegisterClassEx(const WNDCLASSEX& wndclass, ATOM& result);
  1141. RegisterClipboardFormat(const String& name);
  1142. void
  1143. ReleaseDC(HWND window, HDC dc);
  1144. HRESULT
  1145. ReleaseMutex(HANDLE mutex);
  1146. HRESULT
  1147. RemoveDirectory(const String& path);
  1148. inline
  1149. HRESULT
  1150. RemoveFolder(const String& path)
  1151. {
  1152. return Win::RemoveDirectory(path);
  1153. }
  1154. HRESULT
  1155. ResetEvent(HANDLE event);
  1156. // Returns the previous mask.
  1157. DWORD
  1158. RichEdit_SetEventMask(HWND richEdit, DWORD mask);
  1159. void
  1160. RichEdit_GetSel(
  1161. HWND richEdit,
  1162. CHARRANGE& range);
  1163. // returns the number of bytes streamed
  1164. int
  1165. RichEdit_StreamIn(
  1166. HWND richEdit,
  1167. WPARAM formatOptions,
  1168. EDITSTREAM& editStream);
  1169. int
  1170. RichEdit_SetRtfText(HWND richEdit, DWORD flags, const String& rtfText);
  1171. void
  1172. RichEdit_SetSel(
  1173. HWND richEdit,
  1174. const CHARRANGE& range);
  1175. int
  1176. RichEdit_SetText(HWND richEdit, DWORD flags, const String& text);
  1177. bool
  1178. RichEdit_SetCharacterFormat(
  1179. HWND richEdit,
  1180. DWORD options,
  1181. CHARFORMAT2& format);
  1182. HRESULT
  1183. ScreenToClient(HWND window, POINT& point);
  1184. HRESULT
  1185. ScreenToClient(HWND window, RECT& rect);
  1186. HGDIOBJ
  1187. SelectObject(HDC hdc, HGDIOBJ hobject);
  1188. LRESULT
  1189. SendMessage(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
  1190. HRESULT
  1191. SetComputerNameEx(COMPUTER_NAME_FORMAT format, const String& newName);
  1192. HRESULT
  1193. SetCurrentDirectory(const String& path);
  1194. HCURSOR
  1195. SetCursor(HCURSOR newCursor);
  1196. HRESULT
  1197. SetDlgItemText(
  1198. HWND parentDialog,
  1199. int itemResID,
  1200. const String& text);
  1201. inline
  1202. HRESULT
  1203. SetDlgItemText(
  1204. HWND parentDialog,
  1205. int itemResID,
  1206. int textResID)
  1207. {
  1208. return
  1209. Win::SetDlgItemText(
  1210. parentDialog,
  1211. itemResID,
  1212. String::load(textResID));
  1213. }
  1214. HRESULT
  1215. SetDlgItemText(
  1216. HWND parentDialog,
  1217. int itemResID,
  1218. const EncryptedString& cypherText);
  1219. HRESULT
  1220. SetEntriesInAcl(
  1221. ULONG countOfEntries,
  1222. EXPLICIT_ACCESS eaArray[],
  1223. PACL& result);
  1224. HRESULT
  1225. SetEvent(HANDLE event);
  1226. HRESULT
  1227. SetFileAttributes(const String& path, DWORD newAttrs);
  1228. HRESULT
  1229. SetFilePointerEx(
  1230. HANDLE handle,
  1231. const LARGE_INTEGER& distanceToMove,
  1232. LARGE_INTEGER* newPosition,
  1233. DWORD moveMethod);
  1234. HRESULT
  1235. SetFileSecurity(
  1236. const String& path,
  1238. const SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR& sd);
  1239. HWND
  1240. SetFocus(HWND window);
  1241. bool
  1242. SetForegroundWindow(HWND window);
  1243. // ISSUE-2002/04/23-sburns This version is silly: daclPresent and
  1244. // daclDefaulted are always the same.
  1245. HRESULT
  1246. SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(
  1248. bool daclPresent,
  1249. ACL& dacl, // ref to prevent null dacl
  1250. bool daclDefaulted);
  1251. HRESULT
  1252. SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(
  1254. ACL& dacl); // ref to prevent null dacl
  1255. HRESULT
  1256. SetSecurityDescriptorOwner(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR& sd, SID* ownerSid);
  1257. #undef SetWindowFont
  1258. void
  1259. SetWindowFont(HWND window, HFONT font, bool redraw);
  1260. #undef SetWindowLong
  1261. HRESULT
  1262. SetWindowLong(
  1263. HWND window,
  1264. int index,
  1265. LONG value,
  1266. LONG* oldValue = 0);
  1267. #undef SetWindowLongPtr
  1268. HRESULT
  1269. SetWindowLongPtr(
  1270. HWND window,
  1271. int index,
  1272. LONG_PTR value,
  1273. LONG_PTR* oldValue = 0);
  1274. HRESULT
  1275. SetWindowPos(
  1276. HWND window,
  1277. HWND insertAfter,
  1278. int x,
  1279. int y,
  1280. int width,
  1281. int height,
  1282. UINT flags);
  1283. HRESULT
  1284. SetWindowText(HWND window, const String& text);
  1286. SHBrowseForFolder(BROWSEINFO& bi);
  1287. HRESULT
  1288. SHGetMalloc(LPMALLOC& pMalloc);
  1289. String
  1290. SHGetPathFromIDList(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl);
  1291. HRESULT
  1292. SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(
  1293. HWND hwndOwner,
  1294. int nFolder,
  1295. LPITEMIDLIST& pidl);
  1296. void
  1297. ShowWindow(HWND window, int swOption);
  1298. HRESULT
  1299. SizeofResource(HRSRC handle, DWORD& result);
  1300. // 'Spin' is a synonym for 'Up-Down' control
  1301. void
  1302. Spin_GetRange(HWND spinControl, int* low, int* high);
  1303. void
  1304. Spin_SetRange(HWND spinControl, int low, int high);
  1305. int
  1306. Spin_GetPosition(HWND spinControl);
  1307. void
  1308. Spin_SetPosition(HWND spinControl, int position);
  1309. #undef Static_SetIcon
  1310. void
  1311. Static_SetIcon(HWND staticText, HICON icon);
  1312. String
  1313. StringFromCLSID(const CLSID& clsID);
  1314. // inline synonym
  1315. inline
  1316. String
  1317. CLSIDToString(const CLSID& clsID)
  1318. {
  1319. return StringFromCLSID(clsID);
  1320. }
  1321. String
  1322. StringFromGUID2(const GUID& guid);
  1323. // inline synonym
  1324. inline
  1325. String
  1326. GUIDToString(const GUID& guid)
  1327. {
  1328. return StringFromGUID2(guid);
  1329. }
  1330. HRESULT
  1331. SystemParametersInfo(
  1332. UINT action,
  1333. UINT param,
  1334. void* vParam,
  1335. UINT WinIni);
  1336. HRESULT
  1337. TlsAlloc(DWORD& result);
  1338. HRESULT
  1339. TlsFree(DWORD index);
  1340. HRESULT
  1341. TlsSetValue(DWORD index, PVOID value);
  1342. HRESULT
  1343. TlsGetValue(DWORD index, PVOID& result);
  1344. HRESULT
  1345. UpdateWindow(HWND winder);
  1346. bool
  1347. ToolTip_AddTool(HWND toolTip, TOOLINFO& info);
  1348. bool
  1349. ToolTip_GetToolInfo(HWND toolTip, TOOLINFO& info);
  1350. bool
  1351. ToolTip_SetTitle(HWND toolTip, int icon, const String& title);
  1352. void
  1353. ToolTip_TrackActivate(HWND toolTip, bool activate, TOOLINFO& info);
  1354. void
  1355. ToolTip_TrackPosition(HWND toolTip, int xPos, int yPos);
  1356. HRESULT
  1357. UnregisterClass(const String& classname, HINSTANCE module);
  1358. HRESULT
  1359. WaitForSingleObject(
  1360. HANDLE object,
  1361. unsigned timeoutMillis,
  1362. DWORD& result);
  1363. HRESULT
  1364. WideCharToMultiByte(
  1365. DWORD flags,
  1366. const String& string,
  1367. char* buffer,
  1368. size_t bufferSize,
  1369. size_t& result);
  1370. HRESULT
  1371. WinHelp(
  1372. HWND window,
  1373. const String& helpFileName,
  1374. UINT command,
  1375. ULONG_PTR data);
  1376. HRESULT
  1377. WriteFile(
  1378. HANDLE handle,
  1379. const void* buffer,
  1380. DWORD numberOfBytesToWrite,
  1381. DWORD* numberOfBytesWritten);
  1382. HRESULT
  1383. WritePrivateProfileString(
  1384. const String& section,
  1385. const String& key,
  1386. const String& value,
  1387. const String& filename);
  1388. }
  1389. } // namespace Burnslib
  1390. #endif // WIN_HPP_INCLUDED