Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the interaction with the PDH browser dialog.
#include <assert.h>
#include "polyline.h"
#include "pdhmsg.h"
#include "browser.h"
#include "smonmsg.h"
#include "utils.h"
static PDH_FUNCTION BrowseCallback ( DWORD_PTR lpParam );
HRESULT BrowseCounters ( HLOG hDataSource, DWORD dwDetailLevel, HWND hwndOwner, ENUMPATH_CALLBACK pCallback, LPVOID lpUserData, BOOL bUseInstanceIndex ) { #define CTRBUFLEN 8192
// clear the structure before assigning values
memset (&BrowseInfo, 0, sizeof (BrowseInfo));
BrowseInfo.bIncludeInstanceIndex = (bUseInstanceIndex ? 1 : 0); BrowseInfo.bSingleCounterPerAdd = 0; BrowseInfo.bSingleCounterPerDialog = 0; BrowseInfo.bLocalCountersOnly = 0; BrowseInfo.bWildCardInstances = 1; BrowseInfo.bHideDetailBox = 1; BrowseInfo.bInitializePath = 0; BrowseInfo.bDisableMachineSelection = 0; BrowseInfo.bReserved = 0; BrowseInfo.bIncludeCostlyObjects = 0; BrowseInfo.szDialogBoxCaption = ResourceString(IDS_ADDCOUNTERS);
BrowseInfo.hWndOwner = hwndOwner; BrowseInfo.hDataSource = hDataSource; BrowseInfo.dwDefaultDetailLevel = dwDetailLevel;
BrowseInfo.szReturnPathBuffer = (LPWSTR)malloc(CTRBUFLEN * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (BrowseInfo.szReturnPathBuffer == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } BrowseInfo.cchReturnPathLength = CTRBUFLEN;
CallbackInfo.pBrowseInfo = &BrowseInfo; CallbackInfo.pCallback = pCallback; CallbackInfo.lpUserData = lpUserData; BrowseInfo.dwCallBackArg = (DWORD_PTR)&CallbackInfo; BrowseInfo.pCallBack = BrowseCallback;
// Call PDH function to browse the counters
PdhBrowseCountersH (&BrowseInfo);
if (BrowseInfo.szReturnPathBuffer) { free(BrowseInfo.szReturnPathBuffer); }
return NO_ERROR; }
static PDH_FUNCTION BrowseCallback ( DWORD_PTR dwParam ) { #define CTRBUFLIMIT (0x10000000)
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOLEAN fDuplicate = FALSE;
ENUMCALLBACK_INFO *pCallbackInfo = (ENUMCALLBACK_INFO*)dwParam; PDH_BROWSE_DLG_CONFIG_H *pBrowseInfo = pCallbackInfo->pBrowseInfo; LPWSTR pszCtrPath;
if (pBrowseInfo->CallBackStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Call callback for each path
// If wildcard path, EnumExpandedPath will call once for each generated path
for (pszCtrPath = pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer; *pszCtrPath != L'\0'; pszCtrPath += (lstrlen(pszCtrPath) + 1)) {
hr = EnumExpandedPath(pBrowseInfo->hDataSource, pszCtrPath, pCallbackInfo->pCallback, pCallbackInfo->lpUserData); if ((DWORD)hr == SMON_STATUS_DUPL_COUNTER_PATH) fDuplicate = TRUE; }
// Notify user if duplicates encountered
if (fDuplicate) { MessageBox(pBrowseInfo->hWndOwner, ResourceString(IDS_DUPL_PATH_ERR), ResourceString(IDS_APP_NAME), MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } } else if (pBrowseInfo->CallBackStatus == PDH_MORE_DATA) { if (pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer) { free(pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer); pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer = NULL; }
if (pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength == CTRBUFLIMIT) { return PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; }
pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength *= 2; if (pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength > CTRBUFLIMIT) { pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength = CTRBUFLIMIT; } pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer = (WCHAR*)malloc(pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pBrowseInfo->szReturnPathBuffer) { return PDH_RETRY; } else { pBrowseInfo->cchReturnPathLength = 0; return PDH_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE; } }
HRESULT EnumExpandedPath ( HLOG hDataSource, LPWSTR pszCtrPath, ENUMPATH_CALLBACK pCallback, LPVOID lpUserData ) { #define INSTBUFLEN 4096
PDH_STATUS pdhStatus = ERROR_SUCCESS; ULONG ulBufLen; INT nInstBufRetry; LPWSTR pszInstBuf = NULL; LPWSTR pszInstance;
// If no wild card, invoke callback once on path
if (wcschr(pszCtrPath, L'*') == NULL) { return pCallback(pszCtrPath, (DWORD_PTR)lpUserData, 0); }
// Try 10 times before we fail out
nInstBufRetry = 10; ulBufLen = INSTBUFLEN;
do { if ( NULL != pszInstBuf ) { free(pszInstBuf); pszInstBuf = NULL; ulBufLen *= 2; } pszInstBuf = (WCHAR*) malloc(ulBufLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pszInstBuf == NULL) { pdhStatus = E_OUTOFMEMORY; break; } pdhStatus = PdhExpandWildCardPathH ( hDataSource, pszCtrPath, pszInstBuf, &ulBufLen, PDH_REFRESHCOUNTERS);
nInstBufRetry--; } while ((pdhStatus == PDH_MORE_DATA) && (nInstBufRetry));
if (pdhStatus == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // For each instance name, generate a path and invoke the callback
for (pszInstance = pszInstBuf; *pszInstance != L'\0'; pszInstance += lstrlen(pszInstance) + 1) {
// Invoke callback
HRESULT hr = pCallback(pszInstance, (DWORD_PTR)lpUserData, BROWSE_WILDCARD);
// When expanding a wildcard, don't notify user about duplicate path errors
if (hr != S_OK && (DWORD)hr != SMON_STATUS_DUPL_COUNTER_PATH) { pdhStatus = hr; } } }
if (pszInstBuf) { free(pszInstBuf); }
return pdhStatus; }