Copyright (C) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implements the report view.
// Includes //
#include "polyline.h"
#include <strsafe.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <pdhmsg.h>
#include "report.h"
#include "grphitem.h"
#include "winhelpr.h"
#define eScaleValueSpace L">9999999999.0"
#define szReportClass L"SysmonReport"
#define szReportClassA "SysmonReport"
#define HEXMASK (0x00030C00)
static INT xBorderWidth = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER); static INT yBorderHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); static INT xColumnMargin = 10; static INT xCounterMargin = 50; static INT xObjectMargin = 25;
static WCHAR LineEndStr[] = L"\n" ; static WCHAR TabStr[] = L"\t";
LRESULT APIENTRY HdrWndProc (HWND, WORD, WPARAM, LONG); //==========================================================================//
// Constants //
#define dwReportClassStyle (CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW | CS_DBLCLKS)
#define iReportWindowExtra (sizeof (PREPORT))
#define dwReportWindowStyle (WS_CHILD | WS_HSCROLL | WS_VSCROLL)
#define szValuePlaceholder L"-999,999,999.999"
#define szValueLargeHexPlaceholder L" xBBBBBBBBDDDDDDDD"
#define dLargeValueMax ((double) 999999999.0)
#define szDashLine L"---"
CReport::CReport ( void ) { m_pCtrl = NULL; m_hWnd = NULL; m_yLineHeight = 0; m_xReportWidth = 0; m_yReportHeight = 0; m_pSelect = NULL; }
// Destructor
CReport::~CReport (void ) { if (m_hWnd != NULL && IsWindow(m_hWnd)) DestroyWindow(m_hWnd); }
// Initialization
BOOL CReport::Init ( PSYSMONCTRL pCtrl, HWND hWndParent ) { WNDCLASS wc ; LONG lExStyles;
// Save pointer to parent control
m_pCtrl = pCtrl;
// Register window class once
if (pstrRegisteredClasses[REPORT_WNDCLASS] == NULL) { wc.style = dwReportClassStyle ; wc.lpfnWndProc = ReportWndProc ; wc.hInstance = g_hInstance ; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = iReportWindowExtra ; wc.hIcon = NULL ; wc.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW) ; wc.hbrBackground = NULL ; wc.lpszMenuName = NULL ; wc.lpszClassName = szReportClass ;
if (RegisterClass (&wc)) { pstrRegisteredClasses[REPORT_WNDCLASS] = szReportClass; }
// Ensure controls are initialized
InitCommonControls(); }
if (pstrRegisteredClasses[REPORT_WNDCLASS] == NULL) return FALSE;
// Create our window
m_hWnd = CreateWindow (szReportClass, // class
NULL, // caption
dwReportWindowStyle, // window style
0, 0, // position
0, 0, // size
hWndParent, // parent window
NULL, // menu
g_hInstance, // program instance
(LPVOID) this ); // user-supplied data
if (m_hWnd == NULL) return FALSE;
// Turn off layout mirroring if it is enabled
lExStyles = GetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE);
if ( 0 != ( lExStyles & WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL ) ) { lExStyles &= ~WS_EX_LAYOUTRTL; SetWindowLong(m_hWnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, lExStyles); }
return TRUE; }
void CReport::ChangeFont ( void ) { if (!m_bFontChange) {
m_bFontChange = TRUE;
if (!m_bConfigChange) { m_bConfigChange = TRUE; WindowInvalidate(m_hWnd); } } }
void CReport::SizeComponents ( LPRECT pRect ) { INT xWidth; INT yHeight;
m_rect = *pRect;
xWidth = pRect->right - pRect->left; yHeight = pRect->bottom - pRect->top;
// If no space, hide window and leave
if (xWidth == 0 || yHeight == 0) { WindowShow(m_hWnd, FALSE); return; }
// Show window to assigned position
MoveWindow(m_hWnd, pRect->left, pRect->top, xWidth, yHeight, FALSE); WindowShow(m_hWnd, TRUE); WindowInvalidate(m_hWnd);
SetScrollRanges(); }
INT CReport::SetCounterPositions ( PCObjectNode pObject, HDC hDC ) { PCCounterNode pCounter; INT yPos;
yPos = pObject->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight;
for (pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) { if (m_bFontChange || pCounter->m_xWidth == -1) { pCounter->m_xWidth = TextWidth(hDC, pCounter->Name()); }
if (pCounter->m_xWidth > m_xMaxCounterWidth) m_xMaxCounterWidth = pCounter->m_xWidth;
pCounter->m_yPos = yPos; yPos += m_yLineHeight; }
return yPos; }
INT CReport::SetInstancePositions ( PCObjectNode pObject, HDC hDC ) { INT xPos ; PCInstanceNode pInstance; LPWSTR szParent; LPWSTR szInstance;
xPos = 0;
for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
if (m_bFontChange || pInstance->m_xWidth == -1) {
if (pInstance->HasParent()) { szParent = pInstance->GetParentName();
szInstance = pInstance->GetInstanceName();
pInstance->m_xWidth = max(TextWidth(hDC, szParent), TextWidth(hDC, szInstance)); } else { pInstance->m_xWidth = TextWidth(hDC, pInstance->Name()); } }
pInstance->m_xPos = xPos + max(pInstance->m_xWidth, m_xValueWidth); xPos = pInstance->m_xPos + xColumnMargin; }
if (xPos > m_xMaxInstancePos) m_xMaxInstancePos = xPos;
return xPos; }
INT CReport::SetObjectPositions ( PCMachineNode pMachine, HDC hDC ) { PCObjectNode pObject; INT yPos; INT xPos;
yPos = pMachine->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight;
for (pObject = pMachine->FirstObject(); pObject ; pObject = pObject->Next()) { if (m_bFontChange || pObject->m_xWidth == -1) { pObject->m_xWidth = TextWidth(hDC, pObject->Name()); }
if (!pObject->FirstInstance()->HasParent()) pObject->m_yPos = yPos; else pObject->m_yPos = yPos + m_yLineHeight;
yPos = SetCounterPositions (pObject, hDC) ;
xPos = SetInstancePositions(pObject, hDC);
yPos += m_yLineHeight; }
return yPos; }
INT CReport::SetMachinePositions ( PCCounterTree pTree, HDC hDC ) { PCMachineNode pMachine ; INT yPos ;
yPos = m_yLineHeight;
for (pMachine = pTree->FirstMachine() ; pMachine ; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) { if (m_bFontChange || pMachine->m_xWidth == -1) { pMachine->m_xWidth = TextWidth(hDC, pMachine->Name()); }
pMachine->m_yPos = yPos; yPos = SetObjectPositions (pMachine, hDC); }
m_yReportHeight = yPos + yBorderHeight;
return yPos; }
void CReport::DrawSelectRect ( HDC hDC, BOOL bState ) { BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; RECT rect = {0,0,0,0}; HBRUSH hbrush;
if ( NULL != m_pSelect && NULL != hDC ) {
switch ( m_nSelectType ) {
case MACHINE_NODE: rect.left = xColumnMargin; rect.top = ((PCMachineNode)m_pSelect)->m_yPos; rect.right = rect.left + ((PCMachineNode)m_pSelect)->m_xWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_yLineHeight; break;
case OBJECT_NODE: rect.left = xObjectMargin; rect.top = ((PCObjectNode)m_pSelect)->m_yPos; rect.right = rect.left + ((PCObjectNode)m_pSelect)->m_xWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_yLineHeight; break;
case INSTANCE_NODE: rect.right = m_xInstanceMargin + ((PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect)->m_xPos; rect.bottom = ((PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect)->m_pObject->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight; rect.left = rect.right - ((PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect)->m_xWidth; rect.top = rect.bottom - (((PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect)->HasParent() ? (2*m_yLineHeight) : m_yLineHeight); break;
case COUNTER_NODE: rect.left = xCounterMargin; rect.top = ((PCCounterNode)m_pSelect)->m_yPos; rect.right = rect.left + ((PCCounterNode)m_pSelect)->m_xWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_yLineHeight; break;
case ITEM_NODE: rect.right = m_xInstanceMargin + ((PCGraphItem)m_pSelect)->m_pInstance->m_xPos; rect.top = ((PCGraphItem)m_pSelect)->m_pCounter->m_yPos; rect.left = rect.right - m_xValueWidth; rect.bottom = rect.top + m_yLineHeight; break;
default: bSuccess = FALSE; }
if ( bSuccess ) { rect.left -= 1; rect.right += 1;
hbrush = CreateSolidBrush(bState ? m_pCtrl->clrFgnd() : m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot()); if ( NULL != hbrush ) { FrameRect(hDC, &rect, hbrush); DeleteObject(hbrush); } } } return; }
BOOL CReport::LargeHexValueExists ( void ) { PCMachineNode pMachine = NULL; PCObjectNode pObject = NULL; PCInstanceNode pInstance = NULL; PCCounterNode pCounter = NULL; PCGraphItem pItem = NULL; BOOL bLargeHexValueExists = FALSE; for (pMachine = m_pCtrl->CounterTree()->FirstMachine(); pMachine && !bLargeHexValueExists; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) {
for (pObject = pMachine->FirstObject(); pObject && !bLargeHexValueExists; pObject = pObject->Next()) { for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance && !bLargeHexValueExists; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); for (pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter && !bLargeHexValueExists; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) { PCGraphItem pCheckItem = NULL;
if (pItem && pItem->m_pCounter == pCounter) { pCheckItem = pItem; pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem; }
if ( pCheckItem ) { if ( !( pCheckItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & HEXMASK ) ) { bLargeHexValueExists = pCheckItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & PERF_SIZE_LARGE; if ( bLargeHexValueExists ) { break; } } } } } } }
return bLargeHexValueExists; }
void CReport::DrawReportValue ( HDC hDC, PCGraphItem pItem, INT xPos, INT yPos ) {
double dMax; double dMin; double dValue = -1.0; WCHAR szValue [MAX_VALUE_LEN] = L"_" ; HRESULT hr; long lCtrStat; RECT rect ; INT iPrecision;
if ( NULL != pItem && NULL != hDC ) {
eReportValueTypeConstant eValueType; eValueType = m_pCtrl->ReportValueType();
if ( sysmonDefaultValue == eValueType ) { // if log source display the average value
// else display the current value
if (m_pCtrl->IsLogSource()) { hr = pItem->GetStatistics(&dMax, &dMin, &dValue, &lCtrStat); } else { hr = pItem->GetValue(&dValue, &lCtrStat); } } else {
if ( sysmonCurrentValue == eValueType ) {
hr = pItem->GetValue(&dValue, &lCtrStat); } else { double dAvg;
hr = pItem->GetStatistics(&dMax, &dMin, &dAvg, &lCtrStat);
switch ( eValueType ) { case sysmonAverage: dValue = dAvg; break; case sysmonMinimum: dValue = dMin; break; case sysmonMaximum: dValue = dMax; break;
default: assert (FALSE); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsSuccessSeverity(lCtrStat)) {
assert ( 0 <= dValue );
if ( ( pItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & ( PERF_TYPE_COUNTER | PERF_TYPE_TEXT ) ) ) { (dValue > dLargeValueMax) ? iPrecision = 0 : iPrecision = 3; } else { // for Numbers, no decimal places
iPrecision = 0; }
if(PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA != pItem->m_CounterInfo.CStatus ) { // Check for Hex values
if ( !(pItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & HEXMASK) ) { BOOL bLarge = pItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & PERF_SIZE_LARGE; FormatHex ( dValue, szValue, bLarge); } else { FormatNumber ( dValue, szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, 12, iPrecision ); } } } else { StringCchCopy(szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, szDashLine); } } else { StringCchCopy(szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, szDashLine); }
rect.right = xPos - 1; rect.left = xPos - m_xValueWidth + 1; rect.top = yPos; rect.bottom = yPos + m_yLineHeight;
ExtTextOut (hDC, rect.right, rect.top, ETO_CLIPPED | ETO_OPAQUE, &rect, szValue, lstrlen (szValue), NULL) ; }
void CReport::DrawReportValues ( HDC hDC ) { PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCCounterNode pCounter; PCGraphItem pItem; PCGraphItem pDrawItem;
if ( NULL != hDC ) {
SelectFont (hDC, m_pCtrl->Font()); SetTextAlign (hDC, TA_RIGHT|TA_TOP);
for (pMachine = m_pCtrl->CounterTree()->FirstMachine(); pMachine; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) {
for (pObject = pMachine->FirstObject(); pObject; pObject = pObject->Next()) {
for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); for ( pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) {
if (pItem && pItem->m_pCounter == pCounter) { pDrawItem = pItem; pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem; } else { pDrawItem = NULL; } DrawReportValue ( hDC, pDrawItem, m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos, pCounter->m_yPos); } } } } } }
LPWSTR GetBuffer(LPWSTR pBuffer, LONG* lBufSize, LONG lSize) { LPWSTR pNew;
if (lSize < *(lBufSize)) { return pBuffer; } if (pBuffer) { delete [] pBuffer; *(lBufSize) = 0; }
pNew = new WCHAR [lSize]; if (pNew == NULL) { return NULL; } *(lBufSize) = lSize; return pNew; } BOOL CReport::WriteFileReport ( HANDLE hFile ) { PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCCounterNode pCounter; LPWSTR pszTemp = NULL; LONG lSize = 0; LONG lBufSize = 0; PCGraphItem pItem; BOOL bStatus = TRUE; WCHAR szValue[MAX_VALUE_LEN];
lBufSize = MAX_PATH; pszTemp = new WCHAR [lBufSize]; if (pszTemp == NULL) { return FALSE; }
for (pMachine = m_pCtrl->CounterTree()->FirstMachine() ; pMachine && TRUE == bStatus; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) {
lSize = 3 * lstrlen(LineEndStr) + lstrlen(ResourceString(IDS_COMPUTER)) + lstrlen(pMachine->Name()) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; }
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, ResourceString(IDS_COMPUTER)); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, pMachine->Name()); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr);
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
for (pObject = pMachine->FirstObject() ; pObject && TRUE == bStatus; pObject = pObject->Next()) {
// Write the object name line.
lSize = 2 * lstrlen(LineEndStr) + lstrlen(TabStr) + lstrlen(ResourceString(IDS_OBJECT_NAME)) + lstrlen(pObject->Name()) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; }
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, ResourceString(IDS_OBJECT_NAME)); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, pObject->Name()); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr);
// Add first tab char for instance names.
StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); if (!bStatus) break; // Write the first line of instance (parent) names.
for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance && TRUE == bStatus; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { // If instance has no parent, then the parent name is null, so a tab is written.
lSize = lstrlen(TabStr) + lstrlen(LineEndStr) + lstrlen(pInstance->GetParentName()) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; } StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, pInstance->GetParentName()); bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if ( !bStatus ) break; StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr);
// Include first tab of second instance line.
StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Write the second line of instance names.
for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance && TRUE == bStatus; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
lSize = lstrlen(TabStr) + lstrlen(LineEndStr)+ lstrlen(pInstance->GetInstanceName()) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; }
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, pInstance->GetInstanceName());
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } if (!bStatus) break;
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr);
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
for (pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter && TRUE == bStatus; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) {
lSize = lstrlen(TabStr) + lstrlen(LineEndStr)+ lstrlen(pCounter->Name()) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; }
// Write counter name
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, pCounter->Name());
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
// Write values, looping on instances
for ( pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance && TRUE == bStatus; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { // Loop on items to find the item that matches the counter.
for ( pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); pItem && TRUE == bStatus; pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { if ( pItem->m_pCounter == pCounter && pInstance) { GetReportItemValue(pItem,szValue );
lSize = lstrlen(TabStr) + lstrlen(LineEndStr)+ lstrlen(szValue) + 1; pszTemp = GetBuffer(pszTemp, &lBufSize, lSize); if (pszTemp == NULL) { goto ErrorOut; }
StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, TabStr); StringCchCat(pszTemp, lBufSize, szValue);
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } } } if (!bStatus) break; StringCchCopy(pszTemp, lBufSize, LineEndStr);
bStatus = FileWrite ( hFile, pszTemp, lstrlen (pszTemp) * sizeof(WCHAR) ); } } }
if (pszTemp) { delete [] pszTemp; }
return bStatus;
ErrorOut: if (pszTemp) { delete [] pszTemp; } return FALSE; }
void CReport::GetReportItemValue(PCGraphItem pItem, LPWSTR szValue) {
double dMax; double dMin; double dValue = -1.0; HRESULT hr; long lCtrStat; INT iPrecision;
if (pItem) {
eReportValueTypeConstant eValueType; eValueType = m_pCtrl->ReportValueType();
if ( sysmonDefaultValue == eValueType ) { // if log source display the average value
// else display the current value
if (m_pCtrl->IsLogSource()) { hr = pItem->GetStatistics(&dMax, &dMin, &dValue, &lCtrStat); } else { hr = pItem->GetValue(&dValue, &lCtrStat); } } else {
if ( sysmonCurrentValue == eValueType ) {
hr = pItem->GetValue(&dValue, &lCtrStat); } else { double dAvg;
hr = pItem->GetStatistics(&dMax, &dMin, &dAvg, &lCtrStat);
switch ( eValueType ) { case sysmonAverage: dValue = dAvg; break; case sysmonMinimum: dValue = dMin; break; case sysmonMaximum: dValue = dMax; break;
default: assert (FALSE); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && IsSuccessSeverity(lCtrStat)) {
assert ( 0 <= dValue ); (dValue > dLargeValueMax) ? iPrecision = 0 : iPrecision = 3; if(PDH_CSTATUS_INVALID_DATA != pItem->m_CounterInfo.CStatus ) { // Check for Hex values
if ( !(pItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & HEXMASK) ) { BOOL bLarge = pItem->m_CounterInfo.dwType & PERF_SIZE_LARGE; FormatHex ( dValue, szValue, bLarge); } else { FormatNumber ( dValue, szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, 12, iPrecision ); } } } else { StringCchCopy(szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, szDashLine); } } else { StringCchCopy(szValue, MAX_VALUE_LEN, szDashLine); } return; }
void CReport::DrawReportHeaders ( HDC hDC ) { PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCCounterNode pCounter; INT cName; RECT rectMachine; RECT rectObject; RECT rectInstance; RECT rectCounter;
if ( NULL != hDC ) {
SetTextAlign(hDC, TA_LEFT|TA_TOP) ;
rectMachine.left = xColumnMargin; rectObject.left = xObjectMargin; rectCounter.left = xCounterMargin;
for ( pMachine = m_pCtrl->CounterTree()->FirstMachine() ; pMachine; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) { rectMachine.right = rectMachine.left + pMachine->m_xWidth; rectMachine.top = pMachine->m_yPos; rectMachine.bottom = pMachine->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight;
ExtTextOut ( hDC, xColumnMargin, pMachine->m_yPos, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectMachine, pMachine->Name(), lstrlen(pMachine->Name()), NULL );
for ( pObject = pMachine->FirstObject() ; pObject ; pObject = pObject->Next()) {
rectObject.right = rectObject.left + pObject->m_xWidth; rectObject.top = pObject->m_yPos; rectObject.bottom = pObject->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight;
ExtTextOut ( hDC, xObjectMargin, pObject->m_yPos, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectObject, pObject->Name(), lstrlen (pObject->Name()), NULL);
SetTextAlign (hDC, TA_RIGHT) ;
for ( pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { rectInstance.left = m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos; rectInstance.right = rectInstance.left + max(pInstance->m_xWidth, m_xValueWidth);
if ( pInstance->HasParent() ) {
cName = lstrlen(pInstance->GetParentName()); rectInstance.top = pObject->m_yPos - m_yLineHeight; rectInstance.bottom = rectInstance.top + m_yLineHeight; ExtTextOut ( hDC, m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos, pObject->m_yPos - m_yLineHeight, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectInstance, pInstance->GetParentName(), cName, NULL);
rectInstance.top = pObject->m_yPos; rectInstance.bottom = rectInstance.top + m_yLineHeight;
cName = lstrlen(pInstance->GetInstanceName()); ExtTextOut ( hDC, m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos, pObject->m_yPos, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectInstance, pInstance->GetInstanceName(), cName, NULL ); } else { rectInstance.top = pObject->m_yPos; rectInstance.bottom = rectInstance.top + m_yLineHeight;
ExtTextOut ( hDC, m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos, pObject->m_yPos, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectInstance, pInstance->Name(), lstrlen(pInstance->Name()), NULL ); } }
SetTextAlign (hDC, TA_LEFT) ;
for (pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter ; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) {
rectCounter.right = rectCounter.left + pCounter->m_xWidth; rectCounter.top = pCounter->m_yPos; rectCounter.bottom = pCounter->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight; ExtTextOut ( hDC, xCounterMargin, pCounter->m_yPos, ETO_OPAQUE, &rectCounter, pCounter->Name(), lstrlen (pCounter->Name()), NULL); } } } DrawSelectRect(hDC, TRUE); } }
void CReport::ApplyChanges ( HDC hDC ) { if (m_bConfigChange && NULL != hDC ) {
// Selected the Bold font for font change , counter add, and counter delete.
// This is used for recalculating text width.
SelectFont (hDC, m_pCtrl->BoldFont()); m_yLineHeight = FontHeight (hDC, TRUE);
if ( LargeHexValueExists ( ) ) { m_xValueWidth = TextWidth(hDC, szValueLargeHexPlaceholder); } else { m_xValueWidth = TextWidth(hDC, szValuePlaceholder); }
m_xMaxCounterWidth = 0; m_xMaxInstancePos = 0;
SetMachinePositions (m_pCtrl->CounterTree(), hDC);
m_xInstanceMargin = xCounterMargin + m_xMaxCounterWidth + xColumnMargin; m_xReportWidth = m_xInstanceMargin + m_xMaxInstancePos;
m_bConfigChange = FALSE; m_bFontChange = FALSE; } }
void CReport::Render ( HDC hDC, HDC hAttribDC, BOOL /*fMetafile*/, BOOL /*fEntire*/, LPRECT prcUpdate ) { ApplyChanges(hAttribDC);
if ( NULL != hDC ) { SetBkColor(hDC, m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot()); ClearRect(hDC, prcUpdate); Draw( hDC ); } }
void CReport::Draw ( HDC hDC ) { // if no space assigned, return
if (m_rect.top != m_rect.bottom) {
if ( NULL != hDC ) { SetTextColor (hDC, m_pCtrl->clrFgnd()); SetBkColor(hDC, m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot());
SelectFont(hDC, m_pCtrl->BoldFont()); DrawReportHeaders (hDC);
SelectFont (hDC, m_pCtrl->Font()); DrawReportValues (hDC);
m_pCtrl->DrawBorder ( hDC ); } } }
void CReport::AddItem ( PCGraphItem /* pItem */ ) { if (!m_bConfigChange) { m_bConfigChange = TRUE; WindowInvalidate(m_hWnd); } }
void CReport::DeleteItem ( PCGraphItem pItem ) { // Calling procedure checks for NULL pItem
assert ( NULL != pItem ); if ( NULL != m_pSelect ) { if ( SelectionDeleted ( pItem ) ) { m_pSelect = NULL; } }
if (!m_bConfigChange) { m_bConfigChange = TRUE; WindowInvalidate(m_hWnd); } }
void CReport::DeleteSelection ( VOID ) { if (m_pSelect == NULL) return;
switch (m_nSelectType) {
case MACHINE_NODE: ((PCMachineNode)m_pSelect)->DeleteNode(TRUE); break;
case OBJECT_NODE: ((PCObjectNode)m_pSelect)->DeleteNode(TRUE); break;
case INSTANCE_NODE: ((PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect)->DeleteNode(TRUE); break;
case COUNTER_NODE: ((PCCounterNode)m_pSelect)->DeleteNode(TRUE); break;
case ITEM_NODE: ((PCGraphItem)m_pSelect)->Delete(TRUE); break;
default: return; }
// DeleteItem sets m_pSelect to NULL and invalidates the window.
assert ( NULL == m_pSelect ); }
BOOL CReport::OnContextMenu ( INT x, INT y ) { HMENU hMenu; HMENU hMenuPopup; RECT clntRect; int xPos=0,yPos=0;
GetWindowRect(m_hWnd,&clntRect); if (x==0){ xPos = ((clntRect.right - clntRect.left)/2) ; }else{ xPos = x - clntRect.left; } if (y==0){ yPos = ((clntRect.bottom - clntRect.top)/2) ; }else{ yPos = y - clntRect.top; }
x = clntRect.left + xPos ; y = clntRect.top + yPos ;
// if nothing is selected, let main window handle the menu
if (m_pSelect == NULL) return FALSE;
if ( m_pCtrl->ConfirmSampleDataOverwrite() ) { if ( !m_pCtrl->IsReadOnly() ) { // Get the menu for the pop-up menu from the resource file.
hMenu = LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDM_CONTEXT)); if (!hMenu) return TRUE;
// Get the first submenu in it for TrackPopupMenu.
hMenuPopup = GetSubMenu(hMenu, 0);
// Draw and track the "floating" pop-up menu.
TrackPopupMenu(hMenuPopup, TPM_RIGHTBUTTON, x, y, 0, m_hWnd, NULL);
// Destroy the menu.
DestroyMenu(hMenu); } } return TRUE; }
void CReport::Update ( void ) { HDC hDC;
hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd);
if ( NULL != hDC ) {
SetWindowOrgEx (hDC, GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ), GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_VERT), NULL) ;
if ( m_rect.bottom != m_rect.top ) { SelectFont (hDC, m_pCtrl->Font()); SetTextColor (hDC, m_pCtrl->clrFgnd()); SetBkColor(hDC, m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot());
DrawReportValues(hDC); }
ReleaseDC(m_hWnd,hDC); } }
void CReport::OnPaint ( void ) { HDC hDC ; PAINTSTRUCT ps ;
hDC = BeginPaint (m_hWnd, &ps) ;
if ( NULL != hDC ) { SelectFont (hDC, m_pCtrl->Font()) ;
SetWindowOrgEx ( hDC, GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ), GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_VERT), NULL );
SetTextColor (hDC, m_pCtrl->clrFgnd()); SetBkColor(hDC, m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot());
EndPaint (m_hWnd, &ps) ; } }
void CReport::SetScrollRanges ( void ) { RECT rectClient ; INT xWidth, yHeight ;
GetClientRect (m_hWnd, &rectClient) ; xWidth = rectClient.right - rectClient.left ; yHeight = rectClient.bottom - rectClient.top ;
SetScrollRange (m_hWnd, SB_VERT, 0, max (0, m_yReportHeight - yHeight), TRUE) ; SetScrollRange (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ,0, max (0, m_xReportWidth - xWidth), TRUE) ; }
BOOL CReport::SelectName ( INT xPos, INT yPos, void** ppSelected, INT* piSelectType ) { POINT pt; PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCCounterNode pCounter; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCGraphItem pItem;
// Programming error if either of these two pointers is NULL.
assert ( NULL != ppSelected ); assert ( NULL != piSelectType );
// Adjust coordinates by scroll offset
pt.x = xPos + GetScrollPos(m_hWnd, SB_HORZ); pt.y = yPos + GetScrollPos(m_hWnd, SB_VERT);
for (pMachine = m_pCtrl->CounterTree()->FirstMachine() ; pMachine; pMachine = pMachine->Next()) { if (PtInName(pt, xColumnMargin, pMachine->m_yPos, pMachine->m_xWidth)) { *ppSelected = pMachine; *piSelectType = MACHINE_NODE; return TRUE; }
for (pObject = pMachine->FirstObject() ; pObject ; pObject = pObject->Next()) {
if (PtInName(pt, xObjectMargin, pObject->m_yPos, pObject->m_xWidth)) { *ppSelected = pObject; *piSelectType = OBJECT_NODE; return TRUE; }
for (pCounter = pObject->FirstCounter(); pCounter ; pCounter = pCounter->Next()) {
if (PtInName(pt, xCounterMargin, pCounter->m_yPos, pCounter->m_xWidth)) { *ppSelected = pCounter; *piSelectType = COUNTER_NODE; return TRUE; } }
for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); pInstance ; pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
INT xInstancePos = m_xInstanceMargin + pInstance->m_xPos;
if (PtInName(pt, xInstancePos - pInstance->m_xWidth, pObject->m_yPos, pInstance->m_xWidth) || (pInstance->HasParent() && PtInName(pt, xInstancePos - pInstance->m_xWidth, pObject->m_yPos - m_yLineHeight, pInstance->m_xWidth))) { *ppSelected = pInstance; *piSelectType = INSTANCE_NODE; return TRUE; }
if (pt.x > xInstancePos || pt.x < xInstancePos - m_xValueWidth) continue;
for (pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); pItem; pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) {
if (pt.y > pItem->m_pCounter->m_yPos && pt.y < pItem->m_pCounter->m_yPos + m_yLineHeight) { *ppSelected = pItem; *piSelectType = ITEM_NODE; return TRUE; } } } } }
*ppSelected = NULL; return FALSE; }
PCGraphItem CReport::GetItem ( void *pSelected, INT nSelectType ) { PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCCounterNode pCounter; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCGraphItem pItem; PCGraphItem pReturn = NULL; if ( NULL != pSelected ) {
switch (nSelectType) {
case MACHINE_NODE: pMachine = (PCMachineNode)pSelected; pObject = pMachine->FirstObject(); if ( NULL != pObject ) { pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); if ( NULL != pInstance ) { pReturn = pInstance->FirstItem(); } } break;
case OBJECT_NODE: pObject = (PCObjectNode)pSelected; pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); if ( NULL != pInstance ) { pReturn = pInstance->FirstItem(); } break;
case INSTANCE_NODE: pInstance = (PCInstanceNode)pSelected; pReturn = pInstance->FirstItem(); break;
case COUNTER_NODE: pCounter = (PCCounterNode)pSelected; pObject = pCounter->m_pObject; for (pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); ((NULL != pInstance) && (NULL == pReturn)); pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
for (pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); ((NULL != pItem) && (NULL == pReturn)); pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { if (pItem && pItem->m_pCounter == pCounter) { pReturn = pItem; } } } break;
case ITEM_NODE: pReturn = (PCGraphItem)pSelected; break;
default: break; } } return pReturn; } BOOL CReport::SelectionDeleted ( PCGraphItem pDeletedItem ) { BOOL bSelectionDeleted = FALSE; INT iItemCount = 0; PCMachineNode pMachine; PCObjectNode pObject; PCCounterNode pCounter; PCInstanceNode pInstance; PCGraphItem pItem;
if ( NULL == m_pSelect ) return FALSE;
// Delete the selection if this is the last remaining
// item for the selection object.
switch (m_nSelectType) {
case MACHINE_NODE: // Check for multiple items for this machine.
pMachine = (PCMachineNode)m_pSelect;
for ( pObject = pMachine->FirstObject(); ( NULL != pObject ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pObject = pObject->Next()) {
for ( pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); ( NULL != pInstance ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { for ( pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); ( NULL != pItem ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { iItemCount++; } } } bSelectionDeleted = ( iItemCount < 2 ); break;
case OBJECT_NODE: // Check for multiple items for this object.
pObject = (PCObjectNode)m_pSelect;
for ( pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); ( NULL != pInstance ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pInstance = pInstance->Next()) { for ( pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); ( NULL != pItem ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { iItemCount++; } } bSelectionDeleted = ( iItemCount < 2 ); break;
case INSTANCE_NODE: // Check for multiple items (counters) for this instance.
pInstance = (PCInstanceNode)m_pSelect; iItemCount = 0;
for ( pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); ( NULL != pItem ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { iItemCount++; } bSelectionDeleted = ( iItemCount < 2 ); break;
// Check for multiple items (instances) for this counter.
pCounter = (PCCounterNode)m_pSelect; pObject = pCounter->m_pObject;
for ( pInstance = pObject->FirstInstance(); ( NULL != pInstance ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pInstance = pInstance->Next()) {
for ( pItem = pInstance->FirstItem(); ( NULL != pItem ) && ( 2 > iItemCount ); pItem = pItem->m_pNextItem) { if (pItem && pItem->m_pCounter == pCounter) { iItemCount++; break; } } } bSelectionDeleted = ( iItemCount < 2 ); break;
case ITEM_NODE: // Selection matches the deleted item.
bSelectionDeleted = ( pDeletedItem == (PCGraphItem)m_pSelect ); break;
default: break; }
return bSelectionDeleted; }
void CReport::OnLButtonDown ( INT xPos, INT yPos ) { PCGraphItem pItem; HDC hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd);
if ( NULL != hDC ) { SetWindowOrgEx ( hDC, GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ), GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_VERT), NULL) ;
DrawSelectRect(hDC, FALSE);
if ( SelectName(xPos, yPos, &m_pSelect, &m_nSelectType) ) DrawSelectRect(hDC, TRUE);
ReleaseDC(m_hWnd, hDC);
pItem = GetItem(m_pSelect, m_nSelectType); m_pCtrl->SelectCounter(pItem); } return; }
void CReport:: OnDblClick ( INT, // xPos,
INT // yPos
) { PCGraphItem pItem;
pItem = GetItem ( m_pSelect, m_nSelectType );
m_pCtrl->DblClickCounter ( pItem ); }
void CReport::OnHScroll ( INT iScrollCode, INT iScrollNewPos ) { INT iScrollAmt, iScrollPos, iScrollRange ; INT iScrollLo ; RECT rectClient ; INT xWidth ;
GetClientRect (m_hWnd, &rectClient) ; xWidth = rectClient.right - rectClient.left ;
if (m_xReportWidth <= xWidth) return ;
iScrollPos = GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ) ; GetScrollRange (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ, &iScrollLo, &iScrollRange) ;
switch (iScrollCode) { case SB_LINEUP: iScrollAmt = - m_yLineHeight ; break ;
case SB_LINEDOWN: iScrollAmt = m_yLineHeight ; break ;
case SB_PAGEUP: iScrollAmt = - (rectClient.right - rectClient.left) / 2 ; break ;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: iScrollAmt = (rectClient.right - rectClient.left) / 2 ; break ;
case SB_THUMBPOSITION: iScrollAmt = iScrollNewPos - iScrollPos ; break ;
default: iScrollAmt = 0 ; }
iScrollAmt = PinInclusive (iScrollAmt, -iScrollPos, iScrollRange - iScrollPos) ; if (iScrollAmt) { iScrollPos += iScrollAmt ; ScrollWindow (m_hWnd, -iScrollAmt, 0, NULL, NULL) ; SetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_HORZ, iScrollPos, TRUE) ; UpdateWindow (m_hWnd) ; } }
void CReport::OnVScroll ( INT iScrollCode, INT iScrollNewPos ) { INT iScrollAmt, iScrollPos, iScrollRange ; INT iScrollLo ; RECT rectClient ;
iScrollPos = GetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_VERT) ; GetScrollRange (m_hWnd, SB_VERT, &iScrollLo, &iScrollRange) ; GetClientRect (m_hWnd, &rectClient) ;
switch (iScrollCode) { case SB_LINEUP: iScrollAmt = - m_yLineHeight ; break ;
case SB_LINEDOWN: iScrollAmt = m_yLineHeight ; break ;
case SB_PAGEUP: iScrollAmt = - (rectClient.bottom - rectClient.top) / 2 ; break ;
case SB_PAGEDOWN: iScrollAmt = (rectClient.bottom - rectClient.top) / 2 ; break ;
case SB_THUMBPOSITION: iScrollAmt = iScrollNewPos - iScrollPos ; break ;
default: iScrollAmt = 0 ; }
iScrollAmt = PinInclusive (iScrollAmt, -iScrollPos, iScrollRange - iScrollPos) ; if (iScrollAmt) { iScrollPos += iScrollAmt ; ScrollWindow (m_hWnd, 0, -iScrollAmt, NULL, NULL) ; SetScrollPos (m_hWnd, SB_VERT, iScrollPos, TRUE) ;
UpdateWindow (m_hWnd) ; } }
// Window procedure
LRESULT APIENTRY ReportWndProc ( HWND hWnd, UINT uiMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { PREPORT pReport = NULL; BOOL bCallDefProc = TRUE; LRESULT lReturnValue = 0L; RECT rect; // hWnd is used to dispatch to window procedure, so major error if it is NULL.
assert ( NULL != hWnd );
pReport = (PREPORT)GetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,0);
if ( NULL == pReport ) { if ( WM_CREATE == uiMsg && NULL != lParam ) { pReport = (PREPORT)((CREATESTRUCT*)lParam)->lpCreateParams; SetWindowLongPtr(hWnd,0,(INT_PTR)pReport); } else { // Programming error
assert ( FALSE ); }
} else { bCallDefProc = FALSE ;
switch (uiMsg) {
case WM_DESTROY: break ;
case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (!pReport->m_pCtrl->IsUIDead()) {
// pReport->m_pCtrl->Activate();
// pReport->m_pCtrl->AssignFocus();
pReport->OnLButtonDown(LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam)); } break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: if (!pReport->m_pCtrl->IsUIDead()) {
// pReport->m_pCtrl->Activate();
// pReport->m_pCtrl->AssignFocus();
// *** DefWindowProc is not Smonctrl, so context menu not happening.
if (LOWORD(lParam)!= 0xffff || HIWORD(lParam) != 0xffff){ // Always call the default procedure, to handle the case where the
// context menu is activated from within a select rectangle.
bCallDefProc = TRUE; }else { if (!pReport->OnContextMenu(0,0)) bCallDefProc = TRUE; } } break;
if (!pReport->m_pCtrl->IsUIDead()) {
// pReport->m_pCtrl->Activate();
// pReport->m_pCtrl->AssignFocus();
pReport->OnDblClick(LOWORD (lParam), HIWORD (lParam)); } break;
case WM_ERASEBKGND: GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); SetBkColor((HDC)wParam, pReport->m_pCtrl->clrBackPlot()); ClearRect((HDC)wParam, &rect); lReturnValue = TRUE; break;
case WM_PAINT: pReport->OnPaint () ; break ;
case WM_HSCROLL: pReport->OnHScroll (LOWORD (wParam), HIWORD (wParam)) ; break ;
case WM_VSCROLL: pReport->OnVScroll (LOWORD (wParam), HIWORD (wParam)) ; break ;
case WM_COMMAND: if (pReport->m_pCtrl->IsUIDead()) break;
switch (LOWORD(wParam)) {
case IDM_REPORT_DELETE: pReport->DeleteSelection(); break;
case IDM_PROPERTIES: pReport->m_pCtrl->DisplayProperties(); break;
case IDM_ADDCOUNTERS: pReport->m_pCtrl->AddCounters(); break;
case IDM_SAVEAS: pReport->m_pCtrl->SaveAs(); break;
default: bCallDefProc = TRUE; } break;
default: bCallDefProc = TRUE ; } }
if (bCallDefProc) lReturnValue = DefWindowProc (hWnd, uiMsg, wParam, lParam) ;
return (lReturnValue); }