// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// RmtConnectivity.c
// Abstract:
// This modules implements remote connectivity functionality for all the
// command line tools.
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 13-Nov-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 13-Sep-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "cmdlineres.h"
// constants / defines / enumerations
// share names
#define SHARE_IPC L"IPC$"
// permanent indexes to the temporary buffers
// externs
extern BOOL g_bWinsockLoaded;
// implementation
__inline LPWSTR GetRmtTempBuffer( IN DWORD dwIndexNumber, IN LPCWSTR pwszText, IN DWORD dwLength, IN BOOL bNullify ) /*++
Routine Description:
since every file will need the temporary buffers -- in order to see that their buffers wont be override with other functions, we are creating seperate buffer space a for each file this function will provide an access to those internal buffers and also safe guards the file buffer boundaries
Arguments: [ in ] dwIndexNumber - file specific index number
[ in ] pwszText - default text that needs to be copied into temporary buffer
[ in ] dwLength - Length of the temporary buffer that is required Ignored when pwszText is specified
[ in ] bNullify - Informs whether to clear the buffer or not before giving the temporary buffer
Return Value:
NULL - when any failure occurs NOTE: do not rely on GetLastError to know the reason for the failure.
success - return memory address of the requested size
NOTE: ---- if pwszText and dwLength both are NULL, then we treat that the caller is asking for the reference of the buffer and we return the buffer address. In this call, there wont be any memory allocations -- if the requested index doesn't exist, we return as failure
Also, the buffer returned by this function need not released by the caller. While exiting from the tool, all the memory will be freed automatically by the ReleaseGlobals functions.
--*/ { if ( dwIndexNumber >= TEMP_RMTCONNECTIVITY_C_COUNT ) { return NULL; }
// check if caller is requesting existing buffer contents
if ( pwszText == NULL && dwLength == 0 && bNullify == FALSE ) { // yes -- we need to pass the existing buffer contents
return GetInternalTemporaryBufferRef( dwIndexNumber + INDEX_TEMP_RMTCONNECTIVITY_C ); }
// ...
return GetInternalTemporaryBuffer( dwIndexNumber + INDEX_TEMP_RMTCONNECTIVITY_C, pwszText, dwLength, bNullify ); }
BOOL IsUserAdmin( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: Checks the user associated with the current process is Administrator or not Arguments:
Return Value: Returns TRUE if user is Administrator or FALSE otherwise --*/ { // local variables
// prepare universal administrators group SID
bResult = AllocateAndInitializeSid( &NtAuthority, 2, SECURITY_BUILTIN_DOMAIN_RID, DOMAIN_ALIAS_RID_ADMINS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSid );
if ( bResult == TRUE ) { bResult = CheckTokenMembership( NULL, pSid, &bMember ); if ( bResult == TRUE && bMember == TRUE ) { // current user is a member of administrators group
bResult = TRUE; } else if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // some error has occured -- need use GetLastError to know the reason
bResult = FALSE; } else { // the user is not an administrator
bResult = FALSE; }
// free the allocated SID
FreeSid( pSid ); } else { // error has occured -- user GetLastError to know the reason
// return the result
return bResult; }
BOOL IsUNCFormat( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer ) /*++
Routine Description: Determines whether server name is specified in UNC format or not
Arguments: [ in ] pwszServer : server name
Return Value: TRUE : if specified in UNC format FALSE : if not specified in UNC format --*/
{ // check the input
if ( pwszServer == NULL ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); return FALSE; }
// check the length -- it should be more that 2 characters
if ( StringLength( pwszServer, 0 ) <= 2 ) { // server name cannot be in UNC format
return FALSE; }
// now compare and return the result
return ( StringCompare( pwszServer, _T( "\\\\" ), TRUE, 2 ) == 0 ); }
BOOL IsLocalSystem( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer ) /*++
Routine Description: Determines whether server is referring to the local or remote system
Arguments: [ in ] pwszServer : server name
Return Value: TRUE : for local system FALSE : for remote system --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE; LPWSTR pwszHostName = NULL; LPWSTR pwszComputerName = NULL;
// clear the last error
// if the server name is empty, it is a local system
if ( pwszServer == NULL || lstrlen( pwszServer ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
// get the buffer that is required to the get the machine name
GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, NULL, &dwSize ); if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { return FALSE; }
// now get the temporary buffer for getting the computer name
pwszComputerName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_COMPUTERNAME, NULL, dwSize, TRUE ); if ( pwszComputerName == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return FALSE; }
// get the computer name -- and check the result
bResult = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS, pwszComputerName, &dwSize ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// now do the comparision
if ( StringCompare( pwszComputerName, pwszServer, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // server name passed by the caller is local system name
return TRUE; }
// check pwszSever having IP address
if( IsValidIPAddress( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { //
// resolve the ipaddress to host name
dwSize = 0; // first get the length of the buffer required to store
// the resolved ip address
bResult = GetHostByIPAddr( pwszServer, NULL, &dwSize, FALSE ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// allocate buffer of the required length
pwszHostName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_HOSTNAME, NULL, dwSize, TRUE ); if ( pwszHostName == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// now get the resolved ip address
bResult = GetHostByIPAddr( pwszServer, pwszHostName, &dwSize, FALSE ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// check if resolved ipaddress matches with the current host name
if ( StringCompare( pwszComputerName, pwszHostName, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; // local system
} else { //if it is, then it is local host, check for that
if ( StringCompare( pwszHostName, L"localhost", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; // not a local system
} } }
// get the local system fully qualified name and check
dwSize = 0; GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, NULL, &dwSize ); if ( GetLastError() != ERROR_MORE_DATA ) { return FALSE; }
// now get the temporary buffer for getting the computer name
pwszComputerName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_COMPUTERNAME, NULL, dwSize, TRUE ); if ( pwszComputerName == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// get the FQDN name
bResult = GetComputerNameEx( ComputerNamePhysicalDnsFullyQualified, pwszComputerName, &dwSize ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// check the FQDN with server name passed by the caller
if ( StringCompare( pwszComputerName, pwszServer, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
// finally ... it might not be local system name
// NOTE: there are chances for us to not be able to identify whether
// the system name specified is a local system or remote system
return FALSE; }
BOOL IsValidServer( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer ) /*++
Routine Description: Validates the server name
Arguments: [ in ] pszServer : server name
Return Value: TRUE if valid, FALSE if not valid --*/ { // local variables
const WCHAR pwszInvalidChars[] = L" \\/[]:|<>+=;,?$#()!@^\"`{}*%"; LPWSTR pwszHostName = NULL; DWORD dwSize = 0; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
// check for NULL or length... if so return
if ( pwszServer == NULL || lstrlen( pwszServer ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; }
// check whether this is a valid ip address or not
if ( IsValidIPAddress( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { //
// resolve the ipaddress to host name
dwSize = 0; // first get the length of the buffer required to store
// the resolved ip address
bResult = GetHostByIPAddr( pwszServer, NULL, &dwSize, FALSE ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// allocate buffer of the required length
pwszHostName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_HOSTNAME, NULL, dwSize, TRUE ); if ( pwszHostName == NULL ) { return FALSE; }
// now get the resolved ip address
bResult = GetHostByIPAddr( pwszServer, pwszHostName, &dwSize, FALSE ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; // it's valid ip address ... so is valid server name
// now check the server name for invalid characters
// \/[]:|<>+=;,?$#()!@^"`{}*%
// copy the contents into the internal buffer and check for the invalid characters
if ( FindOneOf2( pwszServer, pwszInvalidChars, TRUE, 0 ) != -1 ) { SetLastError( ERROR_BAD_NETPATH ); return FALSE; }
// passed all the conditions -- valid system name
return TRUE; }
BOOL IsValidIPAddress( IN LPCWSTR pwszAddress ) /*++
Routine Description: Validates the server name
Arguments: [ in ] pszAddress : server name in the form of IP Address
Return Value: TRUE if valid, FALSE if not valid --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0; LONG lValue = 0; LPWSTR pwszTemp = NULL; LPWSTR pwszBuffer = NULL; DWORD dwOctets[ 4 ] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
// check the buffer
if ( pwszAddress == NULL || lstrlen( pwszAddress ) == 0 ) { SetLastError( DNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); return FALSE; }
// get the temporary buffer for IP validation
pwszBuffer = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_IPVALIDATION, pwszAddress, 0, FALSE ); if ( pwszBuffer == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return FALSE; }
// parse and get the octet values
pwszTemp = wcstok( pwszBuffer, L"." ); while ( pwszTemp != NULL ) { // check whether the current octet is numeric or not
if ( IsNumeric( pwszTemp, 10, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// get the value of the octet and check the range
lValue = AsLong( pwszTemp, 10 ); if ( lValue < 0 || lValue > 255 ) { return FALSE; }
// fetch next octet and store first four octates only
if( dw < 4 ) { dwOctets[ dw++ ] = lValue; } else { dw++; }
// ...
pwszTemp = wcstok( NULL, L"." ); }
// check and return
if ( dw != 4 ) { SetLastError( DNS_ERROR_INVALID_TYPE ); return FALSE; }
// now check the special condition
// ?? time being this is not implemented ??
// return the validity of the ip address
return TRUE; }
BOOL GetHostByIPAddr( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, OUT LPWSTR pwszHostName, IN OUT DWORD* pdwHostNameLength, IN BOOL bNeedFQDN ) /*++
Routine Description: Get HostName from ipaddress.
Arguments: pszServer : Server name in IP address format pszHostName : Host name for given IP address which returns back bNeedFQDN : Boolean variable tells about
Return Value: --*/ { // local variables
WSADATA wsaData; DWORD dwErr = 0; DWORD dwLength = 0; ULONG ulInetAddr = 0; BOOL bReturnValue = FALSE; LPSTR pszTemp = NULL; WORD wVersionRequested = 0; BOOL bNeedToResolve = FALSE;
// this function might be called too many times with the same server name
// again and again at different stages of the tool -- so, in order to
// optimize the network traffic, we store the information returned by
// gethostbyaddr for the life time of the tool quits
// we also store the current server name in global data structure so that
// we can determine whether the server name being asked to resolve this
// time is same as the one that is passed earlier.
LPCWSTR pwszSavedName = NULL; static HOSTENT* pHostEnt = NULL;
// check the input
if ( pwszServer == NULL || pdwHostNameLength == NULL ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); return FALSE; }
// check the length argument
if ( *pdwHostNameLength != 0 && ( *pdwHostNameLength < 2 || pwszHostName == NULL ) ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); return FALSE; }
// check whether winsock module is loaded into process memory or not
// if not load it now
if ( g_bWinsockLoaded == FALSE ) { // initiate the use of Ws2_32.dll by a process ( VERSION: 2.2 )
wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ); dwErr = WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if ( dwErr != 0 ) { SetLastError( WSAGetLastError() ); return FALSE; }
// remember that winsock library is loaded
g_bWinsockLoaded = TRUE; }
// check whether we need to resolve or not
bNeedToResolve = TRUE; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// because of weird behavior of this optimization, we are commenting out this
// pwszSavedName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_HOSTBYADDR, NULL, 0, FALSE );
// if ( pwszSavedName != NULL )
// {
// if ( StringCompare( pwszServer, pwszSavedName, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 )
// {
// bNeedToResolve = FALSE;
// }
// }
// proceed with the resolving only if needed
if ( bNeedToResolve == TRUE || pHostEnt == NULL ) { // allocate a buffer to store the server name in multibyte format
dwLength = lstrlen( pwszServer ) + 5; pszTemp = ( LPSTR ) AllocateMemory( dwLength * sizeof( CHAR ) ); if ( pszTemp == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return FALSE; }
// convert the server name into multibyte string. this is because
// current winsock implementation works only with multibyte
// string and there is no support for unicode
bReturnValue = GetAsMultiByteString2( pwszServer, pszTemp, &dwLength ); if ( bReturnValue == FALSE ) { return FALSE; }
// inet_addr function converts a string containing an Internet Protocol (Ipv4)
// dotted address into a proper address for the IN_ADDR structure.
ulInetAddr = inet_addr( pszTemp ); if ( ulInetAddr == INADDR_NONE ) { FreeMemory( &pszTemp ); UNEXPECTED_ERROR(); return FALSE; }
// gethostbyaddr function retrieves the host information
// corresponding to a network address.
pHostEnt = gethostbyaddr( (LPSTR) &ulInetAddr, sizeof( ulInetAddr ), PF_INET ); if ( pHostEnt == NULL ) { // ?? DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO IF THIS FUNCTION FAILS ??
// release the memory allocated so far
FreeMemory( &pszTemp );
// save the server name for which we just resolved the IP address
pwszSavedName = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_HOSTBYADDR, pwszServer, 0, FALSE ); if ( pwszSavedName == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return FALSE; } }
// check whether user wants the FQDN name or NetBIOS name
// if NetBIOS name is required, then remove the domain name
if ( pHostEnt != NULL ) { pszTemp = pHostEnt->h_name; if ( bNeedFQDN == FALSE && pszTemp != NULL ) { pszTemp = strtok( pHostEnt->h_name, "." ); }
// we got info in char type ... convert it into UNICODE string
if ( pszTemp != NULL ) { bReturnValue = GetAsUnicodeString2( pszTemp, pwszHostName, pdwHostNameLength ); if ( bReturnValue == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } }
// return
return TRUE; } else { // failed case
return FALSE; } }
DWORD GetTargetVersion( LPCWSTR pwszServer ) /*++
Routine Description: It returns the version of OS of the specified system
Arguments: [ in ] pszServer Server name for which the Version of OS to be known
Return Value: DWORD A DWORD value represents the version of OS. --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwVersion = 0; LPWSTR pwszUNCPath = NULL; NET_API_STATUS netstatus; SERVER_INFO_101* pSrvInfo = NULL;
// check the inputs
if ( pwszServer == NULL || StringLength( pwszServer, 0 ) == 0 ) { return 0; }
// prepare the server name in UNC format
if ( IsUNCFormat( pwszServer ) == FALSE ) { if ( SetReason2( 1, L"\\\\%s", pwszServer ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return 0; } } else { if ( SetReason( pwszServer ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return 0; } }
// now get the server name which is saved via 'failure' buffer
pwszUNCPath = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_TARGETVERSION, GetReason(), 0, FALSE ); if ( pwszUNCPath == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return 0; }
// get the version info
netstatus = NetServerGetInfo( pwszUNCPath, 101, (LPBYTE*) &pSrvInfo );
// check the result .. if not success return
if ( netstatus != NERR_Success ) { return 0; }
// prepare the version
dwVersion = 0; if ( ( pSrvInfo->sv101_type & SV_TYPE_NT ) ) { // --> "sv101_version_major" least significant 4 bits of the byte,
// the major release version number of the operating system.
// --> "sv101_version_minor" the minor release version number of
// the operating system
dwVersion = (pSrvInfo->sv101_version_major & MAJOR_VERSION_MASK) * 1000; dwVersion += pSrvInfo->sv101_version_minor; }
// release the buffer allocated by network api
NetApiBufferFree( pSrvInfo );
// return
return dwVersion; }
DWORD ConnectServer( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPCWSTR pwszUser, IN LPCWSTR pwszPassword ) /*++
Routine Description: Connects to the remote Server. This is stub function.
Arguments: [ in ] pwszServer : server name [ in ] pwszUser : user [ in ] pwszPassword : password
Return Value: NO_ERROR if succeeds other appropriate error code if failed --*/ { // invoke the original function and return the result
return ConnectServer2( pwszServer, pwszUser, pwszPassword, L"IPC$" ); }
DWORD ConnectServer2( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPCWSTR pwszUser, IN LPCWSTR pwszPassword, IN LPCWSTR pwszShare ) /*++
Routine Description: Connects to the remote Server
Arguments: [ in ] pwszServer : server name [ in ] pwszUser : user [ in ] pwszPassword : password [ in ] pwszShare : share name to connect to
Return Value: NO_ERROR if succeeds other appropriate error code if failed --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwConnect = 0; NETRESOURCE resource; LPWSTR pwszUNCPath = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszMachine = NULL;
// if the server name refers to the local system,
// and also, if user credentials were not supplied, then treat
// connection is successfull
// if user credentials information is passed for local system,
if ( pwszServer == NULL || IsLocalSystem( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { if ( pwszUser == NULL || lstrlen( pwszUser ) == 0 ) { return NO_ERROR; // local sustem
// check whether the server name is in UNC format or not
// if yes, extract the server name
pwszMachine = pwszServer; // assume server is not in UNC format
if ( IsUNCFormat( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { pwszMachine = pwszServer + 2; }
// validate the server name
if ( IsValidServer( pwszMachine ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); return GetLastError(); }
// prepare the machine name into UNC format
if ( pwszShare == NULL || lstrlen( pwszShare ) == 0 ) { // we will make use of the 'failure' buffer to format the string
if ( SetReason2( 1, L"\\\\%s", pwszMachine ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { // we will make use of the 'failure' buffer to format the string
if ( SetReason2( 2, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pwszMachine, pwszShare ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
// get the formatted buffer from the 'failure'
pwszUNCPath = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_CONNECTSERVER, GetReason(), 0, FALSE ); if ( pwszUNCPath == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// initialize the resource structure with null
ZeroMemory( &resource, sizeof( resource ) ); resource.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_ANY; resource.lpProvider = NULL; resource.lpLocalName = NULL; resource.lpRemoteName = pwszUNCPath;
// try establishing connection to the remote server
dwConnect = WNetAddConnection2( &resource, pwszPassword, pwszUser, 0 );
// check the result
// and if error has occured, get the appropriate message
switch( dwConnect ) { case NO_ERROR: { dwConnect = 0; CLEAR_LAST_ERROR();
// check for the OS compatibilty
if ( IsCompatibleOperatingSystem( GetTargetVersion( pwszMachine ) ) == FALSE ) { // since the connection already established close the connection
CloseConnection( pwszMachine );
// set the error text
// ...
break; }
case ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR: WNetSaveLastError(); // save the extended error
default: // set the last error
SetLastError( dwConnect ); SaveLastError(); break; }
// return the result of the connection establishment
return dwConnect; }
DWORD CloseConnection( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer ) /*++
Routine Description: Closes the remote connection.
Arguments: [in] szServer -- remote machine to close the connection
Return Value: DWORD -- NO_ERROR if succeeds. -- Possible error codes. --*/ { // forcibly close the connection
return CloseConnection2( pwszServer, NULL, CI_CLOSE_BY_FORCE | CI_SHARE_IPC ); }
DWORD CloseConnection2( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPCWSTR pwszShare, IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Routine Description: Closes the established connection on the remote system.
Arguments: [ in ] szServer - Null terminated string that specifies the remote system name. NULL specifie the local system. [ in ] pszShare - Share name of remote system to be closed, it is null in this case. [ in ] dwFlags - Flags specifies how and what connection should be closed.
Return Value: --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwCancel = 0; BOOL bForce = FALSE; LPCWSTR pwszMachine = NULL; LPCWSTR pwszUNCPath = NULL;
// check the server contents ... it might be referring to the local system
if ( pwszServer == NULL || lstrlen( pwszServer ) == 0 ) { return NO_ERROR; }
// check whether the server name is in UNC format or not
// if yes, extract the server name
pwszMachine = pwszServer; // assume server is not in UNC format
if ( IsUNCFormat( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { pwszMachine = pwszServer + 2; }
// determine if share name has to appended or not for this server name
if ( dwFlags & CI_SHARE_IPC ) { // --> \\server\ipc$
if ( SetReason2( 2, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pwszMachine, SHARE_IPC ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else if ( dwFlags & CI_SHARE_ADMIN ) { // --> \\server\admin$
if ( SetReason2( 2, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pwszMachine, SHARE_ADMIN ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else if ( dwFlags & CI_SHARE_CUSTOM && pwszShare != NULL ) { // --> \\server\share
if ( SetReason2( 2, L"\\\\%s\\%s", pwszMachine, pwszShare ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { // --> \\server
if ( SetReason2( 1, L"\\\\%s", pwszMachine ) == FALSE ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
// get the formatted unc path via failure string
pwszUNCPath = GetRmtTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_CONNECTSERVER, GetReason(), 0, FALSE ); if ( pwszUNCPath == NULL ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// determine whether to close this connection forcibly or not
if ( dwFlags & CI_CLOSE_BY_FORCE ) { bForce = TRUE; }
// cancel the connection
dwCancel = WNetCancelConnection2( pwszUNCPath, 0, bForce );
// check the result
// and if error has occured, get the appropriate message
switch( dwCancel ) { case NO_ERROR: dwCancel = 0; CLEAR_LAST_ERROR(); break;
case ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR: WNetSaveLastError(); // save the extended error
default: // set the last error
SaveLastError(); break; }
// return the result of the cancelling the connection
return dwCancel; }
BOOL EstablishConnection( IN LPCWSTR pwszServer, IN LPWSTR pwszUserName, IN DWORD dwUserLength, IN LPWSTR pwszPassword, IN DWORD dwPasswordLength, IN BOOL bNeedPassword ) /*++
Routine Description:
Establishes a connection to the remote system.
[in] szServer --Nullterminated string to establish the conection. --NULL connects to the local system. [in] szUserName --Null terminated string that specifies the user name. --NULL takes the default user name. [in] dwUserLength --Length of the username. [in] szPassword --Null terminated string that specifies the password --NULL takes the default user name's password. [in] dwPasswordLength --Length of the password. [in] bNeedPassword --True if password is required to establish the connection. --False if it is not required.
Return Value: BOOL -- True if it establishes -- False if it fails. --*/ { // local variables
BOOL bDefault = FALSE; DWORD dwConnectResult = 0; LPCWSTR pwszMachine = NULL;
// clear the error .. if any
// check the input
if ( pwszServer == NULL || StringLength( pwszServer, 0 ) == 0 ) { // we assume user wants to connect to the local machine
// simply return success
return TRUE; }
// ...
if ( bNeedPassword == TRUE && ( pwszUserName == NULL || dwUserLength < 2 || pwszPassword == NULL || dwPasswordLength < 2) ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// check whether the server name is in UNC format or not
// if yes, extract the server name
pwszMachine = pwszServer; // assume server is not in UNC format
if ( IsUNCFormat( pwszServer ) == TRUE ) { pwszMachine = pwszServer + 2; }
// sometime users want the utility to prompt for the password
// check what user wants the utility to do
if ( bNeedPassword == TRUE && pwszPassword != NULL && StringCompare( pwszPassword, L"*", TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { // user wants the utility to prompt for the password..
// But, before that we have to make sure whether the specified server is valid or not.
// If the server is valid let the flow directly jump to the password acceptance part
// else return failure..
// validate the server name
if ( IsValidServer( pwszMachine ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } } else { // try to establish connection to the remote system with the credentials supplied
bDefault = FALSE;
// validate the server name
if ( IsValidServer( pwszMachine ) == FALSE ) { SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
if ( pwszUserName == NULL || lstrlen( pwszUserName ) == 0 ) { // user name is empty
// so, it is obvious that password will also be empty
// even if password is specified, we have to ignore that
bDefault = TRUE; dwConnectResult = ConnectServer( pwszServer, NULL, NULL ); } else { // credentials were supplied
// but password might not be specified ... so check and act accordingly
dwConnectResult = ConnectServer( pwszServer, pwszUserName, ( bNeedPassword == FALSE ? pwszPassword : NULL ) );
// determine whether to close the connection or retain the connection
if ( bNeedPassword == TRUE ) { // connection might have already established .. so to be on safer side
// we inform the caller not to close the connection
bDefault = TRUE; } }
// check the result ... if successful in establishing connection ... return
if ( ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED == dwConnectResult ) { SetLastError( I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION ); return TRUE; }
// check the result ... if successful in establishing connection ... return
else if ( dwConnectResult == NO_ERROR ) { if ( bDefault == TRUE ) { SetLastError( I_NO_CLOSE_CONNECTION ); } else { SetLastError( NO_ERROR ); }
// ...
return TRUE; }
// now check the kind of error occurred
switch( dwConnectResult ) { case ERROR_LOGON_FAILURE: case ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD: break;
case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: // user credentials conflict ... client has to handle this situation
// wrt to this module, connection to the remote system is success
SetLastError( dwConnectResult ); return TRUE;
case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: // user credentials not accepted for local system
case ERROR_DUP_NAME: case ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME: // change the error code so that user gets correct message
SetLastError( ERROR_NO_NETWORK ); SaveLastError(); SetLastError( dwConnectResult ); // reset the error code
return FALSE;
default: SaveLastError(); return FALSE; // no use of accepting the password .. return failure
break; }
// if failed in establishing connection to the remote terminal
// even if the password is specifed, then there is nothing to do ... simply return failure
if ( bNeedPassword == FALSE ) { return FALSE; } }
// check whether user name is specified or not
// if not, get the local system's current user name under whose credentials, the process
// is running
if ( lstrlen( pwszUserName ) == 0 ) { // get the user name
if ( GetUserNameEx( NameSamCompatible, pwszUserName, &dwUserLength ) == FALSE ) { // error occured while trying to get the current user info
SaveLastError(); return FALSE; } }
// display message on the screen which says "Type Password for ..."
ShowMessageEx( stdout, 1, TRUE, STR_INPUT_PASSWORD, pwszUserName );
// accept the password from the user
GetPassword( pwszPassword, dwPasswordLength );
// now again try to establish the connection using the currently
// supplied credentials
dwConnectResult = ConnectServer( pwszServer, pwszUserName, pwszPassword ); if ( dwConnectResult == NO_ERROR ) { return TRUE; // connection established successfully
// now check the kind of error occurred
switch( dwConnectResult ) { case ERROR_SESSION_CREDENTIAL_CONFLICT: // user credentials conflict ... client has to handle this situation
// wrt to this module, connection to the remote system is success
SetLastError( dwConnectResult ); return TRUE;
case E_LOCAL_CREDENTIALS: // user credentials not accepted for local system
case ERROR_DUP_NAME: case ERROR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_HOST_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_PROTOCOL_UNREACHABLE: case ERROR_INVALID_NETNAME: // change the error code so that user gets correct message
SetLastError( ERROR_NO_NETWORK ); SaveLastError(); SetLastError( dwConnectResult ); // reset the error code
return FALSE; default: SaveLastError(); return FALSE; // no use of accepting the password .. return failure
break; } }
BOOL EstablishConnection2( IN PTCONNECTIONINFO pci ) /*++
Routine Description: Establishes a connection to the remote system.
Arguments: [in] pci : A pointer to TCONNECTIONINFO structure which contains connection information needed for establishing connection Return Value: --*/ { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( pci );
SetLastError( ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED ); SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }