/*** mem.c - Memory Manager
* * Microsoft Confidential * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1994 * All Rights Reserved. * * Author: * Benjamin W. Slivka * * History: * 10-Aug-1993 bens Initial version * 11-Aug-1993 bens Lift code from STOCK.EXE win app * 12-Aug-1993 bens Get strings from memory.msg * 01-Sep-1993 bens Add NULL pointer checks to MMAssert and MMStrDup * 18-Mar-1994 bens Make sure non-assert build works; rename * 18-May-1994 bens Allow turning off MemCheckHeap() in debug build * (it can really, really slow things down!) * * Functions: * MemAlloc - Allocate memory block * MemFree - Free memory block * MemStrDup - Duplicate string to new memory block * * Functions available in ASSERT build: * MemAssert - Assert that pointer was allocated by MemAlloc * MemCheckHeap - Check entire memory heap * MemListHeap - List all heap entries * MemGetSize - Return allocated size of memory block * MemSetCheckHeap - Control whether MemCheckHeap is done on every * every MemAlloc and MemFree! */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include "types.h"
#include "asrt.h"
#ifdef ASSERT // Must be after asrt.h!
#include "mem.h"
#include "mem.msg"
/*** MEMSIG - memory signature
* * This is placed at the front and end of every dynamic memory * alloction in DEBUG builds. The pointer has to be unaligned for * RISC machines. */ typedef ULONG MEMSIG; /* ms - memory signature */ typedef MEMSIG UNALIGNED *PMEMSIG; /* pms */
#define msHEAD 0x12345678L // Head signature
#define msTAIL 0x87654321L // Tail signature
#define msBAD 0L // Bad signature
#define cmsTAIL 2 // Number of tail signatures
typedef struct mh_t { MEMSIG ms; // Head signature (msHEAD)
unsigned cb; // Size of user block
struct mh_t *pmhNext; // Next block
struct mh_t *pmhPrev; // Previous block
// char ach[?]; // User block; length is cb
// MEMSIG ms[cmsTAIL]; // Tail signature area (msTAIL...)
} MEMHDR; /* mh - memory header */ typedef MEMHDR *PMEMHDR; /* pmh */
#define PMHFromPV(pv) ((PMEMHDR)((char *)pv - sizeof(MEMHDR)))
#define PVFromPMH(pmh) ((void *)((char *)pmh+sizeof(MEMHDR)))
STATIC PMEMHDR pmhList=NULL; // List of memory blocks
STATIC BOOL fDoCheckHeap=TRUE; // TRUE => check heap regularly
void MemSetCheckHeap(BOOL f) { fDoCheckHeap = f; }
void MMCheckHeap(char *pszFile, int iLine) { PMEMHDR pmh; PMEMHDR pmhPrev = NULL;
for (pmh = pmhList; pmh != NULL; pmh = pmh->pmhNext) { MMAssert(PVFromPMH(pmh),pszFile,iLine); AssertSub(pmh->pmhPrev==pmhPrev,pszFile,iLine); pmhPrev = pmh; } }
void MMListHeap(char *pszFile, int iLine) { PMEMHDR pmh;
if (fDoCheckHeap) { if (pmhList != NULL) { printf("\n"); for (pmh = pmhList; pmh != NULL; pmh = pmh->pmhNext) { printf("alloc at %08lX is %d bytes\n", PVFromPMH(pmh), pmh->cb); } MMCheckHeap(pszFile,iLine); printf("\n"); } } }
void MMAssert(void *pv, char *pszFile, int iLine) { int i; PMEMHDR pmh; PMEMSIG pms;
AssertSub(pv!=NULL,pszFile,iLine); pmh = PMHFromPV(pv); if ((void *)pmh > pv) { // Pointer wrapped
AssertForce(pszMEMERR_NULL_POINTER,pszFile,iLine); }
// Test head signature
if (pmh->ms != msHEAD) { AssertForce(pszMEMERR_BAD_HEAD_SIG,pszFile,iLine); }
// Test tail signatures
pms = (PMEMSIG)( (char *)pmh + sizeof(MEMHDR) + pmh->cb ); for (i=0; i<cmsTAIL; i++) { if (*pms++ != msTAIL) { AssertForce(pszMEMERR_BAD_HEAD_SIG,pszFile,iLine); } } } /* MMAssert */
void MMFree(void *pv, char *pszFile, int iLine) { PMEMHDR pmh;
//** Check heap if enabled
if (fDoCheckHeap) { MMCheckHeap(pszFile,iLine); }
pmh = PMHFromPV(pv);
// Make previous block point to next block
if (pmh->pmhPrev != NULL) { // pmh is not at front of list
// before: a->p->?
pmh->pmhPrev->pmhNext = pmh->pmhNext; // after: a->?
} else { // pmh is at front of list
// before: list->p->?
pmhList = pmh->pmhNext; // after: list->?
// Make next block point to previous block
if (pmh->pmhNext != NULL) { // pmh is not at end of list
// before: ?<-p<->a
pmh->pmhNext->pmhPrev = pmh->pmhPrev; // after: ?<-a
// Obliterate signature
pmh->ms = msBAD;
// Free memory
free((char *)pmh); }
void *MMAlloc(unsigned cb, char *pszFile, int iLine) { unsigned cbAlloc; int i; PMEMHDR pmh; PMEMSIG pms;
if (fDoCheckHeap) { MMCheckHeap(pszFile,iLine); }
// Solves alignment problems on the RISCs
cb = (cb+3) & ~3;
cbAlloc = cb+sizeof(MEMHDR)+sizeof(MEMSIG)*cmsTAIL; pmh = malloc(cbAlloc); if (pmh != NULL) { pmh->ms = msHEAD; // Store head signature
pmh->cb = cb; // Store size of user block
// Add block to front of list (Easiest code!)
if (pmhList != NULL) { // List is not empty
pmhList->pmhPrev = pmh; // Point old top block back at us
} pmh->pmhNext = pmhList; // Next element is old top block
pmh->pmhPrev = NULL; // We are first, so no prev block
pmhList = pmh; // Make ourselves first
// Fill in tail signatures
pms = (PMEMSIG)( (char *)pmh + sizeof(MEMHDR) + pmh->cb ); for (i=0; i<cmsTAIL; i++) { *pms++ = msTAIL; } return PVFromPMH(pmh); } else { AssertForce(pszMEMERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,pszFile,iLine); /*
printf("panic: out of memory in MMAlloc\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Dump of heap (newest alloc to oldest)\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Size Addr Content\n"); printf("----- ---- -------\n"); for (pmh = pmhList; pmh != NULL; pmh = pmh->pmhNext) { pch = PVFromPMH(pmh); printf("%5d %04x %s\n",pmh->cb,(unsigned)pch,pch); } return NULL; */ } }
char *MMStrDup(char *pch, char *pszFile, int iLine) { unsigned cb; char *pchDst;
//** Make sure pointer is not null.
// NOTE: pch does not have to be a string we dynamically allocated!
cb = strlen(pch)+1; // Count NUL terminator
pchDst = MMAlloc(cb,pszFile,iLine); // Alloc new copy
if (pchDst != NULL) { // Success
memcpy(pchDst,pch,cb); // Copy string
} return pchDst; // Return string copy
int MemGetSize(void *pv) { PMEMHDR pmh;
pmh = PMHFromPV(pv); return pmh->cb; } #endif // !ASSERT