Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file validate whether a date is valid and if valid then generates date according to context( Context refers to whether + or - is specifed . )
V Vijaya Bhaskar
Revision History:
14-Jun-2001 : Created by V Vijaya Bhaskar ( Wipro Technologies ).
#include "Global.h"
#include "FileDate.h"
// Days present in tweleve months . In a leap year there are 29 days in FEB .
DWORD DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[] = { 31 , 28 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 31 , 30 , 31 , 30 , 31 } ;
** Function Prototypes Local To This File ** ******************************************************************************/ BOOL GetValidDate( DWORD *dwDateGreater , LPWSTR lpszDate , PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) ;
BOOL DayFrom1900( PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) ;
BOOL DayOfTheYear( PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) ;
BOOL GetDate( PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate , DWORD dwDate ) ;
BOOL IsValidDate( LPWSTR lpszDate , PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) ;
/* Function Definition starts from here . **
BOOL ValidDateForFile( OUT DWORD *pdwDateGreater , OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate , IN LPWSTR lpszDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks whether the specified date is valid or not . If specified date is valid , then converts it to a proper date ( dd-mm-yyyy ) .
[ OUT ] *dwDateGreater - Contains value which specifies whether to find a file created on a date less or greater than the current date .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Contains a date .
[ IN ] lpszDate - Date specified at the command prompt .
Return value:
{ DWORD dwLength = 0 ;
// Check for memory insufficient.
if( ( NULL == pdwDateGreater ) || ( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) || ( NULL == lpszDate ) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
/* Valid date must be have less('-') or greater('+')
character . */ switch( *lpszDate ) { case MINUS : /* Less than the current date . */ *pdwDateGreater = SMALLER_DATE ; break ; case PLUS : *pdwDateGreater = GREATER_DATE ; /* Greater than the current date .*/ break ; default : DISPLAY_INVALID_DATE(); return FALSE ; }
/* The date should be in either "DD" or "MM/DD/YYYY" . */ if( NULL != FindAChar( lpszDate, _T( '/' ) ) ) { // Date is in "MM/DD/YYYY". Get length of the date string.
dwLength = StringLength( lpszDate, 0 ); // Check
// (1) date string should be morethan 9 and less than 11
// (2) Should not have double slashes.
// (3) Should be a valid date. Check by IsValidDate() function.
if( ( MIN_DATE_LENGTH > dwLength ) || ( MAX_DATE_LENGTH < dwLength ) || ( NULL != FindSubString( lpszDate, L"//" ) ) || ( FALSE == IsValidDate( lpszDate , pvfdValidFileDate ) ) ) { DISPLAY_INVALID_DATE(); return FALSE ; } } else { /* Date is in "DD" format . */ if( FALSE == GetValidDate( pdwDateGreater , lpszDate , pvfdValidFileDate ) ) { /* Specified date is not a valid date . "DD" specified date must
be in the range of including 0 - 32768 . */ return FALSE ; /* Invalid date specified . */ } } /* Date specified is valid .*/ return TRUE ; }
BOOL FileDateValid( IN DWORD dwDateGreater , IN Valid_File_Date vfdValidFileDate , IN FILETIME ftFileCreation ) /*++
Routine Description:
Checks whether the specified file is created on a date which is before or after or equal to the specified date .
[ IN ] dwDateGreater - Contains value which tells whether to find a file who's creation date is smaller or greater than the current date .
[ IN ] vfdValidFileDate - Contains a date .
[ IN ] ftFileCreation - Holds obtained file's creation time .
Return value:
--*/ { /* Local variables */ DWORD dwDay = 0 ; /* Holds file creation date . */ DWORD dwTime = 0 ; /* Holds file creation time . */ FILETIME ftFileTime ;
// Convert file time to local file time.
if( FALSE == FileTimeToLocalFileTime( &ftFileCreation , &ftFileTime ) ) { // Display error.
SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
/* Convert FILETIME format to DOS time format . */ if( FALSE == FileTimeToDosDateTime( &ftFileTime , (LPWORD) &dwDay , (LPWORD) &dwTime ) ) { /* Failed to convert the FILETIME to DATETIME */ SaveLastError() ; /* Save last error occured . */ DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE ; }
/* Check whether the file was created on a date specified by user */ switch( dwDateGreater ) { case SMALLER_DATE : /* File must be created before user specified date. */ /* If current year is smaller or equal to specified year . */ if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwYear >= ( ( ( dwDay & 0xFE00 ) >> 9 ) + 1980 ) ) { /* If file creation year is equal to specified year , then check
for month is it smaller or equal to specified month . */ if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwYear == ( ( ( dwDay & 0xFE00 ) >> 9 ) + 1980 ) ) { if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwMonth >= ( ( dwDay & 0x01E0 ) >> 5 ) ) { /* If file creation month is equal to specified month ,then
check for day is it smaller or equal to specified day .*/ if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwMonth == ( ( dwDay & 0x01E0 ) >> 5 ) ) { if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwDay >= ( dwDay & 0x001F ) ) { // If file creation day is smaller than or equal
// to specified day .
return TRUE ; } else { // If file creation day is smaller to specified day .
return FALSE ; } } else { // Control will come here only when file creation year is smaller or
// equal to specified year .
return TRUE ; } } } else { // Control will come here only when file creation year is smaller or equal
// to specified year .
return TRUE ; } } break ; case GREATER_DATE : // If file creation year is greater or equal to specified year .
if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwYear <= ( ( ( dwDay & 0xFE00 ) >> 9 ) + 1980 ) ) { // If file creation year is equal to specified year ,
// Then check for month is it greater or equal to specified month .
if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwYear == ( ( ( dwDay & 0xFE00 ) >> 9 ) + 1980 ) ) { if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwMonth <= ( ( dwDay & 0x01E0 ) >> 5 ) ) { // If file creation month is equal to specified month ,
// Then check for day is it greater or equal to specified day .
if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwMonth == ( ( dwDay & 0x01E0 ) >> 5 ) ) { if( vfdValidFileDate.m_dwDay <= ( dwDay & 0x001F ) ) { return TRUE ; // If file creation day is greater than or equal
// to specified day .
} else { return FALSE ; // If file creation day is greater to specified day .
} } else { // Control will come here only when file creation month is greater or
// equal to specified year .
return TRUE ; } } } else { // Control will come here only when file creation year is greater or
// equal to specified year .
return TRUE ; } } break ; default: // Display error message since by default '+' should be present.
// Control should never come here.
// Control should never come here.
return FALSE ; }
BOOL IsValidDate( IN LPWSTR lpszDate , OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns a valid date if specified date is in {+|-}ddmmyyyy format .
[ IN ] lpszDate - Contains a date either in "ddmmyyyy" or "dd" format .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Contains a valid date .
Return value:
--*/ { LPWSTR lpTemp = NULL; LPWSTR lpTemp1 = NULL; WCHAR szDate[ 10 ] ;
// Check for NULL and date string should be between 9 and 11 characters.
if( ( ( NULL == lpszDate ) ? TRUE : ( ( 11 < StringLength( lpszDate, 0 ) ) || ( 9 > StringLength( lpszDate, 0 ) ) ) ) || ( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) ) { return FALSE; }
SecureZeroMemory( szDate, 10 * sizeof( WCHAR ) );
// Move pointer to beyond '+' or '-' in "{+|-}MM/dd/yyyy.
lpTemp = lpszDate + 1;
// Fetching month part from specified date.
// Only first 4 characters( MM/ ) are copied.
StringCopy( szDate, lpTemp, 4 );
// If no '/' is found then display an error.
if( NULL != FindAChar( szDate, _T('/') ) ) { if( _T( '/' ) == *szDate ) { return FALSE; } // Search for '/' since its the seperating character between MM/dd.
// move 'lpTemp' pointer to point after '/'.
if( _T( '/' ) == *( szDate + 1 ) ) { // If M/dd is specified.
lpTemp += 2; szDate[ 1 ] = _T( '\0' ); } else { // If MM/dd is specified.
lpTemp += 3; szDate[ 2 ] = _T( '\0' ); } } else { return FALSE; } // Check whether '//' is not present.
if( NULL != FindAChar( szDate, _T('/') ) ) return FALSE;
// Save month.
lpTemp1 = NULL; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth = _tcstoul( szDate, &lpTemp1, 10 ) ;
if( 0 != StringLength( lpTemp1, 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Fetching date part from specified date.
// Only 4 characters( DD/ ) are copied.
StringCopy( szDate, lpTemp, 4 );
// If no '/' is found then display an error.
if( NULL != FindAChar( szDate, _T('/') ) ) { if( _T( '/' ) == *szDate ) { return FALSE; } // Search for '/' since its the seperating character between MM/dd.
// move 'lpTemp' pointer to point after '/'.
if( _T( '/' ) == *( szDate + 1 ) ) { // If d/yyyy is specified.
lpTemp += 2; szDate[ 1 ] = _T( '\0' ); } else { // If dd/yyyy is specified.
lpTemp += 3; szDate[ 2 ] = _T( '\0' ); } } else { return FALSE; }
lpTemp1 = NULL; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay = _tcstoul( szDate, &lpTemp1, 10 ) ; // if 'lpTemp1' length is not zero then 'szDate' contains some other
// character other than numbers.
if( 0 != StringLength( lpTemp1, 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Fetching year part from specified date.
if( 4 != StringLength( lpTemp, 0 ) ) { // Date contains other than 'yyyy'.
return FALSE; } // Copy 'yyyy'.
StringCopy( szDate, lpTemp, 5 );
lpTemp1 = NULL; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear = _tcstoul( szDate, &lpTemp1 , 10 ) ; // if 'lpTemp1' length is not zero then 'szDate' contains some other
// character other than numbers.
if( 0 != StringLength( lpTemp1, 0 ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Check whether the day or month or year is zero .
if( ( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay <= 0 ) || ( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth <= 0 ) || ( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear <= 0 ) ) { // No need to display any error , since control will go to GetValidDate .
// If specified date is wrong then error is displayed in GetValidDate() .
return FALSE ; }
// Check whether the current year is a leap year , if yes then check whether
// the current month is februrary.
if( ( IS_A_LEAP_YEAR( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear ) ) && ( FEB == pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth ) ) { // For leap year number of days is 29 . Check for same .
if( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay > DAYS_INFEB_LEAP_YEAR ) { // No need to display any error here , since control will go to GetValidDate .
// If specified date is wrong then error is displayed in GetValidDate() .
return FALSE ; // Specified date is invalid .
} else { return TRUE ; // Specified date is valid .
} }
// Since all extra validations are over , so check for other months .
switch( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth ) { // Months having 31 days .
case JAN : case MAR : case MAY : case JUL : case AUG : case OCT : case DEC : // Month have only 31 days but specified date is greater than that, display error .
if( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay > THIRTYONE ) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; // Month having only 28 days .
case FEB : // Month have only 28 days but specified date is greater than that , display error.
if( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay > DAYS_INFEB ) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; // Months having 30 days .
case APR : case JUN : case SEP : case NOV : // Month have only 30 days but specified date is greater than that, display error .
if( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay > THIRTY ) { return FALSE ; } return TRUE ; // If not a valid month .
default : return FALSE ; } }
BOOL GetValidDate( IN DWORD *pdwDateGreater , IN LPWSTR lpszDate , OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns a valid date if specified date is in {+|-}dd format .
[ IN ] *pdwDateGreater - Contains value which tells whether to find a file who's creation date is smaller or greater than the current date .
[ IN ] lpszDate - Contains a date in "dd" format . Must be in range of 1 - 32768 .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Contains a valid date .
Return value:
BOOL returning TRUE or FALSE .
{ // Local variables.
DWORD dwDate = 0 ; // Stores the date specified .
SYSTEMTIME stDateAndTime ;
// Check for memory insufficient.
if( ( NULL == pdwDateGreater ) || ( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) || ( NULL == lpszDate ) ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
// Convert date from string to number .
dwDate =_tcstoul( ( lpszDate + 1 ) , NULL , 10 ) ;
// Is date specified is in limis .
if( dwDate > 32768 ) { DISPLAY_INVALID_DATE(); return FALSE ; }
// Fetch current date and time .
GetLocalTime( &stDateAndTime ) ;
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay = stDateAndTime.wDay ; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth = stDateAndTime.wMonth ; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear = stDateAndTime.wYear ; // If date to compare is zero then return TRUE , as their
// is nothing to calculate .
if( dwDate == 0 ) { return TRUE ; }
// Find how many days are over in current year .
if( FALSE == DayOfTheYear( pvfdValidFileDate ) ) { return FALSE ; } // Find how many days are over from year 1900 .
if( FALSE == DayFrom1900( pvfdValidFileDate ) ) { return FALSE ; }
if( *pdwDateGreater == SMALLER_DATE ) {// If files created before the current date is needed then
// subtract days to current date .
if( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay < dwDate ) { // Control should not come here.
SetLastError( ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) ; SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE ; } pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay -= dwDate ; } else {// If files created after the current date is needed then
// add days to current date .
if( *pdwDateGreater == GREATER_DATE ) { pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay += dwDate ; } else { // Return False .
DISPLAY_INVALID_DATE(); return FALSE ; } } // If everything is fine then get date from which to start searching file ,
// whether to find files below or above created date .
// 'GetDate' function always returns you a number , should check for return value ,
// is it overflowing or not or getting some negative numbers .
if( FALSE == GetDate( pvfdValidFileDate , pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay ) ) { return FALSE ; }
return TRUE ; }
BOOL DayOfTheYear( OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the current day of the year .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Will contain a valid date .
Return value:
void is return .
--*/ { // Check for memory insufficient.
if( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
// Is current year a leap year .
if( IS_A_LEAP_YEAR( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear ) ) { // Add one day , as a Leap year have 366 days instead of 365 days .
if( 2 < pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth ) { pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay += 1 ; } }
// Go on adding number of days in a month from current month to JAN .
for( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth ; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth != 1 ; pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth-- ) { pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay += DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[ pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth - 2 ] ; } pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay -= 1 ; return TRUE; }
BOOL DayFrom1900( OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the current day of the year .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Gives days elapsed in current year and returns days elapsed from 1900 .
Return value:
void is return .
--*/ { DWORD dwTemp = 0; // Holds the number of days .
// Check for memory insufficient.
if( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
// ( Current Year - 1900 ) * 365 will be days between 1900 and current
// year , include Leap year date also .
dwTemp = ( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear - YEAR ) * DAY_IN_A_YEAR ; // Check whether current year is a leap year . If yes don't add one .
// Its Because : I am taking ( current year - 1900 ) , from 01-JAN.
// On this date their won't be any extra day , its added only after FEB 29 .
if( IS_A_LEAP_YEAR( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear ) ) { dwTemp += (( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear - YEAR ) / LEAP_YEAR ) ; } // else add one to it . Since a leap year is gone and 1900 is a leap year .
else { dwTemp += (( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear - YEAR ) / LEAP_YEAR ) + 1 ; }
// Add obtained days to days already over in current year .
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay += dwTemp ;
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetDate( OUT PValid_File_Date pvfdValidFileDate , IN DWORD dwDate ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns the date which was after or before the current date. If today 29-Jun-2001 , then day 20 days before was 09-jun-2001 .
[ OUT ] pvfdValidFileDate - Contains date .
Return value:
void is return .
--*/ { DWORD dwTemp = 0 ;
// Check for memory insufficient.
if( NULL == pvfdValidFileDate ) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError() ; DISPLAY_GET_REASON() ; return FALSE; }
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear = YEAR; while( 0 != dwDate ) { if( IS_A_LEAP_YEAR( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear ) ) { if( dwDate <= 366 ) { break; } else { dwDate -= 366; } } else { if( dwDate <= 365 ) { break; } else { dwDate -= 365; }
} pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear += 1; }
// Loop till don't get a valid date .
for( dwTemp = 0 ; dwDate != 0 ; dwTemp++ ) { // Is a leap year and is it a FEB month . Extra care must
// be taken for Leap years .
if( ( IS_A_LEAP_YEAR( pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwYear ) ) && ( ( dwTemp + 1 ) == FEB ) ) { // Check whether have enough days to spend on LEAP YEAR FEB month .
// Add an extra day for Leap Year .
if( dwDate > ( DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[ dwTemp ] + 1 ) ) { // Increment month . Decrement days that are in that month .
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth += 1 ; dwDate -= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[ dwTemp ] + 1 ; } else { // Found date .
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay = dwDate ; dwDate = 0 ; } }// end if
else { // Check whether have enough days to spend on a month .
if( dwDate > ( DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[ dwTemp ] ) ) { // Increment month . Decrement days that are in that month .
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwMonth += 1 ; dwDate -= DAYS_IN_A_MONTH[ dwTemp ] ; } else { // Found date .
pvfdValidFileDate->m_dwDay = dwDate ; dwDate = 0 ; }
}// end else
}// end for
return TRUE; }