Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file gets the security identifier (SID) for respective user name and groups in the current access token on a local system or a remote system.
Christophe Robert
Revision History:
02-July-2001 : Updated by Wipro Technologies.
//common header files needed for this file
#include "pch.h"
#include "CommonHeaderFiles.h"
WsSid::WsSid ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function intializes the members of WsSid class.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { // initializing member variables
pSid = NULL ; bToBeFreed = FALSE ; }
WsSid::~WsSid ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function deallocates the members of WsSid class.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ {
// release memory
if ( bToBeFreed && pSid ){ FreeMemory ( (LPVOID *) &pSid ) ; } }
DWORD WsSid::DisplayAccountName ( IN DWORD dwFormatType , IN DWORD dwNameFormat ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the user name and SID.
Arguments: [IN] DWORD dwFormatType : Format type i.,e LIST, CSV or TABLE [IN] DWORD dwNameFormat : Name Format either UPN or FQDN
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
WCHAR wszUserName[ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR wszSid [ MAX_STRING_LENGTH ]; WCHAR wszGroup[MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; DWORD dwErr = 0 ; DWORD dwColCount = 0 ; DWORD dw = 0 ; DWORD dwCount = 0 ; DWORD dwArrSize = 0 ; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwUserLen = 0; DWORD dwSidLen = 0; DWORD dwUserColLen = 0; DWORD dwSidColLen = 0; DWORD dwSidUse = 0; LPWSTR wszBuffer = NULL;
//initialize memory
SecureZeroMemory ( wszUserName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszUserName) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszSid, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSid) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszGroup, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszGroup) );
// create a dynamic array
TARRAY pColData = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( NULL == pColData) { // set last error and display an error message with respect
SetLastError((DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx (stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszGroup);
//if /FQDN is specified
if ( (FQDN_FORMAT == dwNameFormat) ) { //Get the username in FQDN format
if (GetUserNameEx ( NameFullyQualifiedDN, wszGroup, &dwSize) == FALSE ) { // GetUserNameEx() got failed due to small size specified for username.
// allocate the actual size (dwSize) of username and call the same
// function again...
wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display system error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if (GetUserNameEx ( NameFullyQualifiedDN, wszBuffer, &dwSize) == FALSE ) { // display an error messaga as.. unable to get FQDN name
// as logged-on user is not a domain user
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_ERROR_FQDN) ); DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszBuffer)); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n"); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); // return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszGroup)); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n"); DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); // return success
} else if ( (UPN_FORMAT == dwNameFormat ) ) { // get the user name in UPN format
if ( GetUserNameEx ( NameUserPrincipal, wszGroup, &dwSize) == FALSE ) { // GetUserNameEx() got failed due to small size specified for username
// allocate the actual size(dwSize) of username and call the same
// function again...
wszBuffer = (LPWSTR) AllocateMemory(dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR)); if ( NULL == wszBuffer ) { // display system error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// get the user name in UPN format
if ( GetUserNameEx ( NameUserPrincipal, wszBuffer, &dwSize) == FALSE ) { // display an error messaga as.. unable to get UPN name
// as logged-on user is not a domain user
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_ERROR_UPN) ); // release memory
DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// convert UPN name in lower case letters
CharLower ( wszBuffer );
// display UPN name
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszBuffer) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n"); // release memory
DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); FreeMemory ((LPVOID*) &wszBuffer); //return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// convert UPN name in lower case letters
CharLower ( wszGroup );
// display UPN name
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszGroup) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n");
DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); //return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// get user name
if ( (dwErr = GetAccountName ( wszUserName, &dwSidUse)) != EXIT_SUCCESS ){ // display an error message with respect to Win32 error code
ShowLastErrorEx(stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM); DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); return dwErr ; }
// convery user name in lower case letters
CharLower ( wszUserName );
// if /USER specified
if ( USER_ONLY != dwNameFormat) { // display SID with respect to username
if ( (dwErr = DisplaySid ( wszSid ) ) != EXIT_SUCCESS ){ DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); return dwErr ; } }
// get the length of user name
dwUserLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszUserName); // get the length of SID
dwSidLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszSid);
//To avoid localization problems, get the maximum length of column name and
// values of respective columns
// Get the maximum length of a column name "UserName"
dwUserColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_USERNAME) ); if ( dwUserColLen > dwUserLen ) { dwUserLen = dwUserColLen; }
// Get the maximum length of a column name "SID"
dwSidColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_SID) ); if ( dwSidColLen > dwSidLen ) { dwSidLen = dwSidColLen; }
// defining verbose columns with the actual size
// if /USER is specified
if ( USER_ONLY == dwNameFormat ) { // display the user name
StringCopy (pVerboseCols[dw].szColumn , GetResString(IDS_COL_USERNAME), MAX_RES_STRING); ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszUserName) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n");
// release memory
return EXIT_SUCCESS; } else { //Load the column names for verbose mode
for( dwColCount = IDS_COL_USERNAME , dw = 0 ; dwColCount <= IDS_COL_SID; dwColCount++, dw++) { StringCopy(pVerboseCols[dw].szColumn , GetResString(dwColCount), MAX_RES_STRING ); }
// get the number of columns
dwArrSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY( pVerboseCols ); }
//Start appending to the 2D array
DynArrayAppendRow(pColData, dwArrSize);
//Insert the user name
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, USERNAME_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszUserName), 0);
//Insert the SID string
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, SID_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszSid), 0);
// 1) If the display format is CSV.. then we should not display column headings..
// 2) If /NH is specified ...then we should not display column headings..
if ( !(( SR_FORMAT_CSV == dwFormatType ) || ((dwFormatType & SR_HIDECOLUMN) == SR_HIDECOLUMN))) { // display the headings before displaying the username and SID
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_LIST_USER_NAMES ) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_DISPLAY_USER_DASH ) ); }
// display the actual values for user name and SID
ShowResults(dwArrSize, pVerboseCols, dwFormatType, pColData);
// release memory
DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); // return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD WsSid::DisplayGroupName ( OUT LPWSTR wszGroupName, OUT LPWSTR wszGroupSid, IN DWORD *dwSidUseName) /*++
Routine Description: This function gets the group name and SID to display.
Arguments: [OUT] LPWSTR wszGroupName : Stores group name [OUT] LPWSTR wszGroupSid : Stores group SID [IN] DWORD dwSidUseName : stores Sid use name
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ { // sub-local variables
DWORD dwErr = 0 ; DWORD dwSidUse = 0;
// display the user name
if ( (dwErr = GetAccountName ( wszGroupName, &dwSidUse) ) != EXIT_SUCCESS ){ // display an error message with respect to Win32 error code
ShowLastErrorEx(stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM); return dwErr ; }
// display SID
if ( (dwErr = DisplaySid ( wszGroupSid ) ) != EXIT_SUCCESS ){ return dwErr ; }
*dwSidUseName = dwSidUse;
// return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
DWORD WsSid::DisplaySid ( OUT LPWSTR wszSid ) /*++
Routine Description: This function gets the SID .
Arguments: [OUT] LPWSTR wszSid : Stores SID string
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variable
DWORD dwErr = 0 ;
// Get SID string
if ( (dwErr = GetSidString (wszSid)) != EXIT_SUCCESS ) { return dwErr ; }
// return success
DWORD WsSid::GetAccountName ( OUT LPWSTR wszAccountName, OUT DWORD *dwSidType ) /*++
Routine Description: This function gets the account name and SID
Arguments: [OUT] szAccountName : Stores user name [OUT] dwSidType : Stores Sid use name
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
WCHAR wszUserName[ MAX_RES_STRING ]; WCHAR wszDomainName [ MAX_RES_STRING ]; DWORD dwUserLen = 0; DWORD dwDomainLen = 0; BOOL bNotResolved = FALSE;
// initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( wszUserName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszUserName) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszDomainName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszDomainName) );
// get the length of user name and group name
dwUserLen = SIZE_OF_ARRAY ( wszUserName ); dwDomainLen = SIZE_OF_ARRAY ( wszDomainName );
// enable debug privileges
if ( FALSE == EnableDebugPriv() ) { // return WIN32 error code
return GetLastError () ; }
// get user name and domain name with respective to SID
if ( FALSE == LookupAccountSid ( NULL, // Local System
pSid, wszUserName, &dwUserLen, wszDomainName, &dwDomainLen, &SidUse ) ){ if ( 0 == StringLength (wszUserName, 0)) { bNotResolved = TRUE; StringCopy ( wszAccountName, L" ", MAX_RES_STRING ); } else if ( ( 0 != StringLength (wszDomainName, 0) ) && ( 0 != StringLength (wszUserName, 0) ) ) { // return WIN32 error code
return GetLastError () ; }
if ( FALSE == bNotResolved) { // check for empty domain name
if ( 0 != StringLength ( wszDomainName, 0 ) ) { StringCopy ( wszAccountName, wszDomainName, MAX_RES_STRING ); StringConcat ( wszAccountName, SLASH , MAX_RES_STRING); StringConcat ( wszAccountName, wszUserName, MAX_RES_STRING ); } else { StringCopy ( wszAccountName, wszUserName, MAX_RES_STRING ); } }
*dwSidType = (DWORD)SidUse;
// return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD WsSid::GetSidString ( OUT LPWSTR wszSid ) /*++
Routine Description: This function gets the SID string.
Arguments: [OUT] LPWSTR wszSid : Stores SID string
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
// initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( wszTmp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTmp) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszStr, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszStr) );
//check for empty
if ( NULL == pSid ) { return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
//Is it a valid SID
if ( FALSE == IsValidSid ( pSid ) ) { ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_INVALID_SID ) ); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
//Add the revision
StringCopy ( wszStr, SID_STRING, MAX_RES_STRING );
//Get identifier authority
Auth = GetSidIdentifierAuthority ( pSid ) ;
if ( NULL == Auth ) { // return WIN32 error code
return GetLastError () ; }
// format authority value
if ( (Auth->Value[0] != 0) || (Auth->Value[1] != 0) ) { StringCchPrintf ( wszTmp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTmp), AUTH_FORMAT_STR1 , (ULONG)Auth->Value[0], (ULONG)Auth->Value[1], (ULONG)Auth->Value[2], (ULONG)Auth->Value[3], (ULONG)Auth->Value[4], (ULONG)Auth->Value[5] ); } else { StringCchPrintf ( wszTmp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszTmp), AUTH_FORMAT_STR2 , (ULONG)(Auth->Value[5] ) + (ULONG)(Auth->Value[4] << 8) + (ULONG)(Auth->Value[3] << 16) + (ULONG)(Auth->Value[2] << 24) ); }
StringConcat (wszStr, DASH , SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszStr)); StringConcat (wszStr, wszTmp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszStr));
//Get sub authorities
lpNbSubAuth = GetSidSubAuthorityCount ( pSid ) ;
if ( NULL == lpNbSubAuth ) { return GetLastError () ; }
// loop through and get sub authority
for ( uloop = 0 ; uloop < *lpNbSubAuth ; uloop++ ) { lpSubAuth = GetSidSubAuthority ( pSid,(DWORD)uloop ) ; if ( NULL == lpSubAuth ) { return GetLastError () ; }
// convert long integer to a string
_ultot (*lpSubAuth, wszTmp, BASE_TEN) ; StringConcat ( wszStr, DASH, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszStr) ) ; StringConcat (wszStr, wszTmp, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszStr) ) ; }
StringCopy ( wszSid, wszStr, MAX_RES_STRING );
// retunr success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD WsSid::Init ( OUT PSID pOtherSid ) /*++
Routine Description: This function Initializes the SID
Arguments: [OUT] PSID pOtherSid : Stores SID string
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variable
DWORD dwSize ;
// get the length of SID
dwSize = GetLengthSid ( pOtherSid ) ;
// allocate the memory with the actual size
pSid = (PSID) AllocateMemory ( dwSize ) ; if ( NULL == pSid ) { // return WIN32 error code
return GetLastError () ; }
bToBeFreed = TRUE ;
// copy SID
if ( FALSE == CopySid ( dwSize, pSid, pOtherSid ) ){ return GetLastError () ; }
// return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
BOOL WsSid::EnableDebugPriv() /*++
Routine Description: Enables the debug privliges for the current process so that this utility can terminate the processes on local system without any problem
Arguments: NONE
Return Value: TRUE upon successfull and FALSE if failed --*/ { // local variables
// Retrieve a handle of the access token
bResult = OpenProcessToken( GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_ADJUST_GROUPS | TOKEN_QUERY, &hToken ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // save the error messaage and return
SaveLastError(); return FALSE; }
// Enable the SE_DEBUG_NAME privilege or disable
// all privileges, depends on this flag.
bResult = LookupPrivilegeValue( NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &luidValue ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // save the error messaage and return
SaveLastError(); CloseHandle( hToken ); return FALSE; }
// prepare the token privileges structure
tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1; tkp.Privileges[ 0 ].Luid = luidValue; tkp.Privileges[ 0 ].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
// now enable the debug privileges in the token
bResult = AdjustTokenPrivileges( hToken, FALSE, &tkp, sizeof( TOKEN_PRIVILEGES ), ( PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES ) NULL, ( PDWORD ) NULL ); if ( bResult == FALSE ) { // The return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges be texted
SaveLastError(); CloseHandle( hToken ); return FALSE; }
// close the opened handle object
CloseHandle( hToken );
// enabled ... inform success
return TRUE; }