Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file can be used to initializes all the objects for access token , user, groups , privileges and displays the user name with respective security identifiers (SID), privileges, logon identifier (logon ID) in the current access token on a local system or a remote system.
Christophe Robert
Revision History:
02-July-2001 : Updated by Wipro Technologies.
//common header files needed for this file
#include "pch.h"
#include "CommonHeaderFiles.h"
WsUser::WsUser ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function intializes the members of WsUser class.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/
{ // intialize member variables
lpLogonId = NULL ; lpPriv = NULL ; lpwGroups = NULL ; dwnbGroups = 0 ; }
WsUser::~WsUser ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function deallocates the members of WsUser class.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ {
/// sub-local varible
WORD wloop = 0 ;
//release memory
if(NULL != lpLogonId){ delete lpLogonId ; }
//release memory
if(NULL != lpPriv) { for(wloop = 0 ; wloop < dwnbPriv ; wloop++){ delete lpPriv[wloop] ; }
FreeMemory ((LPVOID *) &lpPriv) ;
//release memory
if(NULL != lpwGroups) { for(wloop = 0 ; wloop < dwnbGroups ; wloop++){ delete lpwGroups[wloop] ; } FreeMemory ((LPVOID *) &lpwGroups ) ; } }
DWORD WsUser::Init ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function initializes all objects for access token , user, groups and privileges.
Arguments: None
Return Value: EXIT_FAILURE : On failure EXIT_SUCCESS : On success --*/ {
//sub-local variable
DWORD dwErr = 0 ;
// Open current token
if((dwErr = wToken.Open()) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM );
// return 1 for failure
return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// Get SIDs
if((dwErr = wToken.InitUserSid (&wUserSid)) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ // display an error message with respect to the GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); //return 1 for failure
return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// Get Groups
if((dwErr = wToken.InitGroups (&lpwGroups, &lpLogonId, &dwnbGroups)) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ // display an error message with respect to the GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM );
//return 1 for failure
return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// Get Privileges
if((dwErr = wToken.InitPrivs (&lpPriv, &dwnbPriv)) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ // display an error message with respect to GetLastError()
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); //return 1 for failure
return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
//return 0 for success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD WsUser::DisplayGroups ( IN DWORD dwFormatType ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the group names.
[IN] DWORD dwFormatType : Format type i.,e LIST, CSV or TABLE
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ { //sub-local variables
DWORD dwArrSize = 0 ; DWORD dwColCount = 0 ; DWORD dw = 0 ; DWORD dwCount = 0 ; WORD wloop = 0 ; DWORD dwGroupNameColLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupNameLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupTmpNameLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupSidColLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupSidLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupTmpSidLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupAttribColLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupAttribLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupTmpAttribLen = 0; DWORD dwGroupTypeCol = 0; DWORD dwGroupType = 0; DWORD dwGroupTmpType = 0; DWORD SidNameUse = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0;
WCHAR wszGroupName[ 2 * MAX_RES_STRING ]; WCHAR wszGroupSid [ MAX_RES_STRING ]; LPCWSTR wszPartialName = NULL; WCHAR wszDomainAttr[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] ; WCHAR wszSidType[MAX_STRING_LENGTH] ; WCHAR wszDomainAttrib[ 2 * MAX_RES_STRING ]; WCHAR wszSidName[ 2 * MAX_RES_STRING ];
// initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( wszGroupName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszGroupName) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszGroupSid, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszGroupSid) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszDomainAttr, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszDomainAttr) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszSidType, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidType) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszDomainAttrib, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszDomainAttrib) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszSidName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidName) );
// get the maximum length of group name and sid
for( wloop = 0 , dwCount = 0 ; wloop < dwnbGroups ; wloop++ , dwCount++ ) {
// display group names along with the SID for a specified format.
if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != ( lpwGroups[wloop]->DisplayGroupName ( wszGroupName, wszGroupSid, &SidNameUse ) ) ) { return EXIT_FAILURE; }
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszDomainAttrib);
wToken.GetDomainAttributes(wToken.dwDomainAttributes[wloop], wszDomainAttrib, dwSize);
//get attributes
StringCopy(wszDomainAttr, wszDomainAttrib, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidType));
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidName); GetDomainType ( SidNameUse , wszSidName, dwSize );
//get type
StringCopy(wszSidType, wszSidName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidType));;
// block the domain\None name
wszPartialName = FindString ( wszGroupSid, STRING_SID, 0 ); if ( ( NULL != wszPartialName ) || ( 0 == StringLength (wszGroupName, 0) ) ) { wszPartialName = NULL; dwCount--; continue; }
// get the max length of group name
dwGroupTmpNameLen = StringLengthInBytes(wszGroupName); if ( dwGroupNameLen < dwGroupTmpNameLen ) { dwGroupNameLen = dwGroupTmpNameLen; }
// get the max length of type
dwGroupTmpType = StringLengthInBytes (wszSidType); if ( dwGroupType < dwGroupTmpType ) { dwGroupType = dwGroupTmpType; }
// get the max length of SID
dwGroupTmpSidLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszGroupSid); if ( dwGroupSidLen < dwGroupTmpSidLen ) { dwGroupSidLen = dwGroupTmpSidLen; }
// get the max length of Attributes
dwGroupTmpAttribLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszDomainAttr); if ( dwGroupAttribLen < dwGroupTmpAttribLen ) { dwGroupAttribLen = dwGroupTmpAttribLen; }
//To avoid localization problems, get the maximum length of column name and
// values of respective columns
// Get the maximum length of a column name "Group Name"
dwGroupNameColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_GROUP_NAME) ); if ( dwGroupNameColLen > dwGroupNameLen ) { dwGroupNameLen = dwGroupNameColLen; }
// Get the maximum length of a column name "Type"
dwGroupTypeCol = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_TYPE_GROUP) ); if ( dwGroupTypeCol > dwGroupType ) { dwGroupType = dwGroupTypeCol; }
// Get the maximum length of a column name "SID"
dwGroupSidColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_GROUP_SID) ); if ( dwGroupSidColLen > dwGroupSidLen ) { dwGroupSidLen = dwGroupSidColLen; } // Get the maximum length of a column name "Attributes"
dwGroupAttribColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_ATTRIBUTE) ); if ( dwGroupAttribColLen > dwGroupAttribLen ) { dwGroupAttribLen = dwGroupAttribColLen; }
// defining the verbose columns with actual length of values
// get the size of pVerboseCols
dwArrSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY( pVerboseCols );
//Load the column names for verbose mode
for( dwColCount = IDS_COL_GROUP_NAME , dw = 0 ; dwColCount <= IDS_COL_ATTRIBUTE; dwColCount++, dw++) { StringCopy (pVerboseCols[dw].szColumn , GetResString(dwColCount), MAX_RES_STRING); }
// create a dynamic array
TARRAY pColData = CreateDynamicArray(); if ( NULL == pColData ) { SetLastError ((DWORD)E_OUTOFMEMORY); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//loop through and display the group names
for( wloop = 0 , dwCount = 0 ; wloop < dwnbGroups ; wloop++ , dwCount++ ) {
// display the group name and SID
if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != ( lpwGroups[wloop]->DisplayGroupName ( wszGroupName, wszGroupSid, &SidNameUse ) ) ) { DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszDomainAttrib);
wToken.GetDomainAttributes(wToken.dwDomainAttributes[wloop], wszDomainAttrib, dwSize );
//get attributes
StringCopy(wszDomainAttr, wszDomainAttrib, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidType));
dwSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidName);
GetDomainType ( SidNameUse , wszSidName, dwSize); //get type
StringCopy(wszSidType, wszSidName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSidType));
// block the domain\None name
wszPartialName = FindString ( wszGroupSid, STRING_SID, 0 ); if ( ( NULL != wszPartialName ) || ( 0 == StringLength (wszGroupName, 0) ) ) { wszPartialName = NULL; dwCount--; continue; }
//Start appending to the 2D array
//Insert the user name
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, GROUP_NAME_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszGroupName), 0);
//Insert the domain type
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, GROUP_TYPE_COL_NUMBER, wszSidType, 0);
//Insert the SID string
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, GROUP_SID_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszGroupSid), 0);
//Insert Attributes
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, GROUP_ATT_COL_NUMBER, wszDomainAttr, 0);
// 1) If the display format is CSV.. then we should not display column headings..
// 2) If /NH is specified ...then we should not display column headings..
if ( !(( SR_FORMAT_CSV == dwFormatType ) || ((dwFormatType & SR_HIDECOLUMN) == SR_HIDECOLUMN))) { // display heading before displaying group name information
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_LIST_GROUP_NAMES ) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_DISPLAY_GROUP_DASH ) ); } // display atual group names along with SIDs
ShowResults(dwArrSize, pVerboseCols, dwFormatType, pColData);
// release memory
// return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
DWORD WsUser::DisplayLogonId () /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the logon ID.
Arguments: [IN] DWORD dwFormatType : Format type i.,e LIST, CSV or TABLE
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
// initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( wszSid, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszSid) );
DWORD dwRet = 0 ;
// get logon id
if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != ( dwRet = lpLogonId->DisplaySid ( wszSid ) ) ) { return dwRet; }
// display logon id
ShowMessage ( stdout, _X(wszSid) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); return EXIT_SUCCESS ;
DWORD WsUser::DisplayPrivileges ( IN DWORD dwFormatType ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the privileges
Arguments: [IN] DWORD dwFormatType : Format type i.,e LIST, CSV or TABLE
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
//sub-local variables
WCHAR wszPrivName [ MAX_RES_STRING ]; WCHAR wszPrivDisplayName [ MAX_RES_STRING ]; WCHAR wszState [ MAX_RES_STRING ]; DWORD dwErr = 0 ; WORD wloop = 0 ;
DWORD dwColCount = 0 ; DWORD dwCount = 0 ; DWORD dw = 0 ; DWORD dwArrSize = 0 ; DWORD dwStateColLen = 0; DWORD dwPrivNameColLen = 0; DWORD dwPrivDescColLen = 0; DWORD dwStateLen = 0; DWORD dwTmpStateLen = 0; DWORD dwPrivNameLen = 0; DWORD dwTmpPrivNameLen = 0; DWORD dwPrivDispNameLen = 0; DWORD dwTmpPrivDispNameLen = 0;
// initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( wszPrivName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszPrivName) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszPrivDisplayName, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszPrivDisplayName) ); SecureZeroMemory ( wszState, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszState) );
// get the length of state, pivilege name, and display name
for( wloop = 0 , dwCount = 0 ; wloop < dwnbPriv ; wloop++, dwCount++) {
// check whether the privilege is enabled or not
if(lpPriv[wloop]->IsEnabled() == TRUE ) { // copy the status as .. enabled..
StringCopy ( wszState, GetResString ( IDS_STATE_ENABLED ), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszState) ); } else { // copy the status as .. disabled..
StringCopy ( wszState, GetResString ( IDS_STATE_DISABLED ), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszState) ); }
// get the privilege name and description
if((dwErr = lpPriv[wloop]->GetName ( wszPrivName)) != EXIT_SUCCESS || (dwErr = lpPriv[wloop]->GetDisplayName ( wszPrivName, wszPrivDisplayName )) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ // return GetLastError()
return dwErr ; }
// get the length of state
dwTmpStateLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszState); if ( dwStateLen < dwTmpStateLen ) { dwStateLen = dwTmpStateLen; }
// get the length privilege name
dwTmpPrivNameLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszPrivName); if ( dwPrivNameLen < dwTmpPrivNameLen ) { dwPrivNameLen = dwTmpPrivNameLen; }
// get the length of privilege display name
dwTmpPrivDispNameLen = StringLengthInBytes (wszPrivDisplayName); if ( dwPrivDispNameLen < dwTmpPrivDispNameLen ) { dwPrivDispNameLen = dwTmpPrivDispNameLen; }
//To avoid localization problems, get the maximum length of column name and
// values of respective columns
// Get the maximum length of a column name "Privilege Name"
dwPrivNameColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_PRIV_NAME) ); if ( dwPrivNameColLen > dwPrivNameLen ) { dwPrivNameLen = dwPrivNameColLen; }
// Get the maximum length of a column name "Privilege Description"
dwPrivDescColLen = StringLengthInBytes( GetResString(IDS_COL_PRIV_DESC) ); if ( dwPrivDescColLen > dwPrivDispNameLen ) { dwPrivDispNameLen = dwPrivDescColLen; }
// Get the maximum length of a column name "State"
dwStateColLen = StringLengthInBytes ( GetResString(IDS_COL_PRIV_STATE)); if ( dwStateColLen > dwStateLen ) { dwStateLen = dwStateColLen; }
// create a dynamic array
TARRAY pColData = CreateDynamicArray();
// defining verbose columns
// get number of columns
dwArrSize = SIZE_OF_ARRAY( pVerboseCols );
//Load the column names for verbose mode
for( dwColCount = IDS_COL_PRIV_NAME , dw = 0 ; dwColCount <= IDS_COL_PRIV_STATE; dwColCount++, dw++) { StringCopy (pVerboseCols[dw].szColumn , GetResString(dwColCount), MAX_RES_STRING); }
// get the pivilege name, display name and state
for( wloop = 0 , dwCount = 0 ; wloop < dwnbPriv ; wloop++, dwCount++) {
if(lpPriv[wloop]->IsEnabled() == TRUE ) { // copy the status as ... enabled..
StringCopy ( wszState, GetResString ( IDS_STATE_ENABLED ), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszState) ); } else { // copy the status as .. disabled..
StringCopy ( wszState, GetResString ( IDS_STATE_DISABLED ), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszState) ); }
if((dwErr = lpPriv[wloop]->GetName ( wszPrivName)) != EXIT_SUCCESS || (dwErr = lpPriv[wloop]->GetDisplayName ( wszPrivName, wszPrivDisplayName )) != EXIT_SUCCESS){ // release memory
DestroyDynamicArray(&pColData); // return GetLastError()
return dwErr ; }
//Start appending to the 2D array
DynArrayAppendRow( pColData, dwArrSize );
//Insert the privilege name
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, PRIVNAME_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszPrivName), 0);
//Insert the privilege display name
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, PRIVDESC_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszPrivDisplayName), 0);
//Insert the state
DynArraySetString2(pColData, dwCount, PRIVSTATE_COL_NUMBER, _X(wszState), 0);
// 1) If the display format is CSV.. then we should not display column headings..
// 2) If /NH is specified ...then we should not display column headings..
if ( !(( SR_FORMAT_CSV == dwFormatType ) || ((dwFormatType & SR_HIDECOLUMN) == SR_HIDECOLUMN))) { // display the the headings before displaying the actual values
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n" ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_LIST_PRIV_NAMES ) ); ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( IDS_DISPLAY_PRIV_DASH ) ); }
// display privilege name, description and status values
ShowResults(dwArrSize, pVerboseCols, dwFormatType, pColData);
// release memory
// return success
DWORD WsUser::DisplayUser ( IN DWORD dwFormatType, IN DWORD dwNameFormat ) /*++
Routine Description: This function calls the methods to display the user name and SID.
Arguments: [IN] DWORD dwFormatType : Format type i.,e LIST, CSV or TABLE [IN] DWORD dwNameFormat : Name format either UPN or FQDN
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
DWORD dwRetVal = 0;
// get logged-on user name
dwRetVal = wUserSid.DisplayAccountName ( dwFormatType, dwNameFormat ); if( 0 != dwRetVal ) { // return GetLastError()
return dwRetVal; }
// return success
return EXIT_SUCCESS ; }
VOID WsUser::GetDomainType ( IN DWORD NameUse, OUT LPWSTR szSidNameUse, IN DWORD dwSize ) /*++
Routine Description: Gets the domain type
Arguments: [IN] NameUse : Specifies SDI use name value [OUT] szSidNameUse : Buffer for SID Name [IN] dwSize : size of Sid name
Return Value: EXIT_SUCCESS : On success EXIT_FAILURE : On failure --*/ { //local variables
WCHAR szSidType[2 * MAX_STRING_LENGTH]; // initialize the variables
SecureZeroMemory ( szSidType, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); //store appropriate type name with respect to NameUse value.
switch( NameUse ) { case SidTypeUser: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_USER), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeGroup: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_GROUP), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeDomain: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_DOMAIN), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeAlias: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_ALIAS), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeWellKnownGroup: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_WELLKNOWN), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeDeletedAccount: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_DELETACCOUNT), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeInvalid: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_INVALIDSID), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; case SidTypeUnknown: default: StringCopy ( szSidType, GetResString(IDS_TYPE_UNKNOWN), SIZE_OF_ARRAY(szSidType) ); break; }
// Copy SID Name
StringCopy (szSidNameUse, szSidType, dwSize); //return success
return; }