// *********************************************************************************
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Module Name:
// ShowResults.c
// Abstract:
// This modules has functions which are to shoow formatted Results on screen.
// Author:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 24-Sep-2000
// Revision History:
// Sunil G.V.N. Murali ([email protected]) 01-Sep-2000 : Created It.
// *********************************************************************************
#include "pch.h"
#include "cmdline.h"
#include "cmdlineres.h"
/******************************************/ /*** CONSTANTS / DEFINES / ENUMERATIONS ***/ /******************************************/
// VAL1 = Buffer length ; VAL2 = Number of characters to copy.
#define MIN_VALUE( VAL1, VAL2 ) ( ( VAL1 > VAL2 ) ? VAL2 : VAL1 )
// Indexes for buffers to store strings
/********************************************************/ /*** Private functions ... used only within this file ***/ /********************************************************/
__inline LPWSTR GetSRTempBuffer( IN DWORD dwIndexNumber, IN LPCWSTR pwszText, IN DWORD dwLength, IN BOOL bNullify ) /*++
Routine Description:
Since every file will need the temporary buffers -- in order to see that their buffers wont be override with other functions, seperate buffer space are created for each file. This function will provide an access to internal buffers and also safe guards the file buffer boundaries.
[ IN ] dwIndexNumber - File specific index number.
[ IN ] pwszText - Default text that needs to be copied into temporary buffer.
[ IN ] dwLength - Length of the temporary buffer that is required. Ignored when 'pwszText' is specified.
[ IN ] bNullify - Informs whether to clear the buffer or not before giving the temporary buffer. Set to 'TRUE' to clear buffer else FALSE.
Return Value:
NULL - When any failure occurs. NOTE: do not rely on GetLastError to know the reason for the failure.
success - Return memory address of the requested size.
NOTE: ---- If 'pwszText' and 'dwLength' both are NULL, then we treat that the caller is asking for the reference of the buffer and we return the buffer address. In this call, there wont be any memory allocations -- if the requested index doesn't exist, failure is returned.
Also, the buffer returned by this function need not released by the caller. While exiting from the tool, all the memory will be freed automatically by the 'ReleaseGlobals' function.
Value contained by 'dwLength' parameter should be number of characters to store. EX: Buffer requested is "abcd\0" then 'dwLength' should be 5 instead of 10 ( 5 * sizeof( WCHAR ) ).
To get the size of a buffer, get a buffer pointer and pass it as argument to 'GetBufferSize' function. --*/ { if( TEMP_SHOWRESULTS_C_COUNT <= dwIndexNumber ) { return NULL; }
// Check if caller is requesting existing buffer contents
if( ( NULL == pwszText ) && ( 0 == dwLength ) && ( FALSE == bNullify ) ) { // yes -- we need to pass the existing buffer contents
return GetInternalTemporaryBufferRef( dwIndexNumber + INDEX_TEMP_SHOWRESULTS_C ); }
// ...
return GetInternalTemporaryBuffer( dwIndexNumber + INDEX_TEMP_SHOWRESULTS_C, pwszText, dwLength, bNullify ); }
VOID PrepareString( TARRAY arrValues, DWORD dwLength, LPCWSTR szFormat, LPCWSTR szSeperator ) /*++
Routine Description: Prepares the pszBuffer string by taking values from arrValues and formate these values as per szFormat string.
Arguments: [ in ] arrValues : values to be formated. [ out ] pszBuffer : output string [ in ] dwLength : string length. [ in ] szFormat : format [ in ] szSeperator : Seperator string
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dw = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; LPWSTR pszTemp = NULL; LPWSTR pszValue = NULL; LPWSTR pszBuffer = NULL;
// Get temporary memory.
pszBuffer = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER_LEN4096, NULL, 0 , FALSE ); //
// kick off
if( ( NULL == pszBuffer ) || ( NULL == szFormat ) ) { return; }
// init
StringCopy( pszBuffer, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( pszBuffer )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( arrValues );
// allocate memory for buffers
pszTemp = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_FORMAT_STRING, NULL, ( dwLength + 5 ) , TRUE ); pszValue = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_DYNARRAY_STRING, NULL, ( dwLength + 5 ), TRUE ); if ( NULL == pszTemp || NULL == pszValue ) { // release memories
return; }
dwTemp = ( DWORD ) StringLengthInBytes( szSeperator ); //
// traverse thru the list of the values and concatenate them
// to the destination buffer
for( dw = 0; dw < dwCount; dw++ ) { // get the current value into the temporary string buffer
DynArrayItemAsStringEx( arrValues, dw, pszValue, dwLength );
// concatenate the temporary string to the original buffer
StringCchPrintfW( pszTemp, (GetBufferSize(pszTemp)/sizeof(WCHAR)) - 1 , szFormat, _X( pszValue ) ); StringConcat( pszBuffer, pszTemp, ( GetBufferSize( pszBuffer )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// check whether this is the last value or not
if ( dw + 1 < dwCount ) { // there are some more values
// check whether is space for adding the seperator or not
if ( dwLength < dwTemp ) { // no more space available ... break
break; } else { // add the seperator and update the length accordingly
StringConcat( pszBuffer, szSeperator, ( GetBufferSize( pszBuffer )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); dwLength -= dwTemp; } } } return; }
VOID GetValue( PTCOLUMNS pColumn, DWORD dwColumn, TARRAY arrRecord, LPCWSTR szArraySeperator ) /*++
Routine Description: Gets the value from arrRecord and copies it to pszValue using proper format.
Arguments: [ in ] pColumn : format info. [ in ] dwColumn : no of columns [ in ] arrRecord : value to be formatted [ out ] pszValue : output string [ in ] szArraySeperator : seperator used.
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
LPVOID pData = NULL; // data to be passed to formatter function
TARRAY arrTemp = NULL; LPCWSTR pszTemp = NULL; const TCHAR cszString[] = _T( "%s" ); const TCHAR cszDecimal[] = _T( "%d" ); const TCHAR cszFloat[] = _T( "%f" ); LPCWSTR pszFormat = NULL; // format
LPWSTR pszValue = NULL;
// variables used in formatting time
DWORD dwReturn = 0; SYSTEMTIME systime;
pszValue = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER_LEN4096, NULL, 0 , FALSE );
if( ( NULL == pColumn ) || ( NULL == pszValue ) ) { return; }
ZeroMemory( &systime, sizeof( SYSTEMTIME ) ); // init first
StringCopy( pszValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// get the column value and do formatting appropriately
switch( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_TYPE_MASK ) { case SR_TYPE_STRING: { // identify the format to be used
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_VALUEFORMAT ) { pszFormat = pColumn->szFormat; } else { pszFormat = cszString; // default format
// copy the value to the temporary buffer based on the flags specified
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_ARRAY ) { // get the value into buffer first - AVOIDING PREFIX BUGS
arrTemp = DynArrayItem( arrRecord, dwColumn ); if ( NULL == arrTemp ) { return; } // form the array of values into one single string with ',' seperated
PrepareString( arrTemp, pColumn->dwWidth, pszFormat, szArraySeperator ); } else { // get the value into buffer first - AVOIDING PREFIX BUGS
pszTemp = DynArrayItemAsString( arrRecord, dwColumn ); if ( NULL == pszTemp ) { return; } // now copy the value into buffer
StringCchPrintfW( pszValue, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, pszFormat, pszTemp ); }
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_NUMERIC: { // identify the format to be used
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_VALUEFORMAT ) { pszFormat = pColumn->szFormat; } else { pszFormat = cszDecimal; // default format
// copy the value to the temporary buffer based on the flags specified
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_ARRAY ) { // get the value into buffer first - AVOIDING PREFIX BUGS
arrTemp = DynArrayItem( arrRecord, dwColumn ); if ( NULL == arrTemp ) { return; } // form the array of values into one single string with ',' seperated
PrepareString( arrTemp, pColumn->dwWidth, pszFormat, szArraySeperator ); } else { // get the value using format specified
StringCchPrintfW( pszValue, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, pszFormat, DynArrayItemAsDWORD( arrRecord, dwColumn ) ); }
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_FLOAT: { // identify the format to be used
// NOTE: for this type, format needs to be specified
// if not, value displayed is unpredictable
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_VALUEFORMAT ) { pszFormat = pColumn->szFormat; } else { pszFormat = cszFloat; // default format
// copy the value to the temporary buffer based on the flags specified
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_ARRAY ) { // get the value into buffer first - AVOIDING PREFIX BUGS
arrTemp = DynArrayItem( arrRecord, dwColumn ); if ( NULL == arrTemp ) { return; } // form the array of values into one single string with ',' seperated
PrepareString( arrTemp, pColumn->dwWidth, pszFormat, szArraySeperator ); } else { // get the value using format specified
StringCchPrintfW( pszValue, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, pszFormat, DynArrayItemAsFloat( arrRecord, dwColumn ) ); }
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_DOUBLE: { // identify the format to be used
// NOTE: for this type, format needs to be specified
// if not, value displayed is unpredictable
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_VALUEFORMAT ) { pszFormat = pColumn->szFormat; } else { pszFormat = cszFloat; // default format
// copy the value to the temporary buffer based on the flags specified
if ( pColumn->dwFlags & SR_ARRAY ) { // get the value into buffer first - AVOIDING PREFIX BUGS
arrTemp = DynArrayItem( arrRecord, dwColumn ); if ( NULL == arrTemp ) { return; } // form the array of values into one single string with ',' seperated
PrepareString( arrTemp, pColumn->dwWidth, pszFormat, szArraySeperator ); } else { // get the value using format specified
StringCchPrintfW( pszValue, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, pszFormat, DynArrayItemAsDouble( arrRecord, dwColumn ) ); }
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_TIME: { // get the time in the required format
systime = DynArrayItemAsSystemTime( arrRecord, dwColumn );
// get the time in current locale format
// check the result
if ( 0 == dwReturn ) { // save the error info that has occurred
SaveLastError(); StringCopy( pszValue, GetReason(), ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); }
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_CUSTOM: { // check whether function pointer is specified or not
// if not specified, error
if ( NULL == pColumn->pFunction ) { return; // function ptr not specified ... error
} // determine the data to be passed to the formatter function
pData = pColumn->pFunctionData; if ( NULL == pData ) // function data is not defined
{ pData = pColumn; // the current column info itself as data
} // call the custom function
( *pColumn->pFunction)( dwColumn, arrRecord, pData, pszValue );
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_TYPE_DATE: case SR_TYPE_DATETIME: default: { // this should not occur ... still
StringCopy( pszValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// switch case completed
break; } }
// user wants to display "N/A", when the value is empty, copy that
if ( 0 == lstrlen( pszValue ) && pColumn->dwFlags & SR_SHOW_NA_WHEN_BLANK ) { // copy N/A
StringCopy( pszValue, V_NOT_AVAILABLE, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); } }
VOID __DisplayTextWrapped( FILE* fp, LPWSTR pszValue, LPCWSTR pszSeperator, DWORD dwWidth ) /*++
Routine Description: Data is written to file depending upon the number of bytes ( width ) to be displayed.
If number of bytes to be displayed is greater than max bytes ( width ) then text is wrapped to max bytes length.
Arguments: [ in ] fp - File such as stdout, stderr etc. on to which data needs to be written. [ in ] pszValue - Contains data to be displayed. [ in ] pszSeperator - Contains data seperator. [ in ] dwWidth - Max bytes that can be displyed.
Return Value: None. --*/
{ // local variables
LPWSTR pszBuffer = NULL; LPCWSTR pszRestValue = NULL; DWORD dwTemp = 0; DWORD dwLength = 0; DWORD dwSepLength = 0; DWORD dwLenMemAlloc = 0;
// check the input
if ( NULL == pszValue || 0 == dwWidth || NULL == fp ) { return; } // allocate buffer
dwLenMemAlloc = StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ); if ( dwLenMemAlloc < dwWidth ) { dwLenMemAlloc = dwWidth; } // ...
pszBuffer = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER, NULL, ( dwLenMemAlloc + 5 ), TRUE ); if ( NULL == pszBuffer ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); // null-ify the remaining text
StringCopy( pszValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); return; }
// determine the length of the seperator
dwSepLength = 0; if ( NULL != pszSeperator ) { dwSepLength = StringLengthInBytes( pszSeperator ); } // determine the length of the data that can be displayed in this row
dwTemp = 0; dwLength = 0; for( ;; ) { pszRestValue = NULL; if ( NULL != pszSeperator ) { pszRestValue = FindString( pszValue, pszSeperator, dwLength ); } // check whether seperator is found or not
if ( NULL != pszRestValue ) { // determine the position
dwTemp = StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ) - StringLengthInBytes( pszRestValue ) + dwSepLength;
// check the length
if ( dwTemp >= dwWidth ) { // string position exceed the max. width
if ( 0 == dwLength || dwTemp == dwWidth ) { dwLength = dwWidth; } // break from the loop
break; }
// store the current position
dwLength = dwTemp; } else { // check if length is determined or not .. if not required width itself is length
if ( 0 == dwLength || ((StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ) - dwLength) > dwWidth) ) { dwLength = dwWidth; } else { if ( StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ) <= (LONG) dwWidth ) { dwLength = StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ); } }
// break the loop
break; } }
// get the partial value that has to be displayed
StringCopy( pszBuffer, pszValue, MIN_VALUE( dwLenMemAlloc, ( dwLength + 1 ) ) ); // +1 for NULL character
AdjustStringLength( pszBuffer, dwWidth, FALSE ); // adjust the string
ShowMessage( fp, _X( pszBuffer ) ); // display the value
// change the buffer contents so that it contains rest of the undisplayed text
StringCopy( pszBuffer, pszValue, ( GetBufferSize( pszBuffer )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); if ( StringLengthInBytes( pszValue ) > (LONG) dwLength ) { StringCopy( pszValue, pszBuffer + dwLength, ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); } else { StringCopy( pszValue, _T( "" ), ( GetBufferSize( pszValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); } }
VOID __ShowAsTable( FILE* fp, DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays the arrData in Tabular form.
Arguments: [ in ] fp : Output Device [ in ] dwColumns : no. of columns [ in ] pColumns : Header strings [ in ] dwFlags : flags [ in ] arrData : data to be shown
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwCount = 0; // holds the count of the records
DWORD i = 0; // looping variables
DWORD j = 0; // looping variables
DWORD k = 0; // looping variables
DWORD dwColumn = 0; LONG lLastColumn = 0; DWORD dwMultiLineColumns = 0; BOOL bNeedSpace = FALSE; BOOL bPadLeft = FALSE; TARRAY arrRecord = NULL; TARRAY arrMultiLine = NULL; LPCWSTR pszData = NULL; LPCWSTR pszSeperator = NULL; LPWSTR szValue = NULL_STRING; // custom value formatter
// constants
const DWORD cdwColumn = 0; const DWORD cdwSeperator = 1; const DWORD cdwData = 2;
if( ( NULL == fp ) || ( NULL == pColumns ) ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); SaveLastError(); return ; }
// Allocate temporary memory.
szValue = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER_LEN4096, NULL, 4096 , TRUE ); // create an multi-line data display helper array
arrMultiLine = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( ( NULL == arrMultiLine ) || ( NULL == szValue ) ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return; }
// check whether header has to be displayed or not
if ( ! ( dwFlags & SR_NOHEADER ) ) { //
// header needs to be displayed
// traverse thru the column headers and display
bNeedSpace = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i < dwColumns; i++ ) { // check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ i ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) { continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
} // determine the padding direction
bPadLeft = FALSE; if ( pColumns[ i ].dwFlags & SR_ALIGN_LEFT ) { bPadLeft = TRUE; } else { switch( pColumns[ i ].dwFlags & SR_TYPE_MASK ) { case SR_TYPE_NUMERIC: case SR_TYPE_FLOAT: case SR_TYPE_DOUBLE: bPadLeft = TRUE; break; } }
// check if column header seperator is needed or not and based on that show
if ( TRUE == bNeedSpace ) { // show space as column header seperator
ShowMessage( fp, _T( " " ) ); }
// print the column heading
// NOTE: column will be displayed either by expanding or shrinking
// based on the length of the column heading as well as width of the column
StringCopy( szValue, pColumns[ i ].szColumn, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); AdjustStringLength( szValue, pColumns[ i ].dwWidth, bPadLeft ); ShowMessage( fp, szValue ); // column heading
// inform that from next time onward display column header separator
bNeedSpace = TRUE; }
// display the new line character ... seperation b/w headings and separator line
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) );
// display the seperator chars under each column header
bNeedSpace = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i < dwColumns; i++ ) { // check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ i ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) { continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
} // check if column header seperator is needed or not and based on that show
if ( TRUE == bNeedSpace ) { // show space as column header seperator
ShowMessage( fp, _T( " " ) ); }
// display seperator based on the required column width
Replicate( szValue, _T( "=" ), pColumns[ i ].dwWidth, pColumns[ i ].dwWidth + 1 ); ShowMessage( fp, szValue );
// inform that from next time onward display column header separator
bNeedSpace = TRUE; }
// display the new line character ... seperation b/w headings and actual data
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); }
// start displaying
// get the total no. of records available
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( arrData );
// traverse thru the records one-by-one
for( i = 0; i < dwCount; i++ ) { // clear the existing value
StringCopy( szValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// get the pointer to the current record
arrRecord = DynArrayItem( arrData, i ); if ( NULL == arrRecord ) { continue; } // traverse thru the columns and display the values
bNeedSpace = FALSE; for ( j = 0; j < dwColumns; j++ ) { // sub-local variables used in this loop
DWORD dwTempWidth = 0; BOOL bTruncation = FALSE;
// check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) { continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
} // get the value of the column
if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_NO_TRUNCATION ) { bTruncation = TRUE; dwTempWidth = pColumns[ j ].dwWidth; pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ); }
// prepare the value
GetValue( &pColumns[ j ], j, arrRecord, _T( ", " ) );
// determine the padding direction
bPadLeft = FALSE; if ( FALSE == bTruncation ) { if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_ALIGN_LEFT ) { bPadLeft = TRUE; } else { switch( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_TYPE_MASK ) { case SR_TYPE_NUMERIC: case SR_TYPE_FLOAT: case SR_TYPE_DOUBLE: bPadLeft = TRUE; break; } }
// adjust ...
AdjustStringLength( szValue, pColumns[ j ].dwWidth, bPadLeft ); }
// reset the width of the current column if it is modified
if ( TRUE == bTruncation ) { pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = dwTempWidth; } // check if column header seperator is needed or not and based on that show
if ( TRUE == bNeedSpace ) { // show space as column header seperator
ShowMessage( fp, _T( " " ) ); }
// now display the value
if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_WORDWRAP ) { // display the text ( might be partial )
__DisplayTextWrapped( fp, szValue, _T( ", " ), pColumns[ j ].dwWidth );
// check if any info is left to be displayed
if ( 0 != StringLengthInBytes( szValue ) ) { LONG lIndex = 0; lIndex = DynArrayAppendRow( arrMultiLine, 3 ); if ( -1 != lIndex ) { DynArraySetDWORD2( arrMultiLine, lIndex, cdwColumn, j ); DynArraySetString2( arrMultiLine, lIndex, cdwData, szValue, 0 ); DynArraySetString2( arrMultiLine, lIndex, cdwSeperator, _T( ", " ), 0 ); } } } else { ShowMessage( fp, _X( szValue ) ); }
// inform that from next time onward display column header separator
bNeedSpace = TRUE; }
// display the new line character ... seperation b/w two record
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) );
// now display the multi-line column values
dwMultiLineColumns = DynArrayGetCount( arrMultiLine ); while( 0 != dwMultiLineColumns ) { // reset
dwColumn = 0; lLastColumn = -1; bNeedSpace = FALSE;
// ...
for( j = 0; j < dwMultiLineColumns; j++ ) { // ge the column number
dwColumn = DynArrayItemAsDWORD2( arrMultiLine, j, cdwColumn );
// show spaces till the current column from the last column
for( k = lLastColumn + 1; k < dwColumn; k++ ) { // check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ k ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) { continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
} // check if column header seperator is needed or not and based on that show
if ( TRUE == bNeedSpace ) { // show space as column header seperator
ShowMessage( fp, _T( " " ) ); }
// display seperator based on the required column width
Replicate( szValue, _T( " " ), pColumns[ k ].dwWidth, pColumns[ k ].dwWidth + 1 ); ShowMessage( fp, szValue );
// inform that from next time onward display column header separator
bNeedSpace = TRUE; }
// update the last column
lLastColumn = dwColumn;
// check if column header seperator is needed or not and based on that show
if ( TRUE == bNeedSpace ) { // show space as column header seperator
ShowMessage( fp, _T( " " ) ); }
// get the seperator and data
pszData = DynArrayItemAsString2( arrMultiLine, j, cdwData ); pszSeperator = DynArrayItemAsString2( arrMultiLine, j, cdwSeperator ); if ( NULL == pszData || NULL == pszSeperator ) { continue; } // display the information
StringCopy( szValue, pszData, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); __DisplayTextWrapped( fp, szValue, pszSeperator, pColumns[ dwColumn ].dwWidth );
// update the multi-line array with rest of the line
if ( 0 == StringLengthInBytes( szValue ) ) { // data in this column is completely displayed ... remove it
DynArrayRemove( arrMultiLine, j );
// update the indexes
j--; dwMultiLineColumns--; } else { // update the multi-line array with the remaining value
DynArraySetString2( arrMultiLine, j, cdwData, szValue, 0 ); } }
// display the new line character ... seperation b/w two lines
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); } }
// destroy the array
DestroyDynamicArray( &arrMultiLine ); }
VOID __ShowAsList( FILE* fp, DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays the in List format
Arguments: [ in ] fp : Output Device [ in ] dwColumns : no. of columns [ in ] pColumns : Header strings [ in ] dwFlags : flags [ in ] arrData : data to be shown
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwCount = 0; // holds the count of all records
DWORD i = 0, j = 0; // looping variables
DWORD dwTempWidth = 0; DWORD dwMaxColumnLen = 0; // holds the length of the which max. among all the columns
LPWSTR pszTemp = NULL; TARRAY arrRecord = NULL; __STRING_64 szBuffer = NULL_STRING; LPWSTR szValue = NULL_STRING; // custom value formatter
if( ( NULL == fp ) || ( NULL == pColumns ) ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); SaveLastError(); return ; }
// Allocate temporary memory.
szValue = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER_LEN4096, NULL, 4096 , TRUE ); if( NULL == szValue ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return; }
// find out the max. length among all the column headers
dwMaxColumnLen = 0; for ( i = 0; i < dwColumns; i++ ) { dwTempWidth = ( DWORD ) StringLengthInBytes( pColumns[ i ].szColumn ); if ( dwMaxColumnLen < dwTempWidth ) { dwMaxColumnLen = dwTempWidth; } }
// start displaying the data
// get the total no. of records available
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( arrData );
// get the total no. of records available
for( i = 0; i < dwCount; i++ ) { // get the pointer to the current record
arrRecord = DynArrayItem( arrData, i ); if ( NULL == arrRecord ) { continue; } // traverse thru the columns and display the values
for ( j = 0; j < dwColumns; j++) { // clear the existing value
StringCopy( szValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) { continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
} // display the column heading and its value
// ( heading will be displayed based on the max. column length )
StringCchPrintfW( szValue, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, _T( "%s:" ), pColumns[ j ].szColumn); AdjustStringLength( szValue, dwMaxColumnLen + 2, FALSE );
ShowMessage( fp, szValue );
// get the value of the column
dwTempWidth = pColumns[ j ].dwWidth; // save the current width
pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ); // change the width
GetValue( &pColumns[ j ], j, arrRecord, _T( "\n" ) ); pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = dwTempWidth; // restore the original width
// display the [ list of ] values
pszTemp = _tcstok( szValue, _T( "\n" ) ); while ( NULL != pszTemp ) { // display the value
ShowMessage( fp, _X( pszTemp ) ); pszTemp = _tcstok( NULL, _T( "\n" ) ); if ( NULL != pszTemp ) { // prepare the next line
StringCopy( szBuffer, _T( " " ), ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) ); AdjustStringLength( szBuffer, dwMaxColumnLen + 2, FALSE ); ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); ShowMessage( fp, _X( szBuffer ) ); } }
// display the next line character seperation b/w two fields
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); }
// display the new line character ... seperation b/w two records
// NOTE: do this only if there are some more records
if ( i + 1 < dwCount ) { ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); } } }
VOID __ShowAsCSV( FILE* fp, DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData ) /*++
Routine Description: Displays the arrData in CSV form.
Arguments: [ in ] fp : Output Device [ in ] dwColumns : no. of columns [ in ] pColumns : Header strings [ in ] dwFlags : flags [ in ] arrData : data to be shown
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
DWORD dwCount = 0; // holds the count of all records
DWORD i = 0; // looping variables
DWORD j = 0; // looping variables
DWORD dwTempWidth = 0; BOOL bNeedComma = FALSE; TARRAY arrRecord = NULL; LPWSTR szValue = NULL_STRING;
if( ( NULL == fp ) || ( NULL == pColumns ) ) { INVALID_PARAMETER(); SaveLastError(); return ; }
// Allocate temporary memory.
szValue = GetSRTempBuffer( INDEX_TEMP_BUFFER_LEN4096, NULL, 4096 , TRUE ); if( NULL == szValue ) { OUT_OF_MEMORY(); SaveLastError(); return; }
// check whether header has to be displayed or not
if ( ! ( dwFlags & SR_NOHEADER ) ) { //
// header needs to be displayed
// first display the columns ... with comma seperated
bNeedComma = FALSE; for ( i = 0; i < dwColumns; i++ ) { // check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ i ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
// check whether we need to display ',' or not and then display
if ( TRUE == bNeedComma ) { // ',' has to be displayed
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "," ) ); }
// display the column heading
StringCchPrintfW( szValue, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) - 1, _T( "\"%s\"" ), pColumns[ i ].szColumn ); DISPLAY_MESSAGE ( fp, szValue );
// inform that from next time onwards we need to display comma before data
bNeedComma = TRUE; }
// new line character
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); }
// start displaying the data
// get the total no. of records available
dwCount = DynArrayGetCount( arrData );
// get the total no. of records available
for( i = 0; i < dwCount; i++ ) { // get the pointer to the current record
arrRecord = DynArrayItem( arrData, i ); if ( NULL == arrRecord ) continue;
// traverse thru the columns and display the values
bNeedComma = FALSE; for ( j = 0; j < dwColumns; j++ ) { // clear the existing value
StringCopy( szValue, NULL_STRING, ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ) );
// check whether user wants to display this column or not
if ( pColumns[ j ].dwFlags & SR_HIDECOLUMN ) continue; // user doesn't want this column to be displayed .. skip
// get the value of the column
dwTempWidth = pColumns[ j ].dwWidth; // save the current width
pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = ( GetBufferSize( szValue )/ sizeof( WCHAR ) ); // change the width
GetValue( &pColumns[ j ], j, arrRecord, _T( "," ) ); pColumns[ j ].dwWidth = dwTempWidth; // restore the original width
// check whether we need to display ',' or not and then display
if ( TRUE == bNeedComma ) { // ',' has to be displayed
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "," ) ); }
// print the value
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\"" ) ); ShowMessage( fp, _X( szValue ) ); ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\"" ) );
// inform that from next time onwards we need to display comma before data
bNeedComma = TRUE; }
// new line character
ShowMessage( fp, _T( "\n" ) ); } }
// public functions ... exposed to external world
VOID ShowResults( DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData ) /*++
Routine Description: Wrapper function to ShowResults2.
Arguments: [ in ] dwColumns : No. of Columns to be shown [ in ] pColumns : Columns header [ in ] dwFlags : Required format [ in ] arrData : Data to be displayed.
Return Value: None. --*/ { // just call the main function ... with stdout
ShowResults2( stdout, dwColumns, pColumns, dwFlags, arrData ); }
VOID ShowResults2( FILE* fp, DWORD dwColumns, PTCOLUMNS pColumns, DWORD dwFlags, TARRAY arrData ) /*++
Routine Description: Show the resuls (arrData) on the screen.
Arguments: [ in ] fp : File on to which data is to be displayed. [ in ] dwColumns : No. of Columns to be shown [ in ] pColumns : Columns header [ in ] dwFlags : Required format [ in ] arrData : Data to be displayed.
Return Value: NONE --*/ { // local variables
if( ( NULL == fp ) || ( NULL == pColumns ) ) { return ; }
// Display the information in the format specified
switch( dwFlags & SR_FORMAT_MASK ) { case SR_FORMAT_TABLE: { // show the data in table format
__ShowAsTable( fp, dwColumns, pColumns, dwFlags, arrData );
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_FORMAT_LIST: { // show the data in table format
__ShowAsList( fp, dwColumns, pColumns, dwFlags, arrData );
// switch case completed
break; }
case SR_FORMAT_CSV: { // show the data in table format
__ShowAsCSV( fp, dwColumns, pColumns, dwFlags, arrData );
// switch case completed
break; }
default: { // invalid format requested by the user
break; } }
// flush the memory onto the file buffer
fflush( fp ); }