Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file can be used to replace the file which currently locked by the operating system.
Choudary - Wipro Technologies, 07-Aug-2001
Revision History:
07-Aug-2001 : Created by Wipro Technologies.
//common header files needed for this file
#include "pch.h"
#include "inuse.h"
#include "resource.h"
//Global variable
DWORD g_dwRetVal = 0;
VOID DisplayHelp ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the help/usage for this utility.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { //sub-local variables
WORD wCount = 0;
// display the help/usage for this tool
for ( wCount = IDS_INUSE_HLP_START; wCount <= IDS_INUSE_HLP_END ; wCount++ ) { ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( wCount ) ); }
return; }
DWORD __cdecl wmain( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This is the main entry for this utility. This function reads the input from console and calls the appropriate functions to achieve the functionality.
Arguments: [IN] argc : Command line argument count [IN] argv : Command line argument
Return Value: EXIT_FAILURE : On failure EXIT_SUCCESS : On success --*/ {
// Local variables
BOOL bUsage = FALSE ; BOOL bConfirm = FALSE; DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
LPWSTR wszReplace = NULL; LPWSTR wszDest = NULL; LPWSTR wszBuffer = NULL; LPWSTR wszFindStr = NULL;
TARRAY arrValue = NULL ; DWORD dwDynCount = 0; LPWSTR wszTmpRFile = NULL; LPWSTR wszTmpDFile = NULL; LPWSTR wszTmpBuf1 = NULL; LPWSTR wszTmpBuf2 = NULL; LONG lRetVal = 0; const WCHAR szArr[] = L"\\\\"; const WCHAR szTokens[] = L"/"; DWORD dwLength = 0; HANDLE HndFile = 0; LPWSTR szSystemName = NULL;
//create a dynamic array
arrValue = CreateDynamicArray();
//check if arrValue is empty
if(arrValue == NULL ) { // set the error with respect to the GetReason()
SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); SaveLastError(); // Display an error message with respect to GetReason()
ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL); return (EXIT_FAILURE); }
// /run sub-options
const WCHAR szInuseHelpOpt[] = L"?"; const WCHAR szInuseConfirmOpt[] = L"y";
// set all the fields to 0
SecureZeroMemory( cmdInuseOptions, sizeof( TCMDPARSER2 ) * MAX_INUSE_OPTIONS );
// fill the commandline parser
// /? option
StringCopyA( cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pwszOptions = szInuseHelpOpt; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwCount = 1; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].dwFlags = CP2_USAGE; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_USAGE ].pValue = &bUsage;
// /default arguments
StringCopyA( cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pwszOptions = NULL; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwCount = 2; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].dwFlags = CP2_MODE_ARRAY|CP2_DEFAULT; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_DEFAULT ].pValue = &arrValue;
// /y option
StringCopyA( cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 ); cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].pwszOptions = szInuseConfirmOpt; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].dwCount = 1; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].dwFlags = 0; cmdInuseOptions[ OI_CONFIRM ].pValue = &bConfirm;
//parse command line arguments
bReturn = DoParseParam2( argc, argv, -1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(cmdInuseOptions), cmdInuseOptions, 0); if( FALSE == bReturn) // Invalid commandline
{ //display an error message
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get the number of rows in a array
dwDynCount = DynArrayGetCount(arrValue);
// check for invalid syntax
if( (argc == 1) || ( ( TRUE == bUsage ) && ( argc > 2 ) ) || ( ( FALSE == bUsage ) && ( dwDynCount < 2 ) ) || ( ( TRUE == bConfirm ) && ( argc > 6 ) ) ) { //display an error message as specified syntax is invalid
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNERROR )); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether /? is specified or not. If so, display the usage
// for this utility.
if ( TRUE == bUsage ) { // display help/usage
DisplayHelp(); //release memory
DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// if count is 2 ..then get the values for Replacement and Destination
// get the value for Replacement file
wszReplace = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( arrValue, 0 ); // get the value for Destination file to be replaced
wszDest = (LPWSTR)DynArrayItemAsString( arrValue, 1 );
//check if replacement file is empty
if ( 0 == StringLength (wszReplace, 0) ) { // display an error message as .. empty value specified for Replacement file..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_SOURCE_NOT_NULL)); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//check if destination file is empty
if ( 0 == StringLength (wszDest, 0)) { // display an error message as .. empty value specified for Destination file..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_DEST_NOT_NULL)); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether replacement file consists special characters i.e. '/'
if( wcspbrk(wszReplace,szTokens) != NULL ) { // display an error message as.. replacement file should not contain '/'
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_INVALID_SOURCE ) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether destination file consists special characters i.e. '/'
if( wcspbrk(wszDest,szTokens) != NULL ) { // display an error message as.. destination file should not contain '/'
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_INVALID_DEST ) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get the actual length of full path for replacement file
dwLength = GetFullPathNameW( wszReplace, 0, NULL, &wszTmpBuf1); if ( dwLength == 0) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
//DisplayErrorMsg (GetLastError());
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// allocate memory with the actual length for a replacement file
wszTmpRFile = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory ((dwLength+20) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if ( NULL == wszTmpRFile ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// Get full path for a replacement file
if ( GetFullPathNameW( wszReplace, GetBufferSize(wszTmpRFile)/sizeof(WCHAR), wszTmpRFile, &wszTmpBuf1) == 0) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// Get the actual length of full path for destination file
dwLength = GetFullPathNameW( wszDest, 0, NULL, &wszTmpBuf2); if ( dwLength == 0) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// allocate memory with the actual length for a destination file
wszTmpDFile = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory ((dwLength+20) * sizeof (WCHAR)); if ( NULL == wszTmpDFile ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// Get full path for destination file
if ( GetFullPathNameW( wszDest, GetBufferSize(wszTmpDFile)/sizeof(WCHAR), wszTmpDFile, &wszTmpBuf2) == 0) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get the file attributes of replacement file
dwRetVal = GetFileAttributes( wszReplace );
// check if the GetFileAttributes() failed
if ( INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwRetVal ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszTmpRFile) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } // format the message as .. replacement file not exists in the system.
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString ( IDS_REPLACE_FILE_NOT_EXISTS), wszTmpRFile ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether the source file is directory or not
if ( dwRetVal & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszReplace) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. replacement file is a directory.. not a file
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString ( IDS_SOURCE_NOT_FILE), wszReplace ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// restrict the destination file with the UNC format
lRetVal = StringCompare( wszDest, szArr , TRUE, 2 ); if ( 0 == lRetVal ) { // get the token till '\'
wszFindStr = wcstok ( wszDest, BACK_SLASH);
// check if failed
if ( NULL != wszFindStr ) { // get the token till '\'
wszFindStr = wcstok ( wszDest, BACK_SLASH);
// check if the specified is local or not
if ( ( wszFindStr != NULL ) && ( IsLocalSystem ( wszFindStr ) == FALSE ) ) { // display an error message as ..UNC format is not allowed for destinaton..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_DEST_NOT_ALLOWED) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { // display an error message as ..UNC format is not allowed for destinaton..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_DEST_NOT_ALLOWED) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// get the file attributes of destination file
dwRetVal = GetFileAttributes( wszDest );
// check if the GetFileAttributes() failed
if ( INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES == dwRetVal ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszTmpDFile) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. destination file is not exists in the system.
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString (IDS_DEST_FILE_NOT_EXISTS), wszTmpDFile ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether the destination file is exist or not
if ( dwRetVal & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszDest) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. destination is a directory .. not a file.
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString ( IDS_DEST_NOT_FILE), wszDest ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether replacement and destination files are same or not
// if same, display an error message..
if ( ( (StringLength (wszTmpRFile, 0) != 0) && (StringLength (wszTmpDFile, 0) != 0) ) && (StringCompare (wszTmpRFile, wszTmpDFile, TRUE, 0) == 0) ) { // display an error message as.. replacement and destination cannot be same..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_NOT_REPLACE)); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check whether the replacement file accessible or not
// check if CreateFile() is failed
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == HndFile ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszReplace) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. destination is a directory .. not a file.
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString (IDS_REPLACE_ACCESS_DENIED), wszReplace ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) );
FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue);
//ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_REPLACE_ACCESS_DENIED) );
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//close the handle
CloseHandle (HndFile);
// check whether the destination file accessible or not
// check if CreateFile() is failed
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == HndFile ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszDest) + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. destination is a directory .. not a file.
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString (IDS_DEST_ACCESS_DENIED), wszDest ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stderr, _X(wszBuffer) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue);
FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//close the handle
CloseHandle (HndFile);
// Get the target system name of a source file
lRetVal = StringCompare( wszReplace, szArr , TRUE, 2 ); if ( 0 == lRetVal ) { dwLength = StringLength (wszReplace, 0 ); szSystemName = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory ((dwLength+20) * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( NULL == szSystemName ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
//DisplayErrorMsg (GetLastError());
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
StringCopy (szSystemName, wszReplace, GetBufferSize(szSystemName));
// get the token till '\'
wszFindStr = wcstok ( szSystemName, BACK_SLASH);
// check if failed
if ( NULL != wszFindStr ) { wszFindStr = wcstok ( szSystemName, BACK_SLASH);
// get the token till '\'
StringCopy (szSystemName, wszFindStr, GetBufferSize(szSystemName)); } }
// move the contents of the replacement file into destination file.
// but changes will not effect until reboot
if ( FALSE == ReplaceFileInUse( wszReplace, wszDest , wszTmpRFile, wszTmpDFile, bConfirm, szSystemName) ) { // check if invalid input entered while confirming the input (y/n)
if ( g_dwRetVal != EXIT_ON_ERROR ) { // Display an error message with respect to GetReason()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); }
DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &szSystemName); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if ( g_dwRetVal != EXIT_ON_CANCEL ) { wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory (GetBufferSize(wszTmpRFile) + GetBufferSize(wszTmpDFile) + 2 * MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
//DisplayErrorMsg (GetLastError());
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &szSystemName); DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as .. copy done successfully....
StringCchPrintf ( wszBuffer , GetBufferSize(wszBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR), GetResString (IDS_COPY_DONE), wszTmpRFile, wszTmpDFile ); // display the formatted message
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszBuffer) ); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); }
DestroyDynamicArray(&arrValue); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpRFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszTmpDFile); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &szSystemName); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
BOOL ReplaceFileInUse( IN LPWSTR pwszSource, IN LPWSTR pwszDestination , IN LPWSTR pwszSourceFullPath, IN LPWSTR pwszDestFullPath, IN BOOL bConfirm, IN LPWSTR szSysName ) /*++
Routine Description: This function moves the contents of replacement file into destination file
Arguments: [IN] pwszSource : Replacement fiele [IN] pwszDestination : Destination file [IN] bConfirm : confirm input
Return Value: FALSE : On failure TRUE : On success --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwLength = 0; CHString strPath; CHString strFileName; LPWSTR wszTmpFileBuf = NULL; LPWSTR wszDestFileBuf = NULL; LPWSTR wszTmpFileName = NULL;
WCHAR wszBuffer [MAX_RES_STRING]; #ifdef _WIN64
INT64 dwPos ; #else
DWORD dwPos ; #endif
// initialize the variable
SecureZeroMemory ( wszBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszBuffer) );
// display the destination file related information
if ( EXIT_FAILURE == DisplayFileInfo ( pwszDestination, pwszDestFullPath, TRUE ) ) { return FALSE; }
// display the replacement file related information
if ( EXIT_FAILURE == DisplayFileInfo ( pwszSource, pwszSourceFullPath, FALSE ) ) { return FALSE; }
// check whether to prompt for confirmation or not.
if ( FALSE == bConfirm ) { // to be added the fn
if ( (EXIT_FAILURE == ConfirmInput ()) || (EXIT_ON_ERROR == g_dwRetVal) ) { // could not get the handle so return failure
return FALSE; } else if ( EXIT_ON_CANCEL == g_dwRetVal ) { //operation has been cancelled.. so..return..
return TRUE; } }
// form the unique temp file name
try { // sub-local variables
DWORD dw = 0; LPWSTR pwsz = NULL;
// get the temporary file path location
// get the buffer to hold the temp. path information
pwsz = strPath.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_PATH );
// get the temp. path information
dw = GetTempPath( MAX_PATH, pwsz );
// check whether the buffer which we passed is sufficient or not
if ( dw > MAX_PATH ) { // the buffer we passed to the API is not sufficient -- need re-allocation
// since the value in the dwLength variable is needed length -- just one more
// call to the API function will suffice
pwsz = strPath.GetBufferSetLength( dw + 2 ); // +2 is needed for NULL character
// now get the temp. path once again
dw = GetTempPath( dw, pwsz ); }
// check the result of the operation
if ( dw == 0 ) { // encountered problem
SaveLastError(); strPath.ReleaseBuffer(); return FALSE; }
// release the buffer
pwsz = NULL; strPath.ReleaseBuffer();
// get the temporary file name
// get the buffer to hold the temp. path information
pwsz = strFileName.GetBufferSetLength( MAX_PATH );
// get the temp. file name
dw = GetTempFileName( strPath, L"INUSE", 0, pwsz );
// check the result
if ( dw == 0 ) { // encountered problem
SaveLastError(); strFileName.ReleaseBuffer(); return FALSE; }
// release the buffer
pwsz = NULL; strFileName.ReleaseBuffer(); } catch( ... ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
//1.Create a temp file in the destination directory and copy replacement file into a temp file.
//2.Delete the destination file at the time of reboot and by using MoveFileEx api..
//3.Copy temp file into destination file by using MoveFileEx api..So that temp file
// would get deleted at the time of reboot.
{ StringCopy ( wszBuffer, strFileName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszBuffer));
//Get the temporary file name
wszTmpFileName = StrRChr ( wszBuffer, NULL, L'\\' ); if ( NULL == wszTmpFileName ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// to be implemented
wszTmpFileBuf = StrRChr ( pwszDestFullPath, NULL, L'\\' ); if ( NULL == wszTmpFileBuf ) { SetLastError( (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// get the position
dwPos = wszTmpFileBuf - pwszDestFullPath ;
dwLength = StringLength ( pwszDestFullPath, 0 );
// allocate memory with the actual length for a replacement file
wszDestFileBuf = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory ( dwLength + MAX_RES_STRING ); if ( NULL == wszDestFileBuf ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
SetLastError( (DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
//consider the destination file path as the file path for temporary file.
StringCopy ( wszDestFileBuf, pwszDestFullPath, (DWORD) (dwPos + 1) );
StringCchPrintf (wszDestFileBuf, GetBufferSize (wszDestFileBuf)/sizeof(WCHAR), L"%s%s", wszDestFileBuf, wszTmpFileName);
// copy the source file as temporary file name
if ( FALSE == CopyFile( pwszSource, wszDestFileBuf, FALSE ) ) { if ( ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED == GetLastError () ) { g_dwRetVal = EXIT_ON_ERROR; ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_DEST_DIR_DENIED) ); } else { SaveLastError(); }
FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); return FALSE; } //
//copy ACLs of destination file into a temp file
PSID sidOwner = NULL; PSID sidGroup = NULL; PACL pOldDacl= NULL ; PACL pOldSacl = NULL ; PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; DWORD dwError = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; // enable seSecurityPrivilege
if (!SetPrivilege (szSysName)) { SaveLastError(); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); return FALSE; }
// get the DACLs of source file
//check for return value
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError ) { SaveLastError(); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); return FALSE; } // Set the DACLs of source file to a temp file
//check for return value
if (FALSE == bResult ) { // continue to replace the file at the time of reboot...
//release the security descriptor
if ( NULL != pSecurityDescriptor) { LocalFree (&pSecurityDescriptor); }
// start replacing file
// now move this destination file -- means delete this file
if ( FALSE == MoveFileEx( pwszDestination, NULL, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT ) ) { // this will never occur since the operation result is not
// known until the reboot happens
SaveLastError(); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); return FALSE; }
// now move the temp. file as destination file
if ( FALSE == MoveFileEx( wszDestFileBuf, pwszDestination, MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT ) ) { // this will never occur since the operation result is not
// known until the reboot happens
SetLastError( (DWORD)E_UNEXPECTED ); SaveLastError(); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); return FALSE; }
// de-allocate the memory
FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszDestFileBuf); }
// everything went well -- return success
return TRUE; }
DWORD DisplayFileInfo ( IN LPWSTR pwszFileName, IN LPWSTR pwszFileFullPath, BOOL bFlag ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the information of replacement and destination files
Arguments: [IN] pwszFileName : Replacement/Destination file name [IN] pwszFileFullPath : Replacement/Destination full path [IN] bFlag : TRUE for Destination file FALSE for Replacement file
Return Value: EXIT_FAILURE : On failure EXIT_SUCCESS : On success --*/ { // sub-local variables
DWORD dw = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; UINT uSize = 0; WCHAR wszData[MAX_RES_STRING] = NULL_STRING; WCHAR wszSubBlock[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; WCHAR wszBuffer[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; WCHAR wszDate[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; WCHAR wszTime[MAX_RES_STRING] = L""; WCHAR wszSize[MAX_RES_STRING] = L"";
LPWSTR lpBuffer = NULL; BOOL bVersion = TRUE;
// Get the information of a file i.e. filename, version, created time,
// Last modified time, last access time and size in bytes
// Get the version of a file
// get the size of file version
dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize ( pwszFileFullPath, &dw );
// get the file version file
if ( 0 == dwSize ) { bVersion = FALSE; } //retrieves version information for the file.
else if ( FALSE == GetFileVersionInfo ( pwszFileFullPath , dw, dwSize, (LPVOID) wszData ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//retrieves version information from the file version-information resource
if ( ( bVersion == TRUE ) && (FALSE == VerQueryValue(wszData, STRING_NAME1, (LPVOID*)&lpTranslate, &uSize))) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if ( bFlag == TRUE) { // display the heading before displaying the file information
ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString (IDS_INUSE_HEADING) );
// display the column "Destination File:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_EXT_FILE_NAME)) ); } else { // display the column "Replacement File:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_REP_FILE_NAME)) ); }
// Display the file name with full path
// display name of the file
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(pwszFileFullPath) );
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" );
if ( TRUE == bVersion ) { // format the message for sub-block i.e. value to retrieve
StringCchPrintf( wszSubBlock, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSubBlock), STRING_NAME2, lpTranslate[0].wLanguage, lpTranslate[0].wCodePage); }
// Retrieve file version for language and code page
if ( ( bVersion == TRUE ) && ( FALSE == VerQueryValue(wszData, wszSubBlock, (LPVOID *) &lpBuffer, &uSize) ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//Display the version information of a file
// if version infomation is not available
if ( FALSE == bVersion ) { // copy the string as version is "Not available"
StringCopy ( wszBuffer, GetResString ( IDS_VER_NA), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszBuffer) ); // display the column name as "Version:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_FILE_VER)) ); //display the version information of file
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszBuffer) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); } else { // display the column name as "Version:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_FILE_VER)) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(lpBuffer) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); }
// Get File info
//SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES SecurityAttributes;
HANDLE HndFile; FILETIME filetime = {0,0}; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION FileInformation ; SYSTEMTIME systemtime = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; BOOL bLocaleChanged = FALSE; LCID lcid; int iBuffSize = 0;
// opens an existing file
// check if CreateFile() is failed
if ( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == HndFile ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// retrieve file information of a file
if (FALSE == GetFileInformationByHandle( HndFile , &FileInformation )) { // release handle
if (FALSE == CloseHandle (HndFile)) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// release handle
if (FALSE == CloseHandle (HndFile)) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// Get the information of a file creation time
// convert file time to local file time
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToLocalFileTime ( &FileInformation.ftCreationTime, &filetime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// To get create time, convert local file time to system time
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToSystemTime ( &filetime, &systemtime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// verify whether console supports the current locale fully or not
lcid = GetSupportedUserLocale( &bLocaleChanged ); if ( 0 == lcid ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//Retrieve the Date format for a current locale
iBuffSize = GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszDate ) );
//check if GetDateFormat() is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// retrieve the time format for a current locale
iBuffSize = GetTimeFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), wszTime, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszTime ) );
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format the message as ... "time, date"..
StringConcat ( wszTime, COMMA_STR, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) ); StringConcat ( wszTime , wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) );
// display the column name as "Created Time:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_FILE_CRT_TIME)) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszTime) );
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" );
// Get the information of Last modified time
// get the Last modified time for a file
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToLocalFileTime ( &FileInformation.ftLastWriteTime, &filetime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get the last access time for a file
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToSystemTime ( &filetime , &systemtime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get date format for a current locale
iBuffSize = GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszDate ) );
// check if GetDateFormat() is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check if GetTimeFormat() is failed
iBuffSize = GetTimeFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), wszTime, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszTime ) );
// check if GetTimeFormat() is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//format the message as .."time, date"
StringConcat ( wszTime, COMMA_STR, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) ); StringConcat ( wszTime , wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) );
// display the column name as "Last Modified Time:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_FILE_MOD_TIME)) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszTime) );
// display the creation time of a file
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" );
// Get the information of Last Access Time
// convert file time to local file time
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToLocalFileTime ( &FileInformation.ftLastAccessTime, &filetime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// To get last access time, convert local file time to system time for a file
if ( FALSE == FileTimeToSystemTime ( &filetime , &systemtime ) ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get date format for a specified locale
iBuffSize = GetDateFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"MM/dd/yyyy" : NULL), wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszDate ) );
// check if GetDateFormat is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get time format for a current locale
iBuffSize = GetTimeFormat( lcid, 0, &systemtime, (( bLocaleChanged == TRUE ) ? L"HH:mm:ss" : NULL), wszTime, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszTime ) );
// check if GetTimeFormat() is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// format message as .. "time, date"
StringConcat ( wszTime, COMMA_STR, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) ); StringConcat ( wszTime , wszDate, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTime) );
// display the column name as "Last Access Time:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(GetResString (IDS_FILE_ACS_TIME)) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszTime) );
// display the creation time of a file
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" );
// Get the size of a file in bytes
// sub-local variables
//make the fractional digits and leading zeros to nothing
numberfmt.NumDigits = 0; numberfmt.LeadingZero = 0;
//get the decimal seperate character
if( 0 == GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_SDECIMAL, szDecimalSep, MAX_RES_STRING ) ) { StringCopy(szDecimalSep, L",", SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szDecimalSep)); }
numberfmt.lpDecimalSep = szDecimalSep;
// retrieve info about locale
if(FALSE == GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, szThousandSep, MAX_RES_STRING ) ) { StringCopy(szThousandSep, L"," , SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szThousandSep)); }
numberfmt.lpThousandSep = szThousandSep;
// retrieve info about locale
if( GetLocaleInfo( lcid, LOCALE_SGROUPING, szGrouping, MAX_RES_STRING ) ) { // get the token till ';'
szTemp1 = wcstok( szGrouping, L";"); if ( NULL == szTemp1 ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
do { StringConcat( szTemp, szTemp1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTemp) ); // get the token till ';'
szTemp1 = wcstok( NULL, L";" ); }while( szTemp1 != NULL && StringCompare( szTemp1, L"0", TRUE, 0) != 0);
// get the numeric value
dwGrouping = wcstol( szTemp, &pszStoppedString, 10); if ( (errno == ERANGE) || ((pszStoppedString != NULL) && (StringLength (pszStoppedString, 0) != 0 ))) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { dwGrouping = 33; //set the default grouping
numberfmt.Grouping = (UINT)dwGrouping ;
numberfmt.NegativeOrder = 2;
// get the file size
StringCchPrintf (wszSize, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSize), L"%d", FileInformation.nFileSizeLow );
// get number format for a current locale
iBuffSize = GetNumberFormat( lcid, 0, wszSize, &numberfmt, wszBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY( wszBuffer ) );
// check if GetNumberFormat() is failed
if( 0 == iBuffSize ) { SaveLastError(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// display the column name as "Size:"
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X( GetResString (IDS_FILE_SIZE)) ); // display the actual size in bytes for a file
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszBuffer) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString (IDS_STR_BYTES) ); // display the blank lines
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n\n" );
// return 0
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD ConfirmInput ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function validates the input given by user.
Arguments: None
Return Value: EXIT_FAILURE : On failure EXIT_SUCCESS : On success --*/
{ // sub-local variables
DWORD dwCharsRead = 0; DWORD dwPrevConsoleMode = 0; HANDLE hInputConsole = NULL; BOOL bIndirectionInput = FALSE; WCHAR ch = L'\0'; WCHAR chTmp = L'\0'; DWORD dwCharsWritten = 0; WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_RES_STRING]; WCHAR szBackup[MAX_RES_STRING]; WCHAR szTmpBuf[MAX_RES_STRING]; DWORD dwIndex = 0 ; BOOL bNoBreak = TRUE;
SecureZeroMemory ( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer)); SecureZeroMemory ( szTmpBuf, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpBuf)); SecureZeroMemory ( szBackup, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBackup));
// Get the handle for the standard input
hInputConsole = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); if ( hInputConsole == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { SaveLastError(); // could not get the handle so return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// display the message .. Do you want to continue? ...
ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_INPUT_DATA ) );
// Check for the input redirect
if( ( hInputConsole != (HANDLE)0x0000000F ) && ( hInputConsole != (HANDLE)0x00000003 ) && ( hInputConsole != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) ) { bIndirectionInput = TRUE; }
// if there is no redirection
if ( bIndirectionInput == FALSE ) { // Get the current input mode of the input buffer
if ( FALSE == GetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, &dwPrevConsoleMode )) { SaveLastError(); // could not set the mode, return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// Set the mode such that the control keys are processed by the system
if ( FALSE == SetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) ) { SaveLastError(); // could not set the mode, return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// redirect the data into the console
if ( bIndirectionInput == TRUE ) { do { //read the contents of file
if ( ReadFile(hInputConsole, &chTmp, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); // could not get the handle so return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check if number of characters read were zero.. or
// any carriage return pressed..
if ( dwCharsRead == 0 || chTmp == CARRIAGE_RETURN ) { bNoBreak = FALSE; // exit from the loop
break; }
// write the contents to the console
if ( FALSE == WriteFile ( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), &chTmp, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL ) ) { SaveLastError(); // could not get the handle so return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// copy the character
ch = chTmp;
StringCchPrintf ( szBackup, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBackup), L"%c" , ch );
// increment the index
} while (TRUE == bNoBreak);
} else { do { // Get the Character and loop accordingly.
if ( ReadConsole( hInputConsole, &chTmp, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError();
// Set the original console settings
if ( FALSE == SetConsoleMode( hInputConsole, dwPrevConsoleMode ) ) { SaveLastError(); } // return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// check if number of chars read were zero..if so, continue...
if ( dwCharsRead == 0 ) { continue; }
// check if any carriage return pressed...
if ( chTmp == CARRIAGE_RETURN ) { bNoBreak = FALSE; // exit from the loop
break; }
ch = chTmp;
if ( ch != BACK_SPACE ) { StringCchPrintf ( szTmpBuf, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szTmpBuf), L"%c" , ch ); StringConcat ( szBackup, szTmpBuf , SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBackup)); }
// Check id back space is hit
if ( ch == BACK_SPACE ) { if ( dwIndex != 0 ) { //
// Remove a asterix from the console
// move the cursor one character back
StringCchPrintf( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer), L"%c" , BACK_SPACE ); if ( FALSE == WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL ) ) { SaveLastError(); // return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// replace the existing character with space
StringCchPrintf( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer), L"%c" , BLANK_CHAR ); if ( FALSE == WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL )) { SaveLastError(); // return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// now set the cursor at back position
StringCchPrintf( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer), L"%c" , BACK_SPACE ); if ( FALSE == WriteConsole( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), szBuffer, 1, &dwCharsWritten, NULL )) { SaveLastError(); // return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
szBackup [StringLength(szBackup, 0) - 1] = L'\0'; // decrement the index
dwIndex--; }
// process the next character
continue; }
// write the contents onto console
if ( FALSE == WriteFile ( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), &ch, 1, &dwCharsRead, NULL ) ) { SaveLastError(); // return failure
return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// increment the index value
} while (TRUE == bNoBreak);
ShowMessage(stdout, _T("\n") );
//StringCchPrintf( szBuffer, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szBuffer), L"%c" , ch );
// check if 'Y' or 'y' is pressed
if ( ( dwIndex == 1 ) && ( StringCompare ( szBackup, GetResString (IDS_UPPER_YES), TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) ) { return EXIT_SUCCESS; } // check if 'N' or 'n' is pressed
else if ( ( dwIndex == 1 ) && ( StringCompare ( szBackup, GetResString(IDS_UPPER_NO), TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) ) { // display a message as .. operation has been cancelled...
ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString (IDS_OPERATION_CANCELLED ) ); // Already displayed the INFO message as above...There is no need to display any
// success message now.. thats why assigning EXIT_ON_CALCEL flag to g_dwRetVal
g_dwRetVal = EXIT_ON_CANCEL; return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { // display an error message as .. wrong input specified...
ShowMessage(stderr, GetResString( IDS_WRONG_INPUT )); // Already displayed the ERROR message as above...There is no need to display any
// success message now.. thats why assigning EXIT_ON_ERROR flag to g_dwRetVal
g_dwRetVal = EXIT_ON_ERROR; return EXIT_FAILURE; }
BOOL SetPrivilege( IN LPWSTR szSystemName ) /*++
Routine Description: This function enables seSecurityPrivilege.
Arguments: [in] szSystemName: SystemName
Return Value: FALSE : On failure TRUE : On success --*/ { HANDLE hToken = NULL; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; LUID luid;
// Open current process token
if( FALSE == OpenProcessToken ( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY | TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES , &hToken )){ //return WIN32 error code
SaveLastError() ; return FALSE; }
if ( !LookupPrivilegeValue( szSystemName , // lookup privilege on system
SECURITY_PRIV_NAME, // privilege to lookup
&luid ) ) { // receives LUID of privilege
SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid; tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// Enable the SeSecurityPrivilege
AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tp, sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), (PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES) NULL, (PDWORD) NULL);
// Call GetLastError to determine whether the function succeeded.
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }